says in gold. At present, linger is not working the latter | although it is understcod that the satisfactory resuits being obt on neighbouring properties, explo work may be started in the not d futurs. In addition, has eral prospects hooked up for later that at the moment seem to hav compa group of c Gold Mines early surfai taken an cption on a at Flat Lake some six Howey CGold Mines in district, and work has t der the direction of ‘"More rece into the Hor plant has be and shaft sin without dela ing showing: on the Horw "A rencort a mine as Hol] in the Porcupine ty a 100â€"ton test ed and equipmen early production. advice Mr. Ludga manager at Your ly responsible fo moved to a simil: lop mine. So f: officials have re formation regard tion, but from in it is learned tha 1A1n area is said â€" standing op and accordin has possibilit mine as | The efforts of the Hollir solidated Golq Mines in see gold properties is referred to cent issue of The Toronto Empire as follows:â€" "Hollinger Consolidated Gx is overloocking no bets in its campaign to find and bring in ducers, During the last year it cessful in bringing into produ Youngâ€"Davidson prop@rty in tachewan gold area, in which an â€"80 per cent. interest. To Youngâ€"Davidson is miiiing ar tons of ore daily, drawn fron open cut. The management, will soon be in a position to . from undsrground workings an connection shaft sinkina is a. says Hollinger Mines OverlIooking Any Go( 4.3 at Oitawa, the Ontario authorities wil need to greatly improwse the highway of bring forward a different excuse for its conditicon. Of course, the season is now too far advanc:d to allow of much work for improvement, out the people of the North will be Inclined to look forwarq with hope to better things next year. ------ * 44 YÂ¥ £1 y was first built,. The highway migh: well have had the exactly opposite reputationâ€"ths best condition of the road since it was first built. All that would have been necessary to achieve such result would have been a reaâ€" sonable amount of atterition and reâ€" pair work. Instsad, ror lack of propet hotice and improvemenis the roadway has deteriorated to rery large extent. The excuse given for the lack of atâ€" tention is that the reduced grants have made proper care and repair impossible. During the recent eiection campaign each side has blamed the other for the condition of the road. The Liberals have been emphatic in claiming that the Conservative government at Ottaâ€" wa has reduced the uppropriations and as a consequence the province did not have the money to loox after the roadâ€" way. Hon. W. A. Gordon quoted facts ang figures during the resent campaign to prove that the Dominion Governâ€" ment has done the cest possible and that if there has been any neglect the | blame‘must be placed on the shoulders | of the memkers of the Hepburn gOV â€" ¢rnment. Whatever may be the facts of the case, the truth remains that the authorities have allowed the highâ€" way to Eecocme a menace to travel. With the return of a new govemment, Af AXMMtAXYXS â€"tha fAnkauta t bresen than â€": 15 passable ported as the fact t] on the hig is that th The genera to be that General Complaints Condition of the I Ing t} Haile on fo taink: healt the n the ; Te for LMeC Haile HAILEYBURY To PUBLIC NTR 1€ Golqg Mine: perties is ref e of ‘The T as follows:â€" ger Consolid nA hat TRURSDAY octostn ) pro o be . snipDpeq to will be D i\ number n Huds Consolidated Gold ; _no bets in its ex ind and bring in ne ; the last year it w turn of a new government he Ontario authorities will tly improwe the highway or d a different excuse for its eleased ding th nterest A 11 Hollinger Lake are of the Hollinger Conâ€" Mines in seeking new is referred to in a reâ€" The Toronto Mail and of séem to hay position g however er Mines Not ‘ Any Good Bets | °r may be the facts truth remains that ve allowed the highâ€" i menace to travel. ie exaciliy opposite | best condition of the as first built. All that n necessary to achieve ould have been a reg â€" of attertion and reâ€" ‘ad, ror lack of propet sod that with being obtained les, exploration Lhe not distant inger has seyâ€" t Hollinger has roup of claims miles south of the Red Lake en started unâ€" Feor.e Gibson. in which it holds TCV! ;¢ custantial ng Shenango district, where ave high as er has stepped area. A mining o the property procesded with c of encouragâ€" ed on surface "2Yrg i sSVii alld largeâ€" tess, has been n at‘ the Hisâ€" ‘ver, Hollinger little inâ€" Hislop operaâ€" n close touch big possibiliâ€" of the ractically all a me plactes the â€" her sections are lly pad. In view little work was r car it was sucâ€" production the CGrold Mines its extensive in new proâ€" . lnd the Rotar; ber meeting of the uncil there was a of providing fo; w.oi.t health nuree #uu, i1 0of work was done ear the wondei be used at all. motorists seems on highway at state of repair ce the highway highway might xactly opposite | ETAIN iE FOR PRESEXT d the highâ€" _ to travel. government horities will highway or cuse for its son is now of much f"\.n C N We ‘ t-hatl ‘J | the Maâ€" ts About > Highway brought before be madjde in of the Ferâ€" 5f P we council the publi n of per alon rcad Do Your P THE HOME Effective June 1st, COMPARISON OF THE Fixed Charge FKirst 100 hours‘ use Additional use Fixed Charge First 100 H.W. Hours , Additional use per K.W.H IF YOUR BILL LAST MONTH WAsS $1.26 IT WOULD HAVE IF YOUR BILL LAST MONTH WAS $2.10 IT WOULD HAVE IF YOUR BILL LAST MONTH WAS $2.70 IT WOULD HAVE l':. YOLTR [gl"', T MELENTILII U A C od@a PAAA T An important reduction is provided for in the new Franchise in connection with the r duction in the service charge which is now at a uniform rate furnishes savings in this month. The rate for power consumed is also reduced by from 33 1â€"3 to 66 2.3 per cent. These Reductions will effect a saving to the Citizens and Municipality of Timmins of $ consumption. in the proposed Franchise the rate Disposal Plant has hbeen changed, take effect on the annraxal af Th t These reductions will effect ; € SALVM MHAN HHL MMXGNN 0¢ NAHMH MHAVH CTIAOM LI 0 9°€$ SVA HKLNOW LSYVT TIig Y[10A SALVYU MHMN YHMGNNA OLMTé NAMd AAVH ITAOM JLI OLZS T28 ) E YÂ¥ M HLNOW ILSYVT THS XNOX VAAHlN()I\ILSV'I'I'IIHHHOA V ‘A H T "AT FATAT T LCXXX FIT FTFITÂ¥CFYF >Â¥ aA _ C S SALVY MHN HAHL 0¢ NYHAHd AXAVH ITAAOAM LI 0 S SALVHM MHAN HAHJL NHMAGNA NHMYMY XAVH TTAOM _LT 971Te¢ o 100 Watts 200 Watts 300 Watts 500 Watts ‘0sai Piant has been changed, whereby an estimated saving ‘ effect on the approval of the Franchise. 1936 as provided for THE PORCUPINET aDvrvaNcr New Rates Net $1.50 2 cents per K.W.H. 1 cent per K.W.H. E PRESENT RATES AND THE NEW IF PASSED BY YOU New Rates $13.00 per year $24.00 per year $33.00 per year $45.00 per year system in connection with the C‘swer New Rates Net 60c 3â€"wire, 30c 2 wnre 2 cents 1 cent. the present Street Light ing Install Effective on Approval of Franchise 8. OoNTaARTC Existing Rate Net $1.50 3 cents per K.W.H. 1 cent per K.W.H. in the New Proposed Franchise Eower supply for the ope ¢f $1.800.00 ner year will b Existing Rate $13.50 per year $27.00 per year $40.00 per year $60.00 ner year Existing Rate Net 69 cents 3 cents 1 cent of Timmins of $40,000:00 per Year atiocn of $291.00 per vear the rates for power for small motors. The reâ€" this item ranging from 50 p.c. upwards per sA 4 e operation of the Municipality‘s Sewage will be made by the Municipality. This to Reduction 33 1â€"3 per cent. In many cases 50 per cent 33 1â€"3 per cent Reduction on the basis of present Reduction $3. 00 $7.00 $15.00