London Flee Press: â€"We may laugh at Toronto's parochial politics and call her Hogtown. but yet. after all, we must admire the enterprise of the Ontario capital. Take, for example. the Winter Fair. In a. few year's time Toronto 118A built up the ï¬nest Winter fnir If the Government can sutceed in rte-opening the closed mills md speed- ing up the others. it will have achieved a remarkable success for the country. For years. the whole forest industry seems to have been in bad shape. The industry did not appear to be able to 9357 bush workers a decent wage, while though the papermakers were fairly paid. that dmn‘t seem much good if they can only get part-time work that brings their pay down to a basis on which good "living conditions can not! be maintained. There are very radical changes necessary. One change is in regard to the awarding of concessions] regard to the awarding of conr'cs: to paper and lumber concerns. If businesses cannot be made into sonably proï¬table ventures. now w seem to be a good time to forget 2-. them. ~stood the present 1'1egotiations are aimed at the opening of mills now 1die and the speeding up of production in others. Attorney -General Price is quoted as sayingâ€"“Conferences Will be held from time to time, and the Government hopes to mhieve deï¬nite progress before long. There is nothing to report at the present time. out the entire situation was discussed and can- manufacturers. The confe said to mark a renewal of c to restore the industry. I; stood the present negotia Stabilization of the newsprint in dustry is again or still, occupying tht attention of the Ontario Government according to despatches from Torontc .At the parliament buildings in Torontq last week there was another conferenm betwen Hon. ‘W. H. Price. Attorney. General and Acting Premier. Hon. Wm Finlayson. Minister of Lands and For csts; Hon. Chas. McCrea. Minister 0: Mines. and several pulp and pane: 'ONTARJO GOVERNMENT 15 CHECKING-UP ON PAPER MILLS Last week there was report of the counci the township of W} vanoe's report was onl tent of about ï¬fty pe lowing is the correct reeve elected for 1932: Reeveâ€"J. W. Young. Domiciliary-Z. Hat“ Burrows. Fred Croteat REEVE AND COUNCIL FOR. TOWNSHIP OF “'HITNEY, 1932 the Ontario Forests. 1 «her neaxb: Kirkland Lake Named in Honour of Young Lady Work In the Northern :harmin: and La): .e continent half-tone gain. an: 6k be w News 5 ) '31). numbe it endc 90‘. M 15 un 19 Ad the ex DI b0? 'ould 1‘03 U LLS . The other case was that against ,Henri Larose, aged 24, of Cobalt, who in- : was the driver of the car that hit Mrs. the Edith Olson, 31 years of age. while she ent. and her husband, Alf. Olson, were on nto. . their way to church on Oct. 18th. She ,mofdied a few hours after the accident. ince ’ The evidence showed that the car driv- 193‘. i on by Larose had struck Mrs. Olson Vm. while she was crossing Lang street. nor- E Cobalt. The judge pointed out that . of the spot where the accident occurred .per i was one that the ordinary driver with *is -‘ c:mmon sense would approach very mg... . carefully and with caution. It was ler- .‘shown that the women had been thrown m.‘infty feet and then rolled a further Km. .’ 26 feet, the car travelling 250 feet be- m l' fore stopping, all this suggesting the; is § speed of the car at the time of the acci-| will-l dent. There were witnesses to swear‘ me i that the car was going only at a “mod- 'erate rate," but others on oath stated lite . .ing ‘ the pace was a speedy one. One wit-' the ness said it was going 45 miles an hour. in- Also there was suggestion that the driv- er V435 slightly under the influence of , liquor, and there was admission that! 1“ those in the car had been drinking a Pd’ little. Occupants of the car claimed. 7““ that Mrs. Olson had stepped back into "1‘" the path of the car and so had made try the accident unavoidable. The hus- h" band of‘ the dead woman was quoted i0 as saying that he did not wish the ac- “? cused punished, believing that the ac- â€? cident was one of these unfortunate 1f affairs that sometimes occur without ‘3‘ any malice or desire to injure anyone. 0“ The judge replied to this by saying; ‘0" that he held a different view in such} 39‘ cases. “There was not the slightest m need, Henri Larose, for Mrs. Olson tol “5 be dead on that night through your’ he motor car." said the judge, addressing; '8' the prisoner before passing judgment! 11d “She ought to be walking the streets] tut to-day," but she is dead because of the; way you drove that car down that} street. It is pure carele§sness that this :11 nice woman is dead now.†m Judge Sedgwick referred to the dim-l st culty he experienced in knowing just! '10 what to do with young men who riskedf m. the lives of others through their care~§ to lessness and disregard for safety in the} .ir matter of driving motor cars. He sug-l gested there was something wrong with‘ the mentality of the boys, otherwiseI apparently decentrwho were coming up 3. time after time charged with man-g ,.§. slaughter as the result of the way they. 3. Operated motor cars. He said he knew a“ of four good people in the past year in; 3,. his own acquaintance. “who are dead ° now." he said to Larose, “because of .8; boys like you." He was no: sure that] juries were right in bringing in ver-l . diets of criminal negligence in these . cases, instead of letting the manslaugh-l tier charge stand. He then passed; sentence on Lamse‘ giving him a year; ..' in jail. saying he would split the dif- IIl ference between suspended sentence as asked by defence counsel and the two years. maximum sentence, on the re- . duced charge of criminal negligence as i! brought in by the jury in this case. l O O. O. O O .0 O. O O O O O.†O... I O O. I. .0 .0 v . v C O. D O fo. 1K 91C Humingdon Gleanerzâ€"Four bullets which a man ï¬red into his head in an attempt at suicide were removed by surgeons at Newton. Kansas. Instead of piercing the brain. the bullets flat- tened against his skull. Surgeons state the Brent amount of calcium in" the man's bone contributed to the bullet- proof quality of his skull. His condi- tion isinot serious. - - A despatch last week from Cobalt 583's:â€"-“Constable Leland Walker is the peregrinating member of the provincial halice force in this district. Posted to Cobalt a few days ago, he moved his newly-acquired lares and penates here from Haileybury. and now he goes back to Haileybun again It is expected, however that he will be assigned to Timmins at no distant date, so for the present, and pending developments, he and his bride will stay here. The ofï¬- cer was at 'I‘emagami during the sum- men. came back here when the post there was closed. went to Haileybury.j got married. was posted to Cobalt, and' taken back again to district headquar-i tors when Constable R. O. Strombergi resumed duty here on the recovery of his damaged ï¬nger." At the Haileybury assizes last week there were two manslaughter cases. both of than arising from motor acci- dents. In the one case the accuse-.- was acquitted. while in the other ‘the sentence was a year in jail, the judge also warning young men against reck- less driving of cars and pointing out that action would have to be taken to impress on all the seriousness of endan- gering lives by the careless and reckless handling of automobiles. One of the cases was that of William Conroy. a 19-year-old youth of First- brook township. who was charged with manslaughter following the death in the hospital of Edward Roland, 73 years of age, who was working on the Fer- guson highway near Latchiord on August 11th. and who was fatally in- jured when the Conroy car was going south on its regular milk route. Geo. Conroy. father of the young men, stated under cat, the car was his and was driv-l :n under his direction. He admittedi Lhat the foot brakes were not working when the accident happened. Mr. Jus- ice Sedgwick took the case from the iury and the young man was freed on he charge. l One Jaiï¬ed and One â€â€˜0" Freed by the Court c“ Two Manslaughter Cues at Halleybm’y Assizes. Both Cases from Motor Accidents. Judge Warns Young Men. RINATING OF PR1 ween efenc-z [NG NIEIVIBER PROVINCIAL POLICE 5;or less afï¬liated. or twenty names for Ethe one organization. One of the Liclaims of the critics of the police‘ in ' Fort William was that citizens in no LEway connected with the parade had * been brutally treated. The critics of ‘ the police were given ample oppor- ' tunity to prove their case, but evidently that did not succeed. After the en- quiry the following resolution passed by I the Fort William police commission gwas made public:â€" I “After investigating the various res ipresentations made against the Fort? iWilliam police department in respect toi the illegal parade staged on the thir-,i tieth of September last. and the Cirâ€"2 ,cumstances surrounding the came. we; are of the opinion that the Fort Wil-, .liam police force is to be highly com-2‘ imended for its prompt’ action in 'dis-' 3 ipersing an illegal assembly." 1 for breaking up the communist parade. The charges against the police were made by the Canadian Labour De- fence League. which seems to be an alias for the communists. The com- munists and their sympathizers, chief- ly foreigners, appeared to have about twenty different organizations, more Criticism of the Fort William police in connection with their inhaling of one of the riotous weir: staged throughout the country recently by the communists led to an investigation by the police commission of the western Ontario city concerned. The com- mission after a very careful and com- plete enquiry.. commended the police FORT W'ILLIADI POLICE ARE l'PHELD BY (‘OMNIISSION TERTAINING AND TO GR'ACE THE PORQQELNE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO Later, the society found that a mis- sionary department was needed to meet started to serve the needs of clergymen and church workers in general to all dencminations. This department is still being operated. Most people find history a dry bit of rubbish unless romance can be in- terwoven to make the story itself in- teresting to the general public. One organization in Canada has the reputa- tion of not only being one hundred years in existence. but according to re- cords. romance is attached to make the historical side spicy and interest- ing. A repres‘ ada Tract mins for .s: 1115th The lars cf the ADA BE SANTA CLAUS to yourself, and buy one of these special Holiday Packages of The Champagne of Ginger Ales! All decked out with ' gay red ribbon and holly, it’s a treat to see it in the stores . . . and even more of a treat, when you open an emerald bottle at Christmas Dinner! :ntatlve of the Upper Can- Soclety has been in Tim- »me days past and has tux- Advanoe with some particu- work and history of the so- To the Royal Canadian Mounted Police in the Northwest Territory, to Books are also sent to lighthouses on the Atlantic coast. the Paciï¬c coast and on the Great Lakes. sailors ï¬nd these from home." Th fare needs are these institutions. CanadaDry Holiday Packages of both the large size and the 12-02. size are available. The carton of the large size contains four bottles (20 glasses); the 12-oz. size is available in both l2-bottle cartons and in 6-bottle cartons. And each glass costs you only a few pennies! T here’s no other time in the year when you’ll more appreciate a handy carton of Canada Dry. For here you have a sparkling welcome for your friends. Here’s a drink like a ï¬ne old wine for your dinner. Here’s a beverage that delights the children. TWO CONV’ umbcrmen. miners. hospitals. prisons' and homes, books are also sent. Th: Upper Canada. Tract Society is nterdenominational in character. evan- ,~(- iczzl in principle, international in ;c ‘90. and inter-racial in purpose. Th: story of the Society’s activities vcr: told in pictures by the Field Secre- ary, at present in Timmins. in the’ hurches and schools this week. â€"â€"-â€" Roomsâ€"$1.00 and up 9 Pine Street South - including Soup. choice of either Fish or Meat or Salad and Two Vegetables Dessert or Pie. Tea. Coffee or Milk. FIRST (‘LASS ROOMS The Mining Hotel and Cafe Reservations for Special Suppers and Dinner Parties Turkey and Chicken Dinners on Sundays $913 10.9 and Up Breakfast Dinner Supper 21 Meals for $7.50 STEAM HEAT The ofï¬cial ï¬gures for the voting at Kirkland Lake and Swastika last week show that. Mel. Hunt, reeve of Ted: for . mu; year. was re-elected over his three opponents by a notable majority. He received 793 votes. as against 437 for | Norman Evoy 327 for Mortson, and 308 i for H. Boyd. McChesney, Kaplan. l Beauchesne and Fraser were the coun- | cillors elected. 6.00 to 11.30 to Thursday. Dec. 17th, 1931 to HOT AND (‘OLD “'ATI-ZR 9 .00 2 .00 8.00 a.m pOn‘ p.m Timmins