Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 6 Dec 1937, 1, p. 5

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in; successful Mary lovely ldcky persons joyablc tvenin had by all. This is the scheduled for wishing to tity ner chcap an cxvnlulni'y life since his qscape. "i am sorry," he added. "that, tltls court cannot deal also with the sen- tence imposed by the other court. This man deserves a chance." Judge Proulx sentenced Mullen to solve 30 days in the district jail. dating from the date of his arrest. November 8th. Mullen had pleaded guilty when arraigned. “If Guelph Rerormatory wants to take you back to ssrve the runainder or your term, they can come and get, you before your 30-day term is up." declar- ed the judge. George Miller K.C.. who appeared for Mullen. suggested to the court that some recommendation might be made by the court tor remission of the orig- inal sentence. " will make a teComtttettdttkion if asked tor one by the board." said the judge, and the crown “may also sig- rttied his willingness to do likewise'. Judge Proulx Said Mullen might be given ticket-ot-leave and might be al- sociatlon. in the Orange hall. on Tues- day, November 30m. A large crowd danced and mac: merry to the excellent music supplied by Mrs. McDonald and Mr. G. Wilkes. The many people attending mention- ed that this was a highly successful dance. and that they enjoyed them- selves immensely Durir7 the course of the dance, a lovely lun:h was served by the ladies. all enjoying: it gmatly. Turkcy Stag Held iv At3arnvi1le Town Hall A turkey stag put on for the bev.efit of the Cub: Hockey. team. in the town hall. Amomille. on Wednesday even- ing, December ist, WET, reported as be- his family. Crown Attorney E. D. Wilkins said the Crown was not asking any penalty as Mullen undoubtedly had made every F.rfort. to reform and had lived an cxvmplnry life since his qscape. "I am sorry," he added. "that, this Mrs. A. Gauthier and Miss Hazel Brindle werea tha- Jueky winners of the door and table prizes. L.0.B.A. Hold Delightful Dance A dump including round and square dances. was held under the auspices of the Ladies Orange Benevolame As- sociation. in the Orange hall. on Tues- Had Timber Contract at Connaught, Claim 1Frtr.n Friday’s Sudhury Start 1 A pathetic story of l1is flight from' prison, and his efforts to rehabilitate! himself and his family in scziety with1 the shadow of arrest and return to Jaili always hanging over him, was unfoldedl in Sudbury district court Wednesday! afternoon when Fred Mullen. aliasi Austin. faced Judge E. From); on a, charge of having escaped from Guclphi Hefcrnmtory. January 30, 1935. I "My family were living in Toronto on! rrlief. My three children were not bc- ing properly clothed or fed. My wife. wrote me she was being put out of the 1101150. I couldn't stand the thoughts ofl my family suffering so I Just waikedl away from the Jail." was the reasoxt%f-! fared by, the accused man for servingl only thus months of a two-year deter-I minaie and two-year indertrPinauri whit-nee given him at Ottawa Novem-l bey 19, 1934. i “I inzcndnl to give myself up and: ti"','tt' tho remainder of my term as sooni Us I could get enough money to keepi my family comfc1 iably Mme I was do- ino, so." Mullen added. Subbed In Box ' Mullen broke down while in the wit~‘ iltis box and sobbed as he talked of. The hall was tastefully decorated in red and green, and gay Christmas trees added a festive note to the occasion. Cakes. candies and novelties were sold, with the added attraction of a fish pond for the kiddies. Mrs. A. Gauthier and Miss Hazel Curley. _ The Women's Auxiliary have a very important, place to till in the Church work, and the untlring work given by these ladies deserves credit. Their activities are noteworthy, and the successful way in which they ful- fill their duties is commendable. Tea and Bazaar Held In Ansonville An afternoon tea and bazaar was held by the Ansonville branch of the Women‘s Auxiliary and St. Mark's Sun- day School on Wednesday. December Ist, in the Poole Memorial hall. and is reported as being very successful. Touching Story Told by Man Charged at Sudbury With Fiticaping From Custody Events at Iroquois Falls and Ansonville After reading'and discussing last. year's activities, the election of offi- cers for 1938 took place, the results being: Pretiident--Mrs. W. Stables. Vice-President-Misa E. Banting. $3ecretary---Mrs. C. C. Ollivler. TreaEurer--Mrti. L. Lafrombois Living Message Becretary--Mrs. A. Brewer. Dorcas Secretary-Mm. A. Whitehe Thank Offering secretary-Mrs. T. Walters. Women's Auxiliary Holds Election. Tea and Ba- zaar. Other Items Iroquois Falls. Ont., Dec. 4th. 1937. Special to The Advance. Women's Auxiliary Hold Elections An interesting meeting was held by the Women's Auxiliary of St. Mark's Anglican Church. on Wednesday eve- ning, December Ist, at the home of Mrs, A. E. Brown. MONDAY. DECEMBER 8TH. 1937 turkey stag pl 13 Cube Hocke Atviorwille. t) December Ist, successful any lnvely tu Helper r, it'st of many .urkey stugs this month. and persons uro their Christmas din- urgcd to atterd them. Sr the runainder of owe and get you m is up." declar- " if Mr Hazel' If the. ad The guest speaker n' Lions Club on Thursday c their regular weckly gut Legion hall will be Capt. ronto. The address will most important of tho Innes will speak on " blems," and as he is a 1 as well as having made public affairs. the addr; one ot very special value to all. Bowmanville Stat is what his neighbo ought to be ashame "Sort. of black they?" inquired M "Yes." answered "Bo I left Sud'z "and went to Com a lumber contract when arrested ar Sudbun.“ Capt. Innes, of Toront t, to Address Lion; CIO After escaping from Mullen. in his story. his family in Toronto north to Sudburv, wt tot, " the Creighton 1 ing there for 15 montl by his doctor to seek of livelihood. so he w "acting business in t several houses. Blackmued by "While in Sud-bury. lows who knew me I had escaped from cr tered me and borrow I couldn't object ior turn me in," claimed loved to rennin in Bu We and family until time to consider hts cast £1 '. M Mul y gatherir Capt. Inn: , will be tr, n M M in! It Janadl's Pro- 1 an“; ”1111C. gifted speaker f "The preliminary objection raised as close study of l to my jurisdiction to try this case. css 51 mild be i There is no doubt Barber was found in (? and interest i my Jurisdiction and in my opinion this !is a continuing operation starting in -.- [this district and going to the city of 1t.'-ll tl man Toronto and then to St, Catharines hink lie is. he and for that reason I feel 1 am entitled himself. I to try this case and have Jurisdiction. nt n aw V tt I‘YMBOL or si5gil rlent J, “If hX (H telt tyttt CCili muster going l l comit ecured i '.. (",: Charge of "Salting" '.,', .'i', of Mine Dismissed ack mm >f tht Capt W tl Timmins Garage Company Limited din n The charge against Victor Barber in connection with the alleged "tsalting" of samples from the Lois Lake Gold Mine, was dismissed at Kirkland Lake on Thursday on the grounds that such a charge should have been laid under the criminal code and not under the Ontario Securities Act. In dismissing the case. Magistrate Atkinson said he was not deciding whether there had been "salting" or not, but. simply dis- missing the case because it had not been laid under the Criminal Code The full text of Magistrate Atkinson's decision is as follows:-- "In this case Victor Barber is charged in part with having committed a fraud- ulent act, to wit. by cause of conduct to deceive the public and the purchas- er or purchasers of securities of the Lois Lake Gold Mine as to the true value ot such securities, in that he did make delivery of a sample of ore con- taining Valuable minerals stated to have. come from said Lois Lake Gold Mine, which minerals. were known by the defendant not, to have come from said mine. Magistrate Holds C barge, if Any, Should Have Been Laid Under the Criminal Code THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE. TIMMINS. ONTARIO G283 "The second under the crim held under the The evidence a f in 1935 Barber . tleman namel "Later Draper dropped all interest owing to certain reports and the mat- ter was referred to the Securities Com- mission. It. was then alleged this par- ticular sample had been salted. "I am making no finding at the pre- sent time as to whether this sample was salted or not. I hold that the evi- dence of an analyst should be subject to examination and should not, be sub- mitted by certificate. tCertain sections of th owing t ter was mission ticular I intereste to $4500 from wl market. "Some t sample in and taker Catharine doubt the one Barkx "Mr, Ta and he ha gold). Ba sample. T when Dru them a of this "rt is up to n Relatin having " to be i have n his mu tha 'on 0 n if lleé 111C it " Draper " 111 berm W a p in h M mwn that 85000 was put 1e workings of this mine, I evidence of Mr. Taylor M were objection Is that it, 15 md code and cannot. be Securities Act of 1930, relatin and of ii I ttttti Barber at, the time, 1935. Barber h, :11 shot from an ronto and then r. Taylor. There le in question a in dowr n t IT O M samp sed h p asted in certain r submitted to recommendation Taylor's office. " a W am I the mir he was so holdings up y stock but up on the tt It ted to fin l h' M entoSt , whn is ma tt gen ul mim " gold tthe this 1936 ITO- " NW 0 "There are a number of cases dealing with this kind of thing such as selling plated goods with false plating. This is practically the same as saltitvg which is fraud and punishable under the fraud- ulent act. Taking lead spoons and cov- ering them with silver and selling them for genuine silver. I think would be considered fraud and I think the same about a sample of gold which IS salted and used for the purpose or obtaining money. “For thes that if the that would taken subject to "Coming down gument. as to whe come under the we have to I criminal code "In my mind. if this set of evidence is true. as set out in the information. it would be punishable under the criminal code for the following reasons. "First. I cannot conceive any more fraudulent act than deliberately salting samples tor the purpose of obtaining money or to advance the sale of stock which may later be floated on the pub- lic. I am not saying that is true in this case but, if it is I say it comes under the code and not under the provisions of the securities Act. The Securities Act does not intend to infringe on the criminal code. "1 am of the opinion that if such set of evidence were proven against, any one that they were suiting samples for the purpose of obtaining money or for the purpose of advancing sales, that would come under the provisions of the criminal code and would be punishable under the criminal code. rat would come dismiss the cas 1930 followed In my mind. wo I Ion O SE to objection.) wn to the question of ar- whether this it true would he criminal code or not mm to the section ot the, to see what fraud is. (The fraud was then read by 1'0350115 rand was the m the statutes te Ontario Bet ons I have evidence we under the cc Service (hrage--himiiille decided we true 'de and lt O Parties in Honour of Miss Claire Halperin Greece. Italy. Roumnnla. South America. West. Indies Slovakia. Holland, Germany. Sweden. Poland. is now past. is still time. though not mac catch the last mail for Fran Britain. Ireland and Switzei noted in The Advance last it for the latter-named countrit posted here as late as to-morn days, Dec. 7. but that is the for mailing to the Old Con assurance that the letters t will reach their destination t mas Day. There are so It Country people in Timmln: many here send letters an to the Old Land for Chr1sm Miss Clam month, was dinner party Nelson, ot' T to agau last day Ireland. reachim Miss Claire Halperin. bride of next) Ladies month. was the guest. of honour at RI church dinner party given by Miss Marjorie the ho: Nelson. or Timmirs, and held at the avenue Badminton Club in Schumacher. on Dec. 81 Saturday night,. Previous to the dim‘ is sure ner. Miss Doris. Cooke. of Schumacher; fact. is entertained the thirty-six guests at a similar To-Morrow Last Day for Mailing to Old Country mas delivery A Christmas tea and sale of home- baking, under the auspices of the Ladies' Guild of the St. Matthew's church, is announced as to be held at the home of Mrs. H. Bayne, 40 Fourth avenue. on Wednesday of this week, Dec. 8th, from 3 to 6 pm. The event is sure to be an attractive one. This tact is guaranteed by the success of similar events under the same auspices. delightful party at her hon Melons dinner Was served at and the guests brought to happy and merry evening wt " a local dance hall. and the Bride-to-be and uh I The funeral was held from the Bap- tist church. on Sunday. December 5th. at 4 pm. with Rev, Harold Slade con- ducting the services. Death Here Friday of Mr. Douglas Mick Mr. Douglas Mick, a popular and re- spected citizen of the Lawn for the past ten years. died here on Friday. Decem- ber 3rd, the cause of death being acute strepiicocci. which brought on a fatal heart attack. He was ill only a tew days. With his family. Mr. Mick re- sided at 122 Kirby avmiuo. being em- ployed as shift boss at the Hollinger mines. The deceased was thirty-six years of age. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Douglas Mick. and by two children. Christmas Tea and Sale of Home Baking, Dec. 8th the ttride-to-Ut future happmes Funeral Held on Sunday with Service at Baptist Church. her home. A de.. erved at the club, PAGE FIVE a popular and re- Luwn for the past m Friday. Decem- death being acute ought on a fatal nu a close a h dancing an wished mucee an

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