They learned how fuel bills have been cut «by as much as 25 pe1 cent hiough the placing between the atudding of a house or factory of the three and three- quanter inch pads of fluffy rock; and how summer temperatures in buildings so protected are reduced ae much as 15 degrees. Equal in insulation value to a wall of solid rock 11 feet in thickness, the ï¬reproof material is having wide acceptance in the construction ï¬eld. Convincing Demonstration In demonstrating the effefliveness of this Johns-Manville product. F. L. Sherry, of Toronto, district manager of the company held a small inch-thick pad of rock wool in his hand while H. G. Barter. of NClslh Bay. applied a blow torch for several minutes. A Fifty prominent mining men, build- ers. contractors and other interested in construction learned on Friday night at the Masonic hall how molten lime- stone coming in contact with a strong Jet of live steam produces “rock wool" the newest and most satisfactory sub- stance for insulation of buildings against radiation of heat in the winter or absorption of heat in the summer. They learned how fuel bills have been cut 'by as much as 25 percent through Over Fifty Present at Dinner Event on Friday H Mining Men, Buiï¬ders, Contractors, Dealers EnjOy Fine ,2‘ Menu and Learn Value of Rock Wool Product of .lohns- f1: Manville (‘o.. as insulatm' and Fire Protection Material. {â€3 9 i 110 Pim Strut South ml’hone 1: ’H 3 Annual Banquet 0f Wuuoooooommoouumwooo: the SONS Of England .â€"â€".‘ TIMMINS â€Won LAUNDRY $2.00 down, $1.00 per week ] (‘0pper Tub. Miss Simplicity ....................... $42.50 $2.00 down, $1.00 per week 2 Clipper Tub Beattys, like new, regular $139.00. On sale 59000 W ith complete laundry equipment 1 Lovely wumlen tul) Beatty, $1.00 per week..$1-l.50 SEE 'l'l‘ll'lSl-I l’..\ll(,;.-\ll\'.\': .W'IIY SLAVE OVER A BOARD? Want a CheapWasher? BEATTY BROS. TRADE-INS 1 Easiette, like new PHONE 391 BEATTY WASHER STORE Open Evenings " Talkies. showing [the construction of the model triple-insulated home and the many advantages of the type of construction. were shown during the evening and proved most interesting to those present. The operation of the Federal Housing scheme in the United States was explained in detail and could be applied with little change to the Dominion Housing plan recently inaugurated in Canada. Work on Dominion Housing Plan Mr. Sherry, who addressed the gath- ering brfiefly, following a ï¬ne banquet. told of his company’s efforts to over- come two â€of the great: problems in con- piece of copper on the surface of the wool melted, yet not enough of the heat penetrated to Mr. Sherry’s hand to make it unbearable. The material itself was not damaged. Another product about which much was said is an asbestos-Portland ce- ment compound, grained to appear like wide cedar shingling. For permanence, ease of application and proof against fire. it is expected the material will solve a great building problem in the North . 3 METHOD Lu PHONE 153 33 Third Ava, Timmins $35 .00 Edward VIII. In toasting the lodge, District Depu- ty Bro. J. Goode outlined the aims of the Sons of England and the benefits that accrue to members through the organization. To this toast, Austin Neume replied, remarking that the day marks (1 three great anniversaries in Biitish history: the bi1th of St. George, the birth of Shakespeare, and the vkmory of the great naval abatue of Zeebrugge. The ninth annual banquet of the! local lodge of the Sons of England, held on Thursday night in the Hollinger hall, was a fine testimony to the grow- ' ing strength 'and popularity of the or-’ ganization. One hundred and .fifty guests attended ahdenjoyed the din- ner, the entertainment and the dance to the full. It was without doubt the DBSL affair the Sons of England have had here in commemoration of the birth of England's patron saint. St. I Following the dinner, prepared and served by the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion, two minutes' silence for the late King'Geor'ge was observed, then Chas..Barkel, president, of the society, proposed the toast to King ernment loans 20 per cent while the tloan coinpany is expected to look after the remainder Etiorta are being made lto have the Dominion government {guarantee loans here. In Canada. the rate of {Mei-at is set at ï¬ve per cent. whim is considerably diner-em from the usual six and eight per cam. charged. Hence. the loan and insur- ance companies have not appeared anxious to do business. ThBSe dimcul- ties are now being ironed out to the satisfaction of all and construction has already begun a swing upwards in the larger centres. The dinner was given by the George Taylor Hardware Company. distribu- tors throughout the North {or Cana- dian Johns-Manville products. J. L. Fulton. local manager of the hardware company. was chairman for the occa- sion. During the evening in addition to those mentioned previously. G. Ma- whinney. recently appointed district salesman in Kirkland Lake, was intro- (luced. The dinner. provided by the ladies of Arbutus Chapter. Order of the Eastern Star was delicious and was well served. 1’10 ismo Event on Thurs- day Evening St. George’s Visitors seated at the necdon with the Dominion plan. One! big dam-m between the Oundun' and American 91:113.!» sud. Ls um. ml the United sum the mmn gunmen all bans made for handing! under the plan. In Canada. the gov-I emmen-t loans 20 per cent while the, head table m PORCUPINE ADVANCE. WINS. ONTARIO Three men will face charges at police court to-morrow for riding bicycles on the sidewalks. While all recognize the difficulty of using the roads for wheel- ing these days, the safety of the public has to be first considered. All are en- dangered by bicycling on the sidewalks and the Timmins police have taken action to protect the public in this matter, previous warnings _not result- ing in the stopping of the practice of this improper use of the sidewalks. Another interesting feature of police court this week will be the trial of two men on charges of assaulting I. E. Dunn, relief officer. The two men, Amade Godin and Auralian Plamondon, were refused relief and an argument developed in which they are alleged to have attacked the relief officer. Po- lice were called and the two men were locked up. Contrary to reports at the time the relief officer was not seriously hurt. The relief officer was acting un- der the rules of the council, but it is understood that the men had 'been misled in the matter as to what they were entitled to in the case. Traffic cases will also feature the court. There is a reckless driving charge, several cases of improper park- ing, one of parking on the sidewalk. one of failure to stop at an intersection, and two of defective lights. One man will be charged with ging on the street. Two chimney fires this morning. one at 62 Lakeshore .road at 11.05 and the other at. 26 Rea street at 11.55, were put out; by the fire department. In neither case was damage done. There are five common drunks being a. second offender. D. Merchoff has charges against four men of assault, as noted by an item elsewhere in this issue. Juvenile court will have more than the usual number of boys before the judge. A boy of ten and another of 12 are charged with the theft of a quart bottle of milk from Nora’s dairy. There are ten boys charged with doing dam- age to the curling rink through thww- ing stones. Friday evening at the 1.0.03. hall, were as follows: 7-tube radio. value $105. H. Palmer. Vipond, series 10, tick- et 16; S-tube radio. value 365, E. Briggs. 24 Rea avenue. series 46, ticket 9; cedar chest, value 318, Mr. Stadlebauer, 55 Cedar street north, series 35, tick- et 32. The draw was made at one of the regular Friday evening dances at the Oddfellows' ball when a large crowd was in attendance. Round and square dancing was on the programme. Winners in the L.O.L. 2552 draw. postponed from March 27th and held on Two Chimney Fires This Morning, but No Damage Winners of the Valuable Prizes in the L. 0. L. Draw I Fine Entertainmenlt I Fred Kitcher was master of cere- monies for the entertainment that fol- lowed. Between the numbers of the dance programme. a fine “vaudeville" ‘show was staged. Six pupils of Mrs. Burt gave the first number, a Dutch dance. in which they appeared in pretty Dutch costumes. Tommy Nixon, magic- ian. appeared next on the programme land, as usual, provided some real fun. TWo 'more of Mrs. Burt‘s pupils went through a soft shoe dance routine that particularly pleased the audience and |made an encore necessary. Two solos ,by Mrs. Reg. Webbcr. “Land of Hope sand Glory." and “Desert Song,“ were well received. Comic songs by Walter lAvery, Bert Hammond and H. Allan 'added fun to the evening. Mrs. Chulak’s lsolo, “Burlington Bertie," was another Ipopular selection, as was Miss Peggy Bellamy‘s group of popular songs. Charges Arise from Bicycles 0n Walks Thiee Men to be in Cou1t as Result of Using Sidewalks f01 Wheeling. Relief Ofï¬- cer Assaulted The evening was brought to a close by the singing of “Rule Britannia." and "God Save Lhe King." were Mayor and Mrs. J. P. Bartleman, Mr. and Mrs. John Knox. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pritchard. Dr. and Mrs. S. L. Honey, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Neame and C. Caesar. 2 Empire Block Phone 1160 The only furriers in the Porcupine district doing fully guaranteed work on the premises“ Our modem shop is completely equipped to handle the ï¬nest fur work. Hundreds of satisï¬ed customers is your assurance of perfect satisfaction. Most Reasonable Prices LADIES’ WEAR BEAVER FUR 8: Estimates Gladly Given O [LEMODELLED 13.0; one Canadian Pandora, Casey Contact Casey Summit . Central Porcupine DeSantis (new; Darwin Delnite . Forty Four Galatea Glenora Gillies Lake Hugh Pam Leitch. Lamaque .. _ Magnet Lake .. . Matachewan Cons. McLeod Cockshutt Moffatt Hall New Porcupine Creek Porcupine Goldreei‘ Sigma. Vimy . . Watborn _ Young Davidson An unique event in the annals of the Porcupine took place on Saturday af- ternoon in St. Paul’s Anglican Church. when the two daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert 'W. Gooding of Crawford street were united in marriage at the same time Archdeacon Woodall. The singular event called forth a crowd of friends. neighbours and well- wishers who packed the church to the doors and flowed over into the porch and steps of the edificeâ€"a crowd un- equalled in the church for any event. The church was prettily decorated with ferns, palms and spring flowers. and Mrs. Reynolds ofï¬ciated at the organ. playing the wedding march as the procession entered the church. The older daughter. Kathleen Maude (Kay). entered ï¬rst on her father’s arm. She was beautifully gowned in bridal white with suede lace. with a Juliet .cap of tiny orange blossoms- irom which hung the regulation bridal veil. She carried a shower bouquet of amm- lilies and talisman roses, tied with streamers of silver ribbon. Pre- oedingherwas‘hermaid arm. Miss Irene Varkar, attired in pale‘viimk silk net with runes, pink hat and white Double Wedding at South End Saturd: Bankfield . Bidgood Kirkland Ev'ent Unique in Annals of the Porcupine. Two Sis- ters Wedded on Same Afternoon. Reno . Ritchie a. ... Robb Montbray San Antonio Shawkey Sheiritt Gmdon . South Tiblemont Sullivan ....... Sudbury Basin . Sudbury Contact Sudbury Mines Sylvanite a Teck Hughes Tobum .. Ventures Wayside .. .. Wright Hargreaves White Eagle On the unlisted market this morning, the following were the bid and asked prices of a selected list: South Porcupine. Ont. April 1936. Special to The Advance. Hardrock Barker Hollinger iHowey Hudson Bay .. ..... International Nick's Jackson Manion Kirkland Lake Lebel Oro ..... Lake Shore Lee Gold A . Little Long Lac Macassa . . Manitoba Eastern Maple Leaf McIntyre McKenzie Red Lake McMillan _ McVittie ‘ McWatters Mining Corp Mcneta . Nipissing . Nikht Hawk Noranda, .......... Omega. ’Gunnar . Pamour .. Paymaster .. V Pickle Crow Pioneer . Porcupine Crown Preston East Dome Premier Read AuLhier Red Lake Coniaurum Con. Chibougamau Dome Eldorado . .. Falconbridge God's Lake Granada Greene Stabelle Castle '1‘. Central Patricia Conlagas BEAR . Beanie Blz'Missoux-i Bobjo .. . . Bralome ...... Buffalo Ankerne Canadian Malamc Cariboo noon: Afton . Ashley Buffalo Gunman Barry Hollinger Base Metals Following are the mining stock qua» nticns irom the Mining Section of the ‘cronto Stock Exchange w-dny at To-day’s Stocks i 16 91 42 75.00 3.55 2.75 44 1.45 Bid 43 20 19 36 44 56 25 20‘: 53.15- 53. 50 _ 2.40 .. .. . 4.60 1.30-1.36 1.94 100.00 3.80-3.90 ,,15 ‘ 2 1.15-1.17 1.11-1.18 ... 15A 2.55-2.70 Asked 2 85 25 24 . 27 45 24 58 3.70 46 1 .46 3y 26 18 93 22 21 48 48 60 .75 10 1.408 .2434 46.75 1.47 3. 26 3 .30A 2 .50 1 38 13 7.75 5th l4 97 29‘ 80 1.20 4.05 90 6.40 2.29 2.03 2.29 1.30 14‘ 1.47 6.90 3.65 7.30 4.90 49 1.02 94 143 18 50 54 89 59 69 accessories. She carried a shower bou- quet of sweet peas and iris. With her Iwas the other bridesmaid. Miss Iner gBI‘OWI]. of Timmins. who wore pale 7blue silk georgette. with white acces- gsories. white tagel straw hat. and car- gried an identical bouquet with the lmaid of honour. The bridegroom-- I Mr. Alfred George Hawesâ€" was waiting at the altar with his best man. Mr. James Matthews. Mr. Hawes is the 05011 of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hawes. of : Newcastle-on-‘Iï¬vne. England. The :next bride followed on the arm of Mr. lWalter Hadden. who has known the 3bride for many years. She was Mar- garet Annie, second daughter of the Gooding family. She was robed in ca11icd a duplicate of the ï¬rst brides bouquet white arum lilies and (1311“ red roses tied with streamers of silveig ribbon. Following her was Miss Iris Webb. her maid of honour. dressed in, pale g1een satin cut on long closeâ€" I fitting lines. with white picture hat] and white accessories with showerI bouquet of pink sweet peas. Two sweet little flower girls. June and Barbara Allen, the ï¬ve and four year old daugh- I ters of Mr. and Mrs. Allen. of Dome Extension, came next. carrying baskets of spring flowers. daffodils and nar- cissi. They looked charming in point :l'csprit net (white) over pink taffeta with large pink organdie hats with the little dresses cut on long lines. The bridegroom of Margaretâ€"Alfred George bridal white satin cut, on close ï¬tting lines. and had her wedding veil caught in a chaplet of orange blossoms. She 'momwmwo '"N’o’ "'~'â€â€™ I O" ' ' "’"v >â€â€â€'OOOOâ€O-OO’Oâ€Oâ€â€™OOt’oNoo’oo†O’ I I J J ’ o 27â€"35 THIS ENTITLES CONTESTANT TO 2,500 VOTES The weight of loads and speed will he constantly checked. (To-Operation from truck and car owners is earn- estly requested to prevent unlawful and unneres- sary abuse of roads. All trucks are limited to half loads and spccd 0f 20 miles per hour. Horse-drawn vchiclcs capacity one ton, 250 lbs. per inch of tircs. Frost action in April and May causes road heck to get soft and readily subject to damage from traffic. for the Schumacher Lions (arnival and Street Dance June 2 ’rd. To J. A. HAWKINS, Box 93, Schumacher, Ont. Protection During Spring 1936 Northern Development Area Sehumaeher Lions Carnival Queen Contest Northern Ontario Roads Doherty Roadhouse Co. Toronto 293 Bay Street ((‘onwstant‘s Naml-b ENTRY BLANK Direct private wires for fast and accur- ate annotations and executions in all Accurate Markets and Executions in Local Phones 1200 and 1201 (Towm Members Toronto Stock F‘chango Charlie Hall>~Manager STOCK BROKERS Commision basis only Unlisted Stocks tYour Name! Bonds Mining Stocks Industrial and Public Utility Stocks ONTARIO for the D. J. Pomerleau, District Representa- tive for the Dapartment, of Agriculâ€" ture of Ontario for this wide section of the North, was the gueitï¬mker at the Kiwanis Club luncheon to-day. A big reception at the Fm'mers‘ hall, Main street. took place on Sanmrday night. We offer best wishes to both couples. After the wedding the guests over 70 in number repaired to the Empress hotel where the wedding dinner was served; Out of town guests included Mr. and Mrs. Hewitt, Mr. and Mrs. G. Hidden. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sharp. Mr. A. G. Long and family and Mr. and Mrs. Al Wlhyte. all of Hoyle. Many beautiful gifts have been pre- sented to the young people who will live in townâ€"AMI'. and Mrs. H'awse at the. home of her parents. and Mr. and Mrs. Salter in the Laforest apartments. Mr. George Haddon of Hoyle. and Mr. Montgomery of town acted as ushers at the. church. The; brides' mother was attired in amethyét satin with beige lace and wore a shoulder knot of purple pansies. Salterâ€"was waiting with his best man Mr. Isylam Jones. at. the left, side of 1m altar. The ceremony was plicaLLe for each coup ï¬nally pronouncing bcih together. of . Pomerlcau, the Speaker at Kiwanis Club 'l‘o-day Timmins 19 Pine St. North (Contestant's Signature, MONDAY. APRIL 2711! A. T. HAMER, as Carnival Queen Acting District Enginï¬'r mony was performed in du- each couple. the Archdeacon (Stu-0t) nominate 32333435 m blersing on 19;