HERE is an EVENT for YOU ... Something you‘ve never seen in the North before. A gigantic sale of Ladies‘ and Children‘s winter clothing right at the bheginning of the season. Priced so low that Shaheen‘s make not one cent of profit. Why do they give these goods away at No Profit Prices? A slightly larger turnover will give Shaheen‘s much greater discounts from the manufacturers and to get that extra volume of business they are staging this great sale! REMEMBER they are not interested in making money! The object is to sell more and more ygoods! THE RESULTâ€"prices on good quality and correctly styled merchandise are lower than you‘ve ever seen them before. There are so many things you need now for yourself and the kiddies, that it will pay you to be here early. You can‘t possibly match these prices again so ACT NOW! More No Profit Bargains In Shaheen‘s Children‘s Dept. (Basement) Shaheen‘s No Profit Sale Starts Friday, October 23rd, at 9 a.m. for Best Selection be Here Early Basement Special on Ladies® Chamoisetl Gloves in Black or Brown. A real special, per palr Girls‘ Sweater Coats Ladies‘ Gloves of fine French Kid Always sold as high at $2.95 Special to clear, per pair Zipper Front Boys‘ Windbreakers Girls‘ Pullover Sweaters Boys‘ Pullover Sweaters N Boys‘ Sweater Coats and Pullovers, Reg. to $3.95 Maple Leaf Sizes 2â€"5 Years Girls‘ Stockings All Wool, sizes 5â€"10 . Boys‘ Hockey Sweaters Medium Weight Boys‘ Knee Pants Boys‘ Tweed Caps Fur Earlaps Boys‘ Golf Hose Children‘s Hose Plaids, Wool Crepes, from Heather Mixtures Allâ€"Wool Worsted ..:..:......... Girls‘ School Dresses enman, Shawl Collar HERE IS THE REASON all children. Dressy Pastels and gay, serviceable colours. You‘re sure to find just what you‘re looking for among these. Priced very very low. 3 pc. Outfits Kiddies‘ 3â€"piece Chinchilla, Eiderdown and Es k im o Cloth Outfits. A great numâ€" ber of tricky little styles in various weigchts. Sizes to fit .38 1.49 Shown at Left and up Shaheen‘s Are Located at 19 Pine Street South â€" Phone 6035 »portive Sizes 10 for $9.95 SUITS and up oneâ€"piece styles. to 14.. Made to sell Very special COAÂ¥ATSs This is the bargain of a lifetime. Ladies‘ Coats of blfldlt appearing warm materâ€" lals. Carefully lined and trimmed with fur. A number of appealing styles. Be here early for these. A rare value! â€" Girls‘ warm allâ€"wool, Eskimo Blanket Cloth Coats with muff and hat to match. Well lined for extra warmth. Sizes 7â€"14 years. Gay colours. Usually sell as high as $15.95. Special aA .95 No Profit Sale of Girls‘ Coats Children‘s Dept. Basement Kayser V an RaalteGloveS Woollen and suede smartly styvled by these famous makers, Y o u. know always priced as high as $1.50 a pair. now reduced to pair Here‘s Remarkable Value! â€" Ladies‘ BASEMENT SPECIAL Boys‘ Overcoat Sale .95 Always make it a point to shop in Shaheen‘s Children‘s Departâ€" ment for always you will find very low prices on ‘betterâ€"thanâ€"ordiâ€" nary clothing. Now, during this Great No Profit Sale you will be able to stock up for winter on kiddies‘ wear at prices you‘ve never experienced before â€" â€" â€" and right at the beginning of the season too. Bring the children with you on the opening day. Our salesâ€" ladies are ready to help you in every way to choose garments suitâ€" able for your children at prices that will certainly suit you. Other Boys‘ Coats in a wide price range greatly reduced for this event THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS ONTARIOQ Here‘s a real buy in sturdy, â€" neatâ€"appearing Overcoatls for boys. Very carefully _ tailored _ of warm bilue and heather mixtures in styles he‘ll like. 89 to $10 value. No Profit special DRESSES Children‘s Coats A fine array of Boys‘ and Girls‘ Coatsâ€"Allâ€"Wool Tweeds and Chinchillas, Tricky styles and all kinds of colours. Some even have fur collars. Sizes 2â€"10 years, Regular value $10. Just a few to go at Hewetson â€" Moccasinâ€"Style Oxfords in black or brown. Solid leather soles, sizes 8â€"10‘%,. Noâ€"Profit sSpecial Kiddics‘ Hewetson Cushion sole black â€" Oxfords. Designed _ for comfort and health. Sizes 8â€"10‘%. »pecial Sizes 11â€"2. Noâ€"Profit Special, $1.19 Kiddies‘ Shoe Sale Then you‘ll want These New Fall No Profit Special Y ou Could FEEL the Fabrics Y ou Could SEE the Colours Y ou Could HEAR the Comments You Have a NOSE for Value Y ou Have TASTE for Quality WHILE THE Y .98 Girls‘ T weed and Polo COATS snow suits of ket cloth with for extra wear Shown at Right Very soon you‘ll be looking for something snug and warm for the little ones, so why not buy now at this great sale at a large saving. These are in 2 and 3â€"piece styles of sturdy suedene. Very special at 1 98 with hat and muflt to To go at this give awa Come early Snow Suits Flannelette Sleepers Penman‘s â€" "Nucut Sizes 22â€"32. You‘ll save‘! Black : As new styvle There‘s lo You‘ll agr thecm. Re The pick of our fashion leaders. FProcks up to $12.95 are repreâ€" sented. You‘ll thrill at these valâ€" ues Conviently placed in three price grou} Every one a "honey" of :a . Ther certainly no profit for Shaheen‘s at the prices. Groun | 4 .179 Cozy little Flanncelette PyJamas and Sleepers with exâ€" tra Pants. Warm soft material with figured, striped and checked patterns. Priced very low for this event. Boys‘ Combinations heavy blanâ€" double knee ind brilliant new shadoes. as toâ€"morrow. Loads of lots of charm in these. gree, too, when y‘ou sec tegular as high as $8.95 Group J (Group 2 (Group 3 Nucut" _ Combinations. â€" Fleeceâ€"lined. You‘ll so0on need these, Buy now and match ‘ price .89 Yroups. There‘s FIVER