Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 13 May 1937, 2, p. 5

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mSDAY’ \I.” 17TH 1931': -m _. “-- -â€".â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" uâ€"r‘m Passage Booked to any part of the World l\\lIll.S I.I.\IR l.(l.S'I..S' TFTF‘. PORCI'PIVE ADVANCE mums ONTARIO .â€"â€"â€".â€" *‘m_nn .... - -..â€".â€"â€"..- TIN) FEET FOR NIlTlll\I. ._ - ---â€".. - -â€"W--‘, PAGF‘. FIVE General Insurance J. McKay STEAMSHIP AGENT ; for all routes ('all. phono- I'i'I-e passport sv'rvu't'. detail “I “.20 Pine North Steamship Agent \XI- 1 our trip, Timmins i Real Estate New (.‘olour Scheme . 1,1. trea‘rd " I lit' I,Ii(‘(llllll- ."" " "‘ or 11 rite for travel information to all parts of the world. 5 .Irrange hotel rI-Iervations and even ‘ ('ruises organized. Phone 1135 ‘A."Al.K ('T (1 (11' .15 '. '11'..1‘.";aj urn. onl. N. I). Engines '..1- (:~"I.1‘:1te 1.";11'1' .1 4-. 4,- 4....-.“ -â€"_-â€"-â€"â€"â€".9 -.. -._vâ€" Insurance one partii'uiar I'las fiie task 1.: 1 '1'1'1'1111e1'1' I 'l he N .1' 11:1111rl.’ .1lfi'tI oneh 1t 1::1t 1:2-1 lSlt‘WII ‘ 1 1 I Fire (Wire ll'_ ‘ ".'S 1 .1 .li ‘ .1‘ .I '1 1 .111'-1.. .1 11‘? I 1 1 l Mas.» l): s'111'111'. .t1.~ 11: I'iii'l.’ 31.1. l~‘..a' .".'11.t Minion . -dy I «:1le Mare .‘1 telott 1 :1' as ready :3 L459 311.»; I' '111111'. .1Il;li 1111131':I;n1.zs';11N1111:1:'1 i\:11ieation Again ()pen l.i l'e Pine SI. SI), iH‘ IIIII , 1! \v -1-. ' III-l1.I.IX, l . E tor Lake TemislIanunI- Autonmhile l'llom‘ lllS ””4.--“ .S‘l’l-ZI‘l \1. sale ..». “'1' .11'1' uttering IUI' 11111111'Ili.1te bargains in House lviIs :IuIl IIlISi’ ‘ llt~s 1111.1t1111s lulu S151 Iloun and “I. SlIl pet HlHt. III \.1 lulu-wt ..l llm le Insurance 1\ Real lustate ' I? (I'll \lI' SI' \ ‘ III)\ llStl l'llIHlI' IIII‘III ‘\\ ltI'? e Bux It and SI llI'r \lI'I't " l w...” w a..-“ . . . . .'1 1‘ II':1~' :1'. mes-11*, IIYI‘S 1‘01 [.1 .\.l‘\"\1 I. QIFIIIUH “111,1- I'I;l(..11'l.( l‘11131‘11- 1.1- 111» ii‘,’-‘ ‘ II;Iti"\.t'.ll'\'. NIJY LI Ifl‘t‘fi‘l‘dl In Illt‘: 1‘ I.l l l â€"l-II-' -1. AIItlJl'lSiS TUI‘ 'I‘. L\' .\ I) I'illfJ‘IllI‘S. 1112'- :111(1 .I"'1'1'111;£ in wild. .»e' .11 fou : 5‘““‘“““" I““"Li"kil“ “‘1. 15‘“ ““““‘ “.H i '1'} H I 1"11'11 uri- ;..1111-;~ 1111: .1 I111 'kurminr? ...‘ rerl. :ItiIiI i i.ii\' ‘l~1111~l<;‘i1111111.1 .‘Silt'flk oi: the 1'1'1;1 trim (‘11.. 9‘ 9 I . 9 ‘_1- -. - 113212.312)“ .‘Ily. r’~'.» ..:i '1. ‘lL.1- “.1‘ 31.1.21! has a (haste e ,lII t:(11"1i11 t 112111.111.» iiiuei‘i‘ng hand ‘2“ 1‘ 1711-: 1... ‘ ‘3“ I i ‘ Adnm'w H.911“... ‘ . .1.“ .1. .. J ._ [:11- 1.11112; '1' (1: the 1.3111111111111 appears; 1 .1.-“191.1111 “I“! 11111'1g11111111 11:1'1 11:4.1'1'111 ( 1 1. ”NU ‘ I 1- . ‘ 111.1 I .1111 1:; 1,:111 :-..<iI'-~. “I .1“, (31?). 1"» 31511211. usz ".'."..; _ .2 .‘............. +5-.” 1 t.‘."1't; 411.79.111.11 I'htli as syllll 1)l_\ 1: l Nut.) 11'. 111.11 _ 1.131. {1:41.11 'Atii'I 111'11 1'. '1. 11‘ 11;. 111-(inn '.11- 111.111 "II':111.liatmltiéf 111111 NI:l'Tllt'l‘1.l m t .H T 111....“ ”I”. .2 H vamhm‘ if." 111..:'.1 “W ‘ I i ‘ touch. 1 1 ..-. .1. .. 1 ~ . I) 1 .5... , (41:11... 11.1111211:! (111 the pawl-I . .1. 11; '1..". .1.. 31-11 1 111' 111111'("1<=l(le11 Gate Bt'ldue'. worried mttil recelillt' wht‘th'l' 71"" 51‘3““ '- I " “““m‘i “ “II“‘V‘M‘H “”1“ "‘Mi‘i ‘1'“ """"'-“ “' "" ‘2 ""“ "I“ 11111. lHUJI‘Il 11.11.:' .4. ‘1‘ .:::1.:.'.11.' I 1 :3m' 1111(11'11 My}, ;.1.l.111;' 1}“. 11'11111'1' 0,; I. 1.1 ..;1~: ".. z, Miniâ€":1 :1 anus. \11‘1111Il pass HIT-Ct'ssfttlly under the life-netted 111'1Il~.;' t \I...‘. 1.1 1'1"!" 1W1” '1l' 1‘“ MR“ 8- kit-“I‘ll“? " '2 Y . ':2' ‘.\':1:V.nj' '11: ; .1 11‘11111' 11! 111-elven: 21:111. 11:. 11.41111 '.1'i:;«'.. (1111 9 ';1e1' t_!m”m\ '.l1e.~-~ 11'1111‘1s uh) appear .. .93}. . 1....-. . .. CT" 11:; .llylvil‘llll. ““‘,."!“““““' ot'uhe Empress oi .BH‘LH,“ Obiingiii‘. Martin-Il- ' l1 1'. I :11~ 11,:111 111 VI .1 IIUILLI'I, 11111) 11.1s11H‘1‘M ‘)i)'.II)'1l.Si‘v' iiarj L"I1I‘ (‘ «my .. ""‘Itliiml 1;; '1:- sum;- plug: 1);“ llleV l1211e 1111 ('1' 111 l. \1 1'11..:1‘..31‘(.:1‘. I\1."ll‘l‘.. Ellipllt’ks pass "(I lllltltl' tllt' midi“. .tlltl‘ .ne .1.1-11 .11 .t .1... 1 I1 I .11'1 .11. .ill.\ 1'\I‘ll' 11S lllllt'lx'I“. 'lt‘l 11.11 !_ 1' 1. 1 ' 11- .'.:11;1:e.~~ 1111211! .IS 11. 11.1'11'1111'111. tlr.u (\H) tt'et 11': 1101 HJSIS. 111.12: [“111 11'1' 11".1s out 1121‘ (t'.1_1s e.1'l.Ii ' their 111th 1:1"; ,3“. awards ““2... .11: Coiled U... '1. Ittilit'ib and ring 1s plain 11111'1 ‘ 1”»; .1 My, . 1 l? 1.} . 1,. , )1 1‘ - . I 11 the nine}: bod}: '._Z the tender Blue‘s . _ . ‘ ' ‘ . i ““1 I “HT“.‘YW‘EUIIH (late 111" 19""i I:::.t:’ winte 11:11” own the trad:tio:1:1l1Intelestiflg ‘19“ 3’? L‘,.1.1.1..1s l):cl~.ens as. the. Old C'llllI s1t1’ton. lI’lI‘tl‘Slliil 111 . three“, "111; -.\-l.1 I out. the rain; (1111 11111 Item..- -:. dour “Hm“. 1.1 1.“, 111} .1; N. O “my I .;,. His money 1111mm}; low I‘on19'1r. the head .1111: 1, .11.. .11. t .1111. 1 .~ lteiemoei 11, 19.15, and (he i \‘()ll}<: \“EN'FS 1 l ”a thet'ptltih. althet tvh a (“31.19.11 1n the (1nd ()dd (“1 )flradp ..S.\1\'1"(-:H]1'(':hlI-ntslted'1t“. l)}'1('l11112;2'i.‘3.‘:‘n' 011: 11sts| l1: eseetittiieuiei"Itisihahjail-”.1. list: 111:1!“ ‘t‘(l .2.1:‘(i:‘r1..‘“Pgn‘iiml 1:! tl11 i } . .11:I'-'l.(.d (I. umbrringr the ll)."(lllltlll'."‘ .. -- .. ,.. 111 t.) (ltlr. .11 .1..I . I s )III {mutt .inI I1..1p,>I.11 .11 . . .. .1 .. ,. .t‘ 1.111 11.1 In l-t ( 11 | ‘ FOR 1 1,1,”... mum. .1 ,1...“ m. WV.) 113., .. 1 1m. "l‘I'.â€"(l:1_1.“ Esentenee. Asw 1.11m! 1‘1'1- ('hw-lI (urn! 1"'e(IuIls lin' here .\Ill(( .i I ‘ 9 .- II‘ I) Ill I‘ SIII‘II‘ilt‘S Mh(>,}.(,(] yum...” 1 Ram”. Willi, .111111' 21.17. 111 l11'4 44 \ )tllius 11min .1: i I‘IRIGII)AIRI‘: ‘ i I) n \I '1 \‘ ' ' 1.1 AilI'Iph Zukttl'. Ill" “ill"ldll‘r't’lV 11' 1‘ H01“ E(IIL(31'-lll-I‘lll1‘i .1: “lint-11 .11..:‘ :11» ”WW“ ‘1‘“ “2“ has gone 0‘“ H “mm ‘1“ ‘ High-t: ’rade. Samples “‘01“ U I ‘ All) ‘ Illlltt 5' 171.111 (:11 personality. It. Sf‘Pm-S' Th1” I riser to 111:1111 1'. 1:11- Ztrraiiw 11.1 â€" "‘1‘ F “W “N WN‘“ ““1““ Audi i COMMERCIAL “FOQIx‘S‘ .S Run 0f ”19 PYQSS i lufimuw ('i'liii'lns laughton. the famous English i appealing; I\I.1 mi 11:1»: 1111.. "I: ““3: F1: .l‘m‘f“ (late jmf‘w‘mqu“? i I , _.---M- ‘ \.‘1.':'.1':. .113 S112; 111-.1111-11 7311' :- .1.-.11':1:".. 1' actor. did 1111'}; well 111 Holly. remarkable (2111111. .9“. 1:11 I (a. ,1.‘ 11.1}. ,H." 1.1.11..11 ,“d'. Slt.‘(fll.'l0"I1 111 10-11 1 i l . S. Man's Journal-Argus: “An old 11:11:11-11‘ 3 ’ 11.111. fln- 11:111'111- 11 .1111'~ 11:47.1 mar-(linult' well. in tact. When 1'. FUIIJI) 01”.“... A t...1'11. ! 3:111 111. 1.. 11.1.1. .11.. lI‘1llllilti‘SI.‘S-’Ilt(')\ XIJAII: A111,)?“ I REFRIGERATION 841:... wmnan was 11'andI-11'ine round ”mung pupal", 21:1 In, ('1111111'111 1'111 (ame to stonino the Paramaunt eon- Baltimore “pm“... .\l:. , (H l--:' 1 . 1.11111'.‘1‘11: ..1 :1.\H\n ii‘-X:..U.‘.l.. '11111.“M! I l the loI'al museum with her grandson. British .\vlu~.-- 1111 .1111. 1'1'. : .111 .ha uad 1'.1'.': M12L1ughton piotested to Mt‘. '11'1'ltten a .Sll’I'.jI‘>.Si‘.ll 1111'1:1.11'::111.. 1 "1.11; 9;". "f\:|‘“|':::_(!“I“’ISLASSH"1‘51“!“:()“I‘.(_IY;1‘.‘!‘;H‘ i [5 your ret’rim'l‘fltiml plant up-tm i Il?"_‘.‘ (nine to t1111‘1‘1sual statue oi vent“; M ,2. L... '11 pi.1.'I':‘I (.2; WW. l'11'1'." baker “'I:11s‘is much mote tttI;tte1 than 1 Si 31,“! ,‘ .“ 1111111'11-1' . f “iii." :1 9,... . 1 1. 1.111-; ;...,‘ .1.... ”pin. hm mg“ I date? Are .mu extending your I It" 31111”- 1131111 “1113 '11“ arm I'm-“11W (I‘ll ".111: 1121' 1 I: 1 . 11' '.1 hi. 1‘." “11““ “Jim" l1e.11211eI.1na bf... “‘1 ("“HHW ""“l“"“' “"" " "“ I" ‘1' l' . ~ . «1‘11 1; .2 .. 21.1.21 .11. i .I ”1.05"!“ [)Iillll'.’ I)” S'Illl llI'I'II HI'W i .3111- ..uiw and tile Whale lll'lll (-1” 21113.1"; i1"1.‘. it 1: . 11 1 11.. 111 . .11.. ,1)“, I ' VIKII'I'VCI WU)- Al‘I‘ 5.011191”? ”5 I‘lght- EIIUVI‘I (llltl l'i‘ll‘llttl‘. (11:31 l ".A HIE-.3121 ' ‘.‘ . “""_‘ ”0‘ Sf‘THFF } H “F H .“T” [“9“ I i H‘I’lime'i“ .Simlfih' (all us, we I «.11 the other ”there .‘Ie are. 1113' latif‘é (.1. 1111. .17).“ t‘J';1"lz.1 1] 33'. 1111'; 111'»- ”.‘A2L-1‘ll‘l'117‘llt' right.“ said Mr. 2111101211)“. Holt Land." \lr. (1.1.1... P, 1.1;1- . 11.11‘11:!11'1111(“I”iiiwul‘.‘”1:31:31(,(11‘11‘:i . 1n ”gnarl; iii-‘1‘;igIIIiiit‘iIii].fdiymdu i {)91‘,n(l.‘u.:d.(, 1m. ‘0“ lad}. “2.2.4119“; 11111 1 :10: \ 11::11 111-t t‘fliI‘I"LIillll‘.‘ :1. 111 1.:111â€" Il.‘.1..‘11 i; Il()I‘1-Ilunt1)a.. memes};tritiughgH able piI'stiIus-i..:..z . .. 13 m ;11;::s".11'1:1 , 1,}. 11h | ' INVINCIBLE 5; . - ' I 1111110? (award the \‘oungster. "Ina 1“ (lei. 11".1s . 1‘3111: .. .1 -' 1:1'1. 111.111 11.1111 l ‘1 m i 1' ...1u- 1t0n.‘ e ‘ ‘1 .‘0( expert ventriloaunw l11'~1.':- “‘1‘" “ii: ‘7 ‘ 1 -----_-- ,WOSHAP“ “d STREAMUNE ALL WORK (HIXRANTl-ll-Zl) l vshat. comer. 11‘ ‘1111111' Your tin'zt'r nails” I Holden. and '1.1'l':1le \l.' H” ,1...“ s-rz'aâ€" -‘1"'1U 341- Zukor. rathet I’m/'41?“ I‘lmhf‘lf- row- chinned high 11: 1.11311: .\11 (1211's 11 l I . i - ’. 11011511 2'1. 1111111 1 11'. 11111.1” , .111 ”HWY“ “will" "0 be autad m" aetmv has a 1111:1111‘: 111111241111; .1;"1 :11';111.'1- i 1‘)"; ’l‘he Advance Want Advertisements I .‘IQ(‘halll 'le ‘ Huii'uimrth (lleaiierfw Recently. Dr! tln- 111er311111: :1; 1\.I': .1 1 11: in yer- 111‘:11':111211's. UF(WU‘IW' _ i Refrigeration _ - Wil li'Iel .1. Funk. dictionary lllfllx't'l‘,E 1(1'11111111':s lie 1:1' 1'1.‘ 1111;1111' Salesmanslup 7 ‘ _ I - magazine editor. book publisher :111;llil:\lll‘c~‘lt‘11911111 2:11. '1.--31:,;:111;1.- 3-31-11 111W Jacques Rosenbloom {mg tough i ( I‘LLâ€"*1 III poet. was asked l') name the "mos: l butt :1:1:1r:i1 1, 1n .~.1~~ tanzilj. 1111'1-11'11111'11â€" ""1‘"m]"mhll’ 111 New ”york I’m)“ . 1'1'1'11'1'11'keIl" words (11' the E11ali.~.l1itiztn:a ’l‘onx' 1 - 11' I :1: szihrletjc. lle “""""‘"15 1‘” twenty ““11"" Now he has. i T A MARRIOTT I: languaee at present. Here is Doetor: 1:1'1l11-IL iiI:1.i1-11‘: 9:121 111an111ur with (1111‘ "1'91““ 1“" ideas 10 '1‘ course in retail- 0 o ; ' Punk‘s list ot‘ 1101'le ranked 111 In lei-isi'aljtirgr :11 3.1:": 31.111 .1. .1 >1.1'..'.~ lanIi. ””1 "I the Central 5911001 or 3115111951“ AND SONS ‘11 mos" t‘requent usage: 1. okay; '3. The .luda. ;,..'l;I';1'i 211s ~;l1'I-1' pieces. Hm INT-SJU-Sl inside ”399111131109 t0010 ‘ :choo‘. (:11 New York‘s busy Forty-Seeâ€" ].‘I First Ave. Phone 1417 l I i ti'l‘t‘illI'; 13. i TII'II‘V'; (I. louset' ; 14211; 7 1".1I'kI-t: 8. (II-:111â€" puppet I swell: 0. 'l. ('ontaf't; ."1. blandlx' 3.:1' 1:11'51 I \v\iti‘v \ i‘IL\ ('illl'filts til.(l )l'i)-~ and street is a thoroughly untraditionul I I 1111- III ~ 11 lice-I. '11 . “â€"m turf; 10 1101...... l 1.01....“ 1.1. .3. 1.. ,1... I'm. '11111111f .lII‘x'HllCL' in education. a ('omplete small ”- “ ‘ _ t I? 1' 1‘111'31111; {.31‘ '111111, I“... I. .. I‘. 1.13.; It Lilli :ritll‘t'. W,~Ww’mm W, . ’1 .;1;1 ».' .1 I -31 . 11141 May is 1121:: a haberdashei'y store. M’N'Nm”" : 1 1..“ ., ,1. , 1,; . ,1 .1111'1' that 1'. carried women's ready-to- SIM‘IS i 1 I .\l': 1.1 .1 .. '11 111:111111 1.1.11', and followed with stationery l , HOOKER DREW i i I .11., . , “9., H '11 7)..“ 1H \ 111" l.' 11'1121-1 the Christmas season it. was ‘: 511111,... ~ . 1' 1:“ a -111 store. Cl.lSlOIll(I,‘l‘.S‘ are tite0 8000 ‘ 1 . ~ . . lusludenm (it the sclioo About :3 stu- INSLTRANCE IN ALL BRANCHES : i or); .i ‘ 1 ‘ ‘1 . 1‘“ L ‘,.,,i:‘:,. .( dents. get a III/101011 training in actual REAL ESTATE : i ( (.111'1 ‘ ,‘l ‘ J ‘1“ ‘ 1. (”22d hid! retail problems to simplenient theii 3 : I (‘ ‘11'11..:1;1 ‘. .11.1 memori/I (i 1 I'Iass~:'I:Ii.-m work. Already more than Houses and Lots for Sale on Term. i i I 11111 2111111. 11 .11.:1 '.1.'~'11"I 1 .11....- mna I ’3‘3‘3-“(20 "1 IJII'SIIW'SS‘ ha“; been 90““- l i z 1.1:; 1 .3; .. ‘ new .1.” “I.“ M 111' When a new kind 01 store is setup DOMINION BANK BUILDING I I 111112'1. A 11:11 . ‘ 1.1111 «:loll-.. 1:11.011 student siudies the opportunitie. Opposite Goldfields Hotel Block PHONE 112 i I (main. 1 . 1 I 1. 11 1 1. 1.111.111. .‘ 5"“ ( 5“”? "' “0"” m. '1' 5‘“ TIMMINS Residenceâ€"PHONE 135 I ; 1:1,.“ .1 1'1'1.'-1'.1-"1'I , 9 .1. ( :‘ 1'11,~ (.1111 ‘It .ted part. (11 the I'1t_1'. He studies the ‘ ‘ , H“... i ’ .1 .K ) :1111': I neighbourhood assigned and picks out :1 .. T’::::::"~mm i I“... 1. . 1:? hr 1'11111I111. He (omits the number oi T’T’mNNM'TNW ‘ 9:11 '1‘11- llIISSlll‘; and linds ‘.\'llI"lllI'l‘ or â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" - .1,...). , , ,,. ,.., . u\‘\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\£‘\\\\\\‘\vI\\\\\\\\\\\s\\\\\\\\\vn'uvuxx\\\\\\\\~ I 11.11.1111: "11:11-25 1;?”ng“1:13.22 1.9:); Timmins M XTINEE I) XII. Y XT Special .‘Ilatinee at 2.30 p. m. ’alace Theatre Palace MIDNIG HT SHOWS SpeIial Matinee l.\'ery IriIl'u' at ..1turd.1y atll 'l‘lll'RSllAY. MAY 151‘“ Double Feature Programme Melvyn Douglas and Virginia llruce in "“"(lMIlN ()I‘ (ll..~X.\l()l'R" also .S‘vliil Jason and (luv Kihliee in “THE ( AI’TXIN‘S KIl)" ‘RIILXY .S ATl RDAY .‘11 XY ll-1.') I \ 1ct'or .\lcl.ag'len and Binnie Barnes in “The Magnificent. Brute " . SpI-Iial (‘liildi'euk Matinee Saturday at 11.13 :1.111. S‘HI)\\I.\‘I‘. ’I‘IU'; ABOVE PROURAMNH-j NII)\I)\Y .1 TWIS S‘1;'I)XY M“ 17â€"18 Mar 1011 Davis and (‘ lark (lahle m ‘(‘ain and Mable " \\'!'.I').\'ES. L\l THURS" MA Y 10â€"20 Ilouhle Feature Programme Iura'ess .‘Ileridith and Marge in "\\ l\'l‘E R.S FT" :1lso.lohn Howard and Marsha Hunt in “EASY TO TAKE“ I‘RIIHY .S "A'l‘l RDAY )1 X-Y 221â€"â€" (lary (ooper and .lean Arthur in The Plainsman S‘I’I'II'I \l. (“11. DR! \" S A] XTINEI SWAH' RI) XY at It 1:. .1..1n Showing the .-'Xbou~ Programme 3‘4 ‘\V.‘\‘S“$\\‘S$$§S“IXS9~$$§$$§is Sis T$\\\\\\\\\\\$\S‘S\\\$S\\$.\\\\\\\§\\\\\\\! :2 o) thev desire to see the full Show. vamxwuvswxxsmmxs 5 Patrons to attend the theatre not later than 8. 00 p. m. for the Second Shoo 1f Theatres EVENING 7. 00 and .S' .30 p.111. Every Saturday at 13.00 o‘Ilc'I'iI'l Noon. IXIHIIS. S‘lONâ€"Xll (‘hildren 10c \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\‘ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ‘5. ‘1. S. \\ XV. ‘1'. ”L ‘3 \\‘s\\\‘ Goldfields MIDNIGHT SIIO\V Every Sunday at 12.01 'l‘HI RS [)XY .\l XY l‘l'lll All English lloulile F'ature l’roe'ram I’a ul (‘avanagh and Helen Wood in “(‘ H XNII’ X(§\l. (ll XRI II)" also Wheele ' and Woolse1 in “.VII‘MMY’S BUYS“ (midnight) FRIDAY .S S‘ATIRDXY )lXY 1i -1.') \\ allace Ford and I hyllis Brooks-1n “ Another Face " \IONI) XY TI ES I)XY M \Y 1' Dick Ioran and Linda I’ err) in “ Land Beyond the Law " WEDNES. Tlll'RS" MAY 10â€"20 All French Double Feature Program "TRAIN llE l’l.»AlSllI" also “LES YEI‘X NOIRS” French News Reel and (,‘anadian News IRII)AY .S ATI RI) XY )1 XY (ieorge Bancrott and Ann Sothern in “ Hell Ship Morgan " I h‘ '1. 21â€"1222 \\\\\§$3$$‘$S\\\\\\\\§$\\\SS\\\S‘XS‘SSSSSSS;SSS$S\S\$§S\'\\\$S\\\\S\\ m\\\\\\\\s\\\\\\\x\\\\\\\x\\\\\x\\\\\\\1s\\\\\\\x\\\\s\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' .Noticeâ€"On double feature programmes coming to our theatres 11e request our O \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\“\\\\\\\\\\\'X b\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\ \ \ \\ \\ \ \\\ \\ \\\\\ :'1.;l 112.111 IS‘. 11hether piofits could I:I)1'e1 and other running expense. He . ii'ia'n'Iy-s his report to the L‘I‘II.S.S and must I11111-:.,l l11.- choice against. their criti- Il‘lll, II1.\\' i learned 'artlvd b_\' :1. Ellis I) handle customers can only be by 11'1'11111‘. The students were ('Itsiomer who bought :1 ltLtIl.\'-iI)-‘.\'t‘Lll' and went. into llll'lli:; 111‘ enthusiasm. She started to $13 tor ll. When she found that the (l rests V 'i'. l I. ‘1 12 ' ;.1'1:.'1- '-.1".1.~ $11.95 she beeame indignant and the sale 11 .1s ot't‘. I11 such episodes 1:.» sulltlI 1:1"; (.1 retailing become up- ‘11111 (Causes: “HI".‘lI'W Ill Reâ€" 5.4 . [-0- s- 4 » lierutioner .1\ .~ (Iian- 2.1111111 man. Andre Obrecht «I- 21:1111I- hy made and musician b}; l‘I'lt'l'I'lLLI', has been picked to become final executioner master (.1 i :.‘tll‘:l(.‘llliI' His. unI'le Anatoli- i 1111:1111‘1' l‘I"lll‘lll£2 Irom the service I 21".1'1' 1.11.1111 halt :1 century as heads- ObreIh' as his sue- 11(111111111ted gruesome but lucrati1'e 'l.tl1('1' .S'. ()1 pâ€".‘ - .1~ ‘IIIII’ :. .ll. ill II to the ;.."~‘. l( 11 I. ( brez'ht had helped his (little on 1-1-1'211 I'-.;'asions. He was reported :0 i 1.1.1 1.1 ramisswl with Deibler‘s instru- : 11.111 1' s in (l‘tCl)})ill-’ otf he ends 01 straw . his ptotiI'iI-'nI_1' re.'ei1'ed 211:. 111131er professional approval. . (“urn in has lived quietl1' with his wife I .-: :.'1llIr'.nIn a submb of Paris where ha. been employed as meehamc in factory. A11 ardent ama- he learned to play set'- ::Il :1:~:trt1ment~'. His new instrument-â€" ‘ tare 1: attiilotines»«were given :0 him by ’ With them Deibler beheaded ' ‘1 1111111 s' out: I 211'( ; ;1:‘. :Ititrtmobile :- 211' mitsieian. \\\\\\\\$\\\\\\\\\‘ \\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\‘\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\f\3 A \I ‘ I‘ 111“!“ = 3711 men and women. Obreeht. who is 311 ‘.t’;:l‘.s old and sturIiier than his pre- ‘e I‘SSIII 11111 he the first. executioner 1312111112 anothct name than 1.:-:eeu'.10ner I'I‘C‘I'lVE‘S is knoun. De tolers 11.eome was . 1.11 protide him With a (-0111- .111"I1l;1l1 Pars. apartment. Thete is a - 214211;: 'im: he owns a suburban home 7 and 11 111111 on :he Ri1'1era. and that he ‘ .1. 11113E1I.n'.11:'e 111 francs. W33: .tSSZ scant .~. the 111...“. :11 \1211'l'I".5'l' ' passed 1:1 France. I In" . \‘11 o- 1 “ IJIL :Ill‘v (lee :us sen-1 enee o‘ (11.1..1 1.‘ There he .St'ls up i115 nertuue111~~-'L-.1 V'eu'I'e 1the widmu 'zae :- 1...I....1 21.1.) Known during L211 \\ $\\\\\\\‘\“~"K§" s\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ - lip-2'... :1 revolution. He presides over the I l I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I . _-.M_-~.- “Wm-w.â€" ii".1(l.\‘.ll111'l - - m-......__...,.â€". - 5 . 1.»? :no:1:ent.~~ of the I'or'iciemneo. escort» : 5 111:1: 2.1 the - 1111:“ after fix-e trz'I-tlL- : I“ '20: .11- rum and I'tqarI-tfe have been 0:â€" ; g: " "‘"" A' (lawn. he bows: "ne (71111111131: i C “(VIC '11 '121' .1'1“'i{"’ ttlttl gll'I'Sd's. 11 I)’.'-‘ By Choosing the Complete Car in the Lowest Price Field I) 111: Iller liIIII little \ou pl: 111 to 1111' lor \Olll‘ I'.11'- 11.111 It I'Iilitli II to ALL the Hood things ol‘ motoring-1! . III \I Think of all the leaturI :4 um ”(i in Chevrolet" â€"-â€".111Il 111111l111'1. 1l~1 ”at the lIme~t [HUIII‘S . . . l ni- bit I I III!“ I lop limb It} I I. III 1' . . .\.1I\'e-in-I'IeaII I‘I'Illltllll} engine . . . Hydraulic llraLI-s . . . Knee- .-XI-tiI111gliIIinui'iIlI' (in Master I)t‘ LUXI' IIiIiIIelsl his-her .\Ii-l)r::tt Ventilation . . . aiiII Salety glass in I-Very 11i111II1w. ‘ little to get all the Mid 1011 van prIne llial toil: '11 In .S'I’ I mg and (1111 ill.” the HHI\ I'ompII te. ear in tlie lune-t liI'IlI-----tl1e I‘M. (21111.111I11.11 3 VI‘VI‘I' III‘I‘IH‘I' Il‘ts ll (‘0. l SI things 11:11 11.1111 in :1 tnotui 1.11. IIIIII' ”P“ 1.11” NIHI’L’II'» p.1-.-.1.-.1..,,,1. on 11.»- (7.111va Motrin InIralmenr Plan. PRICED FROM 8 2-Pur-s UUSlflI": (-‘Inrprj III/ASTER DE LIMIT-(F. _ MODELS FROIH Sb )2 Delivered .11 f11'111r1,() hat 13.11 Ont. (i IIIrn- 55):) ' i ' Ilu‘rl! 1.11.“ /1.I-11 r H I! III-11h! (IIIIIIIIIIMI. .1 -. (i‘rIII-~ sub/mt I") (/1111) -. without IIUIJCI.) ......... ...... ' :2”; #:39/1A- “A CHEVROLET . ‘11.:- .';:{."' .1' . ~ '~.:;;:- All-STEEL, ALL-SILENT TURRET TOP BODIES BY FISHER ....... ....... ' I . . . for I'I'ImImu'I'III trunspm'mtiIm ... 1.1!"..0omt' ’l‘immins Garage Company Limited Semce Garageâ€"Ansonvdle

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