674 1040 1139 2853 . Jen-kins, 3 points. PROULX Phillips ............ 23.1 ........ 129 ........ 218 ....... 578 MoF'arIane ........ 147 ..... 1.276. McNeil .............. 179 ........ 238. Staples, ,‘ Jenkins Kidd 73...; Barro‘h k Kidd In the McIntyre bowling league last week, the winners were Jenkins. Mac- Milan and Cameron. . ' Proulx rolled high _.sing1e,,3:11, and Barran registered» high cross alley, 751. BARRON .................... Newkirk ............ 170 ........ 132 ........ 202 ........ 504 Adamson .......... 220 ........ 158., ....... i 49.- ....... 527 Last Week’s Results in McIntyre League Jenk McMillan and Cameron were f nets in Bowling Games at thpllï¬clntyre Alleys Last Week. ' The Scores. ' Jeweller '17P 1118 {H u 122. 807 .132 ........ 275. .221 ........ 250. .173 874 173 O. 837 184. 119. 163 150 2518 .697 .122 ,728 .527 291 .751 pï¬ceb tot every“ bubget é McDonald N. Adams Fitzjohn .. Morandin Duxfleld Dtunmy Macmillan Langley Proulx Nicholson Buebert . 529 Cameron, 4 points. 967 998 Macmillan, 3 points. MORANDIN tun-my .................... 139. . ummy .................... 139.. uxï¬eld ............ 148 ........ 199 yoke ................ 150 ........ 239:: 855 950 MACMILLAN CAMERON ........139. ........ 177. ...189 ........ 189. .. 153 .189 164 176 1484 150. 166. .156 .188. 124. 191 156 1016 .161 152 ..183 W235 I115 .341 .150 215‘ 1013 1166 810 .104. .168 .211. 177. 787 .104. .104. .179. .237. ,163. .173. .153. .201. .248. .238. .247‘ 234. 236 231. 2355 2978 2971 .589 .546 .243 578 .701 243 243 536 .470 541 .156 362 728 156 ,124 .386 ‘7' ' 0- m / 10mm nu mm mm- : or sums mus n m 8A. “They wouldn’t believe me,†he con- cluded, f‘when I showed them the menu that is being given to men in 3.0. unâ€" employed cam-ps. They doubted that anyone in the world- was fed that well who didn’t work.†i “Their slogan,†he said, “is to do-in ten years what America has done in '100 years. If they reverse those ï¬gures they may come somewhere near it. The copper mine where I was sent was scheduled under the ï¬ve year plan to produce 10,000 tons in the ï¬rst year. The ï¬gure was later extended to 14,- 000. We produced 600. In Moscow the streets are crowded, so 'are the street cars. The diet consists of black bread, cabbage, potatoes, 3. little meat, little sugar, butter for a month that would be enough far one meal. They are shipping out all that is saleable. Mr. McLaughlin said there is prob- ably as big a percentage of Commun- ists per population in Vancouver as in the total of Russia. Three million Connnuniots run the country over there with a. pOpulation of 160 million. Soviet and the ï¬ve year plan, he de- clares, have been terriï¬c failures. If the Russian people were free to come to America not ten per cent. of them wculd stay in Russia, he asserts. “If you want to appreciate Canada just spend two years in Russia,†J. A. McLaughlin, British Columbia mining engineer told the Vancouver Board of Trade in a luncheon address. Mc- Laughlin recently returned after spending a year and a half developing copper properties for the Soviet gov- ernment. To Appreciate Canada Try Living in Russia The hearing took up the entire day. lasting until seven o‘clock and 10 wit- nesses were heard. McDonald and Til- ley, North Bay, acted for Dr. Ling- hcrne, and O’Conncrr and Pacer, Sud- bury, for the defendant. The latter's car had been driven 'by John Sokolsky. $928.80. The case had been preferred to Judge Leask by the Supreme Court. Judgment was reserved by His Hon- our. Judge H. D. Leak in a civil action of Dr. W. J. Linghorne, New Liskeard. vs F. Palmetto Sudbury, arising out, of a motor accident on the Ferguson high- way in the summer of 1931. and heard Wednesday last week at North Bay in district court. Linghorne, the plain- tiff. sued for $642.30 damages; to his car. and the defendant counter claimed for Chm Tree and Junior Demon- Itunon. Visit of Santa 011m. cw, un- der the auspices of the WM Bal- vufonArmycuTne-dsy.nec.m.at a pm. There will be Christmas songs. recitation; dialogues. tableaus. an are asked ta remember the date and come along to the Salvation Army. and wel- JUDGMENT RESERVED IN . AUTOMOBILE DAMAGE CASE watchman“ Aby-wwmmtdtothetnnster of some prOper-ty in Schumaoher for; inanwhowent, astheythinkhecan paymetowardsi}. . - A case of flnanchl responsibility for a man who went to Graveuhurst. was midtoverforahurdate. An old couple, who are property OiW- ners here, but have had many dram- backs, were present wanting their taxes cancelled, but the reeve’ said 4' they would just be let stand against thd prOperty and perhaps next year they might be in the wealthy class and could pay them. The old lady was spokes- man and saidzâ€"“m‘ I am, I. won't for- get you fclks. It’s all right when I know all you folks but I don’t know that other bunch that are coming in. There's no telling what they might take it‘ into their heads to do.†This created a general smile especally as Councillor Hawkins is one of the ‘elect’ in “that other bunch.†However, the council assured her that rthse otlher bunch might be just as good as this one and though still looking dubious she left wishing them all a merry Christ- South Porcupine. Ont... Dec. 14th. 1932. Special to The Adm. Tiadale Township council met in their cheaters on Monday evenmg with the reeve and all the councillors present. Regular Meeting of the Tisdale Council aunuUc-urmmm. m. nee-u umuynww ; of ï¬ne Imposed on Schmuck- 1?. Km and want. a er Young Man. manna. ammo whï¬gggggggaï¬gggggggggï¬ g F m Chri tmas E THE , AAA TAYLOR "A- y j 12 Third Avenl1¢ Buy the family a Washer for' this Christmas at the LoWeSt: Washing Machine Prices in the history of Canada. Terms as low as $1.00 Down. See Mr. W. M. Hardy. Factory mama" at ELECTRIC , WBShlng Machme THE 0E0. TAYLOR HARDWARELTD. Beatty Washer, only- ...... ..$12.50 Cribb Washer, only . .. .. .. $14.95 Beatty Washer, later model .............. $28.00 Beatty Washer, upper-tub ........... $38.00 up Connor Washer, emonstrator ........ $59.00 Connor Washer, new machines ......... $79.50 Thor Washer, new models ...... A ......... $78.00 Easy Washer, new models ..... _. . ....... $98.00 J. C. -835 Combination Short- Long Wave Ideal Hardware, Timmins L. A. Wilson, Schumacher South End Pharmacy, South Porcupine GENERAL ELECTRIC £55k§1~2 We have a number of new and used washing machines and these must positively be disposed of in the next few days â€as the warehouse space is urgently needed at once. This means that the ma- chines Will be disposed of at remarkably low prices. All are in ï¬rst.- class condition. Come and see them. NORTHERN DISTRIBUTORS ' Timmins Wad: LOCAL DEALERS GIVE A Then select one of the beau- tiful models, priced from $69 50 to $189. 00 Hear it to-day and “believe - -' your own ears.†A GENERAL ELECTRIC Radio will prove a winner also as a family Christmas ' Gift. 25. times a winner in 25 com- petitive tone tests; \ PAGE mm