Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 14 Apr 1932, 1, p. 8

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Educational Night at the St. Matthew’s A.Y.P.A. Miss Coleman, as convener of the educational and literary committee, dealt with the “Seven Wonder of the Old World and Seven Wonders of the New Day." Another feature on the programme was on “Things we Oughrt Last Tuesday was Educational Night at St. Matthew’s A.Y.PA., 8. G. Fowler the president being in the chair. C. Napper contributed a solo during the evening, Mrs. J. W. Faithful being the Accompanist. April 20thâ€"Missionary. April 27thâ€"Conoert. May 4thâ€"Nomimtion and election of emcers for the ensuing term. May 11th~Annual banquet. May 18th and 25thâ€"Open nights. The following is an outline of the programme completing the spring ses- James Hamilton, of the West Road, Haileybury, has ben visiting relatives in Thursday, April 14th, 1932* Shirriff' s Pimple Marmalade i3" 25c FLU SH 0 Tin 23c 95%? 22c The Modern Toilet Note-d" SPECIALâ€" “ARROW ” Brand N0. 2 Squat Tins Warmer weather brings a need for tighter desserts. Herc in on: you are $ure to V" ‘1' lllCI nted Her: for u. an: W'saulcr nl‘lnqs a I' .ightcr desserts. ,flI you are sure to GILCH RIST’S Our largest sell. inn Tea bo- comcs doubly monomiral this week. Be sure You buy the three roundsâ€"â€" the saving is obvious. “PECIALW FRY’S Delicious Breakfast SPECIALm KELLOGG’S or QUAKER berry Sultana UCUAW Tin Fe: generations the popular .favorite breakfast beverage. Nourishing and delicious for the children. lxw-zcs kings of superlative flavor and smoothness. Lecc Buy Your Tea This Week HOUSEHOLD EATON’S SPECIAL â€"â€" Libby’s California ASPARAGUS No. 1 Square Tin BLgND ‘\ :7â€"3'33\ W AMMONIA “ONT figfififir; #1 «xen- Council Considers Rates of Pay, No Cut (Continued from Page One) As everything seemec a:; right about the proposed townsite. and the fifteen- foot lanes provided being especially ap- proved, the council authorized the necessary approval of the plans. Mr. Barberry submitted a letter in which he detailed what he was pre- pared to do in the way of providing a market for the town of Timmins and the rules under which he would like to have it conducted. Under his plan there would be market on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays. He would provide an ice box and other conven- iences. A charge of $1.00 per table would be made and 10 cents per rig for parked rigs. He wanted a three- year contract, with cancellation? on either side only for serious reason. Councillor -;Richard§on thought the building in question was not large enough. Councillor Chenier said it had proved large enough last year. Coun- cillor Honey said that Mr. Barberry had outlined what he wanted and it SPECIAL» “HAN DY” 'Brand to Councillors Dooley, Morrison and Chenier to investigate and report. the rest of the council to co-operatc with any informaion or other help that might be given in the matter. seemed up to the council next to learn just what the settlers wanted. Mem- bers of the council did not think that the plan for charging fees for rigs on the street would be practical. Even- tually the whole question was referred The necessary by-law for the adop- tion of the tax rate for 1932 was duly passed. The rates are as outlined in The Advance last week. having been decided upon at a Special meeting of the council. The total rate for public school supporters is 60.74 mills, being an increase of 1.04 mills over last year. The total rate for separate school sup- porters is 73.70 mills, an increase of 5.70 mills over last year's rate. The details of the 1932 tax levy are as follows 2â€"- General and debenture rate Public school purposes Separate school supporters High and Technical school Public We” .. . Loca1 Improvement debentux es 26.01 20.04 33.00 11.35 , 0.61 2.73 SPECIALS ‘0: Apt. > 15-21 SAVE llrhen you SHOP at EATON’S : THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO Boneless and Rolled Choice Milk Fed Roast of 1b. Fresh Loins of Fresh Loin of Pork Ccunptv Fri. and Sat. Boneless and Mcaled Back per cut Lean Minced Chops 190 Beef 10c Pork 15c Sweet Juicy, Good S§ze Oranges”? 25c SPECIAL-~LOOK ! Waferothin Ducuilsâ€" Just crammed wufi tasty Suttana “rainsâ€"rushed flesh from the baker's to the Storeâ€"especially for this sale. .....lbl‘ SULTANA BISEUITS SPECUAL at the. M ~ . 37] s V) 26.01 20.04 33.00 11.35 The Delicious, Se‘ Gauthier townsitc . 197 Bartleman townsite . . 2.52 The taxes will be payable half on June lst and the other half by Sept. lst with 5 per cent. penalty added if not paid when due. Mayor Drew said that the rate had been kept as low as possible. It was only slightly higher than last year and this was more than accounted for by the increase of 3 mills in the High School rate. The separate school rate was also up 3 mills though the public school rate was down 1.64 mills from last year. The reason for the increase in the High School rate was that they did not ask for enough last year. The request of the Horticultural Society for a grant of $100.00 was granted, the money to be paid when the society needs it. The Horticultural Society plans a two-day show this year and the council thought the society well worthy of support. Last year the grant was $75.00. and one councillor thought the extra $25.00 might be taken from the Dog Show grant. "There are more The matter of the back taxes on a house purchased from the town was referred to the finance committee. suggested [8: '~ : Pansy Paan Aster cantero.ry C For Roasting ll per cut lb. Tasty 1b. lb. people interested in flowers than in dogs and poultry," the mayor com- mented. ’ Mayor Drew said that several had mentioned to him the idea. of a gen- eral cut in town salaries and wages. He was doubtful if such a plan were warranted, but if the council wished a special meeting called to study salarias and wages this could be done. Wages and salaries had been adjusted from time to time. It would be a good idea, perhaps to have a list of all employees and the rates of pay for the council to consider. The argument had been used that the salaries of the teachers would not be reduced until the town salaries generally were cut. Mayor Drew said that there had been many suggestions for further paving in town and now would be a good time to discuss the question with Mr. Burns, a representative of the Godson road- building firm present. The mayor pointed out that while the present was a poor time to take on any commit- ments of any kind, it might be that some paving where the traflic was very heavy might be more economical than the cost of constant repairs necessary. He mentioned the stretches on Pine street from Second avenue to Kirby and from Fourth to Fifth avenues. The question was one. of financing, but he did not think the time opportune for financing any such work. Mr. Burns showed the councillors samples of the paving material and said his firm would be very pleased to tender on the work. Work undertaken by them would be supervised by the Milton Hersey Co engineers and the town engineer. Local labour would be employed and local purchases made. Council did not think the present a good time for ex- penditures of this kind, but the cost of repairs and the cost of pavement for blocks where the traflic is specially heavy will be compared to see if paving would actually be cheaper than repair- mg. Dr. Honey said he was strongly op- posed to the cutting of teachers’ sala- ries. Their salaries had not gone up in prosperous times like in other callings and it seemed unjust to centre on them now for reductions. In View of the service they were. giving and the res- ponslbilities they carried, he thought they were not at all overpaid. Referrâ€" ing to the possible election necessary for a trustee Dr. Honey said:--â€"“To me Pond’s Creams 7 29c Vivadou’s Creams 27c Hind’s Honey and Almond Cream . 37c Jergen’s Lotion 39c Italian Balm 29c and 49c Coty’s Face Powder 59c Pompeian Face Powder . 490 3 Flowers Face Powder 75c, $1.00 Loose Powder Compacts 750., $1.50 Cocoanut Oil Shampoo l9c Woodbury’s Shampoos V ., ,. 50c WE SAVE YOU MONEY EVERY DAY 23c To reduce our stock before moving to our New Store in the Gibson Block (next door to our present location) we are offering the following items TOILETRIES The Curtis Drug 00. Phone 835 WeeK End Bargains Antiseptic Listerine 89c it would look better to eliminate the election and save that thousand dol- lars. If salaries of teachers are cut it looks like making them pay the cost of that election for a. trustee.“ Mayor Drew did not see that the council could interfere in any .2' in regard to. the election :r a school trustee. no matter how desirable it might be to save the expense. “Why should the election cost $1,000?” asked Councillor Morrison. Council were agreed that it would be well if the election expenses could be saved by any agreement made. Mayor Drew said he was in favour of a decent wage for all, and if the coun- cil were satisfied no adjustment of wages were necessary he was quite con- tent to let the matter drop. Councillo1 Caron said he had always been in favou1 of a. fair wage for work- ers, but he thought a. smear] meeting of council could decide if any adjust- ments were required. “I am in favour of such a meeting," said Dr. Honey, “but we shouldn’t ap- proach the matter with the idea of cut- ting wages or saving money. We should look at it fairly and decide on gly’gfllyyfgggfg/fiiy/I’V/I’V’flilllllyf’l’fg PALMOLIVE SOAP CUTICURA SOAP BATH CAKES ROUND, 4 for ALPINE FLOATING BATH SOAP. 4 for PALMOLIVE SHAWNG CREAM 2 bars for WOODBURY’S FACIAL SOAP, 3 for CASTILE SOAP SQUIBB'S SHAVING CREAM HOLLYWOOD TOILET SOAP, 4 for On May 1st, 1932, 10 p.c. will be added to all Arrears of Taxes as per section 143 sub sec. 2 of the Assess- ment Act. ALL ARREARS OF TAXES NOT PAID. ON OR BEFORE THAT DATE WILL BE HAND- ED TO BAILIFFS FOR COLLECTION, UN- LESS SATISFACTORY ARRANGEMENTS ARE MADE FOR EXTENSION OF TIME H. E. MONTGOMERY. Clerk and Treasurer -15 SOAPS Colgate’s Tooth 19c and 39c 16 Pine St, North Paste 190 25c 25c 69c 5c 29c 35C 6c ram of pay are right. Councillor Dooley commented that the mines had not reduced wages, and if they did it would be a serious matter for the town. In view of the rates of pay so far as he knew them he did not think any general cut warranted. He would not like tosee the town set the example of making a general cut from pment rates of pay. Councillor Morrison asked what emu. ployees could be fairly reduced. Surely not the firemen or police working twelve hours a day for small pay. nor the men on town work at 40 cents 6.11 hour! the merits of each case whether the It was eventually decided to hold a Special meeting Tuesday evening of this week, the clerk to have a. list of all employees and the rates of pay in each case. This special meeting was duly held. with the mayor in the chair and all the councillors present, excepting Coun- cillor Caron who was called out of town during the day. The list of employees and the rates of pay were studied and council was agreed that no cuts would be fair or desirable. Scott’s Emulsion .. 43¢ a Kruschen Salts .. .4 Ayerst's Cod Liver Oil Minard’s Llnlment Chase‘s Ointment .A . Phillips‘ Milk of Magnwla Castorin. Eclecu'lc Oil , Beef, Iron and Wine Frultativcs H . . V. Baby’s Own Tablets . 22c Sloan's Linimcnt A 29c and 59c Chase’s Nerve 49c PATENTS WE SAVE YOU MONEY EVERY DAY 43c and 870 89c 360 24c 29c 19c 49c 79c 37c

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