Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 18 Feb 1932, 1, p. 4

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'ANTEDâ€"A teacher for accord Write Box J.P., Advance omce, T. mlns. WEBMAKINGâ€"Dresses. Coats and children's clothing. Apply Mrs. La- mom'eaux. 108 Birch street, north. Timmins. -46p MING-By the day. Apply mums Dion. 165 Birch Street, I «r phone 851-W. Timmins. -' FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING -â€" Complete line of mnples to chose from. Apply to 89 Main Ave., Timmlns. -5-8 FOR COATS CLEANED GLAZED RE- LIN‘ED AND ALTERED; first-class workmanship. Sinclair the Valet 21 Fourth Ave.. Phone 625. ~3tf com) ' STORAGE FOR CARSâ€"Can tally located. Apply to B. F. Len nan. 10 Elm Street, North, Tim ‘BOOM AND BOARDâ€"For two men, in private home. all conveniences. Mlners preferred. Apply 161 Elm Street. North, 'I‘lmmins. -3ptf MOM AND BOARDâ€"Three boarders wanted, all conveniences; miners pre- fern-d. Rates reasonable. Apply 16 Wilson Ave, or P.O. Box 195, Tim- mns. -5p M COUNTER GIRL WANTEDâ€" ;Appl'y to Lady Lauder Hatel, Cedar Street. Timmins. -7 mammary) ROOMS '11) RENTâ€"l Glenn and comfortable. Suitable; at light housekeeping. Use of Me and .kitchen. Apply to_5l‘ DANCING SCHOOL â€"â€" For children.l1=‘0R RENTâ€"~Two tuition included, tap and ballet danc- furni had for 133; ’Ing, etc.. very moderate fees. Write conveniences 5 111's. Harold Burt, Box 948, or call with no childrer at 1'7 Borden Ave., Timmins. 43-4531)“ ’ large, furnished WSSELL HOTELâ€"Board and Roomâ€"- By day, week or month. Rates $8.00 to $9.50 a. week. Hot and cold water. year round. Phone 275-W., or call at 2 Wilson Ave., Timmins. ~2tf HELP WANTEDâ€"One reliable man in every town, merchant preferred. to take orders for best tailored clothes in Canada. Attractive outfit. com- plete range. special values, $25.00 to $35.00. Good commission. Rex Tall- nlng 00., Limited, Toronto, 2. -5-8 GIRL WANTEDâ€"For general house- wofk; “French preferred. Apply to 170 Balsam Street. North, Timmins. -7p VB NEED RELIABLE PARTIES im- mediately to distribute Watkins 150 Famous Household Necessities to established trade in Timmins. $30.00 weekly right, from the start. Apply quickly. J. R. Watkins Campany. 749 Craig St. West, Mfmtreal. Que., Dept. ROOM AND BOARDâ€"A11 canveniences and neat rooms. App‘ly 47 Second Ave.. Schumacher. ~5-7p 3100M AND BOARDâ€"With am can- venienorrs. Meal ticket .3 21 meals for 37.00. Sngle rosms. Apply Mrs G. AJ-bic. Lily Herbel. 5 Spruce Street, mm. Thmn'ms. -7p FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT; notable for married couple; house- mpmg privileges. Apply 295 Pine Ila-Sets. South. Apt! ‘flECHANICS, HAVE YOUR OVER- ALLS DRY CLEANED with-out shrinkage; price reasonable. Sinclair the Valet, 21 Fourth Ave. Phone 625. -3tf ROOM AND BOARDâ€"Large warm room with band for two men. Rates mmble. Apply to 4 $1111 Street North. Timmms. -7 EVEREADY TRANSFER OFFICE 69 Third Ave., next door to Smit matron. Office hours. 8 am. :0 9 m WANTEDâ€"Transfers and pm- motions leave syJiendid opening for men to look after our business. in Cobalt and North Bay dI‘Striots. Men '. who can speak French. and English ' '10: Sturgeon Falls and Chapleau dis- trlcts. (302d money, free training. Bee Mr. Henderson. 5 Birch Street. South. Timmins, evenings only. or write Fuller Brush Company. Peter- MESSMAKING-D $2 00; housed-raises CHILDREN FOR ADOPTIONâ€"Goof homes desired for children hovs an gitls. Cathohc and Protestant ages 4 to 14 years Any home desirinc to adopt a youngster should have their clergyman write A. G. Carson Supt. Children's Aid. Timmins. Ont 4412.! Thursday, Feb. 18th, 1932 301) ROOM AND 80 A RD MISCELLANEOI K 39 HELP WANTED asque avenue. or phone “W. 30! a. few hour ROOMS ault. proprieto S ma um y Mrs North FOR RENTâ€"House at 12 Apply to J. Martin. 52} Timmins. FOR RENTâ€"Four-raomed apartment and one basement mom in the Gor- don Block. Ap'r'sfy to 7 Gordon Block. or phone 212, Tlmmins. -5 FOR RENTâ€"New Five- with all modern convc etc., at 45 Lake Shore A. Lennox, 75 Elm stre‘ UPSTAIRS FOR. 19th. 1931. As I love him. so I miss him. In my heart he’s always near, Loved. remembered, longed for, ever Bringing many a. silent tear. -7h. â€"Ever remembered by‘ his Wife John Katavala. employed in the Sis- coe Mine. recently fell some twenty-five feet down a stope, fracturing his skull. He was taken by airplane to the Rouyn hospital where he remained conscious- ness and is making good progress to recover} POSITION WANTEDâ€"Finnish lady desires place as servant or work by the hour. Aptiy to 60 Balzam sue-ma. North, Timmins. -7p Mrs. Frank Gervads and family wish to extend their sincere thanks to their many friends for the flarail and spiri- tual offerings received in their recent 9351 bereavement. -7 SINGLETONâ€"In loving memory of JOT-eph Singleton, who died February Tuesday. the twenty-third day of February next, will be the last day for presenting Petitions for Private Bills. .Tuesday. the first day of March next. will be the last day for introdun cing Private Bills. Tuesday, the twenty-second day of March next. will be the last day for receiving Reports of Committees of FOR- SALEâ€"Three-piece living room suite, used six month. Cost $75 00 would sell for $45.00. Apply to 65 Balsam street SOULu. Tlmmins. -7p Private Bills ALEX C. LEWIS. Clerk of the Legislative Assembly Toronto. January 6th. 1932. 49-712! FOR SALEâ€"The Soot-foe. the med-em chimney cleaner. 50:: per package. At the Ideal Hardware and Furni- ture Co., Md, 56 Third Ave. or phone 216, Timmins. -4tf FOR SALEâ€"One coal and wood er, in good condition; a bargain ply 110 Birch Street, North, mins. POSITION WANTEDâ€"Work wanted by the 'd-ly. by young wa-man’ at once. Apply to 46.}. Golden Ave., South Por- cupine. -7h FOR SALEâ€"HOGSâ€"Choice grain-fe hogs; dressed and cut; delivered d rect from farmer to the cansume Phone 81-W. . v -1 FOR SALEâ€"Set sl-eig‘hs; runner inches wide. I Tlmmins. LOT-3130.3 SALEâ€"Goad location; 0. me to §cho1,hn"e local improvements such as Sidewalks, Sewers, and W3- ter. A133 earner lot if desired, one with a sm'alhsuhack vented $10 00 per rmn h. Will .5911 be1ow the Assess- ment value. Easy terms. For more p211 iculzxrs a.\)1y to Henry Perreault, Jr..T3wn Office or to 157 Maple treat. Ssuth. ~7-10p DROPERTIER FOR S‘A LF IOI min Maple S‘ 00D m RELIABLE GENERAL CHIMNEY SWEEP. Phsne 218. Timmins. A. Vercival. -7-9p with no children large, furnished 5 chenette and lar sonable rent. 1 Ave. Timmins. CARD OF THANKS \RTICLELS FOR SALE POSITION WANTED . '\ C 3 £ f.‘ K ‘ I. " [Q - 4' Parliamentary Notice IN MEMORIAM R FOR RENT ire ll cdern conveniences mu Lake Shore Road, App]; 75 Elm street south, Tim table artm NTâ€"Sui able fa 3'91} at 96 Tam -7- 9 118 F' 'oomed house Wilson ave Third ave. )om 4-712731 Reed Tim- TIE 1f l This week at the Timmins Curling ‘Rink play is in progress for the Mc- ‘ Intyre Cup. Games are causing great .interest. and the competition is in the mum stages of play. FOR SALEâ€"Extra dry 4-foot mixe‘ wood. Snappy delivery anywhere 1‘ Timmins. Phone Bl-W. -lt WOOD FOR SALEâ€"16" Jackplne, $2.75 a cord; 16" Tamarack, $3.50 a. card. All wood sound and dry. Also.dry slabs for sale. $2.50 a cord or $5.00 a. load. McDade and Lauzon. 74 Maple Street, South. Phone 332, Tim- mins. Orders taken for Schumacher. Prices right. Prompt delivery. ~6-7p OI' Under and by virtue of the pawers contained in a. certain mortgage and transfer of monfgage. which will be pre- duced «at the time of the sale, there will be offered f 3r sale by public auction on Saturday, March 5th, 1932. at 3 pm, at 101 First Avenue, Schumacher, Ontario, by E. C. Brewer, Auctioneer, the fel- lowing property, namely :â€" Lot Number 45 on the North side of First Avenue as éhown on Plan M-39 (Sudbury) now deposited in the Office :of Land Titles at Oochrane. and more particularly described as being Munici- pal Number 101 First Avenue, Schu- masher. Ontario, and Lot Number 96 en the North side of Second Avenue as shown on Plan M-39 (Sudbury) now dep‘sited in the Office of Land Titles at Oochrane, and more particularly des- cribe-d as 81 Second Avenue, Schuma- cher, Ontario. On Lo: Number 45. Plan M-39 (Sud- bury) there is said to be a frame buildâ€" ing containing five room's. On Lot Number 96, Plan M-39 (Sud- bury) there is said to be a frame build- ing containing five rooms. ' Terms: 109; of purchase money to be All those lands and premises situate and lying in the Town of Tlmmins, District. of Cochrane. and being lot forty as shown on Plan M-22 (Sudâ€" bui'y), now deposited at the Office of Land Titles at Cochrane, Municipal No. 139 Wilson Avenue, Timmins. On said lands is erected one frame house and one frame restaurant. Terms of saleâ€"~25 per cent. at the time of sale and the balance upon com- pletion of transfer. For further particulars apply to OSIAS SAUVE. Hamilton Block, Thnmins, Solicitor for 9; of purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale and balance torbe paid within ten days. 1932‘ Under and by virtue of the pclwerc contained in a cat-5am 'mzortgwag‘e, which will be produced at the time of the sale. there will be offered for sale by public auction en Satunday. March 5th. 1932, at 2 p.m., at 92 First Avenue. Schumacher, Ontario, by E. C. Brew-3r. Auctioneer, the following property namely:â€" Lot Number 76 and the Westerly six feet frcm front to rear of Lot NUm- ber 77 on the South side of Fire: Ave- nue as shown on Plan M-39 (Sudbury) now deposited in the omce of Land Titles at Cosh-ram, and. more particu- Zmly described as being Municipal Number 92 First Avenue, Schumann-er, Ontario. On this. Let there is said to be a frame building containing six rooms. For further particulars and candi- tlons of sale apply to GAUTHIER PLATUS Reed Bl eck, Timmms. Ontario, 8: ~11ciâ€" tor-3 for 'the Mangage . Dated this 10m day of February. 1932. ~7-8-9. Hamilton Bloc] the Mortgagee 'OOD FOR SALEâ€"Sound dry jack- pine, $3.25. Tamarack, $3.75. Apply Cameron and McConnell, 23 Hallm- gcr Lane or phone 654-J. Tim- mins. ~1-2ptf $3.50 a. com 110 Wilsm “‘ 'OOD FOR SALEâ€"Dry slabs by the load, $4.50, also round wood, 16 inches. Jackpine by lots, $2.75 a. cord and good dry birch at $3.75 a cord. Also tamarack $3.50 a cord. Apply Chaput Mainville, 118 First Ave., third house from corner of Preston or phone 377, Tlmmins.~ Orders taken for Schumacher, prices right. -7-8ptf On Saturday the 20th day of Febru- 'y, 1932. at 2 pm. on the premises, ider and by virtue of a mortgage hich will be produced at the time of .le, will be sold by public auction, by C. Brewer. Auctioneer. )D FOR SALEâ€"IG-inch Jackplne $2.50 a cord. 16-inch Tamarack. .50 a. cord. Phone 441. J. A. Daly, ) Wilson Avenue, Timmins. All 0:! cash on delivery. -7tf PR WOOD FURS 8‘.“ E MORTGAGE SALE MORTGAGE SALE MORTGAGE SALE OPERTY IN THE TOWN 01‘ TIMMINS Plan M-39 (Sud- be a frame buildâ€" :oms. Plan Mâ€"39 (Sud- THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO in {Renfrew Chief and I ' Councillor Clash Councillor Chief M. Enquiry There :ouncil was t1 wsuld number ‘I character 2 It was the stcmiest night the ceuncii chamber has known in a, long period. with the storm limited to two pzrsans â€"â€"one smarting under accusations and a other making them vigsrously.” In another calumn of The Mercury there is given an interview ‘with Maysr MacLaren, of Renfrew. The mayor is quoted as sayingâ€"“There was n: at- temp: by council or myself .to sh'e‘d anyone. We are prepared b3 invest‘gate “Tuesday evening's meeting of Ren- frew town council was marked by sharp teassages between Councillor Fennessy, chairman of the council's police com- mittee, and Chief Greer. The coun- cillsr charged the policeman with being 3. “grafter” and as an unfit man for tfllce; (the policeman declared the 'I'narges to be untrue and held that he. could and would prove them so; that he would take action for defamation of character. Mr. Fennessy had with him at the meeting declarations from different residents of the town, prepar- ed in the office of C. A. Mulvihill, an Arnpricr lawyer. each of which be mad. The burden of the charge made everything to the fullest. Councillsr Fennessy should have consulted wlth his committee and we did n-ct like the manner in which the chirgw were brought up. What we wanted him t3 do. and which he finally agreed to, wa’ to have the committee leak into the complaints, and then make a report with recommendations... I, per-smal- ly, have no complaint to make abau‘. our chief of police. I think the ma- jority of the peeple consider the chief's department is well handled, and that We are getting g:cd satisfaction.” It may be added that meeting at the Renfrew police comm’ttee was to be held on Tuwday of this week, with a special meeting of the Renfrew town council to deal with the question to be called immediately the police commit- tee had a report ready. In the mean- time the newspaper dispatches say that Chief Greer has engaged Mesa Doctor. In another there is given MacLaren, of qut questions to and make statements to both Chief Greer and Constable Henderson. His main complaint against the latter was that he was considered too offlcious in his treatment of cer- tain young men of the town. Mr. Fen- nessy made mention of specific circum- stances tc Chief Greer and in all cases. the chief had answers ready; so that the council felt that there was nothing to do ‘but to probe all matters as soon as possible and allow all persons con- cerned a. hearing. “I am going to see that the ratepayers of the town get justice, and I am going to engage a lawyer and it won’t cost. the town a cent," said Mr. Fennessy, whereat Chief Greer declared that his record in Ren- frewv and elsewhere was a clean one; that if it oculd be proved that he had taken a dollar wrongly from the town he was prepared to repay tenfold. and that he also would engage a lawyer. Mr. Fennessy-I have bEen living in this town for close to 27 years. and I ’defy any man to get up and say I ever did him out of a diner. I have left more money here than any other man siting here. Chief Greerâ€"I will pay out five dollars, yes ten dollars, for every dollar he says is shsmt, but there i: no money ehzirt. I have been on the [blice for 16 years in the North Country and haven't get a black mark. police department and report, to mun- cil with a recommendation. The she-rm broke when the mayor called for re- ports of committees. When he go! around to the police csmnfittee, Mr. Fennacsy rose and began la. reading of declarations, stopping occasiz-nally t3 Makes Charges Against (it-«r. Latter Asks for ' After Which he Says P will he Court Action for Datamation. :he Renfrew tovm the question tn be he palice commit.- dv. In the mean- mama55mm5mmfimmmmwm5$5$555555555555555555§5§555mw m PARTNER “’HIST DRIVE ON FRIDAY EVENING. FEB. 26TH The unmhh‘e Ibotball Club an- nouncm a partner whist drive to be held in the Hoilinger Recreation Club on Friday evening, Feb. 26th, commenc- ing at. 8.00 mm. prompt. The prm run to a value of $25.00. A good time is assured for all attending. “Junior Night” at the Band Event Sunday r Timmins Citizens‘ Band 'announces a band concert to be held in the Gold- fields theatre after the church services on Sunday. Feb. let. It is announ- ced as a “Junior Night." The junior members of the band will figure largely on the programme and in addition there will be musical and other num- bers by young people of the town and district. Dr. S. L. Honey, of the Band Ccmmittee will occupy the chair. The programme for Sdnday evening is ex- peCted to be of special interest and excellence. though details of the num- bers are not available at the time of writing. The Timmins Citizens' Band. Programme to be Presented Largely by ‘ br; :her. who the Junior Members of the Band and Other Items by Young Talent of the Town. The Narxl “.Mr T1103. as usual at their concerts, could pro- vide the major part of the programme in the way of band selections. In this however. on Sunday evening the junior members of the band will be given special prominence. There are quite a number of boys now in the band and it is understood that the hope is to organize a junior band in addition to the regular band here. .fififififififififimmfifififiyflfifififififififififififififififiwmfimmwmfifififi auspices of the Sans of Scotlanc Tuesday, March lst, csmmencin 8.30, in the Moose hall. Ticket: cents. â€"W11 WE SAVE YOU MONEY Just received a complete stock of string Guitar. Accordions, Banjos, Tenor Guitar, Accordians, Banjos, Tenor Banjos, Piano Accordions, all reason- ‘ ably priced. Cotton, 1 lb. rolls, good quality ........ 44c Kleenex, reg. 50c for .......................... 35c 50c Prophylactic Tooth Brush and 25c tube Listerine Tooth Paste the Two for ......... \ ....................................... 50c 1 quart, 40 ounces Pure Norwegian’. Cod Liver Oil ........................................ 89c Kepler’s Malt and Cod Liver Oil ....$l.50 Malt and Cod Liver Oil, 2 lb. jar Regular $2.00 for .............................. $1.49 Scott’s Emulsion, large bottle .......... 77c Nyal’s Emulsion $100 Kotex .................................. 37c., 3 for 95c Eno’s Fruit Salts ................................ 84c Kruschen Salts .................................... 69c Wampole’s Salts ................ 50c and $1.00 Fruitatives, reg. 50c ....35c., 3 for $1.00 Chase’s Nerve Food, reg. 60c ............ 37c Palm Olive Shaving Cream ................ 24c Pompeian Face Powder, reg. 60c ...... 44c Coty’s Face Powder ............................ 57c Quelques Fleur Powder ...................... 69c Italian Balm .......................... 27c and 47c Hind’s Cream 37c Lysol ............................ 27c., 54c and $1.14 Castile Soap. Shell brand, 21b. bar, reg. 50c for 0,‘lc Castile Soap. 8 cakes for .................... 25c Woodbury’s Soan, 3 cakes for .......... 69c Extra Specials Thursday, Friday, Saturday TH REE 11 PINE STREET NORTH 17'/2 WILSON AVE. (TOR. PINE and THIRD PHONE 7 PHONE 870 PHONE 423 awa. to matter FREE FREE FREE DuBarry Introductory Package To Every Lady customer nurchas- ing $1.00 worth of goods One only DuBarry Introductory nackage. This package would regularly re- tail at 50c MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS )k aft and s his int under atland WHERE QUALITY RULES the STORES IN T!MM|NS 50 Rev. Murray Tut. of Toronto. has taken over the duties of minister of the Trinity United Church, Kirkland Lake. during the enforced absence of Rev. Archie Gillies. The NarInern Tribune “.Mr T1103. Maurice of in town for a few da daughters. Mrs. E. Pa} Germaine Maurice. this â€"Sale of home baking will ' on Saturday. Feb. 20th, at 3 Sinclair ‘ lock. Fourth avenue auspices of the Ladies' Guild auspices 01 me 1 Matthew‘s church Noranda at present has a local bon- spiel and it is said that the Noranda people are as enthusiastic about curling as everybody was in Tlmmlns a couple of weeks ago when the big bonspiel was on here. Miss M. Brown, formerly in charge of the Mission hospital at Matheson, has assumed the duties of superintend- ent at St. Paul's hospital, at Hearst. succeeding Miss Jeanne Donaldsong who resigned to return to Ottawa. Recently Dr. W. C. Arnold, M.O.H, of Haileybury, refuted statements to the effect that water caused an epidemic of sickness in the town by announcing that laboratory tests showed the water to be entirely harmless. on Wednesday, February 10th. 1932- daughter (Marie Constance Elean: Both mother and babe are daing wel 1V8 1‘ -At St. Mary's hospital, Tim- Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. David- merly Miss M. J 3am Faumi-er). 1esd'ay, February 10th. 1932â€"a hem Tribune last week says un from Chic ml :f Mrs. 00 i on January 2-! Parent ; this week RADIO SPECIALS 6-tube Mercury Set $4350 10~tube Console Model Victor ...... $99.50 $105.00 Victor 8-tube superhetto Snap, 2 tins for .................................... 25c Pepsodent Tooth Paste .................... 33c Pebeco Tooth Paste ............................ 39c Squibb’s Tooth Paste 39c Colgate’s Tooth Paste' .......... 17c and 39c N estle’s Food ...................................... 84c Johnson Baby Talcum ........................ 25c Johnson Baby Cream .......................... 50c Johnson Baby Soap ............................ 25c Vacuum Bottles .......... 47c., 59c and 69c Thermos Kits, reg. $1.00 .................... 59c Thermos Strong'lass Bottles $1.25, $2.75 Nujol ........................................ 89c and 69c Red Pills, (Pilules Rouges), 50 for....38c Hot Water Bottles, reg. $3.00 and $2.00, guaranteed ................................ 89c Mathieu’s Syrup Tar .......................... 27c Chase’s Linseed and Turpen- tine .......................................... 27c and 67c Wampole Cod Liver Oil ........ ' .......... $ 1.00 Nyel’s Creophos, an excellent remedy for deep seated colds, large bot. ....$1.00 Bees Syrup Unenualled for Whooping Cough Buckley’s Bronchitis Mixture ....... ‘...75c Burke’s Bronchitis Mixture 50c $1.00 and electric clock New Victor Combination Radios .................. $235.0( O‘Gorman lou and . PRESCRIP’I‘IONS Bring us your Prescriptions, (Iare- fully dispensed ‘with pure fresh drugs â€"â€" Emphasize Freshness â€"â€" that is with our numerous stores stock turns rapidlyâ€"This is our guarantee of Freshness mmin visitix Eleanor) held W35 Elf An nou nce ment DR. J. MINDESS Wishes to announce that he has opened an office. at 66 Third Avenue (corner Birch Street and Third) Timmins. where he will practice medicine and surgery. His office is equipped with a modern Electrothcmpy Department for the treatment of medical and surgical cases. Varicose Veins treated by lnjectlnn. Piles and tonsils treated by knlt’cless and bloodless operatlon. TEACIIERS' BOWLING LEAGUE AVERAGES THIRD PERIOD in arrisor Rams 3y. M. TI‘ J. Han m3 . ‘ Wcston, 125; F. 117; H. Prettie. E. Dempsay, 100 Winning team- visiting her br: Mr. and Mrs. J maid 3 ; M. Sub PHYSICIAN. SFRGEON AND PH YSIOTHERAPIST OFFICE TELEPHONE 203 RESIDENCE TELEPHONE 408 he following are third pried cf t1 LIE :ue:â€"G. Everett. 193: J. Bmgfie. Rogers. 175; M. Barr. 172: M. 1, 172: V. McKinley. 162; 0. 161: G. Hughes, 160; 1“. Mac- 156; N. MacLeod. 156; E. Blyth. Tackaberry. 152; V. Sm‘mh, 148: 'bum. 145: W. McKelvic. 141; s. 140; E. Connor. 136; E. Oh]- $235.00 and $189.50 sin: amâ€"M. 1‘ 25; F. P6 re'ttie. 114 g are the av-erw. 1 cf the Teachers M. MacIn )rimier, Montreal, is yr and sisterâ€"in-law, Brodeur. ............... 25c ............... 33c ............... 39c 17c and 39c ............... 84c ............... 25c Barr WE SAVF YOU Team. G. Everett Dc-herty. 163; $89.50 rs‘ Bawl- J. Bmgie, H

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