With an attendance of o of whom were guests. t1 14k: Consenauve Associa the Odd Fellows' hall Fridz der the chairmanship 0‘ Rush Boyd to hear sum: by Tom A. Magladery. {or minister of immigration. . organizer; Dr. J. B. 5100an mm. district president; A former provincial member Cochranc. and others. mines uni-on. ity of talking to the prom and stated m Conservatives Met at Kirkland Friday Dr. McClinton Among Visiting Speakers for Rally PAGE SIX Nu Back Demonstration Church Van Raalte Strypes Lingerie Miss Nellie Sweet Smart women will be thrilled tu‘he 2r that Mia's Nellie Sweet. is at Shane-011' ‘ to demonstrate the famous teleseimx: NuBack Foundation Garments. Miss Sweet is the travelling eonsul- tant on corset problems and formerly visited only the metropolitan centu s. with headquarters in New York. Shahcen's are pleased indeed to an- nouncc that she will be at your..sé‘r- vice until Satuzday night and Inviti- you to meet h :- r. ('uul and sleek are those captivating “5113'ch by Van Iiaaltu. ThlS \x'hlspy lnnmknit clings tn the ï¬gure yet gives an air of freedom. All 512403 In petal pink and bluc. 33%; $1.95 {flx'ï¬nw 59c 690 New York City Today, Friday and Saturday First unit vice Weigk Demousnm SHAHEEN’S HOSIERY ï¬pu-ial ('oraoticr from 19 Pine Street South Penman’s 1 L101 11 l) y 1! nton. of TH! A. V. Water '1’" ZC‘I' 131' 60 OW omx L.â€"\l)IES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR 1X 1t 'd‘“ 1‘ 0 pairs for $2. .tdc Jar the! Big! €011 .zde h¢ Hc Reduct Williams Earl Carat Hess lea bum migh Al men U Withou um venet- )OC MCF ‘Dr. McClinton Speaks ’McCl'mtoh who was 1] Rowe. Conservative 10. in his recent p e fieedmn othtbou p. but 1' this-owe upport My. Rowe or mtho Conservative i pClmlon' who ‘ commmentmg uncut, remarke hing to keep a alone‘ knew. wl gm dr might I ere would be 10 order [0 en is '10! 'n and ank brougt Genuine Irish Handker- Chief Linen in dainty pastels and Coronation colours. Demonstration Be ever clinic in a tailored suit. Cut on definitely man- nish lines in single or double breasted models. Feel the quantity of the fabric. study the styling. notice the at- tention given to details - - - the lining and ï¬nishing. You would not expect to buy them for less than $17.95. Sizes 14 to 20 in Nan. Black and Rust. Demonstration Spec-ill Just $8.49. to wrur with chat suLL. These are preltily fa: :1 11;! styled to the momcm. When you call in f NnBack foundation be sure to see these blouses Shaheen's are noted for imported hand made. table and bedroom linens, Be sure to see the new hand made lace and out work pieces now on display and so rea- sonably priced. $1.69 $1.00 H Quality Tailored Mannish Suits and you’ll want Several Blouses A Special Purchase Makes This Possible lead: X1! at It was although Mr. Hep- mow, just Treasun 1C elec $8.49 rec fir people perish.†and went on to ob- serve that while it was easy to criti- cize the past and review it in the light of histort. it tool: more to plan and think for the future. Those who plan- ned and laid plans. he said. succeed where others fail. Thirty )ears ago Canada had been a land of great rich-| ness in its soil. but much of that had now blown away. Old Ontario had once been beautifully forested. now it was covered with the stumps of trees which did n0t all need to be out down. Ontario needed a plan. a looking into the future instead of so much into the past. The North constituted the wealthiest part of the province. and at- tention should be paid to it and the three classes of men who made itâ€"A! the prospectors. the investors and thel labourer. whose working life was one of I 20 years. no "We have a leader." he said, “who .35 thought these things out. We can- oL live aloneâ€"«capital cannot, live 'ithout labour. or labour without. capi- al. In England they have successfully These are preltily fasluomd ',. When you call in for your Telephone 605 yesterday you too will want, a lovely white pea- sant blouse with colour- ful embroidery. Demon- stration Special After viewing the parade ('zmnot Live Alone m PORCUPINE ADVANCE. TIMMINS, ONTARIO lgood. but, i-L meant, in fa I much money had been coll people already overtaxed business angle iL was so ! a small surplus. but in tit git was lmfalr to pile up {money which could be 1 I North. I The Hepburn govemme 'political speech in seven years, Mr. Magladery. after paying tribute‘to the outstanding qualities of Hon. Wesley Gordon. former federal member for the riding. Mr. Magladery suggested that enthusiasm from now on would un- ldoubtedly mean the return of a 0011- l ! lservative member. Referring to Col. Drew‘s recent resignation from the party. he said that it was either be- cause the colonel did not see eye to eye with Mr. Rowe on the question of union government. or because he did not agree with his labour policy. If the former. he. was just out of step: if the latter. he had no alternative. because the Conservatives had always been the friends of labour. The speaker did not think that Mr. Hepburn was ready to put his record before the electors. but remarked that if he didn't face them before long they were going to catch him. To be fair. it was the noisiest gov- ernment Ontario had ever known one which in the Legislature had set a bad :exampie to the province. Mr. Rowe he qualified as a level- headcd farmer with great experience of public life. The “sunshine" or “moon- shine" budget was his next allusion. On the books. a $9,000,000 surplus looked good. but it meant in fact that that much money had been collected from a Mr. Mag‘ladcry uciclec had been transferred- account to create the one $10 bill {mm one Ling it imo the oLher same extentâ€"and to this was to be added the increase in gas tax and auto license revenueâ€"$25,000,000 a year. True. there was reduction in license; promised. but, while he was in favour of such a move for automobiles. he ob- jected to iL for trucksâ€"“those big trains which run up and down the highway. each doing more damage than 20 cars," mas-L of them brewery outfits. Apart, from that the cut in car 1'1- censes didn‘t, help .Lhe North, where cars were only used 5 or 6 months in the 12. and the speaker went on to suggest periodical 'licenses for 6. 9 or 12 months Mr. Magladcry added that, $21,000,000 Liquor had added $10,000,000 to the surplus. but. the people of Ontario strongly disapproved of the adminis- tration of the liquor act. which. he said. amounted to wide open sale. Critlcising the $1 a 3 of Arthur Slaght. KC for the T. N. 0.. w. Licenses were being granted not by the judgment of the department. but by the recommendation of local Liberal committees. said. in the 0. Railway ladca'y said investigated would have on the from The 80821 The Hepburn government had last year collected $92,000,000 in taxes. whereas the Henry government had. as its highest mark. $50,000,000. Largest Tax Increase This was the largest increase on re- cord. Never were people taxed to the each doin most, of t The speaker Sharply criticized re- ducticn in the forest ranger service in the bad fire season of last year. and condemned the sale to United States interests of 1,264,433 acres of timber. _Stating that the Ferguson highway. left in fair shape by the recent ad- ministration. which had planned to maintain and improve it. had been al- lowed to go to ruin. Mr. Magladery said that he gave credit for the under- taking to do something about it not to Mr. Hepburn but to councils. news- papers and other influences of the North. which had openly talked of boy- cott and pressed hard on the require- ments. Transfer of 'the Wasp from Temagami to its ultimate destiny as a power boat on a. lake in Hon. Peter To be ernmenL which in example ments. Tr: Temagami power boa Hccnans mem Art qu‘ l'( when them. but not, to l lawless organization Mr. Waters voiced of the roads and N‘ h Cies. and rudiation which. he contracts Visitors with Dan Cameron : personal acqua pen-501 in th- said: “No. or two wha to build." “I was like y boy. Now. b; have I bacon WC! ten-year He quot tlon boss mg. he w Surely there should be 3 def plan. He referred to the mo: in taxes from estates. and that since many of these est. revenue from the North. t] was entitled to its share. Ht ten-year plan on roads. He quoted the saying of a pursued a mick follow." Referring to train. on whh McClinton sai vice was being 'anim First in Seven Years Remarkmg that this was 'l'itical speech in seven ye .(I 1C )1 K WX‘QCKM discussion of '1. Mr. Maglad labour. stating statement 5! 19 stoodâ€"mshox sing the $1 a year appointment 1r Slaght. K.C.. as investigator 1‘. N. 0.. which resulted, he the appointment as T. and N. Nay commissioner. Mr. Mag- said that if Mr. Slaght had Lted the liquor situation he ave his name where he liked it, front pages. 0H] a middle road which w ri IE l'idlll diS( IDENTIFIED man had \"Ls‘ize W came from 'OUI ha 1m W8 10m€ mpro system. mould Ix ating tha had ended vm being assumec Dr. MoClinto‘ -.1dded that, $21,000,000 rrcd- from the hydro the surplus. “taking one pockeL and put- time ago." he saw elvesâ€"a very ignora n'king very hard. wh .1 kc Northc h- wa howec 1C he mm id Lt taxed. From the as sound ‘10 show in times of stress up in Toronto be used in the on ry suggested that 'W on would un- return of :1 Con- Refcrring to Col nation from the 11 OWCC 1£ )k hos 1r 1E 1110 passed on Lt Mr. Row axed to the was to be ax and auto 0 a year. RUM inl If It ) or cism poli- wha Le if AK aid 1n Suppose Cleopatra had to do Housework Telling Houseuixes 1-10“ to Budget Theii Time. “Oh Yeah! They Say. By Isabel Bacon LaFollcth A5 I look over my files I come acroz: a clipping from Dorothy Dix whic amused me when I clipped it and I sti find it thought-provoking, as she doc; leap from prayers a D011 her the comb 7.10. Give Put. on t table at h 7.30. ( Bobb} ribbox' rticle in which housewiw ow to budget their time xiiiute in the day shoulc 111 of its appointed task. "According to this don M. the busy wife and m4 'x‘on Lst, at. lildrcx 1E .011 Floating Carbolic Soap. bars KRUSCHEN SALTS - - ‘Dr. West Tmth Paste. reg. 250 Sizc Size Sin Invigorating Hair Brush ................ Parker Pens .................... $4.00 to $ l’ro-Phyâ€"Lactic Tooth Brush ......... Free Coronation drinking glass \\' English Health Salts at ................. Combination Writing Pad and Envelopes, both for ......................... Special Coronation Picture 12 x 153 of Their Majesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth ...................... We will loan you the purchase of 3 age of this unusuz hohclays. 1E F‘liL your Moths away with PM the modvm Insecticide for flies. mosquitos. moths. etc. Fkl‘ll Lang: Mothproul‘ bug with (Vic .ll'.l.l,ll‘3.\‘. pvr lh. ‘ ' O" I}?! mum (.m 01 [lit at . TAKE REGULAR PICTURES 0R MOVIES ll SC ILLI’S'I‘RATI‘ZD LONDON NEWS l'rofusrly illustrated biography of tin- Kings for generations back. A beautir ful souvenir. '11] 16 bu I'C Kodak Cameras $5 to $15 moth wool for storing your h arry a. panin Unix-'crsal Enlargements h :1 rough 111 he baby oatmeal this unusual offer PM IO! CORONATION EDITION 50 Free Use of Camera 10â€"45( :II b( :1.V 1d full 7 .40. 'I we thc husbax: baker 11 in. N apron at, 1 her bob!) 3.! ll akc 'M 1 stock of ï¬lm: and enlarging and moan I] 3.1K it hould 1x a camera for rolls of ï¬lm. ‘ an 6.45 101‘ It bottlc )ax' ami ikerchlef L 7.35. W Mary‘s 11 30. Set ba th eaclmg ar were Lolc 90 mm m 1C Int 0V0 1' WC( ,n at. '1 .05. Rm hair a rk scien shoulc Wk 7.15 hat eak wep 11 11d (10 (k nu OI‘ (flouredâ€"$1.00 clawedâ€"$1.20 (. .‘olourcdâ€"‘I 111 winter clotht's (‘oronation 'l‘imr or any tinw you'll ï¬nd values at the Goldï¬elds Drug Store that crown them all . . . and the quality of the merchandise is without poor. Lvt us guard your pocket book; and guard your ht‘alth with our rzu'cfully vompoundod prescriptiom. IKE $1. ()0 to >51 ). 00 that seems to get, nc must be. performed to hold machinery func-t custom “That’s bad enou the final straw th: female camel’s baa woman had to do Limeclock tied aro she had to punch c kc dun 3 advan ends 211' W 1' 11 we proserv ruld not, wi ll'C( rubbing e endlc pt mun in with It 161' 111d r on a SLI’E and warned H I Sail via Canadian Paciï¬c in carefree comfort, at attractive low rates! Two days of cruising in the sheltered St. Lawrence Seaway «then “39?; Less Ocean" to British and Continental ports-with your choice of a smart fleet-*maiestic Empresses, regal Dar/Jena and the IoWocost Mont ships. Cabin, Tourist or Third Class. L with( tould n Frequent sailings from Montreal and Quebec 33c,67c,97c ...... 506 with in 1E washing treadn $1.99 (FVCII Jul'ban vrk. Ei I'm 111111 Remarkable values in All-Expense Tours to Europe only $283 up tor 30-day tour to Engiand, Holland. Belgium. France, lncIudlnx Thitd Class passage on Empress 0! Australia. . Cleopau the beau unciior ('ull in and sec this (‘quipmli'nt and ask fur demon-5t ution and full particulars. Now you can have mov- ing pictures that cost yuu loss than snapshots with a Univox. Devolopin 110 t. m baby :d h' rojm tors 'ilm. 30 ft. mll nivcx 111C nowhere h hm NI darnin WOU auty that a; he charm L11 death HIM): for 951 ‘01) in he orl‘ (I break .ll Mnt'l'u ll m 1113‘ 1f bu Walkin V dutie n/ormalion. see your travel aunt av I'l wi ha 311R It the housc 1d fea abl ha llO SH K Fl I this ('UKUNA'I‘IUN ('IHH'OLA'I'ICS. ll) Suuarvd. i'ruu JIGLLIICS. pvr ll) S) -0( her up. This is only the woman whose lif be narrow and her II iC SUD} Fresh Struwlwrry or Pineapple )W 11 W01 ax 11¢ â€One of the re mcstic work 5 1kg a fetish H nctc '11 into a rut limb out. of i Tuesday. 1 Ler whethc mother on 11m For Friday and Saturday n most, over“ helmin wing machine. THURSDAY 156. 2 for )ichicking they wok making FO U N 'l‘ A IN SPECIAL p Di - 250, 690 196. 2 for 25¢ g0 mu he reasons why women hate )rk so much is because they tish of routine. They feel nust wash on Monday. iron .7. bake on Wednesday. no :ther they are sick or well; on wash day the springtime hem to forget the clothes licking. or whether on iron- '3' woke up with an inspira- iking' over an old dress and drudgery would have done : is only too true. And .so viiose life must necessarily and her work repetitious led to be pushed further rut. but to be encouraged ‘lOc MAY 1131‘“. 193 peomc are 54 athcr be 11gb (50c 53C 25c n inspira- (iress and :0. toward =0