NESDAY, MAY 23RD. 1934 The Mcintyre Porcupine Mines, Ltd. here since 1909 and growing with the Porcupine Camp, extends to all attending the 25th. Anniversary of the Discovery of the Porcupine Gold Mines, and to all visitors to the Camp, Heartiest Greetings Good Wishes. McINTYRE â€" PORCUPINE MINES THE PORCUPINE ADVANCTE, TTVUAMINS, ONTARIO LIMITED THE General Manager * .oo ® ** 000 0000:"00"00"0'0" .OC"'Q""OO\Q"'Q"O cu“.\.f"‘."xok."'.“‘"z":"'fl:n. ate ato ateate ate ate ate ate ato ate ate ateate afeats +8 PACQER