FOR RENTâ€"Sm also office to 1 H PAGE FOUR MALL HOUSE TO LET- .l. V. BONHOMME INSI'IKANFE â€"- REAL ESTA'I'E MORTGAGES LIST YOUR PROPERTY lH‘Jil) BLOCK TELEPHONE. 7 I’INE ST. S. 2250 posse‘flon Apply I‘immins. ( “1.. (CNN) PARTY THIS ITHL'RSDAY) EVENING ROOMED APARTMENT for rent. m- decorated. at 44 Fifth Avenue. -34p .ence unior C.W.L. announce a card be held this ‘Thmrsdaw eve- 8.30 pm. in the basement. of :rch of the Nativity. Bridge. 1drcd and euchre. Refresh- Good prizes. Drawing on the pe che ALF her of Sifbscriptions (new and renewals) turned in by all the can- didates combined during the LAST THREE WEEKS of the (‘mnpaig‘n (June 6th to 25th inclusive). in order to make the circulation campaign (announced in Section :; of this issue) of even more interest to our readers. we offer this New 1938 \‘w’cstinghouse Imperial Refrigerator as a free prize to the subscriber who estimates the correct or nearest correct num- FOR RENT FUR SA LE Hal per water paid pr The Porcupine Advance is apartment to rent. . at Gordon Block. 1. 7 Pine Street, 434-35 omec hitch For Full Particulars 7 Ced i; immediate Third avenue. ~32-33-34-35 MODEL F-56 516 cubic font size cute. with finished ; dar North. -34p Icon Westinghouse 1938 Imperial Refrigerator ENOTICE T0 CREDITORS All persons having claims against the 5 estate of the above mentioned who died I mthe Town of Timmins in the District. ' of Cochrane on the 17th day of Janu- , ary. 1938. are required to ï¬le proof of ; same with the undersigned on or befone 1 the 9th day of May. 1938. 9 Four Births Registered Bornâ€"on April 24th. 1938. to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blais of 220 Balsam street- northâ€"a daughter. Bornâ€"on April 24th. 1938. to Mr. and Mrs. Austen Leblanc. of 127 Wil- low streetâ€"a daughter. Bornâ€"on April 25.;11, 1938. to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Legace. of 153 Pine street. southâ€"a son. In the Estate of John ceased. After that, date the PL will proceed to distribute having regard only to U which he shall then have To Our Subscribers! Public 'I‘rus Bornâ€"on April 22nd. 1938. to Mr. and Mrs. George Edward Scarbro, of 273 Mountjoy street», at 60 Toke street ----2‘. SOD. Dated at Toronto April. 1938. During the Present Week umc â€"- ‘ -‘ .\‘Iu_\' LEE A. N. MIDDLETON Osgoode Hall. Toronto -30-32-34 Mc(.‘0nvillc. dr ubA 9Lh I180 clairr In tlw Matter of the Bulk Sales Act and in the Matter of a Sale by Argyle Restaurant Company Limited Try Tue Advance Want Advertisements 1m )( 1‘1 :lK: Company of Marcl‘ 1938. with particulars of securi~ f any. held by them. after which the undersigned will proceed to Jute the purchase price amongst arties entitled thereto. having re- only to claims of which he shall have received notice. ed at Timmins this 20th day of 193 1E OLiCC mc dim Ara} 31' RICGU LA ll I’RICIC tors having claims against 'gyle Restaurant Company e required to file the same ndersigned duly verified by i or before the Blst day of with particulars of securi~ . held by them. after which NOTICE that the Argyle Restaur- Limited. did on the 11th . 1938. make 3 Bulk Sale nent. stock-in-trade and the Restaurant business Inder the name of the It No. 5 Third Avenue. in Timmins. to Arthur A. . Town of Timmins in the :chrane and that the unâ€" 15 been appointed as r the provisions of the [CL BBC. 1937, Chap- William O Trustee, Massie Block. Timmins. 0m I!) Third .\ vcnuc ELEUI‘RH‘AL ‘-'\l’l’ljl‘»'\N'l“l*} (‘0. TILE FORCUPINE ADVANCE. 'l‘IhIMlNB. ONTARIO mgdon See This Prize nmvnnmauvmn .x'r LYNCH The death occurred in Deloro town- ship, this (Thursday) morning. of Mr. James Edward McMahon. Mr. Mc- the Nativity He son and one dang] The funeral will ux'day morning it Death in Deloro Tp. of J ames Edward McMahon fift Mahon had ‘0 and he was 'l‘im mins Rummage Sale Porcupine Advance in the (,‘hurch basement. Office Space FOR RENT Saturdz n year Ausx (‘cntrally Located survivéd by his wife. a :1 one daughter in town funeral will take place working as a prospector :en in the di ixty-four years of l.'nitod (‘hurch :\I’I'L\' from the H mm i m 3."! \pril 30th ide Club wife. and ‘one )lace on Sat- Church of Lrict about -34 age M r from Mrs. Edith Carmichael. of North Bay. is visiting her daughter. Mrs. M. 110510;, T'unmins. Miss Christine Lufontainc. of Mom- m1]. 'as the guest of friends in Tim- mins this week. Basil Howsc returned this week from college. to spend the summer holidays at his home in town. Mr Lon, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Groves and little daughter. of Toronto. visited friends here this week, mturning home yester- Motored Through to Timmins From South Rev. Fr. Morin. who has been at the Notre Dame parish for several months. was transferred to Haileybnury this week. Mr. Tony Burkholder. of the R Devlin 00., 1ch on Wednesday a spending a few weeks in town. James Clarke has returned to his home in town to spend the summer holidays here. amzr his studies at Queen's University. Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Elston left this week for Montreal. and are sailing on the “Ascania†for London. England. on Friday. On their return trip they will visit relatives in Montreal, Tor- oxw‘o. Stratford and North Bay. They expect to be away about ten weeks. Miss Helen Androchuck returned on Monday to her teaching position at Arpin after spending the Easter holi- day at her home in town. Members of the. Co-opcrativc Union of Canada. A non-political association of genuine (Ho-operatives. (Touncillor Karl Eyre Says “Roads Were Not Too Bad at That." 'I'immins llt‘aul ()fl'iu‘ ...... 'l‘immins Birch and Fourth 'l‘immins Townsntc ....... . and Mrs. H. J. Curry. of Hamil- were Timmins visitors this week. CONSUMERS CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETY LTD. L). B. Curtis returned this week abusmcss trip to Toronto. Would You. Like an UMBRELLA? Ontario Potatoes No.1,90lh. bag......$l.12 Butter, per ll). ............ the (Do Not ()verbuyâ€"Expcct Lower price) Del Maize Niblcts Vacuum Pack Corn ofl' Cob, 2 tins .................. 27c N0. 1 Fancy Dutch Onion Sets, 3 lbs. .. First Grade Butter, per ll). (For Monday’s Delivery Only) Consumers Co-operative prices are low, these for example are some of this weeks special items \\ Among the 230 articles actually made by the British (.ooperative Movement 111 its own factories, near the bottom, among the U’s, I found Umbrellas. As I looked through the window at the pouring April rain, I thought how appropriate it \ 'as that Cooperation should produce Umbrellas. F0 ' a century now Cooperation has protected the working man when all the elements of the economic system have pelted upon him without mercyâ€"it has been an economic umbrella. Why has this part of the economic system, which we call cooperaâ€" tive, been kinder to the working man than the rest of it‘.’ The reason is simpleâ€"he controls it. Each individual member of a eo- operative society has one vote and only one. He counts as a perâ€" son, not as a possessor of a certain amount of money. \\~"'orkine' men appoint the officials, elect the directors from among them- selves, and take the surplus earned, according to the extent to which they have used their society. No wonder the cooperative part of the economic system protects the working manâ€"he made it: he controls it: he holds it over his head for his protection. You can also join this cooperative society. MAKE 11‘ YOUR UMBRELLA TOO. a {(c r Zoc .. I600 705. 706 Concert Association t0 Meet 0n Tuesda Ofï¬cers to "no, Elected for Ensumg Year. Other Busmess. A meeting of the Porcupine Cana- dian Concert Association will be held in the town hall, Timmins. on Tuesday. May 3rd. at 8 o'clock, for the election of officers and other matters. In thatl respect a. statement of the receipts and l expenditures of the association for the. past two seasons is appended for one information of the members. A spe-I cial invitation is extended to all in-‘ terested to attend. l $64.05: rentals $20.66: $23.66; on tick- $18.95. Wedding Sunday at St. Anthony’s Churc $18.95. Total. $2056.35. Statement for 1937 Receiptsâ€"â€"Total receipts from sale of tickets, $2107.75. Expenditures~â€"â€"Artisls' budget. $1385; publicity. stationery and advertising. $88.10; theatre rentals. $225; curtain rentals. $30; express and transfer, $17.17; accessories, lamps for theatre. $22.45; stamps. etc.. $23.18; balance at Miss Irene Lcduc and Mr. Wm. Zurhy United in Marmag‘c. A pretty St. Anthony on Sunday Therriault united i1 daughter of Mr. T. 1 Mrs. Lcduc. and Mr of Mr. and Mrs. S. 2 sent at, the church tiimiiy decorated w to witness the wcc The bride was he a. gown of white 5 lace-work. and mad with long sleeves. veil caught, in a < blossoms. and carrici groom received their Inends at a re- ception at, the home of the groom‘s parents, 16] Birch street. north. They were the recipienta". of many lovely and useful gifts. and the best wishes of their many friends. TOSCS TC Shirriff's Good Morning BEEF Marmalade, 2 ll). jar 39c Prime Rib Roast McIntoshâ€"Exti‘a Pam" Rolled "L . .A 37c Apples, large size 3 Shoulder Roast ll) Hie dozen .......................... 28c I’ORI\ Fresh Green Onions, 1’. bunches Five Rose Flour 24 lb. bag .............. Consunwâ€"Fresh Coffee, lb. ............. g0 CH )m drape , stamps. 'dit}, $316.85 ‘ carnatior A. Lcduc. â€Luresâ€"«Artists' budget. $1385; i â€â€˜ “"“" :waLioncry and advertising! theatre rentalS- $225: curtain CHILDREN'S chL'rn ('l.l!\'l( 530: express and â€2111st AT scummc'umt, mun. accessories. lamps for theatre. .. h,“ stamns. etc.. $23.18: balance! 'I'hn Child‘s “0:1th Comm-:m ~... . ..‘ - - _ - hC wedding took plncv in the '5 Roman Catholic Church at 2 pm. when Rev. Fr. mitcd in marriage Irene. Mr. T. Leduc. and the late and Mr. Wm. Zurby, son VIrs. S. Zurby. of 161 Birch :cremor lurch TOO" etc.. $23.18; bala Total. $2,107.75 DTO 'cddin u rb)‘ brldcsm id chi†81K he carried friends wcm pre- which was beau- h spring flowers. )1] riends sister ‘smaid. bouqu prlng flowers. ceremony. ally attired in adorned “Rh prince wore 1( Of m Peoples of many races. rvligicms and puliliml rrm-ds are members of this truly (-o-ulwrzltivv sm-it-ly. $1.17 man bridt U ll 01‘ Srhumau'hc-r . . South Porcupine» Home Mines 'earin 9c )ridt mes tulle bou pix OI h THURSDAY. APRIL 28'â€! Trimmed Luin l’ork pieces, 11).. Trimmed Loin For I\ Chops, ll). ................... Loin Veal Chops. H) 250 Shoulder Roast. II). .17'} ‘1’ E A 1.1 according to the latest report makle by (the company to the Department of Transport. There were three pilots in the Vancouver-Seattle service; two pilots assisting with instruction; one Link Trainer instructor; l4 pilots work- ing on the sixth or final stage of train- ing. and 14 in earlier stages. Seven pilots were taken on for Ll'ttllllllg' dur- ing the month and two qualiï¬ed for the final stages. During March, hours llown totalled 921 of which 280 were local flying and 641 on cross-country schedule. Since the inauguration of the training pro- gramme. pilots in training have flown 2.676 hours. Thirteen and a hall‘ round trips were completed between Vancouver and Winnipeg between March (5 and the end of the month. the report shows; six and a half between Winnipeg and Lethbridge. one between Winnipeg and Regina and one. buween Lethbridlge 'I‘.(7.A. Flying: PCI‘SUHIH‘I Totals Murv than 'l‘lm'i) Montreal. April 27.»â€"-~ of the Trans-Canada, sisted of 34 men at. {‘11 according to the late by (he company to mt Transport. There wen th: Vancouver-Scam; Regina and one. buwecn and Vancouver. The total mi was 38,484. Strict liniiiaiim in regard to weaLlier conciii which training nights could taken. Night, flying was i between Winnipeg and It:- in April. mac W Ax an indication powvr in Canada. 1i sibly more acnsltivc any other single no nocLion it is worth sales or Ordinazy Canada by the L( firm: quarter of 19 include Grow) or I to a million dollars of 27 per cent. ovc lmminn llil'c “Usinvsx‘ Reflects the {otter I)" .5 anc fin: bcth from developme in raising Lives thrc [N ll he mun 1K H‘ I'hc Child' held in t1 1chcr publi ck. from 3 rm. if Pl] on m. pa improvcm 1L ll f 01‘ l) fi I) 1) ht [1C 7:01 L0 lb“ EU'K â€(‘21 .m provc Elf Inc pm n I": 'lxn Air 01K Ilown totalled 311.1 flying and chule. Since 1930 ’96 1C 1):? im. pfospcï¬ty L; strong lair ‘homcs )H present WC. 1'( III In" M hbridgc :0 flown )ubllc 10f {tw- manual ng this :3 mn- March under ,1 ndcrâ€" umtcd - curly at UN Indus- mun UFO ()HIN “NH rap .lew H icnc I) (‘Qll- , h" din i'l‘ll will hu- h UH. n O in U n In in d