PROOPERTIES FOR SALEB SALE â€"Fourâ€"roomed house FOHL SALEâ€"Stable, cheap, must be| FOR SALE mwoved away. Apply to G. N. Ross, ‘ apartment Third Ave., Timmins. â€"30‘ Timmins. POHR SALEâ€"Fiveâ€"roomed house for : FOR SALEâ€"â€"C sale. Apply to 86 Tamarack Street.! rugs. Apply BXE SALEâ€"Good building lot, 40â€" by 90. Apply to 67 Birch Street, South, "I"mmins. â€"~30p FOERL SALEâ€"Fiveâ€"roomed house with woodshed. Apply to 274 Second Ave Echumachér. â€"~29â€"31p MINING HOTEL PROPERTY FOR SALE. No. 9 Pine Street, Sgouth, Timmins. Will be sold at big barâ€" wain. Apply on the premises. _ â€"24tf SALEâ€"New private house on First Ave., Schumacher, Ont. AppLy at 163 Pine Street, south, Timâ€" â€"30p triC pXGR "SALEâ€"Sixâ€"roomed house, also threeâ€"roomed shack at back with all conveniences. Apply to 28 Kirby Ave., Timmins. â€"28â€"30p EOR SALEâ€"Fourâ€"roomed house with water in. Cash or terms. Apjply any time after 5 pm. to Leo Roy, 162 Mountjoy Street, Timmins. â€"30 FOR SALEâ€"Elevenâ€"roomed house with a11 convenienc#ss, furnace, garage and woodshed. A bargain. Apply to Simms,° Hooker Drew, or to; D01 Kirby Ave., Timmins. â€"30p EOR SALEâ€"Farm, cheap; best ela y ‘oam, must sell for $300.00 with clear deed. Investigate this. A bargain. Apply to Herb Fletcher, 102 Eim Street, North, Timmins. â€"30 WOOD FOR SALEâ€"3 single cord, $2.50. zsosts, fence posts Ave. Phone 232. #OOD FOR SALEâ€"Jackpine, $275f ver ‘cord, $2.50 by lots. Dry® slab$ per load, $2,50 prr cord. ASB\ zreen slabs. ‘Apply to McDade and Lauzon, 67 Birch Street, south. or »hone 332, Timmins. â€"30p wWOOD FOR SALEâ€"Green Slabs, one load, $3.50, and three loads for mixed Spruce and Jackpine, 16 inches, $2.50 per cord. Apply to J. A. Daly, 110 Wilson Ave., or phone TYRESSMAKINGâ€"Dresses, Coats and «hildren‘s clothing. Apply Mrs. Laâ€" â€" moureaux, 108 Birch street, north, Timmins. ~46p %Â¥OOD FOR SALEâ€"Dry and green slabs; also 16â€"inch Jackpine by lots, $250, and dry Birch, $3.50 cord MESSMAKINGâ€"Dresses, children‘s dresses, masqueradg costumes, etc. to rear of 158 Pine Street, *~orth, Timmins. â€"10â€"36p FXYR RENTâ€"Rcoom with all eonvenlâ€" ences. Apply to 56 Third Ave., above TIdGeal Hardware, Timmins. â€"30p FOR RENTâ€"Two housekeeping rooms witth @ll conveniences. Apjply to 6 Maple Street, South, Timmins. â€"30p EECMX}M FOR RENTâ€"Suitable for two zentlemen. Apply to 43 Fifth Ave., Timmins. â€"30p RENTâ€"Furnished room with all «wnveniences cand use of phone. Phone 629â€"J or call at 20 Kirby Ave., *"T"*mmins. â€"30â€"31v0 FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENYVâ€" and comfortable. Suitable for light housekeeping. Use of wone and kitchen. Apply to 54 Fiftth avenue. or phone 64W. 30 Apply to 85 Commercial Ave., Timâ€" Trinns â€"27â€"30p FOR RENTâ€"Furnished room with all +conveniences. Apply to 6 Wilson Ave., upnstairs, Timmins. ~30p }:n conveniences; glassed zplendid location. Apply | «hore Road, Timmins. Fhursday,, July 28th, 19 Ap;aly to Cflaput and Mainville, whone 377, or 118 FPirst Ave,, Timâ€" mins. ~24tf 441 Timmins SALEâ€"Sixâ€"roomed house, with wWOOPD FOR SALE XAUCTION SALE OF MINING CLAIMS DRESSMAKING ALEâ€"3â€"cord lots, $2.25; $2.50. Stringers, cedar posts. 10 Middleton 2/ WA â€"28â€"30p [ ‘in porch, to 21 Lakeâ€" â€"29â€"31p house with â€"30â€"32p| mins for | POR SALEâ€"One electric stove and two by | CAR FOR SALEâ€"Whippet Six Sedan th, l in very best condition. Good as new. Op | . Real bargain. _ Apply Claude Desâ€" ez aulniers, Phone 6. _ â€"30 REGISTERED PED ENC â€" LISH BULL DOG POR SALE CHEAP. Phone 829W. . , ~30p FOR SALEâ€"1927 Ford car, in good condition, four good tires and one spare. Cheap for quick sale. Apâ€" FOR SALEâ€"One single wagon, Oone man‘s bl'cycle, one tw»â€"burner Oil stove in ‘perfect condition. Apply to 6 Balsam Street, North, Timmins. â€"~30p FOR SALEâ€"Buy Home â€" Producs, choice spring chickens raised in Timmins, alive or freshly â€" killed. Apply to Lakeview Poultry Farm (beâ€" hind Dalton‘s Brickyard, or P.O. BOX 1573, Timmins. â€"29p FOR SALEâ€"In Toronto, contents of Rooming House. Ten rooms fully occupied. _ Centrally located. . Barâ€" gain for quick sale. Aprily Proprieâ€" tor, either personally or by letter, 299 George Street, Toronto. â€"30â€"31 FOR SALEâ€"One Vandyke slicing maâ€" chine? 1 large Hobart electric meat Hobart electric coffee inill; 1 Dayton scale; 1 Toledo scale; 1 platform scale; 1 Featherstone safe, etc. Aprly to A. P. Dooviey, 202 Maple Street, South, Timmins. ~â€"30 MOWERS SHARPENE D. ~~Guaranteed twork. Prompt service. Thos. Dcid, 4 Balsam Street, South. 24â€"32 tï¬ R. J. HENRYâ€"Piano tuner is in town, leave orders at J. T. Heffernan‘s, 46 Third Ave., or phone438, Timmins. 30 MISS DOROTHY DODGE; MASâ€" SAGE; GENERAL NURSING. By ‘"hour or day. Phone 466. 24 Tamâ€" arack Street. . â€"24t1f WASHING DONEâ€"Will take in washâ€" ing. Apply to 154 Pine Street, North, Timmins. ~â€"30p FUR COATS CLEANED GLAZED REâ€" LINED AND ALTERED:; firstâ€"class workmanshin. Sinclair the Valet 21 Fourth Ave., Phone 625. ~3tf CASH FOR USED FORDâ€"Must be in good condition. Reply, stating price and other particulars, to Box A. L., Advance, Timmins. 30p CAR LEAVING FOR NORTH BAYâ€" Saturday night, returning ‘Monday, has room for two passengers; one way or retum Phone 782â€"J, Timâ€" mins. ' m â€"30p TUSTOM LADIES‘ TAILOR, repairs and remodelling, cleaning and press ing. Sloma Tailors, Phone 592, 69 Third Ave., Timmins. ~10tf | DANCING=«SCHOOL â€" For children, tuition included, tap and ballet dancâ€" Ing, etc., very moderate fees, Write Mrs. Harold Burt, Box 948, or call at 17 Borden Ave., Timmins. 43â€"45ptf EVEREADY TRANSFER QOFFICEâ€"At 69 Third Ave., next door to Smith Elston. Offiice hours, 8 a.m. :o 9 p.m. phone, 895, Tatrault, proprietor, Timâ€" mins. â€"52tf 9R SALE â€" Furniture. Apply to apartment No. 4, 15 Mountjoy Street, ‘Timmins. â€"~30p FUR COATS, CLEANED, GLAZED, RELINED AND â€" ALTERED. All work guaranteed by Sloma Tailors, phone‘ 592, 69 Third Ave., Timâ€" mins. ~10tf CHILDREN FOR ADOPTIONâ€"Good homes desired for children, boys and girls, Catholie and Protestant, ages 4 to 14 years Any home desiring to adopt a youngster shovu‘ld have their clergyman write A. G. Carson, Supt. Children‘s Aid, Timmins, Ont. 44t 1. WANTEI»â€"Six or sevenâ€"roomed house by Sept. Ist. Must have modern conâ€" veniences. Apply to Post Office Box 472. Timmins. ~â€"30 WANTED â€"TO _ RENTâ€"Fiveâ€"roomed Bungalow or house with conveniâ€" ences. Good location, Timmins or Schumacher. Box <â€"2218, Timmins. ~â€"30â€"3Tp LOSTâ€"Persian kitten, from 72 Birch Street,. South,. Reward fior return to above agadress. ~â€"30 ply to LOSTâ€"Gold and sitver coloured mesh purse, containing money and valuâ€" able beads. Finder please return to 108 Cedar Street, North, Timmins. Reward. ~â€"30p ARTICLES FOR SALE LOSTâ€"Ladies® gold wrist watch with black ribtbon Has initials J. P. engraved on back. Valued as keepsake. Finder mease return to 77 Wiilson Ave., Timmins. Reward. 94 Main Ave., Timmins. . â€"30 WANTED to 51 Sixth Ave., Timâ€" ~â€"30 Home â€" Products to ap\y rOURâ€"ROOMED HOUSE TO RiENL, Apply to 159 Spruce Street, North, ‘Timmins. ~30p POR RENT â€" Threeâ€"roomed Apply to 37 Lake Shore Roa mins. WOR RENTâ€"Fiveâ€"roomed house with water and all conveniences. Apply to 214 Way Ave., Timmins. â€"30p FURNISHED â€" APARTMENT FTOR RENT for the month of August only. All conveniences. Apply Claude Desâ€" aulniers, Phone No. 6. â€"30 HOUSE AND GARAGE FOR RIEENTâ€" Four rooms; all conveniences. Apâ€" ply 117 Elm Street, Ssouth, Timmins. â€"30p FOR RENTâ€"Threeâ€"roomed flat at 69 Birch Street, South. Apply to rear of 69 Birch Street, South, Timâ€" mins. ~30p FOR RENTâ€"Sevenâ€"roomed house with all conveniences. Apply to basement of 159 Pine Street, North, Timmins. â€"29â€"30p FOR RENT OR SALEâ€"Just built, new fourâ€"roomed house with bath room on Kirby Avenue, facing High School, has water. For further particulars apply to 157 Marle Street, South, ROOM AND BOARD. Apply to> 71 Hemlock Street. â€"30p ROOM AND BOARDâ€"In private home all conveniences and reasonable prices. Apply to 6T Eim Street, South, Timmins. ~30p RUSSELL HOTELâ€"Board and: Roomâ€" ROOM AND BOARDâ€"In private home, all conveniences, $8.50 per week; washing and pressing done if desirâ€" ed. Apply to 6T Birck Street, Ssouth, ‘Timmins. â€"29p ROOM AND BOARI»â€"$T.50 per week; NOTICE TO CREDITORS us N CA e ols l CC In the Estate of Kalle Maki deceased, otherwise known as Kalle Arvid Maki, otherwise knowm as Kalle Arvid Musâ€" R RENTâ€"Store and dwelling, with small stock. Apply to 28 Second Ave., Timmins. ~30â€"31p All persons having claims against the estate of the above mentioned who died in the Town of Timmins, in the Disâ€" trict of Cochrane om the 13th day of February, 1928, are required to file proof of same witlh the undersigned on or before the 6tmh day of August, 1932. After that date the Public Trustee will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. Dat,ed at Toronto this 6th day of July, 1932. Public Trustee, Osgoode Hall, Toronto. GAUTHIER PLATUS Reed Block, Timmins, Ontarie, â€"28â€"30. Solicitors for the Public Trustee L wate;â€" ;mâ€"d toilet: couple preferred. Apply to 167 Birch Street, North, "immins â€"28p MOTICE TO THE PUBLICâ€"My wife baving left my bed and board I will mot be responsible for any debts conâ€" tracted by her after the publication of this notice. «Signed}) A. Dupuis. -mp WANTEDâ€"Gir]l for general housework 9R RENTâ€"Threeâ€"roomed furnished house with water. Apply to B. F,. Lennan, 10 Elm Street, North, Timâ€" WANTEI»â€"Smart saleman, good disâ€" trict, steady work and good pay. Apply after 6 ;im. to 66 Elm Street, North, Tinmins. ~â€"30p Sunday, July 2Mth, dark brown horse with white spot on face and one white leg at back. If owner 0R RENTâ€"Fourâ€"roomed apartment with water, sink and toilet; rent $23.00, water paid. Immediate posâ€" session.. Apply to 155 Pine Street South, Timmins. â€"~â€"30p R RENTâ€"Threeâ€"roomed furnished house and one, fourâ€"roomed unfurâ€" nished house. Apmily to Clarence Brazier, 112 Mountjoy Street, ‘Timâ€" apply to 157 Map‘t between 6 and 7 p.m By day, week or month. Rates $8.00 to $9.50 a week. Hot and cold water PVE VC year }ouiid. Phone 275â€"W., or call at 2" Wilson Ave., Timmins. ~2tf sale, $900.00 cash. ApD. Vaillancourt, manager, Ave., Timmins. room only $3:00 per weekâ€"Als> Nash 4â€"door Sedan, 1930 model tonen Apply to 161 Spruce Street, South, â€"3( does not claim, it will be sold for expenses. Apply to Jcoe Goulet, 4 Main Ave.,, Timmins. â€"30 ROOM AND BOARD RENTâ€"Twoâ€"roomed house with HELP W Kalle Arvid Mustomaki :00 per weekâ€"Als> new Sedan, 1930 model for cash. Apply to Nazaire THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO 41 Fourth â€"30p house â€"30p Town of Timmins, District of Cochrane By virtue of a warrant issued by The Mayor cf the Town of Timmins bearâ€" ing date July 14th, 1932, sale of lands for arrears of taxes in the Town of Timmins, will be held at my cffice at the hour of ten o‘clock in the forenoon on the thirtyâ€"first day of October, 1932, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of Lands for sale for arrears of taxes is being published in the Ontario Gazette on the 30th day of July, 1932, and copies of the said list may be had at my office. Treasurer‘s Office this 25th day of July, 1932. NOTICE TO CREDITORS THE BANKRUPTCY ACT Treasurer‘s Sale of Lands for Taxes In the Matter of the Estate of N. L. Bisonnette, Garageman, of Timmins in the Province of Ontario, authorizâ€" ed assignor. Notice is hereby given that N. L. RBissonnette of the Town of Timmins, in the Province of Ontario, did on the 15th day of July, 1932, make an auâ€" thorized assignment of all his property for the benefit of his creditors and that T. J. Bourke, Official Receiver, has appointed the undersigned to be cusâ€" todian of the estate of the debtor unâ€" til first meeting of the creditors. Notice is further given that the first meeting of the creditors in the above estate will be held at the office of the Oflicial Receiver, Court House, North Bay on Wednesday, August 3rd, 1932, at the hour of 10 o‘clock forenson. To entitle you to vote thereat, proof of your claim must be lodged with the undersigned before the meeting is held. Proxies to be used at the meeting must be lodged with the undersigned prior thereto. And further take notice that at such meeting the creditors will elect the permanent Trustee. And further take notice that if you have any claim against the debtor for which you are entitled to rank, proof of such claim must be filed with the undersigned or with the trustee when appointed; otherwise the proceeds of the debtor‘s estate will be distributed amcong the parties entitled thereto, without regard to your claim. Dated at the City of North Bay, in the Province of Ontario this 25th day of July, 1932. Custzdian, | I Imperial Bank Chambers, North Bay :i Ontaric. â€"30.| Friends of Mr. W. G. Ash, 17 avenue, will be pleased to hear that his operation was a success and hopes to be home soon, thanks to the skill of Dr. Stahl, Sisters and Nurses of St. Mary‘s Hospital. â€"30p The Ladies‘ Auxiliary of the Canaâ€" dian Legion wish to thank the memâ€" bers and merchants who so kindly donated the prizes for the last Whist Drive of July 18th. â€"30 Mr. George Nippers wishes to thank all friends and neighbours wh» have extended their sympathy and help to him during his sad bereavement. He specially wishes to thank Mrs. Borkoâ€" ski, Mrs. Crews and Mrs. and Mrs. Fred Curtis He also wishes to thank all friends for the beautiful floral tokens sent. â€"30 Mrs. Libby and Mrs. Webb wish to thank all friends and neighbours for their kindness during the illness and of their mother, and all who have sent floral tokens of sympiathy. "Who plucked this lovely flower?" "I" said the Master. And the gardâ€" ener held his peace." ~30h. â€"Beatrice and Evelyn. Mrs. Jules Joanisse and family wish to sincerely thank their kind neigh-‘ bours and friends and doctors who gave them so much help in the sickness, death and burial of the husband and father, Mr. J. Joanisse Also those ; who sent flowers and for spiritual ofâ€" ferings and attended and helped at the service. â€"30p Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Beard wish to thank all friends who showed kindness during the sickness and death of their mother, especially Mrs. R. Kerr, Mrs. and Mr. Huot. "Dear mother of mine, you will always Wit I All that is noble and fine to me, All that is good and tender and true, My wonderful mother, it is lonely without you." "The God who took will keep her in his care." ! Border Cities Star:â€"Entomologist deâ€" clares Canada should introduce the gocd to drive out the bad. However, they‘d probably turn out like the other reform parties when they got into power. CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Uren, Mrs. Hogg s Office this 25th day of McIntyre scored four runs in the !fcurth when O‘Donnell was pulled and. H. E. MONTGOMERY, !Chambers pitched the next six innings. Treasurer.| One run was scored in the fifth, two in the seventh. Timmins scored one in C the fifth, four in the seventh, and Buck a TO CREDITORS‘ was released by Cowden and in the ns |\ ninth two runs crossed the plate to tie \NKRUPTCY ACTi the score. MciIntyre failed to score in \ the tenth and Timmins scored in that ter of the Estate of N. I~| frame to win the game. Woods at left te, Garageman, of Timmins| feld made the spectacular catch of the ovince of Ontario, authorizâ€"| game. HARDSON â€"â€"Hetty Timmins Wins Close Game from Mcintyre Game Last Night had to go Ten Innings for Decision. Fans Liked This. Game Makes League a Closer Race. After an exciting game yesterday and overtime to decide the issue, Timmins won from MciIntyre in the Senior Baseâ€" ball league on the local diamond, thus making the league a closer race, Turning the. ta esorltstweeks game, Timmins e from behind to win a great game. Excitement wWAas s0 tense that the 600 fans present were fairly roaring till the tenth innings to see the home team win i McIntyre AB | Buck, p. Cowden, 2b. p. 6 Cybouskl, â€"1b. ........S | Angrignon, df. 5 "LfF. ...3 Kirkland Lake MclIintyre Timmins Boyd, S.S. McMillan, c. Monaghan, 3b Gibson, l.1f. Timmins Pauquett 2b. Smith, Ss.S. Bartello, c.f. Barnett, 3b. Davis, 114. Laffamme, r.d Fitzjohn, c. Mcllroy, 3b. O‘Donunell, p. Chambers, p. 40â€"â€"‘8 12 ‘18 30 Runs by Inningsâ€" K H B Mo‘s ... 0 0 0 4 0 1 2 0 0 0Oâ€"7 15 ~3 Timmins ....0 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 2 1â€"8 12 1 Umpiresâ€"W. McIntyre and W. Burns MciIintyre play at Kirkland Lake toâ€" morrow (Friday) and Kirkland Lake play MceIntyre at Timmins athletic zround, Wednesday, August 3rd. The Nova Scotia Dairymen‘s sociation will hold their next nual convention, in 1933. at Cornwallis Inn, Kentville, N.S Shipments of celery to Canada this vear from Bermuda totalled 25,000 crates in contrast to last year when the shipments were virtually negligible. Eastern Steamship Lines, Inc., had heavy traffic on an excursion from New York to Nova Scotia on the occasion of the first trip in June of the S.S. Acadia from New York to Yarmouth, N.S. Railroad transportation is an essential economic function on this continent and given reasonabâ€" by free rein should speedily show gsood recovery using it to increase buying of :materials and employâ€" ment of labor, says the Greenâ€" rille (S.C.) News editorially. Total production of honey in €Ca@anada in 1931 amounted to 37,â€" 867.397 lbs. valued at $2,058,094. Ontario led the Dominion with a production of 12,000,000 lbs. with Manitoba second with 7,367,375 Ibs., and Quebec third with 5,633,â€" 400 lbs. Bob Davis, globeâ€"trotting New York Sun columnist, is back in his beloved British Columbia, having recently arrived from Honolulu aboard the Empress of Canada, of the Canadian Pacific fleet. He proposes to spend some time in fishing expeditions both in the province and also in the Rockies where he will meet Irvin S. Cobb and Courtney Riley Cooper, also famous American publicists. ‘Ten thousand rainbow trout finâ€" have been deposited ir the Prench River in June, folâ€" towing 7,500 fingerlings deposited last year. ‘The previous experiâ€" ment was so satisfactory that the present action has been taken and if success still attends these efâ€" forts, the French River Bungalow Camp will have added rainbow trout to its already well diversiâ€" fied angling attractions. Tourists spent almost one milâ€" lion dollars for every working day in Canada last yeat, a sum virtually equal to $280,000,000, the Cannington, Ontario, _ Gleaner, points out and claims that "this puts it into the class of big busiâ€" ness which should be carefully fostered. Commenting on the same subject, the Nelson, B.C., NKews states that there are numâ€" bers of small towns throughout Canada which bhave not yet realâ€" ized what the tourist business could do for them. Evidence of the growinz popuâ€" larity of the Canadian Pacific Railway low rate bargain return trips, Inaugurated this year, was again furnished by the success of the Quebec Province and Montreal excursion t.. Toronto and Niaâ€" zgara Fulls, June 17, when no fewer than 2,500 Quebeckers took the trip in four specials on the Friday, returning the following Sunday night. His Honor the Mayor of Toronto issued a hearty welcome to those making the trip Won â€" Lost To Play an~â€" the Mrs. F. C. Clark is on a holiday visit to Windsor and Detroit. Mrs. Clemenhagen was a visitor at Wyborn, near Hearst, last week. Wm. Desjardins, of Kapuskasing, was a Timmins visitor last week. Mr. Gordon Roy, is spending his anâ€" nual vacation camping at Temagami. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cran, of Toronto motored here for a holiday. W. L. Booth was a Toronto visitor this week. Kirkland Lake, like Timmins, is goâ€" ing to observe Monday, August l1st, as a civic holiday. Miss Joy Fitzgerald is spending her holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dorâ€" an, North Bay. Mr. Robt. Martin of Sherbrooke, Que., was a visitor to Timmins last week. The next regular meeting of the town council will be held on Monday August 8th, commencing at 4 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Belanger, of Kaâ€" puskasing, motored to Timmins last weekâ€"on a business visit here. Mr. Wm. Murray, of Hull visiting friends and relatives mins. Mr. A. F. McDowell was a business sitor to Toronto this week. 5 Mr. A. Jamieson of New Glasgow, N.S., is the guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. A. Schomberg, Timmins. The sacrament of Holy Communion will be celebrated in St. Matthew‘s church next Sunday at 8.30 a.m. Bornâ€"In Timmins, Ont., on Tuesâ€" day, July 26th, 1932 to Mr. and Mrs. Jorn Gregson,â€"@ daughter. G. Brown is visiting friends in Carleâ€" ton Place, and other Ottawa Valley points this week. Mr. and Mrs. Burwell and daughâ€" ters, Misses Bertha and Frances, Renâ€" frew, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. C.: Burwell, Timmins. Mr. and Mrs. P. Godin and Misses Claire and Hilda left this week on a threeâ€"month hocliday trip to Ottawa and other eastern points. Mrs. A. Gregory left this week for a short visit to Cobalt, after spending the past few weeks the. guest of fflepgs’in Timmins, before returning to her home it Belleville, Ont. Mrs. Walsh and family, of Horneâ€" payne, were visitors to Timmins, being the guests of Mrs. Walsh‘s sister, MyrsS. Jos. Landers. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Traver and son, Leonard, are away on a two weeks‘ vacation in the South, motoring down last week. Messrs W. W. White and J. Goodman were the Timmins representatives at the meeting ‘of the Grand Lodge A. F. A. M. in Ontario held at Kingston last week. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mason and famâ€" ily, also Bandmaster Arthur Wilford, left on Tuesday morning to visit Mr. Wilford‘s son in Scranton, Pennsylâ€" vania. Miss Elsie Pierson has returned to her home in Ottawa after an extended visit to relatives and friends in Timâ€" mins and Schumacher. Miss Edith Rickman, who spent the past two weeks the guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. Shinshoft, has returned to Torcnto. â€"; ‘The Northern News, of Kirkland Lake, last week says:â€""Nelson Pearce received word on Friday of the death cof his brotherâ€"inâ€"law, Wm. Rutherford, at Timmins.â€"_Mr. and Mrs. Pearce and Clarence left Saturday morning for Timmins to attend the funeral." Walter Swain accompanied by his Pete Colton, has motored to Toronto and Niagara. On their way they will visit Mrs,â€" Swain‘s {ather, William Haggarty, who is ill in Pembroke hospital. A. G. Smith, District Manager for the Investors‘ Syndicate, Limited, was a visitsr recently to Timmins where Geo. E. Golden is the local representaâ€" tive of the financial concern noted. Mr. Smith was on a tour of the North and was accompanied by Mrs. Smith, their little girl, Edith, and Mrs. A. S. Bunting, of Toronto. Mr. Smith was formerly editor and proprietor of The Wingham Advance. He was greatly pleased with the North Land and its resources not only in precious metals but also in the precious blessings of game and fish and notable scenery and wholesome air. The Kapuskasing Northe Tribune ‘ast week says:â€""Mr. Harry Morel left m Thursday for his home in Timmins ifter spending holidays here with his arents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Morel." Enareo News:â€"The dumbell thought miniature goif was a game for childâ€" PGQ., 18 in Timâ€" Max Krause, of Porquis Juncticon, was sentenced last week at Iroquois Falls by Magistrate E. R. Tucker to a term of three years for an offence against a girl of between fourteen and fAfteen The complaint was laid by the fagher of the girl, the case being handled by the provincial police. The accused had been staying with the girl‘s family, beâ€" ing out of work. He was at one time a section man on the railroad but had been laid off on account of the deâ€" pression. SEXTEXCED TO THREE YEARS POR OFFENCE AGAINST GIRL TWO YEARS GOING ROUNDS OF THE PRESS ONCE AGAL! Here is one of them:â€" A kindâ€"hearted gentleman saw a lX tle boy trying to reach the doorâ€"bei He rang the bell for him, then said "What now, my little man?" Little boy: ‘"Run like hâ€"1, that‘ what I‘m going to do." And here is the other:â€" Patient: "Doctor, are you sure thi is rmeumonia? â€" Sometimes doctaot rescribe for pneumonia, and the pa tients die of something else." Four guests at the French River Chalet Buagalow Camp recently brought in four muskies totalling T34 pounds, of which the largest weighed 26 lbs. and the smallest twelve. Fishing at this popular resort is most successful this seaâ€" son, and there will be. keen comâ€" petition for the Canadian Pacific trophy. ; M.D. (with dignity): "When I pre scribe for pneumonia, you die C pneumonia." "Could you give a poor fellow bite?" asked the dustâ€"stained tramp. â€" "I don‘t bite, myself," answered th lady of the house, "but I‘ll call th doy." â€"Exchang! A regular dividend of 1 pc. has bee declared on the Capital Stock of th Company, payable on the l1th day C Detroit News:â€"A woman just ha love some manâ€"even though it is ( her husband. Hollinger Consolidated Gol: . Mines, Limited August, 1982, on which date cheque will be mailed to shareholders of re cord at the close of business on th 28th day of July, 193%2%. Dated the 1st day of July, 1932, I. McTIVOR, «30. Assistantâ€"Treasure Native Sons of Glasgow enroute to the big Convention of their Association at the Scottish city have been travelling across Canâ€" ada via Canadian Pacific Railway from Victoria and points in Westâ€" ern Canada, Ontario and Quebec, for the sailing of the "Duchess of Bedford‘"". Members will gather from all over the world for a monster celebration July 15â€"232. John Findlay, who is by way of being the all time big game hunâ€" ter of the world, arrived at Vanâ€" couver recently aboard the "Emâ€" press of Russia", enroute to England "for a little rest." He adds to his big game hunting the disciplining of Malay headâ€"hunâ€" ters, who disregard the white man‘s laws. "One raid we made," said Mr. Pindlay, "left a trail of twenty dead men." HCI‘C and -There Canadian Pacific low rate barâ€" gain return trips, which hbave been a very successful feature of the company‘s operation this year, will include one to the Maritime Provinces July 22, when Nova Scotia and Neéew Brunswick will be covered in round trips to take in most of the show pluaces of the two provinces. The trip will be varied by a sea passuge in the fast new steamship "Prinâ€" cess Helene" across the Bay of Fundy to the Land of Evangeline. A holeâ€"inâ€"one, though rare, is not unique, but when it is madse Y‘ a lady and for the first time on the course it rates a headline. This was done by Mrs. Guy Laâ€" praik on the 150â€"yard par three hole at the Canadian Pacific Reâ€" creation Club Course ut Sortin near Montreal recently. FPavorable development of this year‘s crop on the prairie provâ€" inces is noted by the Canadian Pacific Railway‘s weekly report issued recently by the Agriculâ€" tural Department in Winnipes. Most of the wheat in Manitoba and Eastern Saskatchewan is headed at an average height of two feel, and elsewhere ranges between adâ€" vanced shot blade to headed stage. Hail loss has been only local and in scattered districts. Bob Davis, roving columnist of the New York Sun, and probably the most travelled newspaperman in the world, has been staying at the Banff Springs Hotel on his way back from Hawalil, accomâ€" panied by Mrs. Davis. Mr. Davis has a flair for the unusual, and will likely unearth a wealth of good material for his columu among the old timers of the Recâ€" kies. Taxation comparisans conâ€" nection with motor vehicles and railroads should take into cou! sideration that the railways pay for their own roadway, and also to some extent for the roadway used by their motor vehicle comâ€" petitors, says the ‘"Traffic World". This brings in the question of bhow much the motor vehicles should pay for the highways and whether they are doing it. DIVIDEND NXNUMBER 23 806)