Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 17 Dec 1931, 2, p. 8

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5mm 1 hll'd Avenue 5 111g Goldfield‘ Drug Co. Ltd. maxim: Ame % M D229 5m mmmwamwmmmmmmma mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Boys under fourteen years. fl kilo- metre. first, E. Luhta. two minutes. fifty-eight seconds; second, L. Walli, three minutes, thirteen seconds; third. E. Walli.threem1nutw.sbcbeem seconds; 10mm, L. Baalâ€"i, three (111nm, thirty- eight seconds. Boys under eighteen years. two k110- metre race, first. Toivo Parkho, nine minutes. sixteen seconds. Fourthâ€"«E. Mikkonen, in eleven minâ€" utes, fifty-flour seconds. Firthâ€"E. Wesa, in twelve minutes, ten and one-half seconds. Thirdâ€"PL Nattinen, in eleven min utes, forty-one seconds. W39 531‘ an ' wannwk nas mmmw ; door of the safe. in their futile attempts from 3 vacation spent at Kirkland i to get it open. The police are working Lake. ; on the case. Messrs M- comb and M- Connolly i Mr. C. McQuarrie, of Boston Creek, is are home from Tashota for the Christ- : convalescing at the home of his mother mas h011d3)’. here after a recent Operation. spite of spirited and persistent ap- pfiause Madame was too demure to make a second appearance. The auc- m‘oning of the beautifully made-up boxes caused considerable excitement and curiosity. Young men withfiheir The Finnish Workers’ Sports Ciub.’ Mrs. Kenneth Deacon has returned I hearts set on some one panimuar box "Westa." held ski races on Porcupine i from a. trip to Toronto. Lake on Sunday, December 13th. mi Mrs. Andre DeRosa had the mis- the mens three kilometre race the first I fortune to fall down stairs and is suf- four records are higher than the Can- ’ fering from a severe shaking up and adian records hertofore set. but they 5 bnfises, were made to pay accordingly when their pals found out the box they were bidding for. The' boxes on being Open- ed were found to be even more joy-inâ€" spiring to the inner man than their ap- were “0“ timed by 033ch timers. I The Rebekahs are giving another Of | pearance was to the eye. By special The results of the men‘s three kiloâ€" I their enjoyable bridge and euchre par- metre r3093“ . Ities on Friday evening of this week, Firstâ€"~11. Tuutila, in eleven minutes. 5 playing to commence at eight-thirty. twenty and one-half seconds. _ f Golden City Christmas tree and party request Mr. Ron Jones gave the piano solo, “The Robins‘ Return," and “God Save the King" brought to a close an exceptionally pleasant evening. Secondâ€"W. Wesa, in eleven minutes forty seconds. Safe-breaker Tries at South Porcupine . Mr. Steind spent the week-end with his family in Rouyn. Miss Sarah Slotnick has returned from a. vacation spent at Kirkland Lake. South Porcupine, Dec. 15th, 1931. Special to The Advance. Mrs. F‘ieldmarshall, of Beamsville, is the guest of Mrs. W. A. Christie. Messrs Paul and Ed. Croteau, of nusnaJ Attempt to Get into Safe, i first prize while Mrs. R. Cameron took Records Made a Finns-h Sport fsecond. Meet at South Porcupine- Re- I Mrs. Burton entertained at bridge at oepuon '0 Members 0.E.S. ‘ her home at the Dome Mines on Thurs- Other South Porcupine Iday last in honour of Mrs. Christie's and Dome News. guest- Mrs- Fieldmarshali. Mrs. Percv Thursday, Dec. 17th, 1931 A. A. AMOS PARTNERS Branches:â€" COBALT KIRKLAND LAKE Investment in the judiciously selected dividend-paying ones now is our emphatic suggestion. Write {or selective list. ANOTHER You will be surprised to know that just a few votes will put you up on top. There will be some big changes in the next week. Every Cent Spent at The Goldfield Drug Store méans ° 3 Vote. Some will have to work hard the next week if they are going to be one of the fifteen lucky ones. Miss V. Shantz is still leading, Miss F. Carnovale 2nd, Miss P. McCoy 3rd, Miss Ryan 4th, Miss E. Pond 5th, Miss Calameco 6th, Miss Babcock 7th, Miss Lowe 8th, Miss Fulton 9th, Miss Fleming 10th, Miss O’Connor 11th, Miss Longmore 12th, Miss Brovender 13th, Miss Lamer 14th, Miss Anderson 15th. The others can be brought up to be one of the winners if they will work and get their friends to vote for them The voting for the most popular little girl in Timmins will end Christmas Eve. Eight More Days Girls CANADIAN GOLD STOCKS If you are going to buy a Watch, get it here and vote for your favourite girl. A $20.00 Watch makes 'hvo Thousand Votes. Get all your friends to buy their Christmas Pre- sents at The Goldfield Drug Store. We Have a Large Stock to Select From We emphuhe the potentialities nt this time n! the Specializing {n Canadian Mine Shares TIMMINS ONTARIO Direct private wire connections to Toronto Montreal. New York. Chicago and Winnipeg The Rebekahs are giving another of their enjoyable bridge and euchre par- Ities on Friday evening of this week, : playing to commence at eight-thirty In the police court on Wednesday last there were just two reckless drivers and it was reckoned they would pay a fine. At the council meeting on Monday last were was one tax appeal which is to be looked into, also several charity cases. It was decided it would be nemry to wa underwear for some of the unemployed. It is also going to be a necessity to find some place of shelter. The situation is not improving any whatever. The Anglican Church Sunday School Christmas Tree is being held on Friday, December 18th. Golden City Christmas tree and party is to take place on Tuesday evening of next week. Mr. Mike Pappone sailed from New York on December 12th for Italy. Mrs. Burton entertained at bridge at her home at the Dome Mines on Thurs- day last in honour of Mrs. Christie's guest, Mrs. Fieldmarshall. Mrs. Percy Richards carried off the first honours while the consolation went to Mrs. W. McLean. An attempt was made to rob the safe of Feldman Bros. store here last week. Rouyn. are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Croteau over the holiday. The bridge club was entertained by Mrs. T. E. Cabin last week. Mrs. Max- well Smith was the lucky winner of rtore thief (or thieves) broke into the and more or less damaged the f the safe in their futile attempts it open. The police are working On Tuesday evening after the meet- ing of the Porcupine Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, Worthy Matron Mrs. Hall and Mr. F. H. Hall held a reception for the members of the Order, their husbands and wives and a number of visiting members. A very tempting banquet was served a!- ter which toasts, songs, speeches, were given in a delightfully sociable and in- formal manner. Worthy Patron W. H. Johns acted as toast master for the ocâ€" casion. After the toasts to the King. and to the Order, Mrs. Huxley of Schu- maoher. sang “Nuthin.” Short infor- mal speeches were made by the various guests, among them being Mr. Brown of the Englehart Chapter of the Order. Mrs. W. H. Johns sang “0, Dry those The Box Social held under the aus- pices of the Young PeOple' Society in the United Chumh on Mmday evening was a success. both socially and finan- cially. The first part of the evening was taken up with community singing l and a short programme. Mr. R Jones gave the tenor solo. “Sunrise and You.~ after which Misses McGavin and Free- man. Rev. Hussey and Mr. Saunders were the quartette which sang “The Keeper.” Mr. M. Rose. of Timmins. gave two violin solos. “Spanish Dance" by Mosczkowski, and “Album Leaf." that revealed to his homers he was a real master of his art. Miss Lillian Huot acted as his aocoinpanist. Then came an amusing medley of songs by the Male .Chorus in which “My Bonnie hung over the gas tank" till “She was Yawning in the morning.” and frag- ments of the “Old Oaken Bucket" were found “Neath the Crust of the Old Ap- ple Pie." However they all revived and two more violin solos by Mr. Rose acted as a wonderful restorer. “Intermezzo" by Mascagni. and the encore, "Humor- esque" by Dvorak, were classics which were rendered with a delicacy of touch ; and a fineness of technique that de-. lighted his audience. The next item proved the piece de resistance of the evening. Madame Ronalda Joanesci appeared with Mr. B. Saunders'in the duet, “Madame will you Walk with Me?" They made a decided hit but in . The South mmne Fire Depar- ment are running a. masquerade dance for New Year’s Eve. December slat. :I‘HE PORCUPINE ADVANCE. TIMMINS, ONTARIO tron. Mrs. W. W. Wilson: Associate Patron, Mr. Tom Fell; Conductm, Mrs. D. McInnls; Associate Conduc- tress. Mrs. J. Armstrog; Secretary. Mrs. J. McCafrrey; Treasurer, Mrs. Clifford Brooks. Installation will take place at. the first meeting of the New Year. Playing certificates have been ob- tained for the number of hockey play- ers available in the camp. Regular Macs are being held. It is thought that the schedule for the NORA. tunes will be available by next week. cut by Mrs. E. J. Mason. a Past Worthy Matron of the Chapter. Many words of appreciation were given the host and The officers-elect. of the Porcupme Chapter of the Eastern Star are:â€" Worthy Matron. Mrs. J. Mg; Worthy Patron, W. H. Johns; Associate Ma- Tears" and later, by special request, gave the reading “Simon's Wife‘s Mo- ther lay Sick of a Fever.” The ban- quet tables were decorated with Chrys- thanemums and lighted candles Misses Isobel McWimams and Irene Armstrong assisted the hostess by looking after the guests. The anniversary cake was Ash team, handicap 629, total 2746. Innes, for Machllah team rolled high single, 256, and S. Macmillan, high cross alley, 694. The Hannigan team. handicap 268, total 2812. The Machllan team are leading, without. handicap, total 2942. The Burke's team, handicap 34, total 2837. ‘ The handicap competition ends next week for the fine prize geese donated by Lap. Laprairie. itself in the redistribution scheme. Having only 4157 people in 1921, it ‘ nevertheless retained its MP. ( who by chance now occupies the influential position of Speaker). These numbers grew only I 35 per cent. in the ten years to 4 213; but a recent enactment added the Northwest Territories to the Yukon constituency. making a 1931 total of 11,346 persons. Eavouring this special representation as we do because of many peculiar considerations. we would nevertheless argue that Northern On- tario, Northern Manitoba and Northern Quebec are entitled to exactly the same consideration except that the latter three tidings would be reckoned from ? their own provinces. Such an arrange- ment would provide only four members for the truly enormous territory extend- ing from the eastern boundaries of Alaska clear over to Labrador, and as. much as 1000 miles deep from north tel south. Each of these four members would have an extraordinarily difficult time to communicate with but a frac- tion of their constituents even once a year, and their expanding interests would be an unremitting charge on the most devoted member. Do we not all believe that these four ridings will each eXperience sensational develop- ment during the next decade, making record gains in population? Especially because they are all unrepresented in the Senate, there is the more reason for their having a beggarly quartette of voices in the House of Commons." RESULTS McINT’YRE BOWLING LEAGUE GAMES LAST WEEK “There will be time yet to discuss this question before the redistribution bin is brought down; and we sincerely trust that not only will our Northern contemporaries see the justice of a de- mand for fifteen seats for the North, but that the press and maple of the older parts will also convince them- selves of the merit of such contention. “The Yukon stands as a. law unto “We note with surprise that some of our contemporaries, after a most cur- sory glance at a few figures in the cen- sus conglomerate. are mildly suggesting that Northern Ontario should probably get one or two more members. having eight now. We showed that the North was morally entitled to a least ten members instead of eight from the 1921 census, and is now fully entitled to fifteen for its present 388.017 papula- tion. It would be the rankest injustice to perpetuate about sixty of the exist- ing ridings in Old Ontario, based on actual declines recorded in most cases, while the full exaction of the new pro- vincial quotient of 41,785 .operated to hold the North down to ten members in the redistribution in the face of its fifty per cent. increase in ten years and the certainty of its continued ex- pansion. There isn't the remotest chance that the North will merely re- main stationary in population from now till 1941; but even if there were. with fifteen members we would only be on equality with about forty seats south of North Bay. . For some tune past. and especially since the preliminary figures {or the Dominion census have been published. The Advance has been advocating an extra member {or this part of the North. The population certainly war- rants it. and the extent of the territory to be covered makes it especially desir- able. The population of the riding of North Temiskaming has more than doubled in the past ten years and there is certainly need for further repre- sentation. The Advance has largely confined itself to this immediate dis- trict where the facts are so apparent. but at the same time there seems to be little doubt that other parts of the North. and notably the Nipissing area should have a more equitable represent- ation. The Kapuskasing Northern Tri- bune goes The Advance one better. or several better. It takes up the ease for the whole North Land and urges with much reason, that there be fifteen members, instead of the present eight in the Dominion House. The Norfhern Tribune says:â€" Asks fifteen Members in North Instead of Eight g I CANDY Fruits -- Vegetables APPLES, McIntosh Reds Good Sizes 2 per dozen .............................. c ORAN GES, Navels Sweet, juicy -43 Size 216, per doz. .................. 0 LE MONS Choice 3 70 per dozen .............................. Choice 3 I per dozen .............................. Fresh Supply Daily of Lettuce, Celery and Tomatoes ‘BET‘fER PASTRY’ Mince Meat Tarts PHONE 234 Fresh Picnics, per lb. ______________________________________ g ONJ'UHEKS’ CO- OVERATIVEI S m 20 FrauEQnCIFTv l mranm nS per dozen Select No. 1, direct from the West. Pick your Bird Early at these low prices. ‘33? W“ 246 ............................................. 3:: 26c [ligrtgblé pound 2 8 c ............................................ 111:0]? pound 3 O c ............................................. Chicken, milk fed, per lb. ................. 29c Ducks, perlbh ...25('. Geese,peilb.... ...22c 29c Special Christmas Mix TURKEYS§ Order it now and you will have it “Made to Order" by our own bakers. Our store is on the comer of Birch and Fourth. 'I‘immins and another one soon at South Porcupine. How can you aflord to trade 'at a private store which must overcharge you when you have an opportunity to trade at a co-operative where goods are sold at cost? Private business run for profit, in order to make its gains. must charge more for the goods you buy then they are actually worth. Ctr-operative business returns to you all the profit made on your trade and is the only busi- ness that gives you your money's worth. ()UR NEVVS YOUR CHRISTMAS CAKE YOUR MON EY’S WORTH 7E I)ELIVER Prices from $1.25 up pound I 9 c .9c

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