Thursday, March 10th, 1932 NURSINGâ€"By the day. Apply Mrs.| FOR Emma Dion, 165 Birch Street, North,.| wit or phone 351â€"W, Timmins. â€"1â€" 3ptf| 27 NURSINGâ€"To make arrangements. Apply 1104 Pine Street, South, Timâ€" mins. â€"9â€"11p DRESSMAKINGâ€"Dresses, Coats and childrer‘s clothing. Apply Mrs. Laâ€" moureaux, 108 Birch street, north, ‘Timmins. ~46p FUR COATS CLEANED GLAZED REâ€" LINED AND ALTERED; firstâ€"class workmanship. Sinclair the Valet 21 Fourth Ave., Phone 625. ~3tf STOM LADIES‘ TAILOR, repairs and remodelling, cleaning and pressâ€" ing. Sloma Tailors, Phone 592, 69 Third Ave., Timmins. ~10tf DANCING SCHOOL â€" For children, tuition included, tap and ballet dancâ€" ing, etc., very moderate fees. Write Mrs. Harold Burt, Box 948, or call at 17 Borden Ave., Timmins. 43â€"45ptf MECHANICS, HAVE YOUR OVERâ€" ALLS DRY CLEANED â€" without shrinkage; price reasonable. Sinclair the Valet, 21 Fourth Ave. Phone 625. â€"3tf EVEREADY TRANSFER OFFICEâ€"At 69 Third Ave., next door to Smith Elston. Office hours, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. phone, 895, Tatrault, proprietor, Timâ€" mins. â€"~52tf ROOM AND BOARDâ€"In private home, centrally located. Prices reasonable. Apply to 57 Eim st. south, Timmins. â€"10p Terms: The whole of the purchase money to be paid down at time of sale. For further particulars end condiâ€" tions of sale apmply toâ€" E. C. Brewer, Dean Kester, Auctionger, Bolicitor, imns, Ont. Timmins, Ont. FOUNDâ€"on Third avenue about two weeks ago a purse with small sum of money. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this advt. Apply 9 Hemlock street ~10 nmoon at 224 Spruce Street South in the town of Timmins by E. C. Brewer, Aucâ€" ttoneer, the folowing property, namely: LOts Numbers 15 and 16 as shown on Plan Mâ€"2 Temiskaming, now depasited in the office of Land Titles at Cochrane. There is said to be on the said land a fourâ€"room dwelling house and 2 large warchouses conveniently located near the railway siding. ‘The sale shall be subject to a re- FINNISH ROOM AND BOARDING HOUSEâ€"Rates $6.30 per week. Apâ€" ply to 107 First Ave., Schumacher. â€"9â€"10p Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by Public Auction, on Saturday, March 19th, 1933, at the hour of 2 o‘clock in the afterâ€" CHILDREN FOR ADOPTIONâ€"Good homes desired for children, boys and girls, Catholic and Protestant, ages 4 to 14 years. Any home desiring to adopt a youngster should have their clergyman write A. G. Carson, Supt. Children‘s Aid, Timmins, Ont. 44t .1 ROOM AND BOARDâ€"For two men, in private home, all conveniences. Miners preferred. Apply 161 Elm Sereet, North, Timmins. â€"~3ptf RUSSELL HOTELâ€"Board and Roomâ€" By day, week or month. Rates $8.00 to $9.50 a week. Hot and cold water, year round. Phone 275â€"W., or call at 2 Wilson Ave., Timmins. â€"~2tf WANTEDâ€"Cheap iot, north side of town. Apply to David Parks, 2361 Maule Street, North, Timmins. â€"10p LOSTâ€"On Friday, March 4th, on back road between Timmins and South Porcupine, gold watch with chain and knife. Finder please write to Box CA. Advance, $5.00 reward. â€"~10p DRESSMAEKINGâ€"Dre ROOM AND BOARDâ€"Tws boarders wanted to share room, all conveniâ€" ences. Rate $8.50 per week. Apply to 16 Wilson Ave., or P.O. Box 195, Timmins. ~8p UR COATS, CLEANED, GLAZED, RELINED AND ALTERED. All work guaranteed by Sicma Tailors, phone 502, . 69 Third Ave., Timâ€" mins. «1061 gresses, masquerade costumes, etc. Apply to rear of 158 Pine Street, North, Timmins. â€"10â€"36p MORTGAGE SALE children‘s FPOR RENTâ€"Basement of St. Charles Hotel. Size about 30‘ x 50‘. Suitable for any kind of Club or Poolroom. Heated. Apply to City Service Staâ€" tion, corner of Second Ave. and Cedar Btreet. â€"8â€"11p FOR RENTâ€"Twoâ€"roomed apartment, furnished for light housekeeping; all conveniences. Suitable for couple with no childron. Also oneâ€"roomed, large, furnished apartment with kitâ€" chenette and large wardrobe. Reaâ€" sonable rent. Apply to 35 Wilson Ave, Timmins. ~Ip FOR RENTâ€"One large roomed furâ€" ‘ nished shack. Apply to 5 Kirby ave., Timmins â€"10p ROOM FOR RENTâ€"All conveniences. Apply to 102 Birch Street South, Timmins. â€"~10p FOR RENTâ€"Furnished rooms with use of phone. Apply 77 Balsam Street, South, Timmins. ~8p ROOM FOR RENTâ€"All conveniences. Apply to 56 Elm Street South, Timâ€" Tnins. â€"~Q~ ROOM FOR RENTâ€"Furnished or unâ€" furnished, ‘steam heated; in Kerr Block, Schumacher. Phone 734, Schumacher. â€"9â€"10ptf FOR RENTâ€"Furnished room with all conveniences, in private home; no children. Board if desired, Apply to 63 Fourth Ave., corner of Birch Timmins. â€"10p WOOD FOR SALEâ€"16â€"inch Jackpine, $2.75; 16â€"inch Tamarack, $3.00 and $3.50. Also extra dry slabs, $2.50 per cord, or $4.50 per load. Apply Mcâ€" Dade and Lauzon, 74 Maple Street, South, or phone 332, Timmins. Orâ€" ders taken for Schumacher, no exâ€" tra charge. â€"~10â€"12p WOOD FOR SALEâ€"Dry slawbs by the load, $4.50; also round wood, 16 inches. Jackpine by lots, $2.50 a cord; and good dry birch, $3.50 a cord. Also tamarack $3.25 a cord. Apply to Chaput and Mainville, 118 First Ave., third house from corner of Preston, or phone 377, Timmins. Orders taken from Schumacher; nrie>»s rieht. WOOD FOR SALEâ€"Sound dry jackâ€" pine, $3.25, Tamarack, $3.75. Apply Cameron and McConnell, 23 Hollinâ€" ger Lane or phone 654â€"J, Timâ€" mins. â€"~1â€"2ptf FOR SALEâ€"Extra dry 4â€"foot mixed wood. Snappy delivery anywhere in Timmins. Phone 81â€"W. ~1tf WOOD FOR SALEâ€"16â€"inch Jackpine at $2.50 a cord. 16â€"inch Tamarack, $3.50 a cord:; also dry slabs at $4.50 a load. Phone 441, J. A. Daly, 110 Wilson Ave., Timmins. All â€" wood cash on delivery. â€"9tf FOR SALEâ€"â€"Sevenâ€"roomed house with complete bathroom. Property frontâ€" ing on Mattagami River; ideal locaâ€" tion. to 10 Gillies Street, Timâ€" mins. =7â€"10p LOTS FOR SALEâ€"Good location, clase to school, have local improvements such as Sidewalks, Sewers, and Waâ€" ter. Also corner lot if desired, one with a small shack rented $10.00 per month. Will sell below the Assessâ€" ment value. Easy terms. For more particulars apply to Henry Perreault, Jr., Town Office or to 157 Maple Street, South. ~1â€"10p WANTEDâ€"Capah‘e girl for gene housework. Apply to 4 Cadar Str North, or Phone No. 6, Timmins GROCERY AND MEAT STORE FOR SALE OR RENT in best location. Available for occupancy after May ist. For particulars apply to Box 1865, Timmins. â€"10 SALEâ€"Mining Hotel prop FOR SALEâ€"Sixâ€"roomed h conveniences. Apply t ?PROPERTIES FOR SALE vith ht and " â€"St URNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT; switable for married couple; houseâ€" keeping privileges. Apply 205 Pine Street, South. ~4ptf OR RENTâ€"Two furnished bedrcoms with all modern conveniences; in priâ€" vate family. Apply to 113 Birch Street, South, Timmins. â€"9â€"10p URNISHED ROOMS TO RENTâ€" Clean and comfortable. Suitable fer light housekeeping. Use of phone and kitchen. Apply to 54 Fifth avenue. or phone 64W. 304 p.m to 9 Pine Street South, Timâ€" â€"9â€"13 South, Timmins Twoâ€"roomed © apartment d cold water. Apply to Street, Timmins, after comed house with a Apply to 108 Map eneral 10â€"13 11 FOR SALEâ€"Young cow; first pletic Apply to 77 Fifth Ave., Timmins. Fo 1 Hhin 4 FOR SALEâ€"HOGSâ€"Choice grainâ€"fed hogs; dressed and cut; delivered diâ€" rect from farmer to the consumer. Phone 81â€"W. ~1tf FOR SALEâ€"One teésted cow; will freshen in a few days. Apply to Jos. Richard, Waterloo Road, red house across Laurier Ave., Timmins. â€"10p FPOR SALEâ€"Two sleigh dogs, NMarness, one handled sleigh and one dray. Apply to 159 Cedar Street, North, Timmins. ~10p FOR BALEâ€"Sidway baby carriage with SECONDâ€"HAND BABY CARRIAGES FOR SALE; in the best of condition; $5.00 and up. Apply at Ideal Hardâ€" ware and Furniture Co., Limited, 561 Third Ave., Timmins. ~93tf Hollinger Consolidated Gold Mines Limited A dividend of 1¢, on the Capital Stack of the Company has been declarâ€" ed payable on the 24th day of March, 1932, on which date cheques will be mailed to shareholders of record at the close of business on the 10th day of March, 1932. Dated the 3rd day of March, 1932. I. McIVOR, â€"~10, Assistantâ€"Treasurer In The Supreme Court of Ontario The Honourable Judge J. B. T. Caron local Judge in Chambers, Wednesday, the 17th day of February A.D., 1932. Between: Ole Paulson, Timmins, Ontario, Plainâ€" tiff. 2. It is Ordered that service upcn the Defendants, Sigme Lindgren and Paavo Lindgren of the amended Writ of Sumâ€" mons and amended Statement of Claim in this action, by publishing this Order, together with the Notice therein enâ€" dorsed once a week for three weeks, commencing the 25th day of February, 1932, in "The Porcupine Advance" newsrlaper published at the Town of Timmins, in the District of Cochrane, be deemed good and sufficient service of the said Writ of Summons and Stateâ€" ment of Claim. â€"andâ€" Victor Ukkola, Timmins, Ontario, Adâ€" ministrator of the Estate ocf Minnie Ukkola (Lindgren), deceased, and Sigme Lindgren and Paavo Lindgren, heirsâ€"atâ€"law of Arne Lindgren, heirâ€" atâ€"law, deceased, and heirsâ€"atâ€"law of the said Minnie Lindgren. Defendants . Upon the aprilication of the Plainâ€" tiff and upon hearing the Solicitor for the applicant, and upon reading the affidavits of Ole Paulson and Gordon H. Gauthier filed herein. 3. And it is further Ordered that the said Defendants Sigme Lindgren and Paavo Lindgren do enter an Appearâ€" ance to the said Writ of Summons and file their Statement of Defence in the local Registrar‘s Office of the Supreme Court, at the Town of Cochrane, in the District of Cochrane, on or before the expiration of 10 days after the last publication of the notice. 4. And it is further Ordered that a copy of the amended Writ of Sumâ€" mons and amended Statement of Claim be served on the defendant Victor Ukâ€" kola, Administrator. 5. And it is further Ordered that the Costs of this application be costs in the cause. A man at Sault Ste. Marie is being prosecuted for maintaining a nuilisance by keeping a tame wolf on his premises. The animal does a lot of howling and GoORDOoON H. GAUTHIER, Solicitor for the above named Plainâ€" tiff. â€"3â€"10 so is a direct nuisance to the neighâ€" bours. If the neighbours win this case, The Sault Ste. Marie Star would do well to get rid of its famous Algoma well wol NOoTICE The Plaintiff‘s claim is for specific performance of an agreement dated the 8th da yof July, 1921, for the sale by the Defendant to the Plaintiff of an undivided half interest in the lands described as Parcel 678 in the Regisâ€" trar for Whitney and Tisdale, registerâ€" ed in the Land Titles Office at Cochâ€" rane and for conveyance thereof of the said land to the Plaintiff. A move at Cochrane to repeal the Wednesday halfâ€"holiday byâ€"law for that town was recently lost at a counâ€" cil meeting, the vote being a tie and Mayor Mitchell voting against repeal of the byâ€"law.. runners; baby‘s firstâ€"step Sidway walker: child‘s sleigh with railing; also one box heater. Apply to 111 Eim Street, South, Timmins. _ â€"10p OR SALE BY FUBLIC AUCTION at 219 Balsam street north, on Wednesâ€" day, March 16th, at 2 pm. the folâ€" lowing:â€"1 Fordson Caterpillar Tracâ€" tor, 1 horse, 1 wagon, harness, two pair sleighs, 1 snow plough and other articles. Alex Kracana. â€"~10p ARTICLES FOR SALE DIVIDEND NUMBER 225 â€"Two sleigh dogs, harness J. B. T. CARON, Local Judgse firstâ€"step â€" Sidway THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO T HUVU R S D A Y Bulletin Hazel Tierney, Laurel Easton and Gene Ruscitti are among the latest to complete their training in the Timmins Business College. Owing to our inâ€" dividua!l instruction students are perâ€" mitted to enro‘!l any time in the year and graduate immediately upon comâ€" pletion. Czollege graduates. The Easter Term begins Tussday, March 29. Enrollment or reservation shoflld be made now. Good Friday and Baster Monday are the only Easter holidays observed by the College. No summer vacations, students enrolling now will be prepared for the fall posiâ€" ticns. Make this a Business College one on the waiting list, we can always rirrange. Business Collegs graduates nold the majority of office positions in Timmins and district and have done year. We have helped hundreds and we can help you. For full information regarding tuiâ€" tion or subjects taught, call, phone or write. February thecory exams were held at he College last week, results of which yill be published later. Miss Roma Jattarello of South Porcurpline, an atâ€" ending student at the College was sucâ€" ‘essful in securing the highest speed in he monthly typing test. need of efficient office ‘mplcyees are supplied by calling the 3usiness College office. If there is no Friends in town and district will be interested in the following item from The Northern News, of Kirkland Lake, last week:â€""Bornâ€"On Sunday, Feb. 28th, to Dr. and Mrs. R. W. McBain, Kirkland Lake, a son." or yearsâ€"once an employer of Timâ€" nins Business College graduates, alâ€" ~a1ys an employer of Timmins Business ‘A Gold Medal School in a Golden Centre" E. M. TERRY, Supervising Principal Hamilton Block, Timmins, Ont. Phone 501 P.O. Box 223 There was a large attendance and A very pleasant time at the bridge, euchre and five hundred, held in St. Anthony‘s parish hall on FPriday evenâ€" ing last, under the auspices of the ladies of the parish. J. Dalton, who claimed to know nothing about playâ€" ing cards, was the first prizec winner Timmins Business College Six Only Beatty Model A Copper Tub Washers ‘ Good as new Cee these for % quick sale. Now is your opportunity to cash in on these real bargains. One Only Connor Model 4 Washer, copper tub and steel basket rack :..........;.. Come Early ! The George Taylor Hardware Limited We must make room for our Spring shipments of Seasonable Merchandise and in order to do this we are making these special Washing Machine reductions for One Only Rotarex Machine complete with motor and Eight Vogue Machines, all exâ€" cellent condition and all guaranteed for one year............. See Our Windows for Extra Special Offers Not Listed Above Sale Starts Friday at 9.00 a.m. 12 Third Ave. Special Terms as well as Special Prices for this Cleanâ€"Up Sale Immigration Official Visited Here Last Week An official of the immigration deâ€" partment was in Timmins last week in connection with some cases in the district where men were alleged to have entered Canada illegally and later taken up residence in Timmins. One of these cases was that of a man said to have deserted from the British Navy in 1924,. Another was that of a United States citizen who apparently broke the immigration regulations of Canada without intending to do so,. The offâ€" clal investigated the cases in question and arrangements were made for deâ€" portation of certain aliens who had broken Canadian laws. Dr. E. L. Roberts is one of the exâ€" perts selected to present bridge proâ€" blems in the series now under way in The Toronto Telegram‘s National Bridge The Telegram has published a number of bridge proâ€" blems for sclution by readers, the serâ€" ies to comprise in all sixty prcblems. Contract problem No. 3 in The Teleâ€" gram‘s series is by Dr. Roberts and was published in The Telegram on Monâ€" day of this week, March 7th. Bridge fans in Timmins will be particularly inâ€" terested in this one ¢f the series as Dr. Roberts has a wide reputation as a bridge expert. TIMMINS BRIDGE EXPERT sSETs PROBLEM N CONTEST Honour Report of Mattagami School Standing of the Pupils on the Various Classes of the Mattagami Public sSchool for the Month of February. Room 1â€"Ross R. Beattie, principalâ€" Robert Watson 85, Cecil Linder 81, Betty Nelson 80, Basil Howse 80, Blanche Coaty 78, Ida Walker 78, Lilja Pihlaji 77, Lillian Loughton 76, Annie Jopson 75, Virginia MacIvor 75. The following is the honour roll of the Mattagami public school:â€" Jr. IVâ€"M. Tackaberry, teacherâ€" Helen MacNamara 76, Helen Milne 76, Oswald Bluementhal Peggy Phillips 75, Weldon Orr 75, Riva Hawse 75. Sr. IIIâ€"L..B. Montgomery, teacherâ€" Marguerite Wilson 78, Arlene McJanet 78, Marion Sheridan 78, Jean Macâ€" Donald, Jean Hursly 76, Katherine Mcâ€" Jr. IVâ€"M. E. Blyth, teacherâ€"J. Laidâ€" law 80, E. Halperin 78, S. Feldman, 78, C. Black 78, C. Horwitz 77, G. Ramsay "5; L.. Dunn 15. $94.00 $88.75 $44.00 $24.95 | Bu | _ Jr. IIâ€"J. A. Harris, teacherâ€"A. Marion Constant 91, Joyce Collins 86, John Pearce 86, Bessie Percival 83, James McLean 79, Vivian Blumenthal 79, Willis Haystead 77, Eric Barnes 76. Bâ€"Ida Riard 82, Robert Knell 79, Dorothea Creed 76, Gordon Park 75. Sr. I and Jr. IIâ€"M. H. Thorburn, teacherâ€"Jr. II Classâ€"Harvey McColeâ€" man, Marion McLeod, Alan Lawson, Herbert Evans, Charlie Alatala. Sr. I Classâ€"Norma McIntosh, Helen \Smith, Edna Smyth, Bobby Burton, \Helen Robertson. ! Jr. Iâ€"C. M. Dodd, teacherâ€"A. Class \â€"Fred Milne, Muriel Stuart, Lillian ‘Walterhouse, Hazel Bound, Jack Mcâ€" Cafferty, Allan Caron, Iola White, Stella Rothwell. - Jr., IIâ€"â€"M. Latimer 85, J. Ed Stevens 82 McChesney 80, 76. B. Classâ€"Harry Jacobson, Jean Sauâ€" dino, Brenda Hunt, Anna Middleton, Jack Moisley. Sr. Pr. and Jr. Prâ€"E. Taylor, teacher â€"A Classâ€"Walter Scott, Hazel Stevens, Garneth McLeod, Eric Bull, Ross Mcâ€" Intosh. B. Classâ€"James Welsh Sauve, Magnus Johnson. C. Classâ€"Barbara Haystead, Annie McColeman, Ronald Taylor, Richard Stroud. ' KP. and Jr. Pr.â€"W. McKelvie, teacherâ€"Jr. Pr.â€"Betty Stevens,‘Erman Dwyer, Tommy Wilkins, John Newâ€" sham, George Shaw. KP.â€"â€"E. James, teacherâ€"A Classâ€" Anita Soni, Vivian Constant, Douglas Bellamy. B. Classâ€"Margaret Latham, Floâ€" rence Anderson, Inez Bennett. ; Mrs. J. Edwards, of North Bay, was visitor to Timmins last week, the guests of Mrs. R. Richardson. ~rP P DLAAA L â€"ADL L LAAA ~ALP DP PP P The sale of homeâ€"baking at Miss Sinclair‘s, 21 Fourth avenue, on Saturâ€" day last, under the auspices of the L. O.B.A., was both pleasing and successâ€" ful, there being a good array of home cooking for sale and a good patronage. They Won‘t Last Long at These Prices ! One Only Reatty Model A. Brand new, this machine has never had water in it.........;... One 1900 Cataract, Brand new Large size, suitable for small hotel or boarding house Good buy ...A M One Only Gilson DeLuxe Washer, brand new, guaranâ€" teed 1 year, porcelain tub........ Five Only Beatty White Cap Washers, in good working order.....;:....;;;.".,.. Bramwell, â€" teacherâ€"P Stingle 84, E. Creed 83 B. Montgomery 81, E L. Stewart 77, M. Gedge ‘, suitable for small oarding house No Extra Charges Adelaid Bornâ€"In Timmins, Ont., on Tuesâ€" day, March 8th, 1932, to Mr. and Mrs Ian Gordon, of Timmins,â€"â€"4 son. The annual NOFA. smoker w beld in the S8.0.E hall on Sat evening, March 19th His many friends in town and disâ€" trict will be very saorry to know that Gordon Black is confined to his home with ear trouble.> There was a good attendance and a happy time enjoyed by all at the anâ€" nual supper of the Timmins Salvation Army on Friday evening last, March 4. His many friends will be pleased to learn that F. C. H. Simms, who has been ill at his home here, is making progress to recovery The next regular meeting of the Timmins town council is scheduled for Monday, March 14th, commencing at 4 p.m. â€"Rummage sale will be held in St. Matthew‘s church hall on Satunday, March 12th. Call and look around; you might get a Bargain. â€"10 North Bay city council has deckied to spend up to $11,600.00 to have an audit made of the city‘s books for the past ten years. An cfficial challenge has been reâ€" ceived from Englehart curlers to curi here for the Englehart troiy. Two rinks from Englehart will be here Saturday of this wesk for the contest. Mrs. E. Finchen was taken to St. Mary‘s hospital this week, an operâ€" ation being necessary. Her many friends will wish her an early and complete recovery,. t J. D. MacLean, town engineer, was at Toronto and London, Ont., last week in connection with the town plans for extension to the disposal plant. An enlargement of the town‘s sewerage disposal plant will be necessary in the near future and the town engineer was sent to get a line on similar work in other centres. Frienas in Timmins, of which town he was a resident for a number Of years, will be interested in the followâ€" ing paragraph about J. McFarlane, at one time on The Advance staff. The Haileyburian says:â€""Jack McFarlane left yesterday for Winnipkg, where he will join a prospecting party going by air into the Great Bear Lake country. He expected to be away until about September." â€"$71.15 $107