Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 18 Jan 1937, 2, p. 2

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Full Display of the 1937 Ford V â€"8‘s at McDowell!‘s Two engins sizesâ€"a brand new 60 horsepower Vâ€"8 making its first bow in the North American motor market, anit the famous 85 horsepower Vâ€"8 with a number of importart . ments. The car itself is built in only one size with ons standard of roomy comfort and imodern appearance. New cableâ€"andâ€"conduit control soft "easyâ€"action" brekes, with "the safety of steel from pedal to wheel." New body linessin which the ‘tear Some of the Outstanding Features of These New Cars. Standard of Roomy Comfort and Modern Appearance. Number of New Features of Importance. Zélé‘d’ng you more fos MONEY RECONBITICHEEDO Only after overhauling a good Used Car to our specifications do : offer it at a {air price under the terms of the Ford 3â€"5 Plan. Then : back it squarely with a 50â€"50 30â€"Day Warranty and 3â€"Day Mone Back Guarantee or 5â€"Day Freeâ€"Exchange Privilege. These guarante save you dollarsâ€"provide for your complete satisfacâ€" tion. This protection is well worth your while. Choose < a car from our stock of all models and makes | toâ€"day. Generov= allowance on your present car. \\____/ Terms you‘ll like. Park Road and Schumacher Highway Our Best Wishes McDowell Motors We are pleased to be associated with McDowell Motors in the opening of their splendid new premises. The service station which they will operate in conjunction with their showroom will be equipped to give the most complete lubrication and repair serâ€" ried, including Imperia! Gasoling, LSSO, MarveDne Motor Oil, Mobiloil, Atlas Tires, Atlas Batteries and Atlas Accesâ€" sories. The Imperial Oval Sign identifying this ggrvice station is vice available. The full line of Imperial Oil Products will be carâ€" your guarantee that the products you buy there will be just as rood and dependable as Canada‘s oldest and largest oil company knows how to make them. AUTHORIZFED FORD DEALERS In the 11 body types avail: luxe fiveâ€"passenger club coup There are six colours, four new. Increased â€" comfort quietness of operatio All steel bod steel top as well panels and allâ€": "Tmproved "{in increased wheel and worm rolley The new car is th Pord ever bulilt. Its without a break from Imperial Gasoline, Esso, Marvelube Telephones : Service 440 Sales 115 le the most beautiful s sleek lines flow m the smart radiaâ€" eel s f{loor icli ivaila ble din ng, Ww 18.2 t« wWwnhnerevetr e fendetr new h ar clé 11â€" tor grille through the new shieldâ€"type hocd. the new slanting Vâ€"type windâ€" shield and the smoothly moulded stee! top to the graceful reverse curve of the rear quarter. Virtually every visible component of the car reflects the tear The interior reveals the same meticuâ€" ‘ous attention to details. The treatment is modern. Upholstery is pillowed, wlth wide pleats. Seats are wide, deep and . softâ€"cushioned. The instrument panel is grained, with the dials and engine controls in front of the driver., Starter buiton is on the dash, the hand brake at the left under the panel, out of the way of front seat passengers, From a mechanical standpoint the most important development in the new Ford is the 60 horsepower Vâ€"8 engine Although new to this continent, it has been built in England and Prance for nrore than a year for Ford cars designâ€" ed for the European market. There it has been an outstanding success. This erngine was developed primarily to cive the motoring public maximum fuel economy. All the refinements of the big engine are incorporated in the smaller unitâ€" cylinder blocks and crankcase cast inâ€" tegral, cast alloy steel crankshaft, high chrome nickel alloy valves with high turgsten chrome alloy steel vailve seat inserts, dual downâ€"draft carburetor, highâ€"compression heads, air cleaner, directed flow crankease ventilation and new cooling system. _ Tmprovements have been made in the 85 horsepower engine. Engine heat conâ€" trol is substantially improved by the ncw cooling system. The two water "pumps are of higher circulating ‘capaâ€" city and are located at the bottom of the cylinder blocks. They are autoâ€" matically lubricated and selfâ€"sealing. is grained controls ir buiton is . at the left The engines are cushioned at four points in rubber. Spare wheel and tire are carried inâ€" side in all body types. The new body designs permit unusually roomy luggage compartments, LARGE INVESTMENT IN MOTOR MANUFACTURING BUSINESS United States exports nearly two hunâ€" dred thousand cars a year, the United Kingdom more than fifty ‘thousand, and Canada nearly fifty thousand. The capital invested in car and truck factories in Canada in 1935 (the latest vear for which complete figures are available) was $40,765,548. Number employed in car and truck factories, 13,095. Wages and salaries, $18,797,599. The figures for last year will be found to be even more impressive. THE PORCUPTNE ADVANCE, TTMMINS, ONTARIO Important Change in Cooling System Im1px made Dowell Motors, local Ford resulis are more efficien balanced engine heat con larly when operating unde Most important change: creased size and new loc wWwaler | ing wa cnange nas severai In the new location the pumps reâ€" ceive the ccolest water from the raâ€" diator and force it into the cylinder bank cooling passages, instead of suckâ€" ing hot water from the top of the enâ€" gine. This design assures more posiâ€" tive cooling action. Locating the water outlets centrally in the cylinder heads assures more uniform temperatiures around all cylinders, The pumps are also larger and can pump a greater amount â€" of water through the engine and carry out greater amount of heat to be dissipated in the radiator. Thenew design is imâ€" portant also from a mairtenance standâ€" point. The pumps are automatically luâ€" bricated by oil from the timing gear case and selfâ€"sealing to prevent the neâ€" cessity for repacking. A new fan design also contributes to more effective cooling. The fan is set lower, with its entire area directly beâ€" hind the radiator core. Blade design has been improved. The restilt is greatâ€" er air cireulation. The combination of greater water circulation through the engine and greater air circulation through the radiator has permitted simplification of the design of the raâ€" diator core. Effect of all these improvements will be felt most in hot weather and under difficult driving conditions when the enzine is under greatest load. Easy Action Safety Brakes on New Fords Improved "Stopping cieney" but Less Pressure. large area linings, selfâ€"centring smnoes and floating wedge actuation. The parking brake lever has been moved to a convenient position under the instrument panel where it is out of the way of passengers. In the Ford selfâ€"energizing design, the rotation of the wheels assists in increasing the braking force, substanâ€" tially reducimg the pedal pressure neâ€" cessary. This action is controlled efâ€" fectively. For stopping or decreasing speed under normal conditions, a slight pressure on the pedal is all that is neâ€" cessary. As pressure is increased, as for a hard or sudden stop, the mechanâ€" ical breaking assistance decreases. It disappears entirely when the pedal is pressed "hard down," the pedal presâ€" sure alone actuating the brakes. In this way braking control is entirely in the hands of the driver. The cableâ€"conduit design is unusually simple. The conduits sheath the cables from where they leave the frame to where they enter the wheel brakes. At their other ends the cables are attached to the brake crossâ€"shaft levers. The design of the system is such that the axles are not affected by brake operation, nor is the brake operation affected by axle motion due. to spring flexibility. The new brake mechanism is unusually quiet. The brake crossâ€"shaft assembly is newly designed with exceptional rigidity and freedom from flexure. A single steel forging, includes all the levers necessary to actuate the cables to the wheels, and also incorporates the connection to the handâ€"brake. New Ford V â€"8 Bodies All Steel, Say Local Dealers The largest steel stamping ever used in Ford car manufacture forms the top of all Ford Vâ€"8 closed car bodies for 1937, according to McDowell Motors, loâ€" cal Ford dealers. These new Ford Vâ€"8 bodies are allâ€" steel, with steel structures, steel floor and steel panels, in additicn to the steel top. This is considert important advance i sign since Ford adop The huge steel top stam {rem the windshield back rear windows and from | down to the tops of the d side panels. It is welded a huge fixture with the ture. the internal steel pa steel floor imto mendous streng as the body of a No wood is used in thne Dogay ture at any point, not even for t uphoilstery into place. A special retaining material is used for tha pose. : sults are More Effcient And Better Balanced Enâ€" gine Heat Control. 1€ A€ cture some years ag 1 NT itle 1937 local and new fan location o niunns are located 1€ steeil paneis . single unit and rigidit» otor car can op stamping exten id back to below t ~from side to si advantage tor car can be made. in the body strucâ€" not even for tacking are 10cated Â¥yo cylinder banks nder heads. The ystems of Ford ecording to Mcâ€" rd dealers. The ors and Ine ectrically in body strucâ€" the most body deâ€" teel body Pedal S10E€ safe Fasy ‘"fingerâ€"tip‘ steering has Deel provided in the new Ford Vâ€"8 for 1937 by two important improvements in the stecring mechanism, according to Mcâ€" Dowell Motors, lecal Ford dealers. Another Feature is the "Easyâ€"toâ€"Grip‘" â€" sSteering W heel. One is to give the driver greater leverage by increasing the steering ratio to 18.2â€"toâ€"1. The steering gear also is of a new worm and roller type, reducing friction within the gear. The combinaâ€" ticn of increased leverage and reduction in gear friction gives the driver a pleasâ€" ing new ease of steering control. In . addition. . to changes, a new "ea wheel is employed spaced soâ€"as to give interrupted view of : the panel at all tin **Crossâ€"steering ‘ is € dragâ€"link connecting to the front axle ste crosswise, closely par axle. The dragâ€"link One other importan made in the steering axle king pins have b lasy “Fmver-tlp Steering in Fords The two Imperial Oil station superintendent thern Ontario. Both . Canada Carriage Body Co. Limited Brantford IMPERIAL OIL OFFICIALS HERE FOR McDOWELL‘S OPENING McDowell Motors, Timmins These new showrooms are a visible demonstration of the enterâ€" prise and aggressive spirit of McDowell Motors, and expresses their desire to meet the expanding needs of automobile and truck buvers. Throughout the long and honourable history of this organization, they have continuously sold and recommended Simms, Hooker Drew steering arm plazed | paralleling the front | Sw k is adjustable. SwW tant change has been | Un ng design. The front m been moved inward To: CONGRATULATIONS empl n( = Brantfordâ€"Anthony Dump Bodies Brantfordâ€"Anthony Hydraulic Hoists Brantford Bodies on the opening of their new building e driv > instr Upon The Opening of Their New and Enlarged Show Rooms official ‘ for C d. with the ‘ering gear rm nlazed important " steering er an un iuments 01 jokes Walkerville been â€"â€" ntario: and (right) Robert Jenkins, sales manager of the company for Norâ€" Timmins for the official opening of the new McDowell sales and service garage ; whose pictures appear above are E. J. Piggott (left) of Toronto, who is servicd INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Timmins Dominion Bank Building O11 '\\ ‘orld Production of Motor Vehicles in 1935 We Protect McDowell Motors wWITH INSURANCE Can We Protect You ? The following gives the world producâ€" tion cf motor vehicles in 1935, the latest year for which complete figures are available. The figures are from the Automotive Aeronautics Division, U. S. Dept. of Commerce, and from Automoâ€" bile Manufacturers‘ Association, New York. Trucks, Country Canada® ;;.. .. United States Mistria.. ...‘ Belzgium» ...... Czechoslovakia Denmatrk ..... FYrancer CGGermany Hungary ..... .. JADAIL :; : .5:.‘. . > Poland: . ...... Soviet Russia . ...‘...... Sweden â€"..:.... switzerlandad .. ind the angle changed to better the Statistics of the teering geometry. ‘This change gives Canadian MOtO]’ Il'ldllStl’V rreater ease in handling the car specially during parking. TA fallintino statistirs from the 1936 d Kingdom To Toronto Cars 135,562 525,244 1,788 463 90,195 Buwes 694,690 721 290 783 156,010 201,438 325,1094 40,236 20 488 19,200 790 148 23,260 41, 496 111 4,972 1,780 300 77,800 495 2,614 460 91,721 Otta wa Te following statistics from the 1936 booklet of the Canadian Automobile Chamber of Commerce may be of inâ€" terest:â€" Production for 1935, the latest year for which complete figures are obtainâ€" able, 172,877. Passenger cars, 135,562; trucks, 37,315. Production for export (1935), 69,348. Passenger cars, trucks, 19,201. Registration for Dominion of Canaâ€" da. 1.176,126. Cars, 989,754;; trucks, 186,â€" Programme for Uniform Roadside Development A comprehensive proegramme to give national scope and uniformity to efâ€" forts toward roadside beautification is being mapped by the American Autoâ€" mobile Association through its national committee on roadside . development and control. One of the principal objecâ€" tives is to develop model legislation for the guidance of states and communiâ€" ties and "to give directions and impetus to what have been heretofore sporadic and unrelated efforts," it is announced. Stress will be put on the need of adding to all State highway departments men trained in scenic planning of roads. MONDAY. JANUARY 18TH Telephone 11 Montreal

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