numberofthesecaswmtheNor-m andamshmudrbakewmmg thatjall terms will be the penalty for the con- mptible crime or deflrauding me municipal relief funds. This form of fraud implies hardshdp on «he deserv- ingpoorasitmeansthatomerswm notonlyflndig hardertosecure needed asbtance but thmwfllabobelessfor thehonestmortoneceive. Inthecase Isaac seuo, a. Finlander at Kirkland lake, was recently charged in police can't there with obtaining goods by the pretenca, the goods being ob- named from the relief department of the mmï¬cipality. Sena was found guilty and sentenced to two months in jail at Hadleybury. There have been a. Unemployed Man Used Deceit to Secure Relief 2th.!" 110 Pine Street South CLARKE PORK AND BEANS SODA BISCUITS In 14 to 15 lb. (as .......... Bologna in 5 lb. or (m Patronize your. home industry. Leave your money in your home town. Let it be in circulation. You will beneï¬t by it some day. ' DATES pawns. m1 good value 80â€"70% nice and musty 3 It; ................... v ....... _ ...... 29 C SWEET BISCUITS A real special, good assortment. per lb. r. {or 25c 11c 19c 120 Try The Advance m: Advertisements had not sent mam money to come here. he said. ‘ not explain his continuing to secure the groceries but still worse was to be woven-namely that Sello did not have any wife or family in Canada at all. This was eventually admitted by Seilo, who said he had been expecting his family to come here and so had re- glstered them as living in Canada. He CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW BISCUITS. while 17 C they last, per lb. .................. Oranges. nice. MC! (0011 size, per dozen gistered as a married man with a. Wife and four children. On the strength of the statement that the family were starving. Seilo received about $50.00 worth of groceries from the town over a. period of time. Upon investigation it was found that Seilo could not pro- duce any wife or family at the address hegave. Hisexpianationwas thathe had sent them to Montreal as it was cheaper to keep them there. This did PURE LABD In 81b. nulls PEARL WHITE SOAP 10 bars for ..................... MIXED CANDY. a 11: nice assortment, 2 lbs PER LB. Friday Saturday Phone 130 13c 35c 29c George Bacon and ï¬ve others charged with assault some weeks ago upon three of their fellow countrymen came before the court. Bacon was ï¬ned $20.00 and $24.70 costs, while the charges against the other ï¬ve were dis- missed. The other ï¬ve said they were not with Bacon at the time of the as- sault and did not take part in the trou- ble. A girl of sixteen was charged with the theft of..a. dress from the home of a, lady with‘whom 'she had stayed 11‘ couple of nights. The dress was found in the girl's, suitcase†but she said it had been given to her by another girl. She elected to be tried by a judge and A woman who charged her husband with failing to provide for her and her family did not win much sympatlw in the court. The husband expressed his readiness to provide for his family if the wife would look after the house Iin any fair kind of way. In court she {wanted about $100.00 a month to sup- port the family, and this looked a lot in view of the fact that the man was only making about $130.00 a month. The magistrate dismissed the case against the man and gave the woman some good advice. Police court this week was notable for the variety of the cases, the number of cases. and the amount of money coming to the town as a result or; the activities of the police department. It may be also noted that the ï¬nes of a couple of those who were taken clswn to Haileybury last week were paid this week with the usual result that the two men concerned secured their liber- ty and the town has the money from the ï¬nes, some $300.00. ‘ Another Big Docket at the Police Court Eases This Week had Variety and Brought in a Nice Sum of Money. Some of Last Week's Fines Paid. THE PORCUPIN E ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO There are so many local event's of onekmdoranotherinthistownand district that the duestidn of the amuse- ment tax is of special mterest and importance. to a. large number of people. Recently there have been a. number of enquiries in regard to the schedule of amusement taxes that will 'be in force,‘ New Schédule of the Amusement Taxes Charity Events Included, but Refm Possible in Certain Cases. Tickets up to 25¢ are Exempt. ed, “It may hurt their feelings but it won't hurt. mine.†cases of beer and some liquor were found on this occasion and Roberts. who was alone, said he was in charge of the apartment, according to «the police As the secOnd fine of $500 and costs was announced and the club de- clared a public place under the L.CA. Magistrate Atkmson sbolcailly remark- The magistrate found McGrath guilty of having liquor in other than his own private residence and gave out the ï¬ne of $500 and costs or three months in jail. The charge of having liquor with- out being the owner of an individual permit was laid against. Walter Roberts after a visit to the same apartment on the evening of March 30th ‘by Gon- stables McDougaii' end Gall. Three to put in an appearance to answer a third offence for having liquor not pur- chased on his own permit. His hail of $120 was estreated. In connection with the McGrat-h arrest. Constable Mac- Dougall. O.P.P., informed his worship I that Constable Gall and he had visit- 'ed the apartment at the rear of the club at 25 Government Road West, at 11.30 pm. on April 5th and found a part bottle of liquor. .In the room he- sides the accused at the time ‘he said} there were Jack Byrnes, alleged to be1 manager of the chm, Walter Roberts and another man. MoGratih claimed the liquor and stated he rented the apartment at $40 a 11103. iihe eon-l name stated there was no indication the apartment was used as a residence and also that the accused had a room i at 36 Kirkland St. Brynes, said the' Witness, averred the liquor was own- ed by his brother who rented the room. ed a ï¬ne of $500 and costs or three months in Jail. Both men were abscn: from the crowded court room when their names were called and thus bench warrants for commitment were issued. In the case of Roberts [ball of $125 was estreated while MoGrath was only summonsed to appear. A bench warrant was also issued far Alfonse Sgra, rear of 46 'Deck Ave.. who failed Under the heading. “navy Plnee Imam Local Men." mum-mm News last met and. in part. in its 'reportofthepalioeoourtetxirkhnd sensational turn when a. branch of the Tlsdale Athletic Club at 25 G: \em- merit Road. including any apartments connected with it. was declared a public place under the Liquor Contrct Am. This pronouncement. followed c axis- tions for having liquor illegally :. ;;1‘..i . Alex MoGrath and Walter Robert ». wli: were arrested recently by local P22- vlnciel police in an apartment 9.. the rear of the above club. With czeh1 conviction Magistrate Atkinson i.. -. l Declare Kirkland Lake Club a “Public Place†e The coroner's jury enquiring on Fri- - day last into the death of Edward Keen S , and Lorenzo Basseville who met death C 7 in a blasting accident at the Hoilinger L-. ‘ on April 12th brought in a verdict ï¬nd-- - . mg that death was due to accident and 1 , that no blame was attached to anyone. “The jury's verdict, however, expressed - f the opinion that the accident was likely P 4 due to the fact that too much was cut ‘- | of! the fuse by the men. Pieces of fuse picked up in the drift after the accif dent and also other samples of me Ilwere tried out by the Jury and found} lfto be all good. \ l 3 l d had been allowed to lapse before the men were again visited to see that they were all right. Messrs Thashow, R. E. Philips, W. McDermott and others gave evidence. from which it seemed that the likely cause of the fatality was the cutting off of too much of the fuse used. The evidence of W. McDermott. mine captain at thellevel Where the accident occurred was particularly clear and valuable. He said that 8 feet of the men. W .DeFeu, foreman of the jury, while 'commending the witness for his clear and straight- orward evi- dence, suggested that too long a time i Coroner H. E. Montgomery presided iat the inquest and Crown Attorney 8. A. Caldbicl: and Mining Inspector R. H. Cleland were present. the latter as- sisting very materially in the bringing out of all possible information in re- gard to the accident. Dr. H. H. Moore gave evidence in regard to the injuries sustained by the two men. John Cattie shift boss in charge of the shift on which the two men were, told the jury1 that they had told him they might be late and so he had not worried when they did not come of! shi1t at eleven. He went down at one o'clock and found {Death by Accident I the Verdict of Jury No mama Actuated to Anyone In One of Death of Meat: Ken and 3mm. Flee Likely Ont too Short. Her my numb will be placed to mun-cunnmwhoum- mummm'smmz Whlaaoupleotmeumlanw At a meeting of the provisional directors of The Workers’ Co-operative Boarding House Limited, a motion was passed to the effect that a General Meet- ing of the shareholders be called for the 8th day of May, 1932, at the hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon ,at the Finnish Hall, Fourth Avenue, ‘Timmins, Ontario, to be held as a general and also a special meeting for the following purposes: 1. To organize the Company. 2. To elect Directors of the Company. 3. To consider, and if deemed advisable, ratify general By-laws for governing the aflairs of the Company; also By-laWs providing for the remuneration of directors and ofï¬cers; also a By-law to permit the Directors to borrow money; also a By-law to permit the purchasing? and holding of shares in other companies. 4. To transact such other business a‘s Indy be necessary or desirable Dated at 'l‘inimins. Ont" this 215! of March. 193?. GOOD PRIZES Ausplces of the St. Shankman’s Hill, Foot of TThird Avenue MONDAY EVENING. APRIL 25TH, 1932 NOTICE OF A MEETING S. J. A. B. Headquarters BRIDGE PARTY John Ambulance Brigade. Timmlns.’ In the Nu! Fit. In! 8. part III?“ ’3 “1.7.! 781188 unin- mm In outrun... Obi“: Mk bk MM ml. flu Tau Glam!†Write for hut-nub: Dept. 51 Sam" Mmgco" mm. on. 3mm.“ 1m Thursday, April 213t,1932 ARVO LEPISTA, Provisional Secretary Rummns