Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 1 Apr 1935, 2, p. 2

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sP PAGE TWO Motorists Patd More than Spent on Roads in 1933 Motorists paid dut{$47,044,157 in clin= tax and registration fees in 1983, while total expenditures on roads :; for the same period sunted. to $40, 054, laccording DJmimcm B'Jreau Statistics‘ figures ; mfluded in an oftiâ€" cial handbook deéalinz with Canadia, recently published with the authority of the Canadian Government. _‘The road expandit.ure included $23,â€" 854,579 for construction and $16, 650,475 The 1935 Packard Series One Iwenty PACKARD IN APPEARANCE PACKARD IN TRADITIONâ€"u omfort as Well as Appearance Figure in the Motor Cars for this Year Timmins Timmins Garage Company Limited "Car of the twelve firsts" is what the Packard One Twenty may rightfully be called. For, long before designers set pencil to paper, Packard bought twelve leading car‘s in the lowerâ€"priced field, gave them exhaustive tests at the Packâ€" ard Proving Grounds, ranked each for its one best feature, then set out to create a car that would meet and beat these twelve "firsts"; We leave it to you whether this has been doneâ€"done by blending in the Packard One Twenty the timeâ€"tried identity and advantages of Packard design, together with new mechanical features never before found on any car. Such design exelâ€" lence gives delightful motoring resultsâ€"power, performance, riding comfort, handling ease and economy of operation. Service costs, too, are minimized by this new design and its precision manuâ€" facture. No point outside of the crankease, needs routine attention oftener than six times a year. And when the car does néed service, youwill find the charges fair and reasonable; for Packard has established a policy that serâ€" vice charges and parts costs on the Packard One Twenty shall be no more, if not less, than for other cars in its price class. So great is Packard‘s confidence in your allâ€"around satâ€" isfaction in this new car that it invites you to examine it and compare it, part for part and ride for ride, with every other car at or near its price. Then we know that soon you, too, will say to your friends: "I drive a Packard" APPEARANCEâ€"rightful sharer in a lasting style TRADITIONâ€"worthy member of a distinguished family ~~On January 1, 1934, Canada had 409,â€" 124 mileés of roads, of which 138,636 reâ€" presented unimproved earth roads; 175767 improved earth; 86,695 gravel and the balance divided ints five other categories. for maintenance. . These figures included expenditures on bridges ferrics. Failure of the windshield wiper to function may be the result of leaks in the tube between wiper and intake manifold. delivered in Timmins License and all equipment included Exclusive Dealers also and New Packard has Many: Features of Attraction Many Advance Engineering and â€" Exelusive Packard Design Features in New The Packard Motor Car Company is extrsmely proud to present the new Packard One Twenty. It is the result of several years of intensive research and study by Packard engineers. In its design and marufacture are incorâ€" poratsd the engineering principles, preâ€" cisicn workmanship, quality materials, and dependa‘sility for which the Packâ€" ard Motor Car Cmpany has been so famcus during the past 35 years, Th Packard One Twenty brings fine car quality within the reach of hundreds of thousands of buyers. The chassis of this new Packard has many advance engineering and excliuâ€" sive Packard design features,. Its 110 horsspower straightâ€"eight Lâ€"head Packâ€" ard enging is equipped with the famsus Packardâ€"Ricardo aluminum alloy cyâ€" linder head. It is a brand new engine of clean cut design. Note the absence of cluttersd pipes, lines, tubes, etc. ‘This motor is capable of excepiionally brilliant acceleration, amazing econâ€" omy and its smoothness of cperation is unexcelled by any engmw in the inâ€" dustry. The cylinder block and crankcase is cast in one piece to provid> maxiâ€" mum strength and rigidity.. Five large, sturdy cross owebs on the inside THE PORUPINF ADVANOCE,.TTMMINS, ONTARIO . ooo d on e e e A unique feature of the 90â€"pound crankshaft which provides excepciional rigidity is the cverlapping of main and crank pin bearings. The shaft is iully counterâ€"weighted with cight inrâ€" tegrally forg:q counterweights, It is toth dyvnamically and statically ba!â€" anced after it is assembled to the fly wheel and the vibration damper. strengthen the crankcase and suppo the five main bearings. 'I‘h» vibratior dampcr an exclusiw Packard development, has both spring loadcd frictional members and natural bonded rubber to provide the utmost in smzoth engine cperation. The engine is equipped with Packâ€" ard Neutroâ€"Poised three point engins rubber mountings. The Canadian market has reacted very favourably to the solidâ€"steel turâ€" retâ€"top bodies by Fisher. This feature has drawn the interest of a large perâ€" certage of th:ss in the market for new cars. Not only does this new steel roof add safety in itself, but it also materâ€" ially strengthens the entire body strucâ€" ture, with steel a@wzove, stzeol below, and steel all round. Morecver, the seamless steel roofing permits a beauty and grace Cf line nsver before possible. The cars on which turret ttps appear this year are, Cheyrolet Master, Pontiac and Oldsmcosile, SOLID sSTEEL TURRET TOPS PROVING VERY POPULAR Ontario Packards Submitted to Difficult Tests New One Twenty Car Does 25,000 Miles. over Bad Roads and through Dust Storms etc. After 25,000 milos of driving Sver the worst rcads ang under sother of the most difficult of mlloring conditions that could be found in America threo Packard cars returred to Detrcit last week. They were new One Tweniy Packards sent Cut on what is declaresg to have bezsn ons of the most trying test runs ever undertaken. Leaving Detroit the cars were first griven to Texas, as word had s:sen reâ€" esived that rcad conditions in a part cf that state were "impossible." Thouâ€" sands of miles of driving were piled up and then the caravan headsd for the Imperial Valley in California. in the mountains. From points below sea level where the thermometer stood at 90 degrees and more the cars were driven over rough trails at altiâ€" new car improvements have been in tudes of 8,000 feet and temperatures) the direction of excluding the faddish below zero. and adopting those mechanical deâ€" At times during the test good paved| velopments which have the elements of highways would be sought out and the: permanency and pubuc acceptability. ears run for days at A time at their| Because of this, nearly every improv>â€" 1935 offérings as being the greatest values on record. The guiding principles back of all our In the vicinity of Indio, Califernia, conditions were found to be just right to subject each car to sand storms so bad that at times face masks had to be worn by the drivers, Almost day and night the cars were driven across the desert* roads being forgotten for the practically trackless sands. _â€" Variety for the drivers, but still greater difficulties for the cars was Obâ€" tained by ccceasional high speed trips Forget about all previous standards of tire mileage. Let us equip your car with new DOMINIONS â€"â€" then prepare to enjoy thousands upon thousands of extra miles. Safe, careâ€"free miles, that spell economy! You will find, as countless motorists have done, =â€"â€"â€" that DOMINION tires deliver almost unbelievable mileâ€" ageâ€"â€"that the safe antiâ€"skid tread wears and wears, and wears. â€" Come in and let us quote you prices on the three lines of DOMINIONS : Royal, Endurance and Guard. â€" DOMINION Tires are chosen by leading car manufacturers as original equipment. And they are priced as low as $5.25. .. .. . Timmins Garage Co. Ltd. auired. The trip was a part of what nas been declared as the most severse testing programmes ever carried out with a new motor car. It was in addiâ€" tion to the months of day and night test driving done with the One Twenty at the Packard Proving Grounds. Reviews Progress of General Motors President of Big Oshawa Flirm Stresses Exclusion of the ‘Faddish‘ in Design, éte. * By H. S. McLAUGHLIN (President, General Motors of Canada Limited) Looking over the passenger cars for 1935 which have ijust been introduced by General Motors Products of Canada, Limited, I think we may say that the company‘s reputation for leadershin has been emphatically maintained. To the lines which in 1934 won public apâ€" proval for their beauty economy and dependability, we are sending Out worthy successors and in the case of the popular Pontiac a sixâ€"cylinder line has been added. The policy of conâ€" stant improvement,. to which the comâ€" pany has always subscribed, has been resolutely carried out and I am confiâ€" dent that the public will appraise our 1935 offerings as being thne greatest values on record. Then there came kneeâ€"action front wheels which passed the conclusive test of ownerâ€"use just as successfully as they passed the rigorous laboratory and engineering tests to which they were submitted by General Motors before [ being adoptsd. We were first to introâ€" duce this idea on the. Continent of Aemrica and it has certainly fulfilled the main purpose for which it was inâ€" tendedâ€"that is to improve the ride. Without any change is the basic design of this improvement having been found necessary, we have built longer life inâ€" |to this unit, and it is being continued i in 1935 in still bettgr form. Look for Mcre Sales Our latest contriBbution to leadership features, and one which is certain to eccmmend itself to the public is the solidâ€"steel Turréetâ€"top body by Fisher public‘s _ approvalâ€"Duco, crankcase ventilatiscn, Ethyl gasolinge, tiltâ€"beam and â€" multiâ€"beam â€" headlights, intake silencer, automatic choke and syncroâ€" mesh transmission. More recently, Fisher noâ€"draft venâ€" tilatitn cstablished itself as a feature likely to enjoy 1on-§ public favour| We find that motorists would not do withâ€" out it, and naturally we are continuing EFFICIENT CARBON SCRAPEK MADE FROM ORDINARY FORK Indications point to a considerable increase in purchasing power in Canâ€" ada, and we are looking forward with the utmost confidence to a large volume of business in 1935. Whether thess nopes materialize. or not, we Are, nevertheless, offering the Canadian public a most attractive line of merâ€" chandite quite worthy of this acceptâ€" â€"an. allâ€"steel roof of great beauty and very advanced construction which will be available on Chevrolet Master, Ponâ€" tiac and Oldsmobile. ordinary table fork will be fc un1 idy tool for scaping carbon from motor. The tines of the fork ar> mget.her after which the ends ars to A "hdsc'l-mce edge. The individâ€" mg edge ot the tines will : _ most irregular surfaces, primng back in line for clearâ€" MONOaAY "APRIL

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