This year the departmental examina- tiona are a day or two later than last year. For Timmins and district these examinations will be conducted at the Tim ins High and Vocational Schools. The following is a list of the various are a. n N ber of pupils in the town and districtï¬to are studying extmmurally. -â€"at Mt schOOI, home, etaâ€"and these can secure the application forms neces- sary from Mr. Henry in case they de- sire Lav. write on any of these depart- mental tests. Time Table for the Annual Departmental Examinations Pdncipal Henry of the Timmlns High and Vocational Schools has re- ceived the application forms I or the High School Entrance, June 27th, 28th and 29th. (French June 23rd to 24th). Model Entrance June 22nd, 23rd, 27th and 28th. Lower School, June 23rd, 24th, 27th, 28th and 29th. Middle School and Upper School, June 20th, let, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, July 4th, 5th and 6th. ' Clearance of Stylish Dresses Friday and Saturday Only Women’s and Misses’ Models at Half Price and Less Thursday. April 7th, 1932 5:; Phone Your Orders 1 1101 It: luur ura aers We Denver 1‘ rec éFRANK FELD MAN Dates of Examinations SHORTENING 20 lbs. SHORTENING. 2 lbs. ........ . PURE LARD 2 lbs. .. MOJAH COFFEE per lb. . 110 Pine Street South JUTLAND ' S. SARDINES. 4 for 25c 3 SUGARCRISP 1 CORNFLAKES, 4 pkgs 29C .4 TIEY FELDMAN'S SPECIAL TEA 3 lbs. for SMOKED PICNICS, 5 lb. to 7 lb. per lb. ...... BACON, 6 to 8 lbs. per lb. BOLOGNA. 5 to 6 lbs. RIB STEW Per lb. PORK CROPS per lb. PORK FLANKS For Boiling. per lb. PORK SHOULDERS Special for Friday and Saturday We guarantee the quality to, thé last ounce. Choice Western Timmins Included in this shipment is also a limited quantity of Misses’ All-“'00! Jersey Cloth Dresses in a smart sports model in sizes 14 to 20. Be sure to see these. A special event in thk two-day clearance of smart new model all-wool Flannel Dresses. Only 156 were sent to this ofï¬ce. We of the several smart styles are shown here. To-momw and Saturday you save at least half and in some cases more than half the original price. The quantities in each size and colour are limited. so come in and shop early. Junior Misses 15 to 19 156 only All-Wool Flannel Dresses. Blue Green Brown Red Navy THE ROBERT The French subjects of the High School Entrance examinations (June 23rd and 24th) are provided only for French-speaking pupils who may desire Friday. June 24WFrenchâ€"9DO 1:: 11.30, French literature; 130 to 3.30 French composition. Thursday, June 23rd-4Frénchâ€"1-130 to 3.30. French grammar; 3.30 to 4.30. French spelling. Tuesday, June nthâ€"9.00 to 1130. English literature; 1.30 to 3.30. English grammar; 3.30 to 430. writing. Wednasday. June 29thâ€"9.oo‘co 11.30 arithmetic; 1.30 to 330. geography. examinations with dates. subjects. etc; High School Entrance Monday. June 27thâ€"9 to 11. English composition; 11.10 to 12, English spell- mg; 130 to 3.30. history. SOAP CHIPS 3 lbs. for 19C EVAPORATED APPLES. 2 lbs. for. 23C We Deliver Free SIMPSON Phone 130 35 Third Avenue $1.00 $1.98 22c 22c 29c 8c 19c 11c 13c 13c 140 196 Misses Sizes 16 to 18 Friday, June 24thâ€"9.30 to 11 am. Latin authors; 130 to 4.00, Latin com- position, history of commerce. Monday, June 27311â€"900 to 11.30. French authors, French literature; 1.30 to 3.30, French composition; 1.30 Wednesday, June 22ndâ€"9.00 m 11.30, English literature; 1.30 to 4.00. problems Thursday, June 23rd=â€"-9.00 to 11.30. geometry; 1.30 to 4.00, chemistry. Tuesday, June marâ€"9.00 do 1130‘ algebra. Monday, June 20th-â€"1.30 to 4.00 pm English composition. Wednwday. July 6thâ€"9.00 to 11.30, Spanish authors; 1.30 to 4.00, German composition. Tuesday, July 5thâ€"9.00 to 11.30, Ger- man authors; 1.30 to 4.00, German composition. Monday, July 4011â€"900 to 11.30, Greek authors; 1.30 to 4.00, Greek acci- denoe. Thursday, June 30thâ€"9.00 to 11.30. physics, commercial; 1.30 to 4.00, chem- istry, commercial. Tuesday. June 281311â€"900 to 11.30. business arithmetic: 1.30 to 4.00, geo- graphy. commercial. Wednesday, June 29thâ€"9.00 to 11.30. Household Science I, arithmetic; 1.30 to 4.00, Household Science 11. Monday. June 27thâ€"9.00 to 11:30. French authors, French literature; 1.30 to 4.00, French composition. Thursday, June 23111â€"900 to 11.30 geometly; 1.30 to 4.00, chemistry agri- culture, second year. Friday, June 24thâ€"9.00 to 11.30, La.- tin authors; 1.30 to 4.00, Latin composi- tion. Wednesday. June ï¬nd-9.00 to 1130 English literature; 1.30 to 4.00, physics, agriculture, ï¬rst year. Tuesday, June ï¬stâ€"9.00 to 11. 30 algebra; 1.30 to 4. 00 Canadian history Tuesday, June 28thâ€"9.00 to 11.30. physiog'raphy; 130 to 4.00, botany. Wednesday. June 29thâ€"9.00 to 11.30. art; 1.30 to 4.00. British history. ï¬liddle School Monday, June 20th~â€"-9.00 to 1130. ancient history, music; 1.30 to 4.00, inglish composition. § I Monday, June 27-hhâ€"-9.00 to 11.30. English grammar; 1.30 to 4.00. French grammar, zoology. Lower School Thursday, June 23rdâ€"9.00 to 11.30. agriculture. ï¬rst year; 1.30 to 4.00, agri- culture, second year. Friday. June 24thâ€"9.30 to 11.00, gea- graphy; 1.30 to 4.00, arithmetic. Monday. June 2701â€"900 to 11.30. English grammar; 1:30 to 4.00, French grammar. Mode! Entrance Wednesday. June ï¬ndâ€"9.00 to 1130 3.111., Freud; literature; 130 to 3.30 p.m.. English composition. Tuaday. June nthâ€"1.30 to 4.00 anch composition. Thursday. June mamâ€"9.00 to 11.30. English literatum; 1.30 to 3.30. English spelling; 2.40 to 3.40 p.m., French spell- m8.~ toobuin creditmthue subjeds in mammmmmbjmm Group I. says t note on the application forum. WHIST DRIVE AND SOCIAL To be held under the Auspices of the Cornish Social Club in the Upper School Hollinger Recreation Hall Wednesday, April 13th COMPANY LIMITED Will Members Kindly Bring Refreshments Women’s Sizes 38 to 44 Phone 944 A HAM WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION WHIST DRIVE 25 CENTS THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO The regular meeting of the town council will be held on Monday after- noon. April 11th, commencing at 4.00 Fees Increased This Year This time table and application forms give a number of instructions to candi- dates in regard tothe departmental ex- aminations. One of the clauses reads: “4 Candidates shall take with them in- to. the examination room when presenta ing themselves for examination in each paper, the exact amount of the exa- mination fee prescribed. $1.00 or $1.50 as the case may be, and shall place it on their desks for collection as in- structed by the presiding ofï¬cer. The maximum fee 'for the lower school ex- amination is $5.00, for the Middle School examination, $10.00, and for the Upper School examination, $15.00.†It will be noted that this clause applies to Lower, Middle and Upper School examinations. In referring to these examinations a note on the applica- tion form says: -â€"“Fee, per paper. $1. 50; iiée per paper in the case of candidates prepared at a school situated in a Dis- trict or in a provisional County, $1.00; maximum fee, Middle. $10.00; Upper, $15.00.†This is an increase over the fees in preï¬ous years. Wednesday, July 6thâ€" Spanish authms; 1.30 to composition. Tuesday, July 5thâ€"9.00 to 11.30, Ger- man authors; 1.30 to 4.00. German composition. Monday. July 4thâ€"9.00 to 11.30, Greek authors; 1.30 to 4.00. Greek com- position. ~_‘._.vâ€"J - Wedpésday, June 29011â€"500 t3 11.30 botany; 1.30 to 4.00. zoology. Thursday, June awnâ€"9.00 to 11.30‘ physics. to 4.00 French composition (re Normal) Tuesday, June 28thâ€"-9. 30 to 11.00 history; 1.30 to 4.,00 trigonometry. HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER COM MISSION OF ONTARIO has been appointed Electrical 1n- spector for Timmins District and all matters pertaining to electrical inspection should be referred to him at Mr. B. S. McDivitt 158 Elm St. South July GUIâ€"9.00 to 11.30 4.00 Spanish -l4 The Ladies' Guild of St. Matthew's Anglican church announce an after- noon tea. and sale of home baklng to be held 1:) the church hall on Saturday of this week. April 9th, from 3 to 6 pm. All are invited to attend this event and the patronage of all will be appwclated. alligators had to be removed to other quarters. Although many here doubt whether the alligators can be raised in this climate, Mr. Babcock thinks that with care and attention this can be done and that they will thrive and grow under the proper regime. It was amus- ing to note the expressions on the facw of those viewing the reptile-s. No one semed to like the looks of the alliga- tors. yet are appeared to be tempted to stOp and see them. There seemed to be general disappointment that they were not bigger and older, yet no one really wished them so. for the bigger and older the more repulsive and dan‘ gerous they would appear. All last week there were crowds stopped at the Marshall-Ecclestone store window on Third avenue to see the alligators on exhibition there. There were two small alligators there and there seemed to be a big crowd of men, women and children around the window all the time. The alligators are the property of Babcock the Lot Man who brought them back from Florida some weeks ago. He intends to use them as the nucleus of a zoo he is planning to establish at. a park and amusement place here Saturday the crowd was so dense} around the window and the crowding1 to see the alligators was so ï¬erce that the plate glass window was broken with the crush. As a consequence the A large party of enthusiastic Tim- mins skaters are going to South Por- cupine rink this evening (Thursday). They are leaving the Timmins railway station at 7 pm. sharp by trucks or buses. The total expense for the even- ing. including refreshments. will be sixty cents per person for the return trip. The ice is good at South Por- cupine arena and there is the best of music. This visit by the Timmins skaters will mean a very pleasant even- ing for all going to South Porcupine, and it will also aid the public-spirited management of the South Porcupine arena in their effort. to clean up this season the small mortgage remaining against their community rink. All will be welcome to join the party going from Timmins. All are invited; come and bring a friend. CRO\VD ADMIRING ALLIGATORS BREAK WINDOW OF STORE Large Party of Skaters to South Porcupine To-night The Coranh Social Club announce a banquet to be held in the Sons of Eng- land hall. over’ Woolworth’s store, on Saturday of next week, April 16th. the event commencing at 7.45 sharp. In addition to the members of the Cor- nish Club there will be a number of guests for the occasion and it is scarce- ly necessary to say that the event will be a pleasant one. The Cornish Social Club is noted for its generous hospital- ity and is particularly happy at events of this kind, its social evenings and other similar functions being famous in this district. Previous banquets by the Cornish Social Club have been known for the enjoyable successes achieved and on Saturday of next week, April 16th, the members of the club and the guests alike may be assured of a very pleasant evening. Cornish Social Club to Hold Banquet, April 16th M. Thorburn, teacherâ€"Jr. IIâ€"Marion MacLeod. Edra. MacDonald, Harvey McColeman. Herbert Evans, Jean Load- er. Sr. Iâ€"Fred Milne, {Muriel trum't, Herman Sanford. Imne Peacock Adolph Salomone. Ahti KaLLalakoski‘ Allan Caron, Bertha Sheridan, Hazel Bound, Wilma Hawse. J. W. McKelvie. teacherâ€"Jr. Pr. A.» Betty Stevens, Erman Dwyer. Tommy Wilkins. John Newsham. B.â€"Irene Lawson. Weldon Carver. K.P.â€"-Jonkl Vatanen. Mary Boyd. E. Taylor, teacherâ€"Sr. Pr. A.-â€"Gar- neth MacLeod, Ella Luhtanen. Hazel Stevens, Jean Smith, Ross McIntosh, Scott McColeman. Adelarde Sauve. Barbara Haysmad. Erie Bull, Magnus J-chnson. Harvey Jacklln. B.~-Tynne Kangas. Harold HursJey. Basil Trewatham. Ronald Taylor. Dou- glas Chapman. Stanley Hoblyn. ily Snyder. MiSS C. M. Dodd, teacherâ€"Jr. Iâ€"~ Harry Jacobson, Otto Mattinen, Anna Middleton. Eleanor McMillan. B.â€"Margaret Latham, Hazel Rita. Caron, Nara. Paver, Florence Ander- Junior Grades in the Mattagami School The following is the honour standing of the junior grades In the Mattagami public school for March:â€" E. James. teacherâ€"Class K.P.â€"A.-â€" Anita Soul. Vivian Constant. Douglas Bellamy, Muriel Romwell. Honour Standing of the Pupils in the Junior Gradoï¬ at the Mattagnmi School for the Month of March. he crowding :> ï¬erce that was broken sequence the wuls, LWO araws and one loss is a re- cord to be proud of in View of the cali- bre of the men pitted agalnst him. There will be a general hope that when Roy returns to active ring work in the next couple of months that he will folâ€" low up the notable means he has won so far. He‘ls now under the wage- ment of Dan P. Howley, formerly manâ€" ager of the Toronto Maple Leafs. and a. ï¬rst-class good sport. During his time in Florida, Roy has had no less than ten important bat- ties and lost only the one decision. He had seven straight wins that were beyond question, and two draws were registered. The newspaper accounts suggested that the two battles in which draws were awarded were in reality wins for Roy Hamilton. However, leav- ing this as it is, the record of seven wins, two draws and one loss is a re- paper at. West Palm Beach in reporting the ï¬ght said that some of the fans disagreed so much with the judm that there was considerable booing. When asked for his own opinion in the matter Roy said that the decision of the judges was the opinion that, had to count. He ï¬nished the ï¬ght as if nothing had happened but later X-ray pictures tak- en of the jaw bone showed the breaks and he had to lay up for repairs. His jaw bone was wired up and made more or less comfortable and he took the op- portunity to pay a visit to his old home town of Tim-minis. He arrived here Tuesday evening looking ï¬ne and ï¬t and seemed to look upon a broken jaw as a very incidental matter. He will be as well as ever in a short time and has plans to resume his good work in the ring in the next month or so. In his latest battle in Florida, with Lew Hardcastle, a tough one as hard as his name. Roy put, up a good ï¬ght and in the. opinion of the crowd seemed to merit the decision. Hardoastle got the decision. however, though the morning R. Laflamme. of Kapjskasin" was a b9 “ usiness visitor to Timmjns last week Hosts of friends in the town and dis- trict were pleased to see. Roy Hamilton back to Timmins this week after several months spent in the South. but all were sorry at the'reason that brought him away from his succoesful career in the South in the boxing line. In his last ï¬ght in Florida with a. par- ticularly tough opponent he had the misfortune to have his jaw fractured. Roy Hamilton Back to N orth for Visit Had the Ill-Luck to Have Jaw Frac- tured in Latest Battle. Out of Ten thabio Battles in Florida Lost Only One Decision. 4 Cedar Street North As these are the onlv two cars l have on hand after the disposal of the auto bminess I have conducted in the past, I am prepared to give the best of terms for the sale of these cars. If you wish to trade a property {or them, same can be arranged. Peerless Coupe, with Rumble Seat Watch for The Globe next Monday. It is not a. special edition but the regular 2.00 am. 1"“ Ylf‘f’i‘L‘S Toronto 2.20 am; leaves NOrth Bay 9 ~25 :l.m.: .-:~' Sm '1‘Intm.u.~. 8.50 pm. Order your copy now 230 Miles By Truck To1onto to No1th Bayâ€"commences for the 1932 season on Ap11l nthâ€"next Monday. This service \1 as inaugurated last yea1 by The Globe, and gives positively the latest news of any daily newspaper se1v1ng Northern Ontario Ihe longestgewspaper truck run in _the wori C. DESAULNIERS in splendid condition, upholstery in ï¬ne shape for only SPORTS STOCKS CABLES RADIO GENERAL NEWS Ube (Blobe Also 1 Buick Sedan in running order Canada’s Most Quoted Newspaper EASY TERMS ARRANGED Complete A I’PLY TO $395.00 $75.00 Cheap at. 0n sunday, April mm, the morning senice m'll‘b-e at 11 o'clock and the night meeting" at 7 pm†speaker, Mr Wesley Hall. The public is cordially invited to fllése services. Special 53 does are being held in the Salvation Army citadel on Thurs- day and Friday of this week, April 7th and 8th, at 8 pm. SPECIAL SERVICES AT THE SALVATION ARNIY THIS “’EEK All the newest modes. The most scientiï¬c appliances The most skilled operators E. ST. LOUIS, Prop. Reed Block Basement De Luxe Beauty Parlour MODERN E PERMAN EN TS The Special Meetings Conducted by A. E. FALIN (Detroit) ALL (‘ORDIALLY INVITED very Week Night. at 8.00 pm Grace Chapel “’ill continue 75 ELM STREET ‘sov'm Including Shampoo Hair Set and Finger Wave Sunday at 7.00 p.m TIMMINS $10.00 Phone 6 (Detrom ( D.V.) at -14..