Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 30 May 1935, 3, p. 6

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Civo ‘laiva, charged by €Game Warâ€" den Phil Boudreau with a series of ofâ€" fences under the game andgd fisheries laws, will appear next week. It is posâ€" sible that ancther charge will be laid, the crown attorney said. Two mentally deranged men, one of whom had been taken by provincial police and the other by town police, were committed to an insane asylum, after having been declared insane by local physicians. They were brothers who lived in a shack on the outskirts of the town and who had caused resiâ€" dents in the southâ€"western part of Timmins some concern. some other cases were remanded to Wednesday morning. A report of the Wednesday morning court will be found elsewhere in this issue. on som: C dismissed,. story to tel roborated b Thirty days hard labour was the sentence imposed on Ed. McEvoy, who was charged with vagrancy. He has a police court recorg in this part of the North dating from 1926. "There are too many convictions against you," the magistrate commented, when Ed. asked a lizht sentence., up," was the advice gave to Omer Chenie minor charges in cour he claimed, and was the intention" of ste: ing, He had just taken Ccase, he said. Wo Jchng p. and making h pati $50 and . time in over that the magi before him for pieaded ; The offe ball park also fine in jail. * pretty ct mented h Town Payroll Cases to be Heard June 18 1¢ udn ind vaie ote ts atn o ate o vate itpe® T‘im An Wnn (Con‘tin aul lt, alleged by : Jyden townsh The plaintiff 11 but it was 1 Th «ambler Fined $50 ied from Page One) ed by a man workin ownship claims wa were remanded to _A report of the court will be found it ike; e and fisheries week. It is posâ€" ‘ge will be laid, th Ailgnten the it , who f . He w "guilty Merchandise must be good or it could not be consistently advertised. _ Buy advertised goods. 11} This is one important reason why it pays to read advertisements and to buy advertised goods. â€" The product that is advertised is worthy of yvyour confidence. There is a surer index of value than the senses of sight and touchâ€"knowledge of the maker‘s name and for what it stands. Here is the most certain method, except that of actual use, for judging the value of any manufactured goods. Here is the only guarantee against careless workmanship, or the use of shoddy materials. Ain of the ma purchases times., by i Experts can roughly estimate the value of a product by looking at it. More accurately, by handling and examining it. Its appearance, its texture, the "feel" and the balance of it all mean something to their trained eyes and fingers. on the had a long t at all corâ€" same camp. Game Warâ€" pIA But imblin ) faced two was drunk ty without some cloth Advertisements magi rong A W ten day s gettin _ ~COOfH are a guide to value Y enen AIMaAln * ** * first 1r€e iL( 11 1f be taken with which that stc BrCckville Recorder:â€" For 85 conâ€" secutive ycars Goderich township has had all its taxes paid 100 per cent. As the municipal treasurer is the authoriâ€" ty for this statement, it can scarcely gress. luesday evening the pipe band with Drummajor COtcher at the head marched to the northern section of the town, and it was interesting to watch the rush from all sections to see the pipers as they passed along. The pipe band in their fine new uniforms preâ€" sent a very attractive appearance and their music is equally pleasing to most people who enjoy gsod music. giving sev during the purpose 0o Maysr Cam accepted the ; Dr. a member of monuments bo ed at the cere Italian naviga he was detern monument ere mark the spot first Janded ir after their ep the Atlantic. sSERVICES OF PIPE BAND ARE MUCH APPRECIATED TndBvalnd®p ctnataates , »a ate Monument of Balbo to Follow One to John Cabhot nda 16 an navigator would be honoured. vas determined, he said to have a ument erected at Shediac, N.B., to k the spot where Gen. Italo Balbo landed in Canada with his fliers * their epochal mass flight across Atlantic. monumt ni of Mo: e of providing gcod music for ople of the town and giving pubâ€" to the Moose carnival in proâ€" Tuesday evening the pipe band rummajor COicher at the head It upine Pipe Band has been ral pleasing street marches past week with the double f cordiality that t 1 Italy and new C imillien Houde of e gift for the cit a grain Of the salt for tion is famous. the historic sites and ard of Canada, announcâ€" mony that a more recent itor would be honoured. nined, he said to have a cted at Shediac, N.B., to it 1€ 16 , in the pr i1 at Ottaw e Dominion terda li, de; city. Shediac 9T Al Canada. f Montreal Italia ‘petus Mont 1¢ l "The company officials showed Mr. Heenan, Mr. Cain and myself that the employees at Smoth Rock Falls have | suffered no injustices and that the complaints are the work of agitators in the district," he continued. While there might have been an isoâ€" lateg example of hardship Oover a long | period, the inquiry revealed that this l was through no fault of the company. Anxious to treat the employees fairly in every way, and despite assurances that the department is satisfied the charges respecting the Smooth Rock Falls mill lacked foundation, a survey will be made by the company at once ‘ J. Habell, M.L.A., who had taken a special: interest in protecting the emâ€" I ployees of. the company, was scon conâ€" vinced that he and others had been badly misled by mean agitators who had no regard for the position in which they placed others and the same disâ€" regard for the truth. Mr. Habell is quoteq as saying at Toronto after the investigation:â€"‘"I am now satisfied that there was not a particle of truth in the stories told and I regret that I and others had been deceived by storâ€" ies of a situation that had no exisâ€" Sudbury Star:â€"With <~chain letters still rampant, this is the longest sucker season within living memory. so that no employee whatever will have future cause to complain, tenc |con was charged that the company collected the rents from the pay enâ€" velopes of employees amounting to $22 to $35, and after such deductions ther: was not anything like sufficient for them to live on, as many of them were on part time. Early enquiries into the Smooth Rock Falls situation indicated that responâ€" sible partics were behind the charges. which were to be taken up by the deâ€" partment of lands and forests. J. A. Habell, M.L.A., North Cochrane, made a special trip to Toronto to be present when the matter was threshed out. Company officials brought their o00ks and other evidence to the parliaâ€" ment buildings at Toronto to show the complete injustice behind the charges. It was found that they were absolut,ely; lacking in foundation and had bsen precipitateg by agitators, who utilized responsible people to discredit the comâ€" pany. Abitibi Co. Playing Fair with Workers [ Searching enquiry conducted by the Hon. Peter Heenan last week showed that the reports to the effect that the Abitibi Power and Paper Company at Emooth Rock Falls haq been collectâ€" ing full monthly rental for companyâ€" ownted houses and giving employees balances of from a few cents to $6 for «wo weeks‘ work proved that the charges were without foundation and that the company as far as humanly possible had used its employees with every regard for fair play and generâ€" Charges Made Recently were Trumpedâ€"up by Agitators, the Government Discovers 31LY THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TTMMINS, ONTARIO Toronito Mail and Empire: â€"Mrs. Dionne has said tartly that she does not feel like producing another baby for the Ontario Government. It is true that another Dionne baby would be an eantiâ€"climax. The raid was conducted by police following advice from H. Norman Lidâ€" ster, city solicitor. Police state the club has been operating as an exchange for chain letters. There were more than 200 subscribers. Clyde K. Blakeney, 36, was charged with keeping a common gaming house or lottery and was releaseq on bail of $100. All books of the club, $64 in cash and a bank account book, were seized. First definite action against chain letters in British Columbia was taken Saturday by New Westminster police when they raided headquarters of the T‘riâ€"Mutuel Club. h BRITIiSH COLUMBIA‘s CHAIN LETTERS CAUSE ARRESTS Mrs. L. Miller is visiting her parents in Winnipeg. Mrs. Frank Warne and baby, of Anâ€" sonville, arrived in town on Sunday to reside. Mrs. Warne was formerly Miss Chris, Murphy, of town. Miss Marion Warne accompanied Mrs. Warne here to spend her vacation in the North. Mrs. P. Cameron left on Sunday for Toronto, where she will enter a hosâ€" pital for medical treatment. Mrs. Dearâ€" don accompanied her mother to Torâ€" Onto. The firemen had a call to 56 Second avenue on Friday evening, where fire crackers caught in a shingle roof, causâ€" ing considerable blazing. But with the promptness of the firemen and the aid of their new truck, very little damage was done. Mr. and Mrs, V. Neeley left last week by motor for a vacation in Nova Scotia. Rev. Murray Tait conducteg the serâ€" vice. Burial was made in Timmins cemetery. Mr. A. Rossel spent Sund his parents in Eastford. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mair passeq away in St. Mary‘s hospital Sunday evening. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon from S. T. Walker‘s funeral parlours, where mieSsSls. G. and M. Corrigan on sunday. Mrs, W. Olton left this week for Vimy Ridge to join Mr. Olton, who is employed there. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies‘ Association will be held in the church On Wednesday evening, June oth. Note the change of meeting place to the church, insteag of at the home of the members. Mrs. C. Corrigan and daughters, Elâ€" sie and Jean, and son, Graham, of Ncranda, visited at the homes Of Messtrs. C. and M. Corrigan on Sunday. Mr. F. Kohils and Elwyn, of the Elâ€" wyn hotel, Rouyn, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jucksch last week. 1 The Misses Dorothy and Edith Armâ€" strong visited friends in Cochrane over the holiday. Mtr. and Mrs. Edward Lowrie left last week to visit in Winnipeg. The many friends of Miss Vino Linâ€" dross are pleased to see her back home again angq enjoying good health. Vino has been a patient at the Gravenhurst hospital for the past few months. Mrs. F. Furlonsg spent the weekâ€"end visiting her daughier, Mildred, in Haileybury. Mtr. and Mrs. A. MclLeod have moved to Timmins to reside. Miss B. Tait, of Queen‘s University, is spending the summer vacation with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Tait. Mr,. A. D. Campbell is in Kirkland Lake this week. Bornâ€"Wednesday, May 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. John O‘Leary, 64 Second avenuecâ€"a daughter. Miss L. Smail spent the weekâ€"end visiting in Cochrane. Schumacher, May 29th, 1935. Special to The Advance. Mrs. J. Moran and daugh@ter left on Saturday to visit Mtrs. Moran‘s parents in Winnipeg. o Interesting Items of Schumacher News Visitors to and from Schuâ€" macher. Death of Infant Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. . A. Mair. ‘Fire at Schuâ€" macher. Germany lost the Great War. In doing so, the Allies were able to dictate the terms of peace. It was President Wilson of the United States who drew up the clauses for the Versailles treaty Attempting to apportion Europe according to its nationality, he took little notice of the economic situation of the continent. Germany lost heavily; Eupen and Malmery were given to Belgium; Alsace and Lorraine were returned to France: rich Saar basin was placed under League of Nations Commission, It was recently returned to Germany as a result of plebiscite. Germany also ceded Schleswig to Denmark; Memel Land went to Lithuania: the major provinces of West Prussia went to Poland as did part of Upper Silesia. Map ABOVE reproduced from "Atlas of Current Affairs" (Ryerson Press) shows areas lost by Germany under Treaty Of Versailles which she ‘has now officially denouncedein a new programme of intensive reâ€"armament. What Versailles Did to Germany visiting 247 Sudbury Star:â€""It isn‘t entirely the principle of these chain letters, either,‘ said the town crab yesterday. "It‘s the dime." Two other lads, somewhat older, were charged with stealing 85 feet of rope. One admitted taking it but cleared the other from any connection with the theft. The two haq been found together when police investigated, One boy was dismissed but the other is on parole for three months. "T‘ll have to send you down the next tinmne you get into trouble," Magistrate Atkinson <warned the convicted lad. T‘wo boys, one aged 10, the other 13, were placed on parole for three months by A. G. Carson at juvenile court yesâ€" terday morning. They admitted having into a freight car and stolen $2.175 worth of apples. "Will you ever do it again if I let you g0?" askeq the magistrate. Both shook their heads. When the question of restitution was raised, it was found that both the boys‘ families were on relief and could do nothing just now to raise the money. ‘"‘They‘ll have to pay it when they can, and if they can‘t, they can‘t, that‘s all," said his worship at the close of the hearing. he took little notice of the economic y lost heavily; Eupen and Malmery Lorraine were returned to France: ague of Nations Commission, It was result of plebiscite. Germany also Three Boys Paroled at Juvenile Court This Week so, the Allies were able to dictate Wilson of the United States who treaty Attempting to apportion took little notice of the economic 62 Third Ave. The Ideal Hardware Co. Ltd. route:; but papers were in the reâ€" show routd "*The NC Sudbury St titude in f then pro The stret would se imperativ last week 11 Ferguson Highway Route the Only Logical Route in have h Timmins esignation of hway. Neither NC will have anvthin I1 r, since changing theit vour of ithe Lake Sup undoubtedly done lo > many drawbacks of hway line to touch Oba and westward to Schreiber. of roadway already built ) make some such route _ discussing the question Northern Tribune says:â€" _ Bay Nugget and the id wa T No Ihighway, Kapuskasing I¢ m â€" Hea The @Quebe hern 1 J a lt it between That such ctical now n Tribune, bu the mo ‘ribunt mrox|â€" id "om T‘he hcC 10 CYLINDERS REBORED W is MOTORS REBUILT ®@ HOSTESS Servador â€" tha original door with shelves, 000,000,000,000,000. T; for a fow millionai: Kingstin â€" Whigâ€"Standard:â€" Chai letters have hit Wall Street, one 0o them soliciting cheques for $10.000. B the time your name reaches the to; It says, you may be worth $15.625.000 lation on the new stretch course Timmins would be road. This cannot be the the highway question, by It would not be a sauare "the little daily dose" of Kr stimulates the flow of gast: aid digestion, and then ens: plete, regular and unfailit tion of all waste matter ev _ years ago from indigestion, | most severe pain soured in my st miserable after m What Kruse for everybody indigestion as sire or appoetite vised me to tr so, and I am that after a sh est relie{. I « chen till 1 felt a new man. I I did twenty vi The trea every case he says:â€" Acute Indigestion Relieved by Kruschen New Ontario Machine Works or. Spruce First, Timmins RE FELT MISERABLE AFTER MEALS y years ago. ischen did 1 AM 1 rely bx indige: j stom meals it hould ughs. im uift very mud tite, and igh of o this rd on K1 i1g 41

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