Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 17 Dec 1931, 1, p. 2

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www2~24°°2~§°3°°$ m Advance ten years ago. under the heading. “Capt. S. Donaldson K111- Christmas spirit was well abroad in the town. Proof of this was given at the council meeting where the council gave orders that town employees should all 'get their cheques before Christmas. rather than have to wait for the regular 'Ibn years ago there was a report of a deal for the purchase of the Schumach- er mlne. The Advance said that it was understood if the deal went through the Bchumaoher Mme would be re- opened and developed on a large scale. the story being that one of the blg established mines of this part of the North was taking over the property. There was nothing further to report for same time. but eventually a deal was consummated whereby the Schumacher property was re-c-pened and developed by the Holllnger. pay-day. At the same time Mrs. Mor- rat got a sort of Christmas gift in the form of payment for a town patient in the Cairns hospital, but at the same time she was warned again that never more would an account be paid unless authorized before the patient was tak- en in at the hospital. There was fre~ quent trouble about this private hos- pital. Mrs. Moffat would not refuse admission to anyone ill or injured and there was often dilficulty in collecting afterwards. Mrs. Moffat. however, said that she did not have the heart to turn anybody away who really needed her help. And she was Scottish, to‘o'.r Council approved the sale of debentures far waterworks to the Hollinger Con- solidated Gold Mines to the extent of $37,801.20. at six per cent, to run 15 The Advance of Dec. 14th, 1921, said: “A sad death took place at Mattagami on Saturday. Dec. 10th. when Mrs. J. Morin, of Mountjoy. passed away after a brief 111nm. The deceased was a young woman who had many friends and who was highly regarded by all. There will be sincere sympathy with thetamily in her death. In addition to the bereaved husband two smal: children are left to mourn her loss." years. The town had about $135,000.00 more in debentures to sell at that time. and were duly thankful for the inter- est shown by the Hollinger in taking up the block of practically “0.00000. The Advance suggested that the de- bentm'es were excellent from the in- vestment standpoint and that towns- peOple should consider plans to take them up. With everybody apparently trying to get a start in business or in life generally, nothing was done along the local-selling line, and the deben- tures were later sold in the usual way. Reference was made at the meeting to the telephone service. Councillor Long- more had investigated the matter and found that the girls at central were do- ing their best under the circumstances They had needed improvements to the board and also additional help the mmmge having outrun the equipâ€" ment. The company had put on extra At. this time of year in 1921 the Thursday, Dec. 17th, 1931 Give the “sweetest girl in the world” a few pairs of and the service was now much v. 0.0.0.... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO00.00.00.000 I‘OO‘OOO"“OOOOOO.OOOOO.O’O:O:O C. O. .0 .0 .0 O. O. .0 O. '0 O. O. She will appreciate your good taste and true sense of value . . . and she’ll think of you night and morning for months and perhaps quite often during the day. You can buy Mercury Hosiery in any weight and in all the latest colours at most good stores. Do not be put of? with any other kind because no other kind is likely to wear as well as Mercury Hosiery. a1 way. he was apparently in the best of health and his usual cheerful self. Before reaching the mine, however, he suflered an attack of heart trouble,i and suddenly collapsed to rise no more. ; Other workmen found the body, but all ! eflorts to revive him were of no avail. : The sudden death came as .a decidedi shock to all who knew the late Mr: Vienote. who was pOpular with every- body and highly esteemed by all who knews him. The late Wm. Stan. Vienote was about 37 years of age. A wife and four children are left to mourn his untimely death and to these the most sincere and heartfelt sympathy of all is extended. The deceased lived in Man- eta. Two brothers, Harry and “Bud." reside in the Porcupine, and to them the sympathy of many friends here will go out in their sad incident. The family home is at New Germany, Nova Sootia. and the body of the late Wil- liam Stanley Vienote was shipped there to-day for interment." Kirkland Lake on Monday of this week, whereby Mr. Steve Donaldson. for several years captain for the Beaver at Kirkland Lake, met sudden death. He was walking through a tunnel after a blast had been set off and a large piece of rock fell on him. It is thought that death was instantaneous. This is the fourth death mthe Donaldson family in the past two years, the father, mo~ ther and a daughter, also passing away in that time. The late S. Donaldson was 33 years of age and leaves a wife and three children to mourn his loss. He was a brother of Mrs. T. Hardy, of Timmins, and Mrs. F. C. Evans, 01‘ South Porcupine. Mrs. Hardy left yesâ€" terday (Tuesday) morning for Kirkland Lake. news of the sad death being sent here Monday afternoon. The funeral will, likely be held at Haileybury, where the family have been esteemed resiâ€" dents for many years. The late Mr. Donaldson was highly esteemed by all who knew him. To the bereaved wife and family and the other near relatives and friends the most sincere sympathy will go out." The Advance ten years ago made mention of the memorial tablet unveil- ed at St. Andrew's church at North Bay in remembrance of the 28 from the congregation who had paid the supreme sacrifice in the great war, and to the 160 others who had answered the call to service of King and country. Among the names on the tablet were: P. Dou- gall and Wm. Twaddle, both of whom came to Timmins to reside after their service overseas. The tablet cost $1,- 000.00. of this amount $550.00 being raised by special offerings in the church and the balance defrayed by Senator Gordon and John Ferguson. of North Bay. “On Monday morning,” said The Adâ€" vance of Wednesday, Dec. 14th, 1921, “while crossing the cyanide on his way to work with the seven o'clock shift at the Hollinger. William Stanley Vienote dropped down dead. When he left home after eating breakfast in the usu- ed at. Kirkland Lake," had the follow- ing:â€"-“A very sad accident occurred at criginality of outlook and philosophy. Mr. Downie showed how other empires had crushed themselves by greed, sel- flshness and low ideals, while Great Britain by its more unselfish outlook and by “playing fair" with her own and other peoples had grown great and promised to go on to increasing great- ness, in the true sense of the word. Touching on modern problems, Mr. Downie emphasized the necessity for an unselfish outlook and a square deal to all. Between labour and capital, he pointed out there must be this square deal, “a fair day’s wage and/a fair day’s wor There must be oo-opera- tion and confidence. Another special feature of the evening was an address by P. Dougall on “What is Success?" His central thought was that true suc- cws lies in the service of others and in the develogment of the right type of character. A piano solo by Miss Grif- fin was much appreciated, as was also a. humorous song by Mr. Downie. Dancing was enjoyed during the even~ andOol. McCormick. of Hamilton. At the Caledonian Society of Tim- mins ten years ago there was a largely- attended meeting in the Oddfellows hall. with the president, M. B. Scott, in the chair. D. Dunlap, one of the directors of the fiollinger, was unani- mously elected as an honorary member of the society. A. J. Dmmie's paper on “John Bull” was a special feature or the evening, the essay showing much causes. The deceased had been missed around town for a couple of days and investigation resulted in the discovery that he had passed away. The late Mr. Grills was an engineer by profes- sion and had followed that calling for many years. In the years previous to his death he had been in the employ of the T. 8: N. O. in their car shops at Timmins. He was born in England, but had lived in Canada for many years. He was well-known and well- liked in the Porcupine where he liv- ed for a number of years. He was sur- vive-d by a widow who resided at Go- bait. On a. visit here ten years ago, Col. L. T. Martin. one of the T. 85 N. 0. Railway commissioners, was taken 111 and had to have medical attention. He had sufiered from an ulcerated tooth and after the extraction to face swelled and there was much pain. 001. Mar- tin was treated heme for the trouble and was able to return south with the party There was talk ten years ago of a protest in connection with the election contest in Temiskamlng riding for a member for the Dominion House. One of the grounds for this was that two polls had been missed, no ballot boxes arriving. The matter was dropped lat- er when it was seen that the election figures were not as close as at first thought. In the issue of The Advance on Dec. 14th, 1921, all the available returns were published, these showing the majority for Angus McDonald to be around 300. On Sunday, Dec. 11th. 1921, the dead body of Sam Grills was found at his cabin in Moneta. A physician, hastily summoned when the discovery was made, found that death had taken place The clinic rooms and omce of the public health nurse for Timmins were moved from the premises next to Grill's jewelry store to the quarters next to King’s Amusement Parlours 1n the week of December 12th. 1921. many hours before, probably on Sat,- urday. Death was due to natural THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMIN S, ONTARIO Col. lottertwobemsmeguestsot Col. J. J. Among the local and personal items Wu. one of the commissioners. [m The Advance ten years ago were the There were four colonels in the party In a raid on slicks down the river'Po ten years ago the police seized literally in: hundreds at gallons of home-brew to- so! gether with stills. mash and goods for m the making of illicit liquor. In police! 1m court four men were found guilty of} no illegally having stills and each was l it fined $600.00 and costs and also sen- ' .._1 tenced to one month. All but one took | m the full term of seven months . lha Dome and South Porcupine people Ian ten years ago formed the Pmupinmtes Lake Club for winter sports Dr. N. D.. M: Liberty was president; E. G Dickson lth vice- president; and R. Hawkins secre- da tary. They built a fine slide near the pumphouse and had it. lighted and ish everything. On one Sunday theie were Q1 over 150 people at this slide. Ar An article in The Advance at this I on time of year in 1921. showed that for ; wi the first nine months of the year the is; gold output of Ontario was $9,818,073. lhe Of this amount the H'ollinger produc- :cf Ed $6,014,402.00; the Dome, $1,580,619; “JC the McIntyre, $1,238,105.00; the Wright- .the Hargreavw, $280,938.00; Lake Shore, ; yes $278,382.00; Tack-Hughes, $242,670.00;3 3;: Kirkland Lake, $179,352.00. lwr: At the annual meeting of the Temi‘s- kaming Children’s Aid Society in De- cember. 1921, N. J. McAulay, Hailey- bury. was elected president; F. K. Eb- bitt; Iroquois Falls. first vice-president; secretary and agent. R. LeHeup; treas- urer, Geo. T. Smith. The report of the superintendent showed that 17? child- r-e-n had been helped during the year by the society. Only nineteen children had required taking from their own homes. During the year there had been thirty-six children cared for at the Shelter, six of these coming from Porcupine, six from Cobalt, six from Haileybury and 18 from the townships. The receipts for the year, including a grant of $3,000.00 from the government. totalled $7.120.00. while the expendi- tures were $6,484.62. Wmmxxxxsxxxwmmxmxxx In the Dominion elections of 192LD. Bertrand and 64 others lost their de- posits, not receiving half of the num- ber of votes cast for the successful candidate. Mouse Cartoonâ€"“DELIVERY BOY” Addedâ€"“CURIOSITY” ‘ FOX MOVIETONE NEWS Midnight Show. Friday. Dec. 25â€"(Christmas Night) Showing the above programme. COMING ATTRACTIONS :â€" DEC. 28-â€"29-â€"“RIERELY MARY ANNE” DEC. 30-(One day only)â€"“SON OF INDIA" DEC. 31, JAN. 1â€"2-â€"lThrec Days)-â€"“PAIMY DAYS" JAN. 4â€" 5â€"“3ROT'HERS” JAN. 6-â€" 7â€"“BEAU IDEAL” JAN.â€"8â€" 9â€"“FIVE STAR FINAL" “1TH SYLVIA SIDNEY. “TLLIAM COLLIER JR.. and ESTELLE TAYLOR The heart-buts, joys, sorrows and drama of your streé't or any street in any city In the world. It's [Me and it’s real. FRIDAY SATURDAY. DECEMBER 25â€"26 Two Matinees on Thursday. December 24th, starting at 1.00 pm Candy will be given away free to all children on Thursday afternoon onlyâ€"Admission 10c Cartoonâ€"“J AIL BIRD S” Sportâ€"“DIXIE CHASE" NOTEâ€"WE WILL GIVE AWAY FREE ONE POUND 0F SELECTED CHOCOLATES TO EACH ADULT AT BOTH THEATRES ON DECEIWBER 23 and 24 MATINEE DAILY AT 2.30 P.M. Eveningâ€"7 .00 pm. (continuous performance) “1TH DAVID MANNERS, SAM HARDY and BERYL MERCER Cartoonâ€"“CHINA PLATE” PARAMOUNT SOUND NEWS Complete Change of Programme Every MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY MONDAY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21â€"22 BARBARA STANWYCK in Addedâ€"“Specialty” GOLDFIELDS WEDNES. THURS. DECEMBER 23â€"24 ROBERT MONTGOMERY in "‘ THE MAN IN POSSESSION ” (Return Engagement by Popular Request) Boles and King give you a wonder treat in this high-class musical entertainment. Noteâ€"Come Early, it's a long show. Addedâ€"“BEAUTY SECRETS” WEDNES. and THURSDAY, DEC. 16â€"17 “ THE DESERT SONG ” IMAGINE ROBERT MONTGOMERY and CHARLOTTE GREENWOOD TOGETHER Q TALKING PICTURES AT THE THEATRES C FRIDAY and SATURDAY, DEC. 18â€"19 CON STANCE BENNETT in “ THE MIRACLE WOMAN ” Scrappy Cartoonâ€"“YELP WANTED” Midnight Show Friday, Dec. 18thâ€" at 11.30 pm. “ BOUGHT ” WITH BEN LYON and RICHARD BENNETT A riot of mirthâ€"witâ€"cyclonic action “ STREET SCENE ” followingzâ€"“It is understood that the Porcupine Imperial Mine is to go into the hands of a mceiver." “B. V. Harri- son. of Cobalt. was a visitor to the camp this week." ”There seems to be more interest taken in the result of the elec- tion than there was in the contest when it was in pragress. It's a‘ funny world -â€"this North Land." “Concerts. enter- tainments. sports, etc.. have a regular habit of being just one success after another. The smoker and boxing eon- test given under the auspices of the McIntyre Entertaining Committee in the McIntyre Recreation hall on Fri- day evening last fell into the usual round of pleasant successes." “The sheriff came up last week from Hull. Que. and returned. accompanied by Amie Antoine. the latter to stand trial on a charge of perjury in connection with a recent case at Hull. Que." “st Spring left. last week for Toronto where he will reside." “Lyell Alexander. new; of Toronto. is back in the camp." "John Kilgore left this morning for the East. called there by a wire received 1 yesterday giving the sad news of the death of his brother near Ottawa." “The Timmins Rink has issued a list, “Ten Gonnnandments," to be religious- ly observed by all patrons of the skat- ing rink. Manager J. D. MacLean says that anyone Who breaks any of these ten commandments will not have to wait until the next world to be proper- ly damned." "The evening vocationar classes at the public school continue in popularity, the attendance showing in- crease from week to week." “Messrs Simms and Hooker, insurance agents, moved this week into the quarters re- cently occupied by the local public health nurse and clinic in the Dr. J. A. McInnis building, a few doors from their former stand. The new «offices of Simms and Hooker are much more commodious and better equipped than the other premises." “Footnoteâ€"F. C. H. Simms is able to be out again after being laid up for several days with a sore foot." “Last week Jackie Dalton lost his collie dog. He felt badly, no doubt, but he didn’t waste any time in weeping. Instead, he put an adver- FOX MOVIE’I‘ONE NEWS tisement in The Advance last week. i Chicago Newszâ€"Sambo asked when Result: Thursday, the dog was returned I Henry's interment was to take place to him. Jackie thus proved that ad-. Henry replied that “day aint goin' to vertising pays. This bright young lad- intern him. Dey’ 5 just going to inâ€" could give pointers to many old folks on criminate him. " just how to do things." _ __ ‘ Blairmore Enterprisezâ€"A few days ago George Brown read a. heading in the Calgary Albertanzâ€"“A New Brown Race,” and immediately remarked: "Go to it, boys, I've done my share!" Midnight Show, DecJS (Christmas Night) showing above program Midnight Show, Sunday Dec. 27â€"preview showing of “Branded" FRIDAY SATURDAY. DECEMBER 25â€"26 LEW AYRES in “IRON MAN” ' COMING ATTRACTIONS: WITH ROBERT ARMSTRONG, JEAN HARLOW, JOHN MILJAN AND NED SPARKS Specialtyâ€"“A PAIR OF FRENCH HEELS" NOTEâ€"WE WILL GIVE AWAY FREE ONE POUND OF SELECTED CHOCOLATES TO EACH ADULT AT BOTH THEATRES 0N DECEMBER 23 and 24 Two Matinees on Thursday. December 24th, starting at 1.00 p.m Candy will be given away free to all children on Thursday afternoon onlyâ€"Admission 10c. WITH DORIS HILL. FRANCIS FORD, GINO CORRADO AND EVELYN SHERMAN His hand was light upon the guitar, but heavy upon the sword-hit! SERIALâ€"“FINGER PRINTS"â€"Episode No. 4 Addedâ€"“GLACIER'S SECRETS" PA'I‘HE SOUND NEWS Addedâ€"“MO RE GAS" WITH EVELYN KNAPP. CHARLES BUTTERWORTH. DORIS KENYON AND JOHN DARROW MONDAY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 21â€"22 KEN MAYNARD in WITH ONA MUNSON. WILLIAM COLLIER, JR., and MARJORIE WHITE Screen Songâ€"“KITTY FROM KANSAS CITY"-â€"with Rudy Vance FOX MOVIETONE NEWS Comedyâ€"“AUTO INTOXICATION” Midnight Show. Sunday, December munâ€"Showing double Feature Programmeâ€"“BROADMIN'DED.” “-SONG OF THE CABALLERO" MICHAEL’S Next to Mark Bowie Limited Comedyâ€"“LOOSE BREAKERS" MATINEE DAILY AT 2.30 RM. Eveningâ€"7.00 p.m. (continuous performance) Complete Change of Programme Every NEW EMPIRE Semi-service weight Hose with slendermg French heels. all first, quality. All the newest shades in stock . Sizes 81., to 10 Every pair is guaranteed to __ _ Linen and Lavm Handkerchiefs m p1a'm.white 01' damtv colours Chm minglj' . (mbx oidor- 0d and appliquod at- tractivelx boxed for to gift giving. After noon believe in formality. and whether you prefer or regal satin and velvets you are sure to approve of large selection of flatteringly individual frocks. There new details A A A - - A A S.PEND WISELY YOUR SAVINQS. “ Chrlstmas Bargams are Waltlng ” WEDNES. THURS, DECEMBER 23â€"24 LEWIS STONE in “THE BARGAIN”â€"(“U”) Bring the Kiddies to Michaels and get what you require BABIES' PURE WOOL BONNETS, at LITTLE BOYS’ 3-PIECE KNITTED SUITS SIZES 2. 3 and 4 .. .. WOOL you have never seen before We satisfaction “ SONG OF THE CABALLERO ” WEDNES. and THURSDAY, DEC. 16â€"17 “ LAST OF THE LONE WOLF ” FRIDAY and SATURDAY, DEC. 18â€"19 JOE E. BROWN in his funniest mirth riot Full Fashioned Silk Hose FINE RANGE OF CLEVER NEW AFTER- NOON DRESSES. WITH BERT LYTELL, PATSY RUTH MILLER. LUCIEN PRIVAL and OTTO MATIESON Gifts Like These Will be Greatly Appreciated MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY DEC. 28â€"â€"29â€"-“BRANDED" DEC. 3Hlâ€"“SWEEPSTAKES” JAN 1 â€"2â€"-“BIDEBS OF THE PURPLE SAGE" “ BROADMINDED ” BOXED HANDKERCHIEFS The Best You Can Buy in Lovely Shades 3E BREAKERS" Addedâ€"“PIC’I‘OBIAL Spoolaltyâ€"“BEAUTY SECRETS" GOLDFIELDS HOTEL BLOCK $8.95 to $9.95 79o Least A Cosy Carriage Boot. made with black velvet upper and trimmed with fur t‘c match. fzux- $3 49 ('3‘ lining ' Stratford Beacon-Herald2â€"4. S. Woodsworth. MP. for Winnipeg has been in Russia and for ten days could get nothing but omelettes to eat. He should not complain, Other politicians have had worse experiences with egg: Quality Bestâ€"Prices Comedyâ€"“SHOVE OFF” Ladies Children's Ready-to-Wear sheer woollens our unusually are also many . $3.50 Phone 80-! 59c

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