Many people were killed and injured when Communists and membe;rs of the Parti Social Francais clashed in Paris recently. Our picture shows police éxamining a cafe in Clichy which Communists converted into a miniature stronghold and fired on police through broken windows. Interesting and Effective Film to be Shown at Palace on April 14th and 15th. Trcy, N.Y., Record:â€"A mistake was made in not having jigsaw puzzles ang sitâ€"down strikes come along simulâ€" tanecusly. Picture Urges All to Careful Driving A picsture titled, "We Drivers," is to be shown at the Palace Theatre on Wednesday and Thursday, April 14th) and 15th. It is the General Motors film illustrating in gripping way the battle between the careful and the careless driver. Throughout the theatres of the Dominicn there is being staged the everâ€"prosent, continuous and vital batâ€" tle ‘between "Reckless Rudo‘ph" and *‘"‘Sensible Sam." Rudolph is the villain of the plot, who mutters "Step on it! Who cares?" Sam is the modest hero who pleads: "Take your time! Be careâ€" ful!" In technicolcur and in the brief spaze of fifteen minutes the film clearâ€" ly points out the causss of accidents and shows how ordinary care, eccmmon sense, courtesy and â€"respect for traffic laws can avoid them. The p:câ€" ture takes the audience through city streets and along country highways, in the daytime and at night, in fair weaâ€" ther and foul, pointing out the dangers of the craving for speed, and woo!â€" gatherinz behind the wheel, endangerâ€" ing life and property. Every feature of poor driving and careful driving is given due emphasis in mcost interesting way All shcould see this picture on April 14th and 15th at the Palace. On the first level the west drift nas been advanced far enough that crossâ€" cuitting has been started now to ihne wide section of ore grade proviously reâ€" ported as being cut in the No. 8 nole. The drift on the main crebody at Martinâ€"Bird Gold Mines at the second level has been extended approximateâ€" ly 100 feet east and 100 feet west of the shaft crosscut, S. J. Bird, presiâ€" agaent, informs The Northern Miner. Both fazes are conilinuing in ore, the president states, with the east frace showing a grade cf $13 over a widun of six feet. Test holes put cut froem this fasre showed to the north six feet rumâ€" ning $12.60 and to the scuth two feetr carrying no values, two feet assaying $75 and two feet assaying $85. A slash wis taken from the south wall ocf the drift and a grab sample is stated io have returned $163. No visibe gold is evident and the values are all apparâ€" ently contained in the sulphides, tne president . reports. Martinâ€"Bird Encounters High Grade in Drifting MANY KILLED AND INJURED IN PARIS RIOTS + _ Toronto Kirkland Lake _ | ~293 Bay Street 3A Government i.~. Doherty Roadhouse Co. Commision basis only Local Phones 1200 and 1201 Market Quotations broadcast each day at 12.20 noon and 5.20 p.m. Direct private wires for fast and accutâ€" ate quotations and executions in all Timmins, 19 Pine ~.reet North Accurate Markets and Executions in Unlisted Stocks Mining Stocks Inddistrial and: Public Utility Stocks Bonds xm The fcrecast says "generally warmer and fair to meoderately fair." On Friday, the 9th, from 7 a.m. o 9 a.m., a few flakes of snow, very light. On Saturday, 10th, 1 am. to 9 a.m., half an incth of snow. (Generally Warmer; Fair and Moderate The temperatures for the weekâ€"end were: Thursday, April 8, max. 38, min 22; Friday, April 9, max. 29, min. 20; Saturday, April 10, max. 38, min. 18: Sunday, April 11, max. 51, min. 27; last. night‘s minimum 28; eight c‘clock mcrning, 33. "Lora," a lively housemaid, Miss Paulinec Mullen. "Clark," a busy butler, Robert Trowâ€" tridge. There was a little snow on the 9th and 10th of this month, but it didn‘t emsunt to a great deal, being very little over oneâ€"half an inch at most.‘ "Eurt Wade," R:eta‘s brother, Lloyd Black. "Judge â€" Barry," Gailya‘s fosierâ€" father, Mansel Nappor. "Royal Manton," Burt‘s rival, Don M:NabDbS. "Jim Rankin," the manacled man, Fornandc Ralestreri. The weather reports are ‘beginning to Icok very promising for future warm weather and absence of snow and ite. The miximum temperature for the last iew days rcse to 51 on Sunday and the wceatherman says that it will likely go to. 50 or higher toâ€"day. Tae <cfiering for tcâ€"night and toâ€" morrcw night is "Trusty Jim," a clevet comedyâ€"drama in three acts, Lillian Mortimer being the author. The play is being presented under the direciion of Sam Vatcher. The following is the cast of characâ€" ters in order of appearance:â€" "Carolina," a negro servant, Miss Stella Drajancfi. "Gailya," an adopted aauzhter, Miss Leila Browne. "Recta," a twoâ€"faced friend, Miss Isc:2l Andrews. Barry." Gailya‘s mother, Miss Ida Cole. Young Peciple‘s siety of the Timmins United Church has presented 2 number ocf plays that have proved unusually popular and woll presented, but the event in the Harmony hall (formerly the Mocse hall», Fourth aveâ€" mnue, is expected to be the very best yet., The dates are Monday and Tuesâ€" cay, April 12:h and 13th, and the event starts at 8.15 p.m. Cast of Characters a n d Other Data About Show on April 12th and 13th. No One Should Miss Seeing "Trusty Jim" sist in the programme for Coronation Day, concluding with the LO.D.E. Corâ€" onatior. Ball at the Riversid2 pavilion. The next mescting of the Golden Chapter 1.O.D.E. will be held in the St. John Ambulance hall, Birch street, south, on April 19th at 8 p.m. It is hoped the menmbers will attend to asâ€" The draw prize was an atiractive work linen luncheon set. The holder of the winning ticket was Mrs. Shaheen. Mrs. J. Geils and Mrs. P. Therriault had charge of the home baking table. The Chapter wishes to thank Mrs. Dalton for her kindness, and also thank its many friends who, by attending, made the event a wonderful success. A large sum was added to the Chap ter‘s furds. don‘t want to hear anything more about A Coronation ibouquet of lovely red tulips, white poeticas, and blue Oris adorned the tea table where Mrs. L. E. Dorway, first Viceâ€"Regent, and Mrs. J. Keene, second Viceâ€"Regent, later asâ€" sisted by Mrs. Cuthbertson, poured tta. The tea room was under the capable convenership of Mrs. John Gurnell, assisted by Mrs. Lowe, Mrs. G. Morin, Mrs. Tomkinson, and Mrs. Bowie. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Tygaver. Very appropriately, the first Cord:mâ€" ation event of the season was the most successful tea held under the auspices of the Timmins Golden Chapter Imâ€" perial Daughters of the Empire at the lovely apartment of Mrs. J. Dalton on Saturday afternoon. As it was also the birthday of the hostess, 1.0.D.E. Member Mrs. Dalton, many of her friends attended the tea making it a very delightful event. > All members and those interested in fish and game in this district are urged to attend the annual meeting and help along the work of the organization. 1.0.D.E. Coronation Annual Meeting of Fish and Game Club The annual meeting of the Porcupine Fish and Game Protective Association is to be held on Friday evening, April 18th, at So‘clock in the Daffodil Tea Rooms, Schumacher. About 2,000 feet of moving picture film of duck and geese shooting in James Bay and trout fishing in Northâ€" ern waters will be shown at the meeting. Event on Saturday Largely Attended and Much Enâ€" joyed. Supplies and Equipment for Jackfish Area Mine Recovery in March was from ‘ the tr:atmenrt of 48,700 tons of ore repreâ€" senting an average recovery of $13.13 per ton. In tonnage treated was 43,900 tons and average recovery was $14.07 per ton, while in January 48,200 tons of ore were treated for an average recovery of $13.36 per ton. Moving Picture Films of James Bay to be Shown April 16th. Production at the Dome was $639,753 for March Dome Mine reports production for the month of March, including premium at $639,753 as compared with $617,483 in February and $614,522 in January. Production for the first quarter of the current year amounted to $1,901,613 from the treatment of 140,800 tons of ore for an average recovery of $13.50 per ton. In was last quarter of 1936 reâ€" covery was $2,016,583 from the treatâ€" ment of 138,8009 tons of ore. Jackfish area prior to the spring breakâ€" up in anticipation of the early comâ€" mencement of an advanced campaign. It is further stated that for the comâ€" ing season all work will be confined to the above preperty where four veins have been discovered to date, two ot which have been cpened up for appreâ€" cilable lengths. The two latter oczsurâ€" rences are located in a carbonate and quartz shearing, showing consisten widths, the north having a width of 20 teet and the south vein nine feet. Both veins: have been traced for approxiâ€" mately 1600 feet. Offizrials of Sivilleâ€"Ferrier Syndicate, Lid., annsunce that supplies and equipment are being shipped into the syndicate‘s west group of claims in the Materials for the deepening of the main shaft are now on the property of Porcupine Lake Gold Mining Co. Limâ€" ited, according to an oefficial statement. and sinking to deeper levels will comâ€" menm:e at once. While sinking operaâ€" tions are being carried out diamond drilling and development work on the 280â€"foot level will be suspended with the excseption of one drill to be used t> explore around the porphyry inâ€" trusion where under similar conditions rich golid depositions have been found near or at the of the porphyiy. Softening of the carbonate schists to the west is a favourable geclogical conâ€" dition lately found to exist. It is also in‘eresting to note that development o% adjacsent producing companies are ccnâ€" verging toward the property from tne Prospects. Tea Great Success wear rouge, lipstick and powder for the same reason that men shave. Powassan News:â€"The kisses a girl these days marked man proportions it was learned toâ€"day. Homer Martin, president of the United Auto Workers of America, toid twentyâ€"five hundred cheering autc workers that either the General Motor:s Company signed a contract or they would be prevented from making car: in either the United States or Canada. It is not known yet what General Moâ€" tors views are on Martin‘s taking this extreme attitude. General Motors Strike . Threatens Compléete Tieâ€"up in Oshawa has assumed threatening proportions it was learned toâ€"day. Homer Martin, president of the United Auto Workers of America, toid twentyâ€"five hundred cheering autc workers that either the General Motor:s Oompany signed <a contract or they M. L. A. for Temiskaming Commences Stock Business to Toronto and other necessary apâ€" pliances. In a.nmunang the opening of the new office The New Liskeard Speaker says: "The two ‘Bills‘ have heaps of friends in town and throughâ€" out the country and will doubtless reâ€" ceive a fair share of the business beâ€" ing transacted in the district." of New Liskeard, have opened a brokâ€" erage office in that town, commencing business on April lst. They have inâ€" sStalled a ticker service, private wires Presdor Porc. Creek units ... 105 Porcupine Lake ... Porcupine Goldreef ... Porcupine United ... Wood Por:. umts ........ Young Davidson ... De Santis ... Delnite .............. Delwood ... Empire ............. Jowsey Denton Gale Gold ... Shawkey ... Sherritt Gordon . St. Anthony ... South Tiblemont Sullivan ... Sudbury Contact Stadacona ... Sylvanite ............. Cilbec Hugh Pam ................ Lamaque .................. Magnet Lake ... OsS1An .................. Moffatt Hall (new) Hardrock ...... Hollinger ... Ventures .............. Wayside ............ y Wright Hargreaves White Eagle ... Albany River ... Brengold ... Canadian Pandora Canusa (new) ... Afton Naybob ................ Nipissing ................. Nighthawk â€"................ Norand@ ... ................ O‘Brien OmMegA ... ...........2.22.. PAmMOUL ...;....;..:..:}......... Paymaster _ ............... Pickle Crow ............... PiOonéer . Porcupine Crown ... Preston East Dome â€" Premier Read Authier ... Red Lake Goldshore LCO ... ies Roche Long Lac . Teck Hughes ... Central Patricia ... Central Porcupine . Lake Shore ........ Lee Gold ... Leltcn® ......:.......;.. Little Long Lac Mackeod Cockshutt ..... Manitoba and Eastern Elidorado ... Falconbridge RHowey ..... Hudéon Bay ... International Nickel .. Jackson Manion ... Kerr Add. ...................... Kirkland Lake ........... Lebelâ€"Oro ................... McKenzie Red Lake McMillan Gold ......... McVittie Graham ... McWatters â€"................ Mining Corporation . Consolidated Chibougamau ............... 1.16 Darkwater ... ........__. ols 1.25â€"1.38 Loiieh .......2.2..".. 2. .. 43.75â€"44.30 EldOrAGO ... oo 3.33 The General Motors workers strike ....... 3.00A 5.00â€"5.30 ......... 5.10 .......... 614 1.20â€"1.24 120.00 38.50A ...... 1.53 3.00B ....2.30 13.50 45â€"46 ...1.08 ....... 34 ...1.80 78â€"80 ...3.00 91â€"95 6.50 2.56 1.08 1.067 1.61 £ P «s 4d Lancour line, where it is believed imâ€" portant information pertaining to the creâ€"bearing structure of this section of the property will be cbtained. is a way out_ of mowing the lawn every Drilling in Progress at Lancour in Porcupine "The following new customers have signed contracts with the company: Payore Gold Mines Limited, whose proâ€" perty is crossed by your company‘s lines : Cournor Mines, Limited which property will be served by a short extension to the line at present serving Perron Gold Mines; Harricana Amalgamated Mines Limited, whose property is situated in the Bourlamaque district and is crossed by the line to Lamaque Gold Mines and Sigma Mines Limited and Wood Cadilâ€" lac Mines Limited, whose property is crossed by the line serving O‘Brien Gold Mines Limited. ‘"During the month of March the franchise under which light and power is supplied to the Town of Rouyn was renewed by the Municipal Council." ts Pss t lt B tss3 Che ME ge. e we V enE ky 46 M +; dianund drilling is progressing at the Porcupine property cf Lancour Mines Ltd., adjoining the producing Pamourâ€" Porcupine. Current work in this conâ€" nection is being cconfined to a section "In this area Aldermac Copper Corâ€" poration, Limited has placed its mill in ‘operation and Powell Rouyn Gold Mines, Limited commenced utilizing electric power. No. 9 diamond drill hole has been completed and the core has been sent away for assay. At a depth of 85 feet the drill intersected the White Quartz vein and continued in it for 25 feet, indicating true width of 124 feet. Asâ€" say returns cofttinued from the preâ€" vious hole are not yet available. Work also is being continued on surface exâ€" ploration with samples from the Sulâ€" phide Dyke giving high assays across '28 inches and another section across 66 inches running $22.74 per ton. Corres_ pondingly high assays have been obâ€" tained from various other samples obâ€" tained from this showing. "Increased demand at Noranda has rendered it necessary to provide addiâ€" tional facilities for service which are Dbeing provided by the construction of a new Substation at Provencher near Arntfield, which will relieve the situaâ€" tion and provide for the rapidly growâ€" ing camp at Boischatel, west of Noâ€" â€" Harwood Lifke Mines is continuing development work at its property in the Fox Lake section with special atâ€" [tmflon being given to diamond drilling and preparations for shaft sinking. A gdeprick has been erected and work has started on headframe for shaft. The shaft will be taken down immediately by hand stee! to a depth of 40 feet and by the time this work is completed it is expected that the mining plant will be delivered: and installed and sinking unâ€" ‘der power will be proceeded with. The "At Cadillac Substation, thirty miles east of Noranda, the capacity of. that station is being increased by the inâ€" stallation of three 1,030 k. v. a. Transâ€" formers, while plans have beefi ‘comâ€" plieted for a similar addition<toâ€" the equipment at Blouin Lake Substation in the Siscoe area. compariy is building a large scow to move in the mining plant as soon as the waterway is open after the breakâ€"up now under way. Business continues good with the Canada Northern Power Corporation, to the quarterly Statement sent out this week to shareholders ‘of the company. There is a tendency for the corporation not only to hold its own;, but also for expansin and extenâ€" sion.. The statement for the: three months ending March 31st, 1937, are given to shareholder‘s in a letter issued to shareholders, and readmg in ‘part as follows: t+j "This has made necessary substantial addition to the transformer capacity of the Company, as . well as. the building of several transmission line extensions to supply new customers. Gross Earnings ........... $4,608,775.72 Operating and maintenance 1,804,488.33 Net Earnings ............. $2,760,947.52 , ‘‘During the past quarter increased activity was maintained by both the gold and base metal branches of the mining industry, resulting in additional demands for power, praticularly in Norâ€" tthern Quebec. "The favourable condition of the min.â€" ing industry in the areas served by your Company as well as general business conditions continue to ‘be reflected by the following comparative statement of earnings for the past twelve months, with the figures showing the earnings for the similar period ended March 31st 1936: Grcss Earnings .................. $4,457,236.64 Operating and Maintenance 1,696,289.12 Power Co. Increases Business in North Preparations Being Made for Diamond Drilling Campaign. Several New Mining Comâ€" panies Sig n Contracts with C.N.P.C. Net earnings Under the perssnal supervisicn at .............$2,804,267.39 12 months Ending February 29, 1936 ............. $4,457,236.64 12 months ending February 28, 1937 of Court Cases Follow Explosives in Town Captain Morton said that the dynaâ€" mite wculd burn without danger of exâ€" plosion, but the shghbest Jjar would set off the works. Local Man Charged When Dynamite=annd Gasoline in Shed on Wilson:avenue. Detectiveâ€"Sergeant Leo Gagnon, who was called in on the case, praised the courage and efficiency of Captain Morâ€" ttn, who was in charge of the fireâ€" fighting operations, and his men. "it The dangerous blaze was quickly put ul.der control, however, and the imâ€" minent danger of explosicn was averted. At 4.40 p.m. on April 9th the :Fire Department was called, by Mrs. Hubert to ccmbat the blaze in a ramshackle shed, about twenty by ten, which was in the rear of the store. Ontheir arâ€" rival, the firemen were informed that ther-° was dynamite in the shed and were fortced to take precautions while working at high speed. was smart work," said Detectiveâ€"Sorâ€" geant Gagnon. "If the dynamite had exploded, there would have been no more firemen."â€" Charged with keeping dynamite on his property, A. R. Hubert, 135 Wilson avenue, will appear in police court toâ€" morrow afternon. He also faces a charge of keeping gasoiine in excess of the quantity allowed by law. * Hubert says he was keeping the dynaâ€" Replica of the â€" " : Coronation Aunointing @poon A. E. WICKS Timmins, Ont. Telephone 890 Sawmills and Dressing Plants at Timmins on Mattgâ€" gami River and Island Falls Jct. on Abitibi River. These useful, yet histori¢al English made spoons range in size from "coffee" to "dessert." Boxed in Coroâ€" nation Red : with suitable inscription. Just $1.15 to $4.50. As a souvenir of the Coronation you‘ll want a set, or at least one, heavily golid plated anointing spoon.> This important part of the Coronation Regalia exhibited in the Tower of London, fashioned in the 12th Century and remade for the Coronation of King Charles II will be used at theâ€"Coronationâ€"of Their Majesties, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth. Portable Plants : at Olher Locations. Current stocks of sawn Aumber marketed through . the several branchesof All our White Pine Lumber is chemically treated when manuâ€" factured to prevent stain and mildew, thereby assuring a clean product which when dressed proâ€" duces an article that any builder or carpenter can be proud to use. In addition to our ample stocks of seasoned Lumber on hand we have for sawmg this summer over ‘280,000 pieces of Spruceâ€"â€" Jackpmeâ€"-Wlute Pine and Red (Norway) Pine Logs in lengths up to 24 SsPRUCE MINING TIMBERS enables us to make deliveries at this and all other seasons of the years, _ Inquiries . solicited for directsale to Mines and Conâ€" tractors in any sizes of above. Our Stocks on Hand of Various Sizes Jewellers Cochrane, Ont. Telephone 176 Production in March at Paymaster Consolidated of Scoich. Production c( Paymaster Consoli- dated Mines, Limited, new high monthly record in March, having amounted to $105,695 freoem tlxn treatment of 14,661 dry tons of oxe according to preliminary figures re« ceived from the mine office. In Februâ€" ary, the company recovered $95,922 frou;: 1z,328 tons milled. Powassan News:â€"The charge of $2500 by Hatrry Lauder, the famous Scottish comedian, for a single radio broadcast in Australia, has prompted some writicism. Commenting on his broadcast Harry says:â€"*"Im broadcastâ€" ing, not for moneyâ€"I‘ve got enoughâ€"â€" but just to let the Szots and those of Scottish descent in the ‘cutback of Australia hear the voice of Scectland in my songs." And if they would pay that much for a voice of Scotland one wonâ€" ders how they would value a "breath" mite there for just a short time before taking it out to his mining claims. The quantity was two casesâ€"enough to do serious damage to the neighbourhood had it exploded. Pho e 190