4 e AAA * S C A I * CCC * s *Ct * * * * * st 3 %4 1 P HILLâ€"CLARKâ€"FRANCIS LTD. é LET US MACHINEâ€"SAND YOUR HARDWOOD FLOORS g Timmins Office closed Saturday afternoons all year ' round. Thursday, May 12th, 1932 Branch Offices and Yards atâ€"Sudbury, Kirkland Lake, Timmins, Ont and Noranda, Que. Everything for Building South Porcupine General Auto Repairs Body Work and Painting We will estimate a complete motor overhaul, painting and body repairs, Our prices are right and all work guaranteed. EVEREADY SERVICE STATION Head Office and Factoriesâ€"New Liskeard, Ont. COMING ATTRACTIONS: WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, MAY 18â€"19 NANCY CARROLL in "PERSONAL MAID" Addedâ€"*"Curiosity WITH CONCHITA MONTENEGRO, VICTOR McLAGLAN AND LINDA WATKINS (Plenty of action in this one) Comedyâ€""GREAT PIE MYSTERYV Addedâ€""SCREEN SNAPSHOT" FOX MOVIETONE NEWS MATINEE DAILY AT 2.30 P.M. Eveningâ€"7.00 p.m. (continuous performance) Complete Change of Programme Every A ring for a maid! A good ring from a millionaire. Should she take it, or remain forever just a "Personal Maid?" Specialtyâ€""TEN DOLLARS OR TEX DAYs" Addedâ€""RHÂ¥XTHM IN THE RIVER®" "PICTORIAL® NEW EMPIRE WITH REGIS TOOMEY, SUE CAROL, DOROTHY REVIER BORIS KARLOFF Mileâ€"aâ€"nf#inute melodrama of undercover politics Serialâ€"‘"BATTLING WITH BUFFALO BILLU"â€"Episode No. 3 Cartoonâ€""MOTHER GOOSE MELODIES" Addedâ€""*STREETS OF CAIRO® PATHE SOUND NEWS SIMMS, HOOKER DREW WITH ERIC LINDEN, ARLINE JUTDGE, CLIFF EDWARDS ROSCO YATES, POLLY WALTERS, BLANCHE FREDERICI AND ALLANX FOX Comedvyâ€"*"THE FRESHMAN‘® FTNISH INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES REAL ESTATE WITH LILY DAMITA, LESTER VAIL, ANITA LOUISE AND 0. P. HEGGIE Detective Storyâ€""MYSTERY OF COMPARTMENT "C" Addedâ€""CRISS CROSSED" FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY 20â€"21 HELEN TWELVETREES IN " YOUNG BRIDE " FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY 13â€"14 GEORGE O‘BRIEN in MONDAY AND TUESDAY, MAY The Towing Car is at Your Service MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY MAY %3â€"214â€"â€""DRAGNET PATROL" MAY 2#5â€"â€"26â€"*TRAYVELLING HUSBANDs® MAY 2#â€"â€"28â€""THE BROKENX WING®" MAY 30â€"31â€"â€""BRAXNDED MEN" JUXNXE 1â€"â€" #â€"â€""TOMORROW and TOMORROW® (Most Upâ€"toâ€"date Garage in the North) Curiosity" FOX MOVIETONE NEWS Midnight Show, Friday, May 20thâ€"at 11.30 p.m. Prompt Attention Given to all Kinds of Repair Work. Midnight Show WITH PAT QO‘BRIENXN AND GENE RAYMOND Houses and Lots for Sale on Terms DOMINIONX BANXK BUILDING T A LK Friday, May 13thâ€"at 11.36 pâ€"m Phone 15 ib * have to have the saime privilege. In reply the mayor and some of the counâ€" cillors agreed that there was some hardship inflicted by the present plan of allowing jitneys to stand anywhere on the street. Also, with the growth of the town, the plan would be a danger and inconvenience to the general pubâ€" lic. Accordingly the council decided to " FIREMAN SAVE MY CHILD " T counct! in Timmins Bartliéhian asked for @l for a new towns His request was ref of works for investi boski asked council This one is full of laughs for Father, Mother and the Kiddies Our Gang Comedyâ€""SHIVER MY TIMBERS" Magic Carpetâ€""KINGDOM OF SHEBA" FOX MOVIETONE NEWS special matineeâ€"Saturday Morning at 11.00 a.m. ALL CHILDRENâ€"â€"10¢ Special Double Programme for the Midnight Show, Sunday, May Showing "Fireman Save My Child" and "Shanghai Express" "High Pressure" is an ultraâ€"modern Comedy Romance Kat Kartoonâ€""RESTLESS SAX" PARAMOUNT SOUND NEWS Addedâ€""THOM THE UNKNOWN‘" WITH JAMES DUNNX AND LINDA WATKINS The thrills ard heart throbs of a girl reporter Sportlightâ€""DIAMOND EXPERTS" AUDIO REVIEW Scrappy Cartoonâ€""TREASURE RUNT" en MATINEE DAILY AT 2.30 P.M. Eveningâ€"7.00 p.m. (continuous performance) Complete Change of Programme Every WITH LEO CARRILLO, JOHN MACK BROWN, DOROTHY BURGESS, SLIM SUMMERVILLE and FRANK CAMPEAU Comedyâ€""WHERE CANARIES SING BASS" symphonyâ€"*"EGYPTIAN MELODIES" AUDIO REVIEW WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, MAY 18â€"19 WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, MAY 11â€"12 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY 13â€"14 JANET GAYNOR and CHARLES FARRELL EL BRENDEL is aiso in the Cast. A wee bit of Scottchâ€"but simply "Delicious‘"‘â€"A perfect poem of love. Come Early on This One. Mouse Cartoonâ€"""MICKEY‘S ORPHANS" FOX MOVIETONE NEWS Special matineeâ€"Saturday Morning at 11.00 a.m. ALL CHILDRENâ€"10c¢ Midnight Show Sunday, May 15thâ€"Showing Above Programme bout the road at the end o o that he would have acc ts he owned and on whic ) build. This also was rei ection J n intere: " LASCA OF THE RIO GRANDE " FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MAY 20â€"21 JOE E. BROW N in e mal 1e had MONDAY AND TUESDAY, MAY 16â€"17 WITH WILLIAM POWELL, EVELYN BRENT, GEORGE sIDNDNEY., GUY KIBBEE and EVALYN KNAPP M engine before he said. He a ecial hardship s liveryman who a rospital. "I‘m nC ceml OLDFIEL DS Y if some were streets for Ann DAL ing hal ter at t pa jitney John Dalton just been n« L 23â€"â€"24â€""SHANGHATI EXPRESS" 2+â€"â€"26â€"â€""A DANGEROUS AFFAIR®" 27â€"28â€""PEACH O 30â€"31â€""SKYÂ¥X DEVIL®S" ney stat Dalton ) D DELICIOUS "â€"*"U" fe tem He iffic l THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO icil decided to jitneys could to this effect xt meeting of i1 1i Ahim thne Mayoy Mcins:s projught up the question of the need for improvement in thé main roadways of the town. He had Ask6d the town engtineer to estimate on the cost of permanent paving. The estimate from the ttation to the Queen‘s hotel, Third avenue, was $24,â€" 720.00; Pine street, from Second to FPourth, $21,060.00; the total cost thus being $45.780.00. The mayor said the business men were anxious to have the work done on the local improvement nlan and if the debentures could be takes first place on the map. Some weeks ago The Broke Hustler, Iroquois Falls® own paper, inaugurated a baseâ€" ball contest, and in the answers subâ€" mitted Chas. G. Cummings of Timmins, took first place and the prize of $15.00; second and fourth places were won by Scully and McCoy of Timmins. Third and fifth place were won by Iroquois Falls baseball fans. Jos. F. Smith actâ€" ed as judge for the contest and gave an interesting review and criticism of each of the winning answers. The contest was the solution of a baseball problem propounded by Billy Evans. None of the answers gave exactly the solution that Billy Evans suggested, but the plays used were generally corâ€" rect and fitted the puzzle for the most part. C. G. Cummings came nearest to giving.a perfect solution and..so was nayving munity baseba inta@rest nere.:â€"â€" the baseball sea when it comes Adv ity, tnou ur all the ance had ball, dird f the aeben work would b HUAL 1€ 1, no other summer S neral a grip on the c zh football was growin > time.. Ten years ago the following referen( ect and indirect, and ‘:â€"‘‘Pimmins has sta season well, showing es to baseball this t uCck o Timmil no other e town dul The matter 1LY poIc inC 1 economy. to ancther Newâ€" thaAt the injuries prove leéss serious than they appear and that his recovery will be speedy and certain." Among the local and perscnal items ‘ in The Advance ten years ago were the ‘ following:â€"*"Cobalt last week dispensed ‘ with the services of Chief of Police Bonneville, one man hereafter to do the police work." "The Haewyerless plant at Haewwver Farm is reported as out of commission by the floods which have reached such heights as to cross, yes, doubleâ€"cross, the ether waves." "It is expected that the assessment of the | town for the year will be completed by May 3lst. It may be noted that the Hollinger has about 900 more men on its payroll this year than in 1921." "Every motorist should join the Porcuâ€" pine Motor Club, not only to enjoy its | benefits, but also to help on its plans | for improvement in the roads of the age., he was not requ work and asked to the present to some :« mine. He was lookin underground when th red. There will be v ate affair cccurred is not «C Brown was working undererc ing after a motor and in som struck and crushed by the m tor. He was taken at once t« pital and everything possible him, but his injuries are rec 1y injJured In / the Hollinger sSo far as the Mattagami river wa concerned in 1922 there was no de pression but quite the contrary. "Th Advance said at the time:â€""The Mat tagami this week made a new and un desirable record for high water, reach ing 18 inches higher at the landin here than any previous record. Th gauge at the landing shows that th river has reached about seven fee higher than its normal flow. Toâ€"day i is dropping, however, and in a few day it is expected, judging from past ex periences, that it will be back to nca ncrmal. The flocds this week cause« serious damage, dGdestroying bridges drowning out mills, washing away tim ber and logs, and flooding houses an barns, etc. In addition the interfer ence with the power supply serious curtaillment at the mines." Frank Gardiner came to South Porâ€" cupine ten years ago as provincial conâ€" staible there, T. Fenwick being stationâ€" ed at Porquis Junction. The Advance ten years ago was urgâ€" ing a fair deal for mining towns, with a larger proportion of the gold royalty. The Advance in its issue of May 10 1922, had the following paragraph "Mr. Tom Brown, recently coming the camp from Sudbuw;, was seriD ly injured in an accident on Tuesday ha sad quty o death :;â€""M known anc turns ITor the season and Tulil contro subject to certain reasonable reserva tions. The committee would have t pay tliie taxes, insurance, etc., and al low chance for skating for the publi The following officers were elected b acclamation for the ensuing season:â€" A. F. Brigham, honorary president; F J. Meyers, president; H. J. Marshal viceâ€"president; H. Laidlaw, ~secretary D. Sutherland, treasurer. The com mittee named to look after the rin included:â€"Dr. MciIinnis, Dr. R. F Brown, A. Brazeau. been in Canada f He was a miner Mr. Se week a thats M Hollin in DBusine would hex ) En On May # of th While in Timmin ‘ impressed with imraediate return ce similar to thai d loyally Seth Huw Hutch 2 R. Brown, shift boss [ _ inspection ncluded Cha nmissioners They found no everythin meTi of said e Po er by tirad Canada he On accou mine Timmins the c in D hin: in ‘e on Monday. airt trouble. 1 i had been a MciIntyre Mine PB how 1ln in cNale hem Y 11 Martin a Offer rae Aannuail m i0¢ckey club McIinnis, ma rted to the m 1€ ue of May 10th nd ful At 10ckey wAs let: â€"Mi: mal Mict in 1aC ear. M ind lopk re nopes ous than very will dado 12 a1ized a rilu 1} 1IDIIC d by NAS 1d C ront:. wire and locking them in place with metal clips. Finished mats are thick, springy and pliable, and effective mud removers. The demand for these mats is said to be excelient all across Canâ€" ada. Incidentally, blind workers in New Zealand obtain their supply of mat makinz materials from the workâ€" has @Q1L was a regular session of the Kara San torum, Timmins, of the Oriental O der of Humility and Perfection, on Ft day evening last, with particular large attendance. After the business . the Order the Tribesmen held the monthly Moonfeast:â€""Hot Dogs "Mr. W. H. Warren has purchased t] residence now used as the Presbyterig anC Jut Oof Rapuskasing, is the father, Mr. Poitras, this * fred Brown returned to t week after attending Qus sity.‘"‘ "Dunc McLean, wh USE FOUND FOR WORNOUT AND DISCARDED MOTOR Man sumimer. â€"~"UDr surgeon, of Tor office at No. block about the He for proper wharves at Mattagami Landâ€" ing and Connaught." ‘"There was a fairâ€"sized crowd at the meeting Sunday evening in the New Empire theatre when Miss Bukay gave an address on conditions in Russia. A noticcable perâ€" centage of those attending the meeting were foreigners and most of them ‘were wearing red. ribbons, emblematic no doubt lof Red Russia." "Sid Fearn, of Troquois Falls, wellâ€"known throughâ€" cut the district, and for his connection with football and other sports, is visitâ€" ing in England, his old home land, this summer." ‘"Dr. P. R. Wilson, dental surgeon, of Toronto, will open a dental office at No. 8. Marshallâ€"Ecclestone con tor proper 1 ing and C fairâ€"sized c evening ‘ in when Miss conditions i :B Domit ie Urmer the iT monthly Moconfe ‘Mr. W. H. Warret ‘esidence now used 1 Mr ques inning the p igit th avenue." "Bros. Dre Morrison attended the ing of the L.O0.O0.F. held a yesterday." ‘"Mrs. P. H. rapuskasing, is the gues r,. Mr. Poitras, this week maAts rublx ng that the engin Public Works De Aa W be xpects to m( The â€" Presby 10 11 1 12 Canadian Ir DT perty nc enue." mA Mini 11 adir e It > town ALBERT E. CAIN § Eim St .S.. Timmins (Phone 556â€" W) VayV Anothe vestigate and re le the Timmins Board C This Plan Will Make Your Children‘s Education Sure Yet few parents realize how easy it is to make the schooling of their children a certainty by a Dominion Life Educational Bond. A few dollars put away reguâ€" larly now, will pay expenses when your boy or rl reaches college age. If you die, all deposits cease, but the bond will be paid on maturity date. See following _ for full details Oult, a make the m its of rubber 0 2(0 S eC n Auut£ ; Qugen s UnIve i, who has been iths past, return "‘"Mtr. Buco ‘Olll home ckne of the K.ara san the Oriental O ‘erfection, on Fr th a particular er the Ma th Pul rint #41; +4 H. Mc |â€"ICCIeston y." â€"‘‘Thel Kara Sanc HKAD OFFICE nd ASSURANCE COMPAN tA 1€ C l\:'â€"§â€" LOVE Lv%fl |\ _â€"‘â€"_HANDL FREE COOK BOOK â€"Wi. Mrs. Jeanne McKenzie SMALL CAKES* made with Magic, win First Prize for think pliable. Removes rednes» and relieves irritation. At your Druggist Busy handsâ€"at hard tasks day in and day out. Persian Balm keeps the skin soft and Mrs,. McKenzic‘s Prize Recipe South Porcupint ibiti t home, take advantage e recipes in the Magic C to Brands Lt a k ake 3 f WATERLOO, ONTARIO wOn 850 â€" all baked f f flavor an CATEZE CAKE by, â€" volunteers Mrs. Jeanne Mc« Kenzie, of Toronto, winner of three first prizes at the 1931 Canadian National In fact, I wouldn‘t r anvy other baking e najority of cooke been my by, " xD Mrs. Tea 1¢€ in 8J jods an extra Itexture that with May ) i | n C