FOR RENTâ€" convenience Avenue. PACGIE POUR FOR RENTâ€"Heated g 709 Wilson Ave., Timtr FOR RENTâ€"Fourâ€"ro or without furnitur Commercial Ave., " FOR RENTâ€"Fiveâ€"roome all conveniences. Apply Street, North, Timmins FOR RENT Apply to TWO GARAGES FOR RENT.â€"Apply ; FOR 24 Kirby Avenue, Timmins. â€"43p| FOR RENT location Maple 8t FOR RENTâ€"Furnished house at 83 Maple Street, South. Apply to 83 Maple Street, South, or phone 687â€" W Timmins. â€"43 FOR RENT all conven cupboard. Timmins. FOR RENTâ€"Foutr with all convenie plied. Apply to North, Timmins. FPOR RENT FOR RENTâ€"Fiveâ€"roomed house with all conveniences. Apply to 23 Sixth Ave., corner of Pine Street, North, ‘Timmins. â€"~42p FOR RENTâ€"Comfortable warm shack, partly «furnished, lights and water included for $10.00 per month. Apâ€" ply to Mrs. Thomas, 105 Pine Street, South, Timmins. â€"43p FOR RENTâ€"Fourâ€"roomed house, waâ€" ter, toilet and lights; situated at 40 Fourth Ave., Schumacher; immediate possession. Apply to 404 Fourth Ave. Schurnmacher. â€"~43p FOR RENTâ€"Tenâ€"roomed house with all conveniences at 57 Elm Street, Ssouth, immediate possession. Apply to 52% First Ave., or phone 576â€" Timmins. â€"43 FOR RENTâ€"Apartment with all conâ€" veniences; central location; hot waâ€" tor heated; immediate possession. Apply to 85 Pine Street, South, Timâ€" mins. â€"38p FOR RENTâ€"Office space, suitable for Jewelry Shop; with lights and heatâ€" ed. $10.00 per month. Call at Ned‘s Barber Shop. 5 Spruce Stréet, North. Timmins. â€"42 FOR RENTâ€"Steam heated, newly reâ€" novated apartments; also two front offices and single room. Apply to Sky‘s, or Dominion Dollar Store, ‘Timmins. ~410f FOR RENTâ€"Fourâ€"roomed house at 464 Middleton Ave., water and lights. English people preferred. Apply to Mrs. J. Johnson, 33 Middleton Ave., ‘Timmins. ~40tf FOR RENTâ€"Two apartments, newly decorated, hot and cold water in each apartment; also rooms to rent. Apâ€" ply to 634 Balsam Street, South, Timâ€" mins. ~41p FPOR RENTâ€"Two houses; one at 155 Spruce Street, South, has five rooms and all conveniences; and one with five rooms and water in. Apply to 155 Spruce Street, South, Timmins. â€"42p FOR RENTâ€"Sixâ€"roomed house at 55 Cedar Street, North. All conveniâ€" ences. Possession Nov. l1st. Furnace in. Apply to 62 Spruce Street, North or J. P. Roy, Planing Mill office, corner of Second â€"Ave. and Balsam FPOR RENTâ€"Fiveâ€"roomed apartm at 108 Balsam Street, South, upsta with bath, hardwood fioor, and . porch. $35.00 per month. Apply 109 Balsam Street, South, upsts PROPERTIKES FOR SALE DR RENT OR all furnished : also threeâ€"roor 6 Wilson Ave., all Byck, 64 Sp 32. machd4 would nOouust Writd RENTâ€"ConC hour, with n Timmin SDâ€"Evervone to reserm‘e Friday ng, Nov. 3rd, for the ‘Timmins Band Whist Drive in the Holâ€" Hall. Good prizes; good Tâ€"Fourâ€"room ) 156 Spruce Miu with man to wo Beauchamp, 74 C W ANTED Fourâ€"roomed hou . Apply to 47 â€"Sixâ€"roomed house with nces including stove and Apply to 5 Kirby Ave., ~39p ncE )R SALEâ€"Plaza Hotel; i and all conveniences, house. Apply to e., Timmins. â€"~43p house mines.. Apply south, Timmins eéd garage Timmins. â€"roomed house with Apply to 186 Maple Apart 1ces and wood 185 Maple S See C. W. Hodgins, outh, T:mmins. 438p Iur wood! floors 10 i1 house; all o 47 Wilson Apply er, 85 cents ork it. Apâ€" Commercial ipartment et, South ~43Y A VC cond ipartment Apply â€"~42â€"43 â€"44p ~41â€"43p to chuâ€" ~43 â€"441) nmIin 42 â€"44 Ssup â€"~43p men ti 43p FOR RENTâ€" convenien or gentlem FOR RENTâ€"T vate bath: cc FOR â€"RENT bedâ€"sitting FPOR REN FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENTâ€" Clean and comfortable, $8.00, $10.00 and $12.00 per month. Use of kitâ€" chen and phone. Apply to 54 Fifth Ave., or phone 64â€"W, Timmins. â€"45tf FOR RENTâ€"T so extra larg water. Will ROOM AND BOARD with all convenienc home at 159 Spr Timmins. RUSSELL HOTELâ€"Room and board, with all modern accommodations. Rates $7.00 pér week. Apply to 2 Wilson Ave., or phone 275â€"W., Timâ€" mins. â€"1tf OARDERS â€" WANTED board in private home ences. $8.50 per week; pressing done if desi: 67 Birch Street, South, ROOM AND BOARDâ€"Two large fr rooms, suitable for two gentlem single beds; also one single ro( all conveniences, including use phone. Phone 957â€"W, or apply to Balsam Street, South, Timmins. â€" BRRRâ€"BLANKETSâ€"BRRRâ€" Bla time is here again; have them cl ed and carded to look like Phone 625, Sinclair the Valet ‘ Fourth Ave., Timmins. VIOLIN LESSONSâ€"By experienced teacher. Reascnable rates. Apply to 63 Maple Street, North, Timmins. HOME BEAUTY SHOPPEâ€"I have cpened my business in beauty wor 61 Fourth Avenue. Phone 1036, 1 mins. Lempi Aalto. WADSWORTH â€" FURRIERSâ€"Lad now is the time to have your C looked after, while prices are 1 low. We do all cour own work, no prentitces. Work â€" guaranteed. Balsam â€" Street, North, corner Fourth Ave., Timmins. â€"43 CHILDREN FOR ADOPTIONâ€"Good homes desired for children, boys and girls, Catholic and Protestant, ages 4 to 14 years. Any home desiring to adopt a youngster should have their clergyman write A. G. Carson, Bupt., Chndrens Aid, Timmins, Ont 44t.? CRESCENT DR AM ATIC WANTSâ€"Amateur â€" talent dancers, musicians, speaker ences. App South, or pt ply mentl. Timmir boa veniences, for two Board op Lake Shc wWwalter. Will furnished; su or bachelors. ply to Mrs. Street, South mins. to 49 7 T‘immin XPERIENCED GIRL WANTT domestic duilies. Apply H. E. Strelis, â€"] chilaren Dancing casions. Charity, schools, clubs. Aj MeverhcoffI, Room silv vearâ€"round service work ing to Geo. ‘T4"mmins. ROOM AND BOARD Chumm o 16 M RENTâ€"Furnished room w ren‘ences and use of phone to 8 Hemleck Street, Timmi RENTâ€"Roon s, Apply to t ~pI App oke ANTEDâ€"T sat appea Bed ultaoile Ron 40 IcNulty phone App vlor T WIitn 68 B nildren Plays 1 Tinimin Cal In private hom Come to be : ‘e street nort T‘imm m all washing d. Appl Timmins Room 11 nd new T‘imâ€" al ind nlâ€" inC 12p ke it , Ba $3 On WOOD FOR SAL Daly, 110 Wilson WC wWOOD FOR SALEâ€"Dry and green slabs ‘by the load; mixed wood $1.75 per cord:~ Also good Jackpine, price reasonable, cash on delivery. Apply to Chaput Mainville, 118 First ave. or phone 377, Timmins. 35tf WRIGHTâ€"In lovir Mother, Mrs. A. Oct. 29th, 1931. Remombrance is | Death tries to brea OMBINATION STOVE FOR SALE In good order. Apply 34 Kirby Av SANGSTERâ€"In loving memory of our dear son, Raymond, who was killed Oct. 28th, 1924.; â€"They miss him most who loved him NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Esiate of Jan Kalyriuk, late of the Tow: of Timâ€" mins, in the District of Cochrszne, deâ€" ceased, who died on or about the 7th Ray of May, 1933. CAF Admir Dt ARTICLES FOR SALE > and remembrance last foreve Sadlyv missed by Son, Owen. 3] WOOUD FOR SALE od ordé Timmir A LF m FOR SALEâ€" jer cord or $ Dry Jacgkping IN MEMORIA M Q:%ob i1I ndi away Oc mbered 1 M 1C By . A. CALDBICK ronse and EeXCcgIiEnt WOT ted what might have bee ire at their residence C vening, Oct. 2ist. Also t rgighbours and friends wh Wife an hizsh ma ack, $3.1 McDadd 5C TRUST CORPORATION McClar o break, but all in vain wo links dGdeath canno Oth in 3 Map agerce Bu Solicitor ebec heatt 167 Elm St1 Mother TV ving memory of my A. Wright, who died ments ex, bo 1 AvC A. Hansol . Timmin JA Allen olden cha‘n Dry mixed wood, 2.00 in three. cord . $2.50 per cord. ) per cord. Apply 67 Birch street . Timmins. 41p tove, with waterâ€" _ will burn wood innâ€"sonâ€"ola phoâ€" erfect condition. e Street, North, â€"42â€"43p Noultry On ing hors 25 lbs. Apt} Dep hone Muskra Dom Dad and Rene Ma or phone 441 ‘ar, In IrSt mable price or 53 Kirb) ~42â€"431 cash. l1v w oven al almost new Wilson Ave y, 25 cents n, 276 Balâ€" is. ~42â€"43p cow; WIill sh. : Apply the end of Timmins. â€"~42â€"44p yould condi iumaA fA1 App {1~â€" W â€" Timmin.s ave a Imos! North 42â€"43 Ontar Mines, 43 â€"44p THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO 41â€"43p App.3y .877 ~43p nank their work im on \ Enjoyable Bridge Party ? at Golden Beaver Lodge numb What is termea vating is in pro Rouyn, in prep operations to be the winter till building is being man, of Engleha brick structure \ ROUYXN EXPECTS TO HAVE NEW THEATRE AND POOLROOM fset and C derstood th: used for a billiard par basement. "small arm latr Men Guild kindlv Tenders will be r dersigned for the â€" the Orange Hall at Oct; 3ist,; 1933. Th inspected by appoin accepted. Wm ‘Timmins. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate Poulsen, late of the Town c mins, in the District of Cochr; ccased, who died on or about day of September, 1933. sons havit against quired ‘to the Executor before the Fir full particula: by affidavit. of December, estate will ib parties entitl« only to the claims of whi tor shall then have notic Dated at Timmins, Ont day of October, 1933. Of First Mecting where Re Order or Assigrment Notics is hereby given bald McMillan of Timm made an assignment on â€" of October, 1933, and t] meeting of Creditors will b 27th day of October, 1933 of 10.30 o‘clock in the for Birks Building, Hamilton, In the Matter of the Bankruptcy of Archibald McMillan, Timmins, Ont. fcrmerly of Hamilton, Ontario. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TOWNSHIP OF TISDALE orcupiné 43p. dale pub Oint =pten Septem COFPITE Sale of Lands for Arrears of / Township of Tisdale, District Cochrane, To Wit: NOTICE of Lands 8¢) Treasurer Ontario, th ribu fhice of Mark M NotIC nd at aeret Datt TENDERS W ANTED mber TAE ISTERâ€"In lov r od . Oct.. 28th, Timmir xecutor De she Mrs During th Male Qua mM IN MEMORIA M T a Y mong Th Da thout regard tC Hamilton, Ont ober, 1933. MARK McLF ustodian, Hami en 1€ Aft 1 W Ww 3€ 1cit i1an E6T by Da ind p mntimE ndetr bu I presst on Ma { D ‘ochrane, deâ€" bout the 6th BC Porcupine gust. 1933 K11Y Receivin Ontario 17th day hC U Olc T‘imâ€" 1933 ifiec Dav UI Y 1 xeSs 43 Ci@UuiViiq ViL AÂ¥iL1, OAAA _ NACE J )j I that he is now alive and in good There was a very lively and interestâ€" health. As a tribute to the work of Z:]gdr,;ig;i’lgg;nï¬i:irgcbï¬gg’letegaggcg'f:;;c this surgeon, Mr. Collins has donatâ€" 4 ¢ 7 ed $120,000 to enable the Middlesex ‘t’:l‘:f tcizl‘;’;‘::;pig?st‘g‘; Oécfi’;i f,fgu‘ï¬; d“: Hospital to establish 0 hnofv y rtay dslaclzlosm gggarttfne;htz Timmins boys won the match after a in the world. brilliant game, the score being 7 to 85. is One of the sensational features of the game was the 95â€"yard run made by â€"â€"*~~ | Blil Drew for a touchdown. ‘This set HIGH SCHOOL LITERARY | the crowd in the air. sOCIETY ELECTS OFFICERS} Another exciting feature was when a Cochrane lad attempted to tackle a Last week the High School Literary| Timmins boy and the latter dodged Society organized for the term. The| with the result that the Cochrane boy following were the officers elected for| took a header to the ground. He was the ensuing term :â€" President Ray | ï¬nock(;dtunc;lonzcious. b’I‘he ladf wacs1 Eddy: viceâ€"president, Jim Pond; secreâ€"| hurried to the doctor‘s but was foun tary, Henry Ostrosser; treasurer, Jackl to be all right again in a short time. Marks. \He attended the dance in the evening oo mm and returned to Cochrane with the _ RermnilrAc . TY ‘octher lads. se s1b Highâ€"Grade Samples from Week‘s Run of the Press thinks a h mony in th fiddle. flapp o note that the conlidence UNnus disâ€", played is already being vindicated. | Edmconton Journal:â€"From the point of view of the newspapers (in popular conception, at least) Edmonton is a poor community. It discourages gunâ€" toting bandits by arresting them before they have time to start shcoting. It ruins the majority Oof criminal myâ€" stery stories by removing the mystifiâ€" cation without fuss or delay. It gives the reporters a minimum of ‘"breaks" and the doers of crime even less. If one has a yearning for sensational lawâ€" breaking he must read of it under a foreign dateâ€"lineâ€"which is the most satisfactory way of taking one‘s crime. Exeter Ti mesâ€"A d vocate:â€"Those strikes puzzle us. Many employers tell us that their financial margin is so narrow that it is at the vanishing point. Both employers and employees wages keep them near the starvation point. Both employers and employees state the truth, in the great majority of cases at least. And that‘s the terror of the situation. Sometimes competiâ€" tion is the knife of trade. Very often it cuts the throat of prosperity. h MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TISDALE District of Cochrane FORM 4 (Section 10) Clerk‘s Notice of First Postâ€" in of Voters‘ List ib * side. 1th Bay Nugget:â€"Then the ofï¬ce er sapiently remarks that she s a husband could produce harâ€" in the home if he played second T to Mail and Empire:â€"A beer suit everybody is optimistically d by a Cabinet Minister,. We f even free beer would accomâ€" en if1 esult. at It Is aAat h employers > them near h employers ruth, in the Lh 'd;x“rthvoxvvve;qbor 1éé3 ¢ Coffee, Tea, Milk 10¢ |â€" Chicken ZI.D('. Porcupins this 23rd Soft Drinks 5¢ | Egg 15¢ ber, 1933. l Canada Dry 15¢ ! Pickled Herring 15¢ FRANK C. EVANS, of the Township of mmmsmsxs\xsm»ssssus\s\\\w\\\s\\x\s\xsssssa _ % % * it PC n that I have of the Voters‘ e posted up at cupine on the 33, the list of ote in the said ipal elections, ains there for n alil voters to lings to have ‘corrected acâ€" aay for appeal Mrs. C. Desaulniers | Injured in Accident: While on Way to Port Colborne Aut in Which Mr. and Mrs., Desaulniers were Driving Skidded and Crashed. to the serious illness of Mrs. Desaulâ€" niers‘ father at Port Colborne. Whils driving near Barrie the auto skidded on some oil or grease on the road and crashed. Mrs. Desaulniers was injurâ€" ed in the crash and was taken to Barric ed in the crash and was taken to Barrie hospital. She was able later, The Adâ€" vance is informed, to proceed to Port Colborne and attend her father‘s funerâ€" al, his death having taken place in the meantime. Mr. Desaulniers escaped any serious injury from the accident. Purticulars in regard to the accident are not available but it is understood that Mrs. Desaulniers was injured in the crash but that her injuries are not as serious as feared at first. Both Mr. and Mrs. Desaulniers are still in the South. Last week Mr. and Mrs. Claude Des aulniers were called to the South owin "Toronto, Ont.. Oct. 26. â€"Blueâ€"eyed "Bunty" Hillier, just eighteen months of age, was still missing at three o‘clock Ithls morning, while scores of police officers and resident of the east end of ,Toront,o continued to grope through bushes and comb every foot of ground ‘ in the neighbourhood of Boothroyd lavenue hoping against hope to find | the youngster before freezing winds cculd end the night in tragedy. Missâ€" ing since threeâ€"thirty o‘clock yesterday j afternoon, not a trace of the child had ! been found throughout the hours of search. From the time she was last seen in front of her home, her disapâ€" pearance remained A complete mystery." Later this morning came word from ‘ Toronto that the body of the little ' baby had been found stripped and dead, and the Toronto police force has ancther murder mystery on their hands that they intend to solve if at all posâ€" | sible. Timmins H. 8. Rugby Team Wins from Cochrane H. + Timmins High is to play New Lisâ€" keard here on Saturday this week, the winner in this case to play Sudbury for the Poupore cup. Timmins H. S. rugby boys are now the champions of this section and hope to be champions of the North and holders of the Poupore cup. Border Cities Star:â€"When a For! Erie woman topped her drive at the second teeâ€"as women sometimes doâ€"â€" the ball rolled into a creek, where a big bullfrog gobbled it down and swam away. Yes, yes, go on! And 10 minâ€" utes later the frog hopped up on the second green, went "Gurâ€"râ€"râ€"rp!" and depcsited the ball in the cup, eh? ........... Whyz not let us make the sandâ€" wishes for your next party? The cost will be less, work and worry will be avoided. Pastrame Meat, per 1b. Corned Beef, per In. Salami, per 1Ib, Salami (imported) per Bologna, per 1Ib. Stuffed Chicken, per Ib Tongue, per lb. Lax, per Ib. Mmoups Chops and Steaks AI Kinds of Delicatessen Fried in Eggs. Eggs in ahy style Cooked Meats Ali kinds of Pies and Pastries THE KINGSTON HOTKL Order by Phone Delivery at all Hours Delicatessen and Cafe OPEN ALL NIGHT 130 40¢ 6e 40¢ 40¢ 60c 60c weoek Whit 53 Map Messrs M. Wynt Thompsc annual kn good ba been the the Jan banagu Lake I Moor ed with day this insuranc his esun Word from that anosther $400.00 stolen from L. Halpe recovered by the T years ag! furnishin THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28TH, 1933 nd Ladi Dt Sprolts (Impor Chicken Egg Pickled Herring Gruvere Ch For Better Service Call Smoked Me Corned Reef Salaimdi The ndec tht LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE HAULING CRATING STORAGE and SHIPPING K raft Ches Roquefort Ch Holian Chateau Che sardine (Imp sSardine (Dor Star Transfer Phone No. 427 No. 7 Spruce Street South Stuffed Chicken Western T‘emato WHY RISK YOUR GOODSs WITH INEXPERIENCED CARTAGE AGENTS WHO ARE NOT PROâ€" PERLY INSURED AND LICENSED Smoked Salm Tongu Anechovi imento Ch: ts ream Chet »logn We have the only moving van licensed by the Ontario Governâ€" ment with the proper Provinâ€" cial Commercial Vehicle License and Load Insurance in Timmins h ind M inCce OnneC O 11 hrat Arth his f Kapus aâ€"tim Pm sng In 109 conductied ir th imily Menu rt€ Tribune last "! week ng has lost another idents in the ‘person arriault, who removâ€" to Timmins on Tuesâ€" Te will continue his s therse, ~transfeéerring Mr. Therriault came i 1921, and until two ‘ted a clothing and n the Circle." € 2y , McA this week says rth of the goods ‘s store has been nto detectives. h urt and lay for thei r hunt neat N. O. railway NC Montpetit, Timmins,â€" aby both itZpatrIicKk reâ€" hunting trip They had a ir trip, as has ters who go to 10n will be D. A. M by a tim 18th. . Mrs ie. Studor 0 ~recovery Prout, R and Erni‘c Harrison sitors tC eased to is makâ€" ifter the hospital. ndin Kirkland tertained noted memb pl 2110 200¢ 20)p 10¢ 1(0¢ #A4)¢ 10¢ 10¢ 10¢ 10¢ end 2()¢ 2(10 34e 16 boyv of