In last Thursday's Advance reference was made as to the possibility of the inauguration of mail delivery in Tim- omlns at an early date. It was recalled that an amount had been included in the estimates at the last session of the Dominion parliament for mail delivery in Timmins. but no official announce- ment had been made as to when it was planned to inaugurate the service here. Recently mail delivery has been Carried through in Kirkland Lake, but no par- ticulars were available in regard to the date when Timmins might expect simi- lar service. Several months ago the Timmins town council passed a resolu- tion urging the inauguration of a mail delivery service for the town. but in the meantime nothing appeared to re- suit from all this. Then last week no- tices were posted on the bulletin board at the post office calling for applica- tions for men to do the mail delivering. This looked as if action were planned for the near future. particularly as ap- plications were required to be in by July 3lst. The following correspondence throws (Continued on Page Eight) “The company can hardly be ekpeet- ed to keep up that policy when men reï¬ne to take )obs and when some of the men they have hired are no good." said Mr Murphy. â€Some 0! the men we have sent. out. who are not in the very best of physical common are do- ing a beater day’s work than some of the others much better able to hamfle the job..SomeoIthemthmallmey have to do is sit under the trees." Between Mteen and twenty men who need work rennedjobson the mad for The Intercollegiate Danceâ€"another night of merrymaking and whole heart- ed fun at the popular Riverside Pavil- ion. Pleasing music for the dancing was supplied by Al Pierini and his bank as the shaded lights played over the lovely array or new. 5 pier own;q worn by‘flie ladies ' - had been lucky enough to procure in- vitation (of which there were merely 200) were allowed to enter the dance hall. The names of different colleges were hung up on the walls and many a time, some dancer would step and declare. “That's the place I went to," and dance on. some how looking hap- pier after this outburst. From 12.30 am. until 2 am. a delici- ous lunch of coffee. cake. sandwiches. and cookies was served, and not, very long after. the happy crowd departed Unemployed men who won't work when work is offered them will receive scan: sympathy at the Ontario Govern- ment Employment; Bureau. said Super- intendent D. 1“. Murphy. on Saturday. lie referred to a. number of men who have refused jobs with the Dominion Construction Company. working on the mad between Pamour and South Por- cupine. Men Refusing to Work Proving Problem Here have good conditions. Thwe men were oflered work on the highway construc- tion at Pamour. but turned the offer down flat. Some of them gave reasons such as that the work was too hard for them. that they didn‘t believe in inocu- lation. that they had no way of living until they drew their first pay at the end of the month. and others that they did not want to live out-of-town and not be sure. that their families were all right. ' The Dominion Construction Company has emanated to take ï¬fty per cent. of the men it uses from Timmms re- lief rolls but this is becoming increas- ingly difï¬cult. for their homes One of the problems arising here last week ts the fact that a number of men seem to be averse to accepting employ- ment when offered it. Of course. there has always been the 'odd man who apparently didnt want to work. and found fault with any job provided him. Last week. however. the matter came to a head. as it were. when between ï¬fteen and twenty men refused to ac- cept Jobs that seemed to pay well and Happy Time Spent at the College Dance Annual Event Proves Pleas- Ing Success at RiverSIde Pav1110n. Between Fifteen and Twenty Object to Work on Highway. Will Not Receive Further Consideration. Says Govern- ment Bureau Superintendent. Town Authorities Take Similar Stand. Mail Delivery Pressed by Councillor Cousins .Vol. XXII. No. 58 Followed up Council Resolution by Personal Touch with Member. Explained Need for Addition to Post Ofï¬ce Service. Some Citizens Have to Walk as Much as a Mile and a Half for Mail. â€WW M The Pioneer Paper of the Porcupine. Established 1912. The town of Timmins refuses to ac- cept, responsibility for any men who tum down jobs on the road. officials said. Whenamanrefusesajobat 83.50 a day the town will not. take care of him or provide work for him on municipal projects. Town officials re- gret the men‘s refusal to work as each man employed by the town. who leaves. makes mom for another to take his oboe. LLIDLL Allallx‘y ¢Aol\( u, FVULO LAAIIL Lu: “They claim they can't live for the atron age. “1.“ month. IfOthey would play fair. P Another interesting feature for We With their creditors they would) be ' nesday night will he the announcemc carried by the company. A number of the names of the winners of the ( men have been given advances on their: and other prizes in the annual Kiwai salaries and the next day they j“St’draw held in connection with i dont report for work. Either that orlKiwanis Karnival they quit and come to Timmins and ' good parts of the advances ï¬nd their way to the sheer .parlours. , . . Y “One married man with several chil-i Memorial Service Under dran that I know of got an advance and c. ° . ~ ' came to Timmins. He returned to the! Auuplteb Offig‘on’ Aug. 19b ("1va a car full of women," Mr‘i The. annual memorial service a Murphy said' Inpatrnrinn Um: Pvmit.‘1mder the m â€o.~â€"â€"_.--Ar_.._ Other men won’t. take the jobs be- cause they refuse to accept lnoculadon. Mr. Murphy said that apparently they felt 'they knew better than me doc- tors what. is good for them. Others; who have been on and off relief since. Mr. Murphy came to Timmins four years ago. wlll use any petty excuse to refuse the jcb or to quit it when they do accept. we are going to ï¬nd other jobs for them or look after them in some way. Naturally we are not." A survey of the was made by the and it. was found working under the nous. Double weddings have attained the standing of a new style in Timmins and district. There were no less than four different wedding in two days at the week-end. two double weddings on Sat- urday and two to-dayâ€"double. double doubles. as it were. Timmins has evi- dently became “double wedding con- scious." no good reason. Mr. Murphy said. Some gave the excuse that they could not live .for the first month until they re- ceived their first pay. The company pays salaries once a month. 1 Four Double Weddings in Two Ways ' On Thursday of last week the maxi- mum temperature was 87 degrees and the minimum 60. Maximum on Friday was 84 and minimum 65. 75 was the maximum on Saturday. The minimum was 54. Last night at eight o‘clock the minimum temperature was 42 de- grees. Today at eight o’clock it was There were a few drops of rain on Thursday and on Friday it rained from 4.45 in the afternoon until 8.45 in the evening. At the tim'e of going to press it has rained now consistently for twen- ty-one hours. However the weatherâ€" man believes it will soon clear. He pro- phecies cloudly weather with rain and showers until the weather does clear. Two Double Weddings 0n Satmday, Two Monday. . Weather Will Clear To-morrow The weather should begin to clear tonight; or tomorrow and the prob- abilities are “ï¬ne and warmer", tne weatherman said this morning. Rain- fall from yesterday at two o‘clozk until eight o'clock this morning amounted to 2.15 inches. which is extremely heavy. Probabilities are. “Fine and Warmer.†The Weather Should Begin to Clear To- night 01' To-morrow. Published It Timmlns. out. Canada Ivory HONDAY nod THURSDAY . scene of the work Employment Bureau that the men were best pissible condi- them. Others of! relief since. Timmins four petty excuse to The heavy rains have done muci damage in town and district. cellars be lug flooded. gardens being injured 1: low-lying land. and other damage done I Another 1: 'nesday nigh of the name and other p - draw hold I Kiwanis Ka: returned cemetery at Decc’ra tic pices cf Canadiar day. Aug (his will CONTINI'ED RALVS DO MI’CH DAMAGE IN THE DISTINCT a big success. both from the enter- tainment side and in the way of ï¬nan- cial returns. Everybody who attended had a happy time and thoroughly en- joyed the ocasion. Games of all kinds added to the interest. Music was fea- tured, along with many of the novelties of a bazaar. This year plans have been made and carried along to eitcel the interest and pleasure of last year. For several weeks plans and preparations have been under way. It is expected on Wednesday evening that the street dance will be particularly successful. With favourable weather the crowds should be particularly large and the returns accordingly good. The carnival and street dance will be staged this year. as last. on Cedar street between Third and Fourth ave- nues. The street will be roped off and reserved for the evening for the carni- val features. Each booth will be in charge of members of the Kiwanis Club :eresting amusements and interests, The? Warmwwm Wâ€â€™â€œg"6'°f8 the Kiwanis fund for underprivileged children. This fund helps provide youngsters with milk. camping privi- leges. medical and hospital attention. and other advantages that would other- wise be lacking. Last year the Kiwanis Karnival was B I" at Remember the dateâ€"Wednesday of this weekâ€"July 28thâ€"â€"it is the date of the annual Kiwanis Karnival, with games. including bingo,\and other in- Kiwanis Karnival to be Held Wednesday, July 28 Annual Exent to Include Bingo, Games, Amusements and Other I1 eature~ with a Big bt1 eet Dance as the Finale. Hoped to Make E .ent the Best Yet the the mc nb 30 TIMMINS, ONTARIO, MONDAY, JULY 26TH, 1937 vement. O he gra buried .nents and in h ll ed away and mains ceme so giving ‘and othel in- and intezests. 5mm goâ€?5' underpx ivileged helps provide ames OI‘ e Legi m if eTimn valu- :1! The only fire of the week-end occur- red at 9.05 o‘clock this morning. The department was call-ed to extinguish a pipe and chimney ï¬re in the home of James Holland, of 4 Borden avenue in the Hollinger townsite. Firemen quick- ly brought the flames under control Predicts Provincial « Election by October to the hause Only One Fire at Week- end Only .he Hollinger townsite. Firemen quick- .y brought the flames under control with chemicals. N0 damage was done onservative Organizer and Party Visit Timmins. Ex- plain Attitude of Hon. Earle Rowe and Conservative Party on Labour Question. Banquet at Empire Hotel on Thursday. 11y 21 Chimney and Pipe Fire. N0 Damage to the House. dav VEUVB 1m Mm Emmium mgr banqu nation. and 1: :h Land for L. and Mr. Beal party visiting 'ODSEI‘ Irelaï¬d. presiden. Assosiation of ry. former deput: )rmer . and at )inted organ- party in On- BY e Conserva- of Lindsay, Timmins on y they were Empire ho- being up to L of the. Ontario, y' minis- -rganizer }eo Mrs. V. M. Bowie and family left on Saturday morning :by car for the South for a holiday visit to Forest. Ont., and other points south. the usual pleasing standards of that hotel. Dr. J. B. MoClinton. of the South Cochrane Conservative Association, was in the chair and handled the gathering in a very capable way. There were some seventy or seventy-five present for the occasion representatives coming from every part of the riding. The chief address of the evening was given by Cecil Frost. the organizer, who made an excellent: impression by his eloquence, earnestness and effective- ness as a speaker. After his address at the banquet. Mr. Frost spoke over the local radio. touching on the issues of the day. but necessarily at less length made an excellent impression eloquence, earnestness and e ness as a speaker. Alter his ac the banquet. Mr. Frost spoke lccal radio. touching on the i the day. but necessarily at 185 than in his address at the be In his banquet address Mr dealt. with the record of .the J Mr. and Mrs. Gormik were attended by Miss Annie Kolaski. as bridesmaid. and Mr. Joseph Silc. as best, man, both of Timmins. while Miss Helen Gerovitz. of Schuma‘cher. as bridesmaid, and Mr. John Znidorsic. of Kirkland Lake. as best man. attended Mr. and Mrs. Suspar. Hon. Mr. Rowe and the Conservative party in regard to the recent labour situation in Ontario He said that a manifesto had been drawn up by Hon. Mr. Rowe and leading men in the party after consultation with Hon. Mr. Bennett. Hon. Wesley Gordon, Hon. Charles McCrea and others. This mani- festo set out the exact position of the (Continued on Page Five) A very pretty double wedding was atoiemm'zed by Rev. Fr. Gabriel in the Church of Nativity on Saturday at 9.30 a.m., when Jennie daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Challes Pogacnik of Jugoslavia became .the htideeim W Wine son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gormik. of Jugn- slavia. and Veronica. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Banko. of Jugoslavia. be- came the bride of Mr. Joseph Suspar. son of Mr. :and Mrs. F. Suspar, of Jugo- sl‘avia. Double Wedding at Church of Nativity Miss Jennie Pogacnik and Joseph Germik- and Miss Veronica Banko and Josâ€" eph Suspar Wedded. :rth." Mr. Frc me on explai 345300.000 in taxes. and 352000.000. Mr. Frost. then :m othe government's own fin- :emenl. for the fiscal year no they had spent $84,000,000 in 1183. and colleczed $92,000,000. called on his audience to wit,- lime of this staggering total spent in what Mr. Hepburn ed as calling “the sinkhole of av c provn 2 Henry agant a Mr He displayed Hepbum’s own avincial election. tress Mr. Frost cf .the Hepburn ally that of Hon. the banquet and governmem I wasteful consider- stand of uservative 3t labour Pnblbbed It Tlmmlm. Ont. Canada. Every MONDAY 3nd TBURSDAY Best Collection of \Vild Flowers for Show Here At this meeting all members are ex- pected to attend and all adherents and friends of the congregation are heartily invited and very welcome indeed in be- ing present. The officiating clergymen delegated by the Presbytery of Cochrane to con- duct these services are:â€"â€"-the Rev. Dr. R. S. Laidlaw. President of the Toronto Conference, who will address the con- gregation on the “Function of the Church." the Rev. Dr. J. R. Fraser. who will induct the new minister; and the Rev. M. C Tait. who will speak to the people and give them counsel Next Wednesday evening. July 28th. at eight o‘clock a meeting of the Unit- ed Church congregation will be held for the rites of induction of the Rev. W. M. Mustard into this pastoral charge A meeting of the Conservatives at Connaught is called for Friday evening of this week. the even: to be concluded by a dance and social time. A number of members of the party from Timmins are planning to attend the gathering, Connaught being well known for its auspice Society 315 3151:, Is the cla of wild flower. or special inu part of the North. some of them espe- cially beautï¬ful and others remarkable because of their oddity. Wild roses grow in beautiful profusion in {this part of the North. Most years the One of the special features at the thirteenth annual exhibition of flowers Manda summer sees the banks of the Matte- ml in spots at least beautiful “nth wild roses. Then in rthe line of odd flowers and plants there ls the pitcher plant, several varieties of which have been picked in this pan of the North. This newer closes up when insects light Induction Services " - at U raked-Church can Nor hospitality heads from broken glass. Two miles west of Connaught, Wil- liam Chicoine, of Szhumacher. was go- ing around a hair pin curve when his automobile crashed into one driven by William Bonney. 30 Rowan avenue. Kirkland Lake. The Kirkland car was wrecked and Mrs. Bonney. who was driving with her husband. received la- cerations on the face and head from flying broken glass. Her knee was split open. She is in the Timmins hospital. Chicoine will be charged with reck- less driving. Provincial Constables Johnston and Strickland investigated. Kalbo Maki. of Timmins, who was driving a light truck in Mountjoy township. wentof‘f the road and crashed into the ditch. Both he and a passen- ger with him Charles Tanner. aged 12. of Timmins. were injured. They both received bad lacerations on the face from Ibroken glass. Maki will face a charge Of reckless driving in police court. Conservatives at (Jonnaught to Hold Meeting Friday Horticultural Society Offering Prizes to Boy or (lirl for Best Collection of Wild Flowers to be Shown at the Timmins Horticultural Show at Timmins, Aug. 30 and 31 District Picnic I.0.0.F. at' Child’s Beach, Aug. lst Two Motor Accidents at Week-er if Three nd vegetables Over 19v. W. M: Mustard, B.A., B.D., to be Inducted into Charge Here on Wednes- day Evening. s the prizes mow how co. an make of The ver $100 Worth of Prizes and Two Cups D.D.(}.M. Bro. Sol. Sky for Competition. 1 tractive Programme Being Prepared for Oddfellows of District. mar la ‘0 were two 1' f Timmins people were acerations o from broken miles west known : my wild the No: intere complete a collection they of the wild flowers of the hough it may not. be gen- wn as it should bizâ€"there wild flowers native to this class es. Two Dl'iv ourt Charges eople rling rink. Timmjns. on tobehe Timmins Horticultural 011 1110 lay. Aug. 30th and r the best collection the North. This is for boys and girls. offered to them to OVE )tor acc zer the injured their :1ass. Iniu1ed 1 D1'1ve1's end 1C dents week with faces Juder the out- end. cuts and 1n Monday, October 11th. has been pro- claimed Thanksgiving Day. An an- nouncement appeared in the Canada Gazette to that effect. While the prizes for the beat collec- tion of wfld flowers is one of the spe- cial features at the booming showing of flowers and vegetables. it is only one o! a large number of regular and spatial prime oflered ior'the event. JchLeuan. Comma; L. J. Rowland, Timmins ; Hugh Richmond, Dome Mines; J Brough, Timmins; Horace McEwan. Ansonville. For many years the Oddi‘ellows' Pic- nic of the Porcupine lodges was a big event and one enjoyed not only by the members of the lodges ‘but by their friends as well. Now this happy picnic idea has been extended to all the dis- trict and Oddfellows from all over this part of the North are going to enjoy the event. Timmins. South Porcupine, Dome Mines. chumacher. Iroquois Falls. Ansonville. Cochrane, are among the places that will contribute large representation at the picnic on Aug. lst. Child's Beach is an ideal spot for such an event and with the sports and other programme arranged. Oddfellows and their friends should enjoy a big time on August lst. The following are the members of :the committee in charge:â€"-Sol Sky. South Porcupine; J. G. Harris. Schvumacher; Rec.-Sec.â€"â€"H. P. Andrews. F‘in.-Sec.â€"A. Andrews. Leoâ€"«Dr. M. J. Kelly Adv.â€"Fr. T. J. MoManus Wardâ€"P. J. McDonagh I.G.~â€"Leo Wlaters 'O.G.-â€"E. Klatt Trusteesâ€"«I. Walsh. E. Banning. J. Burgoyne. Cha.p.â€"-â€"Rev.. Fr. J. R. O'Gorman Rev. Fr. Mellon from Scollard Hall. North Bay. was a visitor to Timmlns for the occasion. Installation of officers of 'I‘immins Council of the K. of C. took place on Sunday at the K. of C. Council Cham- bers. Timmins. the installation being carried through .by District Deputy M. .1. Smith. of Iroquois Falls and staff. The officers installed were as follows: G.K.â€"â€"-M. J. Tait. D.G.K.â€"Chas. W. Yates. Chanâ€"Dr. J. Martin. THANKSGIVING DAY THIS YEAR ON MONDAY. OCT. 11TH in the district. the committee in charge sayszâ€"“In order to make this picnic a success. both ï¬nancially as a good time. we are issuing buttons which are 50 cents each and give the holder free ribbon badges for the family. Just ask for them at the grounds! They will entitle the holders to the grounds, and free sandwiches, coffee. ice cream for the kids. and participation in the sports events. Help make this picnic a suc- cess. and lets get together for a good time!" Installation of K. of C. Ofï¬cers Here on Sunday The with E ed. h: picnic on Su picnic for on Sunday gramme u everyone a1 prizes will valuable 0‘ the lodges. D.D.G.M. ] In a the PRICE THREE CENTS let. te distrri Letter tc .istrict. In orde both ï¬r Bro 1 Section 8 Pages to commit . of the ded to mot 59 rse cups being Sol. Sky ) members of t1 the committee i 2r to make this nanciarlly as a g< .' buttons whicl t lst. worked Over u out. a Presented by Unusually At.- r Occasion by .tee of distl’im hold “strict representâ€" hold the annual at Ch-ilds Beach t. A sports pro- ked'out to suit )ver $100 worth of It. as well as two competed for by 5 being given by the the lodge:- in charge 5 picnic a good time.“ by