__ 7 WWWW‘XX‘NWMW‘\< » CSXSXWSSSS‘â€\X§V g LET US MACHINE-SAND YOUR HARDWOOD g Eveyt mgforBulldmg LUMBER WWWMXWW\S\W‘W‘X\\\Ҥ\V\WX\XW Mm‘u‘vumnsssx‘a ’l‘immins Ofï¬ce closed Saturday afternoons all year round. Branch omces and Yards atâ€"Sudbury. Kirkland Lake. Timmim - and Noranda, Que. MILLWORK â€" v --â€"â€" 59 Balsam Street (down from Fourth) COMING ATTRACTIONS: â€"vvâ€"., MARY THEBY. JOHN DARROW. LIONEL BELMORE. Mouse Cartoonâ€"“BEACH PARTY†Added â€"“(‘URIOSITY†Travelaughâ€"‘ MEDBURY IN BORNEO†FOX MOVIETONE NEWS Midnight Show, Friday, April 15th. at 11.30 pm. wrru WILLIAM FARNUM. THOMAS SA.NTSCHI PA'I'ri LOU LYND, ROBERT FRAZER. _PHYLLIS BARRHNGTON ROSE~ r'Jtcu A! AN] 1) 5Aâ€U1 R,1)AY APRI IL 15â€"16 “ TEN NIGHTS IN A B A-R ROOM †“and run URSDAY, APRIL13â€"11 “ WTHE UNEXPECTED FATHER †Thursday WITH SYLVIA SIDNEY. GENE RAYMOND. “'YNNE GlBSON AND ROCKCLIFFE FELLOWS A dramatic problem that hits all of us today. Comedyâ€"“ALL SEALED UP†PARAMOUNT SOUND NEWS WITH JETTA GOUDAL. JOEL McCREA. DOROTHY PETERSON PEGGY ROSS. CYRIL RING. JED PROUTY, BORIS KARLOFF America's Jesterâ€"Will matches wits and wisecracks with the sheiks and sirens of Damascus Mouse Cartoonâ€"“FISHING AROUND" Sportflghbâ€"“ï¬ï¬‚NTING THRILLS†FOX MOVIETONE NEWS Midnight Show, Sunday, April lowâ€"showing above programme. ffï¬USINESS and PLEASUREâ€-â€"‘U’ With DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS JR., LORETTA YOUNG. CLAUDE ALLISTER. ANDRE CHERON, HENRY KOLKER and IiORlS KARLOFF Breeziest. snappicst, fastest story of the year. Scrappy Cartoonâ€"“MINDING THE BABY" AUDIO nnku' Eveningâ€"7.00 p.m. (continua-i1;ï¬erformance) Complete Change of Programme Every MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY WEDNES. and THURSDAY, APRIL m'--â€" --â€" -mâ€"_â€" ___ __ MONDAY AND TUESDAY, APRIL 11â€"12 __‘_‘__LADII'E OF THE BIG HOUSE †GOLDFIELDS GUNSUMERS’ GU-UPERATIVE e BOARDING HOUSE WERNESDAY THURSDAY, APRIL 6â€"? Board Raies Room Rates . FRIDAY and SATURDAY, APRIL WILL ROGERS in APRIL APRIL APRIL APRIL APRIL (“Uâ€) WITH SLIM SUMMERVILLE AND ZASU PITTS The big laugh team in a comedy scream. Comedyâ€"“SHE SNOOPS TO CONQUER" Vagabondâ€"“WELL OF FORTELEZA" Fableâ€"“CINDERELLA BLUES" TELEPHONE 509 Prompt Attention Given to all Kinds of Repair Work. Special tyâ€"“THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR OPEN DAY AND NIGHT lBâ€"dSâ€""I'I PARK LANE†ZOâ€"ZIâ€"M SPIDER†22â€"23~â€"“TOUCHDOWN" 25â€"26â€"“CAUGHT PLASTEBED" 27â€"28â€"“RICH MAN’S FOLLY" MF‘MANHATTAN PARADE" . T. WALKER April 7th, 1932 MATINEE DAILY AT 2.30 P.M4 AND [HOW CHARACTERIZE OUR SERVICE TIMMINS 3t, fastest story of the year. '0 THE BABY" AUDIO REVIEW HALL JOHNSON CHOIR" BUILDER’S SUPPLIES ...$6.50per week $3.50 per month 81 THIRD AVENUE ‘6 5. Ont 9’ The Minister said the prospectors iclasses and the printing of maps and 39 reports would 'be continued and in other ways the government would en- deavour to advance the interests of the the legislation passed at the session of a1 Sales Act, which requires the ï¬ling of a lien in the record’s ofï¬ce where the machinery was set up for mining claims not1 yet patented. In outlining the aims and objects. ! p111 poses and hopes of the newly- form- :ed Ontario Prospectors’ Association ithe chairman Mr. Faiiburn, said that fthe organization came into being to meet an urgent need and once launch- ( prospectors. He referred to some of Ithe House, particularly the Condition- I I ml COMING ATTRACTIONS: Midnight Show, Sundav. April 17â€}.â€" showil'n'zvdoublc feature pro- gramme “ANYBODY’S BLONDE" and “SUICIDE FLEET WITH BILL BOYD, ROBERT ARMSTRONG, JAMES GLEASON. AND GINGER ROGERS . A picture as big as “The Big Paradeâ€, “What a. Price Glory" and “All Quiet On The Western Front.†Don’t miss this one. Cartoonâ€"“TOBY THE BULL THROWER" FOX MOVIETONE NEWS “'ITH MARY ASTOR. ROBERT ARIES, RICARDO CORTEZ AND CATHERINE DKLE OWEN Detective Storyâ€"“S‘VIFT JUSTICE" Specialtyâ€"“BLONDE PRESSURE" SERIALâ€"“DANGER ISLAND"â€"Episode No. 10 Addatâ€"“CURIOSITY†PATHE SOUND NEW’S FRIDAY and SATURDAY, APRIL 8â€"9 JACKIE COOPER and ROBERT COOGAN in 6‘ SOOKY 93-66U†WITH JACKIE SEARL AND THE DAD, MOTHERS AND PLAYMATESWVHO THRILLED YOU IN “SKIPPY†See these wonderful youngsters in “Sooky†(humanâ€"“THE ROBOT†Specialtyâ€"“MUSICAL JUSTICE" FOX MOVIETONE NEWS ... FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL “SUICIDE FLEET †WE‘DN ES. and THURSDAY, APRIL Evening. MONDAY AND TUESDAY, APRIL 11â€"12 BUCK JONES NEW EMPIRE -uou...J V; In his add1ess Hon. Chas. McC1ea 'ing and ti Minister of Mines for Ontario, told; these pzesent that protection of thel’ investing public against fraudulent ‘ ed there practices in the mining industry will the idea c be thoroughly carried out by the Dept. been iaten [of Mines through the Security Frauds could serw fPrevention Act. In the course of his 1113 legisla remarks Hon. Mr. McCrea said that Profession: while the public realized that mining west stakii was a hazardous venture. they expected tax DTGDOE that the money they invested in mining laws were claims would be used fairly and in the the feet 1 best inte ests of the claims. The gov- whole mus e1nment was anxious to fu1ther legiti- , political, a mate prospecting. Mr. McCrea de- ‘ fluence pr clared, and equally as anxious to eli- order to l minate anything that savored of un- . stated the. ethical conduct or tricke1y in the con- i the nssocia duct of mining operations. ibusiness 01 “Keeping in mind its obligations to prospectoxs the investing public, the gove1nme11t!put in ten intends to administer the Secruity l which dea Frauds Act fairly and equitably," said i the commit the Minister. desirable 51 “We are desirous of furthering pros- doomed to pecting to the utmost for it is upon the association, prospector that the future of this great prospectors industry depends." ! commercial William Fairburn. an old-time pros- pector. was chairman, and during the evening he outlined the aims and pur~ poses of the association recently form- ed. Hon. Mr. MoCrea. was introduced by John E. Hammell. whose prospect- ing work has brought him fame and fortune. Among those present at the banquet were a number of government ofï¬cials, including Th-os. Sutherland and A. Burrows, of the Mines Dept. There were over 150 present at the banquet. WEDNESDAY THURSDAY, APRIL 6â€"7 Hon. Chas. MoCrea was the guest of honour on Tuesday evening or last week at a banquet given by the On- tario Prospectors’ gssociation at the Royal York hotel. Toronto. William Fairbum. an old-*Jme Dras- Prospectors Honor Minister of Mines Barquet Given by Ontario Prospector: Association in Toronto Last Week. with "on. Chas. McCrea. m; the WITH ADOLPHE MENJOU, LILY DAIVIITA LAURENCE OLIVER AND ERICH VON STROHEIM Comedyâ€"“FACING THE GALLOW’S" Cartoonâ€"“MONKEY DOODLES†Specialtyâ€"“HOME OF THE SHEIK" BEHIND OFFICE'DOORS †MATINEE DAILY AT 2.30 RM, wingâ€"7.00 p.m. (continuous performance) Complete Change of Programme Every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY APRIL lS-â€"l9â€"“ANYBODY‘S BLONDE" APRIL 20â€"21â€"“IIUSBAND’S HOLIDAY" APRIL ' 22â€"23â€"“SECRET SERVICE†APRIL 25-26â€"“DESTRY RIDES AGAIN" APRIL 27â€"28â€"“FREIGHTERS OF DESTINY" am! “SOUTH OF SANTA FE" APRIL MILâ€"“THIS RECKLESS AGE†APRIL APRIL APRIL APRIL APRIL “ FRIENDS AND LOVERS †“ RIDIN’ FOR JUSTICE †Midnight Showâ€"Friday, April 3611;: 1130' p.111 THE THEATRES C The Screen’s Greatest Outdoor Star in vemng or last 1 by the On- Iation at the nmg west snaxmg reg cted tax preposals a1 nmg laws were cited. the the fact that. t gov- ' whole must, be 2 giLi- , political, and th de- I ï¬uence properly eli- :rder to be eï¬ Iput in' touch with buyers or thr 3 which deals might be arranged I the committee felt that no matter [desirable such an end might "be it Blairmoz'e Enterprise:- ours remarked a. few day cnly live news in Nova tion, having the interests of the indus- ry at heart. The speaker revealed that the association had 489 signed members already and honed for a mem- bership of a. thousand or more. as several live prospecting communities had 113‘. sct been xepxosented. which deals might be arranged but the committee felt that no matter how desirable such an end might be it was deemed to failure. The aims of the association, to further the interests of prospectors, were not compatible with commercial objectives. The organiza- tion was not closed to any person not actually engaged in prospecting. Many people had interests in claims and in mining affairs who never entered the bush and it was felt that such people should be welcomed into the associaâ€" ea mere was reveatea the fac the idea of such an organizatic been latent in the minds of man could serve a useful purpose, in ‘ lng legislation. The examples Professional Engineers‘ Bill. the 2 west staking regulations. the D31 tax proposals and so-call-ed Bll laws were cited. The speaker 51 tached to the the governme midwives of iuence pmperly and temperately in mder to be effective. The speaker :tated that some people had thought he association might be turned into a >usiness organization through which :rospectors or claim owners might; be wt in' touch with buyers. or through A Jury unde ford at the Mt day afternoon TORONTO JURY SUGGESTS LICENSING 0F MID“'IVES n3 brou ing the there wa‘ he obituar in 1E ha :(ed a. few days ago that, th: ews in Nova Scotia paper; be non-p; I that it erly and effective T-Ii effective. The 1 )me people had 1' 1 might be turned to verdict: â€We think thz 1t should investigate a he Drovincew as to t): work that they are dc hey should be licensed . in re‘ hat case 16 lOthES v16 l4 m it must use ,nd tempera an nent examples or the 5' Bill. the North- xns. the Dominion --call-ed Blue Sky . speaker stressed rganization as a artisan and non- .11 mid ride Lman CWIDT lldwlves r .der hem We think h many in w watch natux it W Craw- as a i going to win from Davie Br non- Philadelphia. Brown stepped S in- to take the first round. and d1 y in l rushing and flailing to win t aaker ; both by slim margin? Hamil >ught l clean biting and bet er bcxin: nto a the others. Davie was hitting rhich the hips and the belt freque n. h,, g lightly. He kept making it in At the annual meeting of the Kirk- land Lake and Swastika board of trade last week 3. J. Carter was re-elected president. Harry Fine vice-president. and J. D. MacDonald,secre‘ary-treas- urer. The annual reports showed that the Kirkland Lake and Swastika b‘Oard of trade had done excellent work during the past year. 1v be “bumped of!" if he told the authori- ties. He reported to the baggageman. who called the police. outside, and while they. were there, another man came along. They are said to have offered him the alterna- tive of joining them or departing romptly. with the threat that he woutd in Two of the men entered the freight. shed through a window, but efforts to force the door leading into the express ofï¬ce failed. The others remained hat The quartet are now in the district r jail at Haileybury. They were arrest- ed near the water tank by Chief Shane, of the T901: force, and Provincial Con- stables Gall and Evans, and it is alleg- ed they had tried to enter the express ofï¬ce at one end of the freight shed at the station. One of their number is said to have expressed the epinion there was $200 in the safe and he could epen it quite easily. The time was clese to midnight on Monday of last week. Tipped off by a transient who report- ed to a T. N. 0. employee the pres- ence in the station at Swastika of four men whose actions he considered sus- picious police oï¬icers rounded up Ro- land Larose, Alphonse Turcotte, Mic- hael Dolan and Paid Dewan. who sub- sequently appeared before Magistrate Atkinson in police court at Kirkland Lake and were committed for trial on charges of breaking and entering. BRAVE!) W'RATH 0F THIEVES T0 TIP POLICE OF BURGLARY lighted to note the success that he is meeting in the south on his merit and all will wish him continued and in- creased fame in the ring. semi-ï¬nal action over eight rounds with Davie Brown, 124, of Philadelphia. iBrown tried hard but he couldn‘t box or slug on even terms with Roy Ham- ilton. who bested him on all sides. On many occasions Brown had trouble keeping his blows in fair territory. but no complaints were registered by Ham- ilton at any time, so the melee was allowed to proceed. This makes about the seventh local win for Hamilton, of a Detroit, who hasn't lost a bout in the‘ state yet, and seems to «be head and shoulders, ï¬guratively speaking. over other battlers of his weight in this section." The many admirers of Roy Hamiltan in this town and district will be de- l a special word for Roy Hamilton in its report of the boxing. The News says: “The semi-ï¬nal of eight rounds was iaction from start to ï¬nish, with Roy gHamilt-on. of Detroit, giving Davie lBrown, Philadelphia lad. a neat box- ing lesson. Brown was fast. but Ham- ilton was faster. and landed two to every one that Brown tried to put over. Brown tried hard but was decisively outclassed by Hamilton." The Tropical Sun. another West Palm Beach newspaper that pays especial attention to boxing, also gives a good report of the American Legion boxing programme referred to, with special re- ‘ fcrence to the good work by Roy Ham- ilton. This report not only suggests that Brown gave a few foul blows. but it also indicates that Roy was game and sportsmanlike and did not complaim1 any about this feature of his oppon- ent's ï¬ghting. It appears that, Roy. as usual. conï¬ned all his efforts to put- ting up a good battle himself and left; all the rest of it in the laws of the gods. The Tropical Sun in its report says:â€" “Roy Hamilton. Detroit, at 126 pounds, had the going all his own way in the by slim margln'. Hamilton. with clean hltlng and betfer boxing had all the others. Davle was hitting between the hips and the belt frequently, but lightly. He kept making it interesting by boring in. but it brought him little out cracks in the face from Hamilton. It went the scheduled eight rounds." The West Palm Beach News also has a special word for Roy Hamilton in its report of the boxing. The News says: baron Fran! and t Detro If Roy Hamilton Won ETimmins Gi H13 Seventh Fight§ 1mm ) take 1311111.! 'crmer ‘l‘lmmlm Box" has not yet 10¢: a Slnxle Battle Sitm- (Mn: to Florida. and he has Met Some Good Ones. a six times. alwz n‘t lost a bout in aking of The Wes Iy Hamil Know tn will try 110w can h Hamilton. to win In Ham Roy )av atherw the 1'! if r! Quite 18 event a: Palm Bee :1. 126, D th n Lake W men n. I am lï¬VE h P} 1)l€ and 1m th )1! I‘lme h CW1] seventl' contrary lad pass 81] Ma at v 7 Head Ofï¬ce and Yard Yard Branch Office a TIMMINS, ONT. SCHUMACHER KIRKLAND LAKE . Phone 117 Phone 725 hone 393 g 4 .Asssm' " “$31338†W‘W A‘X‘SS? Port Arthur ers Chronicle:â€"-Frankl Spence, M.L.A., of Fort William would like to see more people wearing wolf skins. to compensate probably for the number of wolves wearing sheep‘s clo- thing. I P The Ha‘iley'burlan last week says:â€" V“Many friends in Haileybury and the district will this week tender their sympthy to D1. J. A‘. H. Joyal. who has been bereaved by the death of :his bro- ther. Ernest. which took place at his home in St. Agra-they, Man, on Monday. Dr. Joyal received the news by wire on Monday night. Mr. Joya], who was 36 years old, had suffered for a long time from complications following an attack of flu. He is survived by his widow and ï¬ve children, his father and ten brothers and sisters." DR. J. A. H. JOYAL BEREAVED BY DEATH OF BROTHER IN VVES’i Refereesâ€"Miss M. Millar, of the Sud- bury High School, and Miss Mary Mac- Namara, of the Timmins high schsol. Sudburyâ€"â€"-Forwards, Malca 'Moses, Alma Armstrong; centre forward, Dor- is McCrea; jumping centre, Annie Davison; guards, Ellen Caswell. Rose McCullough; subs, Ethel Martlndale, Sarah Shaw, Muriel Wright. when the Tlmmins defence left the 10- cals completely unguarded; Timmln: got a goal in each quarter. Olive Haws: securing six of their eight points. enc‘ Ethel Brown scoring for the other two Altha Armstrong scored nine of Sud- bury’s 50' points. and Malca Meses 16 The teams lined up:â€"~ Tlmminsâ€"Forwards, Ethel Brown. Pauline Mullen; centre forward. Olive Hawse; jumping centre. Decima Roy; guards. Nelle Stachow, Bessie Burgera; subs, Dorothy Laidlaw and Elsie Wall- ingf-ord. and f Milla: Missing :hance when 1 CANADIAN COAL “Acorn,†3 x 18, from Saunders Creek, Alberta 6 x 2, Egg from West Virginia, Elk Horn Lump, Egg and Stoker. Domestic Coke HARD COALS Welsh Stove and Furnace size Lyken’s Valley, Red Ash, all sizes Newcastle, White Ash, all sizes 44 BRUCE AVENUE U Iillar in the 1 3r over-guard General Auto Repairs Body Work and Painting South Porcupine W1 The EVEREADY SERVICE STATION n n1 will estimate a complete motor overhaul, painting and .repalrs. Our prices are right and all work guaranteed. How’s Your Coal Bin ? MCC Suc‘ to sco: tins Girls Fail to Lift the Lockett Shield 1m Sev-era W3 SudbL :veral unguarded thro were handed out by M last quarter. as penalt: ing and foul plays. an it jay ba arter. Olive Hawse ' eight points. and for the other two. missed â€a g the ï¬nal qua: efence left; the fillE n nm more that played full fer 1m eam 1V 11' Ls penalties CO ak ken n cl culty defer \11. "\ bowlmg W zms neat ciean I) h a y I! Garbage In paper. Keep your Garbage Can covered Use plenty of Chloride of â€311-. «blob Hun be procured at the Town Hall tree S, Householders using uh] mter must bdl It for u least 20 minutes. All Outside Toilets must be made a; .2 By Order 0! j [9'00 THE BOARD OF HEALTH PHONE 104 21 Pine St. North Steven’s Amusement Parlours We will gladly give you rates and full particulars. Automobile. accidents will happen to the most care- ful drivers. See that your car or truck (new or old) is fully insured before putting it in use. â€"-the most popular of all indoor sports SECURlTi INSURANCE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ATTF NTION HOUSEHUI DE] Phone 280‘ Timmins, Ontario SOUTH PORCUPINE A Allen. Surroundin m clean!~ equipment modern and cozy. Come in to-night and bowl on Brunswick Devlin: is not a Ind. Like any other nadonnl “me. it is here to stay. In health-chin: quali- tiea are endorsed by medial men nnd an- joyed by wax-yon Phone 15 SERVICE Timmins