Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 24 Dec 1931, 1, p. 7

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Ten years 0 the current issue The Advance as on Dec. 215;. 1921.‘ ' . . and had a. touch of the Christmas!Macl-Lay's Cash and Carry Store, H, spirit. In a. two-column box. with large f Leduc. Chas. Pierce 5: Sons. L. Hal- type used, and a picture of the porcuâ€" ‘perin. H. Horwltz. Empire Theatre. Rinn pine to illustrate, there was the follow- Bros. A. T. Pommier. The number of ' :smaller advts. 15 too many to enumer- Ten years 0 the current issue or, The Advance on Dec. 215;. 1921,‘ and had a touch of the Christmas spirit. In a two-column box, with large WW used. and a picture of the porcu- pine to illustrate, there was the follow- ing Chrisimas message:â€" Advanee Christmas Wishes from the Porcupine. The Porcupine is golden, And every quill is gold. And every golden quill a wish. And every golden wish for you.â€" That Christmas nineteen twenty-one And all the days to come Be rich and full of golden thoughts And golden deeds and joy. There were 20 pages in the issue ten years ago, but on account of the srhaller size of the pages then. this would be equivalent to about sixteen pages of The Advance as it is to-day. However. that was pretty good for ten years ago in Timmins. There were three full page advertisements, the Hollinger Stores, the McIntyre Stores and the Curtis Drug CO. There were ten half- page advertisements, Hamilton B. Wills 00., Victor Gramophone, Ontario Government, Marshall-Eccles:one, F. M. Burke, M. Levine, Geo. Taylor Hardâ€" ware, Todd's Schumacher and South Porcupine Stores, 8. Bucovetsky, D. Ostrosser 86 Go. There were a dozen Fim occur usually when least ex- pected. How would you fare if your property were destroyed? Fully pro- tected or not? FIRE INSURANCE AT LOWEST RATES. PHONE 104 21 Pine St. North Dainty, and practical and useful merchandise which carries a special appeal to the feminine taste. May we suggest any of the following: Sullivan Newton SECURITY SERVICE Solve Your Gift Problem at 98c $1.19 $1.49 KID GLOVES Lined um! unlined with and without (or :rimmlngs 98c and $2.98 to $14.95 19 Pine Street North. LINGERIEâ€"BOXED BLOOMERS AND VESTS $1.98 and $2.98 IN CREPE DE CHINE $1.69 to $2.95 49c to $3.00 99c to $7 .99 49C to $1.39 NIGHTGOWNS 98C to $3.98 COMBINATION.“ BABY BONNETS SCARVES HOSIERY PYJAJVIAS PURSES 79c GOLDFIELDS HOTEL BLOCK 1h, Note the. New Store Near the Post Ofiicc Timmjns than Greenberg. Neh F‘aulkenham, Noah Teilfer, Dalton's, W. Dalzell, O. Seguin. Barrow Sign 00.. Halleybury. Bachelor Cigar, Chas. P. Grill. Gells Herman. Wallmgford Bros, Sims and Hooker. Sullwan Newton, John W. Fogg. H. P. Schroeder, BowieBerin1, J. A. Howse, Dr. Gagnon. Haileybury, Leo Mascioli. W. J. Browne. V. Wood- bury. A. C. Brown. Dr. Aiken. Miss B. Findlay. D. Laprairie. N. Campeau, King's Amusement Parlours, Timmlna King's Amusement ruuvtua, Luuuuua Electric. The issue contained a review of the progre=s of the various mines of the Porcupine. ,under the heading, “The Porcupineâ€"Ontario‘s Land of Gold." There was also a review of the town of Timmins and its progress. The Porcu- pine was described as the greatest gold camp in Canada, and it was noted that this area had contributed $70,000,000.00 to the wealth of the Dominion. Can- ada then was fourth in the world in gold produc:ion. To-day it is second, and the Porcupine has done more than any other area to make it so. Up to the present the Porcupine had produc- ed some $280,000,000.00 in gold. Other great industries in the North were re- ferred to. the neighbouring town of Iro- quois Falls coming in for special men- , ticn for having the largest paper-m-akâ€" | ing machine in the world at the time; It was noted that the Porcupine was? the greatest centre in Canada for the shipping of ties. Reference was made to the nickel mines at Alexo and the known presence of barite, asbestos, etc., in other sections of the camp. The town of Timmins was noted as having a populaLion close to 5,000. Its many ad- : vantages in the way of modern benefits .was mentioned. South Porcupine and iSchumacher also came in for due no- tice. “The towns of the Porcupine,” concluded The Advance, “are building ’for permanence, and believe that here is an abiding gold camp.” There is no reason, after ten years, to do other than fully confirm that verdict. ! Of course, the issue of ten years ago lwas largely taken up with Christmas {articles and affairs. It may be of in- ‘terest to note that The Advance pub- llished a letter from the Canadian For- t estry Association saying that there was no alarm necessary about the cutting of young trees for Christmas Trees. The practice brought settlers and others some ready cash, and did not endanger the conservation of the forests. In- deed, it helped conservation in many leases by thinning out the young trees {and giving those remaining a better ”(In @112 anh $11 381251 ’(I'fllisabkfi fur a 33ml £12er GLlJriStmaS Ladies Children’s Ready-to-Wear i'yles. chance to thrive I! there were many special Christmas items. there was also lots of news of the locality and of the day. Building per- mits for the year 1921 in 'I‘lmmins to- talled over half a million dollars in value of structures created. The build- ing included the Hollinger townsite houses, the Marshall-Ecclestane new store and a. whole host of new resi- dences as well as some new stores and additions and improvements to existing buildings. On Sunday morning. Dec. 18th, 1921. at an early hour the J. R. Todd drug store at Schumacher was burglarized and $100.00 in cash and $450.00 ‘wsrth of goods stolen. The burglary came at a most inopnortune time, injuring the stocks for Christmas trade and causing serious inconvenience and loss. But even this could not put J. R. Todd in. the melancholy class. One cf his com- menis at the time was that the bur- glars had good taste anyway. when they came to his store for goods. The Advance commented on the large and attractive stocks in the Timmins stores for the Christmas trade of 1921. The stores were open evenings for the convenience of the public. Although all were urged to snap early, the big part of the shopping was done in the last few days, which suggests that Tim- mins has not changed much in the last ten years. Comment was made in The Advance : ten years ago of the financial state- ‘ ment of the town of Timmins. The ‘ showing by the various departments of 1 the town was very satisfactory. The ' auditor went through the books of the band and of the fire brigade and found ‘ these eminently satisfactory in everyi' way. The Advance mentioned this' fact because there was some loose talk. about the band at the time by somel who had a personal grudge against the‘ leader of the band the previous year. 3 Even the inclement weather on thel occasion did not prevent a large attend- ance at the band concert on Dec. 17th ‘ 1921. The selections by the band were i greatly enjoyed. Under theleadership! of Mr. Wolno the band was showing! remarkable progress and notable abili- i ty. Dr. J. A. McInn'is was the chair- man for the concert. Among the spe- cial items on the programme were thei following:â€"-recitation by Mrs. Murdoch; ‘ violin solo by Mr. Rudolphe; solo, by. Jas. Geils; euphonium solo, by Mr. J.‘ Smith, with band accompaniment; duet, i comet and baritone, Messrs Wolno and , Geils; Mrs. J. W. Faithful piayed the! piano accompaniments for the evening. I Among the selections by the Timmins Citizens' Band werezâ€"march, “Mar- tha"; “Smiles and Dimples"; “Inspira- tion," and ”Arbitration.” The way the band. played these numbers proved . three things, The Advance saidzâ€"at‘heg capability of the leader, the talent of I the players, and the effect of regular and earnest practice. In The Advance ten years ago there was a lengthy reference to the dealing of the N.O.H.A. with the players cer- tificates. G. S. Lowe, W. G. Smith, E. C. Keeley, Timmins, C. F. Magurn. W. Brydge and G. Brickendon, Iroquois Falls, were appointed to the board of references for the season. One Tim- mins youth was suspended for giving a wrong birth certificate. Jesse Spring. having left the district no action was taken on his application for a certi- cate. The action was taken on the certificates of the Boucher brothers. of Iroquois Falls. Olher certificates dealt with were for players in clubs away from this section. ‘ _._._ A There was notice given in The Ad- vance of a number of Christmas Trees to be held in town by various organiza- tions. One of these was the Caledonian Society which planned a Christmas Tree in the 1.0.01“. hall for the child- ren oi' the members of the society and their friends. Santa Claus had «promis- ed to be there in person. And this was before the 15c. store was opened here! Special services were announced at the various churches for Christmas Day. ‘ which happened to be on Sunday that year. Somespacewasgiventenyears ago to the report of a demonstration of the Ever-warm Safety Suit, 9. device for passenger boats to carry in place of lefe belts. This device would keep any- one afloat indefinitely in the water in warmth and comfort. It was light and much more buoyant than cork It had special attention at the time on account of the tragedy of the Lusitania. The demonstration of the suit was held at the Mattagami rive-r on Dec. 17th, and well Christmas Day fell 1921, but was observed this latter fact The Ad blame Hon. Mr. Raney V.“ â€".a .____V 1921, but was observed on Monday. For this latter fact The Advance affected to sad Sundays only, so Christmas had to be moved on, for who ever heard of a sad Christmas. “Nevertheless." saidi The Advance, “we all wish Hon. Mr.‘ Raney a merry Christmasâ€"both Sun- day and Monday. This is the true to everybody. even the boobs and the rubes who have this province under. their rubber heels these days! Oh. merry Christmas! But how? There was quite a lot about hockey in The Advance at this tithe ten years agO. schedules for the games of the N .0. HA. and local leagues being pubished. The Advance ten years ago told of a brutal attack made by thugs upon Miss Blake, for several years cashier at the Chas. Pierce store. but at the time of the assault, residen; in Detroit. Miss EBlake was cashier in a Detroit meat imarket. She was carrying the money '10! the firm to the bank when two thugs at2acked her. She was slugged on the vu-v ‘â€" investment, it did not turn out so THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO on Sunday. in ['he “The fourth division court of 'I‘emis-| 50f kaming was moved to Timmins this the week and will be located in town here- the after. The division court clerk, E. HA and Hill, has his offices in the Dr. M-ooreI reryiblcck, upstairs.“ “J. F. Wolno. leader thisI of the Timmins Citizens‘ Band. is talk spending Christmas at his home in )me I Hamilton.” “ “As Thubway Tham would the say: thith temperanth thufi ith the .r. bunk. Other hotels ocasionally have a the lvacant room, but the Hotel de Greer. nd- having retained its bars, is full up allI 7th the time." “A. Laprairie, more scienti-I vere Ifically known as Lap, last week adver- I shipItised for the return of his dog, lost.‘ ving ! strayed or stolen for several days. The oili- I Advance had not been published more .air- than five or ten minutes when Lap met spg- the dog on the street. The collie must the I have read The Advance, said Mr. La- :ch; I prairie. Sure! All thoroughbreds do.” , by , “Miss Fyfe left last week for her home _-. J. I in Hamilton.” “.Dr Aiken leaves this luet. I week to spend the holidays in the andIsouth." “Hugh Burrett is spending the I Christmas in the South.” “Geo. S. ling. I Drew is visiting at his home in Can- ning nington.” “Dr. Brisco is spending the 13,1... holidays at his home in Chatham." nira- Dr. Mitchell leaves to-morrow for the Christmas at his home in Toronto.” aved I “Mr. and . M. Downey are spend- athe 2 ing the 11011 ys in the East.” “Arthur 1-. at I Jackson left Tuesday to spend Christ- ular mas in Nova Scotia.” “Christmas is I the time of good-will to all men. Even Among the local and personal notes‘ in The Advance ten years ago were the followingzâ€"“Rev. Mr. Paton. of Kirk- ?land Lake, conducted the services at ! he Presbyterian church on Sunday his addresses being much appreciated. Rev. Mr. Parks took charge of the serâ€" [vices at Rev. Mr. Paton's church at Kirkland Lake on Sunday.” “Hugh [Creighton who has been in charge of the customs office at South Porcupine. for the rust five years, left this week for Kingston where he will make his home. He has been retired on pension after a long and honourable service to I the public as a Government employee." head with the butt of a revolver and her handbag containing $500.00 was stolen. ' Ten years ago The Advance was ad- vocating a separate department to look after mgnes. the department at that time handling mmw. forests. lands. roads and what-have-you. Ten years ago. according to an article in The Advance. the T. 6.: N. O. Rail- way was considering the electrification of the line. Reference was made in The Advance ten years ago to the regular attendance of the town councillors at meetings. It was seldom then or in previous years that a councillor missed a meeting of the council. The same good attitude has been noted in the intervening ten years. Certainly the men who take in- terest in municipal affairs have shown their interest is lively and genuine. GOLD?! ELDS MATINEE DAILY AT 2.30 P.M. Eveningâ€"7 .00 p.m. (continuous performance) Corrlplete Change of Programme Every MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY Cartoonâ€"“JAIL BIRD S” Sportâ€"“DIXIE CHASE" NOTEâ€"WE WILL GIVE AWAY FREE ONE POUND OF SELECTED CHOCOLATES TO EACH ADULT AT BOTH THEATRES ON DECEMBER 23 and 24 Two Matinees on Thursday, December 24th, starting at 1.00 p.m. Candy will be given away free to all children on Thursday afternoon onlyâ€"Admission 10c FRIDAY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25â€"26 “ STREET SCENE ” WITH SYLVIA SIDNEY. WILLIAM COLLIER JR., and ESTELLE TAYLOR The heart~beats, joys, sorrows and drama of your street or any street in any city in the world. It’s life and it’s real. Mouse Cartoonâ€"“DELIVERY BOY" Addedâ€"“CURIOSITY” FOX MOVIE'I‘ONE NEWS Midnight Show, Friday, Dec. 25â€"(Christmas Night) Showing the above progra_mme. MONDAY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28â€"29 JANET GAYNOR CHARLES FARRELL in u 1.11th ‘7 II A “‘7 A \T‘Tn’9 I“IT”\ “‘MER‘ELY MARY ANNE”â€"(“U”) Your favourite sweethearts of the screen in a “different” romance. Dramaâ€"Pathosâ€"Romanoe: Magnified. Glorified. Vivifled. Midnight Show, Sunday, Dec. 27th, Preview showing above program WEDNES. THURS... DECEMBER 23â€"24 ROBERT MONTGOMERY in_ It's Nofikro’s finest romance in a new and lovely setting. Sportâ€"“RAQUETEERS” Vagabondâ€"“LOVE THAT KILLS" Specialtyâ€"“THE NAGGERS GO ROOTING” Thus., Fri. and Sat. Dec. 31. Jan 1â€"2 (3 Days) EDDIE CANTOR m “ PALMY DAYS ” A whirlwind’comedy-extravaganza with Broadway’s premier comeâ€" dian at his rip-roaring merriest. Cartoonâ€"“SWISS MOVEMENTS” FOX MOVIETONE NEWS Magic Carpetâ€"“DOWN T0 DAMASCUS” n¢_A -4 ¢1nn __ COMING ATTRACTIONS â€"- Midnight Show: New Year’s Eve-4 WEDNES., DEC. 30thâ€"(ONE DAY ONLY) RAMON NOVARRO in “ SON OF INDIA ”â€"(“U”) “ THE“ MAN IN POSSESSION ” IMAGINE ROBERT MONTGOMERY and CHARLOTTE GREENWOOD TOGETHER A riot of mirthâ€"witâ€"cyclonic action. JAN TALKING PICTURES A 5â€"“BROTHERS” 7â€"“BEAU IDEAL" 9-â€"“FIVE STAR FINAL" g the Farmers' Government looks nearly human through the Christmas haze." “The police were tipped off that there was a still in operation northwest of the town. They visited the spot but could find no still. They say it was only a still alarm.” “R. Morbey, for five years chief of police at Iroquois Falls, has been appointed chief of police at North Bay. The chief at the Bay. Wrn. Raynor, was appointed deputy chief.“ “J. Gurnell leaves to-morrow to spent Christmas in the South." “Casey Campbell is spending Chrisimas at Toronto and other points South.“ “Mr. Qua is spending Christmas in the Sewn; “Dori Campbell left on Sunday for his home in Buckingham, Quebec, to spend Christmas.” ' The biggest private Christmas tree ever seen in Britain was one which the Duke of Norfolk had cut from his own estate. It stood 70 feet high, weighed nearly four tons, and bore on its branches presents to the value of $22,- The Coldfield Drug Co. Ltd " Third Avenue SMILES CHUCKLES CHOCOLATES All Fresh Christmas Stock, per lb. ............ Sportâ€"“DIXIE CHASE" Dec. 3lst at 11.30 pm A few votes will bring your favourite little girl ahead. Get. busy and Vote Early and Often. Christmas Morning the Fifteen Winners of the Doll Houses and Dolls will come to the store and receive their presents. To-morrow will tell the tale. Our Toys Will G0 at Half Price TO-morrow m M D23 “’7; PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY E MUST BE FED AND CLOTHED (From The Cochrane Post) The Porcupine Advance recently had some very outspoken comments, in re- gard to what it terms some of the “high finance crowd" which we con- sider well worth repeating. The senti- ments expressed by The Advance, are, we believe, generally shared by the average citizen, though a certain sec- tion of the press would have it appear otherwise. We believe that present conditions and the fact that the arti- cle in question appeared in a paper of the calibre of The Advance justify its reproduction in full, as does also the article itself. (The Northland Poss then publishrs an editorial from a recent issue of The Advance. then continuingzâ€") In direct contrast to the above article from The Advance is the following f pom the columns of the Financial Post, of recent, date: I MATINEE DAILY AT 2.30 PM. Eveningâ€"7.00 p.m. (continuous performance) Complete Change of Programme Every MONDAY, WEDNESDAYaad FRIDAY WITH EVELYN KNAPP, CHARLES BUTTERWORTH, DORIS KENYON AND JOHN DARROW Addedâ€"“MORE GAS" Comedyâ€"“SHOVE OFF" Addedâ€"“MORE GAS" comedy-"SHUVE Ul‘r" Specialtyâ€"“A PAIR OF FRENCII HEELS" NOTEâ€"-WE WILL GIVE AWAY FREE ONE POUND 0F SELECTED CHOCOLATES TO EACH ADULT AT BOTH THEATRES ON DECEMBER 23 and 24 Two Matinees on Thursday, December 24th, starting at 1.00 p.m. Candy will be given away free to all children on Thursday afternoon onlyâ€"Admission 100. FRIDAY SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25â€"26 LEW AYRES in “ IRON MAN ” WITH ROBERT ARMSTRONG, JEAN HARLOW, JOHN MILJAN ' AND NED SPARKS Midnight Show, Dec. 25 (Christmas Night) showing above program Midnight Show, Sunday Dec. 27â€"preview showing of “Branded” MONDAY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28â€"29 BUCK JONES in a whirlwind drama WITH ETHEL KENYON, WALLACE MacDONALD, AL SMITH. AND JOHN OSCAR. SERIAIr-“FINGER PRINTS”â€"Eplsode N0. 5 flnrfmnâ€"“W'I'NTER” PATHE SOUND NEWS Cartoonâ€"‘ WEDNES. THURS, DECEMBER 23â€"24 WITH JAMES GLEASON. MARION NIXON. LEW CODY, BURST AND FRED BURTON Cartoonâ€"‘TOBY THE SHOWMAN” Sponughvâ€"“sm m FROLICS" Comedyâ€"“BROKEN WEDDING BELLS" ‘ RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE ’ 7 WITH MARGUERITE CHURCHILL. NOAH BEERY AND JAMES TODD A true western that is filled with action and romance. CHARLIE CHASE COMEDYâ€"“LOOSEB. THAN LOOSE" Carmenâ€"“THE APACHE KID" FOX MOVIETONE NEWS Midnight Show. Sunday, January 3rdâ€"Showing double feature programmeâ€"“Riders of the Purple Sne’ and “Mounted Stunner" COMING ATTRACTIONS :â€" WEDNES. THURS; DECEMBER 30â€"31 EDDIE QUILLAN in “ SWEEPSTAKES ” FRIDAY and SATURDAY. JANUARY 1â€"2 GEORGE O’BRIEN in LEWIS STONE in “THE BARGAIN”-â€"(“U”) JAN. 4â€" Lâ€"“MOUNTED STRANGER” JAN. 6â€"' 7â€"“1’HESE CHARMING nous" JAN. 8â€"- 9-â€"“EVEBYTHING’S ROSIE" “ BRANDED ” ‘ bringing governmental spending down | to the level of the level of the revenue lthat is, Or is likely to be available | Private concerns by the thousands have Hound themselves faced with exactly .the same problem and they have out ! their expenses accordingly? i We might point out to The Financia‘i Post that the answer to the first sen- tence is contained in the second. The various governments cannot cut down on their expenditures for the simple reason that private compaiw have ‘cut their expenses aocordingly’ by throwing thousands of men out of work. This country has somewhat over ten millions of peOple, for every one of whom ade- quate food and clothing and housing must be provided. if we are to retain any title whatever to the term “civilizâ€" I 9 led.’ North Bay Nuggetâ€"Canada went over the top again in fine style on the Dominion Service loan. While she can dip up a. couple of hundred million dol- lars she isn’t quite “broke." Thursday, Dec. 24th, 193 50: Next to Empire Theatre PAUL

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