PROPERTIES FOR SALE POR SALEâ€"Fourâ€"roomed house MINING HOTEL PROPERTY FPOR â€" SALEâ€"Ni@ely finished fourâ€" â€"womed house; cash or payments Apply to 279 Birch Street, North FOR SALEâ€"Farm, cheap; best clay loam, must seil for $300.00 with clear deed. Investigate this A bargain. Apply to Herb Fletcher, 102 Eim Street, North, Timmins. â€"26 POR SALEâ€"Lots near the High school, corner lots $150.00, a few lots at $100. Terms arranged, phone 85, or call at 130 Kirby avenue or 32 Third avenue. Babcock the Lot Man, Timmins. â€"241p FOR SALEâ€"Sixâ€"roomed WIUVIl dil conveniences, at No. 1 Elm Street, south; $50.00 a month rent; will sell cash or terms. Also fourâ€"roomed shack for sale. Apply to 5 Kirby s«venue, Timmins 27â€"30p FOR SALEâ€"Corner lot on Wilson and Cameron. Also two lots with hcuse, =l11 conveniences, and stable for 18 norses. Will take small down payâ€" ment and terms; bargain for quick sale. Apply to 94 Main avenue, ~immins â€"27â€"29p WANTED TO BUYâ€"National Cash Register. Apply to P.O. Box 1265, Timmins, Ont. ~26â€"24p ANTED TO RENTâ€"Small furnished ~ouse for the summer months. Reâ€" ‘erences given. Apply to Phone 145, ‘Timmins. ~27p wWANT TO BUY OR RENTâ€"For sumâ€" mer months, a fourteen or sixteenâ€" foot secondâ€"hand canoe. Write to P.O. Box 1680, or apply to 2 Balsam Street, South, Timmins. â€"~26â€"28p Apply to 85 Commercial Ave., Timâ€" in k â€"21â€"301 WANTEDâ€"Electric Motor, 7i h.p., 25 cycles, 250 volts, 3 phase. Must be in good condition. Apply stating nrice wanted to Box MR., Advance Office. s 210 SALE. No. 9 Pine Street, South Timmins. Will be sold at big barâ€" gain. Apply on the premises. â€"~24t BOARDER â€" WANTEDâ€"Single room and board. Apply to 9 Middleton avenue ~241p Thursday, ROOM AND BOARDâ€"In private home all conveniences. Reasonable prices. Apply to 57 Elm street south, Timâ€" mins. â€"24p R â€" SALEâ€"Nice double tenement ~ouse, near High School. Smalil cash ~ayment; balance very easy terms. Apply to 202 Maple street south, Timâ€" mins ~27 BOARD AND ROOMâ€"washing and pressing; $9.50 per week at 52 Birch street sauth ,under new management\ ROOM AND BOARIDâ€"For one or two zentlemen, all home ccoking. Apply RUSSELL HOTELâ€"Board and Roomâ€"â€" By day, week or month. Rates $8.00 to $9.50 a week. Hot and cold water, yvear round. Phone 275â€"W., or call at 2 Wilson Ave., Timmins. ~2t£ ROOM AND BOARDâ€"For two gentleâ€" men, in private home; close to mine. Apply to 19 Lake Shore Road, Timâ€" mins. â€"27p WANTEDâ€"Girl 15, as mother‘s help or minding baby. Write to P. O. Box 98. Schumacher. â€"27â€" WANTEDâ€"Maid with experience in ANTZEDâ€"100 cars of all makes, for wrecking purposes, best prices paid. Parts for all makes of cars for sale. Ontario Wrecking Co., corâ€" of Main ave. and Freston street south or P. O. Box 1277, Timmins â€"27â€"28p wWwOOpD FOR SALEâ€"Green Sliabs, one load, $3.50, and three loads for $10.00; mixed Spruce and Jackpine, 16 inches, $250 per cord. Apply to J. A. Daly, 110 Wilson Ave., or phone 441, Timmins. â€"25tf WOO slabs WOOu ’jé 44 Second Ave., upstairs, front spartment, Schumacher. â€"~26â€"27 cooking. Apply to Mrs. H. Shankâ€" man.108 Pine street south, ‘Timmins. $2,50, and Apply to phone 377 ROOM AND BOARD $2.50 per ford, or $9.U00 pCP . iGSU. Also green slabs. Appoly to McDade and Lauzon, 74 Maple Street, South, or phone 332, Timmins. Orders taken for Schumacher, prices right. â€"21ptf WGOn FOR SALE FOR SALEâ€"Dry and green also 16â€"inch Jackpine by lots, FOR, SALEâ€"Extra dry slabs Sixâ€"roomed house with all dry Birch, $3.50 a cord. Chaput and Mainville, or 118 First Ave., Timâ€" ~24tf July 7t for general houseâ€" 24 Cambrai avenue, FOR SALEâ€"Reo Royal, 8â€"chassis, and | motor. Price reasonable. Apply to B. Strange, South Porcupine, Onâ€" | _ tario. â€"25â€"28h FOR SALEâ€"Two cows. Apply Eim street north, Timmins FOR SALEâ€"Chevrolet Sedan in Al condition; at a bargain price, $240.00 Apply to Citizens‘ Garage, Schuâ€" macher. ~21p FOR SALEâ€"Fada radio, 8 tubes; all electric. Bargain for quick sale. Apâ€" ply to 167 Elm street north, upstairs, ‘Timmins ~24p FOR SALEâ€"Team of Horses, wagon,| with harness and two sets of sleighs. Apâ€" Lake ply to 57 Maple street north Timmins â€"27â€"29p FOR IF POR SALEâ€"Electric stove in excellent condition: also kitchen table and three chairs. Apply to 75 Tamarack street, Timmins ~24p FOR SALEâ€"One cow, will freshen in October and fifty white leghorn hens. Apply to 94 Dome avenue, south Porâ€" cupine. ~27 l L xo k FOR SALEâ€"Johnson 8 h.p. motor, Doat and boathouse; also one Ford coupe, 1927 model. Will sell cheap. Apply to 159 Balsam street north Timmins. ~27â€"28D FOR SALEâ€"Pigs at SIX weeks; reâ€" gistered Yorkshire stock; sturdy and growthy; $5.00 each. Apply to E. C. Brewer, P.O. Box 741, or phone 81â€" W , Timmins. ~16tf FOR SALEâ€"Must sell at once my lat,ei 1929 Dodge Sedan, in perfect condiâ€"| tion. See it before you buy; no reaâ€"| scnable offer refused. Apply to 29 | Borden avenue, Townsite. -27p‘ KODAK FOR SALEâ€"Remarkably fme; camera. Will sell for halfâ€"price. Apâ€" ply to Mrs. M. Lamore, General Deliâ€" very, Timmins, or at house near Pesâ€" serton Mill. Also, furniture for sale.| -27| LOSTâ€"Hamilton 21â€"jewel watch on Monday, July 4th, between 46 Toke street and Star Transfer. Finder please return to Star Transfer, Timâ€" mins.. Reward. â€"24p DRESSMAKINGâ€"DressesS, Coats and children‘s clothing. Apply Mrs. Laâ€" moureaux, 108 Birch street, north, DRESSMAKINGâ€"Dresses, children‘s . masquerade costumes, etc. ; Apply to rear of 158 Pine Street.! North, Timmins. -10-36pl MISS DOROTHY DODGE; MASâ€" SAGE: GENERAL NURSING. By hour or day. Phone 466. 24 Tamâ€" arack Street. ~24tf NURSINGâ€"Open for engagements. Apply to Mrs. H. Ranger, 50 Mons Ave., Timmins. ~17tf ARTICLES FOR SALE COUPLE GOING TO TORONTOâ€"Any time this week. Will pay expenses to anyone notoring through. Call at 62 Balsam street north, or 36 Wilson avenue, Timmins ~214p FUR COATS CLEANED GLAZED REâ€" LINED AND ALTERED; firstâ€"class workmanship. Sinclair the Valet 21 Fourth Ave., Phone 625. ~â€"3tf DANCING SCHOOL â€" For children, tuition included, tap and ballet dancâ€" ing, etc., very moderate fees. Write Mrs. Harold Burt, Box 948, or call at 17 Borden Ave., Timmins. 43â€"45ptf EVEREADY TRANSPER OPFPICEâ€"At 69 Third Ave., next door to Smith Elston. Office hours, 8 am. to 9 p.m. phone, 895, Tatrauit, proprietar, Timâ€" SsOMETHING NEWâ€"That will interest anyone who cares to play this late and wonderful instrument, the piano accordian. Mr. Victor will teach you at 169 Pine street south, Timmins USTOM LADIES‘ TAILOR, repairs and remodelling, cleaning and pressâ€" AWN MOWERS SHARPENE D. Guaranteed work. ‘Prompt service. Thos. Dodd. 4 Balsam Street, South. â€"24â€"28 ing. Sloma Tailors, Phone Third Ave., Timmins. mins UR COATS, CLEANED, GLAZED, AND ALTERED. All work guaranteed by Sloma Tailors, phone 592, 69 Third Ave., Timâ€" mins. ~10tt HILIDREN FOR ADOoPTIONâ€"Good homes desired for children, boys and girls, Catholic and Protestant, ages 4 to 14 years Any home desiring : to adopt a youngster should have | their clergyman write A. G. Carson, Supt. Children‘s Aid, Timmins, Ont., 44t 1. MISCELLANEOUS DRESSMAKING LOST to 185 â€"~46p ~10tf FOR RENTâ€"House. Apply to 80 Hemâ€" lock Street, Timmins. â€"235â€"28p FOR RENTâ€"Fiveâ€"roomed house. Apâ€" ply to 21 Way avenue, Timmins â€"27p FOR RENTâ€"House with all convenlâ€" ences: immediate possession. Apply to 12 Third Ave., Timmins. _ â€"26â€"28p FOR RENTâ€"Fourâ€"roomed house. Apâ€" ply to 185 Elm street north, Timmins. FOR RENTâ€"Threeâ€"roomed flat at 83 Third avenue, Schumacher. Apply to 13 Eim street south, Timmins «27â€" FOR RENTâ€"Fiveâ€"roomed flat. Apply from 4 to 6 pm. to 3 Birch street south, Timmins ~24p FOR RENTâ€" FOR RENTâ€"Threeâ€"roomed apartment FOR RENTâ€"Fiveâ€"roomed house, with verandah:; beautifully situated. Only married couples need apply. 41 Lake Shore Road. ~26p FOR RENTâ€"Fourâ€"roomed apartment with all conveniences. Also threeâ€" roomed apartment partly furnished, if desired. Apply to 123 Pine Street, South, upstairs, Timmins. â€"26 APARTMENT TO LET AND FURNIâ€" TURE FOR SALEâ€"Balance of lease POSITION WANTEDâ€"Bookkeeper, aCcâ€" countant, desires position, diploma, graduate of Parry Sound Business College. Write to Box B.D., Advance, Timmins â€"27â€"28p FOUNDâ€"Bay horse, red, with no shoes. No. "A7H" on left hip. If owner does not come and claim, horse will be solda for expenses. Apply to Joe Goulet, poundkeeper, 94 Main ave., or phone 681, Timmins. â€"27â€"29 ;CLEMEN'-HAGENâ€"In loving memory of Alfred Clemenhagen, who died July 3ra, 1930, of injuries at the Dome Mine. God knew that he was suffering | And the hills were hard to climb, So he closed his weary eyelids ‘ aAnd whispered "Peace be thine." | â€"Ever remembered by his wife, | Clara and daughter, Ethel _A _ A.4 suitable for couple without children. Modern conveniences. Apply to 15 Pine Street, South, upstairs, Timâ€" mins. â€"~26p FURNISHED ROOMS FTO FUSNiâ€" Clean and comfortable. Suitable for light housekeeping. Use of phone and kitchen. Apply to 5% Fifth avenue. or phone 64W. 304 on nice 3â€"roomed apartment, central. with sun porch. Apartment is comâ€" pletely furnished and furniture will be sold to new tenant. Apply to Box FA.. care of The Advance, Timâ€" min«© â€"21p BRAYâ€"In lovmg memory of Mrs. J. H. Bray, Dome Mines, who died at the General Hospital, Montreal, Quebec. Till memory fades and life departs She will live forever in our hearts. â€"Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Phillips and family, Dome Mines. ~24p 4th, 1930 ‘The blow v We little t It is only t McCOLEMANâ€"In loving memory of our dear brotker, Clayton McColeâ€" man, drowned at Twin Falls, July OR RENTâ€"Furnished rooms in priâ€" vate home. Apply to 48 Hemlock street, Timmins â€"24p Mr. and Mrs. A. Parker wish to thank friends and neighbours who showed kindness and sympathy in their recent bereavement. Also for fowers sent OR â€" RENT â€" Large wellâ€"furnished room with all conveniences. ApplIy to 51 Cedar street north, Timmins Mr. and Mrs. A. Parker wish to thank Dr. Stahl and the Sisiters and Nurses of St. Mary‘s hospital, also Doctors and Staff of the Sick Children‘s Hospital, ‘Toronto, for their kindness during the lliness of their little son, Thomas. 27p OR RENTâ€"Two rooms suitable for young couple, bedroom and kitchen with water, lights and sink, at 23 Wende avenue. Apply to T. J. JOaâ€" lin, 23 Wende avenue, ‘Timmins â€"27p POSITION WANTED ENTâ€"New Fiveâ€"roomed house ali conveniences. Apply to 49 Shore Road, Timmins. â€"241p CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS low was great, the shock severe, ttle thought the end was near only those who have lost can tell »ain of parting without farewell. â€"Ever remembered by Sisters and Brothers. â€"24p IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM IN MEMORIAM THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO 96 before the 20th day of July, 1932. | After that date the Administrator | will proceed to distribute the estate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. Dated at South Porcupine, Ontario, this 20th day of June, A.D., 1932. LANGDON LANGDON, south Porcupmine, Solicitors for the Administrator. 2527 s | ¢ o ® NOTICE TO CREDITORS Timmins Band Wins In the Estate of Elsie Jaakkola, Deâ€" ceased. All persons having claims aga.inst‘ the estate of Elsie Jaakkola, widow, late of the Township of Tisdale in the District of Cochrane, who died at the City of Toronto in the County of York, on or about the 29th day of Septemâ€"} ber. 1923, are required to file proof of the same with the undersigned on or before the 20th day of July, 1932. _ _ All persons having claims against the estate of Walker Blaine Milne, late of the Town of Porquis Junction, in the District of Cochrane, Telegrapher, who died or or about the 25th day of Decâ€" ember, A.D. 1931, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned Administraâ€" trix or her Solicitors, on o® before the l29th day of July, 1932, full particulars ‘or their claim. After the said last mentioned date the assets of the esâ€" tate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which the adâ€" ministratrix or her solicitors shall then have notice. In the matter of Blaine Milne. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Dated at Nor June AD., 1932 By her Solicitors, McCURRY REYNOLDS In NOTICE TO CREDITORS Bornâ€"At St. Mary‘s hospital, 1l1IG@â€" mins, on Saturday, July 2nd, 1932, to Mr. and Mrs. H. See, 156 Elm street south,â€"a daughter (Mary Helen). And the matter of Napoleon Baulieu, late of the Town of Timmins, deâ€" ceased. North Bay this 29th day of 63 Main St. W Solicitor Edith Blanche Milne the Estate of Walker OSIAS SAUVE, Timmins, Ont licitor for said estate North Bay, Ont hospital, Tirmâ€" At Last! The Tourist‘s Most Perfect Tent Here it isâ€"the result of experimenting under every phase of camping condiâ€" tions has produced a tent that has no comparison for convenience, comfort and service. Made of Real Heavy specially treated Army Duck in Khaki colour. Note the speedy centre pole assemblyâ€"the In}proved Gable Construcâ€" J 2 S l i nA s d c wl on on P i NJ LN UA L + k M PRX WAAA Ad ) LiA \f ) ~ _ â€" e t e e e ts ed Canopy, the double roof forvcg(;l.lvle's;,vï¬;gé‘:xtré headroom, the lack of ridges which makes it water tight. Good generous size 9‘ 3" x 9‘ 3". G@omplete with poles, ropes and pegs in sturdy carrying bag. the 35 Third Avenue, Timmins South Porcupine and Timmins Bands in Class C. Contest Big Crowd at Firemen‘s Tournament Despite Rain. Despite the downpouring of rain on Friday last the Temiskaming Fireâ€" men‘s tournament and the Temiskaâ€" ming Band Association contests at Kirkland Lake on Dominion Day and Saturday were very largely attended. People went down in cars from Timâ€" mins on Thursday and Thursday eveâ€" ning. Three buses went from here Friday morning, as well as number going down on the train. The conâ€" tinual rain all day, of course, spoiled the big event at Kirkland Lake, ‘but affairs were carried on in the rain, the firemen‘s events being run off regardâ€" less of weather. In the band contests there were oniy : four entries. In Class B. Kirkland Lake and North Bay T. N. O. Dancg contested for the prize of $300.00. Kirkâ€" land Lake band under the leadership of Lieut. E. Wettan, won first in class B. In Class C. the contestants were the Timmins Citizens‘ band, Arthur Wilford, leader, and the South Porcuâ€" pine Goldfields band, led by A. Papâ€" pone. The Timmins band won first and South Porcupine second. The prize was $300.00 Prof. Hayward, Torâ€" onto, acted as judge. The Kirkland Lake kilties won first prize of $100.00 in the parade competition. The march was in a downpour of rain and the players all were drenched. The boxing iand wrestling in the rink Friday eveâ€" Betweenâ€"CITY GAS STATION Primary Creditor and METROPOLITAN FILM PRODUC TIONS Upon the application of the Crediâ€" tor, upon hearing the Solicitor for the applicant and upon reading the affidavit of Osias Sauve filed herein. 1. TT IS ORDERED that service upon the Debtor of the Writ of Summons in this Action by publishing this order together with the Notice thereon enâ€" dorsed once a week for three weeks in the Porcupine Advance, newspaper published at the Town of Timmins, be deemed good and sufficient service of the said Writ. 92. AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the said Debtor do enter an apâ€" pearance to the said Writ of Summons within ten days after the last publicâ€" ation hereof in the said mewspaper. His Honour Judge J. B. T. Caron June 28th, 19327 in Kirkland Event In the Second Division Court in the District of Cochrane ORDER FOR SUBSTITUTED SERVICE and E. C. BREWER, Garnishee Signed: J. B. T. Caron ROBERT Pay $8.95 now and $4.00 a month for 6 months Primary Debtot The Price is $32.95 SIMPSON Judge ning at Kirkland Lake attracted much attention, The attendance was estiâ€" mated at 4,000, with numbers turned away for lack of further room. All the stores were closed Friday and Saâ€" turday at Kirkland so the visitors had a hard time finding places to go on EXTENDING SIDEWALK FROM rPost OFEFICE TO HOSPITAL AC avenue. The need IOT ULS CALWIiSIGQLi of cement sidewalk has been very apâ€" parent for some years. Not only will it serve the public who have occasion to visit the hospital from down town, but it will also be a notable convenâ€" ience to the public, a large number daily using this side of the road, hitherto without a walk, to travel north on Pine street. Still further the new sidewalk will relieve the large traffic on the other side of the road where schools and churches have made for unusually heavy traffic. About the only regret about the new sidewalk from the post office to the hostpital is that it is not being carried along at least the next block on Pine street to Sixth avenue,. Traffic on this block is quite heavy and the only sidewalk, a wooden one, is dangerous most of the time. Al. Pitcher. the wellâ€"known coach and trainer, now with the Polytechnic Athletic Club, of Hamilton, was a visiâ€" tor to town this week, being the guest while here of N. E. Wadsworth. Al. ) Pitcher has a wide experience and an \enviable reputation in sporting circles, | | so his opinions have double value. Speaking of Len Wadsworth, who is training with the Polytechnic Club, Mr. Pitcher says he is one of the fastâ€" est and best boys he has ever handled and that he will go far and make a gocd name for himself as an effective boxer. Len is only seventeen years of ' age, and Mr. Pitcher expects him to. get better as he goes along. Regarding | Donat Richard, also of Timmins, who is training with the Polytechnic, Mr. was equally enthusiastic. ‘"Tie is a good one," he said, "and will conâ€" | tinue to prove winner as time goes on.‘" For these two Timmins lads he ';sees 4 notable future in the boxing ‘ring, adding that: apparently Timmins ; has all sorts of good talent along this | and other lines of sport. both for his integrity and his ability.l 1 AL. PITCHER, WELLâ€"KNOWN TRAINER, VISITS Work the On Tuesday at the regular session of the police court a local man was sentenced to ten days in jail for being drunk in charge of a car. After the regular court was over, there was anâ€" other similar charge. The accused was taken before Magistrate Atkinson on Wednesday and given a ten day term at Haileybury. He was a taxi driver named L McFarlane. ‘The police were called on Tuesday evening to the souâ€" ANOTHER MAN SENTENCED ON "DRUNK IN CAR" CHARGE thern part hi of the town where there COMPANY LIMITED way at pres a cement w from the ; ‘orner on Fi this extens ; been very Not only â€" m down town otable convenâ€" large numbe! of the road Bornâ€"â€"In 1linmins S®Nt | gal, June 30th, 1932 valk | rrank BaudreAttâ€"A P®*\ | seannine). [ d LOCAILS= Miss Merna Sceli, of is visiting her aunt, Mrs Mrs. R. Barnett, who has been stayâ€" ing with her daughter, Mrs. H. Caron, of the CGoldale Townsite, has returned to her home in Manchester, England. Mrs. Albert Cain and little son, Bobâ€" by, are visiting at the home of Mrs Cain‘s parents, Sheriff and Mrs. Geo Caldbick. Mrs. H. E. Muriey, ol PM outh, Timmins, has left fol ion at Halifax, Nova Sceotia Mr. and Mrs. family, also Mt Gloster, are Sspt Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Sscott and family left on Monday for a two months‘ holiâ€" day to visit friends in Maynooth and other points. The Firemen have taken up the horseshoe pitching game and issue A challenge to any team in town at this form of stable golf. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mills and son, of Toronto, motored to Timmins this week and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. Miss Junette MacDonald, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson MacDonald, of the Teckâ€"Hughes, and Miss Tennessee¢ Cooper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cocper, were the winners of first and second place, respectively, in the conâ€" test for the most popular young lady in Kirkland Lake. The "roronation" of Miss Kirkland Lake took place on Dominion Day sing, last week says:â€"â€" "Timmins softball players mortored here Friday morning in spite of the rain, hoping that the elements would let up and permit the scheduled game to be played during the day. But it was not to be. However, they enjoyed their visit here, staying till a late Rour ut night." The North Bay Nugget will _ :ssow publish three times a week, Mondays, wWednesdays and Fridays, the same days that the T. N. O.‘s own train runs. The Nugget in recent years has been publishing twice a week. All will wish The Nugget continued and inâ€" creased success as triâ€"weekly, beâ€" cause it is a good newspaper and serves ves its constituency well. days runs. been were said to be a couple of men in dispute. One of the displutants proved to be McFarlane and as he was apâ€" parently under the influence of Uâ€" quor and in charge of motor car the same time he was taken to the por lice cells. i.eamrln. Hemlock street The Northern Tribune, of Kapusk Timmins, Ont Murley, of Spruce rs. â€" Wm. â€" ArP Mr. and Mr spending their , Que. s, ont.. on Thursâ€" 2. to Mr. and Mis. _ daughter (Lina of Detroit, Mich UIrs. Geo. Lake. Gloster â€" and Mrs. Martin holidays