Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 26 Nov 1931, 1, p. 4

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HELP WANTEDâ€"Electric Refrigerator franchise available for Timmlns and vicinity. Old established Company; WANTEDâ€"Exclusive franchise avail- able for popular priced Electric Re- frigerator made in Canada, by a responsible company. Also automa- tic Coal Blower. These are two spe- cialties that are selling in quantities. Applicant must be responsible and a worker. Write Box G.M., Advance Office, Timmlns. 48-50 FOR SALEâ€"Much 23 Columbus Ave FOR SALEâ€"Team of horses 3300 pounds; quick sale. First Ave., Timmins. FOR SALEâ€"Cooking range, in good condition; reasonably priced. At 43 Messines Ave., or phone 654-1“, Tim- mjns. ~47 travel. fifth manager; must be of neat appearance. Wonderful Opportunity for right. men. Write Box W.G.P.. FOR SALEâ€"Nice young looking ‘team, weighing 3200 pounds and single horse 1500 pounds. Apply 215 Maple Street, South, Timmins. ~48-50p Advance omce. and state phone num- ber, Timmins. 48 FOR SALEâ€"Fordson Tractor. on easv terms; payment can be made by hauling firewood. Apply Phone 7w» 'wâ€" __ papular prices. Responsible, qapable man need only apply. Write Box MD. Advance Office. Timmins. 48-49 FOR SALEâ€"Fur Robes for Cutters or Cars, $12.00 Large size and brand new; guaranteed as advertised. Shipped on receipt of money order. Modern Radio ShOp. 817 Second ave., Owen Sound, Ont. 45-46p 47-48 FOR SAIEâ€"Three-uiece fibre suite, in excellent, condition, cheap for quick sale. Also McClary range for $20.00 and oak library table for $5.00. Ap- ply 46 Vimy Road, Hollinger Town- sitc, Timmins. -47-48p FOR SALEâ€"One Henry Herbert Mason Risch piano, one coal or wood range with electric attachments. One Vic- tor gram-cphone and reccrds. Apply 165 Spruce Street. North, or phone .258-J. Timmins. _ -48p EW LAID EGGS ON SALE at 88 HemIOCK Street. Phone 537-W. 47-491) FOR SALEâ€"Mahogany dining room set; kitchenette set; cooking stove; two beds with springs and mattresses; kitchen chairs and big leather rock- ing chair. Must sell at once. Big Opportunity for young married couple. Apply 106 Main Ave, Timmlns. -46p DR SALEâ€"Chesterfield suite. Apply 26 Hemlock Street, or phone 151, Timmins. -48 FOR. SALEâ€"Dry slabs by the load. $4.50. and round wood by the cord. Apply Chaput and Mainville, 118 First Ave.. third house from corner of Preston. Phone 377, Tlmmins. Also delivered in Schumacher. -47pt Thursday, Nov. 26th, 1931 WOOD FOR SALEâ€"Dry 16-inch round Jackplne. $3.25; 16-inch dry Spruce. $3.00. Also mixed wood 16-inch. $2.50 a cord. 4-foot wood $6.00. and 4- DRESSMAKINGâ€"Dresses, Coats and children’s clothing. Apply Mrs. La- moureaux. 108 Birch street, north. Timmlns. . ~46p ARTICLES FOB§A£§ MARCELLDIGâ€"Fmger-waving. sham- pooing and Peerless curl. Mrs. Wil- liam Gannon, 31 Msore Street. South. South Porcupine. 48-4911 FRESH PASTRY-Avadlable at time at the T'meins Bakery ‘Shlnehoft. 7 Cedar Street. Nortl phone 572, Tinunins. DR SALEâ€"aoocker Spaniel pups; red. Sired by Champion Freckles of Bar- rie. All pups registered. Price rea- sonable. Kolimoor Kennels, Graven- hurst, Ont. -48-49p DANCING SCHOOL â€"â€" For children. tn'mon included. tap and ballet danc- ing, etc.. very moderate teas. Write Mrs. Harold Burt. Box 948, or call at 17 Borden Ava. Timmins. 43-451)“ ALL KINDS OF SEWING AND DRESSMAKING DONEâ€"Also fancy work, stuffed animal cushions. Christ- mas gifts made from your own ma- terial. Mrs. A. E. Ewing. 67 Bruce Avenue. South Porcupine. ~47-48h CHILDREN FOR ADOPI‘IONâ€"â€"GOOd 'homes desired (or children. boys and girls. Catholic and Protestant. ages 4 to u yen-s. Any home desiring to adopt a‘youngseer should have that clergyman mm A. (3. Canon. Supt. Children's Md. Timmms. Ont. “t3. 100: round wood. Dry slabs. $4.50 a load. 16-inch dry Birch. $4.25 a cord. Phone 441. J. A. Daly. 110 Wil- SOn Ave., T'unmins. -45tf HELP WANTED .PROPERTIES FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS \\ (10]) FOR SALE -Electrlc Refrigerator cow, $65 00. Apply Timmins. -48p horses, weighing sale. Apply 113 -43p th any LOTS FOR SALEâ€"A real buy, five rooms and large store, 22 by 35 feet. on Wilson Ave, price $3,500.00. See this. See Babcock the Lot. Man. 5‘ LOTS FOR SALEâ€"Only a few left at $85.00 and $100.00. One on Tamar- ack Street. a bargain. $225.00. See Babcock the Lot Man. 5 Birch Street, South. Timmins. -43 48 FOR SALEâ€"New cellar, stone fire on corner of K Also has a store 5R SALEâ€"Six-roomed house with furnace in basement. Apply to se- cond house across Mattagami Bridge. Timmins. -48-50p FOR RENTâ€"Two, bhree-roomed apart.- ments. Apply 201 Pine Street, South, Timmins. -47-48p Endern conveniences. Easy terms. Apply J. C. Mason. 77 Kirby Ave.. Timmlns. 47p“ FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENTâ€"â€" Modern conveniences; also board if desired. Apply 77 Balsam Street. South. Timmins. -47p FOR RENTâ€"Furnished rooms; suit- able for married couple. Housekeep- ing privileges. Apply 205 Pine Street South. Timmins. ~48ptf this. See B Birch Street FOR RENTâ€"Furnished room with 3,12 FOR RENTâ€"One. twoâ€"roamed apart- ment, and one, fourâ€"loomed apart- ment with all conveniences. Applv J. P. R y. Planing Mill Timmins. 481‘; FOR RENTâ€"Stable for seven with lights and water. Cent cated, with garage. Apply 6 Street, North. Timmins. )R SALEâ€"New five-wormed house. cellar, stone fire-place, and la'rge lot on corner of Kirby and Rea Street. Also has a store front, 12 by 22 feet. get into business for yourself: Come and see this, it‘s a real place. See Babcock the Lot Man. 5 Birch Street, South. Timmins. -48 FOR RENTâ€"Furnished front. room with board; in private family. All conveniences; Suitable for two gentle- men. Apply 122 Birch Street, South. Timmins. â€"48}~ ROPER’I‘Y FOR SALE OR EX- CHANGEâ€"Refreshment, with Ice Cream Parlour. Sale Counter for Quick Lunch. Chocolates. Candy, Cigars, Cigarettes. P-oolrocm with tables, Barber Shop. all complete with furâ€" niture and fixtures. On Ferguson Highway. For sale, or exchange for house in Timmins. Apply 68-: Sixth avenue, Tim'm'ms. Small payment; easy terms. 48â€"49 FURNISHED ROOMS TU RENT-â€" Clean and comiortable. Suitable for light. housekeeping. Use of phone ,and kitchen. Apply to 5b ‘4--. “n1 FOR RENTâ€"Partly furnished house at 21 Wende Ave. Apply to D. J. Joalin, 21 Wende Ave., Timmlns. 1-481) FOR RENTâ€"Garage 01 Apply 73 Wilson Ave Timmins. FOR RENTâ€"«Four-r all convepiegges. Ave., Timmins. FOR RENTâ€"Four-roomed furnished house at. 19 Lake Shore Road. For particulars. phone 576â€"F'.. Timmins “-' ~‘ ‘3 -48t-t FOR RENTâ€"Three-x‘bdmed house at 39 Lake Shore Road. Apply Mrs. J. Kclman. 68 Third Ave...mmmins. 48p FOR RENTâ€"seven-roomeq’ house all conveniences. ApglyTrom ‘ 6 pm. to 161 Balsam Street. N FOR RENTâ€"Small house. all conveni enccs; reasonable rent. Water paid immediate possession. Apply 11 FOR RENTâ€"Four-rcomed house with all conveniences. at 161 Birch Street North. Apply 57 Fifth Ave., Tim- U-’ - conveniences; would suit, two friends or married couple. Apply 161 Maple FOR RENTâ€"Two houses. one at 103 Birch Street, North. and one at. 114 Maple Street. North. Apply 10!: Birch Street. North. Timmins. 48p Street, North, Timmins FOR RENT-Large house on Wilson Ave.. rent reaszmable. Far particu- lars. apply go 161 Elm Street. South, Timmms. “$313 FOR RENTâ€"Four-rcomed house with all conveniences and hot air furnace in cellar. Apply 162 Pine Street, North, 'I‘immins. 43D FOR RENTâ€"Pcurâ€"rocmed house at 61 Fourth Ave. Newly decorated; sink and toilet. $35.00 9. month. Apply 110 Birch Street. South. Tlmmlns. tsp Fifth avenue. or phone 64W mm immediate possessu Third Ave.. Timmins ,mmin mmiu FOR RENT ROOMS ulh two-roomed apart- 1'0 omed house with Apely 88 Fifth -48p ’1 unmins storage space. or phone 196 horses: rally lo- Balsam ~48p 47-4813 >ly 12 48-50;) suit- -48p with 2 to 30h POSITION WANTEDâ€"Young Finnish ladys wants place for general house- work. Apply 60; Balsam Street. North. Timmms. 489 ROOM AND BOARDâ€"In good private home, no children. Price. $7.50 a week. Apply 39 Kirby Ave., Tim- mins. “18-5013 Mrs. P. Richer and family wish to exuess their thanks to Dr. Muterer. Dr. Stahl and Nurse T. Fitzgerald, re- latives and friends, for their kindness during our sad bereavement. -48p NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Notice is hereby given that I will not be responsible for any debts or obligaâ€" tions contracted or incurred by my wife, Armeline Chenier. of Timmins. ll -.V' _â€" _.._' Dated at Timmins this 24th day of November, 1931. -48p. EUCLIDE CHEN IER. Fieri Facias. issued out of the District Court of the District of Cochrane and to me directed, against the lands and tenements of Andre Riopelle, defend- ant at the suit of Joseph Brien. plain- tiff ' I have seized and taken lnLO execuuou and will offer for salé by public auc- tion at my ofiice in the Court House in the Town of Cochrane, in the Dis- trict of Gochrane. on Wednesday the 9th day of December, 1931, at the hour of 11.00 o'clock in the forenoon; All ~the right, title. interest and equity of redemption of the said de~ fendant. Andre Ri( pelle, into and out of the following lands and tenements. Situate in the Township of Carr in the District of Cochrane and Province of Ontario, namely; the South Half of Lot Number Eight (8) in the Third Concession of the said Township of Carr, containing by admeasurement 161, 49- 100ths Acres moxe or less and Registered as Parcel 2360, South East Jochrane. iSherifi's Office, Cochrane. August 28th, 1931. 45-48 In the Estate of Donat Nadeau late of the Town of Timmins, in the Dis- trict of Cochrane, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS post POSITION WANTEQ And take notice that after the day of December. 1931, the said Nadeau will proceed to distribute assets of the said estate among the persons entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have had notice and that the said Ida. Nadeau will not be liable for the said assets or part thereof to any per- sons whose clairns she shall not have then received notice. "bated at 'I‘immins this 18th day of November, 1931. OSIAS SAUVE, Hamilton Block, ,Timmins, Solicitor for the said Estate. «17-48 In the Matter of ‘the Estate of Christo- pher Purnis, late of the Township of Tis-dale, in the District of Cochrane. Shoemaker, Deceased. ROOM AND BOABB SHERIFF‘S SALE OF LANDS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that all per- sons having any claims or demands against the late Christopher Purnis. who died on or about the lst day of September. AD. 1931, at the settlement . of Connaught Station in the District of Cochrane and Province of Ontario. are required to send post prepaid. or deliver to \the undersigned solicitor herein for Mina Purnis, Administratrix of the Estate of the said Christopher Purnis, their names. addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims and statements of their accounts and the nature of the securities held by them. if any. And take notice that after the 26th day of December. 1931. the said Mina Purnis will proceed to distribute the assets of the said Estate amongst the persons entitled thereto. having regard 'only to the claims of which she shall itth have had notice. and the said Mina Purnls will not be responsible for the said assets or part thereof to any person whose claim she shall not then have received notice. CARD OF THANKS Dated at. South Porcupme. unnano. this 19th day of November. AD. 1931. RUTHERFORD LANGDON. Solicitor for the said Mina Pumis. seized and taken into execution JOHN D. MACKAY, Sheriff, District of Cochrane South Porcupine. Ontario THE PORCUPIN E ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO 5th Ida the REVISED TRAIN SCHEDULES IN THIS NORTH COUNTRY puskasing:â€" "Extensive changes in passenger ser- vice schedules on the C. NR... made necessary by the cancellation of Nos. 1 and 2 transcontinental running between North Bay and Nakina. have now been made public. They go into effect at midnight Sunday, Nov. 22nd. “Train No. 47 wlll now leave Toronto daily at 9.45 p.m.. arriving at North Bay at 6.40 3.111.. where it will connect with No. 1 from Montreal. Continuing north. this train reaches Cochrane at 5 pm. which is earlier that No. 1's old time by over two hours. "Train No. 46 southbound will leave Tuesda'y mornlng». Train No. 680 will WANTEDâ€"Boarders. Apply 13 Lake Shore Road, Timmins. -48p WANTEDâ€"Two boarders. miners pre- ferred; close to mines, in private home. Apply 14 Kirby Ave.. Tim- mins. -48p WANTED TO BUY â€" Five-momed house with all conveniences; central- ly located. Write to Post Office Box 1012. Timmins. -43-50p The .18 fcllov changes OI llowing reference in regard to L885 in train service going into . Nov. 22nd, is from last week’s The Northern Tribune of K9.- WANTED Oochrane daily at 1 pm.. arriving at North Bay 10.50 pm .and at Toronto 730 next am. The Montreal connec- tion will land mssengers there at 11.45 “The local train between Hearst and] Cochrane will be put on again. but is not to run Sundays. (There will be strong protest against the omission of the Sunday train, now that Nos. 1 and 2 are cancelled. because Saturday mails and express from Toronto and Montreal are the heaviest of the week. and under the new regulations Kapuskasing would not receive this mail and express until leave Hearst at 620 . am., reaching Cochrane at 10.55 am. ”Returning from Cochrane at 6.25 p.rn.. it will reach ‘Hearst at 11 pm. “Mayor Noble was in Montreal thisw week conferring with C.N.R. executives about the changes in train schedules. Two delegates from Cochrane also went .down and presented a case for better ‘ service. Sir Henry Thornton announc- ed that the matter would be re-opened with a view to consideration of the new angles presented to him. There is 'a feeling that the new schedules may soon be modified. or even that Nos. 1 and 2 will be restoredasfar as Nakina. where consolidation with Nos. 3 and 4 would then take place instead of at Capreol.” LOSTâ€"Wire-haired Fox terrier, white with black and Ibrown spots. Finder please notify B. D. Kelly. 72 Hemlock Street. or phone 307. Timmins. ~48 Coal Production During Last Year in Dominion Coal production in Canada during 1930 amounted to 14.881324 short tons. which was 15 per cent lower than the total output for 1929 according to the final report on “Coal Statistics for Canada" just issued by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. Production was 1655 in all coal pro- ducing provinces. Nova Scotia mines showed a. decline of 11 per cent. New Brunswick output was of! 4 per cent. Saskatchewan prcduction was slightiy under the previous year. output from Alberta was less by 20 per cent, and the British Columbia decline was about 16 per cent. The report contains figures on Canaâ€" dian production, imports, exports. con- sumption. prices, mine accident and world production. Each coal producing province is reviewed in a separate chapter and detailed statistics on capi- tal employed salaries and wages paid. man-detys wérk done. etc., are shown. together with a list of the names. loca- tion and output of the principal Cana- dian colleries. Nov. 25th was the date of the first snow this year that could really be said to cover the ground. It isn't stay- mg either. but it does look like the first of the real-winter stuff. FOOTBALL FINALS SHOULD BE MORE FAIRLY REGULATED (From The North Bay Nugget) The Dome Mines soccer W. South Porcupine. champions of Cochrane and Temiskamins districts. will not this year realize their ambition of making a try to lift the coveted Ontario Cup. They have. notified the Ontario Foot- ball Association that they will not be available for the finals which have not Iyet been reached. The O.F.A. is now itaking a poll of its members to deter- lmine whether it is the desire of the majority to finish the fight this year or hold it over until spring. As far as Northern Ontario is concerned the On- tario Cup series has become a joke. Kirkland Lake was forced to kick their heels together until the ground was blanketed with snow before being sum- imoned for the finals last year. ' Why is it the football moguls cannot re- gulate their playdowns like other sport organizations? Imagine starting a championship series with no definite or , fixed date for the finals! Another point. the Dome Mines team is known in Toronto as the ‘champions of Nor- thern Ontario.‘ What about the cham- pions of the North‘Bay. Sudbury dis- trict and Northern Ontario Football 5 Association champions? In reality : Dome Mines cannot claim supremacy tl outside Cochrane and TemiSkaming districts until they prove the right.

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