PAGE FOUR The above schedule of credits. which is on n (ievlining .w u). ilum-ver. a special ballot. good for 50.000 EXTRA rz'ediis. w ill ment will be in effect throughout. the entire drive. and is in b paper resen'es the right. if so desired. to include job prinii n: credits will obtain and in the same ratio of increase for large accepted for less than one year. nor for more than three. v ea NOTE-4n"- Above Schedule is For Renewalsâ€"Triple Vutt'h 1'» ('I'mlits nl'v f‘rr Him to (‘83! credits mum lw nskvd fur liuns, otherwise sul‘ 'rrn H sul 1. Any vullusiou on the part of parlivipants tn nul- lify (-mnnolitiun. 01' any nlhor vumhiuatinn fnrmml tn Hm detriment of “Weekly Payrnll" purth-ipnms nr this newsmapen will not be tolerated. Any pnl'tit'ipnnt taking: part in sur'h rmnhinntion stands liable tn fnr~ feit all right to a prize or mmmissinn. 8. All credits issued on ballots may lm led in rvsprve 8TH] cast at the diSProthnj of pnrthï¬|uints Hr Ihis upwspnper. The free credit mupnn: nppmring fmm time to time in the paper must he vast hpfure the expiration date. 9. In event of a tie for any one of the awards. a prize identical in vuue will be given each tying par- thflpann H‘v. Participants in this drive are authnrizod ngnms of this newspaper. box it is understood and azrmwl that they um be mponnlble for 3H mono) mHm-twi and wlll remit Inch amounts In full on regular rqwrt days to 00 “Watt: Puroll" Department. 11. No datum! at promise made by mm csgn'n sauna" a Want "tying from the rulés and 1 \‘n smarled hlf' lu enter H 8 r 'RI'S “IU‘S O'I‘rrmina l in: June UM I In: H and :1 Hi First l’criotl I lnu'n M“ «ms, but In H, [or that circled FREE ampaign Ofï¬cially Opens Wedne sdz1y,M .- ay 4th mts Amount $3 .00 $6 .00 $9.00 RULES AND REGULATIONS .pam. I‘I'Pdil he snhjw't 1: management h‘ Ul ll ml tit mmllwr [lill' frnm the r Xvitlwr w ‘ivn nr [runs (As Large 05 You Woï¬f to Make Thém NOW BEING OFFERED To )YOU BY THIS NEWSPAPER 10.000 281â€) 50.0% VON [I ll. this [If nor will it trnnsfm s : un SlH'h disqualiï¬c I} \\' I) In a Six-andma Half \queequ’ ï¬ubscrimion Campaign, Jusf Starting i and, ot the some time, on opportunity to shore in the distribution of ‘l m1! lm HS I'v Minn at he nl El 1‘ H is all 'l‘rrminatim: .lum hm'nml l't'l‘iml lit: ‘ip nnt “'ill in H \V l'l\ ll inns 292-1 rnsprw vrmms. In even the Campaign Manager- avtual strength of tlw various 'ludvs any pnssihility of ham mass to the minutest clogrne. ‘., 'l‘wonty-ï¬ve thousand crmlits kpr fur m‘pry Symlr suhsrri; tnrnml in during their ï¬rst Cldcnl. H IR In ll H The Porcupine Advance gn pa l'l each “\Vookly Payroll" P ivcu on H ND n Ill .ed I'I H" ll will Sulm'riptiuns ll H tm Hm t'nlumns nf this newspa- )y the publisher. whim! or other errors it is Um publishvr nor “Weekly .9 hold rvspunsible exvept to Julian upon discovery of same. HS “'3†Irv paid a lWPnty po'l‘ 5U?†Hut Hf Pu‘ry $3.4M) q'uL «m mum-y tnrnml in in Hmil' n ‘hb‘illl'llï¬ umh-rslmul, lmwâ€" :Hly pnl‘tiPiImHL Immmns LV- ' a regular rash rmmrt. ho or ‘I Hf lho mmmzmnont. bpmmw ll 1f my pnrtirimmt hm-nmns l.\'- “ regular rash rmmrt. ho or t M Hm mmmgmnont. bpmnm fnrfcit all right to an award '11 PVC“ amount krticiDaI U â€mass in t. tt'nllght. In Hm entire wkml and lnl'al hank. my dopnsif ts. In this 'l'rrminnl i u El" ea m 20 1y lN‘ xiwn nn same basis. all" partivimmt whn rams Dir first week of the «mn- he an extra lmnus of $25 ll H \K' ula 'l‘hird l’vriml ght M :l rlnso with :l pntiro Inst “porind†nf‘ *1] and sealedâ€"will ro- 1 bank. whnro pm‘tivi- dopnsit their ï¬nal 00!- In this way. no «moâ€"â€" gorâ€" 'un pnssihly know inns purliripants. which fuvnritism and insures n ii ll THE FORCUPINE ADVANCE. TIAIMINS.'ONTARIO h \\ will be given much inn or its aniva- wr‘ok of the mm- nf. Hm drivo. half. Inn 1( $9.00 IN PHH mow N) .lmw In nvn Min l( niption any M w the h This no cheduk 33TH†abm‘ PH wt in! quea- h I] he .ngn 3.000 2.000 3.000 I: of tn Tum†t'rma vredils. These vrvdits are giwn as a starter tn speed you on ,wur way in mu. um)- mm mm mu L'uutmn will be accepted fur navli partivipant. ' 'l‘he nvxt step is to call nr write the "Weekly l'uyrull“ impartmmnt fur a ft‘Pv wurkinz outï¬t. 'l‘lnts rqtiimiml, it lmw hut in 309 your friends and ai'qtlaintttni-os and have timm SilltSf'l'th tn this imwspnppr titrnngli ymi. 'l‘lmt'< : tlmrn is to it! However, ynu will never got. unywlim-e unless you malm tiw startâ€"Alto earlier tlw lmttor. (m started, let no one discourage you. Anything \vnrth having is worth striving for. Six and a half short won and you may be riding in your own BIC. autnmnbile or ntlmrwise several hundred dollars richer in purse. it takes credit: to win, and they are semi-ed in the following ways: First by i'iil‘lii'if.’ the Free Credit “m1 pom: appearing in each issue of this nowsnaper. There is no limit to the nnmlwr of these coupons you "my secure. â€let your friends to save them for you. They all count. Begin gathering thnm Niw while illoy ni'e tum] for 100 credits each. After next week these coupons will be reduved to 50 credits em-h. The following mm}; in in ('i'PintS, and after that they will be (lisvontinned entirely. The only restriction plared on these coupons is: that they must. be cast before the expiration date. The other. and much faster way to acmimnlnte credits in this "Weekly Payroll" Drive is by winning new and renewal subscriptions to this newspaper. (in earh order serured credits are issued. the mimlmr muting nvoording to the amount paid and during whivh “period" same are received at the "Weekly Payroll" I)epurtmt»nt of this newspaper. (See schedule of credits bPlnw.) The advantages of an early start are manifest. fl‘hls “Weekly Payroll" drlve ls or such short durnllnn that Immediate action ls necessary for success. Orders taken during the early part of the campaign carry the MAXI- MUM number of credits. Then. too. the ï¬rst in the ï¬eld will undoubtedly get the “crawl" of credits and sub- scriptions, whlle those who put off entering untll a later date will have to take what is left. Don't lose valuable time â€waiting to am what show the “other fellow" how to do It! 0"" JUN 0.00 0.00 Campaign Ofï¬cially Closes Saturday, June 25th \SlCCllxl‘i h )0 h Thc .41 it he Imdvrstoml at the very «unset, that this is man» (-mnpmitivp prmmsition fur ontm'prising‘ men s. Pinch m'livp partivipant “ill revoive a pay vhork tlmL "Everybody Wins." There will be no losers. il 3V l’f H IN) ï¬rst â€Hm: (0 «In is M iwr to this nowspnpm' : W frnu M'edits. These «1" n will be accepted fur a t I portc porn; porn: “pom zuurday night For the week. Hart of â€liq hig "\"egkly Payrnlt" Drive is two-fuld. Primarily. to increase the stready largb snhem-iptinn :: HU\'\'<|HI[!“!‘1 tn r-ullm-t arrpm'nges and advance suhsrriptinn payments fmm prvsont. or nhl suhsvrilwrs, . mum time In :lfffll‘tl 1h» live-wire. etlm‘getic men and anen. 1mm and girls. of this tc-I'ritnry :m ummr- mum in n It“: wny thrmwh tlmir spnrv time during the next few \VPPkS. So, it i< n phm that wnrics <. mu] tn the ultimate good of all concerned. =. and m the ultimate good of all concerned. (-r M 2min thiu vn'l quh kly and amantazeunslv tha mast nttrat'tive awards mer (Worm! I < smtinn haw luwn mmh- rnmlv rm- distribution amnng those “110 participate must anti. 5 arv tlw nnly requisites for smcess. Rt, Uthtfl t0 (In is M t'lip the Entry l'nnpun appearing lwlmx'; ï¬ll in to this newspaper â€I nltt‘f‘. 'l‘his ('Hllthll entitles )1)â€. or the [tPP'SHI «a vredits. These q-retlits are giten as a starter tn speed you on your ll be accepted fur 0.8011 pm'tivipant. xt step 13 to call at write the “Weekly I'uyrutl“ Departnwnt fur a fun (l for (.l for d for d for (l for 'k subscription a candidate re )ormxg each da the the the the the First l’criod t'riptiunz, 2,0 cmnplete ldate reports THREE each day in the week “'(‘1 Don't hesitate to; ask qurstiuns it erc is anything you don't understand ASK CAMPAIGN MANAUICIK AT ()Nfli week week week wor a big MONEY BONUS BALLOT xccorc ling to the following schcduk EARLY START MEANS EASY FINISH HOW TO ENTERâ€"WHAT TO DO _' â€()NITS A;\VA.R])5 (‘I()UNTN}£I(} HOW CREDITS ARE SECURE-D PLAN IN BRIEF rer way tn acmmnlnte credits In this "Weekly Payroll" Drive is hr smnrin: new this newspaper. 0n onrh ordor serurad credits are issund.t_l1e numhor \ :miug 'l‘u rn Clubs." or morc that this is not a "Manly" nnr “lmhnlarity†H rising men and woman. and mm imn Whit'll m ‘ pay (‘hPPk 8"91'1 Saturday flight. (-Hle feature in Sulmcriptiuns Daily 300,004) 500,000 200.000 000.000 300.000 An ucc uratc record w: subscriptions. :1 bonu the other feliow In goln: to do.†but pitch right, In and ill be gin $ 30.00 reported for $ 50.00 reported for $ 8000 reported for $100.00 reported for 512.500 reported for In each participant. based on the work done by that Second and Third l’criml ill be kept. o! rat-h randidaws' lmbinr; 15 of 15.000 “daily" report votes will In the the the the the wcck wock week week wcck THURSDAY. APRIL 28111.49†vlpnwnl vf HHS 1 any non-am A mbit in I Hf I'INHN'“ driw is the 200.000 400.000 800.000 1.200.000 1.500.000 and ivcu