Vol. XXII. No. 36 WESTERN ('ANAI); SPECIALIST Eye. liar. Nose and Throat Empire Block Timmins 14-26 Chiropractor and Electra Therapist CONSULTATION FREE Diseases Peculiar to Women . Phone 1565 Gordon Block Phone 1615 Passage Tickets also on sale. good in:â€" (a) tourist sleeping vars at approxi- mately I'm per mile. plus regular berth fare. (b) parlor and standard sleeping cars at approximately 1'20 per mile, plus regular seat or berth fare. l’.0. Box 1591 Specialized Business Training Classes 7 o'clock Monday. Wednes- day and Friday nights. 6 Balsam St. N.. Timmins. Ont. Phone 228 Box 677 41-53 Benson, Sayer Davidson CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS TUI-WT Cunfederation Life Bldg†Tumntu. CONSULTING AUDITOR Trustee under The Bankruptcy Act Room 2 Marshall Block Telephone 611 'I‘immlns, Ont. Credit Reports Collections Accounting and Auditing 6 Balsam Street North. Timmins Phones 270-228 P.(). Box 1747 -39-‘.2 R OU'I’ESâ€"«TJ Arthur. 01' STOPOVERS Dr. S. R. Harrison Swiss Watchmaker Graduate of the Famous Horological Institute of Switzerland Phone 1365 Mrs. Summers, Supervisor Studioâ€"1M ('cdur .\'. 'l‘immins. Ont Third Avenue to save the [we 01 The Pioneer Paper of the Porcupine. Established 1912 ()NE (‘EN'I‘ PER MILE Going Dates Daily May 21 to 3% Return lelt: 4'2 Special Bargain EXCU RSIONS r'. I). Cuthbertson, I.P.A. DR. E. L. ROBERTS 0. E. Kristenson Sleeping (‘ur Privileges (2 HA RTE R El) A(,'(,'() l' N TANT CHIROPRACTOR X - RA Y NED ROCALO METER Bank of Commerce Building PHONE 607 URCUI’INE CREDIT Corporation Ltd. The List'l. l’ianofortc School of Music Porcupine School of Commerce Piano. Theory. Rhythm Band Recitals F. BAUMAN ,‘anadian Pacific TO ALL STATIONS [N 1 Gordon Block 60 THIRD AVEN L' E ,iood in Coaches only _\I'PR().\'I.\l.-\'l'l‘ll.Y 1}. N. ROSS grove 50 Phone 640 t6 TI ll on sale. good in:â€" rars at approxi mile. plus rcgulzl 380 Timmins, 0m of BSIIU m ms Says Quality Rather than """" Price Should be Keynote mmmmm Timmins, Ont Empire Block Timmins 'ODR‘. 11' Ma Phone 1048 L. Sault Ste. 1 accordance ates lines. (1 )l' 17-43p 1937 01‘ Montreal. told Club at their the Legion ha we were all t purchawing power prosperity, and in tion for sound bus said Mr. Cohen. The speaker. wl‘. terested in bays‘ v mented {he Kiwani project. He stres: competent, director we shou me mods methods in tr up our tempo Mr. Cohen. be the keyn and this we the producer "Fair pric. W 34“ childrel life. ‘boys‘ \ the m Annual Appeal for Funds far SA. Wnrk of R. P. K‘mk1 club. in the me QirecLors will plans for club Mr. Edward Objective mins and dLericL : Je-ctive for Timmix year is $1075. and or exceed this cbjc ast, year was $1051 Major and M unusualy effe district in [k shculcl wm fr the Army. Th Denial appeal )U .1011 as possmle 1pp1‘0p1‘iate to ast. paragraph aut, by Commi K Speaking on “Busi. ajor Horace R. Cone :er of the Freedma ontreal. told member 1111 ast. year was Luly reached t ollar or two a The Timmir n connection w We will comm If God to seek alien. heal the Published at Tim Every HONDAY The annual S= Alvaticn Army ins and dier: lat a relations 3' of the bu lag: month here will b! .11 quali .111 11 appeal . lne and : 13 possible F‘. Ma work c ed in the pas-3 Wm friendshi ny. The canvz supervi Gordor all too ,y rat note performar m 11d LE strict; a I‘immin Dowe mu RC _V'( add canva ;hould Old Cc QUO Hillier 11m Monda alums-n Dex u nal 11' ll -pl' 11'? be 11' 1+ )I‘ Jut. Can-d; TH URSDAY L11 01' :1 11 I'OH DI 1r n n McMil 31. He sa he by beir 11 IT ~11 ~\ NEW AND EXCLUSIVE PORTRAIT OF HIS MAJ ESTY THE KING. e pris: remcn on cause :he Se u )ntr .OI‘ With )l‘ 11 3,1 1p II m 11K )t Elmira Signetâ€"An advertisemenz. How to Make Money Quick.“ attracted I' (’1‘ )8 HE VOWlI 3mm; 11 )por V“ 31' HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH BIT var ll 3 promptly ,n'd waited .CC 000 11 h rem Al‘ TIMMINS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 6TH, 101 oran VI ainc a-ppe 3111a 1e Am' mbl and 0010. for work er-ta'm university sent, a, check for A few days lat- arrived with the shows hi ll 11 Army .ia.l welfar The exter it Canac CI'V I’E meal the The men an Th 11 d0 )0 Hawk La! .cn the f! MissS .Smith Deaconess at Kapuskasing Last \\ 90k Delightful Event On Friday Evening 11 I‘l'avehm'ue To-morrow Eve- nlng N’Iost Entel'talnmg knee w ith hiking through L home to Torcnt ’tured and mac peasants of Euz‘c lands. seen and .9 IT bi q is h \wi 1131 am The Y.P.S. i‘ we of 1C I‘ 8.1 .11 lc Mi ier W I‘C sdom in bring such cultstvandi Sudbury.“ n Ell] 3y me 3-118 onigh mama W1 3f Ontario. ' the direc mted Chm Le If .vith 1c 11' 1E lec sle ille u 11 colL-ured p Iranhy. res. Kapuskasin ek says : â€"- seen 31 13113 yea I] ate I) ien .he bui baa und JE ai to 1100!] Sm 1‘0 ed you: ush bél pictuxe Where she will 511 ~. The Cochrane 1: , camp for ms you Jytery with A .six miles ff lowing dates an to 28th: ‘ejunio boys. July 30th to Andr Th as of the pic-Lures. almost be- n their number and variety. :e travelled with the brothers Atlantic by cattleboat. on “a t for two“ through the Brit- F’rance. Italy on into Asia. by tramp steamer .to San riding freights and hitch- ug‘n the United States and so orcnto, having lived. adven- made amends among the ' Europe. the natives of many L and learned more in that year than is given to «most see and learn in a lifetime. is to be congratulated on its .vi' h ainme kit 18 my C n11 NI ma IE mo it mi 1C en church >1 in so be 18 1‘21 u. that Toll Brc th for senior girls Amps are held under Christian Education that it ireside the llld€ at delightfully ‘ ully illustrated in Sud-bury wa. 5 United Chum .0 the quick humour speaker. Notiseable re the applause for mm of the speaker m-b of the Saviour me walls and that .ll'E der icciety.'1â€he ch1u‘c] enthused audienc Ifolded of how th- d€C an cutertainme beauty and int-ere ini to all who enjoy that, the famous . Brcuhers will be Thm'ch to-m3rr0w er the auspices of Ti‘mmins United Lt it is under the ;ide Club will be its merit to most lI beautiful I'E 11mins gnd home Miss Smil alk and d1 walls in n in all ; intermediat. junior and in h to Aug. 6:11 seaâ€"The Times World Cop: 11‘ guest, c meetm 1 show slides 1e Presbytery >11 1111111 01' Ian-i “th ssible now in! ttict with heart-y haw lumbed me year 101.1: at 'or install of Monc by the li ention ma :corded thj 'du the DV at of )eoplc Nigh: SCCDCS ll M2 tak m 1b in h Young Fellows Charged wigth Theft of Bicycle Matachewan I’ctitioning (.lovernmcnt for a .1211] Mata Ontaric there Com} Clvilizaucn the area it burr Matachewal be fairly w need for a fourt ()rLlers Repairs Made to Damaged Mae hine and Re- mands (‘ase tor a W eek. Men Accused of Begging on Street. Sixty Days for Particularly Mean Theft. Other Court Cases Tuesday. WhiCh I’CQUE St. Ma 1‘ Hutchinson. 11’ 111 shoul lry, but. jail Incic n man who iI 3( Vi ll 181‘ 11 jail .1 n H) local 1E a mov 30 ard W HIS MAJEST 1‘ KING GEORGE VI 1113‘ it is understood that nove on foot to have a Liquor ard store at Elk Lake. There eem to be any reason why a . make a, liquor store neces- iL may be the other way 11 any event the people. of ill and Elk Lake all seem to well agreed on pressing the 1 jail. and also for a liquor will be interesting lto note .1651, will be grantedâ€"if any. 11 :11 h l'f t0 011' 11‘ in i 18d I) mÂ¥{1€:‘:-â€"'1 ll'xlaI-Al'gu, ke Elk NC y 11 11 L1 -A1'gus zâ€"Thc ws has found the tale after island without lave his insur~ and it, had enâ€" ble 01‘ ll vep him alive .' to ask the jail at, some 9 [the needs Elk Lake is ace for such .VIatachewan n of mining "ï¬lmes. Also. Lake but; it ars ago and here seemed v jail. 'but, as imes. Also. .9 Matache- 133-puiation :. a jail is a 5L becoming ‘ The dis- Lake would 1' so. There sing into here mus: Published It Timmins. Ont. Canadn. Every IONDAY 3nd THURSDAY Juvenile delinquency loomed fort.) police court. Tuesday afternoon. w two youths. Armand Major and Er: Sabourin. appeared before Magist Atkinson. on a charge of stealin bicycle. According 'to the officer laid the charge. the bicycle was f0 in a shed on the property of Saboui parents. The serial number on the cycle had been obliterated. and the tire bike repainted. In his defence. ‘. jor accused Sabourin of the ac ntheit. but the latter refuted this st. ment. According to Sabourin the cycle had been taken from a shed joining a church. He said he was †going for a little ride;" but befort could return it. church had come and he was afraid to take it. back lze took it home and refinished it. bourin said Major helped him paint bicycle and had been riding it. A1 liCll D-elquiderie. owner of the bike identified his property, and said that it had been damaged considerably. The defendants claimed that part of the damage had been done before they took it, but they were ordered to repair the bicycle and report. back to court next, week. Major is nineteen years of age and his partner younger. Albert Taillefer pleaded guilty to a charge of stealing $10. and was sen- tenced to sixty days. The money was stolen from an aged couple who said it was the last ten dollars they pos- sessed. T aillefer has been convicted on two other occasions and has served time forlboth previous charges. "I have never begged in my life." said Michael Kuskner. when confronted with a charge of begging. “I have worked all win-{er for in}: living," he asserted. but ni‘ailed to recall his actions on the evening when he was: it was the last sessed. T aillefer two other occz lime for'both living.“ he asserted. but nailed to recall his actions on the evening when he was arrested by Chief Paul. "We watched him for some time." stated Chief Paul. “He and his partnerl were going from door to door. Finally; I followed him to a house. and over-? heard him ask for one dollar. We took him and his partner to the station." When confronted with this evidence the accused could not remember be- ing at the stated house. Both Kus'kner and} his partner; ' WWW were fined $10 and c:sts or 30 days. Nick Kiasko. arraigned on a charge of assaulting his wife. was remanded for one week until more information could be gathered, and until it was possible for his wife to appear in court “I‘m nm a vagrant." stated H. G. Wakefield. when information to that effect was placed before the court. The defendant was found in the ball park at 7 o‘clock in the morning. and was un- able to give the officer a satisfactory explanation as to where he lived. Serâ€" geant Olson told of questioning the man, who said he came from South Porcupine in search of work. but “guess- ed he was a little early for the openâ€" ing of the Employment Bureau." Magisâ€" trate Atkinson withdrew the charge. telling the man to go and find a jJ’o. Walter Kobas was charged with as- saulting Helen Kobas. He is said to have pushed her from a moving autoâ€" mobile. He was remand-ed for one week. : A hail of $200 was advised because l was stated he had threatened the weâ€" man‘s life. and a high bail would keep him safe from carrying out his threats. Seven persons were assessed one dol- lar and costs for illegal parking. An- other seven paid $10 and costs for gambling on Sunday. Drunltenness was. charged against ten men. all pleaded charged against ten men. all pleaded guilty and were fined $10 and costs. Three people paid $10 and costs for driving without an operating license. A change of driving a car which made unnecessary noise was withdrawn. Tony Birchirsk was fined $10 and costs for driving a car with defective brakes. Five defendants pleaded guilty to charges of speeding and were fined $10 and costs. Two men pleaded guilty to a charge of reckless driving and were fined $10 and costs. Very Attractive Stamps for Timmins Jubilee pleasec clffecti‘ mh 111! nail from Timm Lhe fact that. the urpie Timn 'PI‘ IRE 'bu 3K .3 L1 .0 ball cl 1937 un xed wi s a. little early for the opeer e Employment Bureau." Magiz (inson withdrew the charg: 1e man to go and find a jJ Kobas was charged with 21: Helen Kobas. He Ls said 1 hed her from a moving anti everybsc 11' 11 (1W1 anc I’IT usually attracuve L0 envelopes and at. wit. vert 1111 U he Jul b the present industr be comglicabed by a )le M3 3.1 J“ )1 .e arrival o: )i fficer who was fmmd Sabourin's on the bi- the bi led ad )1 istra 1‘ WI) h i whe .11 lger. bike 'llE Sa Horn 1 mt ll was aded m SC To at ii Langdon Langdon Presidentâ€"Austin Neamc Secretary-’l‘reasurcrâ€"-W. D. Forrester P.O. Box 1059, 'I‘immins, Ont. Monthly general meetings of the above. branch will be held in the Legion Hall Cedar Street. South. 'l‘immins A VOCATâ€"BA R R l STE R NOTAIRE Hamilton Block Phone 1650 Tim] Building Plans [£51 Old l’.(). Bldg.. 'l‘immins Arch.Gillies,B.A.Sc.,0.LS. Wrap all Garbage in paper. Keep your Garbage (‘an euvered. IIse plenty of (Jhloride of Lime. which can be procured at the Town "all free. Householders using well water must. boil it for at least 20 minutes. All Outside Toilets must he made. fly- prool'. By Order of THE BOARD OF HEALTH Cent-a-Mile) ALSO '1'†Hamilton, Smithvillo, Dunn ville, Welland, But'faio, Gait Woodstock, London, ( iuelph Kitchener. (Thathum. Wind sor and Detroit. AND RE'I‘ITKN 7 Reed Block J. J. Turner 8250115. Ltd. PETERBORO [7 GH, ()N'I‘. Agents Everywhere PRICE THREE CENTS Service Chfldren 5 years and under 12 Half Fan Tickets to Buffalo and Detroit sold sub- gration quuiIemems of USA For wmplctc Information and Tickets Apply to Agents '1‘. 8.- N. O. and N. (3. Bly. jec 22m:â€" .= ngmï¬zb QR: Jarâ€".743.»â€" Z43: BarristorS. Solicitors. Noturw: 4 )lARSHAI.L-E(‘(‘I.ES'1‘()NE BUILDING GOING Thursday, May Barrister. Solicitor. Etc. Bank of Commerce Building I). Pthuette, propriotnr THREE BARBERS IN ATTENDANCE ï¬ascmcnt Reed Block. 'l‘immins 'rvico Satisfaction Sanitation Branch 88 Reference Schumacher High Schoo many others on reque We IVlanufacture and Carry in Stock Canadian Ask Your 1. TORONTO Tim mins FLAGS PACK BAGS HAVERSACKS EIDERDOWN SNOWSHOES ROBES DOG SLEIGHS SKIIS TOBOGGANS DOG HARNESS TARPAULINS HORSE TENTS BLANKETS Barristers. Solicitors. Etc MASSEY Bl.()(‘K TIMMINS. ONT. and South Porcupine D. R. Franklin RETCRNING ['1’ T0 Sunday, May 16 Anase Seguin Legion 8y 'I‘. ATTENTION HOUSEHOLD ERS Ontario Land Surveyor BARBER SHOP anadian Pacific A. (‘ALDBH‘K Timmins. ()nt *J'I‘S BLANKETS r Local Dealer for Prices or '1 your order direct tq _ A [{(‘III'I‘ECT Second Section DE Ll’Xl N. 0. train No Connectimw Architect AWNINGS 'l‘() Estimates. Etc. ms 1’110110362 Tim mins 'l‘immins Ontario l4 14 14-26 nd )n and 2t