Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 6 Oct 1932, 1, p. 4

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All persons having any claims against the estate of John Riley, late of the Town of Timmins in the District of Cochrane, Millman, who died on or aboutâ€"the 24th day of April, 1932, are muired to send particulars of the same in writing to the undersigned on or before the 26th of October, 1932, after which date the Administratrix will distribute all assets of the estate having regard only to such claims as she shall then have had notice. Dated at Timmins this 30th day of September, 1932. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of John Riley, Millman Deceased. WHY NOT TAKEâ€"The or stay at the Windsor Hot are in town, you will sha atmosphere while you way from home. You : what you‘re wishing. apartments, double and : Hot and cold running wi room. All modern conven FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENTâ€" Clean and comfortable, Suitable for light housekeeping. Use of phone and kitchen,. Apply to 54 Fifth avenue. or phone 64W. 30 ROOM FPOR with no c dation. A Timmins. FOR RENTâ€"Lai trally loca.~d, use of telephor Apply to 59 Birc mins. FOR RENTâ€"Comfortabl all conveniences, suita Apply to 5 Birch Street minsg. ROOMS FOR RENTâ€"Centrally locatâ€" ed, all conveniences, reasonable rates. Apply to P. Godin, 41 Fourth Ave., ‘Timmins. ~40tf FOR RENTâ€"Cosy tage with glasse veniences, at 66 Apply to 105 Pince mins. FOR RENTâ€"Two apartments, each rooms, toillet, water, lights, one stairs, one downstairs. Apply to Birch Street, North. â€" FOR RENTâ€"Shack, also large furnâ€" ished room, suitable for two boarders. Apply to 634 Balsam Street, South, Timmins. â€"40p SHACK TO RENTâ€"Three rooms, clean and comfortable, water and lights, $21.00 with water paid. Apply Room 6, 59 Balsam, North, Timmins. _ â€"40p FOR RENTâ€"Eightâ€"roomed house, furâ€" nished or unfurnished. Apply to 113 Birch Street, South, Timmins. â€"4(0) POR RENTâ€" and garage Apply to 68 FPOR RENTâ€"Threeâ€"room for small family. Appl Ave., Timmins. GARAGE FOR RENTâ€"$4.00 per month Apply to 57 Kirby Ave., Timmins. 40p FOR RENT OR SALEâ€"Fiveâ€"roomed house. : Apply to 84 Middleton Ave., Timmins. â€"39p LOTS FOR SALEâ€"Three lots, near the High School, each 40 feet by 100 feet, price $250.00, for the three; one lot on Kirby Ave., at High School, $200. One new fiveâ€"roomed house and lot, 53 by 100 feet, $1,800.00. Terms. Apâ€" ply to Babcock, 32 Third Ave., or 130 Kirby Ave., phone 85, Timmins. 40p HOUSE TO RENTâ€"Two rooms. Apply to 28 Sixth Avenue. ~40p HOUSE POR SALEF ceéllar; water a:; very cheap as . Apply to 317 N FOR SALIEâ€"Threeâ€"roor concrete basement, h wired for electric sto arranged. Also an cig est Crosley radio fc Apply to 25 Middle mins. HfljflNG HOTEL PROPERTY FOR BALE. No. 9 Pine Street, South, Timmins. Will be sold at big barâ€" gain. Apply on the premises. _ â€"~24tf OR SALEâ€"Corner lot on Wilson Ave. and Cameron. Also two lots with house; all conven‘ences, and stabie for 18 horses. Will take small down payment and terms; bargain for quick sale. Apply to 94 Main Ave., ‘Timmins. â€"~31tf all. convenience new foundation Btreet, South, T rooms, elect woodshed, la: Apply to Bab 130 Kirby t RENTâ€"Suitable for couple children; kitchen accommo>â€" Apply to 16 Kirby Avenue, ~40p r eleéectric Sstove, Also an eight ley radio for ) 25 Middlcton â€"Comfortable room with ences, suitable ffor two. Birch Street, South, Timâ€" ~40p T‘hred Threeâ€"roomed apartment Thirdad y threeâ€"roomed cotâ€" edâ€"in verandah, conâ€" 6 Montgomery Ave. ie Street, South, Timâ€" â€"40 ownet Maple front room, cenâ€" _ conveniences and In private home. Street, South, Timâ€" â€"39 AJ roomed apartment Lake Shore Road. Ave., Timmins. 40p omed house with hot air furnace, to tel while you ire the home are a long will find all Twoâ€"roomed single rooms. ater in every ilences. ~â€"39tf nouse wWwithn d cellar and to 108 Maple â€"39â€"43p warm _ Acus hird Ave., 0 85, Timmin ~4() easy terms tube Deforâ€" ale, cheap. Ave., Timâ€" â€"39p to 55 Fifth ~40p Will sel ing town »t, South â€"30â€"411 Arg/ cellar house five upâ€" 101 40p 11 The Timmins Branch of the Victorâ€" lian Order of Nurses wishes very sinâ€" ccrely to thank the ladies who so genâ€" erously helped in the tag day for the on Thursday last, and also to express appreciation to the general Mr. Wm. Baker and fam thank all for the kind symp in the death of Mrs. Bake for the beautiful floral token expressions of condolence. FPOR SALEâ€"Black lamb coat, size 38, in perfect condition. Will sell very reasonable; too small fcr owner. Apply to 36 Toke Street, Timmins. â€"~40p POR SALEâ€"One fiveâ€"burner oil range finished in green enamel, in firstâ€" class condition; good baker and cheap for quick sale. Apply to 27 Tisdale Ave., corner of Cedar Street, Timâ€" mins. ~40p DRESSMAKINGâ€"Dresses, Coats and children‘s clothing. Apply Mrs. Laâ€" moureaux, 108 Birch street, north, Timmins. ~46p WANTEDâ€"100 cars, all makes, for wrecking purposes, best prices. Parts all makes cars for sale. Norâ€" thern Ontario Wrecking Co., 44 Main Ave., or Box 1277, Timmins. FOR SALEâ€"Chevrolet Sedan doors, in perfect running cor $150.00 cash or payments. A Steinberg and Mahn, 1 Wilso Timmins. SPECIAL SALE FPOR THANKSGIVâ€" INGâ€"Freshly killed and dressed chickens raised in Timmins, 25¢ per pound. Order early. Lakeview Poulâ€" try Farm, phone 82â€"Wâ€"3, Timmins. â€"~407} FOR SALEâ€"A Bed Outfit, § size, steel panelled bedstead, walnut shade, cable springs, excellent felt mattress. Almost new. Phone 284â€"M., or call at 74 Mar\le Street, South. ~40) FOR SALEâ€"Heintzman piano, fumed cak finish, in firstâ€"class condition. Apply to 171 Spruce Street, South, Timmins. ~40p FPOR SALEâ€"Baby carriage and twin cutter. Apply to 68 Sixth Ave., Timâ€" mins. ~40p FOR SALEâ€"Masonâ€"Risch piano, in excellent condition. Terms arrangâ€" ed. Apply to 59 Wilson Ave., Timâ€" mins. â€"~40p FPOR SALEâ€"Two coal heaters. Big bargain for cash. Apply to 202 Cedar Street, South. â€"~40p FPOR SALEâ€"Holstein cow, due to calve shortly; also heater. Apply to 170 Spruce Street, South, Timmins. â€"40p POR SALEâ€"One 9â€"piece fumed Oak dining room suite, large buffet. Apâ€" ply 24 Toke Street. â€"~40p POR SALEâ€"Baby carriage, cheap. Apply to 18 Pine Street, South, Timâ€" mins. ROOM AND BOARDâ€"Two front rooms in private home without any childâ€" ren; all conveniences, including use of phone. Apply to 85 Balsam Street, South, Timmins. â€"391 POR RENTâ€"Room and board, large room suitable for two gentlemen; single beds; miners preferred; all conveniences including use of phone. Apply to 3 Elm Street, South, Timâ€" mins. ~34â€"35tf ROOM AND BOARDâ€"In private home all conveniences, $8.50 a week; washâ€" ing and pressing done if desired. Apply to 67 Birch Street, South, Timmins,. â€"~32ptf RUSSELL HOTELâ€"Board and Roomâ€" By day, week or month. Rates $8.00 to $9.50 a week. Hot and cold water, year round. Phone 275â€"W., or call at 2 Wilson Ave., Timmins. ~2tf ROOM WITH BOARDâ€"In private home, handy to mines. Apply to 44 Second avenue, Timmins â€"~39p | ROOM AND BOARDâ€"Or rooms, with adult English family, suitable for two friends; separate beds. Apply to 53 Kirby Ave., or phone 383â€"J, Timâ€" minsg. =38â€"40p ROOM AND BOARDâ€"For two men in English private home; all conveniâ€" ences. Miners preferred. Apply to 161 Elm Street, North, Timmins. 34ptf WANTEDâ€"T‘wo boarders, aiso boat $6.00 per week or by the meal. Ay ply to 16 Wilson Ave., Timmins. â€"36 BOARDERS â€" WANTEDâ€"In â€" private English family. Apply to 15 Lake Shore Road, Timmins. â€"39â€"40p ROOM AND BOARDâ€"In private home. | MTISS Apply to 92 Sixth Ave., Timmins. 40p| SA« ROOM AND BOARDâ€"In private home Apply to Mrs. Phillion, 51 Kirby Ave. Timmins. »38ptf and Mahn, 1 Wilson Ave sympathy shown Baker, and also tokens and other condition. Apply to four 40p is being published in the Ontario Gazette on the 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th days of Septembor, 1932. Copies Oof the said list may be had at my office, Town Hall, Cochrane, Ont. Dated at Cochrane this 23rd day of August, 1932, days of Septemb the said list may Town Hall, Cochr is being Town of Cochrane, District of Cochrane TREASURER‘S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES Ma ¥¥ . ¥¥, ALMARIAILA J PAAEH. Town of Timmins, District of Cochrane Mr. Geo. Saytch and sister, Queenic, wish to sincerely thank all the many kind friends, especially the Rebekahs, for their sympathy in the death of their mother, Mrs. Geo. wW. Saytch; also for the many beautiful floral tokâ€" ens sent. ~40p FUR COATS CLEANED GLAZHE LINED AND ALTERED; firs workmanship. Sinclair the V Fourth Ave., Phone 625. 49 To Wit POSITION WANTED â€"â€" Bookkeeper and general office worker, Canadian with five years‘ experience, and firstâ€" class references wishes position with reliable concern. Apply to Wilfrid Merritt, Gen. Delivery, Timmins. â€"40p POSITION WANTEDâ€"Young girl deâ€" sires housework or covkâ€"general; exâ€" perienced. Apply to 70 Fourth Ave., Timmins. â€"40p WANTEDâ€"Four 5: in and out of t and good chane Apply to Room Timmins, betwee 7 to 9 p.m. DOG POUNDâ€"Husky Dog. Owner may have same identifying dog and paying for this advt. Artply 9 Birch Street, South. â€"~40p WANTED TO RENTâ€"Store, suitable for home baking. Mrs. Mackenzie, phone 277â€"J, Timmins. â€"~40p WANTEDâ€"A â€" well Aprply to Mrs. A Minc, Timmins. FPURRIERS caps, tam CHILDREN FOR ADOPTIONâ€"Good homes desired for children, boys and girls, Catholic and Protestant, ages 4 to 14 years. Any home desiring to adopt a youngster should have their clergyman write A. G. Carson Bupt. Children‘s Aid, Timmins, Ont 44t 1 DANCING SCHOOL â€" For children, tuition included, tap and ballet dancâ€" Ing, etc., very moderate fees,. Write Mrs. Harold Burt, Box 948, or call at 17 Borden Ave., Timmins. 43â€"45ptf COATS, CLEANED, GLAZED, KELINED AND ALTERED. All work guaranteed by Sloma Tallors, phone 592, 69 Third Ave., Timâ€" mins. =~106f Treasurer‘s Sale of Lands for Taxes »WI ing chars turin SACH hour arack lan AlrIng, uarant 2 Bals ‘ourth POSITION WANTED CARD OF THANKS VII anteed work. P Ixxid, 4 Balsam DORoOoTHY DODGGE; MAS ; GKENERAL NURSING. B or day. Phone 466. 24 Tam 12 H. E. MONTGOMERY, Treasuretr 11 E. J. MACVITTIE, i kak 4 Treasurer. 1mmil usky Dog. â€"Owner identifying dog and rdvt. Artply 9 Birch â€"~40p rilesm da 5 H A R P _ _ Prompt sam I1 b Ont 1C iriller ‘at â€":once Katinen, Polart 401 en at once, for good earnings r advancement. Gordon Block, ind 10 a.m. and â€"38â€"40 1¢ 19 i1 h eld in ed by th ine beat the nour noon on tâ€"class 37â€"40 1€ “Yop calnl Stay continued. as | He laughed homeward wa couple to their said, "but who couple to their own devices. "Yes," he‘! Ferguson highway from North Bay into said, "but who cares?" | the Temiskaming country has und>ubâ€" e sn ; tedly been worth while. According to The annual Northern News road official figures 29,052 cars have sped race is to be held at Kirkland Lake on | north through the Temagami forest reâ€" Baturday of next week, Oct. 15th, rain | serve this year, and they have carried or shine. 88,408 people. . + e The in the A gentleman who lives some few miles from town was returning home in his motor car the other evening when he came across a stalled car that needed a tug out to help it out of its difficulties. Having the pioneer readiâ€" ness to help anyone the gentleman stopped his car to see if he could help the couple in the stranded car. "Morry I haven‘t a rope or I‘d give you a tow up on the road where the going is good and where you might get along all right," he said. The couple in the stranded car, a young man and a young woman, had a rope in their car, so it looked all right. The rope was fastened and preliâ€" minaries looked after for the needed tow. In the meantime there was friendly conversation between the parâ€" ties concerned. The gentleman eventually noted guns Showed Disapproval of Unsportsmanlike Action PRANK C. EVANS, 39â€"40. Clerk of the Township of Tisdale 11 Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 7 of the Voters‘ Lists Act and that I have posted up at my office at South Porcupine on the a6th day of September, 1932, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality, at municipal welections, and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected acâ€" cording to law, the last day for apprleal being the 18th day of October, 1932. Dated at South Porcupine this 26th day of September, 1932. MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TISDALE District of Cochrane For further and condiâ€" tions of sale apply to Mr. E. C. Brewer, Auctioneer, Timmins, Ontario, and to S. A. Caldbick, Timmins, Ontagrio, Soliâ€" citor for the Mortgagee. â€"38â€"40 he repli on for Terms:â€"Twentyâ€"five per cent. of the purchase price to be paid at the time of the sale and the balance in fifteen he shown on Plan Mâ€"63, Ten now deposited in the Office Titles at Cochrane. There is said to be a frame building on the said la The sale is to be subject tc WOOD FOR SALEâ€"Dry Jackpint per cord, or $2.00 by 5â€"cord Green slabs $3.50 per load or 3 for $9.50. Dry slabs $2.25 per or $4.50 per load. Apply to â€" WOOD FOR SALE H What McDade, 67 Birch Street, South Timmins, or phone 332; orders taker for Schumacher, no extra charge. â€"361 Apply phont mins. per cord, tTrimmer DiockK W for furnace $200. Phone 441, J Daly, 110 Wilson Ave., Timmins. â€" 0OD FOR SALE load ; green sla M Clerk‘s Notice of First Posting of Voters‘ List Voters‘ List 1932 71 A ut couple lau red, "but wh gentleman « MOoORTC KX AGE SALE AMS Maur you know partridge Ma ire yvyou doing w JR SALEâ€"â€"Dry and green so 16â€"inch Jackpine by lots, d dry Birch, $3.50 a cord. o Chaput and Mainville, 17. or 118 First Ave., Timâ€" quest10 laugt FORM 4 (Mection 10) by he t is unsportsma of the la irds now," he ‘re till doomsday started up his c; the car resume leaving the stra n devices,., "Yoe: m V *ACI ha:s LD DPry slabs $4.50 per , three loads for d, Jackpine $3.00 immer block wood lot ip his car. â€"resumed its the stranded 5:.* "Â¥Cs,." hC birth, oneâ€"storey land. to a reserveo Schumach 3, ~Apply 1 i, Timmin Yes A 1 ned vf f 1€ inhite} J¢ W 11 hey @riid hne |purchase of 500,000 nocco stock, 250,00( 200,000 later on. 3 of the financing a: diamond drilling an and development :1 property a mine. At the Red Dog :« Hawk Lake area t considerable work d obtained. The vein has been traced for 700 feet and the surface showings would indicate a property of unusual promise. The showings are on claims next to the Gold Island and Night Hawk Peninsula properties. Arrangements have now been made for diamond drilling. One of the big brokerage houses has arranged for the ture timer indicate a Work this summer fractured zone 32 places 200 feet apart surface, cut across | assays from $4.80 t obtained. The vein for 700 feet and th would indicate a p Intcresting and very promisin ports come from the Night Hawk Work at Claims in the Night Ha Lake Area Giving Very Promising Results. Property Looks Unâ€" usually Good. NIg of Lands and Forests. Wet and unâ€" pleasant weather has greeted recent arrivals, but, despite this, the settlers seem happy to get a chance to start building for ‘themselves. Distribution has been made as follows: New Lisâ€" keard, 15 new settlers; Englehart, 115; Matheson, 45; Cochrane and Fauquier, 20; Kapuskasing, 20, and Hearst, 10. At the present time 135 settlers have been placed in Northern Ontario under the relief land settlement scheme, acâ€" coraing to an official of the Department Big Showing at the Ronocco Property Apparcntl getting tha this district 10th. Also day and 1i There will be special weékâ€"end serâ€" vices at the Salvation Army here. On Sunday there will be evangelistic serâ€" vices at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. All are cordially invited to attend. "forget" these facts s1 better sportmanship b Invitations were sent out last week for the Kiwanis dance to be held in the Mcintyre Recreation hall on Friâ€" day evening of this week, Oct. 9th. Refreshments will be served during the evening and there will be the best of music. The event is sure to be a pleasâ€" ing one. SPECIAL WEEKâ€"END SERVICES AT SALVATION ARMY HERLE Mrs. Wm. J. Walker, who has beer visiting her son, 8. T. Walker, returnâ€" ed to her home in Seaforth, Ont., this week. She was accompanied south by Doug. Walker, her grandson, who will visit in the south for a few weeks beâ€" fore returning to Timmins. pa The annual Timmins key Stag, the most famou North Land during t booked to be held on Fri and it may also be held vious evening, with a cor Hart from h\ 11 Hoffmar Rev. Bri Mr. Atchin m Thut T‘here rthy pIY irs. W. McCord urned Sunday : t with Mr. and 1 Shawville, Que. SETTLERS PLACED NOW UNDEKR THE RELIEEF SCHEMEF t JB ied th day in _ other s in W Hawk La} an, were Bruce Mill who h: rently a lot of peoj that, the partridge trict doees not opel Also that the bag lin rammC H Schum Reddetr ak the Sou centres indsor a wl ret th otia wh PC 0,000 now and an n. This will take ag and for g and other explor; nt work to prove ph ial I of his motl Timmins durin s not open until Oct. the bag limit is 5 per ‘ season. Those who icts shculd be taught hip by police court 111C aft« 1C e now been made . One of the big s arranged for the shares of the Roâ€" now and another _ Schumacher, reâ€" ‘om a two weeks i, visiting Windsor He noted condiâ€" very bad, and still in Detroit. ins Charity Turâ€" mous event in the "the winter, i i Friday, Dec. 9th held on the preâ€" i complete chang( the Night Hawk people are for Arthu nad Mi h Sunda attend al aAre the an ba h by 11 mni® rAn and Bussineau flew over the ropes to land head first in someone‘s lap. He was back in the ring before the reâ€" feree had counted to seven. Pavich rocked with straight lefts and missed two right swings as the bell P s s s s s s s s s s s s s s t s s s t t s . . s s s s s s s 4 4 4 4 peculiar style ed to only be arm. hurt Pavich roecked with missed anothe Round two lunged at P and Bussinca Excellent Boxing Draws Large Crowd iOuyn former at the bell. In the third round Roach hit Thompson after the ‘bell, but the Kirkland man refused to claim the fight when asked by ‘the referee. In the fourth Roach was down twice but came close to knocking Thocmpson out of the ring. Thompson came back strong in the fifth and almost scored a knockout. The sixth round was Thompson‘s, and the seventh was also the Kirkland Lake man‘s. In the eighth Thompson reâ€" ceived a nasty cut over the eye and Roach seemed to be gaining strength. In the ninth Thompson was practically played out, and Roach seemed anxious to close up Thompson‘s eye. At the ringing of the ‘bell the referee gave Thompson the narrow victory. Sixth boutâ€"George Pavich, Western 1 tC the younger la was formerly t pion of Ottawa Emard Vaud Emard Vaudreul, 116 lbs., and Kid Bergeron, 120, was to be five 2â€"minute rounds, but Bergeron cut it short. The first round was about even, no one beâ€" ing much hurt, but in the second round Bergeron let loose an avalanche of lefts and rights that rocked Vaudreul. In this round Vaudreul put his thumb out of joint and could not continue. The reforee gave Bergeron the decision. Dubois, 126 feature. It was much I‘C tively when knock ) Wat A] Sixth boutâ€"George Pavich, Western ainada â€" heavyweight champion, Ccf ouyn, 198 lbs, vs Henry Bussineau, rmer sparring partner of Jack Demp y, 198 lbs. It was to be ten rounds three minutes each. Rcund Ooneâ€"Byussineau had trouble tting at Pavich because of Pavich‘s hcund Oneâ€"Byssineau had trouble tting at Pavich because of Pavich‘s culiar style of boxing. Pavich seemâ€" to only be able to hit with his left m. Bussineau got inside of it and irt Pavich a lot. Bussincau was C, immit N."J . Th 11 Next Thurs. October 13th Is Worth Watching: Do Not Fail to Read it number tim 1â€"ktr ind McCoy and ; cigars as ‘st bout, between the Delorms drew many a laugh and cheer ung lads fought four 1â€"minut ind it was good stuff. Ernic ger lad got the decision. erly the Kiwanis boxing chamâ€" This Space ‘r one as the â€"At the b avich, who u flew over and J. Martell each as the winners of in the drawing for ty r was, P. A. Macauia} sportsman, and th Thomas, of South Por (Frenchy) Morris, riight left left the skating rink isfied with the excelâ€" amme presented unâ€" of Henry Bussineau ablv P. A. Macau SsSincalul was eft and just round ended. l1 Bussineau sideâ€"stepped, the ropes to fereed by a who is very bouts effecâ€" d judgment a technical in got the the LA V the 1€ » Reports in regard to the Kiwani dance to be held Friday this week in dicated that there was going to be ; good attendance and a spccxally enjoy able event. Toronto Mail gro who was c in a Virginia c a jJail cell, an sentence. In would have bee the sentence th rrnded. husband and fatt who died Oct. 6th Calm and psaceful Bweetest rest that 1 The Kiwanis Club decided to carry on this fall and winter with the plan of supplying milk to undernourished children at the schools. Theé work will be based on the reports of the school nurses. This work was dong last term by the Kiwanis and proved of remarkâ€" able benefit to many children. J. D. Brady, chairman 6f the comâ€" mittee in charge of the Kiwanis Midâ€" night Revue, reported that he was getâ€" ting an excellent programme lined up. From present indications the 1932 Midâ€" night Revue is going to oxcc’l anything in its line staged here., The club discuss appearing in Th flecting on law en in Timmins. All 1 letter was a libel authorities here, a passed asking the The Star giving t ditions here and c in the chief of p« enforcement of th Jhe pyramids, the sphinx, scenes in the and the country, were shown and t‘he type of the slides and the illuminaâ€" fing comments by Mr. McCormick gave ais audience new and clear ideas of the East. The pictures and the adâ€" jress displayed an intimate review of the natives of the countrics of the East. Mesopotamia, Egypt, Persia, were among the countriecs dealt with. There was special attention given to the country life of ‘the farmers and life in the bazaars in thecitiecs and towns. It was one of the most interâ€" esting and important addresses for some time. The Kiwanis Club secured this notable feature through the inâ€" terest and effort of Viceâ€"President Reg. Smith. Members of the Kiwanis Club wer delighted on Tuesday with the notable illustrated address on Eastern countries and peoples so ably given by J. Mc Cormick, of Toronto,, The slides shown by Mr. McCormick ‘ were markable in several ways. They gave i new style of picture that seemed tc rive a notably clear idea of people anc jJlaces. They were different and bette Kiwanis Club Enjoy Review of the East Round Fourâ€"As soo started Bussineau bor( finish it. He got Pav and â€" brought blood swings. Pavich covere his gloves and almost the series of blows tha feree Leonard stepped | and stopped the fight neau a technical knoct the most sportsmanlike done all night because match for Bussineau al After the fight was 0 of South Porcupine, s ring and challenged 1 fight at some accepted it and the 1: forward to a good bo: again soon. his right arm swings that w« sineau. Pavich trouble with his knocked out. Hlustrated Address by J. McCormick, of Toronto, Delights Service Club with its Notable Interest and Information About the East. Juring the war Mr. McCormick served n the Eastern sector as an artillery »ficer and he was able to ‘secure picâ€" ures of a good many places that would 0t otherwise be available. Views of PHYSICIAXNX AND sURGEON Wishes to announce that he has opened his office in the Goldficlds Mote! Bidg., nd Floor, Phone 3%6 Timmins »40â€"53p Round i notably clear idea of people and 5. They were different and better one Kiwanian has expressed it. IN MEMORIAM recupine allenge c futu:t ind th id was Arkan ‘Aau bore‘In, anxiouUs to got Pavich imnm: a corner blood â€" witlrâ€"his right _ covered hisâ€"face with almost collapsed under ows that followed. Reâ€" tepped in between them e fight nwardl"ng Bussiâ€" il knockâ€"out. :This was manlike thing that was because Pavich was no ineau at all. 12 negro vould ha r, Sylvester Salo 1931. misse whet mMmpILrf XIn Bus datt fans PW C@HM ) for A Bussineatu programnmit eping ‘were reâ€" They gave seemed to T The neâ€" »xication all to fit ispended probably her than Thoma aito th ‘orner right â€" with under dlear O . 40p ind

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