Referring witl death of C. B. dent of the com; "He joined you man of sound hard worker an his best to vou "As shareholders, the worth of a c cial position and but there is anct perscnmnnce. You and progressive ¢ in your fastories cient, coâ€"cperativ factory employees five years‘ cont these, 258 have t or more, 166 fifte twenty years‘ anc twentyâ€"five years entire time since : company." Stressinz th of the human Volume of sa‘e»s a: Goodyear Tire Ru ada, Limited for the have materially same pericd a yvear a pany has earned mwy in ths poriod to cover ments for the curre heretofore paid, stat president, in a lette: accompanyingz dividen third quarter of 1934 has not only maintai its position in the in« Goodyear Sales Showed Increase During Year WQOO 4 P000900880080080888088888804 8 THURSDAY, OCTORER 4TH. 1934 Other Models at Attractive Low Prices Here is the Greatest Radio Opportunity of the Year . . WESTINGHOUSE Canada Northern Power Corporation Limited Controlling and operating NORTHERN ONTARIO POWER COMPANY, LIMITED NORTHERN QUEBEC PGWER COMPANY, LEMITED Do You Hold Victory Bonds Maturing November 1st, 193492 $109.00 M NA l Model 44 A 1 i1 The adio Receiver for th »npan 1934 Dominion of Canada Refunding Loan offers an opportunity for the investment of funds. It also holders of Victory Bonds due November 1st, 1934 with tunity to continue their investment in the strongest t is its mlent Convert Your YVictory Bonds Now 29 91 men ty to inada. 11 Write ‘ had a smile and a kind word for others. Mr. McNaught was a factor in Canaâ€" | dian business, serving as director or in \ management of many of the largest industries and financial institutions of Canada. He gave liberally of his time and efforts to his government at the | lime of the war and afterwards, servâ€" |ing as a member of the War Trade Board and also as a member of the ! Canadian Trade Commission." New Liskeard Speaker Moved to New Quarters ominations: $100, $500 and $1,000 at just the price you want to pay It‘s so easy to scelect your own particular programme. Yet with all the engineering improvements and cabinet beauty incorporated in cach model, prices are lower than ever giving everybody a chance to fit the finest in radio into his or her own budget. sSmall Down Payment. ComfPortâ€" ible Terms. Receivers bring dualâ€" range reception to its highest peak of perfect performance and operâ€" ating simplicity. to your fireside. You tune in on its finest proâ€" erammesâ€"music, comâ€" edy, speeches, news, weather reports, church services, plays. Whatever is on the air is yours to pick and choose from by the simâ€" ple turning of a dial. Westinghouse _R a dio V OU Radio 0: YoO suUre V OUuU Wood, Gundy Company Jlust to us now for full particulars W think o that‘s it from t connect The Limited mA Agriculture in Rura Sheridan, Timmins. Senior Third Gradeâ€"Room 8 Chairmanâ€"Miss V. McKinley, Tim mins. Compositionâ€"Outline for yearâ€"Mis E. Murray, Timmins. Methodsâ€"Miss McNeil, Timmins. Reviewsâ€"Miss A. Coleman, Miss Dux field, Schunacher. Historyâ€"Miss M. Kerr, Timmins. Nature Study and Agricultureâ€"Mis Doherty, Timmins. Arithmeticâ€"Miss _ F. â€" MacDonald Timmins. General Discussion. Fourth Gradeâ€"R-Qum 0 Chairmanâ€"Miss M. Austin, Cochran:s Chairinanâ€"J. W. Armstrong, Kapusâ€" kasing. Literatureâ€"W. K. Wylie, Schnâ€" macher, Compositionâ€"Miss Edna Baker, Timâ€" mins. Grammarâ€"Mr. E. Fairman, Cochrans @urstion Box. Arithmeticâ€"Miss A. Curran macherâ€"(a) Help and Aids.â€"( culties. velop the habit of clear, a grateful and fiuent expression or written. Convenorsâ€"Miss M. Middlemi Kapuskasing; Miss G. McNab, Kapt kasing. Readingâ€"Miss Simpson, Cochrane Ideas for Art in KP. Classesâ€"M McGuire, Kapuskesing. Seat Workâ€"Miss Dempsay, Timmi Group Games and Finger Plays Miss McDiarmid, Smcooth Rock Fal _Open Discussion on Mommfr Tal and Nature Study. First Gradeâ€"Rcom 4 Chairmanâ€"Miss Shaw, Timmins. Literature and Readingâ€"Miss 1 Reid, Cochrane.â€"(a) Materials at Methods to develop best in Literatu: â€"(b) Exercises on Oral Reading. Writingâ€"Miss Thorburn, Timmin: Compositionâ€"Miss H. Prettie, Tin mins. Materials and Methods to «i :Annual Convention, Oct. 4th _ and 5th, Teachers‘ Institute Rural _Sectionâ€"Rosm Chairmanâ€"Mr. James McC The following is the programme fo the event:â€" : Thursday, Oct. 4thâ€"Morning Session To be held in the auditorium of th Community Club, Kapuskasing. 9.30â€"Devotional Exercises â€" Fathce Turcotte; Rev. George Service. 945â€"Address of Welcomeâ€"Mr. F C. Laundy, Chairman of Public Schoo Board, Kapuskasing. 9.55â€"Community Singingâ€"Pianis! W. E. Terrty, Smoky Falls, 10.00â€"Report of O.E.A. Delegateâ€" Miss Laura MacArthur. 10.15â€"Music â€" Kapuskasing â€" Publi School Orchestra and Troupe. 10.25â€"General Businessâ€"Reports 0 Committees. 10. 11.00â€"Addressâ€"‘"The Modern Chal lenge"â€"Rev. J. H. Atkinson, Kapus kasing. 11.45â€"â€"Unfinished Business â€" 4 nouncements. Thursday Afternoon Session To be held in Diamond Jubilee Pul} Schcool. 1.30 to 4.00 p.m. Grade Conferenc« Kindergarten and Primary Section Ro0m 1 The annual convention for 1934 o the North Cochrane Teachers® Institut will be held this year in the Communi ty Club and the public and separat schools at Kapuskasing on Thursda and Friday of this week, Oct. 4th an 5th. JCcinrane. \ Healthâ€"General discu @Question Drawer. Second Gradeâ€"Room Chairmanâ€"Miss Bristow, S may be used to advantage ade, District Teachers to Meet This Year at Kapuskasing. â€" Inâ€" terestmg and Valuable Programme for Twoâ€"Day Sesâ€" sion.. Teachers to be Taken Through Paper Mill Plant at Kapuskasing. Schuma m mmiIins. e,:‘Tim lue Ho th ail M ainC An Try Ne THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TTIMMINS, ONTARIO mIins 8 t o T‘in 11 1934 of Institut« Honoy Pulp al the Do# t1 11 «* ce »mnmun 1.30â€"â€"2 X "oOf >( w Loan Will Help Busimess Recovery *X TMLiIm. Friday Mornin ine. Thursda Aan Aftern 118 Officers for CHn In 1€ BC inkers, in 11 ‘al of the Further 11 ement ruthic % ADU hou OU 11 sCcamps are physician t when they fussed over better they cryving trick may | niidd hi Quintuplets on the Cifth Month of Life Dr. Dafoce Making ns yet C the 11 en wAhacoping ince in the di ed his charges Now to iï¬ 11 Y are safely id Dg. Daf urvive. It was remarka Y got along." Through Trying Times ant care and attention lc Are little Marie, and sometimes ads the yelling and then all copng coughn made its apâ€" i the district, the physician charges to the newly comâ€" ital acrors the road from cme. They have shown no _developing the disease, alâ€" period of incubation, should rontracted whooping cough, Dr. Dafoe wants another ss before he is relieved of 11 cried them have does, says the Five Babies are xcellent Progress, Plans o Prevent "Spoiling‘ Them. Mari f â€"ths viarie, the smaliest, sufâ€" { the five from jaundice. groiwth on her thigh was nosed as a naevus tumor reatment was applied by ed specalists. Dr. Dafoe r now appears "dead." other Und: 1i th Marshallâ€"Ecclestone Ltd. Timmins s Ontario ad so much attention ir Ackness the little ing spoiled," said the . _ ‘‘We went to them 1 land we petted and n. Now that they are e learned what their tting Spoiled ad so much h T1 mvenien ive littl 1€ 1I0¢ tTthe ne babies wer as the per allandd 11 a) attention had its a capable nursâ€" ddition of more d necessities, the ive. Then came azing little sisters ime time he deâ€" irably better forâ€" fe than they were This is given in but experience a ho little sister toxaemia. To ugh this tryin was proud la over the su May 28, in Callander, t PTIGAY, tA ‘ts are becom R. Dafoe say e new little were moved e ~period imâ€" 1. Their lack surroundings, nces to meet tle hope. all markable the havt -a’xd 1 UI no WO been there the the onâ€" der several months‘ development work be fore it would be fair to make any state ment about the property." In other words, Hollinger‘s presiden draws attention to the obvious fac that millions in ore cannot be prove by a few diamond drill holes. Drillin is a good test of values and is useful i securing valuable inforntation as t ship, now under exploration by ger. Mr. Timmins says; "This ataitement is manife. error as sufllcient work has n done to justify any estimate of ULXIC %1Q JUSUIliY @nNYy eSUumALC of ore it sight. It is true that diamond drilling results were favourable, but it will take President Ncah A. Timmins, of linger Consolidated Gold ‘Mines L ed, has taken the pains to cont: reports which have been publish a Torcomto new:paper to the effect some $55,000,000 in ore was in sigl the Premier property in Hislop t ihe ITOLoOwing para in a despatch from "I and appearing in m papers: â€" President of Ho‘linger Contradicts Big Story mIy Emillé now seems not qui to par, the physician said. Sh no temperature and is not ill, b appearance is not quite so "pepp the others. Dr. Dafoe though! would be as well as the others. For a while each day the babie put in a large basket in the ho window so they can get the benef the sun. If the sun is bright the kept there only four or five mil If the ‘weather is dull they stay half an hour, kicking, stretching rolling. join in and ‘whoop things up in style. Then they stop and list footsteps. If fhey hear non chorus starts again. "We have got to do something it. We are going to be storn and the petting must stop." Only Emilie now seems not qu to par, the physician said. Sh Safe ... Pure.. £4% constant milk supplyâ€" always freshâ€"always ready for use. That is the assurance you get with "Dorothy" Evaporated Milk â€"a pure doublyâ€"richk milk that will add zest to your favorite recipesâ€" enrich all cooking and beverages. Use "Dorothy" for every milk purpose. fresh : paragra xt llir H 11 h 11 Keep SHAVE CRE A M CH 1J oth and pli ts olive oi It 1 n 11 consideraâ€" which are ervice. To whether he zZed zones nes makâ€" s shafts, nsive deâ€" lerground 355,000,000 proven. F+) po‘litical se who a deâ€" some