Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 3 Dec 1931, 2, p. 1

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Vol. XVI. No. 49 W. FAIRHURST G. A. HENDERSON If elected I will endeavour to serve the interests of the citkens of the township to the best of my ability. J. E. Williams If elected I can assure all that in the future as during my past year on the council board I will work honestly and earnestly for the best interests of the township as a whole and for the advantage of the people. Second Section Taking this opportunity to thank the ratepayers for the sup- port accorded me in past years. and assuring them of my 0011- tlnned activities on behalf of the Township and the ratepayers. YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE . Solicited for If elected I promise to serve the people of the Townshipito the best of my ability, as in the past. TOWNSHIP OF TISDALE, 1932 for COUNCILLOR TOWNSHIP OF TISDALE, 1932 for COUNCILLOR TOWNSHIP OF TISDALE, 1932 TOWNSHIP OF TISDALE. 193 YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE Respectfully Solicited for for Councillor for Councillor Solic‘itcd for G. A. HENDERSON clothe themselves. over and above their board; that in one instance they really ran into debt through time lost from bad weather and still having to play board on such days. What to do with these and many other cases confront- ing them had been a. serious problem for months now. During the year they had succeeded in getting legislation passed that meant the taxes on the non-operating capital of the mines .would be payable where the mine was 1working and not at the locationhf the head office. McIntyre Mine had mor- ed their head office to 'l‘isdale town~ ship some time before this legislation was passed so as to give the municipal- ity the benefit of the tax. Dome had galready paid‘in over seven thousand dollars this year although the tax‘ could not legally be enforced until the Lieutenant-Governor proclaimed the legislation enacted as a law. The taxes of this municipality were high. The fact that only short-time debentures: were obtainable for the eXpenditures in a mining camp made them more so, but it was hOped that the next issue of debentures could be obtained for a longer extension of time as the camp seemed an a more permanent bests. now than it had ever been before. D.’ Kerr. the other nominee for reeve was not well enough to be present to speak. F. Laforest and J. A. Hawkins said that as the reeve had covered most of the work they did not think there was much for them to say other than to thank the people for nominating them for re-election. J. E. Williams spoke of the difliculties encountered by the pm- ent councilvduring its term of office and said that he thought that Tisdale hadi led among the municipalities of On- tario in their manner of dealing with the unemployed. The others nominat- ed just briefly thanked those who no- minated them and promised to do their utmost for the township if elected. W. R. Sullivan. James Dillon and E. Vil- leneuve were not present to speak. After the other speakers were finished 0. V. Gallagher was recalled and spoke re the collection of taxes in Tisdaie. He said it was not the duty of the council to collect taxes but just to strike the rate adequate for the ex- penditure. It was the duty of the tax collector and the treasurer to do the collecting and they had been too leni- ent in the past. When taxes were not paid which were counted on for ex- penditures it had been necessary to borrow from the bank. This year the bank had been more strict about loans to them as to others throughout the country with the result that if the township were to carry on taxes must come in when due. Notices were sen: out by the collector again and again and no attention paid to them. Hence stricter measures had to be resorted to, in many cases. When questions were called for there was only one asked and as that was of a personal nature the chairman ruled it should be answered by the council in session, not at a gen- eral meeting of the kind in progress. The bazaar and sale of homevbaking held by Anglicans in the Masonic hall on Saturday. November 28th, was de- cidedly a success. A nice sum Was real- ized financially. The articles on sale were well worth the price asked. The children were delighted with the fish pond and many enjoyed a friendly cup of tea during the afternoon. Mrs. H. Green. of the West Dome, won the pair at embroidered towels offered as a spe- For council:-â€"F. D. Dwyer. W. Fair. burst. J. A. Hawkins. Geo. A. Hender‘ son. Fred Laforest. sylvester Kennedy W. D.'Pearce and J. E. Williams. Kc There is an election this year in Tis- ale township with contests for both the reeveship and the four places at the council board. The 'voting will be on Monday next. Dec. 7th, and there should be a large vote. The following are the candidates qualifying and on the ballotâ€"- For reeve. C. V. Gallagher; David C Many Candidates 1n ! Township of Tisdalei South Porcupine. E Special to The Advance Two for Reeveship and Eight on Bal lots for Council. Other News from Correspondent at South‘ Por- cupine and the Dome. TIMMINS, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3RD, 1931 2nd. 1931 'air- For the girls' basketball the teams lined-up:â€"Studentsâ€"Mary Gallagher, Margaret Lloyd. Norma. Kaufman. Bet- ty Martin and Lily Brown. Ex-stud- entâ€"Mary Cartonick. Stella Smith, Ro- ma Cattarello. Francisco Cattarello, Kathleen Gallagher, Annie Kesnesky, Marguerite Michaluk, Nora Costain netted six paints in the first half and one in the second. Betty Martin two in the first and six in the second. Margaret Lloyd, who starred through- out for the students. was responsible for fourteen of their points, ten in the first and four in the second period. For the ex-students Mary Cartonicz made two points in each period, and Roma Oattarello eight points. Thus the students victory was to the tune of 29â€"10. Nora Costain netted the first within a few seconds of the start of the game. Miss McPhail, assistant principal, refereed the girls’ game which was very clean. K. Gallagher got a nasty bump on the head. The boys lined uptâ€"Studentsâ€"Train, Kaufman. Myers. McIntosh, Wright, Peikie. Rotondo and Haneberry. Ex- studentsâ€"Cattamilo. Crank, Hamilton. Miller. McPhail. McInnis. For the students Wright counted two in the first and four in the second; Kaufman, two and two; Haneberry, three ano two; McIntosh. who starred, two and eight; Myers. five; thus heaping up thirty against the ex-boys' thirteen. Of the latter points McPhail counted two, Cattareilo, eight, McInnis one and Miller two. Principal Pin-dy refereed The party given at the Continuation School on Friday evening last by the pupils and staff was a very happy af- fair. Only ex-pupils were sent invita- tions. The first that of the evening was taken up with two basketball matcheszâ€"flrst, the girl students Vs. girl ex-students; second boy students vs. boy ex-students. In both cases the students decidedly out-classed the ex- students as the latter had not had so much opportunity 101‘ practice. A. dance followed the games, the music being supplied by an orchestra brought in by J. Bridges, consisting of himself, Jackie Bridges, J12. on the traps. Mr. “Scotty" Wilson. of Timmins at the piano. and Mr. Sutch of Timmins. cial, while Mr. L. C. Lively, also of the West Dome, was the winner of hand- worked quilt. The Ladies' Auxiliary appreciate the support given them by those turning out to help make it a. success. Room 7â€"Miss Hughes, teacherâ€"Jr. Pr.â€"-A.-Tony Slak, Morris Fishman: Patricia McIntyre. Room 8â€"Mjss Weston. teacherâ€"K P.â€"Sara.h Feldman, June Kelly. Beryl McQuarrie, Alvin Daher. C.â€"â€"S’hirley McDivitt, Joyce Ryan Tommy Parker. Room 6â€"Miss Carter, teacherâ€"Sr. Pr.â€"â€"A.â€"Gwenville Appleby 84. John Del Villano 83, Russel Fortin 83. Cor- inne Church 82. Joseph Cunlin‘e 80. Al- bert Florence 79, -Wal-ter Jacklin 79, Joy Fitzgerald 78. Jimmy Parisl 78, June Tomkinson '76, Amilya Chap 76, Lilian DiMarco 7‘5. Room 5â€"Miss Prat/tie, teacherâ€"Jr. 1 -â€"-Jean Wilford 83, Edda Moretti 85. John Guist'mi ‘78, Leona. Spaxling‘ 77, Dozothy Eddie‘st-one 76 Eileen Laine- bm'y '15. ram 80. Calvin Dukeshire 79, Donald Ramsay 79, Charlie Ansam 78. Harvey Kenty 78. Max Ryan 78, Jimmy Knott 76. Lloyd Holtman 76. Marian Cunlifle 75. Roslyn Ralph 75. Room 4â€"Miss Connor. teacherâ€"First Classâ€"Rosie Greenberg 85, Louisa Fer- The following is the honour roll for November for Moneta public school:â€" Room 3â€"-Miss MacLeod, teacherâ€" Ruby Allison 84. Patricia King 80, Tom Furphy 80, Clara Marin '79. Peter Fer- rari 78. Eva. Crocini 78. Vasco Candus- so 77. Billy Lawson 77. Mildred Potter 76. Vivian Pierce 76, Lena Orland 75. Doris Sha'heen 75. November Honour Roll Moneta School Standing of the Pupils in tho Various Classes at the Moneta Public School for the Month of November. 1931. 331 m 2k" Mame Over 850 cases for first aid have been handled by members of the Timmins Division of the St. John Ambulance Brigade this year up to August. This is a very creditable record and shows the remarkable usefulness of the St. John Ambulance Brigade work to Timmins. ‘ According to word from Cobalt there are two additions to the ranks of pro- vincial police force in thig part of the North. Constables W. H. Hocken and H. S. Gall have reported to District In- spector F. B. Greasy and they are at the Haileybury headquarters for the immediate present, though the inten- tion is to place them at other posts in the district. Constable Hodken comes from Simcoe. and Constable Gall is from Hamilton. Bridge, gentlemen, first prize. donat- ed by Duncan Fruit, won by A. P. Doo- ley; second. donated by C. Remus, won by Albert Pelletier; third, donated by Ideal Hardware, won by S. R. McCoy: consolation, donated by Luxton Cigar Store, won by W. D. Forrester. ADDITIONS TO PROVINCIAL POLICE IN THE DISTRICT Cameo won by .O' L. Evans with No 173. Bridge, ladies, first prize. donated by I. K. Pierce, won by Mrs. C. A. Radche; ~neond, donated by Mrs. TodhunLer, .vsn by Mrs. W. R. Dodge; third. do- mated by Mrs. J. Richard. won by Mrs. H. Chateauverz; consolation, donated by Mrs; Larche, won by Mrs. Lusk. Five Hundred, ladié's. first prize, do- nated by M18. Sauve. won by Mrs. A. Hass; second, donated by Mrs. Angrig- non won by Miss Boulétte; third do- nated by Mrs. Dean Kester, won by M15. P. Valade; consola ion, donated by J. R. Todd, won by Mis. Eddy Barker. Five Hundred. gentlemen, first prize. donated by Peter Duncan 00.. won by F. Fortier; second, donated by A. Habib. won by M. Maltais; third, donated by Miss Grand Maitre, won by Theo. Lau- zon; consolation. donated by Luxton's Cigar Store, won by W. D. Forrester. Euchre, gentlemen, first prize. donat- ed by Timmins Provision. won by L. Beausegle; second. donated by A. Friend, won by A. Major; third, donat- ed by Mrs. F. Poulin, won by D. Lajcu- nesse; consolation. donated by Luxton Cigar Store. won by C. Lafleur. All attending the card party last Wednesday evening found the evening a very pleasant one indeed. Refresh- ments were served during the eventing and this like all other features of the evening pleased the big attendance. The prize winners at the cards were as follows:â€"â€"~ Euchre, ladies. first. prize, donated by Rev. Fr. Theriault. won by Mrs. R. Powell: second. donated by Mrs. Pelle- tier. won by Mrs. G. Groulx; third, do- nated by Miss Grand Maitre, won by Miss M. Regan; consolation, donated by Mrs. Larcher, won by Mrs. J. Roy. the benefit of the hospital, the whole event being specially successful. The net proceeds exceeded 31.12300 «31.- 123.55 to be exact). The ladies ex- press their very sincere thanks to all who contributed in any way to the success of the event and are very grate- ful to those who made contributions and to the public for attendance at the card party and for general supgort and co-Operation. Nov. 25th, for the benefit of St. Mary‘s hospital. The event was arranged and planned under the direction of Mrs. 'Phil. Therriault and Mrs. H. Char.lebois A special feature of the evening was the dlawing for the beautiful cameo, this part of the event being in charge of Mrs. A. P. Dooley and Mrs. P. Mal- tais. In connection with the event do- nations were taken by the ladies for the benefit of the hospital. the whole Event in Aid of St. Mary‘s HO‘pllal Proved Unusually Successful. Over $1,123.00 Realized for the Hos- pital Last Week. 3 Winners of Prizes at Hospital Euchre Brief reference was made last week a the success of the bridge. five hun- red and euchre given in St. Anthony‘s 'arish hall on Wednesday evening} lov. 25th, for the benefit of St. Mary's ospital. The event was arranged and I Wish to thank the citizens of the township for the support accorded me in the past, and can assure all, that if elected I will always serve the best inâ€" terests of all the people to the utmost of my ability. David G. Kerr Your Vote and Influence Respectfully Solicited for TOWNSHIP OF TISDALE, 1932 FOR REEVE J. A. HAWKINS I take this means of advising the Electors that I am in the field for the coming year, and if elected to office I can assure you that everything will be done to advance the intemts of the Township as a whole. The improvements done and the work accomplished in the current year speaks for itself. YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE In solipiting your vote and influence. I can assure you that I will endea- vour at all times to serve the best interests of the maple and the township YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE DWYER YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE TOWNSHIP OF TISDALE, 1932 TOWNSHIP OF TISDALE, 1932 TOWNSHIPQF TISDALE, 1932 respectfully solicited for Respectfully Solicited for for Councillor as Councillor as Councillor is solicited for for the PRICE FIVE CENTS Second Section J. A. HAWKINS

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