MISS DOROTHY DODGE; MAS- SAGE; GENERAL NURSING. By hour or day. Phone 466. 24 Tam- “ street. am PRACTICAL NUI DRESSMAKINGâ€"Drcss children’s clothing. 1* moureaux, 108 Birch 'I‘immlns. WANTEDâ€"Four WANTEDâ€"Woma work. Apply n Children's Sholt WANTEDâ€"Expat pressing. repair coats: also b0§ Apply to Fun Ave.. Timmins. FOR RENTâ€"«Seven- with bathroom. hot wired for electric s cellar, hardwood {10; sell if desired. Situ Street, South. App: Station, corner of Cedar Street, Timn FOR RENTâ€"Threc-room 37 Toke Street, hot wa all conveniences; wirin stove. ; Apply to 37:- Tunmins; FOR RENTâ€"Two-rcomod furnisl‘ house; linoleum on floor; water pa. clean and bright; situated in frt Apply. to 104 Cedar Street, Sou Timmins. â€"4 FOR RENTâ€"Two-rcon’ied a furnished for light hauseke conveniences; suitable In with no children or two g1 must have good references. 35 Wilson Ave, Timmins. FOR RENT OR FOR four rooms. COl'Q‘CI‘ W.‘ brai; cement, collar 21! and cold water and a] heated garage. A13 house, with all conven Apply 94 Main avenue HOW FOR RENTâ€"Four small 1031115. A110 apartments, 2 and 4 100ms.Ap- plyatfto J. P Roy Planing Mill, Corner Second and Balsam, 01' 62 Spruce Streï¬f, North. â€"44p FOR BENTâ€"Tw-o loomed IIOL venandah, recently (locoxate wafer, lights and toilet at Ave. Apply to 158 Birch Noi'th, Timmins. CHE/KP RENT FOR GOOD HOUSES in Feldman townsitc suaight out on Wiis'on avenue, next to the budge â€was p01 month. Apply to Frank FOR RENTâ€"Four-roo: two clothes closets. V and sink in. Apply Street, North, Timmiu FOR RENTâ€"F house. Apply Elm street no FOR RENTâ€"Two gam room to drive in ant Mrs. Morgan, 174 South. Timmins. FOR RENTâ€"Six-roomc basement; stable and in; at 217 Maple Stu ply to 171 Balsam Str nuns. PAGE FOUR FOR RENTâ€"Two ( apartment at 39-: I Apply to 68 Third FOB RENTâ€"FR: all convenienm Ava, Timmins FOR RENTâ€"P HOUSE FOR RENT ences. Apply to South. Timmlns. FOR RENTâ€"Th with all com" stairs of 106 M FOR RENTâ€"For ed seven-roome Street. Phone FOR RENTâ€"S} Park. Apply Mattagami Br FOR RENT GARAGE FOR RENT Maple Street. South. SIX-ROOMED FLAT all conveniences. Feldman. 110 Pine gagements. in and out or L3 and good chance Apply to Room Tlmmins, between 7 to 9 pm. DR ’R‘ENTâ€"Fo u r-roc m‘ electricity, sink and wc paid; rent $17.00 per : to 45!. Bannerman Ave. ply to 174 Em nuns. glassed-ln verandah lights. Anply to 209 North, Timmins. HELP ‘VANTED DRESSMAKING $15 per month. Apply an, 110 Pine Street, S gm NURSING FOR RENT 1111K 613 158C M m0! >11 an ALEâ€"Hon nmir M for house with bad; watex‘ 1th. Apply mmins. 44p 41 162 M W Ser ll h Dusc )3 3.1 t-cr paid; in front , South, A41) 1tlemen; Apply to -42p I‘irr )4 cotta 1th W JI‘ north, -46p COU AJLAJ UL ‘ “voov )ply to FOR SALEâ€"One cabinet gramophone, Fifth avenue. 0 Street, cheap; one electric sweeper, one â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" 44-451) washing machine, practically new, FOR RENTâ€"One and other articles, selling on account tWO single bed :ement of space. Apply to 164 Birch Street,| peeple, 01' mar] 'OOIT wat nent, I: all 11‘ men I water and ctric AD- [W. with double bed, steam heated, .pri- I‘im- ! FOR SALEâ€"Walnut breakfast suite; vilege of cooking if desired. Apply '44P! “GOOd Cheer" heater, kitchen table, to Courtemanche Block, Fourth Ave. seven-tube radio, all at sacriï¬ce price. . Timmins. ~44 and Call after 7 .m. or bone 837, J.I . vatel ' Bown, 84 Elm? Street, pSouth, Tim-g WHY NOT TAKEâ€"The opportuplty'to lsam ming. -44- stay at the Windsor Hotel while you ’44P ‘ are in town, you will share the home â€"'â€" FOR SALEâ€"HOOVCI‘ vacuum cleaner,‘ atmosphere while you are a long with ’recent model, absolutely new, com-9 way from home. You will ï¬nd all ‘Vit’h plete “’ith all attachments, inelud- what you’re wishing. Tw0-roomed Firs ing polisher, $40-00 09511- Also Pre- apartments, double and single rooms. .reet. mier Spié-Span, brand new, $15.00, Hot and cold running water in every ‘44P (Owner having Pumhaseg {Ur-way 1 room. All modern conveniences. -39tf -43p .11 and IIE md I FOR and ’CC hot 'ith 1! 44 44 4p )1 44 44 ins 'm at 44 )f 1 GOOD OPPORTUNITYâ€"P00110311) for l sale. 5 billiard tables; barber shop 1 and 5-room house at back. Reason- able price. Apply 19 First Avenue, l Schumacher. ail-44p POSITION WANTEDâ€"Reliable male cook desires position; prefers cooking in restaurant camp; specializes in cooking for surveyors or prospectors. Apply to 661» Lake Shore Road, or write Peter Coulas, PO. Box 1949, Timmins. -44p FOR SALEâ€"Two-roomed shack, partly furnished; $350.00, $200.00 cash, at 344 Pine Street, South. Apply to 116 Pine Street, South, Timmins. 441:. POSITION WANTEDâ€"‘Vidow (Cana- POSITION WANTEDâ€"By young lady, as clerk in store, experienced; or housework in home without children. Apply to 10 Kirby Ave., across the track, Timmins. -42p POSITION WANTEDâ€"Young man, 30 years of age, desires position as book- keeper or general oflice work. 12 years‘ experience in coal, laundry and household furniture experience. Mo- derate salary to start. Reply to P. O. Box 743, Timmins. -44p FOR bat WORK WANTEDâ€"Lady wants sewing, crocheting or similar work at home. Apply to 38 Wilson Ave., Timmins. -4413 FOR SALEâ€"Hoover vacuum cleaner, ’rccent model, absolutely new, com- plete with all attachments. includ- ing polisher, $40.00 cash. Also Pre- mier Spié-Span, brand new, $15.00. (Owner having purchased Air-way Sanitary System has no further use for these machines). Call at Mrs. A. Courtemanche’s, 24 Fourth Ave, Tim- mins. -44 PROPERTIES FOR SALE FURNITURE FOR SALEâ€"Chesterï¬eld, practically new; living room table; velvet rug, 7 by 7; Chesterï¬eld table. Apply 94 Main avenue, or phone 681. -43p FOR SALE-E16 FOR SALEâ€"One single cutter. har- ness, robes and blanket. Apply to 8 Maple Street, North, Timmins 44-451) FOR SALEâ€"Kitchen cabinet. on Quebec heater. and one Com FOR SALEâ€"Cabinet Grand Plan), Schmidt make, $75.00. Apply to Mrs. Blakeman, 10 Allen Street, South Porcupine. -44-46h FOR SALE Apmy to FOR SALE to back FOR SALEâ€"Lasmle condition, low milc for immediate sale FOR BALEâ€"( Spruce Stree FOR tricity. $200.;00 also two lots at 3150. Terms. See Babcock, 32 Third Ave... phone 85, Tirmnins. 44p School. 396000. $100.00 cash and bal- ance on terms. $30.00 per month. Two lots on Kirby Ave.. near the High School, with sewer. water. elec- “! dian) desires positie n as housekeep- er in small family, or companion to invalid; clean and reliable. Apply *to Mrs. A. E. Gallagher. 26 Floral Park Boulevard, Timmins. -44-46p South DR SALEâ€"Real leather di‘ will make a good double bed to rear of 80 Hemlock Stree mins. 1d ARTICLES FOR SALE 18C POSITION W'ANTED in ply uth. Timmins 40 SALE SALEâ€"Five-roomed house, very ï¬nishing. inside and out; cement k foundation, hot air furnace SALE-Six-roomed house with .; basement; warm and comfort- : good terms; at 59 Elm Street, 41. Apply to 10 Birch Street, .11, Timmins. -42r> lmrr min ALEâ€"F0 .OI I‘immins 100 mm 01158 on in . in. Also g 8 Wendc Ave -â€"Used plant apartment. at, Timmins electric stove, easy tern Also an eight-tube Defo: 5' radio for sale. chea 25 Middleton Ave., Tm 0n! rst Ave.. near Snap at $800.00 house on First $750.00; terms. tee-roamed meat, hot ‘ )p‘ North. Timmm piano, cheap. Apply ent. upstairs of 375 'ay terms. Five- Ave.. near High g FURRIERSâ€"Exper redan. excellent e; will sacriï¬ce Phone 379-W. 1mg house an near Wilco: we. in perre Maple Stree Juse with furnace. Timmin: -43-44 machine. Schu- -42-44p anette: Apply 3; Tim- 43-441) 379-W -44p 39th -44p 44p 44p IHAIRDRESSING DONEâ€"By Mrs. ! Lempi Alanen at the Balsam Street ‘ Beauty Shoppe. Apply to 58 Balsam | Street, North. Timmins. ~42p FURRIE EYES EXAMINED FREEwGlasses fur- nished in up-to-clatc mountings. 'At reasonable prices. Satisfaction guar- anteed. By Thos. Dodd, Optician. 4 Balsam Street, South. Timmins. ~44tf CHILDREN FOR ADOPTIONâ€"Good homes desired for children. boys and girls. Catholic and Protestant. ages 4 to 14 years. Any home desiring to adopt a youngster should have their rgyman write A. G. Carson. Supt. dren's Aid. Timmins. Ont 44M STRAYEDâ€"From 63 Hemlock Street, grey kitten. Finder please return to .above address. Reward. -44 DANCING SCHOOL â€" For children, tuition included, tap and ballet danc- lng, etc., very moderate fees. Write Mrs. Harold Burt, Box 948. or call at 17 Borden Ave. Tlmmlns. 43-45ptf LOSTâ€"Will the party who took a bag of tools from car parked in front. of Eplett’s Dairy, please return them to Eplett's Dairy and receive reward. 44p LOSTâ€"Between Vipond Mine and Kimberley Ave, cne gentleman’s Walrtham Vanguard watch. Reward for return to 13 Kimberley Ave. Tim- mins. -43-44p FUR COATS CLEANED GLAZED RE- LINED AND ALTERED; ï¬rst-Class HAVE YOUR CAR REPAIREDâ€"By an expert; gun repairing. Prices low-est in town. Apply to Northern Repair Shop, 157 ‘Sprucc Stleet, South Tim- mins. «14-451) BICYCLE FOUNDâ€"Owner may have same by proving property and pay- s-.’ing».fpr;-this advertisement. Apply to '- 61b Wilsoh Awenue. -44 FOUNDâ€"Brown horse, weighs about 1400 lbs; white face; left legs white. Unless this horse is claimed it will be sold to pay expenses incurred. Apply to 94 Main avenue. ~43-45 FOR RENTâ€"One furnished rm all conveniences, suitable for two gentlemen; with or FURNISHED ROOMS To RENTâ€" Clean ï¬nd comfortable. Suitable for light. housekeeping. Use 0! phone and kitchen. Apply to 5% Fifth avenue. or phone 64W. 30% FOR RENT-F FOR RENTâ€"Furnished r conveniences. Apply «' FOR RE house. : breakfz ate. ROOM FOR. RENTâ€"In Block. Apply to L. Ha Street. North. 'I‘immins. onto. 30 years‘ experience in fur coats. recutting, repairing. reï¬ning; scienti- ï¬c cleaning. making coats look like new; fur collars for cloth coats; fur caps: mule; Old used furs bought; work†guaianteed. 'I’bronto Fur Shop, 41 Wilson Ave.. W. ~44p workmanship. Sinclair the Valet 21 Fourth Ave., Phone 625. -3tf OR RENTâ€"One large front room. two single beds, suitable for two people, or married couple without children; and one good size bedroom with double bed, steam heated, .pri- vilege of cooking if .desired. Apply to Courtemanche Block, Fourth Ave, board. Timmm Ave tWC te. A} immins. MISCELLANEOUS ng. cleaning an antecd. Wadsw am Street, N 7m in new hou to 24 Toke Stre: mmin Apply am hl opti FOUND lll‘ ROOMS LOST Lo 10 Commercial na remod( mad l. all convenien: . Terms moc J Hemlock Str ntleman bedr -â€"- Comic rnvenience 'th azing no child I‘lmmins. m with all 38 Second 43-449 frcm To ,ll'l‘ in 20 Kirby an THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE. TIMMINS. ONTARIO one or without -42-44p )l‘ n with VC abl‘ 3C 1U TIE 1L D 60 44p and 44p ROOM AND BOARDâ€"One front room. suitable for two gentlemen, in pri- â€In; vate home without, children; all con- $ cl veniences. also including use of phone. â€:50 Apply to 85 Balsam Street, South, Timmins. _ -44p A‘.- 44,, ; woon FOR SALE 44p or of Try The Advance Want Advertisements 44-45135 RICHERâ€"In loving memory of our dear father, Paul Richer, who de- parted this life November lst, 1931. Tender memories will linger forever. Time cannot, change them. it's true, Years that may come cannot cover Our loving remembrance of you. â€"Ever remembered by Mother and Family. , ‘ -44p STEVENSâ€"In loving memory of Sarah Elizabeth Stevens. who passed away November 2nd. 1929. \ One by one. life's ties are broken; One by one they are linked above, Some day there will be sweet reunion Once again with those we love. â€"-Ever remembered by Husband and Family. -44p N.B ANGRIGNONâ€"In affectionate memory of the late J. N. Angrignon, who passed away on Oct. 30th, 1918. â€"Remembered with love and affec- tion by his Wife and Children. Requiem high mass will be said at Schumacher R.C. Church on Sunday, Nov. 6th. at 9 a.m. -44 The South Porcupine Fire Brigade wish to thank their many patienns from all points of the district; we hope you enjoyed yourselves. Come again New Year‘s Eve. -44h ties and receive all monies payable the said ï¬rm. Dated at Timmins the 13th day October, 1932. Notice is hereby given that the part- nership lately subsisting between us, the undersigned. Cecil Gordon Ross and Hugh J. O‘Neill. carrying on busi- ness as manufacturers’ agentslunder the ï¬rm name and style of “Ross O'Neill" in the Town of Timmins, of the District of Cochrane. has this day been dissolved by mutual consent so far as regards the said Cecil Gordon Ross who retires from the said ï¬rm. Business in future will be carried on by the said Hugh J. O'Neill who will pay and discharge all debts and liabili- -43-44 WOOD FOR SALEâ€"D load. $4.00; dry Jack: $3.00; mixed wood. Apply to J. A. Duly. ROOM AND BOARDâ€"In private home. Apply to Mrs. Phillion, 51 Kirby Ave. Timmins. -38r;t.f ROOM AND BOARDâ€"You good boardinghouse at 101 South. Very cheap; also $6.00 per week. RUSSELL HOTELâ€"Board and Roomâ€" By day, week or month. Rates $8.00 to $9.50 a. week. Hot and cold water, year round. Phone 275-W., or call at 2 Wilson Ave.. Timmlns. -2t£ NOTICE of DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP slabs; also 16-inch Jackpine by lots, $2.50. and dry Birch, $3.50 a cord. Apply to Chaput and mum/me. phone 377. or 118 First Ave-«- Tim- mms. -24tf ROOM ANI) BOARD SALE OF TIMBER CARI) OF THANKS WOOD FOR SALE NOTICE TO CREDITORSE Minist IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM )f unau Notic 441 NOTICE vf Lands and Forests. orizcd publication of will be paid for. [‘oronto, Oct. 29, 1932. mm G. ROSS, H. J. O’NEILL Dry and green lackpine by lots. )m .t 102 Pine Street also meal tickets -44-45p 110 Wilson u will abs by the y the card Der cord ï¬nd 42M of to There are night classes also at the Timmins Business College; these are continuous throughout the year. Stu- dents are taught individually and can completely ï¬nish a course in a term. If you work in the day time take ad- vantage of business college night classes to advance and improve your education. Typewriters may be rented by ï¬rms or individuals through the college rent- al serviceâ€"special rates to students. Come in and have a talk with us as to your boy or girl's educationâ€"you may ï¬nd our advice very valuable. J. Fiske, mining engineer, of Buï¬alo,‘ N. ‘Y.. arrived recently in the North to. make a report on some mining pro-E R perties in the Mauheson area. 0 “A Gold Medal SzrhoBl in a Golden Centre†E. M. TERRY. Supervising Prlnclpal Hamilton Block, Timmins, Ont. Phone 501 PO. Box This year’s class shows promise of continuing to uphold and adding to the well earned reputation of Timmins Business College studentsâ€"well trained. efï¬cient graduates. Examination marks and advancement reports will be pub- lished in this Bulletin from-time to time during the winter months am: should be of much interest to all con- cerne-d. There still remain openings at the “Gold Medal School" for a few more enrollments for this Fall Term. Our method of individual instruction per- mits students to enroll any time, but, we recommend to the many who have been to the College Ofï¬ce for informa- tion and who have not yet come to a decision, that they should do so now, so that they may be prepared for next year's spring and summer positions. The time to prepare is now. Do not wait until we are called upon to ï¬ll a half dozen positions a week as we do when times are normalâ€"it will be ra- ther late thenâ€"be ready when the call comes. Be among our successful gra- duates. Misses Edna Bannerman, Veino Ran- ta. Frances King, South Porcupine; Ann Anderson, Jean Scott, Amelia Cuddihey, Margaret MacPhail, Mar- garet Cote, Albert Cloutier, Timmins; Iva VanHorn, Monteith, Ontario, are among the latest enrollments at the Timmins Business College. sons having claims against the said Kati Zdravje and John Cesar and or either of them are required to ï¬le their claims with me, duly veriï¬ed by sta- tutory declaration. on or before the 12th day of November, 1932, after which date I‘ shall distribute the proceeds of such sale, having regard only to such claims as shall have then been ï¬led with me. T H U RS DAY Bulletin Notice is hereby given that Kasti Zdravje and John Cesar carrying on business at 158 Cedar Street, South, in the Town of Timmins, under the name and style of The Star Bakery, have made a. sale of their stock and equip- ment to Nathen Die-merit and Mike Pickorski, and the undersigned has been appointed Trustee under the Bulk Sales Act. Dated at Timmins this 18th day of October, 1932. T. A. MACDONALD, -42-44. Curtis Bldg, Timmins, Ontario By virtue or a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Cochrane bear- lng date of August 18th. 1932, the sale of lands Ior arrears of taxes of the Town of Cochrane will be held in the Town Hall. Cochrane, Ont.. at the hour of two o‘clock in the afternoon on Tuesday the 12th day of December. 1932, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes is being published in the Ontario Gazette on the 3rd, 10th, 17th. 24th days of September, 1932. Comics of the said list may be had at my ofï¬ce, Town Hall, Cochrane. Ont. In the matter of the Bulk Sales Act and in the matter of Kati Zdravje and John Cesar carrying on business under the name and style of The Star Bakery. Dated at ’1 October. 1932 Town of Cocbvane. District of Cochranc NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having any claims against I the estate of Edward Briggs Keen. late of the Town of 'I'immins in the District of Cochrane. Miner. who died on or about the 12th day of April. 1932. are required to send particulars of same in writing to the undersigned. Solicitor for the Administrator. on or before the 13th day of November. 1932. after which date the Administrator will distribute all assets of the estate having regard] only to such claims as he shall then have had notice. | TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES Dated at Cochranc this 23rd day of August, 1932. ~35-47‘ Timmins Business College 42-44 Notice is further given that all per- T. A. MACDONALD. Solicitor. Timmlns. Ontario NOTICE mmins this 14th day E. J. MACVITTIE Treasurer 223 Of ! The following is from The Blairmore (Alberta) Enterprisezâ€"“Those intend- .ing to pull Hallowe'en pranks should lremember that the following are pun- ishable offences: soaping windows, [damaging fences. sltnaet signs, etcl; e breaking lights, either private or public ,owned; removing gates, placing ob- stacles on sidewalks or street, remov- l ing or damaging sidewalks, etc. Those wenjoying legitimate fun will not be ! molested." Dar/3d at. Timmins this 22nd day of October. 1932. Ontario. To entitle you to of your claim must before the meeting : Proxies to be use must be lodged with And further take have any claim aga Notice is further given that the ï¬rst meeting of creditors in the above estate will be held at the ofï¬ce of W. D. Cuth- bertson. Room 2 Marshall Bioek, Tim- mins. Ont, on the 12th day of Novem- ber, 1932, at 2.30 o’clock in the after- ROOT Notice is hereby given that Edward M. Allwo'rth of the Town of Timmins Ontario, did on the ï¬fteenth day of October. 1932, make an authorized as- signment of all his property for the beneï¬t of his creditors, and that Thomas J. Bourke omcial receiver has appointed me to be custodian of the estate of the debtor until the creditors at their ï¬rst meeting shall elect a trustee to administer the estate of the debtor. TH E The event at the skating rink last nightâ€"horseshoe pitching tournament and box lacrosse gameâ€"deserved a much bigger crowd than it had, but all attending got a lot for their money. The lacrosse was a good brand, the Dome winning from Timmins, 4 to 0. Did you know that there are six candidates for president of the United States? A week ago we counted up to four, which is about two more than most people, even in the United States. are probably aware of, [but we have un- earthed others. There’s Herbert Hoo- ver, Republican; Franklin D. Roosevelt, Democrat; Norman Thomas, Socialist; William D. Upshaw, Prohibitionist; William Z. Foster, Communist, and Jacob S. Coxey, Farmer-Labour. Judging by the impressive silence as to the doings of the last four, it will not take long to count the number of their votesâ€"St. Thomas Times-Journal. There were 16 entries in the horse- shoe pitching tournament. Roy and Miami won ï¬rst prize, and Chief Jones and W. Kincaid, second. The consola- tion award was won :by the Murphy team from the Dome. NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF FIRST MEETING WIIERE ASSIGNMENT IS MADE This Notice is Pursuant to Section 11 (4) and Section 42 In the Estate of Edward M. Allworth authorized assignor. B.A., on Saturday of this week. Nov. 5th, at 8.30 p.m at the McIntyre Re- creation hall Refreshments will be served. ' During the month of October a large number of children have received the anti-toxin to guard against diphtheria. During November the work of giving the children this protection will be continued each Thursday between 3.30 and 4.00 pm. The treatment is given in three doses. three weeks apart. It gives protection for life from diph- theria. Invitations have been sent out for guests to attend the presentation of trophies to the McIntyre Baseball Club, champions of the T.B.L. and the ED. A. E. Riddell. formerly a popular citi- zen of Timmins, but in more recent years a resident of Montreal and later cf Kirkland Lake. returned to Kirkland Lake on Sunday accompanied by his bride. formerly Miss Alma Dionne. of Westmount. Montreal. They are tak- ing up residence in one of the Lake Shore Mine. houses at Kirkland Lake. Mr. Riddell is now employment superâ€" visor at the. Lake Shore. Hosts of friends here wiill extend best wishes to “Rid" and his bride. HOW THE WEST LOOKS AT THE PRANKS AT HALLOW’E'EN TIME SMALL CROW’D AT GOOD EVENT AT SKATING RINK LAST NIGHT Dr. J his sis avenue. PRESENTATION OF TROPHIES T0 MCINTYRE BASEBALL CLUB Dan Bums. of Timing. is visiting his parents at. Latchford. , Jas. Andrew fell from a la- walk and brea THERE ARE SIX FOR PRESIDENT Mrs. W. Lawrence and Miss Grace Lawrence have returned from visiting friends in Toronto and Oakvilie. W. D. CU'I'HBER'I‘SON, IPA. Custodian. 2 Marshall Block. Timmlns, 'Lo. 44 in BANKRUPTCY ACT Martin has been the guest of ar. Mrs. W. Lawrence, Third for the past two weeks. irews. of Englehart. recently a ladder. hitting the cement breaking three ribs and well a painful gash in the head. to vote thereat, proof 1st be based with me 1:; is held. used at the meeting ith me prior thereto. the notice that if you against the debtor for titled to rank. proof of I 4315-451) |â€909909000009†A very pleasing banquet was tendered the delegates to the Northern Ontario Associated Boards of Trade meeting at New Liskeard on Friday last ‘by the New Liskeard Board of Trade. The event was in the curling rink and every feature of the occasion was “most pleas- ing. The banquet provided by the ladies of the Baptist church was of the very best quality and the service was equally good. H. O’Grady occupied the chair for the evening in very effective way. Civic welcome was given by Councillor Walters on behalf of the mayor of the town. C. 'W. Wright made an able and informative address on his-work in making the North better known through the information booth maintained at the Toronto exhibition by the T. N. 0. There were many humourous interviews referred to by Mr. Wright where he had occasion to remedy very mistaken conceptions of the North. Wes. McKnight gave an in- teresting review of the history of the Liskeard board of trade, the ï¬rst in the North, and also touched on present day problems. President W. O Langdon, oi the Associated Boards made a very thoughtful and helpful address. touch- ing on present day conditions and the value of active boards of trade to help communities and the country. He also mentioned some of the accomplish- ments of the Associated Boards. Mr. Thorpe. of Haileybury. G. A. Macdon- ald, of Timmins, Dr. Armstrong, of Co- balt and A. E. Stephenson, of New Lis- kcard. also spoke briefly. Mr. Ste- phenson emphasized the way the North Land took hold of the affections of people who settled here, and the gen- Delegates to Associated Boards of Trade Enjoy Hospitality of the New Lis- keard Board of Trade. _ Very Pleasing Evening. eral co-cperation there should be to make this country all that its people hoped it to be. Dr. Armstrong, alter a reference to the famous artists recent- ly at Cobalt, drew a "picture" of the North Land, putting on the canvas with bold strokes. the resources and possibilities of this great country. His picture was a striking illustration of the confidence of the people of the North in this country and its progress. Mrs. Skavlem also presented Mrs. Brigham with 21. Sheffield silver en- tree dish on behalf of the club. Re- ference was made to the keen ‘interest taken by Mrs. Brigham in the club and the high place she held in the regard of all. There was general regret at her expected departure for Montreal. In thanking the ladies, Mrs. Brigham said the gift would be one of her most cherished possessions and. slinwas also taking away with her many happy memories of her Timmins golfing friends. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 330. 198% A whlst drive will be held under the Mice: of the L.O.B.A. on Friday even- lng. Nov. 4th. at 8 pm. in the Oddfel- lows' hall. Timmins. Everybody wel- come and a good time assured for all. 00009900900000000 000000000 Local lovers of good boxing will have opportunity of seeing a really smart exhibition when Arthur Leonard meets Henry Bussineau in a four-round bout at the Ukrainian hall on Thursday next. Nov. 10th. Altogether the card will comprise 25 rounds of fast. clean box- ing at prices to suit everyone. Presentation Made to Mrs. Brigham at Golf Tea New Liskeard Gives Banquet t0 Visitors An Armistice dance is announced to be given in the McIntyre Recreation hall on Friday evening. Nov. liih. un- def ‘ the auspices of the McIntyre Foot- ball Club. The latest dance hits will be furnished by Doug. Craig and his Gsyhearts orchestra of six pieces. Dancing will be from 9.30 to 2.30. Re- freshments will be served at midnight. This dance promises to be one of the most enjoyable oi’ the season. Arthur Leonard to Box Bussineau Next Thursday “'HIST DRIVE UNDER THE AIYSPIC‘ES OF THE L.O.B.A ARMISTICE DANCE .‘T Till-I MCINTYRE RECREATION HALL and Rc'puiring 24 First Ave., Schumacher Cleaning International Tailors CUSTOM TAILORING We Specialize in Individuality TGSSIHI