FOR RENTâ€"Oneâ€"roomed furnished FOR RENTâ€"Threeâ€"roomed house, furâ€" nished or unfurnished, with all conâ€" veniences. Apply to 162 Fine Street, North, Timmins. ~18p FOR RENTâ€"Fourâ€"roomed house, with toilet and lights; immediate possesâ€" sion. $23.00. Apply to 24 Sixth Ave., FOR RENTâ€"Threeâ€"roomed apartment, furnished or unfurnished. Ground floor. Apply to 5 Maple Street South, Timmins. â€"~18p FOR RENTâ€"Twoâ€"roomed furnished apartment with all conveniences. Apply to 59 Balsam Street, South, ~17 ‘Timmins. FOR RENTâ€"Sixâ€"roomed fiat, with all converiences, including garage. Apâ€" ply to Frank Feldman, 110 Pine St.reeï¬; FOR RENTâ€"Fsurâ€"roomed apartment with water and toilet in. Apply to 156 "Spruce Street, South, Timmins. ~18p FOR, RENTâ€"Fourâ€"roomed house, situ«â€" ated at 46 Middleton Ave., rent $18 per month. English speaking people Apply â€"to Mrs. Johnson, 33 Middleton FOR RENTâ€"Fourâ€"roomed apartment with hot water, bath, sink and toilet; suitable for small family. Also good lot and garage for sale. Apply to 54 Birch Street, South, Timmins. â€"16p PROPERTY WANTED â€" We have clients waiting to buy houses and lots. List your property for sale with us, we will give you real service. C. W. Pexton;, Hamilton Block, Timmins. â€"18 HOUSE, TO RENTâ€"At 58 Tamarack Street; vacant on June lst; five rooms; all conveniences. Apply 57 Maple Street, South, or phone 336â€"W. EYES EXAMINED FREEâ€"Glasses furâ€" nished in upâ€"toâ€"date mountings. At reasonable prices. Satisfaction guarâ€" anteed. By Thos, Dodd, Optician, 4 Balsam Street, South, Timmins. â€"44tf REPAIRSâ€"Alterations, screens, rocfing, general jobbing; reasondable. Apply to D. Morton, 103 Csdar Street, North, Timmins. 18â€"20p BLANKETS CLEANEDâ€"And recarded soft as down, with all dirt discarded. Comforters cleaned and refluffed. Sinclair the Valet, 21 Fourth Ave., Phone 625, Timmins. »~9tf JOHN. STODOLNY, HIGHâ€"CLASS SHOE®*REFAIR, 28 Second avenue. All work guaranteed. Low prices. Shoes for tale. Also Soft Drinks, Confectionery, â€" Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobacco, Etc., for sale. «17â€"18 WADSWORTH FURRIERS AND DRY CLEANERS â€" Ladies, bring . your spring coats and have them dry cleaned ; collars and cuffs remodelled and gl , to look like new. Fur coate‘ made to order. Now is the time to have your work done at a very low price. Mail orders also promptly attended to. Apply to 12 LADIES ‘ATTENTIONâ€"For $1.00 per week you can have your old fur coat remodelled into modish jackets to your measure: also fur trimmings for WANTZEIDâ€"Domestic work, permanâ€" ent, or day work, wanted by Finnish girl, Address 58 Fourth Avenue. Phone 847â€"J. ‘ â€"18p FOSITION â€" WANTED â€" Experienced cookâ€"general with city references. Adults preferred. Fhone 158â€"W, or phone 177, Timmins. â€"~‘18p POSITION WANTED â€" Experienced ycung man desires position as waiter or .cook. Write to P.GQ. Fioxâ€" 984, PCOSITION WANTED â€" German. girl, 28 years of age, wishes position; good OR TIENTâ€"Fiveâ€"roomed house with wati in. Apply to M. Shub, 163 Spruce Street, South, Timmins. â€"18p with all conveniences, central locaâ€" tion, hot water; heated. Apply to 85 Pine Street, South, Timmins. â€"16p upstairs, Timmins. Ave., For service. Moving and draying ef all kinds. Your patronage will ‘be appreciated. Gabriel Block, Schumacher. â€"18â€"20p HILDREN FOR ADOPTIONâ€"Good homes desired for children, boys and girls, Catholic and Protestant, ages 4 to 14 years. Any home desiring to mdopt a youngster should have their‘ clergyman write A. G. Carson, SBupt. Children‘s Aid, Timmins, ont. spring coats and suits. New sample skins arrived; buy in town; lowest prices; ladies‘ and men‘s coats and suits dryâ€"cleaned and pressed at reaâ€" sonfable prices. All work guaranteed. Toronto Fur and Dry Cleaning Shop, 41 Wilson Ave., Timmins. â€"18 Healithy, honestand(riendly Best ‘Toronto references. < Write to Helene Meister, North German Lioyd, 112 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. 18p POSITION WANTED Ave., apartment «17â€"18p ~18tf «17 FPOR SALEâ€"Kitchen stove and kitchen table. Apply to 7 Tamarack Street, Timmins. «18p FOR SALEâ€"Jersey cow, due to freshâ€" en. Apply to 207 Cedar Street North, Timmins.: R «16p FPOR SALEâ€"Motorcycle, A.G.S. For further information apply to 5i Mountjoy Street, Timmins. 16â€"17â€"18p FOR SALEâ€"One 1900 floor ironer, at a fraction of its former cost. Phone 391, Timmins, for particulars. ~18 FOR SALEâ€"Studebaker car; would make a fgood truck; $50.00. . Apply after 3 pm. toj 166 Cedar Street, FOR SALEâ€"Essex Coupe, in gocd conâ€" dition. Will sell cheap for immediate sale. Apply 108 Third Avenue, Schuâ€" macher, upstairs. ~18p FOR SALEâ€"T‘wo single beds, one dresâ€" ser, twelveâ€"piece Chesterfiéld suite, almost new. Apply to 108 Third Ave., Schumacher. â€"18p FOR SALEâ€"One horse and harness, also a dray and a few harness pieces, handy for repairs, for a bargain. Apply t> 163 Birch Street, South, Timmins. ~18p FOR SALEâ€"Alsike seed $9.00 per buâ€" shel; barley, 60 cents; Banner oats, 50 cents; peas, 75 cents; Garnet wheat, 80 cents, and potatoes, Irish Cobbler, 90 cents. F.O.B. T. J. Cauâ€" field, Monteith, Ont. ~16ptf FOR SALEâ€"Fourâ€"roomed house, also lot adjoining with stable for eight teams of horses, well located on 19â€"21 Bannerman Ave. Apply to 24 Sixth Ave., or P.O. Box 217, Timmins. 17â€"18p TROPERTY FOR SALEâ€"Twoâ€"rsomed house with double garage, $350.00 for quick sale. Apply to 76 Montgomery Ave., Timmins. â€"~18â€"20p FOR SALEâ€"Two houses and lot, three rooms and four rooms at 56 Wilson Ave. Apply to 66 Mountjoy Street, Timmins. â€"16 FOR SALEâ€"Sixâ€"rocmed house with all conveniences at 5 Elm Street, South. A real bargain. Apply to Claude Desaulniers, 4 Cedar Street, North, or Phoneâ€"6; Timmins. : ~18 FOR SALEâ€"Fiveâ€"roomed house, hardâ€" wood fioors, cement ‘block foundaâ€" tion; water and hot air furnace in. Apply to 8 Wende Ave., Timmins. â€"17â€"18p HOUSE FOR SALEâ€"With all conveniâ€" ences. Apply to 96 Tamarack Street. â€"~18~â€"20p PROFERTY FOR SALEâ€"A well locatâ€"| ed building lot on Elm, near First: Ave. Can be bought reasonable, and" . on terms. C. W. Faxton, Hamilton Block, Timmins. â€"~18 FOR SALEâ€"Confectionery and grocery business in Timmins, for quick sale. Ideal location for right party. Write Box A. G., Advance, or call at rear of 41 Wilson Ave., upstairs, Timâ€" mins. ~17â€"18p PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€"Sevenâ€"roomed hcouse with all conveniences, lot 40 by 140 feet, double garage on end of lot. Also car, will be sold for $100.00. Phone 412â€"W or apply to 288 Spruce Street, South, Timmins. â€"~17 PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENTâ€" One elevenâ€"roomed jboarding house, hardwood ficors throughout, all conâ€" veniences, with furnace and good basement; easy terms. Apply to 3 Eim Street South, phone 552â€"J or write to P.O. Box 252, Timmins. NURSINGâ€"Practical maternity nurse, open for engagements. Apply to Mrs. Annie Jones, 40 Commercial Ave., Timmins. ~16p MISS DOROTHY DODGEâ€"Maternity and general nursing,; reasonable rates. By hour or day. Phone 466 or 24 Tamarack Street, Timmins. â€"3tf Mr. and Mrs. F. O‘Rourke wish to thank their many friends for flowers and fruit sent, the Doectors, Sisters and Nurses cf St. Mary‘s hospital for their Kelly and the Priests from the Irish and French churches for their visits. OR BALEâ€"â€"Baby carriage, in good condititcn. Apply to 103 Second Ave., â€"~18p North, OR SALE OR RENTâ€"Five acre 1l9t, good location, adjoining town of Timâ€" mins. Apply to Frank Feldman, 110 Pine Street, South, Timmins. â€"~17 OR SALEâ€"One sixâ€"rcomed house with threeâ€"piece bath, hardwood fioors, cellar and garage and woodâ€" shed; one twoâ€"roomed house on same Ict with water and lights, Also a Heintzman pilano in gocd conditien. Apply to 171 Spruce Street, South, or write to P.O. Box 1934, Timmins. ~18p ‘ANTED TO BUYâ€"16â€"foot canoe, would not object if slightly damaged. Write to Box A. R., Advance, Timâ€" NURSING 18â€"19p â€"~18p TO RENTâ€"One or two furnished rcoms to rent; with or without houseâ€"keepâ€" ing privileges; all conveniences. Apâ€" »17p ply 8 Kirby Avenue. A FOR RENT â€" Comfortable room with all conveniences; or room and good board, $8.00 per week including washâ€" ing. Apply to 52 Birch Street, South, Timmins. _ _â€"17â€"18p ROOM AND BOARDâ€"All conveniâ€" ences: centrally located. Apply to 53 Sixth Avenue. «~16p RUSSELL HOTELâ€"Room and board, ROOM AND BOARDâ€"One large front room; suitable for two single beds; all conveniences, includâ€" ing use cf phone. Phone 957â€"W, or apply to 95 Balsam Street, South, ‘T4immins. «~18p ROOM AND BOARDâ€"Large front room, suitable for two gentlemen, single beds, $7.50 per week, and all conveniences. Apply to 16 Wilson LILY HOTELâ€"Under new managEâ€" ment. Clean and comfortable rooms, homeâ€"ccoking; five minutes‘ walk from the mines; all conveniences. Apply to J. Dolihan, prop., 54 Spruce Street, North, Timmins. â€"17â€"18p WANTEDâ€"Experienced furniture clerk. Apply Helperin‘s Furniture Store, 82 Third Avenue. â€"18 WANTEDâ€"Ycung girl to assist with children. Apply to Mrs. Condie, Children‘s Shelter, Fourth Ave., Timâ€" mins. «18 AT ONCEâ€"Ten neatâ€"appearing young men for one week‘s work. Must be ~residents of Timmins. â€" Apply Mr. Sarney, 2 Balsam Street, South. â€"18p LADIES WANTED TO DO light sewâ€" ing at home; good pay; work sent charges paid. National Manufacturâ€" ing Co., Dept. 54, Montreal. ~1tf WOOD FOR SALEâ€"Good dry Jackâ€" pine, 16 inches, $2.75 per cord. Apply to 8 Middleton Ave., Timmins, 16â€"18p wWOOD FOR SALEâ€"Jackpine, $3.00; Tamarack, $350; dry slabs by the load, $4.00.° Apply to J. A. Daly, phone 441, 110 Wilson Ave., Timâ€" WOOD FOR SALEâ€"Dry slabs by the load:; dry Jackpine, $2.75 per cord; mixed wood, $1.75 per cord. Good dry Birch $3.‘75 per cord. Apply to Chaput Mainville, phone 377, or * Tenders will be received by the unâ€" dersigned up to six o‘clock on Monday, the 8th day of May, 1933, for the scavenging of the West End of Tisdale Township. Information re same may be obtained at the Township office, South Porcuâ€" â€" Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Dated at South Porcupine. this 25th day of April, 1933. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Turner and famâ€" ily wish to thank their many friends for their kind expressions of sympathy and ‘beautiful floral tributes, in their recent sad bereavement in the loss of a son and brother. â€"18h Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roberts ‘wish to hank the nrighbours, friends, Dirs. Taylor, Dr. Mcore, Nurse Whitford and cthers for their kindness and. help in bringing about the recovery of their little girl, Margaret. â€"~18p BROUGHâ€"In loving memory of John Brough, who passed away May 4th, 1931. For th:se who have a father, Treasure him with care; For you never know his value Till you see his vacant chair. â€"Sadly missed by Wife and Famâ€" ily. â€"18p â€"Sadly missed by Wife and Daughâ€" ters, Katie, Janie and Gwen. «18p Clean and comfortable, $8.00, $10.00 and $12.00 per month. Use of kitâ€" chen and phone. Apply to 54 Fifth Ave., or phone 64â€"W, Timmins. ~45t OOM AND BOARDâ€"With all conâ€" veniences and use of phone. Apply to 84 Third Ave., Timmins. ~16â€"18 OOM AND BOARDâ€"With all conâ€" veniences. Apply to Mrs. Bennett, 27 Middleton Ave., or phone 488â€"W, Timâ€" with all modern accommodations. Rates $7.00 per â€"week. Apply to 2 Wilson Ave., or phone 275â€"W., Timâ€" mins. ~1tf Ave., or write to P.O. Box 195, Themas G:odman, who passed away TENDERS WANTED CARD OF THANKS WOOD FOR SALE IN MEMORIA M Ave., Clerk of the Municipality. ~13tf ~48tf ncflonolme'nmmlmc}oumw,wm iday dier- All memâ€" bers are urged to attend. ~17â€"18 3 7 To Wit: Under and by Virtue of a Writ of Execution issued out of the Supreme Court of Ontaric, and to me directed against the lands and tenements of Porcupine Lake Gold Mining Company Limited, in the action of Kirkland Diamond Drilling and â€" Doveloping Company Limited vs. Porcupine Lakel Gold Mining Company Limited, I have seized and will offer for sale by public auction at my office in the Court House in the Town of Cochrane, on Wednesday the 14th day of Juf. 1923, at the hour of 10.00 o‘cloeck in the forenoon, all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of the above named defendant, Porcupine Lake Gold Mining Company, Limited, in, to and out of the following described lands and tenements, viz: 1. Parcel 2846, Whitney and Tisdale Situate in the Township of Whitney in the District of Cochrane and Proâ€" virce of Ontario, granted by the Crown as Mining Land, namely: The Northâ€" east parts of Broken Lot Number Ten (10) in the Third Concession containâ€" ing 3, 4 Acres and Land under the water of part of Forcupine Lake conâ€" taining 7 95â€"100ths acres in the said Township of Whitney. 2. Parcel 4072, Sudbury West Section Situate in the Township of Whitney in the District of Cochrane and Proâ€" vince of Ontario, granted by the Crown as Mining Land, namely: Mining Claim H. R. 1009 being land under water of Porcupine Lake west cf and adjacent to broken Lots Nine and Ten in the Third ‘Concession of the Townâ€" ship\ of Whitney, containing by adâ€" measurement 40 Acres more cr less. 3. Parcel 4102, Sudbury West Section Situate in the Township of Whitney in the District of Cochrane and. Proâ€" vince of ‘Ontario, granted by the ‘Crown as Mining Land, namely: Part of brokâ€" en LOot Number Ten (10) in the Third Concession of the said Township of Whitney containing Twelve ‘and oneâ€" half (121) acres and land under the water of part of Porcupine Lake west cf and adjacent to said part of said lot containing eighteen and fourâ€"tenths (18 4â€"10ths) acres. 4. Parcel 4331, Sudbury West Section Situate in the "Township of Whitney in the District of Cochrane and Proâ€" vince of Ontario, granted by the Crown as Mining Land, namely:; The surface rights of Lot Number One Hundred and ninetyâ€"nine (199) as shown on Plan Mâ€"21 ‘(Sudbury) now deposited in the office of Land Titles at Cochrane. March, A.D. 1933. i. us JOHN D. MACKAY, 18â€"21. Sheriff, District of Cochrane. NOTICE TQ_QREDITORS Notice is hereby given that all perâ€" sons having any claim or demands against the late John Aspinall, who died on or about the Tenth day of March, 1933, at Timmins, Ontario, inâ€" testate, are required to send, post preâ€" paid or to deliver to the undersigned, solicitor herein for Elizabeth Aspinall, Administratrix for the the Estate of the said John Aspinall, their names, addresses and full particulars in writâ€" ing of their claims and*statements of their account and the nature of the securities held by them, if any. And take notice that after the 15th day of May, 1933, the said Elizabeth Aspinall will proceed to distribute the assets of the estate among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice, and that the said Elizabeth Aspinall will not be liable for the said assets or part thereof to any person whose claim she shall not then have received notice. Dated at Timmins this 25th day of April, 1933. LANGDON LANGDON, Solicitors for the said Elizabeth Asâ€" pinall. In the Matter of the Estate of Annie Jane Sanders, late of the Town of Colfax, in the County of Placer, in the State of California, one of the United States of America, married sons having any claims or demands against the late Annie Jane Sanders, who died on or about the 22nd of Ocâ€" tober, 1932, at Colfax, California, inâ€" testate, are required to send, post preâ€" paid, or to deliver to the undersigned, solicitor herein for Richard Eddy, Adâ€" ministrator for the Estate of the said Annie Jane Sanders, their names, adâ€" dresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their account and the nature of the securiâ€" ties held by them, if any. And take notice that after the 15th day of May, 1933, the said Richard Eddy will proceed to distribute the asâ€" sets of the estate among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice, and that the said Richard Eddy will not be liable for the said asâ€" sets or part thereof to any person whose claim he shall not then ‘have received i the Matter of the Estate of John Aspinall, late of the Town of : Timâ€" mins, in the District of Cochrane, pipeâ€"fitter, deceased. Notice is hereby given that all perâ€" Dated at Timmins this 25th day of District of Cochrane LANGDON LANGDON, for the Said Richard F the «~17â€"19 ~Miss M. Clutchey returned home last week after visiting relatives in Kirkâ€" land Lake. o T. Leishman, secretary. the return trip by motor. the guest of her sister Mrs. Hull, at Haileybury. Mrs. Legris was acting matron during Mrs. Condie‘s absence. Jack Daiton, Jr.. wh» has been atâ€" tending St. Michael‘s College, Toronto, returned home this week for the sumâ€" mer vacation. _ C 7 Chief Jones and his men all look parâ€" ticularly good in their khaki uniforms. Practically all of them wore khaki for some years. T. Benbow returned last week from California where he spent several months visiting relatives and also doing some prospecting in the gold country. Bornâ€"At 94 Main Ave., to Mr. and Mrs. Luger St. Fierre, on Wednesday, April 26thâ€"a@a son, (George Roland). Both doing well. Proof of the rapid growth of Kirkâ€" land Lake is given by the fact that since November of last year 139 new telephones have been added to the Kirkland Lake exchange. The mayor and town ccuncil on Mnâ€" day afterncon made their customary annual tour of inspection O0f the town to decide what public works are most pressing for the season‘s programme. Mrs. A. Kincaid, of Kirkland Lake, formerly of the Forcupine camp, WAS a visitor to friends in town last week and was warmly welcomed back by hosts of old friends. _ The Timmins police were out on Monday of this week in their khaki uniforms and new "Sam Brownes" for carrying their revolvers. So, it is apâ€" parent that summer is here all right. Mrs. E. A. Lalonde and little daughâ€" ter Rose, left Schumacher on Wednesâ€" day ouf this week to spend a couple of months with relatives in Toronto and Ottawa. His many friends in town and disâ€" trict will regret to know that J. E. Newâ€" ton is ill at his home here, and all will wish him a speedy return to health. Mr. Newton passed a comfortable night last night and reports indicate he ‘is making progress to recovery. Her hosts of friends in the town and district will be pleased to know that Mrs. A. Roberts, Sr., is making good recovery from the injury received in a fall some weeks ago, though all will regret the fact that she encountered an accident. Mrs. Roberts some weeks ago stepped on a loose piece of ice and was thrown to the sidewalk, breaking her arm in the fall. office, had the illâ€"luck to break his right leg when he collided with a car at the corner of Third avenue and Ceâ€" dar street. The lad was riding a bicycle and apparently ran into a trafâ€" fic jam. Witnesses at the corner say there were two lads on the wheel and that they ran in between two cars being jammed against Car No. A.L. 686, owned by Frank Baderski and driven by Aarvi Laine. The witnesses agree that it was an accident and due more anyâ€" thing else to the treffic Ct the ‘interâ€" section. In addition to the fractured leg young Chenier suffered broken thumb, as well as some other miner injuries in the way of bruises. The lad was taken at once to St. Mary‘s hospital where his injuries were at once attended to and where he is making good proâ€" gress now to recovery from the results of the unfortunate accident. Boy on Bicycle Hits Car and Breaks Leg Lad of Twelve Years of Age Meets with Accident at Corner ofâ€" Cedar Street aand Third Avenue on Tuesday Evening. About 8.30 Tuesday evening, Fred Chenier, aged 12 years, son of Octave Chenier, caretaker at the Timmins post DUNSTANâ€"In loving memory ‘of dear Wife and Mother, Beatrice Dunstan, wh> passed away May 8th, 1931. | In our silent hours of thinking, Thoughts of her are very dear; ; We who loved her, sadly miss her, As it dawns another year. â€"Ever Remembered by her Husband ard Family. All persons having claims against the estate of Matilda McGillis, late of the Town of Timmins, in the District of Cochrane, Widow, who died on or about the 4th day of March, 1933, are requirâ€" ed to send their claims verified by affiâ€" davit to the undersigned, Executor of the Estate of the said Matilda Mcâ€" Gillis, deceased, on or before the 15th day of May, 1933. After this date the said Executor will distribute the estate having fegard only to those claims of which he shall then have notice. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Doocley, returned Mrs. E. M. Condie spent last Dated at North Bay, this 20th day of April, 1933. Capitol Theatre Bldg., North Bay, Exeâ€" cutor. ~16â€"18 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN MEMORIAM Suppose that you are not a "big hit‘ in a cheese company, bntmetomm the old home town have been led to beâ€" lieve that you are! Then the real president decides that your presence on the premises is not only unnecessary but unwise! At the same time the cnlymeinmeoldhomewwnwho really matters comes to visit you! What would you do? That was the problem faced by "Wallie Larkin." That‘s why "Bob Brewster‘s" law office became a cheese office for a while. That‘s why That‘s how cheese orders were confusâ€" ed. That‘s why "Samuel Brewster‘" returned to town and spoiled the fun. And that‘s how "Doris," accompanied by her romantic friend, "Verna Calloâ€" way" discovered that. . . . » Well, perhaps, you were fortunate enough to see this delightful comedy when the Y.PS. presented "The Big Cheese" last week in the basement of the United Church. The ‘cast was well chosen and the entire presentation was a credit to the scciety and a triumph for the players. As the dethroned "cheese king" Roy Hardy handled a major role in very capable way. John Quirt impersonated the lawyer, son of the cheese company‘s president, with accuracy and naturainess of manâ€" Miss Betty Paterson, as "Doris‘ was splendid in a part representing an atâ€" tractive and cultured rural girl. . _ _ The part of "Verna Calloway" called for skilful voice and manner and this part was taken to perfection by Jean Fortin. Edith Hill as an impromptu stenoâ€" grapher and office girl, and Edith Richâ€" ardson, as telephone girl, played the parts of "Betty" and Mabel" very nicely. The part of. "Ted Spratt," messenger boy, exceptionally well taken by Don Hogarth, helped to make the presentaâ€" tion success, while as the irate preâ€" sident of the cheese company, Gordon Ransenhausen added greatly to the exâ€" citement and fun of the play. â€" To those who assisted in the direcâ€" tion of the play and to those who were responsible for preparing the stage, the scciety is very grateful. +~The young pesple also wish to express their special thanks to Miss Smythe and Miss Conâ€" nor, whose vocal and â€" instrumental music added so greatly to the evening‘s enjoyment. There was a good attendance at each evening of the play and all present were enthusiastic in praise of each and every member of the cast for the remarkably fine presentation of a very pleasing Fined for Giving Friends Homeâ€"brew Theft of Rolls Razor Results in Term of Thirty Days in Jail. Other Cases at the Police Court Here This Week. At the police court here on Tusesday Wm. Jacobson was fined $50.00 and costs for a breach of the Excise Act, the charge being laid by Constable H. J. Nelson of the R.CM.P. â€" Jacobson was found guilty of giving homeâ€"brew liquor to others than those of his own household. ' A charge of fraud against : a local young man was again remanded for a The cases against J. Laliberte, W. Beauchamp and Adolphe Belanger were remanded to the end of the month to await the decision in the appeal of â€"P. Biron, who was convicted last week on a charge of keeping liquor for sale. The four men were arrested some weeks. ago when the police raided a new house just outside town where a party was in progress with about seventyâ€"five present and beer in quantity being in evidence. The charge laid by Constable R. Paul against Mrs. Pigeon, No. 1 Spruce street, for alleged attempt to bribe police officer was dismissed. Constable Paul received an Easter card and a five dollar bill through the mail the card being marked as from No. 1 Spruce street north, but there was no evidence to connect Mrs. Pigeon with the matter other than that she had mentioned something about a present to Constable Paul a few days before the letter was received, according to the constable‘s evidence in the case. , A man charged with failing to return to the scene of an accident had the case against him dismissed. ‘Two men, working at the Ankerite Mine were charged last week with the theft of a box of raisins. The box had dropped off a wholesale truck. The police traced the box and found it in . fsadore Bouchard, Pinge street north, mnncdm.Mam costs. Three lads were chamd'wlth the theft of tools. ‘l'heynrenvenm- pendedsenuneeb\nplwedunderbohd fortneh'coodhehavwroram < secondâ€"hand‘store for a brought Win. Jonés a term of thirty days. Reckliess driving on the part‘of one motorist resulted in a fine of $25.00 and costs. j . Ricardi Franchette, 107 Eim street north for illegally having liquor,: paid $100.00 and costs. Salk*y*.. Waiter Valkkila, 43 Fourth avenuc, on the charge of having firearms while being an alien, was fined $25.00 and costs. While on a search for liquor the police found a German automatit reâ€" volver in the coat pocket of the acâ€" Alphonse Grenon, whose address was the St. Charles hotel, was fined $100.00 and costs, or three munths, on a charge of illegally having liquor. DANCE. ON SATURDAY rou . MEMBERS BADMINTON CLVUB Invitations are out for dancing f6r members only of the Porcupifie Badâ€" minton Club on Saturday evening, May 6th, from 8.30 to 12. By the use <of felt pads at the sides of the hpll ‘the difficulty in connection with the acoua- tics has been entirely overcome members of the ‘club will beâ€"able to enjoy the dance Saturday bvenmg. with the music being clearly and mlli' he‘lufl Hollinger Consolidated Gold Mines Limited:â€" - Ece tsE C e).tra. dividend ofâ€" like amount h\aqué 2 p.c. in all has been dec.lared on the Capital Stock of the Company, payï¬ï¬‚e on the 20th day of May,,1933, on, which date cheques will be maued to . shareâ€" holders of record at the close. ot busi- ness on the 5th day of Ma.y. 1933 Dated the 28th day. of April, 1933 I. McIVOR, . Car ky TEMISKAMING AND : NORTHE ONTARIO RAILWAY TRA!N SERVICE q Connection at Earlton . Jct, :or fl{lk Lake, daily excéept Sdnday. L. 5 Daily except Sunday. servioe bet.wecn Englehart and Charlton. es KIIGICILALIL uy B ‘Connections ‘at Swastika, dally Nipissing Central Railway,â€" for: Kirkâ€" land Lake, Larder Lake, Oheminis, Ont., Aldermac, Rouyn and Norq,ndfl,, Que * ~Connections at Porquls Jct daily tor Iroquois Falls,. f Connections at Porquis daily tar Connaught, South Porcupine, Sdhu- macherâ€"and Timmins. Service Cochrane to Fraserdale: and intérmediate points, Train No. 101â€" Tuesday and Thursday, leave Cochrang 8.45 a.m. agrrive Fraserdale 12.46 p.m. Train No.‘ 102â€"Fraserdale to CochHâ€" rahe, Tuesday and Thursday, leave Fraserdale 1.20 pm., arrive Oochrane 5.16 p.m. Train No. 103â€"Leave 8 45 a.m.,> Saturday, arrive Moosonte 4 45 WE NP PCsE L con .. $ 4 uds L. eR on 2 Tt e Es e sn n on c 2L a.m., Monday, arrive Cochrane 145 pxa Trains Nos. 101, 102, 103 ahd 1 operate Rcstanrant Car. Bee current time table or apply to any T. N. O. Railway Agent for full A. J. PARR, General Freight and Passenger Agent, particulars. North Bay, Ont. s oi on h on DIVIDEND mmmm w EXTRA mvmmm NUMBER â€" 5 A regular dividend: of 1 pnc.. and: an Train No. 104â€"Leave Moosonee 6.00 Assistantâ€"Treasurer. Timmins, Tordnto veen Montreal and Jafe service North Bay dd.iahd ins use Canadian ition at North Bay. riton Jct !or fl{lk ind .