Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 13 May 1937, 1, p. 2

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club gauz . -. * fl ‘ 57:33 ft'-'.7?::.~ STORES LIMIT‘ED PAGE TWO Fresh Spinach. 3 lbs. .............................. Good Sized Head Lettuce ........................ Fresh Tomatoes, per lb. .......................... Black and Green Grapes, per lb. ............ Pineapples at Lowest Prices Fresh Strawberries Daily RITZ BAKING Fruit and Vegetables CQGQANUT ' COFFEE Chr Chase and Sanborn Vacuum Packed Shredded or Desiccated FEARS " ‘ Q I - u) \. 2 \H. N I“ IV- ..I‘ :23 Domino Br JUICE Baysidc Choice Quality White Black Tea Baysidc Choice Quality Light Syrup MAYONNAISE > .25 to...o......“:~:.oo ~:~---~«~~~~~~~ “="======~”““": x‘Parade Features SERV|CE 35(‘0r0nati0n Day Here PNEAPPLE "mama's These Prices Effective May lOth-lSth STANDARD QUALITY SINGAPORE SLICED BISCUITS Man .27 .53 : the night ationship of moth- r chil- place. POWDER Candies Coflee Queen (the g day to the E1 Mrs. McClure Lancashix'e Sandwich Spread Hâ€"(m ‘I- H .25 .\l 31' Hellman: A}. «3 rted by f the '1 and bar .nd B great gift 0 :mpire) bein Club . the D .10 Boy ift 30k IE of Columbus had and it was preceded t 3f the Boy Scouts an 2f0r190 .......... 190 .290 Raf 43 dc b. .19 man nn floa 1E of 9 9c 1t ir %LMEAT DEPT. a! SPECIALS ls entitl ion ri Goldeyes, per 1!). ............ Ciscoes. per lb. .............. Bonelessâ€"Pack 4 Fish Pickerel, per ll). ..... Fresh Fillets, per lb. SCOTCH KIPPERS . . . . MEATY SPARERIBS, FRESH CALF LIVER, lb SMOKED P ICNICS, lb. Genuine Fresh LOIN PORK 285 R0 AS'ES lbs .. CHOPS,IH ....... Milk Fed ROASTING 5 "’5' CHECKENS and "e" M Trimmed M ilk- Fed I can 1’ 01191085 and Rolled SHOULDER VEAL Roasts, BLADE BEEF ROASTS, lb. THICK RIB BEEF Roasts, lb. hoice Boneless and Rolled 1E aple Leaf Ronele FISH SPECIALS The Kiwanis Clut 'me expression of embers to King a The Lions Club w it: clccorated fioa i1 m DISAPPEARS FROM COLLEGE HALL sh People of the Porcupi l symbolic float with a lar an, women and children. e loyalty to the Empire. .nis Club float, was a ham ssion of the fidelity of t par 1th Baumgardner aware. is the ob; ys' Band had The boys 100k golden headwe as one of the the fidelity ad Queen. _ as well repn ouflv 76.30 12 2 .20 per lb. {I .22 23 29 2 lbs. 27 ;)$)(' 19c 17c Ruth Banmgardner )C hand- of the 22-yaar-old co-ed at, C 3t. of a. state-wide 13011 1- dormitory several day THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE. manna, ONTARIO exce 11 ea 11 happy additisn in 21 gr: costume whose Frenc much to the interest. The float and group Social Club was an pleasing feature. The Italian 'people 1 float with apt; reference fu'] gift to the world ialian Marconi. while marched back from tl the parade, playing “J won applause all along The Tisdale band wa 1C nization. Corcle F-emmes Fren'ch-Can'adienne :10 French-Canadian ladics’ society; :11 much applause for their float. The Loyal Finnish People made an arioL we An imp‘re {611 by t The rm DC: 19, White Eagle P: a handsome flea strengthened in it marching men an es of the ladies. .8 W85 ren 1m: lent. showin and line W (I 31‘ 1r 1811 hospital .vibh doct L.O.B.A. float was an attractive ell-designed one. and was sup- by members on the march ana y members of the brother or- 11' )rtrayal o‘ 1E Marconi. while the marching nd the Roman warrior in the were also appropriate touches. if 11 11 umanian people also tool-r garb in the parade with float ,ers. the brilliant costumes of being a. special feature. the most, cleverly designed ,lie parade was that. of St. spital depicting an hospital . doctor and nurses, the doc- ; a striking resemblance to 5 Dr. Dafoe. d8 a ing men and the costumed were an added features to 'ibution to the day’s parade. rcle Canadien float had a itisn in a group of singers in vhose French songs added me interest. ariou :ssiv-e part in he Czecho-Sl' group of mt rep: ng in the parade, their of men. women and he march being very iv Ingland float, depicting )ples of England and h favourable continental Legion had two floats One of these gave ar- 3f the “Soldiers of the 5 parts of the great. rpresented in the men. 1‘VI‘E COX huio WESle Uni- :9 search. having »ple had a. symbolic rence to the wonder- World by the great. | I people also tool: Yesterday morning thousands of e parade with floatlschcol children gathered at the ball rilliant costumes oi park to join their massed voices in pecial feature. ,singing patriotic and Coronation songs. . cleverly designed They were accompanied by the Lions’ e was that of St. Club Boys' Band under the direction rioting an hospital of Bandmaster F. J. Wolno. The mem- nd nurses, the doc- bers of the large choir took seats in ng resemblance to‘ the stands while the innumerable . c‘hool children marched into the ma float depicting grounds under the guidance of their ; of England and [Fa-Chels. M185 TQSKCY COHC‘UCLed th" .vourable comment. children 3 chon :ion had two floats! Mr. William Wren acted as master of these gave ar- of ceremonies, and opened the pro- 1e “Soldiers of the gramme by calling on the choir to sing arts of the great "0 Canada." sented in the men Following the opening song. Mayor ’Rartleman was called upon to address loat was in humor- the gathering. His address was centred much laughter all around “Loyalty to the Crown." was labelled “The The choir then rendered the doxoloa 2d five fat, babies, gy, “All People Who on Earth Do; . milk bottles and Dwell." and this was followed by an‘ at c-herubs were in. address by Rev. Father J. R. O’Goi'rnan. and nurse. The Under the guidance of the choir all ’earce. D. Dmgley, joined in singing “The Land of Hope rence and J. Pugs- and Glory," after which Rev. Bruce ,5 Fred Curtis. and Millar gave a very interesting address. ldy Rowe. Previous to the next address. which )ntribution to the was given by Mr. F. IL V. Ball, the .n the buggy (Wil- choir sang “The Maple Leaf Forever,“ ittsl. and immediately following the talk. )rous touch to the they rendered "The Coronation Song.‘ :ey" near the front An address by Dr. J. B.‘ McClinton ising a double pro- was followed by a word of thanks by "‘0. Polish Society also oat, and this, too, its effectiveness by 1nd the bright cas- in the parade was Slovakians whose men and women much favourable I‘ed Gurus. and Rowe. 'ibution to the he buggy (Wil- of the Cornish interesting and of chumacher float while Addresses and Songs Open Program Here Massed Voices of Children Make Fine Appeal. Ad- dresses of Much Interest Heard by Thousands. In the “wee hours of the morning," the happy people all remarking to one another “I had a grand time, didn’t you?" invariably to .be answered, “Oh yes, just marvellous,” or something to :hat effect. departed for their homes, all feeling that the I.O.D.E. had again provided such fun and gaiety as they will find nowhere else. . and sandwiches wrapped up in napkins suitable for the occasion, and ice-cream, the lunch being served both upstairs and down, so, that the large crowd could more easily be waited upon. Outstanding in the parade was the large representation of the Timmins Branch of the Canadian Legion looking particularly soldierly and well in their gay berets and decorations. The Legion contingent marching like the old soldiers they am.-we:re led by the colour party Comrades Farrer and Patton. bearing the Legion standards. supported by Cor- poral Nelson and Constable R. Warner in their colourful R.C.M.P. dress uni- forms. Comrade T. Parsons. vice-presi- dent of the branch was in charge of the Legion group. His Worship Mayor J. P. Bartleman formally opened the event and spoke on behalf of the assembly. expressing the pecple's loyalty to the King and Queen, and the hope for a happy reign. He. ac- Late in the evening 2i delicious lunch was served. There was coffee and cake, Andy Cangiano and his orchestra. again proved that they could always p1ease the crowd, and make the dancers “want. to go *to town.“ companied by Mrs. Traver. regent of the chapter. led the dancers in a march around the floor, with everyone singing those old songs that forever will be popular. After the march was over Mr. Bartleman suggested that the gather- ing cheer Their Majesties, and loud “Hurrahs” rang through the pavilion. The gowns of the ladies added col- our and a romantic touch to the eve- ning. there being many of the new prints that are so popular as well as other beautiful styles. ‘ I.O.D.E. Dance. Very Pleasant Occasion The Riverside pavilion was the scene of one of the most successful dances of the year on Wednesday night. The dance was sponsored by the I.O.D.E. in honour of the Coronation of Their Majesties, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth, a record crowd of from 250 to 300 couples being present for the merrymaking and fun. In front of the orchestra stand were the pictures of the King and Queen. draped in the Coronation colours. red. white and blue. Large Crowd, Good Music, Fine Decorations, Happy Tlme. mm. Althou the end 1 Lemon. i v'he Sun Never Sets.“ 1 Borlamd effectively took the in this representation. There were many clever and attrac- tive commercial floats in the parade. though it must be said that none of these floats ‘were for advertising ef- fect. but rather expressions of loyalty to King and Country. The Consumer‘s Co-operatlve had several floats and cars in the parade. all of them pleas- ing and attractive. The float by Bru- nette‘s Taxi is worthy a special note on account of its originality. One of the most pleasing of all the floats was that entered by S. Bucovetsky Limited. the pretty little girls driving the swans that seemed to pull this float. charming all. if)? W8 must mention is left. thus near to the Ladies' Auxtnzry o! the lust. be said that the mls' aat was well up in the pro- every way. It. depicted m r "The Empire upon which {ever Sets.“ Miss Mamie endered the doxolo- ho on Earth Do as followed by an 1er J. R. O’Goi'man. 1C8 of the choir all The Land of Hope which Rev. Bruce interesting address. text address. which 81' crystal bouque golden tempw Tisdale did a good job on those fire- works! The very best, display that, has ever come so far North. They were equal to those we have seen at the Exhibition and were in charge of the singingâ€"and everybody joined in and thoroughly enjoyed it. The Town Guides sang their special Marching Song and the Dome Guides gave a folk dance and song; two little girls of Ukrainian parentage dressed in pic- turesque native costume. danced. and little Johhny Mozdir danced a Russian peasant dance. Then after singing “The King‘ and giving him three cheers. the whole crowd went down to the ball grounds where every man. woman and child in South Porcupine seemed to be assembled for the firework display. firemen. When Scouts x firemen overybod We appreciated the courtesy. We als) liked the parade from Timmins this afternoon. The rain held off \vhne the aparade came round our streets. A fine parade! The best the North has yet seen, we heard someone say. and we agreed. It is really marvellous how everybody has joined in this expression of loyalty and affection to our King and Queen on this day. And another thing that must be noted in our com- munity is the influence that the Scout and Guide movement is having on our children. Didn't they look smart in the parade to-day? Fine training they are getting in these excellent associa- tions. The fine traditions of Britain are being ingrained into them, and the usefulness and kindliness coin-ci- dent with those traditions. Hats off to those unselfish members of the com- munity who are giving of their time and Work for our children in this cause! Loyalty has been exhibited by every class and nationality here. The new- comer to our country has been shown tcâ€"day that the Canadian loves his King, and gives voluntarily to the British Throne that loyalty that comes fiom pride in ancient lineage and fine tradition. And the devotion is genuine -â€"not forced or directed ‘ To-night. owing to the coldness of i the air and the fact that it was likely to rain. the Community Sing Song was held in the High School instead of at the ball grounds. Miss Burns led? the Guides and Scouts who led the’ Fireworks End Day at South Porcupine Remarkable Display of Fire- workg Follows Commun- ity Sing: Song and Other Features. South Porcupine. Ont. May 13. 1937. {Special to The Advanc-elâ€" Many thanks [to the Porcupine Pipe Band from Timmins who came in and gave our townspeople the benefit of their colourful personality and music lhis evening. Mr. Austin Neame to the Timmins brcadcasting station. to Mr. F. J. Wol- no, and to the numerous Leathers for the time they had taken to teach the children the various songs. Mr. Neame outlined the afternoon and evening ac- tivities. and ended by proposing three Cheers for 'the King, which was heartily responded to by all present. Mr. R. Turcotte had an amplifier placed on the grounds and supplied music For the gathering before the programme got under way. The pupils of the French Separate School rendered a patriotic song in French. and the programme finished with the. singing of “God Save the King.” Cannon clonic Hamilton Smithvillo Dunnville Welland TEMISKAMING AND NORTHERN ONTARIO RAILWAY THE NII7’ISSING CENTRAL RAILWAY COMPANY Tickets good in eoaches only.â€"No baggage eheeked. Children 5 years of age and under 12. when aeeompanied hy guardian -â€"Half Fare. Tickets to [3.5. Destinations sold subject to Passengers meeting Immigration Requirements of l’.S.A. Tickets valid for travel Train 2 from Timmim Thuisday. May 13th. connecting at North Bay with CJ’. train 857 and at Sudbury with (‘1’. Train 28. Train 27. 11.05 p.m. Sunday, May 16th. arriving North Bay and mm necting with T. N. 0. Train 1. 12.30 [1.111. May 17th All 'Utkets valid to return so as to leave Toronto not later than ONE CENT A MILE BARGAIN COACH EXCIRSIUX the whe For Fares. Departure Time and Further lnfnrmuliun Apply In Lucal Agvnt. 1‘l(l\l1‘\ ().\' “HI FROM RI‘GI'I \R h"! \Tl().\'.\‘ ()\l \ ‘ne off these firework; :laimed at, their bea 2113, rockets, Bengal THU RSDAY. MAY 13TH fire lighted by I at its height. yellow sunset flare: “the Silver Glory. untain, jewelled far Via North Bay and (‘auadian Pacific TORONTO Buffalo (ialt Woodstock London ll the the and 1t M.â€"Mrs. Hilda Wills. E.â€"-Mrs. Flora Belle Philp. Ward.â€"-â€"Mrs. Catherine Maxwell. Sent.â€"â€"'Mrs. H. E. Green. Mrs. Rose Anderson. 1.0. Mrs. Mary Ralph. I.M. Mrs. Catherine Pritchard. I.C. Mrs. Margaret Richards. 1.0. A very interesting and impressive floral ceremony was performed dur- ing the evening in commemoration of the Coronation. Taking part in this were Mrs. Mary Ralph, Mrs. Ruther- ford, Mrs. Angus. Mrs. Gordon. Mrs Greenidge, Miss MacLeod. After the meeting a. delightful lunch was served, and altogether a very en- joyable evening was spent. Officers Installed At Arbutus Chapter Try The Advance Niagara Falls. magnc canic mines." ”the ( rain‘bsw wheels. final 11 set, piece. “Port-raj All we making lRVlN ROSNER K0- Le [C Interesting and P Evening at the 0.1? EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Located in Halperin‘s Jewellery Starr 7 Pine Street North, Timmins Evenings by Appointn'wnt Clear Sight in Sunlight Colored lenses of fine Optical glass are a summertime necesâ€" sity for sports. Free from the im« perfections which in cheaper glasses distort the vision and hurt the eyes, they may be ground if desired, to your pres- ent prescription. Sun glare causes headaches, dizziness, tiredness. And wrinkles from squinting. Take full advantage of the sun this year; let us hell?) you select the scientifically col. cred lenses most beneficial for your eyes Evyrybedy is tired to uroly had a wonderful all. Installation of cfficers for 1 )ok place. and resulted as 1‘01] W.M.-â€"Mrs. Mary Cooke. W.F‘.Â¥â€"\II1'. Robert. Maxwell. A.M.-â€"â€"Mrs. Ruby Heath. A.P'.-â€"-Ml‘. F. E. Crisp. Secretaryâ€"Mrs. H. Goodings. Treasurerâ€"Mrs. V. Morrow. Cond.â€"â€"Mrs. Elizabeth McGliir Assistant Cand.â€"â€"-Mrs. Cm "Sher. Chapsâ€"Mrs. Winifred Skelly Mars.-â€"â€"Mrs. Chrissie Parnell. A.â€"~Mjss Mamie Borland. R.â€"â€"Mrs. Eileen Hall. E.â€"â€"â€"Mrs. Annie Goodman. M.â€"Mrs. Hilda Wills. The g. regular meeing of ‘ .135. was held in THURSDAY. MAY 13TH. 1937 es," "me uomen 'heels. finally rim :0. “Portrait of lighted in quick really wanderful Kitchener (fiuolph (Thatham Windsnr Dotrnit PHONE 212 Want Advert they may be . to your pres 1. Sun glare es. dizziness wrinkles {tort full advantage at: let us heli .entiflcally coll beneficial f0: 1m [do Ar du _\‘ f1 Masoni 193 110w amnu ; w Kin nonts l‘i h

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