Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 13 Sep 1937, 1, p. 6

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Copies of Form 26 and 27 may be obtained upon application to the Returning Officer or to the Clerk of the Municipality. n t i: tfi h ts An . FA the proper revising officer not Mr than the first | du pointed for the sittings of the revising officer * M 68e. Within four days after the posting up of the polling subâ€" division list by the enumerators as provided in section 68d, any person whose name has been entered on any of the said polliing subdivision lists in the electoral district, may file with the proper Sittings will be held for Registration and Revising District Nos. on the 16th, 17th, and 18th days of September, 1937 and at 7.30 Registration and Reyising Oflicex_fs: For District No. 1:â€"S. A. c Clerks to Revising Officers: For District No. 1:â€"Jack Anderen Registration and Revising, District No. 1 includes Polling Subdivision Nos. 1 to 15 inclusive bounded as follows : Voters‘ Lists for this Electoral Districh will be open for public i MacDonald, Curtis Bldg., between the hours of 10 and 12 in the f or: mMThe Liists may also be inspected at the office of the Clerk of the AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that sittings will be held by the revising officers at the times and. pending election to the Legislative Assembly and whose name has been omitted from, or incorrectly ente under mentioned for the purpose of having their name enrolled upon the voters‘ lists to be used at the sai fully entered upon the enumerator‘s lists will be heard at these sittings. _ y ces Public Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 68 L of The V oters‘ Electoral District of Cochrane South. For the Provincial Election in Cities and Separa ted Towns with a Populatimi of ht Snd Ne t hn h mt AP Sm oh. p ons 0_ tC C 1000 AA10 JA U DP _RUL UUL Ailkfp, ~UIL â€"AAUIUIJ) Population of 100,000 m‘ over NOTICE OF SITTINGS of the Revising Officers in the Electoral District of Cbchrane Sout D..LP‘l POLLING SUB DIVISION NO. 10â€"Being that part of the Town composed of:â€"The West side of Balsam Street, Birch Street, Maple Street and Elm Street, and the East side of Government Road between Beventh Avenue and the Northerly Town limits, the North side of Seventh Avenue and Eighth Avenue between Government Road and Balsam Street and> that . epy . CC of Avenue Dbetween Balsam and Spruce Btreets; Tisdale Avenue between Cedar and Spruce Streets; the North side of Ogden Avenue between Cedar and Spruce Streets; the West side of Spruce Street between Kimberley and Ogden Avenues; Pine Street between Kimberley and Ogden Avenues; Cedar Street betweeen Kimberley and Ogâ€" den Avenues; and the East side of Balsam Street between Kimberley Avenue and the Southern Town limits. POLLING SUB DIVISION NO. 9â€"â€"Being that part of the Town c of:â€"The South slde of Kimberley Avenue between Balsam and sam a d 2 PWPRA D 3 on _ Avenues. e [ 4 : B0 [ 0 o C PA wi d CV _ of:â€"The South side of First Avenue between Balsam and Spruce Streets; Kirby Avenue between Balsam and Spruce Streets; the North side of Kimâ€" berley Avenue between Balsam and Spruce Streets; the West side of Spruce Street between First and Kimberley Avenues; Pine Street betweeen First and Kimberley Avenues; Cedar Street between First and Kimberley Avenues; and the East side of Balsam Btreet between First and Kimberley A t whed es trpatk P salth ./ 4 + Te N. 0. Railway: The East side of Spruce Street between Third and First Avenue. Pine Street between Third and First Avenues; Cedar Street beâ€" tween Third and First Avenues. The East side of Balsam Street between Third and First Avenues; the North side of First Avenue between Balsam and Spruce Streets; Second Avenue between Balsam and Spruce Streets; and Hector Avenue between Pine and Spruce Streets. POLLING SUB DIVISION NO 8â€"Being that part of the Town composed of:â€"The South side Of Pirst Avaniia hakimaan Iajl,,., _ _ 3 ~YVIAJVD POLLING SUB DIVISION NO. 7â€"Being that part of the Town composed of:â€"The South side of Third Avenue between Balsam Street and the T. " n TD a ilswoanlks s PWWMLL L m _ % POLLING SUB DIVISION NO. 6â€"Being that part of the Town composed of:â€"The South side of Fifth Avenue between Cedar and Hemlock Btreets, Tamarack Street between Fifth Avenue and the T. N. O. Railway, Spruce Street between Fifth and Third Avenues, Pine Street between Fifth and Third Avenues, the East side of Cedar Street between Fifth and Third Avenues, and the North side of Third Avenue betweem Cedar Street and the T. N. O.. Railway, and Fourth Avenue betweeen Cedar Street and T. N. 0. Railway. o e o ons oaites lt t e y se sraad ied of:â€"The West side of Spruce street between Fifth and Seventh Avenues; Pine Street between Fifth and Seventh Avenues; the East side of Cedar Street between Fifth and Seventh Avenues; the South Side of Seventh Avenue between Cedar and Spruce Streets; and the North side of Fifth Avenue between Cedar and Spruce Streets and Sixth Avenue between Cedar and Spruce Streets. POLLING SUB DIVISION: NO. 5â€"Being thai rt of:â€"The West side of Snmrurs ctront h‘fii’mf‘tmpih gi,ta;h g ..'.I.'.?Xl?. c.o ‘x.r_lx_)gsied esalulll 0s . _ 0 o. 0 _ m, V JE V VA _VAILC â€" _ AVGVWIl of:â€"The East side of Spruce Street from Lot No. 20 Plan Mâ€"33S South to Ogden Avenue; and all property lying East of the T. N. O. Railway. POLLING SUB DIVISION NO. 4â€"Being that part of the Town composed of :â€"Hemlock Btreet, Tamarack Street, Spruce Street, Cedar Street, and the East Side of Balsam Street between Beventh Avenue and the Northerly Town Limits, including Acreage on non subâ€"divided land. POLLING SUB DIVISION NO. 32â€"Being that part of the Town composed Of:"'"‘me Past side of Snruroa SGtroot fram T a+ *XTa @0A amna _0 C__" POLLING SUB DIVISION NO. 1â€"Being that part of the Town composed of â€"The East side of Hemlock Street between Fifth and Seventh Avenues: The Northâ€"east sige of Toke Street between James Avenue and the Northâ€"eastâ€" erly Town Limits; James Avenue, John Avenue and Lake Shore Road beâ€" tween James Avenue and the Northâ€"easterly Town Limits. * POLLING SUB DIVISION NO. that part of the Town composed of:â€"The West side of Hemlock Street between Fifth and Seventh Avenues; Tamarack Street between Fifth and Beventh Avenues; the East side of Spruce Street between Fifth and Seventh Avenues; the South side of Seventh Avenue between Spruce and Hemlock; and the North side of Fifth Avenue between Spruce and Hemlock Streets, eCCLOral_Uistrict will be open for public inspection at the office of Revising Officer S. A. Caldbick, loca ted at Bank of Commerce Bldg., and Revising Officer Toner A. between the hours of 10 and 12 in the f orgnoon and 2 and 4 in the afternoon on and after the 13th day of September and at 7.30 p.m. on the 17th day of September, 1937, inspected at the office of the Clerk of the Municipality between the hours of 10 in the forenoon and 8 in the afternoon on and after Monday, the 13th déy of September vislng Uistrict Nos. 1 and 2 at St. John Ambulance Hall, Birch Sfr'eet South between the hours of 10 and 11 in the forenoon and 2 and 3 in the afternoon er, 1937 and at 7.30 p.m. on Friday, the 17th day of September, 1937. se« trict No. 1:â€"S. A. C aldbick, 12 Pine Street North. For District No. 2 :â€"Toner A. MacDbnald, 14 Pine Street North. « 1:â€"Jack Anderson, 12 Pine Street North,. For District No. 2:â€"Art. Shaw, 14 Pine Street North. ‘ ' ' NOTICE OF PREPARATION OE VOTERS‘ Lists 'â€"l‘ o d la h is 68s. Whenever the language of the applicant is not understood by the revigsing ‘officer, an interpreter may be sworn and may act; in the event ‘of:inaubility to sécure an interpreter, the application abhall, for the time being, be refused. 68q. Any person resident in any polling division included in the registration district, whose name has not been included or has been incorrectly included by the enumerator in the list of voters for such poliing subdivision, may apply at the registry office for the registration district to have his name included in the list or to cause the entry in the list relating to him to be corrected. 68r. Every person so applying shall sign an application, Form 29, in which all the information required by the said form shall be sufficiently filled in, either by the applicant personally or by a revising officer at the applicant‘s request, and before entcering the name of any such peuonlntbelisto!vom‘orbeforcmtln‘ such list, as the case may require, the revising officer shall satisfy ments in the application and that he is entitied to have his name included in the list or toluve the list corrected pursuant to his yaatine t composed mW lt se d e it t t 1ds s 2 e EC m _ d i V RedAMAL ; _ _ ton Avenue, and the North side of Firs-t.Avenue between Preston and Mountâ€" joy Streets; the West side of Mountjoy Street, Wilcox Street and the Bust Che Je Ne se § e e ues No t 80 uce 112 0 Tt sn on h e o > 2s ns n n 200 t /W the West side of Mountijoy Streét, Wilcox Street and the East sidé of Pregsâ€" ton Street between Hollinger and Commercial Avenues, POLLING SUB DIVISION NO. 21â€"Being that pant of the Town composed of:â€"The South side of Commercial Avenue, Bannerman Avenue, Middleâ€" m ult C L C POLLING SUB DIVISION NO. 18â€"Beingsthat part of the Town composed of:â€"The South side of First Avenue* Kirbhyv Avenue and Kimberlev Avenne POLLING SUB: DIVISION NO. 17â€"Being that part of the Town composed of:â€"The South side of Third Avenue; Second Avenue; and the North side of First Avenue between Mountjoy and Maple Streets; the West side of Maple Street, Elm Street and the East side of Mountjoy Street between Third and First Avenues. ut 46)# C of:â€"The South side of Fifth Avenue; Pourth Avenue between Vimy Road and Birch Street; the North side of Third Avenue between Mountjoy and Birch Streets; the West side of Birch Street. Maple Street and Elm Street between Fifth and Third Avenues; the East side of Vimy Road between Fifth and Fourth Avenues; the East side of Mountjoy Street between Fourth and Third Avenues, POLLING SUB DIVISION NO. 16â€"Being that part of the Town composed of:â€"The South side of Fifth Avenue®© Pourth Avenue hbetween Vimyv Raad POLLING SUB DIVISION NO. 15â€"Being that part of the Town composed of:â€"‘The South side of Seventh Avenue between Government Road and Birch Street, Sixth Avenue and the North side of Fifth Avenue, between the division line Plans M3OS and M3C and Birch Street; the West side of Birch Street, Miaple Street and Elm Street between Seventh and Fifth Avenues. (The line between Plans M30OS and M3C referred to is a line through the centre of Block halfway between Elm Street and Vimy Road.) POLLING SUB DIVISION NO. 14â€"Being that part of the Town composed of:â€"The South side of First Avenue; Kirby Avenue; Kimberley Avenue betwesen Maple and Balsam Streets; the West side of Balsam Street; Birch Street and the East side of Maple Street between First and the Southern Town Limits. Firstâ€"Avenues..> i+ mm POLLING SUB DIVISION NO. 13â€"Being that part of the Town composed of:â€"The South side of Third Avenue; Second Avenue and the North side of First Avenue between Maple and Balsam Streets; the West side of Balsam Btreet; Birch Street and the East side of Maple Street between Third and POLLING SUB DIVISION NO. 12â€"Being that part of the Town composed of:â€"The South side of Fifth Avenue; Fourth Avenue ; and the North side of Third Avenue between Birch and Cedaar Streets; the West side of Cedar Street; Balsam Street; and the EAst side of Birch Street between Fifth and Third Avenue. portion of land in acreage North of the Subâ€"divided lots extending to the Northern limits between Government Road and Balsam Street. POLLING SUB DIVISION NO. 11â€"Being that part of the Town composed of:â€"The South side of Seventh Avenue, Sixth Avenue, and the North side of Fifth Avenue between Birch and Cedar Streets; the West side of Cedar Street; Balsam Street and the East side of Birch Street between Seventh and FPifth Avenue. Lists Act of the revision of the $ C HED U L. E z othicers at the times and places set forth in the schedule hereinafter set out. Any person qualified to vote at the d from, or incorrectly entered in, the enumerator‘s list of voters is called upon to attend at the times and places hereâ€" * lists to be used at the said election. Complaints which have been properly filed with reference to names wrongâ€" , and Registration and Revising Dist rict No. 2 includes Polling Subdivfsion Nos in + Aull oc o + tm Anl oc xts raprdad it R Mn tm e i temporary, unavoidable and bona fide absence from the municiâ€" Mtylnwhlchthenfldnfionmbwthenamuve or such person by blood or marriage, or his employer may, if he has sufficient kneywledge of the facts, appear before the revising officer 68u. If, in the opinion of the revising officer, the statements made by the applicant in his application de not show that the ‘applicant is entitled to have his name included in the list, or to have the list amended as requested, he shall advise the applicant that his application is refused, stating the reasons for such refusal, which reasons he shall endorse on the application form. 68v. If any person who claims to be entitled to have his name included in the list of voters or to have the entry relating to him therein corrected, is unable personally to attend the registration and revigsing sittings by reason of sickness. ty, or necessary, 68t. If it appears to the revising officer that the applicant understands the effect of the statements in the application, Form 29, and that the applicant‘s name should be included in the list, or that the amendment thereof which be requests should be made, he shall certify accordingly by signing ti:» said application. â€" T. CARON, Chairman of the Election Board. lists for polling subdivision Nos. 1 to 32 inclusive for the Town of Timmins in the or over, and in Townships bordering on Cities having a POLLING SUB DIVISION NO. 32â€"Being that part of the Town composed of:â€"The West side of Toke Street from Junction of Toke Street and Bast boundary of Plan M30S to North Town boundary, Patricia Boulevard, Hart Street, Cherry Street, Seventh Avenue from line between Plan M4APT and Plan M15C to Toke Street, Eighth Avenue from line between Plan MAQT and Plan M15C to Toke Street, Ninth Avenue from line between Plan M49T and Plan MI15C to Patricia Boulevard. POLLING SUB DIVISION NO. 31â€"Beingâ€"St. Mary‘s Hospital POLLING SUB DIVISION NO. 30â€"Being that part of the Town composed of:â€"The Bouth side of Hollinger Avenue, Wilson Avenue, Main Avenue, and the North side of Commercial Avenue between Gillies and Young Streets; the West side of Young Street, Fogg Street and Gillies Street between Holiâ€" linger and Commercial Avenues. of :â€"The South side of Hollinger Avenue, Wilson Avenue, Main Avenue, and the North side of Commercial Avenue between Young and Cameron Street; the South side of Commercial Avenue, Bannerman Avenue, and the North side of Middleton Avenue between the Western Town limits and Cameron Street; the West side of Cameron Street between Hollinger and Midgdleton Avenues; the East side of Young Street between Hollinger and Commercial Avenues and both sides of Young Street between Commercial and Middleton Avenues. POLLING SUB DIVISION NO. 28â€"Being that part of the Town composed of;â€"The West side of Rea Btreet and Cameron Street between the Northern Town limits and Hollinger Avenue, Charles Street, Avenue Road; and Young Street between the Transmission on the North and Hollinger Avenue, Mcâ€" Leod Street; and the North side of Hollinger Avenue between Young and Rea Streets. POLLING SUB DIVISION NO. 29.â€"Being that part of the Town composed POLLING SUB DIVISION NO. 27â€"Being that part of the Town composed of:â€"The South side of First Avenue, Kirby Avenue, Way Avenue, Wende Avenue and the North side of Montgomery Avenue between Cameron and Preston Streets; the West side of Preston Street. Rea Street, and the East side of Cameron Street between First and Montgomery Avenue. POLLING SUB DIVISION NO. 26â€"Being that part of the Town composed of:â€"The South side of Commercial Avenue, Bannerman Avenue, Middleton Avenue, and the North side of First Avenue between Cameron and Preston Streets; the West side of Preston Street, Rea Street and the East side of Cameron Street between Commercial and First Avenue. POLLING SUB DIVISION NO, 25â€"Being that part of the Town composed of:â€"The South side of Hollinger Avenue, Wilson Avenue, Main Avenue, and the North side of Commercial Avenue between Cameron and Preston streets; the West side of Preston Street, Rea Street and the East side of Cameron Street between Hollinger and Commercial Avenues. POLLING SUB DIVISION NO. 24â€"Being that part of the Town composed of:â€"Laurier Avenue. Borden Avenue, Cambrai Avenue, Messines Avenue, and the North side of Hollinger Avenue between Rea Street and Waterloo Road; the â€"West side of Waterloo Road and the East side of Rea Street beâ€" tween the Northern Town limits and Hollinger Avenue. POLLING SUB DIVISION NO. 22â€"Being that part of the Town composed of.â€"The South side of First Avenue, Kirby Avenue; Wiay Avenue; Wende Avenue and the North side of Montgomery Avenue between Preston and Mountjoy Streets; the West side of Mountjoy Street; Wilcox Street; and the East side of Preston Street between First and Montgomery Avenues. POLLING SUB DIVISION NO. 23â€"Being that part of the Town composed of:â€"The South side of Montgomery Avenue, Columbus Avenue, and the Southern Avenue, and all that land in Acreage South of Middleton Avenue lying between Cameron Street anda the Westerly Town limits. All that land lying West of the Subâ€"Divided Lots on Columbus and Southern Avenues to the Western Town limits, and all that land in Acreage South of the T. N. O. Railway within the Town limits. side of Preston Street beween Commercial and First Avenues. Form 29, referred to in Section 68t, may be obtained from the Revising Officer. 68w. If the relative by blood or marriage, or the employer so appearing substantiates,â€" (a) the cause for the nonâ€"appearance of the person immed{â€" ately concerned to be as hereinbefore set forth ; (b) The existence of a relationship by blood or marriage or the relationship of employer and employee; and (c) the facts relevant to the qualification, name, address or identity of the person immediately concerned so far as such facts are requisite to cause the name of such person to be included in the list, or to cause the list to be corrected, as the case may b.e., the revlslng.omegg may act upen such case may be. and complete the application, Form 29, to have such person‘s name included in the list of voters, or to have the list corrected, as the . 16 to 32, inclusive,

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