Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 28 Apr 1938, 1, p. 5

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Porcupine Continues First in Gold Output New Records Being Made in Gold Production in On- tario. THURSDAY, APRIL 28TH. 1938 NC Children’s A150 length Lwceds All leC Re Sm: (Irv: ials HOUSE DRESSES Just p01. [cw shlpmc ushioncd 1 uhcr chit SPRING COATS 'rvicc :uurt rolls in new ugabond styles. also mom in all shades of raw. Reg. price $2.49 l) .9 l‘)‘ This is one of the greatest sales ever staged in the history of 'l‘immins. Our two Stores of Ladies” Wear goes on sale at prices you will never equal again. This is made possible through the eo-Operation of the different. manufacturers, and the fact that we must make room for summer stock. Don’t hesitate, for these values speak for themselves. Be Early Friday morning“ April 29th. the first day of this great sale. a” little cunts ul 55y and (weed mater- i. with hat and pum match. Reg. valuc 95. Sale price d Early Momlng use». m all t. h c rular shades. Sizes 14 SPRING HATS H Dept. of Mines. It is also of note that the Porcupine ntinues to lead all Ontario in lucuion of gold. the output of hp being nearly $2,000,000 an Kirkland Lake for the first of this year, while nearly he tonnage of ore is handled received pmcnt. 1 Cd hose chiffon h r c suits and THIRD .\\'lil\'l'l~l PLAINS PETROLEUM uluc HOSIERY in 1 polo full 9 in OX' 81x qua ru‘ 1‘ popular , cloths. Ii}; Companygwns or controls in excess of 17.000 acre REFS is Regular tank car shipments being made to a Rczi No. 2 well at the rate of 144 barrels daily. Additiu and June 25th. On account of the demand for tl there is no proration applicable to its production palr 30 of Outfits I“ .95 II S.\l.l‘ .98 .98 00 I‘I{l('l 95 G. FIRTHâ€"200 BAY ST., TORONTO, ONT. Ontario producing gold mines by fields for the month of March follow: Porcupine (11» -â€" Huffalo-Ankerite. Coniaurum, Delnite, Dome. Hollinngf. Hoilinger (ROSS). Mace. McIntyre. Mo- neta, Pamour. Paymaster. Kirkland Lake «llinidgood. Kirk- land Lake Gold. Lake Shore. Macassa. Morris-Kirkland. Omega. Raven River. Sylvanite, 'l‘eck - Hughes, Tobum, Wright Hargreaves. Ma .' achewan solidated, Your Algoma Distric Summit. Thunder Bay District . (QM-Bank field, Hard Rock. Leitch, Little Long Lac, Northern Empire. Sand River 100 Tailored SUITS 'l‘u go on sale at $1495 This sensational manufacturers sale is mzulr possible through the co-oporation of the following well known firms:â€" 'l‘hc Supreme lintâ€"Martin (honorâ€"Merit Blouseâ€"Mary Lou-â€" Morris Dressâ€"Standard Hatâ€"Vogue Dress and the John Dress (‘0.. which is your guarantee of thv finest quality in ladies" wvar. Made To Your Order an the Promise l 2 ) â€"Matachewa n g-Davidson. Lebel Oro, New C BOTH OUR STORES BRIDAL ()U'I‘FI'I‘S ’I’IMMINS Bidgood. Kirk‘ Shore. Macassa 1. Raven River nal well complct c grahc of oil [.1 We Specialize in )n the Majestic Structure. near Taber, Algoma ff‘v‘ Sturgeon River. St. Anthony, Tombill. Patricia Portion (7)â€"Central Patri- cia. Gold Eagle, Howey. J. M. Consoli- dated. McKenzie Red Lake. Pickle Crow, Red Lake Gold Shores. Krenora and Rainy River Districts 0rd. milk duction being taken Iron ans expected on June 10!! oducad by this Company 20. urns for March from the Ontario d mines show that the 45 regularly )ducing mines have made a new rec- I. The figures were 766,597 tons lled for a total value of $8,013,494 as ainst 693.522 tons for a recovery of 171.597 in February. As compared .11 March in the previous year the :rease was 10.6 per cent. in tonnage lied and 9.6 per cent. in value. It said be pointed out that although '3 increases shown for each area were be expected because of the longer :‘iod 31 days in March as against mom and -Wend1go. PARISIAN Millinery Shop made possible thruugh THIRD A VENUE fl THE 1303.00sz ADVANCE. Tmmmg, ONTARIO SHEER DRESSES Voile and 1 new sprin colours. sit Rog. value this group 511k and KM 11‘. Thl‘ !4".\r -t SHJ-L l‘l§'( !. stylm. A .xzu-rim'v in mm munanturmk 5:110 Reg. value $1.1!) . Crepe prints. (‘t-C with boleras and Cd skirts to Clem Sizes 14 to 52. R0 Georgette and Lattem sill in pleasing colours. Reg price $3.98 to go at We also have a few Crep Blouses to go at 1'( Silk tall‘vttu slips duccd Afternoon Dresses BLOUSES 28 in February. the average daily rate for all the mines was improved. The average recovery for February was $256,128 and in March $258,500. 'The totals by areas are shown in the subjoined table for the first three months of 1937 and 1938. All values are in Canadian funds. Monthly Output of Ontario Gold Mines Porcupine Belt Jan ua 11v February March Kirkland Lake BC January February March Tot a1 Ma tachewar January February March January February March ()nly Northwestern Ontario Total "for Ontari January February March ‘gulm‘ Total T013 T01 11 Grand Tot and not, in all L110 spring styles and rs. sizes 14 to 52. values to $14.50 in ()m' .\|lm\'ml tn 30 GLOVES SLIPS for 01.0.. :50 and plc Kl'mk Hm' $1.41). but 01‘ NH M11" 11 1937 Value 3 3.1661931 3.116.903 3.318.759 H m at 9.602.593 7.120.010 6.895.604 7.308.394 ’IRE m 134.021 132.337 876 )1 861 399 c,» 324 .008 m wh ('usimm )t 36€ 701 312 10.379 3 .507 3.263 3 .602 .95 .OC K .79 3.013.494 907 670 587. 826 020.063 485.439 179.0 638,3 515.55 442.994 044,061 167 .324 231.609 .‘19 .29 7.209 9.203 3.466 .617 .619 9 Base Metals Big Missouri Bidgood Bobjo Bxalome . . Buffalo Ankerite . Canadian Malartlc Castle Tretheway Cmtral Porcupine Central Patricla Af Cor Cor Darkwater Domc Eldorado Falconbr‘id Gillies Goldale Granada Gunnar Hardrock Hollinger Howey . Hudson Bay . Intsmational Nickel Jackson Manion Kerr Addison . Kirkland Lake Lebei Oro LciLch To-day’s Stocks _| ! Will be in 01181 atlon This i 81111111101. Expected t 0 ; (iive Impetus t0 Mining in ‘2 (‘uhalt Area. Lakc Shore Lee Gold LiLLle Long Lac Macassa _ McLeod Cockshutt . Manitoba and Eastern Mclnyre .. . McKenzie Red Lake H McViLLie Graham McWattcrs . 1 . Mining Coxporation Moncta Naybob N ipissing Noranda Norand: O'Brien Omega Pamour Paymas Pickle ‘ Pioneer San Antonio __ Red Lake Goldshorc ShcrriLL Gordon ..... St. Anthony Sullivan Con. .. , Sudbury Basin Stadacona Preston East Dome Premier Road AuLhiCI' 815000 A. ., . T-gck Hughes . Tobm'n Ventures . . Wright Hargreaves Customs Mill to be Built Near Cobalt. Cobalt, April 28.~--lSpeeial to The Adva11ce1â€"â€"A customs mill for treating ores produced in the Cobalt district is to be built in Coleman township, a mile from Cobalt Square. and a plant of moderate capacity will be in Opera- ticn late this summer or in the early fall. it was reported authoritatively here this week. Private interests will handle the enterprise, with Toronto men: _\ reported as behind the venture which is expected to give a decided “flip to the “01k of leasers and other opeiators of mining properties In this camp. l Some machinery and equipment al-I ready has been bought. it was learned. g The proposal is to erect the plant; which will have a daily capacity of one ' hundred .ions and will handle both‘ cobalt and silver ores. on the Kerr; Lake road in the Cross Lake area. The 1 site is considered a central location.‘ and the promoters are said to antici- ! pate operators in both the Cobalt sec- 1 ticn proper and also in the Silver Cen- : tre section will be available as custom- E (“1's for the new plant. which will be; m‘ the flotation tyre and of modern! (‘enstruetiom capable of handling sil-! ver values as low as seven ounces per] During recent montlfs. systematic sampling of old dumps here has been in progress on behalf of the promoters (1f the proposed mill and the results are started unofficially to be satisfae~ wry. A start on the erection of the buildings is said to be contemplated within the immediate future and it is hopsd to have the mill in operation within about 'four months. Reports indicate that the same interests be- hind development of the Yorkshire- Cobalt Mine. six miles west of town. wi‘ere good cobalt is said to have been iound in quantity. are behind the cus- 1K Comtruction of a mill of this type has been debated in Cobalt many times in recent years. and the board of trade and other organizations have ccmidered bringing the matter to thc atcntion of the Ontario Government. the suggestion being that the plant might be operated by the province. Rcccntly. with a view to encouraging continuance of mining here, it was proposed to again approach Queen's Park. butt he subject dropped when repcrls spread private interests were pxr'pared to invade the field. Windmr Start-Fritz Grumclmder. i Connecticut. factory employee, whoi user. to school with Hitler, says Dcr' F'uehrcr is 56 years old. and not 49. as he pretends. In fact, it may finally be found that Adolf isn’t a lot of the; things he pretends. )1 HO 18 V811 aurum . Chibougamuu 15M plan X'OW L'Is‘cd 8.80 ‘ 15.00 . 93 A 53 75 . 2.24 12.60 ,.27 ‘ 2 26.25 46.75 82 51.50 12‘3 2.39 20 1, 39.00 _ 1.09 . 21 52 1.75 _ 2.18 . 16 1.65 58.00 3.65 45 3.65 4.15 4. 50 3.55 1.78 1.07 45 4. 85 1.26 20 'é 1.06 83 2.01 3.15 3.10 2.38 4.75 2.25 4.90 7.20 38 40 14 1.00 2.30 30 3.10 3O 13 .34 75 19 73 Globe’s Deepest Mine Still Going Strong The St. John d'el Rey Mine in Bra- zil. deepest in the world. with shaft down to the 8000-Ioot level, in opera- tion since 1830. is still going strong. production in 1937 having been 241,700 tons, up 58.930 tons ovu‘ the previous year, and during the latter part of the year treated an average of 30,000 tons monthlj. After 108 Years Brazil Pro- perty Producing at 8000- I“oot Level. 3 Windsor. Ont, April 27.--â€"In the first Iquarter of 1938. Ford Motor Company ! of Canada, Limited, maintained its idollar sales volume within one per lcent. of the 1937 volume in the same ipcriod. Wallace R. Campbell, presi- ;(Y:nt. reported this week at the annual lsharcholdcrs' meeting. 1 In the same period, Mr. Campbell Isaid. employment was maintained at ‘ a relatively high level. the amount paid tin wages and salaries being only 1.1 l p:r cent. lower than in 1937. He point- lcd out the» while economic conditions Hit the United States are usually re- ; flee-Led to some extent in Canada that :the experience of the company in the I iirst quart-tr of this year has been en- !esuraging. While a decrease in unit :sales to Canadian dealers of 15 per lcer‘. was experienced. sales to export territories remained at practically the same volume as in 1937. Last year. Ford products constituted about 70 per cent. of all Canadian anâ€" ‘ temotive exports and about 21 per cent. ; ct Canada's exports of all commodities l to Australia. New Zealand, British Af- ! rica. India and Malaya. ..~.. N_.__._. MIU(311 of the increase came from the Espirito Santo group. where a vast rc- scrv-c of low grade ore is developed. New milling plant was started in Feb- ruary. 1937. and is giving a good acâ€" count of itself. Bullion sales amounted to £885,274. an increase of £111,875 over the pre- Interesting Points at Annual Meeting flee-Led (0 f the expcric first quart-z ccm'aging. 53.105 to C In his 2 viewed Lh csmpany. of the Ca in the pcrt. t: C-anadi in con prices. discussed tion to Canadian and explained L dian automobile tariff protection Mr. Campbell .tivltics or the year raculted in previous year i value allza in of during I 043 she cent. to $2.27 in 1936 men: 01 of $1 a BC mit resident of Ford Motor Co. of Canada, Makes Many Notable Points. d( comparison w: to $46.2 ;Olc .ll :alw or products sold. amount.- 346211458 showed an increase per cent. while the number of )1d increased by 14.127 to a to- 74.098. The net profits earned the year, amounting to $3.773.- :wed an increase of 12.3 per Earnings per share amounted ' in 1937 as compared with 82.02 and $1.17 in 193.5 After pay- f regular dividends at the rate » share, an amount. of $2,114,083 fled to surplus account, bring- Doherty Roadhouse C0. snddtess. Mr. Campbell re- the financial position of the v. emphasized the importance Canadian automobile industry national economy and in ex- ide development. outlined the .n automobile price situation parison with United States' discussed employment in rela- Canadian secondary industries piained the position 0! Cana- tomobiie industry in regard to STOCK BROKERS Timmins. 19 Pine Street North Toronto Kirkland Lake 293 Bay Street 3-1 Government Rd. erlu th Direct Private Wires for fast and accurate quotations and executions in all Market Quotations Broadcast each day at 12.20 noon and 5.20 p.m. It rcp Accurate Markets and Executions in ImOU port/30' mpan iCCOUI sOlC h Members Toronto Stock Exchange Commission basis only local Phones 1200 and 1201 Led that the ac- »any during the ncreasc over the 2 number and 1. net profits re- um of earnings Unlisted Stocks Mining Stocks Industrial and Public Utility Stocks Bonds ing the total named sumius up 939.890. The net profits of the subsided-5' companies increased :31 per cent. over 1936 and totalled $4,322,869. Dividends received by Ford Motor Company of Canada from these subsidiaries and included in its profits for the year amounted to $3,429,489. before pay- ment of Canadian income tax. Production of the Canadian automoâ€" tive industry during the year was sec- ond only to the peak production in 1929 and of a total of 207.000 automo- fiVe nuns produced n1(3anada h11937, the Canadian Ford Company produced 72.814 untis or 35.2 per cent. In 1937. 34,055 units were sold in Canada. and 40,043 were shirmed to the company's export markets. ‘VPhe average nurnbcrtu persons ent- ployed by the company increased eight per cent. over the previous year n) 7370. VVages 41nd sahufieéi paid h1- crcascd 16 per cent.to SllJHIL982 alul came within four per cent. of the to- tal for 1929. He pointh profits from f ada during .‘1 loss of purch: .tions of the ‘9 which we anticipate. Reviewing the ten-year period 1928- 1937 inclusive, Mr. Campbell said: “The volume of employment. the pay- ment. of dividends to shareholders, and the contrilnwfiion of the (-ompany to Canadian tax revenues during that period have all been made possible, largely as a rewulL of operations 01‘ sub- sidiary companies in ovzrseas terri- tories." ago in volume 11-5an of unit, cost much i pany itself absorbvd maintaining its p031 producing a high q providing the iui‘g? of employment. “A return 01 nu diLions would rcnde dlblons woulc movement in economic lift. Canada and accumulutr-d demand for I all kinds. um cream, larger products may interim-rot of I that this don sources." Mr. Can Commenting on mobile prices are than H) the Unitc bell pointed out in Canada are hi derived from the dustry by the pa been far greater maintaining the n teccion. In the past five have paid $18,239.22 products than compa United Sates How iod the Ford indusii paid nearly 542.00% salaries and spent a ' $132,000,000 for Can services. These {mu Globe and Mail‘ that. it. was estima! that 83.41300“) was ronto ladies for the on Easter. Our 1:. a liberal or at It; estimate. lncomr. than 5 fercncc a result Ir .CVCI and When rgcr purcha may be cm» of the Don“ demand 51 r mun .md wl 111850 stribu a total of 207.000 automo- oduced in Canada in 1937, :1 Ford Company produced or 35.2 per cent. In 1937. were sold in Canada. and shipped to the company's O time 15mg populu Etc; 01‘ $42,000,000 b p0. Ford 0d 51 per cont. 0‘ $4,322,869. Divicim Motor Company :59 subsidiaries a 'I‘l U Ll h 35L )1 1f I) spent to equlp To- board walk parade Liuct is to call [or 51. an independeflt )l l'( I" no PAGE. F‘I VE 'h ll H rm p ll Jr 111011 l( incrrusc the com- objcct, of 0 market. mlucL and 2: volume I] :omcs m- llODlOUVO its in the a whole supplied Canadian that, per- nada ha: son in I) normom [satisfied OC an im- tanadian sttcrn '. Camp 11 price V8 HI .’ l' 'U h K he in n m madam mood ll pm. ELI]- Lhc ‘dl dif )H ,lI Hf 1115 0rd Lllc )l'l Cd ll. H

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