visiting at E. DPDuxfield dent Bay, Miss A. C sStafl, is vis Miss McC guest at the G. McGhee, Miss McGihe ing the Eliz sJRCIAL Lo ° Miss Lxll spending F Special Easter Services United _ Churech, S macher, on Sunday. Ot Schumacher News. Wedded Thursday at ii;u!g * Schumacher Manse (I) (B w w e aa B e o 2 u2 wl a o Ts wl h a n ® a o B ie Te uh aal hy c h a i uo uie t w S ts e 0 wl uie a S‘ ce lt‘ n uie a ut S uie t h i t l ol s ol e o ue o‘ ue i ue o 5n 0 uie 4 n en ie dn on e y t A y ty y .Az sn d ie dsA zen ze ze d enb O dz s wl ze ze e e i Y ie y : s is y d e ies s e w s wl t s lt s . s * v * > +s it w i. s ty Mrs. Doug. C fal | SUGGESTINCGSpRPINC FOODS ud â€" » THOUGHTFUL CARE AND DIGNITY CHARACTERIZE OOR HERVICE DUTCH SETS 2 lbs. Potato Onions 250 Seeds It pays to buy Eaton‘s Seedsâ€" for repeated tests have show: they have a very high degre of germination and purityâ€" tests that assure positive re sultsâ€"depending on soil, cul tivation and climatic condi tions. See your favourites 0: display in the store. . Thee 8. T. W A LDLGKER â€" Am LOW SELLING on HANDY AMMONIA EATON‘S 5 Point Time Is Here K EATONS er Vegetable n#e of her uncle, Mr. ‘th avenue, last week ravelling, demonstratâ€" 1 Arden powders w n, of the public school n Porquis Junction. binson, who is a stuâ€" ph‘s Colléeze, North our than 27¢ pet â€" POUND QOPEN DAY AND NIGHT appreâ€" Pouna CHAN LEMON OIL 12 oz. bot M esmm Check your clothesâ€"pin bag â€3 9C CLOTHES PINS 20 to a pkg pI Easter holidays Funeral Director Demonstrating April 30 Swift‘s Brookfield E MAYONNAISE 8 oz. bot 21c 3 oz bot. 10c @SALAD DRESSING 8 oz. bot. 21c 3 oz. bot 10c ©@ SANDWICH Spread 8 oz. bot 21c 3 oz bot 10c of Hunter, is Mr. and Mrs. STEAK or RoAST * 19c Rump Roast Ib.17.¢ Blade Roast I1b.14¢ Short Rib Roast Ib. 16c Butt Roast Pork 1b. 18c Fresh Picnic Shoulder 1b. 14c sreaseo, Bacon sliced 1b.28¢ Cooked Ham sliced 1b.49¢ ® The Meat Counter Has Many Saving Suggestions @ Blend per pkg. Toronto â€" parents. YOork,. wa 56 GILLETT‘S LYE ay 5¢ A Guiet wedding United Churck m evening, by the I Lenna, only daugh!{ united in marriag Martin of Timmin: tireq in a swaggt blouse and match wore a corsage of : The bride was att stance Martin of beige suit and : and gloves, and a . Martin, brother o as best man. After ception was held : bride‘s mother, 11 young COuple recei chlQ wht special Mr. PC stafif, is sp home in O: Bornâ€"Su Mr. and M Mts. P. Can in Orang nâ€"Sunda The efficiet For polishit Rich luxuric BEEF ASPARAGUS Choice Tomatoes TODDY Health Drink CORN FLAKES 2»#> 17c¢ Red Cherries Graham W AFERS Orange Oval Biscuit Household O©OCET ERIA oodwork U TISSUE 200 sheets CREAM * 29¢ Eaton‘s Cold Eaton‘s Cleansing Won‘t you Change to A Christie Creation The children low An Outstandin An Appetite M 1 the nd remarkable price on Weston narp 1 ew id dA W 1l Mar i2 1ar enjoy pkg. . pkg. 18c tin 11¢ pke. 2»ss.29¢ T P [F RUIT Vegetables M Friday and Saturday Only Fresh Pineapple, each .. . 25¢ New Potatoes, 3 lbs. ... .. 29¢ New GreenCabbage, 2 lbs. 29¢ New Beets, 2 bunches . .. .29¢ Onions, 3 bunches .29%¢ New Carrots, 3 bunches .. 25¢ Sweet Potatoes, 3 Ibs. .. .. 29¢ P.E.1. Potatoes, 15 Ib. peck 25¢ Bananas, firm and ripe 3 1Ibs. ... ...z 25¢ fanvy of our customers are 98 lb $ referring Purity Brand to b 3 20 e ag lA Mlasive hannioea i+ eartar To W ake up Your Spring Appetite ind old D\ H A Baking Sale of All Purpose ious dessert 9T SCV 11 in Flavour 12 oz. tins pf ‘ondering what to serve mething unusualâ€"som selection is yours to ch KIDI m ITt nd M perati \‘\"Q Concert on Monday | * *\ _ by the Welsh Choir buil bre Boil vths AILâ€" from 1 fol mal the is yours to chooseâ€"new food Spring Foodsâ€"Here are a 1 Te eve the the the pi Oddte much 16 Arkansas Gazette:â€"One is ralleged by a Chicago : _client up for robbery wa landular maladjustment." No. 2 squat 29C tins I Ib. bag No. n Mir hemse pit 24 bag 85¢ JOwWs this year attracted attention on account of the varâ€" _the programme and the excelâ€" f the numbers presented. The m Monday evening will be espeâ€" jleasing, the programme to conâ€" selections by the choir, together olos, duets and other numbers, ind instrumental. It will be an g of very attractive music and should be a large attendance for rve?â€"to tempt them )mething bright and ith the fellow 25¢ Min midetr Timm 10 Special Merit nted on Monâ€" z, April 29th. 1€ 11 oth fTey 31 ich 6 e of the aliâ€" _attorney for vas "inherited ."_ Scimething landparents? 11 a @1 ommencing 1 appeal to ene ood ipplied ‘ent in _ Porcelt ie Oxldâ€" Monday 1 wiin ind ons dn dn in w io wl td ul wht wl wk wl ind wl m wl d o im ie en in in En in h in ns ies in in in in in in ir in in i y y 31, 1934 617 aga 447. Th Toronto, April 25. The ay per ton in 1934 was $8.68 reducgced to under $8 in late “Copdmons at this prop ports the managing engines lend themselves to low cos clude exceedingly hard rock mining and grinding costs water with high pumping co. as narrow vein and fault which increase development The balance sheet as at 81. 1934, shows current asset M. F. Fairlie, manag records that devel=â€"pmen to maintain the ore re proximately 50,000 tons ning Of the, year. ‘Ther tons reserve after extr tons. Grade was lowered to .315 oz. per ton. The i duced $1,024,942 from the The annual meeting w Toronto, April 25. The per ton in 1934 was $8.6f reduged to under $8 in ls Reduction in grade of cres handled resulted in Ashley Gold Mining Corp. Limited having total 1934 production of $456,836, compared with $497,969 outâ€" put in 1933., After all deductions the company reports $12,543 deficit, bringâ€" ing the accumulated total to $191,894 as deficit at the yvear end. Reduction resulted in Limited hav $456,836, cor Although it is too soon to declare the degree of success which we hope to achieve, our first efforts in arrangâ€" ing a Handicraft Exhibition to porâ€" tray national life and skills the various races are beiang enthusiastically reveived. The concluding paragraph of your article, "coâ€"operation is the big need, the big blessing. Coâ€"operation means the getting together of citizens, the getting acquainted, the realization of the gozsd qualities of each other, and the discovery that acquaintance so often means understanding and appreâ€" ciation," states our Oobjective exactly. Yours truly, Report of Ashley Mine for Past Twelve Months Roland O,. Bartlett, President, Rouynâ€"Noranda Council of Friendship in itself, but it serve as a medium through â€" which all service clubs, churches ang good citizens can show cheir gcodâ€"will and interest in proâ€" moting better understanding among the various nationalities of our community. In organizing this Council, fcreign and native service clubs, churches, schools, etc., were acquainted with its objectives. It may ‘be interesting to know that the support that was reâ€" ceived made the Council possible, There are no fees for membership in the Council, The sole qualification is gozd citizenship. Noranda, Que., . To the Editor of Theo Advance, Timmins Dear Sir:â€"There app Rouynâ€"Noranda Press C 1935, an article Asout it Priendship, which was your paper. It is my Oopinion tha slight misconception ab tion of our organization of Firendship is not a in itself, but it dtes serve through â€" which all : churches ang good citiz cheir goodâ€"will and int Purpose of Council of Friendship Club President of Assoc Formed at Rouyn Explains the Aims Objects. agamst C ‘The com| All members of the association and other attend. will be held in the basement of the Oddfeliows‘ hall, Spruce street, on Friday evening, April 26th, comâ€" mencing at 8 p.m. Business:â€"Election of officers and genera Patent‘s New Milk Loaf Timmins Liberalâ€"Conservative Association managing engingeéer, develzâ€"pment work failed the ore reserves of apâ€" 0,000 tons at the beginâ€" year. ‘There were 31,000 after â€"extracting â€"43,582 C1 ce clubs, churches, > acquainted with its y ‘be interesting to upport that was reâ€" Council possible,. fees for membership The sole qualification extraciIn. wered from ‘The mine h J0 soon ITO Gdecia ess which we hoj ; efforts in arran Exhibition to po and skills of t enthusiastical liabi pera | Association Rouyn Camp e Aims and hat ribout will Df eared in the of April 18th, the Council of credited to Apt there is a t <theâ€" funcâ€" The Council ervice club" is a medium vice â€" clubs, s can show est in proâ€" ception. _ be held ir erage cos! r ton, anc months. s and inâ€" with high excessive conditior charges D®zembt of $23 of the 11 called for ®r April 26th, cc meeting is to of the Oddfe invitation is of the associa to attend. Th view guilty to assaulting his trate Atkinson senten( months at hard labou the evidence of the wi generally in a fighting was and she fered as a consequentc sion, she said, he beat asked him to split some of his frequent card par trate gave the accusec that wifeâ€"beating was in this country. The annual m Libcralâ€"Conservai ELK LAKE MAN sSENTENCED FOR ASSAULTING HIS WIFI Spiritual offerings Campbell, Grandchil Legendre, Mr. and M Mr. and Mrs. B. Burn Among the floral offerings were t butes from Mr. and Mrs. A. Piche! Jos. Ryan, Mrs. Dubeau and daught Mr. and Mrs. O. Farnum, Mr. and M Gagnon, Grandchildren, Jim Eva Mr. and Mrs. D. Larcher. ren â€"and greatâ€"gran sons are Damase, Alc Timmins, David, of V midas, of Cornwall, O1 ters are:â€"Myrs. Dubeai Larcher, of Timmins, ; of Wakefield, Ont. floral tokens and spii The late Mrs. Picl the past two years w Mrs. Joseph Larcher, She passed away on ° ing of last week, be age at the time of Mrs.â€" Fichette was bo de Macham, Quebec, the North for many ye who predeceased her having been a lumbe: survived by five sons ¢ ters, as well as by se ren greatâ€"gral Annual Meeting Conservative its production last ye $60,428, After deductin ment costs and tax :1 balance cccurred of â€" the total debit to $191 Funeral Saturday of Mrs. M. Pichette The funeral of th Pichette was held a urday to St. Anthon Timmins cemetery. officiated. There w ance at the esteem in which the was held and the those bereaved. red O‘Brien tullty to assa Large Attendance at Fune al on Saturday Afternoon Service at St. Anthony Church. H. K. CHANNEN, Secretar r Friday ev Grandchildren, irs. D. Larcher. | offerings : â€"NV Grandchildren busine end 10n 1J WA There iritu r somg«» yeal er worker. and three C everal gran( anchildren. Alcide, Mar Verner,. anc n Hailevbiu Wedrnt of the Association 11 1| f1 l On e M 0 ith M :1 i } XpI Tpe ind M 1 Mrs. him tC Accordi O‘Brier sod wh 51 had lived her 11 11 if i Ma T‘ A 1 H