Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 14 Oct 1935, 1, p. 6

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6. The said of them sha night, from Cc ctIon the purpose electrical cu the efficienc vided for. night, from dausk to aaylight. 7. The said Party of the First Part shall not in the construction, erection and maintenancte of the said works un â€" shall, at their own expense, and costs, furnish, stpply, erect, maintain and keep in repair, all the said Lamps, posts and necessary appliances for the whole of the said period of ten years and shall renew such of them as may become beâ€" low standard as defined by this Agreeâ€" ment through any cause whatsoever other than the action of the said Town, and shall and will, at their own expense, during the said time for and at the times herein set forth, light and keep lighted the said Street Lamps. with FElectricity. 3. ALL the wires of the said Party Oi the First Part used in the said works within the Town of Timmins, shall be insulated and shall be worked on Meâ€" tallic Circuit and all material to be used by the said Party of the First Part in their works on streets, lanes, bridges, highways, squares and public places in the said Town of Timmins, may be inâ€" spected by and shall be subject to the approval of the Council of the said Town or some persons appointed by the said Council for that purpose. efficie efficie tario, ‘Town. Light First Part as may be ordered by the Council, and the said Lamps shall be lighted with Electricity as hergin agresd by the said Party of the First Part from time to time as the sams are supplied, and the said FParty of the First Part shall furnish and provide the materials, tsols, plant, labour, workmanship and power, necessary for the proper fulfillâ€" ment of the term of this contract, in manner aforesaid. mitseés and agre?s WwILNn sald PAPLY of the Second Part, as herein set forth. 2. The said Party of the First Part shall, and will, for the term of ten years from the first day of December, A.D. 1936, furnish and supply, erect, mainâ€" tain and keep in repair, such polis, wires and electrical appliances, inâ€" cluding street lamps to light the streets, squares, lanes and other public places for th> Town of Timmins, as shall be required for the purpose of supplying light, heat and power as herein agreed, and shall, and will, during the said period, for and at the time hereinafier mentioned, light and keep lignted, the said Electrical lamps with Electricity. The said Street Lamps shall be placed at the outset at the points in the Town of Timmins, at which Street Lamps are at present supplied and maintained by the said Party of the First Fart for the purpose of supplying light to the said Town of Timmins under the provisions of the contract heretofore existing beâ€" tween the parties hsreto, and such further Stréet Lamps shall be supplied from time to time, by the Party of the conduits, across, streets, lanes, s ways and other p Town of Timmir of EFlectricity fo: plying light, heat limits of the sai and beyond the : tions and proviso this Agreement C of ton years fron cember, A.D. 1836 of the said auth the said Town :« Tarty of the Firs 1. WITNESSETH that the Party oi the First Part in consideration of the covenants herein contained is hereby authorized and permitted to construct, erect and maintain, po‘:s, wires and conduits, across, along and under the streets, lanes, squares, bridge:s, highâ€" ways and other public places of the said vorporation whic in the words ar contain the term shall be for a per PETWEEN : Northern Ontario Power Company Limited, hereinafter call:>d â€"the cipal Memorandum of piy thereto the Mur and cbhts ment for light, hes of the sa WHEREAS Being a Byâ€"law To Authorize the Execution of An Agreeâ€" ment between the Northern Ontario Power Comp2any, Limited, and the Town of Timmins. PACGE 8tX Town of Timmins Byâ€"Law No. 465 Th The Corporatior Timmins, â€" herein "Party of the Sec THA‘T Muni AppI ive t L the wires of the said Party of st Part used in the said works the Town of Timmins, shall be d and shall be work2sd on Meâ€" reuit and all material to be used said Party of the their own expense np nt ccntail from the ‘om the first day of Deâ€" 336, and in consideration thority hereby given by i of Timmins, the said irst Part covenants, proâ€" with the said Party Part, as herein set forth. Party of the First Part for the term of ten years day of December, A.D. nd supply, erect, mainâ€" : in repair, such polis, ns, for the conveyant? »r th@ purpose Of supâ€" t and power, within the aid Town of Timmins, same under the condiâ€" oes and â€"restrictions in ecntained for a period uUuppIy O power, within ind : of the Town of nafter called the :cond Part." Of the Second Part e ordered by the d Lamps shall be y as hersin agresd he First Part from ame are supplied, of the First Part H nd â€" 1 . and <th Town, a ) Power Company, | straight . after call:d the |ary pole rst Part." the pole Of the First Part | Council ( Municipal Corpor 1 Timmins. enact Ip those instal towns in Or Mavor of t r and at the ght and keep Lamps. with res, and condition follows:â€" A greement Mayor of the the Fire and ouncil or any said Council, o inspect the C t T ippli ed b each and 10 1h€ power to De pal period shall be deter maximum amount of during such period by cating or graphic dem;i; Sign and Window Lighting : Sewage Disposal Plant: Commercial and Domestic Lighting : Cooking and Heating: Over 25 HP.: 11. The said F not without the Town, to be exp der this agreeme ment at present parties hereto fo charge any grea electricity of th the time herein as follows:â€" Standard Rates (Effective June I1st, 1936) Commercial Rates: Fixed Chargeâ€"$1.875 per month Plusâ€"2.5¢ ptr KW. Hr. ior the first 108 hours‘ use of connected load. Piusâ€"1.25¢ per KC.W. Hr. for all additional use. The whole less 20 p.c. for prompt payâ€" ment on or beforse 10 days after the mailing of accounts. Domestic Rates Motors shall have the rig of the First FPart year of the Franc more than fifteer said poles shall b tion of the Coun the Party of the ] id. Upon the c3 works or any ext repairs thereof, 0 part thereof, the ways, sidewalks, other Public plac good repair by t] First Part as th counstruction work ed. or uy some . said Council Council of th nection w wires, or . of the Fir Timmins. 9. The : shall use or pr on t‘ Pro 11@ on Or mailing of a Fixed Chargeâ€"37.5¢ per :1 2 wire service. Fixed Chargeâ€"75¢c per n 3 wire service, Plusâ€"2.5¢ per K.W. Hr,. fo 100 K.W. Hrs. Plusâ€"1 25¢ per K.W. H: additional use, Minimumâ€"75¢ per morth The whole less 20 p.c. for prcCc ment on or before 10 davs $4.63 per H.P. less 10 p.c. for prompt payment on or befure 30 days after the mailing of accounts. 8¢ per Minimumâ€"€5¢ per month net Minimumâ€"75¢ per month net 12%5¢ per watt of loadâ€" Minimum $3.00 per menth aetâ€"or 1.5¢ per KW . Hr. on a meter basisâ€"â€" Minimum 75¢ per month net. 10e per K.W. Hr. for t K.W . Hrs. per K.W. Hr. for the K.W. Hrs. Fixed Chargeâ€"$1.87 Plusâ€"2.5¢ per K.W. 100 hours‘ use of Plusâ€"1.25¢ per K. additional use. WIiI i5¢ per K.W. Hr. for the first e per K.W KC.W . Hrs. K.W. Hrs. _ _per K.W K.W. Hrs K.W. Hrs iot heyr Optional Rates per K. W. Hr. for all additional K. W Hrs, K. W From 1 to 25 H.P.: put 10 pre sS@AiC Ull Hr. for all Hr. for the Hr. for the next 100 ht us nined powe UI 913 5 per month Hr. for the first connected load. per month feor ipt per month for wer records Lincoln ind for for the first of mp additional next next 200 h bil romn net. npt pa ifter t. 16 ipplyin and fo mt 1 C higt SUC U1l led | Wherever in this agreement the diâ€" jwords, Party of the First Part are used, he ‘the same shall extend to and include Ithe Party of the First Part, its succesâ€" ipt and assigns, and wherever in this iys 'agreement the word "Town" is used, the same shall mean the Farty of the Second Part and shall extend to and include its successors and assigns. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the. said ‘Parties hereto have hereunto affixed their respective Corporate Seals and s3q |signed under the hands of their respecâ€" tive proper officers. 22q SIGNED, SEALED and DELIVERED In the presence of l 1 Y Jat: he 1l TAKE NOTICE that the foregoing is a true copy of a proposed Byâ€"law of the Corporation of the Town of Timmins to be submitted to the vote of the elecâ€" | one year, and also reserves the right to require deposits to guarantee the securâ€" ing of the Company‘s accounts. Miniâ€" mum depcesit for 2 meter domestic serâ€" viceâ€"$3.00. 17. In case any dispute or difference shall ariss between the parties hereto relative to any of the matters provided for in this agreement, then such disâ€" pute or difference shall be submitted to the arbitration and determination of three arbitrators, one to be appointed by the Party of the First Fart, one to be appointed by the Town, and the third arbitrator to be appointed by two arbitrators so appointed, and the award in writing of such arbitrator or any two of them shall be final and binding on the parties hereto. For each Lamp of 100 watts or less, â€"$13.00 per lamp per annum. For each Lamp of 200 wattsâ€"$24.00 per lamp per annum. For each Lamp of 300 wattsâ€"$33.00 per lamp per annum. For each Lamp of 500 wattsâ€"$45.00 per lamp per annum. If the Party of the Second Fart at any time desires to supply the lamps required for renewals, then their prices snall be reduced by 10 p.c. The Party of the First Part will supply the labour and attend to the changing of the lamps. Streets, places, sohedul howsoever, except as hereinbefore proâ€" | W‘ vided. lik 14. The Street Lamps herein menâ€" | m tioned, shall be lamps hereinaft>r menâ€" tioned and the Town hereby covenants, promises and agrees to pay to the Party | of the First Part, for the lighting of | m Streets, lanes, squares and other Public places, according to the following GquU rs on the 5th day of November, A.D.| Woater Heaters: Mayor Clerk NORTHERN ONTARIO POWER COMPANY, LIMITED Viceâ€"President General Manager. Asst. Secretaryâ€"Treasurer. This Byâ€"law shall take effect on and ter the final passing thereof. {Hiven and passed this nti or neat or powet ying premises : ipplic Where RHoarge and Water Heater are connceted to a double throw switch}â€"85,00 per Kilowatt per month. Al any appiicant in the lown of is applying for or using the ity, either asâ€"to supply or price m of the smallness of Electricity for or used by the applicant or er, but shall be bound, provided ment is made therefor, accordâ€" he terms hereof, to supply and nue to supply, any applicant in d Town of Timmins applying * or using the same who is nost 1 to the Party of the Pirst Part ctricity previously supplied to plicant and whose premises are not more than 300 feet from ributing line of the said FParty "irst Part without regard to the r of Electricity appiied for, reâ€" r used py such applicant or conâ€" without discriminating in that or as to the price or otherwise er, except as hereinbefore proâ€" wh uppl ided 1€ G n s withi pplying ipply o such so supply > same i; from a T from the indebted to t] t for electrici such applicat upply the Ele me is paid a reoli. the First P o discrimin of the situat Av dis ‘ the Towr * the samf Mayor Clerk THE PORCUPINT ADVANCT, TTMMINS ONTARO Doug shrugged his shoulders and did not answer her. \__"Oh, Douglas, you don‘t like me any | more, do you?" He made no reply. "Please, Douglasâ€"" After a moment he said, "All right, baby, T‘ll snap out of it. I knew all ‘ along it would be this way, but I didn‘t |think I‘d go into a blue funk." He | threw the cigarette out of the window !and took her hands. "All right, baby, I‘m your pal. I‘m for you through and through, get me? Anything you want of meâ€"why, my little lamb, I‘m right here." He kissed her cheek. "G:ze, but | you‘re a swell mama. Sure, I‘ll take |you to YÂ¥vonne‘s this afternoon and iwe’ll doll you up so that all the games in New York will be jealous when they | See youâ€"just leave ii zo Doug. And [ then I suppose you‘ll forget you‘re a ’gypsy evenâ€"but listen, baby, will you remember that I think you‘re a swell gypsy? T like your clothes and I like | the way you wear them and I like your ]hair blowing against my shoulder and I think. you‘ve got the swellest pair of feet T ever looked aiâ€"so when you get | tired of playing drsssâ€"up, why, put on !your old duds ang Douglas will tell ‘ycu how beautiful you are." She snuggled against him. | _ "You are my darling oneâ€"" | ~‘"And lay off that, baby. I‘m only (human, even with aii of my fine, upâ€" \right, outstanding qualities of suâ€" i perb manhood!" | i They went to the tneatre. Consuelo ‘rehearsed a short encore and worked out an accompaniment to her song. They tcld her that work would start immediately on a new act. The scene would be laid in a gypsy camp. The girl‘s heart rose in her throat with gladness to think that they should do this for her. "Ah, how good it will be | to have my own pecple about me And that if the assent of the electors is obtained to the said proposed Byâ€"law it will be taken into consideration by the Municipal Council of the said Corâ€" peration at a meeting thereof to be held after the expiration of one month from the date of the first publication of this notice, namely the 27th day of Novemâ€" ber, 1935, and that such first publication was made on the l4th day of October, 1935. 1935, between the hours of 9 o‘cl ths forencon and 5 o‘clock in the noon. And that on the 29th day of October, 1935, at the hour of 10 o‘clock in the forenocon at the Town Hall in the said Municipality has been fixed for the apâ€" pcintment of persons to attend at the polling places, and at the final sumâ€" ming up of the vetes by the Clerk. Cantral Polling Places: metal star with prongs to hold it in the wood. As she looked at it, she thought of last night, of the crowds in the alley, of the times she had bowed upon the stage, of the flowers that had been sent to her and she pried off the star with her fingers, Walking to her own As she went up the stairs to hsr dressing room, after shne had been disâ€" missed, she paused before the door with the star on it. It was a bright againâ€"‘" She mustn‘t build her hopes on that, they said, because they doubtâ€" ed if they coulq get real gypsies and might have added that they had no intention of trying. IN THE TAXI Consuelo said, "We will go to Madame Yvonne‘s this af{â€" ternoon, eh? Stewart said I should get all gorgio clothes and not wear my gypsy things any more. He said he had never seen anyonse so beautiful as I was last night. Teoll me, Doug, if he likes me at all why wouldn‘t he like likes me me just Doug : basks it is happ her to a fi1 Si€ ing ‘An clOinh i Broadw 1¢€ EATD 1€ Ceéentral Public School Moneta Public school 8St., Charles Separate School PPY ne TaAKeS performatr \.‘l“ Lo T ~ ® e l 19 y 3 w w;zu‘zoa 3 3 N SYÂ¥dANI NY 30 AHOLYS L 71419 >m>0 H. E. MONTGOMERY, Clerkâ€"Treasurer 18 1¢€ rt is amazed how beautiful looks in American cloth:s akes her to supper after her rmance. Meantime the gypâ€" ost without Consuelo, thsir Back in New York the girl er success and concludes she Toung Douglas comes to take hearsal and cbszrves a T*Mlfi eS k Mon AITl @ pI i Ma her in Ameriâ€" first dance on a tremendous r wedding Ga New York 0o irt Blackmir: ig. his secre id been walitâ€" in town. In 9 o‘clock in St. Charles 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 * debut ‘ation w 1 Stewar Dumm "I‘m the best looking mama in New York, Doug says." She sank into a chair. "But, my darling, my feet hurt!" She kicked off the chic slippers and curled hsr legs under her; pulled off the hat and shook her head until the hairpins fell in all directions and the black hair tumbled about her. "I‘m so tired! I would like to go to sleep under a great tree and just sleep and sleep and sleep." She yawned and closeq Jher eyes. "I used to think the days when we broke up camp were busy cnes, but I was wrong. Tell me, my darling, will New York always be like this?" ‘"Yes, but you‘ll get used to it. A cargeer means lots of hard work, you know." ‘In all my dreams the marble palace was never like this."‘ She was half asleep. ‘"We bought so many things." Dcuglas took her to tea and psople turned around to stare. It was interâ€" esting the attention she attracted when she wore loud clothing, but now it was not that, but some other quality more elusive that made people turn to look at her a second time. It was nearly six when they got back to the hotel. Stewart‘s hat and stick were in the little reception hall, so Doug did not stay to dinner. Consuelo paradeq her new outfit for Stewart‘s approval and kissed him lightly on the lips. door, she stuck it in the wood. Then "I want to see them. Show them to she stood off and admired it. me while we are waiting for Gdinner." The afternoon was spent at Madame | He twisted a curl of her hair. Â¥vonne‘s and when Consuelo left she "Go in and look at them, white man, was outfitted in a tailored suit, a pair| if they have arrived. I am so very tired of white foxes thrown negligently over|I can‘t seem to think of what we her shoulders, a chic little hat on her| bought evenâ€"" head and gloves on her hands and high' "You‘re not being very nice to me, heelsd slippers on her feet. She wore!gypsy girl. Those clothes wouldn‘t be the clothes so well that indeed she did |a pit pretty without you in them. Go not seem the same person who went into put them on for me or at least change the shop wearing a loud gypsy costume.| out of this suit into something for Dcuglas took her to tea and psople} turned around to stare. It was interâ€" esting the attention she attracted when she wore loud clothing, but now it was not that, but some other quality more elusive that made people turn to look at her a second time. It was nearly six when they got back to the hotel. Stewart‘s hat and stick were in the little reception hall, so Doug did not stay to dinner. Consuelo paradeq her new outfit for Stewart‘s approval and kissed him lightly on the lips. dinner." She qgidn‘t hsar him. She was asleep. He stared down at her and he was angry, but his anger did not last. How beautiful she was and how uncomfortâ€" able she looked sitting in the chair. He picked her up and caftried her into the bedroom. She did not waken when he laid her on the bed and unfastened the tight jacket. Quietly he went out, shutâ€" ting the dcor behind him, called the dining room and made arrangements to have the ginner he had ordered sgerved later. « Head Office: Schumacher Phone 708 FELDMAN TIMBER CO. LTD. Of course you‘ll need storm sash and storm doors to stop unhcalthv drafts and winter‘s bitter cold. We carry a full line in all standard sizes, already primed and glazed. For real fuel saving use these insulating materials ; Insulâ€"board, the wellâ€" known insulating wallboard and Insulex an insulating powder that when placed between the celhng Jmsts pre vents loss of heat through the roof. We will be glad to give you full partlculars and advnce on the use of these materials as fuelâ€"savers and for winter comfort. Lowest possible prices. Mc DONAL D F Wait one or two weeks longer and it will be too late! Cold weather will be here and preparations will be more difficult and more costly to make. Check your needs now and make your home really comfortâ€" able and warm this winter. I‘m for you, throvgsh He sat down then and lighted a cigarette and gazed at the smoke and thought of this gypsy. When Consuelo came cut to dinner she was fresh and rosy and thought it was a gcod joke that she> had gone to sleep while her sweetheart waited. She laughed and joked with him and would take nothing he said seriously until bhe remark:d that he had made arâ€" rangements with cne of the finest dancing masters for her to take lessons. ‘"Now you are crazy, white man!" They quarrelea. Stewart threatened to seng back all of the clothes she had bought. Consuelo told him to take them backâ€"gorgio clothes they were, not fit for a gypsy. Stewart told her she‘d never be able to do anything but gypsy dances if she didn‘t take lessons. Consuelo flew into a rage. It was Ann and through KÂ¥ a Mill Office: Timmins Phone 709 WiINTER COMFORT ! Hallowe‘en by United People at Month. large part to work. Edward ] pect of an i1 work in variou CENT â€" Aâ€" MILE Children 5 years and under 12 half fare at W the assoc fred Mat Ross Sinc ‘The n Try The Advance Want Advertisements G O IN G Thursday, October 17 â€"RETURNING A.Y.P.A. Members to be Guests of Y.P.S. PEMBRORK EC ARNPRIOR MONTRE A L Up to Train No. 7 leaving Montreal Sunday. October 20 For Information and Tickets apply Agents T. N. O. Ry and N. C. Ry, the en is read «C the A. cepted. Four ne He _ is the time to prepare your home for Canadian Pacific . Matt uests «C Jle‘s S Tickets Good in Coaches Only No Baggage Checked 1Â¥ iak ?arty Planned Church Young End of This TO n made the subâ€" ags talk mission of the world. ENFREW OTTAW A QUEBEC members will hurch Young lowe‘en party An invitation sdayv meeting uUnanimou over in i missionary 11 kett 1¢ )med â€" Winn n smile know e n

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