Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 13 May 1935, 1, p. 7

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the North ball offer most vitall Things must | team junior lea The T.BL. at the end of the question m interest is shov one who wants | boys along has fromÂ¥Kthe big | should be spending‘a giving thei diamond. to average ru a little well ap toâ€"gosdness lo: fielded that v anything the o could organize. Schumacher are unheard MciIntyre has and the mann takes the senic sired effect an "age limi sors feel th Will Junior Ball Go Over The announcement from the kaming Bascizall League last we it would sponsor junior baseball PCrcupine seems to bse having Fri., May 24 Watch € 6 Battle of Music" Harvey Graham Son iverside P avilion es iescs m ons : ces ri» s mssn in enc ons en enc -w B*“M“_?"valfâ€"ts‘ Q}fgallize for Season; Greens Ready Soon ns es in m o memen o. smm on ommer ts +. Smss * en 5 P3 M Â¥ + g # "% # m w# se «e stt ts Sm n iss MONDAY MaAY 1TH i0986 a he man ruggedness that insures miles of wear in supreme comfort. 3e a .0 2. pair of shoes Isn‘t it sound economy to make the most of yout investment. Particularly when Heel Huggers give you a maximum of style and 1€ Fhis Space for Further From All Levels Particulars _leam ior l immins. sponâ€" t the. material for a fai: ns is available and with pliegq coaching an honestâ€" junior outfit could be would be on a par with other towns in the district h it JumbD 16 but 1 ifter ‘hich ‘v ho ickly if a three o play this year lding a meeting nth to conside y, IF sufficien hat timse. Anyâ€" in and help the mise of support Those who are nly that juni from the Te 1e last week r baseball in : _having the nout kick Porecupine ith the way senior ball uth End rs, there about ball in Timmins on the Temisâ€" k that in ths he deâ€" alk 01 Q@uebec final. He sho casions that he poss a sound game, more speed and moderately showed a fightir Laird shows>d early promise and in 1932 sauntered into the limelight by winning the Ontario singles title. The next year he defeated Marcel Rainâ€" ville, Frenchâ€"Canadian ace, in the Trotters Step Out Lively To Gladden New Zealande wWall wA ‘gor and learned the R,. N. Watt, ang al at the Mount his father h: fatherâ€"andâ€"son continent. They fatherâ€"andâ€"son n 1934 Laird ‘show>d poriance for Watt, junior member of the 1934 Davis Cup team. He is ranked fifth in Canada and second in Quebec. But 1924 wasn‘t his big year. The preâ€" vious season he won the Canadian inâ€" tercollegiate championship and the Quebec singles. aln thi up of YÂ¥Cung, rankin: home towns. Theye ris, about whom so raised.by the O.H.A Frcood mine senior y Young Canadian Tennis Artists to Tour Britain T wo Good Hockey Players Return to Home Towns yet, will pin air or remalr The 22â€"year ‘bbhy Murray _ the male TIMMINS SKATING RINK Meon Moose Charity CARNIV AL 11 M TTING READY HERE FOR MEN‘S SOFTBALL LEAGUI May 23 to 30 but J uni h DC ba of our will be of particular imâ€" _ for Watt, junior member of Davis Cup team. He is ranked Canada and second in Quebec. culd be or No definit NT FORGET! done ‘ead y More Lacrosse Players Team Almost Sur imins or Hollinger entry 12e That g0€es to Grre on. The other half ling Deacon and /anccuver, the c ueicavued Marcel rainâ€"| Canadian ace, in the He showeg on these ocâ€" he possessed more than e, more than natural derately good control. He | 1 fighting heart. | tbhall rn here on May 21, 1913, e game from his father, q Ted Green, professionâ€" it Royal Club. Laird and ve become the best doubles team on the won the United States itle in 1983 and again ll league for the Porcu organizeq some time thi nite date has been se probable that something before Saturday abou 1¢ y players left Sudâ€" reéeturn to their own : were Barngy Morâ€" O miuch fuss was A., and FroOst, wing. Both players ard‘"‘ now. »wh wailnougn pracltlices zing has been done. es to show the boys ntly at the park and mbinations and how es. A few new faces da. €£0A date, makt )6 i1ImMm 6e till hopeful on on some n HIM jab l( LI m oys 'l aylor Seeking the British Golf Crown r who much Laird » tenâ€" 31 0 mee _ Wil ba Taylor was born in Montreal 35 years Although ther ago and started playing golf when he bers in the cluk was 15. He picked up the rudiments| still room for a f¢ of the game on the course of the Herâ€" secretaryâ€"treasutr; mitage Club on the shores of Lake Anyone intereste Memphramagog, Quebec resort. Helget in touch wit ' played as at Summerlea, Monâ€"|executive. treal, and then moved to Kaniwaki. At the annual another Montreal club, where he beâ€"| the folloOwing of: came a polished golfer under the tutelâ€" Honorary preside age of C. C. "Happy" Fraser, former ing; president, M Dominion titleholder, and the veteran|dent, G. F. Blacl Bill McLuckie. He won the 1934 club| W. W. White; im championship with a recordâ€"shattering| tive, W. Nicholso lsub-par 65. C. S. Huckerby _ His first taste of real tournament golf | sons and J. H. Kr was in the annual spring tournaments|mittee, D. A. M of the Quebec Golf Association, where| Brown, W. Gedge. Canadian Champion in 1932 Keeps in Condition by Playing Hockey and Skiâ€" â€" ing in Winter. All his other interests in sport have been virtually asandoned in favour of golf. He plays badminton in winter, but only mederately well. In his school days he was regarded as one of the most promising cricketers ever develâ€" oped in Canada. Ridley College has yet to turn out his equal. He went to University of Toronto and starred at both fostball and hockey. He was an exceptionally accurate dropâ€" kicker and he might have made a proâ€" fessional career out of ‘hockey. He was a good ball player, too. only days most cped 107r The DIS test, This is Sandy‘s 12th season of ma jor tournament play. He was runnerâ€"up for the Canadian amateur in 1925 and won the event the following year, then went on to capture it three times more before he startled the world at large by winning the U.S. amateour. courses sin left home would achic fOr the biso Out of Practice Except.for the British Columbian Dick Moore and Ken Black, the Car adians have been away from go courses since last fall. But Somervill left home confident that the tear C he can lif peak withi henchmen problem. ha rour times amateur champion of Canada and winner of the United States amateur in 1932, Somerville reâ€" mains Canada‘s greatest amateur. It required an American, Scotty Campâ€" bell of Seattle, to keep him from winâ€" ning the Canadian amateur for the fifth time last fall at Montreal. If he‘s "hot" in England, his friends here beâ€" lieve, Sandy will come through with a VIC within his reach, and the only one ¢ the three he hasn‘t captured. H went to the fifth round in the grue!l ling matchâ€"play test in 1833 before be ing eliminated. This time he ranks a one of Little‘s most dangerous challen anC maA4n month, be Against his chances is the fact he isn‘t played all winter and got in ly a ccuple of weeks‘ drilling over the ndOon Hunt Club course before sailâ€" g. It is largely a question of whether ‘ _can lift his game to championship ak within a short time. His Canadian Somerville Great Canadian Golf St; our Times Winner of Amateur Golf Championâ€" ship of Canada. _ Handiâ€" capped â€" Somewhat This hen Sandy Somervillc idian team of nine int Four Times Winner times amateur. cha romising at sandy somerville leads h team of nine into the Britis golf championship late th ae quiet London plaver wi only Sandy‘s second attempt e third major amateur title _ reach, and the only ‘ one of he hasn‘t captured. He 1e fifth round in the gruelâ€" are ~Uup 111C with W. Lawson of. San defending champion, as the ising at Cricket r interests in sport have asandoned in favour of badminton in winter, but something like iinst the same THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TTiMMTNS, ONTARIO Â¥al rville team )Tm rolf Me At the annual meeting the follOwing officers we Honorary president, Canor ing; president, M. B. Seot dent, G,. F‘. Black:; secret: W. W. White; member 0 tive, W. Nicholson; green C. S. Huckerby chairmatr will Although there are ; bers in the club at p still room for a few mor secretaryâ€"treasursr tolg Anyone interested in t} get in touch with any executive. during the las Or the first we committee are | to have things Bowling at ing Club will during the 1 Of Bowling Likely to be Under Way Inside of a Month. About 40 Members in the Club Here. Lawn Bowling | Ready for Season: Gordie is lookir valuable experiend( ceur al ish Is] of average build, Ta nerves and calm : good golfer. His sh not overlong but he the driver. Stronge is his iron play, alwa brilliant. His puttir steady. cverseas eventâ€" A slim, darkâ€"t of average build ilileâ€"gave a yoOUd aAccount never has won a spril though he was runnerâ€"t Gordie‘s big moment at the Lambton cour when he reached the fu adian amateur and th beat Jack Camercon 5 a; title. Last summer he :1 provincial championshi He tried his luck in th amateur tournament 1: qualified for match play en in the first round ment proper by the vete ford of Boston. Porced out of the st1 season last winter by Taylor kept himself in by skiing in the Lauren eager to get at golf aga fearful that the usual Montreal would give hin to get his game prime pi ind friendly m T Y ( ] )} ) yY 11111 1\ Oor n 4 injuries CE oi BEAUTY pi ha haire w more, W. W. White St. Mattl jably get 16 st a field of 190 lon He had been specta ilurentian 1¢ Ju1r rIt!shn LN nament rairma1r T 1€ 11 i] lmet 40 mem Advance. e should r of "the spring 11 le chance: r the bi; imateur. ‘ut athlet ecenti} cted :â€" . OCustht m xh mont} ichieved pre StuI galnit h am njuries, andition He was a littls s game d often ted pC id CU If i1 4 193 ront Pna tlil 111 ol it HC alâ€" ganize for in Thursd: general mf here this Mecting to Organizec Ladies‘ Softhall Here Wuin. Bo Phil : Ay. Officer ry Herm Har IF 13 Tiuimnmins Gun Phone 670 Thost 11 H S YNC RO â€" MESH R R ET 10 P B O D 1E § F | 5C lnt should vering mmins Gun Club as Good Beginning Svlv Mc( T R A N S M 1 S S I 0O N B i G , P O M a S O LID cS T EEL in Sho 11 MARSHALLâ€"ECCLESTONE Ltd. T l i¢li h was noted Advance a s‘ Softball s evening 11 ladit xX D€ H GENERAL MOTORS YALUE . New Ontario Machine Shop _:E T‘ry The Advance Want Advertisements 1 I Still Another Centâ€"aâ€"Mile Excursion of the T. N. 0. First Practice Footbaill Plaved Here on Saturd; Tickets are valid to return leaving int of destination not later than resday, May 21st, except in the case of indsor, Geraldton, Longlac, Hardrock d Jellicoe. Tickets to these points are cd to return leaving Wednesday, nD Cor. Spruce First Timmins ELECTRIC AND OXxXYÂ¥Yâ€"ACETYLENE nd hn T NTIL recently, the lowâ€"price field was limited to a few makes of cars. Now that is changed. General Motors has widened your choice with a new, popularâ€"priced Pontiac Six! Not solely on this account is Pontiac the most talkedâ€"about car of the year. It has beauty. In fact, Pontiac is the best example of scientific streamâ€" lining on the road today. And better still, it lives up to the promise of this beauty. miskaming and No way and the Nipiss will opserate anoth ch excursion to T\ nts in Ssuthern an ime United ‘ay and the Nipissing Central ill operate another Centâ€"aâ€" i excursion to Toronto and ts in Southern and Western ‘riday, May l7th. A large l6cal people will no doubt ike advantage of this exâ€" it will give them an opporâ€" ee the Blue Ribbon Racing Canada, the King‘s Plate, be run at Toronto, Saturday. t pri was wvhen howed that n both team tball during °.D. .A. UObout Car of the llewt gquad and be quad 2 11 football ind re is plenty o make sure ill game 0 Timmins or m the Mcâ€" at the new O For 3 h ha I‘n On poplui il Kingston Whigâ€"Standard:â€"A naturâ€" alist asserts that mosquitoes can get along without preying on humans. If he could only convince the mosquitoes! but aiso ignored the firs which is to be courteous Where this rule abot is in effect, the players should stand aside while tee are shooting, then ; putlt out. a3q St m qs1 osts ng | AalIL, xt utd ay3 ;o quou; ut dn ) pBaogsut ‘ou JoOJ alt) ‘aptss paddags oaiey ptmoys BJ 1B Usadd8 ayy uo atuosimo} I SagpuUsIistunodlId al} ayq 03 dn [ 36UJ pojstsut fau.n, Iayj0 AG@ poZIQIQ|IJ ATaJIoAags uaia ons U auop asseusp I ‘IIBq4 8 YUiIM auostWO0s Sut TL ay} UNI 0J qUBM 2,UpIp I such a holeé play while green. I r( Some courses have ing players on the g: to allow those playi shoot for the Next: More by Morrison Timmins Alex ]J. Morrison fu recently J i fourson used. rule about short holes he players on the green aside while those on the omm â€" lusive Mesh n add ivVIn en iside, ead th like on short holes rom behind to While playing was invited to local rul 1 their rule of ent fault rhead and ik ()f llit't- know the n my was not clearing y lined a Jury,. ‘ir lives of golf, the They

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