Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 13 Jan 1938, 1, p. 2

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of decline or extinction of savings reâ€" presented by a little stock, curtails on necessities and luxuries and loses the spirit of venture that, as a matter of fact, is the very lifeblood of finance and progress. He‘s frozen in. If the ordinary man would investiâ€" gate for himself the number of shareâ€" holders making up the organizations the politicians are now using as stepâ€" pingâ€"stones to fascist powers, they would know that if Big Business is all the demagogues say it is, it is but an That is a point purposely softâ€"pedalâ€" led by the raucous politicat soundingâ€" boards such as the gentlemen who poisoned the air a week or so ago, but it is one that must become increasingâ€" ly powerful as the years go by and the electorate learns more and more to depend upon its own good Judgment. There is not the slightest doubt that much of the uneasiness and business recession in the United States has been caused by this appeal to class hatred. Every dig at Big Business is a blow. at the savings of millions, and the harder the drive the less the buying power, as the ordinary man, in fear of decline or extinction of savings reâ€" presented by a little stock, curtails on necessities and luxuries and loses the | In the earlier days of the United States, when the West was being conâ€" quered and a steady stream of everâ€" increasing new wealth poured into New York and other financial centres of the country, things may have been difâ€" ferent and we will admit they were. However, a quarterâ€"century ago the moguls of individual Big Business beâ€" gan to see the light and cannily conâ€" cluuled that the best sort of protecâ€" tion against disaster, with maximum profit, would be distribution of units of business, via the stock corporationi route. Public contact men were taken on to payrolls and a determined effort made to bring the general public in. The campaign succeeded even better than was expected and., while some of the purchasers might have been hard hit when highâ€"pressure was withdrawn the net result has been that there is in reality no Big Business left, the giâ€" gantic accumulation of capital now being held by over twentyâ€"five millions of shareholders, from the highest to the humblest. Time was when hydraâ€"headed Big Business was a thing of real terror, utterly callous and actuated alone by greed. Those days have passed. Exâ€" cept in a few instances, such as that of Henry Ford, who certainly cannot be accused of injustice to labour or onr who has shown himself unworthy of great wealth and the power it brings,. Big Business is merely the combined financial strength cf the many of small means. (From Globe If these rabbleâ€"ro criesâ€"against the iri Busines" find respon of thinkinz men it seriously upon their they cannot see it is out subject, all for pol the emoluments of off they are blind indeed Big Business Built on Savings of Many PAGE TWO )â€"operation Necessary to Development and Success. STOCK BROKERS Timmins, 19 Pine Street North Toronto Kirkland Lake 293 Bay Street 34 Government Rd. Doherty Roadhouse Co. Dieâ€"rousing, demagogic he iniquities of "Big response in the minds en it will reflect very their intelligence. If ‘ it is a frazzled, wornâ€" for political effect, with of office the incentive. Lynch Electrical Appliance Co. Market Quotations broadcast each day at 12.20 noon and 5.20 p.m. The world‘s most famous stylists, working in coâ€"operation with Westinghouse Engiâ€" neers, have produced for your approval the most outstandingly beautiful Washer ever produced. No change in the cushioned action agitator and no change in the precision built million dollar mechanism. Just something new in style and design. Ssomething so advanced, that the new DelLuxe Westing house Washers are now as far advanced in style as cushioned action washing is over the old methods used in other washers. The New De Luxe Washers Are Now On Display At The Home of Westinghouse § Direct private wires for fast and accurâ€" ate quotations and executions in all Acecurate Markets and Executions in Commision basis only Local Phones 1200 and 1201 and business ates has been _class hatred. SS is a blow ns, and â€"the s the buying man, in fear f savings reâ€" k, curtails on and loses the _ a matter of d of finance| Members: Stock Exchange Unlisted Stocks Mining Stocks Industrial and Public Utility Stocks Bonds 39 THIRD AVE., TIMMINS We Trade In Your Old Washerâ€"â€"Liberal Terms on the Balance In accordance with the new British Army jpolicy, ydunger men are being appointed to the high commands. Amongst the newest promotions is that of Brigâ€"Gen. Phillip Neame, V.C., as Commandant of the Royal Military Academy at Wooclwich, with the temâ€" porary rank of Majorâ€"General, effective February 28th, suceeding Majorâ€"Genâ€" €ral A. A. Goshen. Majorâ€"General Neame, V.C., is a cousin of Mr. Austin Neame, of Timmins, Zone Commander for the North for the Canadian Legion, Cousin of Austin Neame Given Army Promotion Bornâ€"on January 8th, 1938. t and Mrs. Oscar Grenier, of 30 Ba man avenueâ€"a son. Yours very truly. CGillies Lakeâ€"Porclupine Gold Mines Prank O. Tidy,. Presic NO pian OI any reâ€"organization of the Company is contemplated neiâ€" ther has one been cansidered of discussâ€" ed by your Board. The President is conferring with our Engineer and Geoâ€" logist at the Mine on Monday with regard to futurse plans and recent diaâ€" mond drilling and other development wotrk. Four Births Registered Here in Last Three Days to the Shareholders. Yo nished with particulars as sible. No plan of any re of the Company is conte ther has one been cansider ed by your Board. The conferring with our Engin logist at the Mine on I Dear Sir or Madam:â€"In order that we may be in direct contact with all our Shareholders and in a position to give them promptly the latest information from the mine we are anxious to have outstanding shares registered in the name of the owner as far as may be possible. To assist in thisg being done the Eastern Trust Company Limited. 330 Bay Street, Toronto, have been apâ€" pointed Registar and Transfer Agents. We have also inserted a notics in varâ€" lous papers to this effect. Your Directors are glad to announce that they have jyust entered into a new underwriting agreement for the purâ€" pose of providing funds for developâ€" ment purposes. In this connection we might advise that your Directors are endeavouring to work out a plan with the Underwriters in order to give rigchts The following is Progress Report No 29, issued iby Gillies Lakeâ€"Porcupin: Gold Mines:â€" To the Shareholders, Gillies Lakeâ€"Porcupine Gold Mines Ltd Underwriting Arrangement Made by Gillies Lake Mine entity representing a crossâ€"section of all the people of the nation. Individâ€" ualism has practically disappeared. r to g11 ou will 15 soon an wit Better Connections an with e rights be furâ€" as posâ€" aization M | _ At this meetinz, the Town Clerk preâ€" sented a summary of vital statistics for the past four years, which is as follows: Births Marriages Deaths 1934 47 39 20 1935 4 50 36 12 | 1836 42 10 1934 1935 1836 1937 Totals cominenced on sunday, July 3rd, and be continued till Sunday, September 4th The daylight saving time duration will not, as roted, interrupt sleeping hours of school children. during school days. Tha hour of meeting of the town council will be held in the council rooms at 7.00 pm. during 1938, instead of at 4.00 pm.. which has been the previcus nractice. make the necessary connections for passangers on Sunday wishing to come to Troquois Falls from Porquis Junction. It seems that at present these connecâ€" tions are not satisfactory. It was decided at this meeting. that daylight saving for the year 1938 be comimenced on Sunday, Jiuly 3rd, and be continued till Sunday, September 4th The daylight saving time duration will not, as roted, interrupt sleeping hours of school children. during school days. Th hour of meeting of the town Bowmanville Statesman :â€"Me ike hens. The harder they h cratch for a living the mare Troquois Falls, Ontario. January 11th. 1938. Special to The Advance. At a regular meeting of the Iroquois Falls town council, held in the council rooms on Monday evening, January 10, the following business took place. The Striking Committee presented their report suggesting that the duties requested of different committees diuwâ€" ing the year 1937, be continued without variation during the year 1938. This was accepted by the council. The council wished to go on record as requesting the T. N. O. rallway to Council Asks T. About Train Service Be more fallacious. Some men have a natural aptitude for this task, and can break rock in an amazing manner They have mastered the science. Superlative axemen are not a glut on the market, even in the North. Chopâ€" ping down trees efficiently is as scienâ€" tific as a swerving, headlong rush ot a hockey player through the defense for a shot on goal. I have seen bushâ€" men drop a tree‘ on the proverbial dime. > So let not the smug, complacent city slicker look with mock disdain upon the unsung heroes of the North. They have what it takesâ€"and you can lay to that. â€"Marvin Sayvers. ments of these men canrot be ignored Any man who has ever witnessed a miner returning to his stope after a blast and by means of a scaling bar proceding to take down the loose rock overhead, would marvel at his efficienâ€" cy and urerring accuracy. In the mines are staged dramasâ€"hnuman efâ€" ficiency pitted against deathâ€"and to the credit of the systems in effect, and the ability of the miners, accidents are becoming rare. One would imagine that breaking rock with a sledgeâ€"hammer is simply a case of brute strength. Nothing cou‘d facts. If the glorified hockey stars, whose skill thrills the populace, and the puiâ€" verizing pugilists who commit legalized mayhem, come under the category of athletes, then we cannot omit the musher, the bushmen, and the miners of the North. Only men in perfect condition can follow these arduous pastimes. The paddle, the axe, the saw, the scaling bar, and the sledgeâ€"hammer require skill of the highest order to master. The men who follow these pursuits, unâ€" like their more favoured contemporâ€" aries of the cities, are among the unâ€" sung heross. Nevertheless, in the deâ€" velopment of the North the achieveâ€" Special Skill Required for Work in Bush and Mine become humacher. Ont For Iroquois Falls A1€ asCaLeEsSmAn‘â€"â€"â€"Men are | The harder they have to a living the more useful i The Young People‘s Society of St. Andrew‘s United Church at Larder Lake have plans under way whereby a library and reading room may be started for the benefit of the people of the town. The present plans are to use the church basement for library and reading room purposes and to make arrangements for the securing of books from Toronto. PLANNING LIBRARY FOFR, PEOPLE AT LARDER LAKE Teck Hughes Toburn Ventures Wright Harg Paymaster Pickle Crow . Pioneer | Preston East Dome . Premler .:. Read Authier Reno San Antonio ... Red Lake Goldshore Sherritt Gordon ... St. Anthony ... Sullivan Con. . Ssudbury Basin .. Stadacona ... . Sylvanite .. ..;.. Macassa ... McLeod Cockshutt .. Manitoba Fast McIntyre McKenzie Red Lake McVittie. Graham McWatters Mining Corporation Moneta Naybob Nipig§ing. .. Noranda O‘Brien Omega Pamour LEelCh . Lake Shore Lee Gold Little Long I Goldale Granada Gunnar ... § z. Hardrock Hollinger Howey it ? Hudson Ray ... : International Nickel Jackson Manion Kerr Addison Kirkland Lake ... Lebel Oro Afton Ashley Brett ... Base Metals Big Missouri Beattie Bidgood Bobjo Bralorne ... R Buffalo Ankeute Canadian Malartic Castle Tretheway Central Porcupine Central Patricia . Coniagas f Coniaurum ......... Con. Chlboummau Darkwater Mome :.+.; Eldorado Falconbridge . Glenora _ PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, oONTARTIO Toâ€"day‘s Stocks rea Listed 1..04 3.75 3 10 3.20 5.40 1.91 60.00 .19 1.62 1.35 49.75 1.90 3.00 75 5.40 5.00 1.37 O 1 9 1 1.18 114 8.75 14 "% 1.08 06 1.33 ‘"the result of a bullet wound in the head." Both said that in their opin â€" lion a fracture at the base of the skull was not caused by a fall. Crown Attorney J. L. O‘Flynn sai Spencer would appear in court f preliminary hearing at the first of ne week and that he would be tried on th charge at the Spring Assizes. Dr. J. R. McRac performed a post : and Dr. E. R. Fr ێxpert of the Onts al‘s Department. day night session ’Giants of the Nationai League, has _been held in custody as a material witâ€" ness since the day he made his way through Northern Ontario bush to noâ€" tify authorities of the tragedy. Eight witnesses testified at the inâ€" quest which cpened Frigay. Spencer, 40, was not called to the stand. The jury retired to consider its verâ€" dict after Provincial Constable Thomas Crawford had told of finding the pyjamaâ€"clad body upon the floor of the secluded cottage, owned by Dr. A. A. Holcombe, of Northville, Mich. The constable said that when he arâ€" rived at the cottage the body of Miss Grier was stiff, rigor mortis having set in. The hair of the head was stuck to the floor by blood, he said. A .22 calibre rifle containing one discharged shell lay by the : constable testified 45 50 66 2(0 Spencer, once a professional baseâ€" ball player who played with Toronto Maple Leafs of the International League, and later with the New York Giants of the Nationai League, has been held in custody as a material witâ€" ness since the day he made his way through Northern Ontario bush to noâ€" The 28â€"yearâ€"old Pontiac. Mich. stenographer was found shot to deat} in an isolated hunting lodge 38 mile: north of here. With Spencer, she bac cccupied the cottage during a hunting trip, one of several the couple had made to this district in the past five years Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Jan. 12.â€"A coroner‘s jury G2cided Monday night that Helen Grier died last October 28 "from a bullet fired by a person unâ€" known, with strong suspicion of Verâ€" non Spencer." ‘The Wixom, Mich., sportsman was arrested immediately on a charge of murder. It took the jury 25 minutes to arrive at its deciston. The _ 28â€"yearâ€"old Pontiac, Mich., stenographer was found shot to death Charge Baseball Player With Murder of Woman A "cowtail garter" seeks to stop a | cow from swishing its tail in the face of the milkmaid cor millker. A clamp attached to a rear leg holds the tail firmly. | John W. L. Webster of Liverpool, Legl: England, has patented a belt to aid to I the duffer in learning how to swing a ; golf club properly. The beit goes around the golfer‘s waist and the cord atâ€" BDr.= tached to it connects with the golf| whose club. By proper adjustment the golfâ€"| gister . er can use the invention to guide him | Surgeo in a proper swing. | by a s The perspiring citizen who has trouâ€" | lature ble sleeping of a summer‘s night is | Telegr: promised comfort by a selfâ€" â€"cooling A pr. ccuch or bed cushion invented by a| of the Texan. Wicks stuffed into the springs| Dr. He can be saturated with water; vapora-l introdu tion of the water is one of the main | M.P.P. sources of the cooling effect. ,constm To prevent the clogging of ctypewriter keys, a Quincy, Mass., man has inâ€" vented a typewriter ribbon tnat is coatâ€" ed on one side only, while Manuel Soâ€" mohano of Mexico City has devised a nonâ€"blurrable mirror for the bathroom, which uses electric heating units to prevent moisture from condersing on the mirror, and also is equipped with electric lights. some of the Peculiar Inventions of the Day Who can rightly say that there‘s nC thing new under the sun. when in on week 774 patents were issued by th U.S, Patent Office at Washington, sey eral of which are noted by Science Ser vice. 1 a post mot E. R,. Frank the Ontario U eluiied into the springs| Ur. Helt to resume practice, will be urated with water; evapora-, introduced Proba.bly by J. Albert Smith, e water is one of the main| M.P.P. for North Waterloo, in whose the cooling effect. constituency Dr. Hett resitdes. The all garter" seeks to stop a| measure probably will have the supâ€" swishing its tail in the face| port of the government or at least most lkmaid or millker. A clamp| of the members of the cabinet. Hon, 0 a rear leg holds the tail| Harry Nixon, provircial secretary, has | made no secret of his support of such Total Assurances in Foree . . New Assurances Paid For in 193 Net Gain in Assurance in Foree Totair Net Income for Year . Payments to Policyholders and Total . Â¥otal ;) ; â€"~ Total Unallotted Surplus (to m« t, ai on the woma SA At 11 Annual Message to Policyholders oman ded as wound in the in their opinâ€" e of the skull 7 that there‘s noâ€" sun, when in one re issued by the Washinzgton,. seyâ€" medicoâ€"lega orneyâ€"Gener Head Office Confederation Life urgeon wWwhno xamination. The 66th Annual Report gives an account of stewardâ€" ship for the past year. Policyholders have ample reason for pride in the solid expansion of their Company. 1937 â€"A Year of Continued Steady Growth c, _ Mich., _to death 38 miles ‘, she had a hunting had made olicyholders and Beneficiaries copy of the Annual Report will be mailed New York Times:â€"Everybody hates a backseat driver, but it has remained for science to supply the reason. It is because we can‘t answer her back. Dr. Hett‘s name was struck from the register when he was accused of reâ€" fusing to disclose the secret of his Cancer treatment. He failed in an apâ€" peal to the Supreme Court against the Medical Council‘s decision, but the Leâ€" gislature, of course, has the power to reinstate him by special act. ment under the rules of the House. While Mr. Smith is a Hydro Commisâ€" sioner, he holds no portfollo and it is said, therefore, that he will be quite within the rules in sponsoring the leâ€"< gislation. Since the measure must be in the form of a private bill, it cannot be inâ€" troduced byâ€"a member of the governâ€" ment under the rules of the House. miarry Nixon, provircial secretary, has made no secret of his support of such a measure and Premier Hepburn is also known to be sympathetic toward Dr. Hett‘s case. (From Toronto Telegram) Dr. J. E. Hett, Kitchener physician, whose name was struck from the reâ€" gister of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, will probably be reinstated by a special act of the Ontario Legisâ€" lature at the coming session. The Telegram learned at Queen‘s Park. A private bill to reverse the decision of the Medical Council and to permit Legislature May Pass Bill to Reinstate Dr. J. E. Hett Mrs. Spencer was with her husband when the arrest was made. During the inquest she sat at the table with his counsel, J. A. MacIinnes, K.C., while he sat in a prisoner‘s dock in the police courtroom where the inquest was held. While the jury was considering its verdict Mrs. Spencer and her husband chatted in a private room. When taken into custody after the shooting, Spencer told police he and Miss Grier had svent the atrernoon of the tragedy shooting at targets before the cabin. The woman was dressed in pyjamas, he said. He said he found the body when he returned from a lone scouting up Lorg Lake in search of, game. ] (10 meet future contingencies) 19 Pine Street North Free Telephone Service from South Porcupine, Pamour, etc. Doherty Roadhouse (Co. 1937, Including Revivals Highlights of 1937 Association Arrangements have now been made extending our Telephone Service to clients in South Porcupine mour and vicinity. Jiust ask your lecal operato Doherty Roadhouse Co., you will be connected our office immediately. Call us tor quotations an prompt execution of orders on all Exchanges. Listen to our daily broadcasts at 12.20 noon and p.m. giving you upâ€"toâ€"theâ€"minute market prices, Members of the Toronto Stock Exchang, In England business accepts the edicts of Whitehall ard Westminster. It is taxed heavier than American busiâ€" ness is taxed; feels the hand of the government upon practically everyâ€" thing it does. Yet it accepts the situaâ€" tion. No one in England says that ‘"business men shculd nm the governâ€" ment‘ nor does the average English businessman believe he could "run the government." In the United States, on the contrary, success in business is acâ€" cepted as proof of capacity for everyâ€" thing, government included. Governâ€" ment in the thought ~of many an American exists for business. It is this thought, with the mood it has proâ€" duced, that Mr. Roosevelt, apparently, is out to smash. The pity is, and danger, that in the process of smashing it so many other things may go down. â€"(From the Ottawa Journal.) GOVERNMENT AND BUSINESS AS THEY ARE IN ENGLAND upon request The music for the of by Fritz Woodbury, wii aulniers taking the jea« The visitors included Mr. Love, of London, Ontario, a guest of Sam Bucoâ€" vetsky, and Horace Laidlaw, a former member rejoining the club. Jim Jackâ€" son extended best wishes from the club in Lethbridge, Alberta. He reported that conditions in that sectionr, unlike many other parts of the West, are very favourable. The club was pleased to welcome back Dave Franklin who had been ill. Increased to Increased to Increased to Increased to Increased to Increased to Increased to Increased to Members of the municipal council were guests at the regular meeting of Timmins Kiwanis Club here on Monâ€" day at the conclusion of the inaugural meeting of the Town Fathers for the year. President Phil Kinkel extended an enthusiastic welcome to the guests., Mayor Bartleman was intruced by Bill Langdon with the former expressâ€" ing his sincere appreciation of the inâ€" vitation to join the Kiwanis Club members at luncheon. He stressed the need of coâ€"operation between the counâ€" cil and service clubs and nointéd out Members of 1938 Board are (Given Enthusiastic Welâ€" come by President Kinkel. Council is Dined by Kiwanis Club Toronto $411,141.,459 48.,443.83 1 12.641.886 2a2,073,292 12,092.535 20,0673,529 8,813,998 4,0686,929 Timmins and pointed ou ced of assistanc asion was led _ Claude Desâ€" in "Alouette." the various humorously his listeners he completâ€"

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