Weddings at South Porcupine Recently South Porcupine, " Sept. lst, 1931. Special to The Advance. School was resumed to-day with the various teachers in their places. At the Continuation School Mr. Purdy is the new principal with Mr. W. Thom- son the new assistant. Misses McPhail and Lucas are back this year also in the Continuation School. At the public school there is no change in the per- sonnel of the teachers. The full course for Senior Matriculation (Upper School) is now being taught in the South Porcupine Continuation School. Marriedâ€"On Saturday, August 22nd, at the manse here, by Rev. W. Summer- ell ,or Schumacher, Mildred Donalda. Herbert to Wellingwn Osborne Davis. both of Golden City. The young couple are now honeymooning in the South. Thursday, Sept. 3rd, 1931 ' Watch our windows for daily specials. Greatest Values Ever Offered. Terms cash during sale. A deposit holds any article until required. -- Essa-ssssssssssssssssssssss .ssssss ssss s3 s; 559% ssssssssss________ ssssssflssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss~â€" Mr. H. S. Smith will be at. the Eaton Groceteria with the very newest of imported fall materials for suits in fancy worsteds, tweeds and serges. The newer imported materials for overcoats include Cameltex, Curl Cloth and the popular Silvertones. Call and see him regarding your winter wardrobe. A per- fect ï¬t guaranteed. Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, September 12â€"14â€"15. Big Purchase of CHEF BRAND ' - â€" WEST ON’Sâ€"«Delicious Assorted and well made, to give 5. maximum of service. Note the very low price. Buy two. Big Sale of â€" â€" GILCHRIST’S Baked by Weston'e with the same quality ingredients as the higher-priced lines. Assortment includes:â€" Currant, Bead and Sugar-topped Vanilla Biscuits of mouth-watering freshness-the price exceptionally low. Good Quality 4 String Zn For BROOMA A tremendous purchase brings this delicious unilty cake within the reach of every one. akedyâ€"fresh from spotless ovensâ€"of high quality ingredients. Buy the 4 lb. offer. 80 delicious you will be back for moreâ€"and SO economical. - - ADDITIONAL SPECIALS- - EXTRA SPECIALm "Another big special on â€no qunmy new season'- Jam. The price in the low. at m nanâ€"buy «vocal jars. DI‘UUIVI A good quality 4-string Broom'of rich appearance. Durable 1:! well made. to aive a maximum of service. Note the NEW SEASON’S Strawberry dJUdJ Ucfl UciJ UdJ Ucfl Udl UdJ “0qu â€ml-am "DRâ€"JUUUH'Iâ€"UU'Uâ€"d UH UH UH Huhâ€"JUIâ€"lulâ€"l-Huâ€"I Celebration Now On A Jnnnn:‘ Ln 'An nnur 4“.“Inln II‘\"II â€ANII:I‘I\A LUBE E Dmt‘Er .J 2 .‘ Look over’ the specialsâ€"notice the low pricesâ€"shop early and save » I s c U I T s South Porcupine JAM An excellent example of EATON Cash Prices!â€"Full 16-02. tin of good quality Beans with Pork and Tomato Sauce for such a low price. Buy the 4-tin offer nowâ€"quantity is limited. Think of it! A little over 6c Tin. 40'02. JAR with Beans with Pork and Tomato or such a low price. Buy the cr nowâ€"quantity is limited. ittlc r 6c a 16'OZ« m“ Tins k nf it! Mr. Davis has been an employee of the George D. Hamilton lumber mlll here for some years past, and there are many friends who wish them bon voyage through life. Mrs. A. Boyki and daughter, Lily, have returned irom a visit to Mrs. Ed. King at Hunta. Mrs. King’s daughter. little Jean St. Paul. returned with them for a short visit here before school re- opened. On Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings of next week there will be a novelty entertainment at the skating rink here in the form of a Ka- zutha. .‘Various attractions and dis- plays will feature these evenings. The purpose is to raise money to remodel the dressing rooms that were damaged by fire last year. While insurance was received at the time for the damage done the amount received was applied on the heavy mortgage that is being carried at the time. ’as it was hoped that funds could be raised for the re- pairs later in the season. There has been no appeal to the public or no af- fair of this kind in South Porcupine for some time and it is hoped that vlb. Slab 59c and TOMATO SAUCE Front Quarters of Spring Lamb, per lbj . . . .12c Prime Rib ROasts of Beef, per lb ........... 16c Fresh Butts Roasts of Pork, per lb. , a: _-_-_;-;‘;--“1§£ $353?" HOOKS "0- 7G Smoked Picâ€"135 Shoulders, f or boiling, 1b.. . .16c Peamealed BACK BACON 2 lbs. 2 5C SPICE or FRUIT Eï¬fï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©v’mcm SPECIAL -â€" z O’CLOCK many will enjoy the novel entertaim ment. Mrs. V. Lamn and little daughter. Viola. have returned from a visit. at McCauley. Manitoba. Mr. and Mrs. P. Richards and Molly have returned from an extended motor holiday through the various interesting parts. of Southern Ontario and the United States. Archdeacon Woodall leaves on Sun- day next, September 6th, for Guelph, to attend the meetings of the General Synod Boards. Service in St. Paul's Church will therefore be at eleven am. on that date and not at seven-thirty pm. as usual. St. Paul's Sunday School will re-open after the summer vacation on Sunday next, September 6th, at 2 pm. Qn Thursday, August 27th, a quiet marriage ceremony took place at the manse. South Porcupine, when Ruth, second youngest; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Lark, of the March Gold Mines, became the bride of Mr. W. Verdon Morrow. of Smoky Falls, Kapuskasing. The bride was given in marriage by her father and was attended by her young- A BIG Specï¬al on a BEG 3235' Cost of Living On Sane from $PECEMD§ MAN Y FLOW ERS THE MODERN TOILET NECESSITY “VI‘IWIU FL USHO BROOKFIELD Vzolb Pkg. SOAP Tin C akes THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO “‘0‘.- .m: 7‘13! %Am\' 23c $®pté§m1 er sister, Grace. After the service the happy couple left by motor for a honey- moon in eastern Canada. On their re- turn they will take up residence at Kapuskasing. Mr. W. Wottam. of the Dome, is holidaying in the South. Dr. and Mrs. Harper. of Toronto. motored up for the week-end with Mrs. Harper‘s parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. Laforest. They were accompanied by Miss Vern Laforest. nurse-in-train- ing at St. Michael‘s hospital. who will holiday here. Little Miss Pat Laforest also returned home. Mrs. S. Sky is visiting in Owen Sound and Toronto. Master Joseph Stern returned with her to his home in Toronto. Messrs W. Kellow and P. Murphy of the Dome motored to Toronto last week and are spending their vacation there. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dunn and Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas, of the Dome Exten- sion. are on a motor holiday to Southâ€" ern Ontario. Messrs Fred Mason, W. Dowie. Jim Fell and John Fell, Jr., are on a mo- .1". great big 40-01. Jar of large lunch Queen Olivesâ€"- 'Ui! one mozty. Ann Just took at the Driceâ€"you just cannot afford to overlook mt: special. Secure your jar for the holiday. “For the Holiday †FLAKI La rge Pkg For Household Cleansing 4-0â€"oz. Jar 390 SHIRRIFF’S PINEAPPLE M arm ’ ' 'jde LUNQH -v-vv' I‘- thinly sliced SOAP Tin PRINCESS that help to Lewer the GILLETPS LYE 14c Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pelizarri and daughters, are leaving for Italy on the Doric, September 12th. from Montreal. Mr. F. J. Hamilton left on Tuesday for Tashota where he will again be superintendent at the Tashota Gold Mines in Thunder Bay district, which is resuming activity this week after a temporary close down of more than a year. This mine which has been re- tor trip to New York and Toronto flnanced was showing ore values of considerable importance a: depth and the results of their diamond drilling had justiï¬ed the extensive work that had been planned just at the time of the Stobie-Furlong crash. when owing to the fact that the)r were such heavy shareholders it was deemed wiser to close the mine down temporarily. It is hoped now that the former plans for more extensive mining can be carried out. Mr. Jack Jenkins, of the Dome, and Mr. Steve Murdovich left on Tues- day also for this mine. The manager, Mr. W. A. Goughlan, of Montreal, is expected at the property with a. number of men the latter part of this week. Mrs. H. Kaufman and little son. have been visiting her sister in Kirkland Lake. Mr. and Mrs. R. Cameron visited friends at Englghart during the past .week. We congratulate Miss Beatrice Dow- zer, one of our South Porcupine girls, on the excellent showing she made in the Upper School work which she took in Timmins during the past year. She wrote on six subjects and obtained them with ï¬ve ï¬rst class honours and one second. She is now attending Wesiern University, London, Ontario. Schumacnpr School Has’ Big Attendance Schumacher, September 2nd, 1931 Special to The Advance. Death of Mike Markovich on Monday. Visitors to and from Schumacher. Schumacher Ladies’ Softball Team to Piay Rinky Dinks. -Mr. and Mrs. S. Wilson and son, of Cleveland, Ohio. motored up and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Haw- kins last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lindross and daughter, returned from a motor trip to Toronto. Mrs. J. Smith and daughter, Mar- garet. left on Sunday for Toronto to at- tend the exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. H. Waddle and child returned Sunday from a holiday at Toronto and Kitchener. Dr. R. V. Weston left on Friday for a vacation in Toronto. Mrs. J. MacDonald and daughter, Margaret, returned home on Wednes- day after spenï¬i-ng two months at Snow Road. School opened Tuesday morning with a full staff of teachers and an addition- al man teacher on the staff, and not- withstanding the number that passed in to high school, it was found neces- sary to open a room in the basement to accommodate the large number of be- ginners. On the staff are: Mr. P. A. Boyce, principal; Mr. W. Wylie, assis- tant ptrincipal; Mr. W. B. Sparks, of Prince:on, Ont.; Biss Bush, Elk Lake; Miss Bristow, Bright; Miss Coleman, Foresters Falls; Miss Duke, Blind Riv- er; Miss Lee, Bradford; Miss Curran, Port Hope; Miss Murphy, Mattawa; Miss Smail. Cache Bay; Miss O'Keefe, Peterborough; Miss Haig, Campbell- ford; Miss Bruce, Grand Valley. Miss Jean Robertson, of Niagara Falls. and Miss J.Kirkpatrlck, of King- ston, were the guests of Mrs. Rutledge last week. Miss Leona. Jerome, who has been spending her holidays with Gertrude Hawkins, returned to her home in om- lia last week. . Mrs. E. C. Heggart, of New Liskeard, is spending a. few days visiting her daughters. Mrs. Keller, Mrs. Swanson and Mrs. Elliott. Mr. Lee Andrews and his sister, Mrs. Sanford, of Kirkland Lake, were visitors to town over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, of Akron, Ohio who were visiting Mrs... ..R Todd left onfr'hursday, Mrs. Todd accom- panying' them as far as Toronto. V Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Murphy returned home last week from a motor trip. to Toronto and the South. Mrs. S. MacMillan and daughter, Betty, spent the week-end in Kirkland Lake. visiting Mrs. MacMillan‘s sister, Mrs. D. Briden. Beginning on Sunday, September the 6th, the United Church service will be held in the morning at eleven and seven in the evening. and Sunday School at ten in the morning, until further notice. Mr. and Mrs. S. Fulton and family and Miss Mannie Green returned Tiles- day from a motor trip through the Manitoulin Island. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hepplewhite and daughter, Nancy, returned Saturday from a trip to Saskatchewan. Mrs. W. J. MacKay and daughter, Margerite, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Corris left on Tuesday morning by motor for Toronto to at- tend the exhibition. Mr. W. Halliwell and son. Leslie, of Cornwall, Ontario, are visiting friends in town. The death occurred a: St. Mary's hos- pital on Monday, August the 3lst. 0: Mike "Markovich, of pneumonia. The late Mr. Markovich was a native of Roumania and was in his twenty-third year and was unmarried. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon from 45 Second avenue to the Church of the Nativity where Father O'Gorman held mass. Burial was made in Timmins cemetery. The young man had no im- mediate relatives in the camo. Dr. Byers left on Sunday for a holi- day in Toronto and will take in the girls’ sof; ball game between the local girls and North Bay Rinky Dinks at North Bay on Saturday. Miss Helen Newcpmbe, who under- went an operation for the removal of tonsils on Tuesday at St. Mary's hos- pital, is getzing along nicely. The Schumacher ladies softball team are going to North Bay on Friday where they will meet the Rinky Dinks on Saturday to play for the Ferguson trophy. It being the ï¬rst time the girls have gone south, it is hoped they will do credit to the town, as they have been playing splendid games here this season. The return game will be play- ed here on Labour Day, Monday, Sep- tember the 7th. ' Falconbridge Play at Dome 011 Sept. 12 No One Should Miss This Big Game in Ontario Football Cup Series. Other Items from Correspondent for South Porcupine and Dome. South Porcupine, Sept. 2nd. 1931 Special to The Adilance. The Dome Football Club have received word of the draw for the semi-ï¬nals in the football. Falconbridge is to play at the Dome on Saturday, September 12th.- Then the winners of that game play in Toronto on September 26th. Lancashires of Timmins play at, the Dome on Thursday evening, Sept. 3rd. A Finlander, E. Jarvi, about twenty- eight years of age and supposed to be single, was brought in off the govern- ment road work having been suddenly taken ill. He died at the Porcupine Mrs. H. M. Martin is opening up her Bluebird Tea. Room next week in the premises formerly occupied by Dr. Cameron-Smith. Mr. and Mrs. T. Lark and family of :he March Mines are on a motor trip to the Maritime Provinces. 0 ‘00 8 .0 .0 O. O. .0 .0 1. .0 «:~ .0 O. O. .0 .00. O... .000 .0 O. O... .0 O. .0 O. A O O O. O O O O O. .0 O O O. O O O. O O .0 O O .0 O O O O .0 O O O. O. O .0 0;. FRIDAY 8: SATURDAY medium tins, each....15c Palmolive Soap or Many Flowers, 4 for 21c Coffeg, pe_r lb. .., ......... 25c GROCERY DEPT. Heinz Macaroni Fresh Gioimd Orange Pekoe Tea perlb. ...................... Peas, per tin .......... (Pride of Valley Brand) (In Cream Sauce with Cheese) Lux, 3 pkgs. We handle Govt. Inspected i685“ and a Full Line 0! Highest Grade Groceries. Phone 210 For Prompt and Intelligent Serviceâ€"Phone 210 “WHERE YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE" 69c 25c hospital on Tuesday af;ernoon at four o‘clock. He formerly worked for Charles Nikkanen but had been unem- ployed for some time before going to work on the road. The Crusher House gang and the Softball All Stars Tried out. at the Dome, in a footbali parley. ‘Twas six against three for that ball- hurling crew But Andy‘s brave Crushers were not, crushed entirely. McGinn was in goal, with Ken Farrell and Saunders, A guard to the fore, and oftimes behind him, With avoirdupois. Andy now is quite blest, The backs took the kicks, that surely was kind to ’im. But Cook for the hurlers, in Tooner- ville boots, Caught deftly, and managed to keep down the score; Their hands were like baggage excess to ball players, For feet were the weapons in foetball lore. Their heads, they wagged, too, but somehow that leather Clove not to their cranium like that of Frank Blair. But Rowe flanked by Uren was once- their undoing, He did the trick twice, and they got one Bright scare. But Andy obligingly grinned when they came, ,Football, or softball, a good hit or a- j tackle, ‘ The same, were to him; 'twas a great team to look at, A 'few extra goals just gave them more cackle. Mrs. Mary Jamieson, of Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jamieson and two‘ daughters, of Owen Sound, motored up and are the guests of Mrs. Honer and Mrs. T. A. Strain. Midland Free Presszâ€"A farmer in- the West gave a barber three pennies and four bushels of oats for a haircut and shave. You might be able to get away with that kind of a deal with a barber, but don’t try it on a manicurist. Pork Loins, Tb. For Roasting Fresh Spare Ribs perlb. ..................... Hamburg Steak 2 lbs. for ................. Montreal Shoulders per lb. .. .................... (Any Size Cut) Steer Beef ,_ per lb. 14c (Choice Oven Réasts) MEAT DEPT. 164' Pine St. South 20c 25c 14c 15c