FOR SALEâ€"New Sheaffer Autograph Fountain Pen with solid gold mounts. Worth $17. Will take $10. Apply Room 16, S.E. Corner Bruce and Moore Streets, SEciuth Porcupine. â€"~42p OR SALEâ€"Man‘s bicycle, cheap, alâ€" most new. Leaving town. Apply 22‘% First Avenue after five o‘clock. FURNTIS8SHED ROOM FOR RENTâ€" Apâ€" ply to 189 Way Avenue, Timmins. ~42p FOR SALEâ€"D 125 Hollinger PLANTS FOR SALEâ€"All kinds of flower and vegetable plants, large and healthy. Prices reasonable, half mile across Mattagami Bridge, Phone 81â€" W â€"3, ~42â€"43â€"44â€"45}) rCCms en( HELP WANTEDâ€"â€"Woms work three days a wee Hollinger Lane, Timm FURNISHED APARTMENT FPOR RENTâ€"4 rooms, 3â€"picce bath, glassed â€" YCOUNG MAN OVER 21â€"for permaâ€" rent employment, willing to work hnhard for advancement and satisfied with 50c an hour while learning. References and phone number reâ€" quircd. Write Box K.B., co. The Adâ€" vance. ~421» in verandah. only. Canadiat ply 176 Ce«c 2482, Timmil grammed "C. V. I Phcone 151. Reward best nhotelâ€"site there good speculation. V becoming great c Also one cottageâ€"Ic Eim S upstair watltch, lost PACGIE POUR apartment, for J Central location. â€" tween 4 and 9 p.m Business Opportunities POSITIQN WANTED WOOD FOR SA HELP WANT ED Black White gold nday T 11 on â€"roomed â€" furnished July and August. Phone 808â€"W beâ€" A. ~42â€"43]) cnt it and satisfied while â€" learning. 1e number reâ€" B.. co. The Adâ€" Apply . 10ne 441 ‘Gl‘:lpllu wriSt ening or Tuesâ€" band; _ monoâ€" in a diamond. â€"42 11 referred. Apâ€" or write Box 10182 Daly, 42tf â€"~42p 154 ~42p . 34 42y Notice is hereby given that all perâ€" sons having any claims or demands against the late Osias Sauve, who died on or about the 17th day of January, 1936, at Timmins, in the province of Ontario, are required to send by post prepaiq or to deliver to the underâ€" signed, solicitor herein for P. H. Laâ€" porte, Administrator with the Will anâ€" nexed of the said Osias Sauve, their names and addresses and full particuâ€" lars in writing of their claim and of the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. NOTICE TO CREDITORS|â€" And take notice that after the 26th| day of June, 1936, the said P. H. L2â€"| porte will proceed to distribute the| assets of the said Deceased among the persons entitled thereto having regard} only to claims of which he shall then ; have had notice, and that the said P.| H. Laporte will not be liable for the| said assets to any person of whose| claim he shall not then have received notice. In the matter of the Estate of Osias Sauyte, late of the town of Timmins, in the District of Cochrane, deceased. FOR SALEâ€"S5â€"roomed house with three piece bath; hot and cold water; ceâ€" ment foundation; garage; good barâ€" gain for cash. Apply 8 Wende Avenuse, phone 1562. ~42â€"43 (R.S.O. 1927, Chapter 150, Section 51.) Dated at Town of Timmins, District of Cochrane, this 5th day of May, A.D. 1926, ANASE SEGUIN, Barrister, etc., Solicitor for the said P. H. Laporte, Administrator. +38â€"40â€"42 HOUSE FOR SALEâ€"At Maple Street, South:; all conveniences; warm; hardâ€" wood floors; choice location; three bedrooms; garage. Apply 106 Balsam PROPERTIES FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALEâ€"6 rooms:; all cor venilences, ‘Apply on premises. 11 Becond Avenue, Schumacher. «42 ME HOUSE on Bann TWO HOUSES on Elm Street North, between Third Avenue and Fourth.] with vacant lot. Three garages. Rentsl collected $125 per month. Price $5800. | Down payment $2500; balance arâ€" ranged. J. J. McKay, 20 Pine Street, North, phone 11235. ~42 wood bedroc Street payment $175.00; balance $25 p month. J. J. McKay, 20 Pine Stree North, phone 1135. â€"4 man Avenue 18s; gara North. pI $650.00 42â€"44â€"46â€"~t1 down 'In the Estate af Donald J. McRae, de | _ NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having any claims against the Estate of Donald J. McRae, late of the Town of Timmins, in the District of Cochrane, Prospector, who died on or about the 1st day of January, 1936, at the Town of Timmins, are hereby nctified to send to the undersigned Exscutor on or before the 10th day of June, 19386, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the said Executor will distribute the assets of the said deceased, having reâ€" gard only to claims of which he shall then have notics, to the exclusion of all others, and he will not be liable to any person of whose claim he shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Timmins, this 12th day of May, A.D., 1936. Frederick Day Dwyer, Box 217, Schuâ€" macher, Ontario, Executor. day of June, | estate will be « parties entitled only to the clat A regular dividend of 1 per cent. has been declared by the Directors on thse Capital Stock of the Company, payable on the 16th day of June, 1936, to shareâ€" hclders of record at the close of busiâ€" ness on the lst day of June, 1936. Dated the 23rd day of May, 1936. 42 I. Assistantâ€"Treasurer. The Court of Revision Monday, June 8th, 1936 ship Hall, Porcupine, at 42â€"43 IM. _ of Cochnrane, dece; about the 4th day hereby notified to signecd Administra on or before the 16 the full particulars t1 In the matter of the Estate of Arthur Therriault, late of the Town of Timâ€" mins in the District of Cochrane, deâ€" Hollinger Consolidated Gold Mines Limited the y of June, 1936, the assets of the tate will be distributed amongst the rties entitled thereto, having regard ly to the claims of which the Adminâ€" ratrix shall then have notice. Dated at Timmins, Ontario, this 16th y of May, 1936, FLORIDA THERRIAULT, Adminisâ€" atrix, by J. T. Jackson, 14 Third Aveâ€" ie, Timmins, her _ â€"40â€"42â€"43 crased, who died on or about the 4th day of March, 1936, All p¢ DIVIDEND NUMBER 280 if he 16th da; ulars of th Timmins in the Distric deceased, who died on o day of March, 1936, ar ine, at 7.30 p.m. J. M. Nicolson, Clei will be held on at the Townâ€" f he underâ€" r solicitor June, 1936 aims veriâ€" 40â€"42â€"44 ! by Tommy Williams featured the muâ€" sical programme. This singer appcared | twice on the programme and each time \he won hearty encore. By special reâ€" quest he sang "The Oldâ€"Fashioned Town." Geo. E. Hale played the piano accompaniment. The other soloist for the evening was Evan Williams whose selections were much appreciated. Harâ€" iold Hopkins played the accompaniment on the piano. The dancing numbers may well be marked down as "extra specials." These delightful numbers gracefully given as | well as effectively presented were by ‘pupils of Mrs. H. Burt. Those in the Group Tap dance were:â€"Helen Spinks, Irene Cavaney, Edith Smith, Rose Brademan, Joanne Langdon and Beaâ€" trice Pennington. For the Dutch dance, an espscially popular num‘zer, the dancers were Helen Spinks, Irine i Cavaney, Edith Smith, ‘Joanne Langâ€" !dcn, Helen Russell and Marguerite | Mackenzie. Each number was insistentâ€" ly encored and there was special enâ€" thusiasm in encoring the two little misses, Helen Spinks and Irene Cavanâ€" ey, in their dance duo. On behalf of the Timmins Board of Trade, Mayor RBartleman presented each of the dainty and charming little dancers in the three dances with a souvenir gift. The costumes of the dancers added to the | effectiveness of the numbers. Mrs. Wilâ€" kins played the accompaniments for the dance numbers. | â€"Then Wilson Thomson certainly made a hit with his monologue, ‘"Mary‘s Little Mine." It is a little poem of his own composition and he gave it with particular effectiveness. This monoâ€" ‘lcgue will be found elsewhere in this | issue of The Advance, but to get the fuall value of the selection you should hear it given by Mr. Thomson himself. C. W. Wright, of Toronto, past presiâ€" dent of the Northern Ontario Associatâ€" ed Bcards of Trade, introduced Mr. | Kelley as a successful business man who for 23 years had efficiently operâ€" ated a large advertising agency in Hamilton and achieved a remarkable reputation as a good business man and a valued worker in the cuse of others. Mr. Kelley was well known as a Roâ€" tarian and an active exponent of board of trade effort for community advance. | Mr. Wright touched briefly on the lack ! of knowledge of mining and the North service delight Fnvory Hallelujah Street Singer Attracts Good Crowds Here Russell T. Kelley Urges Development Mr. Kelley opened with a numiser of new stories that were specially well told, and then touched on his impresâ€" sions of the North. All here had full reason for cptimism, with the reâ€" sources to hand in mineral and other wealth awaiting development, he said. Coâ€"cperation was an â€"essential to any real success, he believed. "Eliminate the knockers," was his advice. "If you are not a booster for your town, you had better go elsewhere, because you displayed in the South and the need for this to be overcome before full justice would be done to the North. Used Cars 1927 CHRYSLER AN 1929 FORD TUDNOR 1830 NASH 1931 PONTIAC ED AN 1931 PLYMOUTH sSEDP AYX 1929 GRAHAM SED AN 1931 BUICK SED AN 1928 FORD TUDOR 1932 PLYMOUTH SED AN 1934 FORD TUDOR 1934 FORD CCUPE CGARAGE 8 Balsam 8 Fhone 440 lack Thomas, of the Wel: s director for the musical the evening, and provided x number of selections. Te Tommy Williams featured al programme. This singer ice on the programme and 3â€"5 Day Guaranty Plan FORD sSALE® AND sERVICE (Continued from Page One) k Thomas. of the Welsh Choit McDOWELL MOTORS Pearl of . DIVvI3iC Trucks at all Prices ller bef O at Price. Commant on his t ttention and interâ€" good crowd at the ast night. All were Hallelujah Singer." » followed the trade joining the Army. iress on the topic, t Price." Major L. ommander. accomâ€" SHOWROO M 16 Second Ave Phone 415 Tenor solo $65 $135 $150 $195 $195 $225 $350 $360 $400 $550 $550 features i pleasâ€" are no asset to the community." urged buying at home, supporting h' mdustry helping even those who m not be liked. While complimenting citizens of Timmins on the valus the mining industrvy, he touched on importance of the farming ind "Successftu business," out that C Touching on the matter of roads Mr. Kelley said that every dollar put into Northern roads was good investment for all Ontario. As soon as the South recognized this fact, the North would be n{ich better providsed with needed roads. For development of the country, for the new wealth and new business it would create, for the empoloyment it would give, the increased progress of the North was essential. He urged Timâ€" mins, Kirkland Lake, New Liskeard and the other towns of the North to send strong delegations to the coming anâ€" nual mestingâ€"of the Ontario Associated Boards of Trade so that a comprehenâ€" sive programme for the development of the North might be outlined and its urgency fully impressed on the governâ€" ment by concerted voice and action. Speaking of the money that had come from the North in the last few years, proving a vital factor in helping the through waste in c methods in farmil and insects being c men might do musd by help and advice value of the Gold SuCccess of thne Te velopment of busi to analyze your | and he advised situation to see h here. He gave m tions as td how 4 veloped ‘by thoug From his own w years he placed a list of aids to lb intelligent and c of advertising he vertising firstâ€"a advertising, billb forms. "Your loc mind gives you t form of advertis power covers the field of circulatic To this he added hints on wtiting, ing through effec paigns. Heart â€" Breaking Struggle for Pilots who Whirl Over Indianapolis Bricks. Central Press Canadian sSports Writer New York, May 28thâ€"Only three of the 33 drivers who go to the post for the 500â€"mile automobile derby on Saturday at Indianopolis have won the event. Kelly Peflilo, who may or may drive, depending on how he feels w the big day comes, won it last y Wild Bill Cummings, who will d come what may, was the 1934 win: Lou Meyer has won it twice, in ] and 1933. Thirty of the lads at wheel can be called, in horse race J lance., maidens. Outstanding among those who have been knocking at the door is Tony Guâ€" lotta. For 10 years the Kansas City daredevil has been trying, but always something happened. He has driven 3,630 miles in the race, only Ralp De Palma having whizzed over more bricks than Tony. Usually some tiny mechâ€" anical fault has sent him to the pits Of words I‘ve heard as boy and man Saddest are these, "He also ran‘!" â€"Apologies to All Poets. By BILL BRAUCHER Fates Rule 500â€"Mile:Speedway how 1 a l ArC il â€"] 11 He emphas i Rule in | kind. For much noie extent O IL8 the speaker said. number of helpful inning and carryâ€" > advertising camâ€" news best make exp ind eds, poot ruses. Bu new f >« and its exte 11 id y 1 cheape drawit busine the d¢ i1 fTorm iper ad other * my 8A I He mt Y3Â¥ I province carry through the difficult years, he concluded by emphasizing the way in which his eyes had been opened to the value and the possibilities of the North. ‘"When I return South," he added, "I will be a persistent and conâ€" sistent booster of the North." At the corclusion of his helpful and interesting address, President Langdon presented Mr. Kelley, on behalf of the Board of Trade, with a framed photo of a@ typical scene of the North as a souvenir of the occasion and a mark of appreciation. On behalf of the Board of Trade, defeatl third | This yé qualify special. Secondâ€"by 27 Mauri Rose, little ditr frfom Columbus, O., rC horse in 1933., Two ye ished secondâ€" by 27 s brilliant performance. the wWi settinng the dutr Thred 1€ 16 T1 Sugar, 10 Ibs. Quaker Cornflakes California Seedless Salmon Pork Sausage 2 i. 35¢ Granulated Cocoa ‘% Ib. tin 20¢ Guestâ€"Choice Sockevye H.P. Sauce Raisms, 2 Ibs. 25¢ Butter, 2 Ibs. 19 ook field Mil ear JY cond= oy.â€" 217 performancé t finishes in Mmie Mishaps for Miller The. clost practi 6 s Elbe Speed 1€) * 300 mi ecords rea mery y 27 Seconds le dirt track O..; rode his : ar went into a spi round, smacked a s demolished. Mi imong fourâ€" C)1 ond 16 it e grind a ne trouble 1 Ib. tin BRott! veteran pk nIis ipp nas unkind. G. A. Macdonald moyv thanks to the guest sp ley, to the dancers, | orchestra, Mr. Thoms( Mr. Thomas and all « contributed to tht the evening. Mr. Kelley‘s ad that pacifists a: peaceful countric where the threa number mangled meant he the elbow arm be s¢ to drive it ba Ind Moort CGovernment Inspected Choice Meats Pork Butts, Ib. 21¢ Loin Veal Chops, Ib. 23¢ Chuck sShoulder Roast V eal,. Ib. 15¢ Loin Pork, Ib. 27¢ Roast Beef, Ib. 14e Rib Stew Beef 15¢ Frimmedâ€"pigces Acdd fror ufferi were 11 Erie Timesâ€"Revi wheel Mille: A J )at 9Y ht W Nne6 rdadard mMmor TT ved a vote of jeaker, Mr. Kelâ€" the singers, the on, Mr. Wright, others who had cided success of )¢ J ‘ture and a When his set, silver elbow, which able to bend sted that the 1e could grip rfect outside uth turn, his He was able nits without ason to susâ€" cond in 1928 1 1934. Cliff ur years ago ) miles to go. he race are it that failed broken conâ€" e tanks, broâ€" â€"Why is it found â€" in ly in lands constantly WOXENl Crank broken shift ires. broken mliles. â€"LOU 10 has been n 100 miles istance, and is of | Mays, â€" brokt oadcast crank left on