Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 7 Apr 1932, 2, p. 6

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h...“ â€" Thursday. April 7121,11 lJHC PORCCPIW _.___1D\ ANCE 'I'L\1\22.\'s ONTARIO _____._.~.. m. . _...._ - . _ mw*~._- ~â€"-â€"â€"â€". «Vaâ€"1.4. .._- ~*~â€"â€"â€" ~m-w~-- . h. 2.1:. 1" H A‘ 1; 7‘ ' ‘i‘l V. f, " “‘ V ‘1 1w vxsv '1 ' 'I \0 ' I \v - .5 \ 'l\ m Attacks 0‘ nu 1C F Sf r H i i \lm ' , " " ' “1-11" - 1 1‘ \r t d W t! . t Cuthuttms. kmhemx. and b2 “11k. ensus lguorcs 0. Amp“ ’1‘ MUCH" ‘11 ' 11‘ ‘01. '. ' '.x‘.)22‘;o:2. :122i 1:21.11: 0 e res (31's 0 1.5120115 at 'I‘urunto. 0151-22 Sound 112111 :1 ct other centres “15 1212122. ‘ ‘ Ql‘ 11111122111; I ' ”"0""- f1’ ' i - w 1' ‘ . '22‘11-.llll“i1\t‘. 1" “62-1 t.2:22.-« l . - number [I]!!! MWMl Pu‘ Me-Ul North fl emis aming 11'- '” ’1‘ .MCCW'11-111 ’3’ 2 . i v- .2 1): 2222221.: 1- )9 8091‘ (it T lmn‘lns tor b:-t\'e1'l-'.l_\' prourumnuw here 21112 111. -1... .\‘ 10 Dr. Williams ”0* P1115. . , 1:11"“""1”‘1 ’3’ 91931111111“ 11‘ - I . I “M" “111212 with 122.5 2212111'2' 12! expunsum .22.: i I 101.” Pu )ulatit n { it'en :1 11833311. In . ~. . . , . . . 1. .. -. . . - ~ " ' h :1 v e h '1 11 s 111.); -i . 1;" a); .1. i . , ‘ “ ‘ ' ' ' ‘ 1 ' ' ' . ' .:.I . f.. 2 . I_ 22221? .‘- 1‘ '”"1 ' ‘1'“ 1‘ (1r111r.2n "1 '1‘ 5""19 111' 1:5 11111111111221 that the calibre 121 1 I ‘1 . --2. I! “J‘s ).-!.r _ l:ll‘lllll\ ALL. pl '. . s '3 1‘ . .l _: l. .1 1l- .1 "f, ... .-‘ . .'. ..-__ . .. ~. . _ ‘. “ (W115 _.‘:"l PIL‘I‘I‘I”: Regular 2\"1‘!"V1l’|l.\ “1 111‘ (iifilllliill 1-5 l-lll‘ll ill 11 _ 1111:1rli.‘ l'i 111C nu ;‘1",‘l. t]. 1‘ (‘r l‘ )"‘3 ‘('(."r""“' l 1 l ' .1 1 1 .1 1 1 . . 1 .1 .1 . . ‘ I _ l . “ l - I 11" - .- ~ ‘ 15 Y . . ‘.. . .. .‘ ""' - ' :.' '.' i . ' '.:.‘ .' -._ \111'11'1. 1.1 \\ restlmg "' the 512‘2'1 \2'21111“11l\‘\\111 119‘ ATV-01’1- 11re'tuently ‘19“? 1» 11-21215 in l'Hl'r‘iII I I i i ' 1010.:111112111116011‘15 5. .. 1.. . . .‘ . . 5.11:111122 1‘ ..'.' .l. ' :. ;-~ - -_. .. .- '. 11‘ .‘1' "Md 3-! :..1 if. ..I 11,1- 11212121 :21'1‘2' l,. ad 111111111: 2 . .. .w. _ . _ .2. ' ‘.2;.2..2~2.: 9-1311] . 121v: :1}. ~' 1112111 on ' ‘ ' “ ‘ ‘ '1' "i ‘ ‘ T‘ .' .- -'- .‘1':”"l.'- ~ - - .- .2 .m111t11r1111)\11ry 5 " 1'1 ii '- -- 1'” 7 .. j,;,\vl1),-;.- will“ 1 1.1.121: 1H 1‘11121: 1. 215 1’211k1’1115 and 111m! ‘ ' ’ ' i i“ .. â€" . _ . . . _ , , , .. . 1 ‘ thrmaw22-l1r22212211k Int-Up.” . T '. 'l' .‘ ..' 2.: 1.. '71 H . i, .‘l. .. 1- 2 i . 1 V 1 1 ii 111‘ I". U .1 1. i it! my .'-‘-1-l',l “I '91; wrm. If. M \Varrl.811~l-::1tr~on ' ‘ 1' 1' 1 i i 4 1 1 i 1:. ‘1 it 1:11” .1 v. i I“ N 1 ‘.2.~;-., '.-.11~ l-trllrr'r ‘-lJlt‘5f “1 would re 1 60222132121! Ur \Villlr2 2 1'1’131; Pill-111.111 12112:. ':~ 'r' m 312:1“ rundown, 1i 1,;115'3 1111-1 1 r1; 1 1':«";1 1.111122 the P1115 on 12221111 '.K‘(.L'--°112"5, .1211 1:211}. seem to tom- up my blood 12.1122111-r22212‘}.. 1 have been 212231122111. . .. . - - ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ tor ','11:2r'~..22.11 12221111211?.\5'121'n 1 get. run Zi:-' "127-..2. .‘ "- .1 : 1“ . A, 1i: - . 1 1-i- 11- I 1' - i 1 i i i ii 1 it 221-.2'4221'2 i .1; 1‘ '91 .1.'1'211 down, :1ft1r (Edith: -.1'\1'r;1ll,m.1~~- «11 Dr .. - :ll'l- .-. .‘ v,; . . :2' . 3 ' ‘ ' _ i . ‘, '” ' _ ' '1 1 ‘ i 1 1‘ 1 i i ‘ ‘1'- 7- 7'1" 1' 7 1 ' ' ' '1 w..- 11'1» 21 ‘ 1122.1 11221211225111211; Pill-the1'0101'1:nrr11-5h211k 2. , . . . .' ' ' " " “‘ '1 H 1‘: 1' ‘ 9 1" H: 1 ” i: ' ' " ”1‘1"“: 1' 1 ”11"“‘11" 1““ "" '1 “ ‘1‘ 1.12 121;; ‘1 fist-11.5 211111 1 have Wonderful ‘ . \_ .. . . . _ K .1 .1 '1' i " ‘ 1 1" '1 1" '1 ‘ 1' 1’ ' .l' " . 1 ‘1 2,2;22-1112221 “,1 1;; mpg-3.11.132 22.211 1. t' : 1.11111- y"l;mt:'- 2 " ‘ ‘ ‘ ’ _“‘ '. 21; .2 2'. ' - . ‘. - 7 ' . 't- - : ' ‘ Â¥ ~~- ' '. 11. .32 .1121 112'112'2'.1:22:21-' : ...2 1: - ~1-5- . - ' 22 1"‘11'u~ Dr \Villi21n2z~' Pink P1115 rebuild health i‘ i 1“ .. I ' '1 7‘ .. - ‘ - . ‘ ‘ '. 1' “ . . ' -‘ -' '2- -l21 '1' ‘1' “152‘“ '1It"21'â€" 1112...1~- 4M C M. I A 1‘ "M by creating 211 11' blood and Increa ing tin "1 ‘ ' 1 ‘ ‘1 ' ' ' i ' 1 ' 1 M " i i I. i i 1‘ H i ”(1 ""‘ i A 1 red blood 1.11115 much restorq the wasted ‘ 111.551.1125 and revitalin the exhausted 15y25 , _ . , . . .. . . .. .. . . ,. . . .122 1222222225115 2» 1.222221; 2 [1:121'1 1112212212211 1-5; 1222.221-1 :02. 22223129: 31:11 1They remove the cause of rundown . . . - 1 .1 . .' . '. . ,, . -; -. .. ..1 - ‘. " -- 1' ..1 .. 222;;'2h‘21- YUlt‘llt 121-2.. 'l‘l2e'::;1thtr and baby 'l1'2212':21t1‘2'22221u1u or nervouSlComlitions. Try them. At - ' '. 5.: .. " -.-.'-. _ - " 1‘ '1? ‘ - - ‘ - "' I- 1‘ - .: 13.2.5, '2 . . . 1- will 1‘1111131111‘9‘ 111111-2:~ 121131311 .1 11.11 2222211 1-: 1221.1 2211'1:.(1o~.1' TOW dmggtst’s. SOCB package 271 " ‘ . ,2 ' ' . : I." ; .‘t . : .: -. " 1 :‘I ‘- . : ' ." C" ”'- 2122- 17.12.51 '1 1211‘.» -'. 13:1: 11?? ’1'111'1191” 1211-1221232 2221111211» 2121.12 2'212 \11' 1.22221 \ 1{\ V . 1.~. .2 2 .'l_ . .. . 'MC‘ .‘ . . . . l . .,‘ . . .. i‘ ' ) H i .. '9 i ' L ‘ ' "11”21“ 111111 - -‘~‘1 1-11- 111-1 11-11" 4111 "2" '1‘2'1 41211 (1:.52151‘1‘ :21 ‘1'21'Ll. Mirr- 'L‘il 1-“. 1115 "11.11. 1111 .lll l 11"1 L‘ .‘ ‘1‘. £111... A (111' l 1212' 122.1!{1- .222-1'112" j -: '..1. 23.111 111.". :2tt1-1‘1 121' 111.13. ('.\'12lllll.,2l, 111"“ '.1§:'; :32} l‘.‘(l ‘1)\‘ .1 k . (11‘ ”2:21! i'i'i'lu . , i . 1-: (.1: ‘1... . .1 l‘V-' "11 '1‘ 1"--3l‘- . 11 .:.'.'2:2 .L:_ 1'? 5111112222 1:211 1221'22 \1.‘li‘21:l12;1'.2- 02'112'. 7.11:1 .51222'31' \\ 1- 12 2221-13.)" 11111112211111 ‘ ' Fin-$11.21! ['2 .2 .. , :' l :.;.. 1 “1‘ ‘1 1" ‘H ‘1‘ ‘l' 1' 1 11111112111 .5 .. (1.2.11): 1.2.21. .22.:221 121.111.. ~ : ' ' ‘ ”101119 1” 11 ‘ 1011 1“ [ht QUC'V 22 C11} 5 heart \1 :15 21.22'2221'.l llj1'll .l.'2.2212.1.1'112211- MECHVJHWH 11" i 1'1 ' 1 ' 1"" "1" 1'1 ‘ (‘1)21112‘u'12 .51:22 -. .22 1:111 2' 21 1122221, 12111111111111 ll: .' I 1K: . :' .. " I‘ 1.29"”. .1 1"."111‘ 11:1, '..5'. N()\’t'lll.)t'l' 211.111? .,:..2.221'.222 11) i ' ’1" ‘ 1‘ '7‘: 1‘1 13 7'11" '1 222'11'1';.:t;'il_\' l2.2\it2~' 12.2.1 222'121221'2121222.1i 11\;-' 122221111i112' ll.) ' 11 832112111 1-22 '. ' '. 2:" - :".'.'e.-' ..22. - ‘ 12:12'11'221211 22.5 1' 11111-3111 22221111111112”, 112.5" 11111-11102- 11‘ :$\\:1!: 1112 bl'iiillllilllllflll 1 . {22111 112232112}. mcz't “1.1.; 1"\p111'l:":11‘1'.2 111 £111 ‘1\'l‘1"5'lll11:.: 11212221.“ 3.1-; It). i ' 3511‘.“ A 1 1111-1101) 151119“ ""1111 '1" 1 1'1: 3 1-11 '1'1'211'11 1.12' 1mm 221.12.5411222 but finally 121': l-122t2'y H)- i i V 53'.'1.'..:222:122 ‘ 75 1 ""‘1' 31311111111111" 122221.111- :2 ll'll) ‘1 2 Nov. Yt-r'v, .11'121'1111 the i H 121121 tp. ‘ i 1 ' ' '1' -‘ i 11‘1” l‘l“1‘-C'il>'*1 2':2'.\' 222-1x ~22... 215m: a» r22:2:21tt22'1':2121 112.1 but 321112121113 to 1'2.222~ .)\1l 1 321221; (:12 tp. ' ' 1 - ;. . ; 5 ‘11‘1K'll lumber, 122‘ which 1 2 15...),12-111121‘2zy tract -; 222211 t2'.'222 1121-22 1222 1212'. 2112121115 1222/ l BUSV handsâ€"war hard tasks ‘3“‘1‘1111111 111- ' '- .' i .n 2:. “.1222. 111122111 .11 .;\.e'" 3111122221130 ‘ proved and the 221.211221121221'1 .5 1221'2'11;2:-:1.111. ‘ day In and day 0111 P913133 (‘11 1 11" i 1' - . ' -- " E :22'1'22'1 11:1, «1.2230011111111 It't' 1, '1 Since- 121.52 Not'ein‘um' tour 1121‘ 111.5 512112.115. Balm lxeeps 111638101180“ and Cil.1cl.1.1l.'11r 11) if: 1 " " ' i 1 ~ ‘ '11-’11 111111 1-‘15-03111-111'1 1‘ ‘ '1' 2.-"" i’ 12:11’11111-1-22 .511ll121u5 while the others 11-1111 111111119. Removes rednes. ..}12:'lt:'11y 11) ' h ' 5" ' 1 ()1111'1' 11111101311111 11‘9-‘5 “1111' 1' 1 211112111141 .'221>‘.. 1221 Held th‘.“1'.-'.112tl 1'111'1211 i -‘ and relieves irritation. . i'IL 11'.) 21. .hmt. I At way-W “51111 It). ‘ " " " ' 249- \'1.'nt11'2' 1222.1 21132152011. mega-2122.11 .5: 1 [11111)L)l.l.l (I) ' 1", . .' L . :{éllll 1111(1 'h'L)llll.‘l“ \illi.“,._‘l\. 111\ III/lel iv .11 i I I :X I(.)I.ll)1." '1‘11':~l‘lli(l ‘11:)111l‘\l (‘3‘)2‘L' )1'1‘121 1.11" " ‘ ~ " 11 - 2 . . .. . 2 2‘ : 97-11 ‘1" {1' , _ . ....;_rt;. .t tp. . - .22» 5111115 2 .- 1‘); 1d“ “1111' 111 1' '11- ' '- “11") ”"1" ‘ l 1221.; now established wrestling; through-- 11111111111 11* I 1 11'1‘1‘11’1‘."' 111- ' ' 3341 “1‘1 11.11““ ‘91 prco 1‘35" ‘11 “1' 111‘ 1’ “‘1“ 10121 {1225111222 Canada. 1111 operates ." ' 11' ' '1 i 1 ’ ‘ ' l 1. ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘5!" “1"11 C. . .1 ‘ 1 . Y ' (w Every man can find a C3). -- . \‘1.....1222-.(,22 ~ -1 21111111 0.1 111-111-11-11'11111- 9‘1-1‘1'90 1111-11lzly slums at 011212111. 2-la22222lton. ol ()t12111'l‘.1rt5 the tutu: 12211.55 2".1'2221- 5-2 ‘l2z'2;(2u('12u22 fortune In his a 1: ve- ' p y n 2212121.» .1221. 1-2- 3117 121212111111. 10 it is only necessar to set i I .1111] ' , “I , . . . ,. 2. pe y 1 - . . . . ,i SlllerLlMult . Ill“ l-l'IHC‘lE 11 2---=-1"' 1‘1" aside a small portion of each pay I -- 'l , _ .' 2.221111 2221121; +1515 and mill 11-01-22, 2'212'21i'222-1- 2.:;-.:-.. 1 Cu» and inVCSt it in ..=.: " '1 Ill) ‘1 N. 11:. g '2 1 vehicles. mopex'age, 1313111225 2222.1. 1 1.5 The Great' 11 85: . i -? .- - ~ - ‘1 ~ Ill-(122121 lie-11251115 '3 . ' ~12 ,‘liillli 2103115. boats and 1'.22: 215.5. ' ’ ' -' 1' u- - 'l‘own5 . Among: the special ’ 1.21222'.. bf 11 Prosperity POhC) ‘ ' . - r" 2 :_ '- 2'1-2xr12't :12:- two tables 11111-21222 1111' 122.1- Th. 1 f1 . l b. t. ' d f ' 'l ‘ ' - ,3 - 211'2121122nd123211122015oitht'entiregzmup bspan guarantees yom nanCIa 0 )6C Ive 1n a eimte l , . . . '. , 1221222015 F Lll'- _.,.. .. 2x ll 21152251222 indusu'ies :22'12 hz'ouuh’ period Of years For example, if 30” beginning at age ' _' leul1u:ku5jny 381 1 1' '.;<..:hel:111(1 arranged 112 :Ilph:1l):.'f.i'.‘.2" 35, deposit $365. 50 each year. it will purchase you an 2'2'.-' .. .. . bathe-22221 .- . :u.â€".'12.!1-2'1‘.22' 19.52.22112'1-2'1-221'1'. '1'129- 2-1'-2>.)2'-, .. 1. UL .1. plus accumulated profits Your family receives full pro- 1 K122112212 tp. ~ "32:22“.- gl - phahetlca‘. l152 1.2“ the 2221222125 and :211â€"7 tection in the meantime. For further particulars apply ' I...‘2222212'che tn. W '::22:'.I;21222122~ ’l'2'2'2t232'1.2‘- (mg, .1' .1111 “221.1115 1'22'2225' 1m 2.112.252; to: ‘LCUICM'B' Cl). ‘ 1.?i.2...:'21;-2 13);. ' 2 1 .â€" 21;".12L5 the tit-,‘tii‘w 22::- 11215311.. ' .-;'.'22plt:.;l2 " ‘ 1.5122 251-125 . .- f'ne reps-rt 5123215 the .222po:t.: 2. 5. ' 1 l1 ' '2 '51 ' ‘ . . - . 2. , .. Ejii {/- 337 21.1. F 6.1%“! Q( H 12" L :1 11 1-1" 1 1311311 - lit-221.22 tp. -' ; the 1:00.23 1- n~ 2ndu.5t2 -- 22. . 5“; ~ / J . 1 1.1. ' ' “ 1' ' " . " 3'1‘ tlli‘ ‘1‘»:‘1211121'15‘ :11-2: 2:). ' “1-" '. I ' V\' ' 1, “, '1 ‘1‘... 5, ’11 .. 1'111 v. 211‘ 1:31! "1' )[W (1311. -' - ‘- ‘ - .12. 2p, . .2t.12..)1r 2221112 .21 .1...l 212 21..1.-1,22 .1) r t l . . . ..,2 1" ., '11-. '- " i - ' ' Went-2.. ~ dustry 222 :;:-2.11..2.. \1‘lll_2' 1..2 21 ‘ ‘ ' \r‘ 1 v"' , g . 1-5 1'; 22122211: 1.) 1221.42.21.15 1122.21 12.'2'22::i':22"'r .11 \1'21211 ‘ ' ' ‘. 1.2 2221122312? " 'o‘n .32 other arr/'11»: (gt 122 '1'2221 was: L5 2122 21222202: . . 1: 1221-2 5:' 22: 1 \ :lm»\O:‘r1~, . l,‘.-! 5;‘:"1‘.:-.\' 11‘ “‘v‘l(\11 All 1‘ A s S'u RANGE “COM PANY "-. "i H i I .. .. ' i H i , ;'.~..‘;. ll 112:.“ 1:1. 3' ..'. 1'1::22:;12°.127..'1\11‘.j i HEAD OFFICE?" iliiw'NN,P£.qi‘";.:T.-I . ‘1.-'.-i(:(liat'mid ‘1‘ " 2' " ' .‘ 1'. 11.. l: '.\".‘.'11;1 1." (ill: ": '1 v' " .~ ,." ' ‘-'.1‘.‘ ' - 21..» 212.222 .22 22221221“... 21-21..1_- 2". 1 .; ' . .1. , - ’-‘I'v~ .Il - -5 ‘:2 '1'1'22.._'h 11.. 2.2 2- '. 2151.1 unmet 1.1. 2. ; .. .12 ltliCllf‘..Lnl}. CCL“ii5uf {11'11'-1'.)'.2't t'hie12151'21t1tv l “Wcou- [1212222 Illtlllfilms 222 (‘12221121 19- r’1'22222. '3'» s11t'22211d on 21;); ..c.'-.t‘.r:22 t at. i 1 1 .1 ‘1 1 l qun-d and Paper (jmun cf .-' 1m. Ugmimoz .5111: t1ci2122 0022212221222 (tune Second in 192.1) in (Stress 2 Bureau of Stattfiicgl Value of Production. Inter- --~--â€" (mug 13:11:13,011] Doznin- 11-11%st \KSING 2121.2. '1‘!) an N“- 2.1 [N5 SHIELD FOR THIRD TIME .. â€"â€".‘_â€". . ... __~.........\-..._ _ 1.5151. \‘.'.:t.‘1i the Advance had an ar- F1);- the third time in t‘.2".'- 1215122122?- 110111 1...;uching' on the claim that mining 2922:" the 822. we F21113..'P02222122d Pap-9 1 15' C.21221(121‘.5' leading ittdusrr" to- (1212' lCt..'.-: mill 1.15222 1.2;, Kapuska- 122g 122'1 The claim was ad: by“ a firm of b20- 5 111m the Class A saftey shie‘. d donated ......._._.- . _........- Practically every illness begins with some minor ailment. Niost of these ailments are Js- gken' 222 on 21211122151. ement and it 11'1'15- by 12:1 Ontari.) pull) 22221.1 pal '2 Maker- (buttressed by tacts and figures. This: 1 Ass 914113“ .15 the mill in wh c.2 111:1 1 1 l 1 l l I l l 0 its): '31:: Adlvr:ncg has received 11 ‘oul- l :17]? we. lost th2' "ugh ace: (1"11152’ durl 1222 ' the derCt result Of constipation, frequently lS --4 l Â¥AA t 1 3n11x‘1( ll BUI udll Of 193]“ Tltc (111‘. 1d lids [\1) 111 111 Illl)l“ti - l... . . O . St.-1tt':tics in which it is stated that the tion since 1922. and the SLCfuce F;1.11‘ "1151151)0515‘1' Indifference t0 tlllS CODdlthfl ’ is dangerous. Take ENO’S “Fruit Salt” daily 1 l 1 l t 7' ‘ ' ‘ ' -* 1 a I 1 i |I_1'R1 l WO- C1 3119 11}ng oup of produc .5 come mill won 2., 222 19231.19‘ and 195] L215: «‘9C0 1C1 (111.1" to v getable and iron pro- year the “veal mil land t.'2'.1 A131: 1111 2122 l «1221: 1.5' in Canada with 212ga2d to grass at. Sn 23th R3; 1: Falls 11"11212 tied but the . . . a clash of “Fruit Salt” 1n a glass of “later “7 a f"’1-U’-' Of DTDdUCC-iun T he statemen‘sl trophy was given to the Abitibi 2112222. . y . . 11:11-12 may 51111221 to conflict ulthlas it was the large-.52, ; this. but they do not In the lll‘SL L ace The Spruce Falls plan; in 1931 12.121 for as little as $10 00 :1”: basis. on \thich th:1 ttta claims; are only 1-1 accidenw 21' 221'- 02‘ 11111222 1212221 (1:1 are (11 21).:ent and 112 the second invoit'tng 211 .55 02 2‘22 day-2,1) ' ' 13 121122 down: balance spread 1‘01301‘ 1:11" ”Sets and figures in regard 32' overly 1.09..) Chorus 11 221:121. fl‘hl t0 Ch“ “0. and paper grcup are '10-. l average 232' 112.1...15'15' A group 2.»! 22211. over 24 months . 1929‘ Wh‘Ie 111030 in regard to mining".< 2 1.5 .49 hjurs 11.51. 1011 were for 19.31. Between 1929 .A--2-...~_-_-.-..-_ “112221 1931 there 12.1111 been deeded 1- MJI‘E’E‘) J01!'11-‘11-AI'9'1H‘“A? "‘ilifl l-.'h.122:.'1.5. The forest. lIlCll.l’~'t1'jng 1131-9223(110 02'1'1232' 1221.5 naked what he hul' uttered severely: while the mining in- 10 buy two "duel-Ls" the 0322212222, v. 1:'22 1 ‘1 12225221 has 11011 its own and bettsr. 1111811 2111 h.- 112'31“ over 12.11 1311120 220211 O . . . . for Ihl‘lft, A 101'2221'2' nreddent cf the Northern 1-2' 513’» C. dihC‘f’i-FIH‘I HIE-’1 1"- ‘15 10.12111: Bo-trd.5 cf Trad- I'C‘C JFCI' E21122 the CI';2.'2221-'.'5' II alth [Id 1 7 01113012225717.0 [11:1 fact that :‘2211 :22"1r'1>'d he rays, 6 3 § 2111.5 in {ii-.- 10:111022 -;:f ::'C-. tors: ' : and :22122-' 3 l l t 1 l 2 2 l . l . " ' “ I COnvenlence "lit-31:20 2.. 3 21211 21.3.13! ! l l l 1 l 1 morning or night . . . and you will ensure that inner cleanliness which means real health and vigor. And, unlike so many other correc- tiv e5, END 15' nonâ€"habit‘forming. For the sake of your health, insist on ENO’S “Fruit Salt.” )5; 8.111.124 liepremntativct for North America: Harold F. Ritchie 61. Co. Ltd., 1015 McCaul 5L, Toronto C11 21 '1‘11‘)‘:' .7 "5 ~ ' 11111 1112' 212221 1221‘. Thrifty to buy: thrifty to l l" 2C2. .122:122'-f- industry 11' use for the ice bills it saves ' â€"~ 1“" 1‘“'1‘1"'“?"-’ 0111““ and food waste it stops. Con- L 1: id ‘2) I “i” I 2“?: venient. because it assures a -. .. 2;. I :‘ ifi’llldiif.‘ 11212.21 steady. correct refrigerating 1- 7 '- ' ' ' i - 1 31:0 C'imi‘ , temperature at all times. And _ 1 1 l i i i (i ' a guardian of your family’s It 222;2'.:‘?')'~i,. health because it ends spoil- 22:21:02; Btt:':'.222 age and contamination. En- 11141" 111‘- ables you to save odds and ends 22223212225221.222 11: "1' N111“;- l. from one day’s dinner to make - I much rim-:- :5 1217213321211 llfll‘ tasty dishes for thc next day's A iC‘ll mph-11225 the 19.39 l'i‘l)‘.;1' C I‘Ef-‘E'l't'é lunch. Keeps salads crisp. - 122 the 132111922: 2112‘1-‘1‘11221 this ”1191i. . , :1. 11.12112. though somes 12.1. behznd 1h:- Makes 11 fialsy to prepare and .22fcnn211'2322 1.5 of ' 2122.1 val-.131 .1 WITH ZIG~ZAG pAPERS “MCI-IE” serve dchctous frozen des- :Incl :he 2"..-;)02'; "; . '2' z'efe2'12c; 1) ' ' ' .' ' :)12r,?ss1=. ' ' ' ' 21 ELECTRl'C serts. drinks Wlth ice cubes. . 2 - 1 pays 1...- mu by what 1. 2‘. = - Cool sweet mellow Vi rqin i a saves. Order YOUR eleCtric 1which wood and toner are the punâ€"'- rcfrigerator Without delay '12'211 component 2223:92'3315. ("22221.1 '~:c~ ' ' _ 222:1 only to veg-.1111.- and iron pra- _ - . l‘ 5? afld 20? Canada Northern Power Corporation Limited .1111..- 122W .1... CONTROLLING AND OPERATING 322211 0: productmn. Int- 1ndtv.-..'.-_. NORTHERN ONTARIO POWER COMPANY. LIMITED 3:33:35 rial-1:331:31Siguiigypiiél NORT RN QUEBEC R CO ANY U D $121512 groups of industries in espital a

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