PCBITION WANTEDâ€"Three-y ear high school girl desires position of any .kind. vim-it: Box 236. Timmins. -36p WANTED by reï¬ned young couple. board and room. or furnished room suitable for light. housekeeping with English-spanking family. Phone 210. mm. -36 WANTEDâ€"Chesterï¬eld suite. and small furnace or heater. State price. Write Box H. Y.. Advance omce Tim- nuns. -36p WANTEDâ€"TWO boarders. in private Engnsh family. all conveniences. Apply 161 Elm Street. North, Tim- ' mins. -35ptf YOU WILL ENJOY THE HOME PLEASURE if you step at the Wind- sor Hotel while you are In town. Well furnished rooms and apart- ments. hot water year round. B. David. Proprietor. Timmins. -23tf CORSETIEREâ€"Nubone Products, sold by experienced corsetlereâ€"call and .see sample garments. Appointments nude on request. 105 Maple Street. South. -33-36p CHILDREN FOR. ADOPTIONâ€"000d homes desired for children. boys and girls. Catholic and Protestant. ages 4 to 14 years. Any home desiring to adopt. a youngster should have their clergyman write A. G. Carson. :Bupt. children's Aid. Timmins. Ont. «t1 LOUIS PYKE CO.â€"Painting. decor- :mg and plastering. Estimates giv- en. Apply Box 78. South Porcupine. Ontario. -28htf FUR COATS Cleaned. Glazed and re- ï¬ned. Moderate. See Sinclair the Valet. 21 Fourth avenue. Phone 625. «mu P'URNITU'RE FOR SALE AT A SAC- FOR SALEâ€"~Pure-bred Springer Spaniel 6 months old. Will make a good duck dog. Call at No. 9 Kimberley avenue. or phone 673-W, after .6 pm. -36p ABOUT 3000 SPRING CHICKENS FOR SALE, Barred Rocks, including barge number of pullets; may be had ï¬ve, dead or dressed. Come and take your pick. R. Allen. North Government: Road, phone 419-W. ' -35-37p. FOR. SALEâ€"Ladies‘ Bicycle, Cleveland make: original cost $50.00. Will sell cheap for cash offer. Apply 88 Fifth Ave. upstairs, or phone 448, Tim- mins. -36 FOB SALEâ€"B-plece Breakfast Set, in ï¬rst-class condition. leather seated .chalrs, gaze leg table. Sold at very reasonable price. Phone 408. or ap- ply No. 1 Wilson avenue. ~34-36 FOR SALEâ€"F‘umed oak library table, with four boot shelves; in good con- dition. Apply 42 Tamarack Street, "Dmmins. -36-37 FOR SALEâ€"A Gurney Cook Also a Gateleg Table in quar oak. Both in good condition. ISHemlock Street. 'POR SALEâ€"Two sets of double har- nzss. Whipple-tree and neck-yoke. Apply 110 Wilson Ave.. or phone iii-J. Timmins. -36-37p HARE FOR SALEâ€"Good puller Will be sold very cheap. If interested, apply to Joe Drahuta, March Gold Mines. -36p FOR SAIEâ€"Moveable garage at bargain. Also Chrysler Comb sell at once. Appdy 5 Kirby Timmms. 1'08 SALEâ€"Stove. kitchen cabinet, bed. table and chairs, and baby car- riage. Apply 168 Spruce Street. South. Tlmmins. ~36p FOR BALEâ€"Childs Crib in good con- dition. Apply 118 Birch Street, South. '._ ~36!) FOR SALE OR EXCHANGEâ€"One hay press; also one work horse. Apply 1m Birch Street. South, Timmins. ~35-36p P08 SALEâ€"Fumacette heater. almost new. Apply 120 Elm Street, South. Tnnmins. -36p POE SALEâ€"Victor ten-tube radio in good condition. Apply evenings, 156 Elm Stmet, North. Phone 826. -35p RIFICE. One large glassed-in Cab- inet, suitable for display cabinet or wardrobe; pair Dressing Tables, with triple mirror; .all in ivory enamel: 1 large Wilton Rug. 9 x 12;-.1 heavy professional Vibrator that would suit nurse, doctor or beauty shop; 1 large reducing Vibrator; 2 electric hair driers; 1 pedestal shampoo trap; 1 combination permanent waving ma- chine. All in A 1 condi;ion. Also a quan‘.ity of heavy electric wiring, in- duding 4 double wall outlets. Must be. sold at once. Apply basement Bank of Commerce Bldg. between 10 a.m..and 6 pm. -36. POSITION WANTED Thursday, Sept. 3rd, 193 ARTICLES FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS WANTED Stove. ;er-cuc Apply -36-38 a real must Ave., -34p IN MEMORIAMâ€"Raycroftâ€"In loving memory of William Raycroft who passed away August 30th, 1929. Calm and peaceful he is sleeping, Sweetest rest that follows pain, And we who loved him, sadly miss him. But trus: in God to meet again. TIONâ€"A meeJng of the above will be held in the basement of the St. Charles Hotel. Second Ave.. Timmms. on Sat- urday. Sept. 5th. at 8 p.111. sharp.â€" 36p John Hull, Secretary. FOR SALEâ€"Dry 16 inch slabs, $4.50 a. load. 16 inch green slabs. 3 loads f0r $10.00. Round wood. 16 inch jackpine. $325 a cord. Apply J. A. Daly. Phone 454-J., 'I‘immins. -29tf LOSTâ€"Boston Bull, white shoulders. brindle body, right ear and eye black; female. Reward. if returned at once to 18 Commercial Avenue. ~36p LOSTâ€"At Schumacher station, or on Train 47 on Friday, a brown leather purse containing money and glasses. Finder please return to The Advance Ofï¬ce. Reward. ~36 DRESSES MADE UP for $2.00. Also hand-embroidered pillow cases made up for $1.75 pair. See samples. Apâ€" ply 158 Pine Street. Noth. at rear. -36p WANTED -- Chamber maid. Apply Lady Laurier Hotel, 15 Cedar Street, South. Timmins. . -36 WANTEDâ€"Boarders in private Eng- lish family. Apply 15 Lake Shore Road, Timmins. 33-36;) WANTEDâ€"Young girl, about 16 or 17; to assist. with housework. Apply 7 Elm Streez. North, Timmins. -36 GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK WANTEDâ€"â€" Must be able to cook. Apply 60 Sixth Avenue. -36p FOR RENTâ€"Comfortable rooms in pri- vate family: no children; breakfast given if desired. Apply 63 Fourth Ave., cornexf of Birch. Timmins. ~36p FURNISHED ROOMS '1‘0 RENTâ€" Clean and comfortable. Suitable for light housekeeping. Use of phone and kitchen. Apply to 53 Fifth avenue. or phone 64W. 30% FOR RENTâ€"Large. cosy front room. nicely furnished; laundry included; teacher preferred. Apply 108 Bal- sam Street. Somh. -36p ROOM FOR RENTâ€"With all conveni- ences. Apply 85 Elm Sireet, South. or phone 347-J., Timmms. -36p FOR RENTâ€"Nice comfortable furnish- ed room. with all conveniences. Ap- ply 20 Hemlock Streez. Timmlns. -36p FOR RENTâ€"Rooms with all conveni- ences. Also garage. Apply 32 Main Ave.. Timm'ms. -36p FOR RENT-Three-roomed house on Third Ave. Also four-roomed house with glassed-in verandah. Apply 5 Kirby Ave., Timmlns. ~36p FOR RENTâ€"At Schumacherâ€"lZ-room Boarding House. Also 5-room Cot- tage. All conveniences. We also have several buildings for sale on easy terms.â€"Feldman Brothers. -36 F‘OR RENTâ€"Three-roomed furnished apartment. suitable for couple. Ap- ply 58-}. Lakeshore Road, Timm'ms. -36p FOR RENTâ€"Three-roomed apartment with all conveniences. Possesion af- ter September 10th. Apply 155 Pine Street. South. Timmins. 36tf FOR RENT OR SALEâ€"Four-roomed house with lights and water. Apply 298 Spruce S:reet, South. Tim- mins. ~36p MOUNTJOY SETTLERS' ASSOCIA- FOR RENTâ€"Four-roomed house with ‘all conveniences. Apply 47 Wilson Ave.. T'meins. -36 FOR RENTâ€"Furnished ï¬ve-roamed house in Schumacher. Phone 764-M. Schumacher. -35 FOR RENTâ€"Three-roomed f umished HOUSE FOR RENTâ€"With all conveni- ences; immediate possession. [£qu 12 Third Ave.. Timmins. -36-38p FOR RENT â€"- Two houses. Apply 203 Souzh, Timmms. house. Amly to B. Lennan, 10 Elm Szreet, North. -35 ROOM AND BOARD WOOD FOR SALE IN MEMORIAM DRESSMAKIN G HE LP WANTED FOR RENT NOTICE 40115 and Daughters ROOMS LOST three-mowed Cedar Street. -35p Mentor-d Mirrorâ€"Man goeth to 9. summer cottage; sleeps on a cot two feet too 'shorz; loses 14 days’ sleep; eats nine pounds of sand; get his hide scorched off and comes back home and says he had a. wondetgnl holiday. GAVIN McINTOSH. ~36-37. South Porcupine, Ont., Trustee In all other respects the terms and conditions of sale shall be '.he standing conditions of the Supreme Court of On- tario. Further particulars. together with de- tails of the above items can be had from the undersigned and H. W. War- ren, Auctioneer. est bidder and shall bid the upset price or more. Terms of payment: 109; cash at time of sale and the balance within ten days thereof on security satisfactory to the undersigned. At which time and place the follow- ing assets of the Estate will be sold in separaze parcels tothe highest bidder, v12:â€" 1. The book debts of the United Pro- vision Co.. as per lists numbers 1, 2. and 3. ‘2. The house and 3 lots. on Main Street. South Porcupine. known as the old Burns house. The house and lot on the corner of Crawford and Bloor Streets, South Porcupine, known as the Old Bottl- ing Works. One pair binoculars. One Jack Frost Freezing Plant (one ton cap.) mo;or and machine com- plete. 6. One dray wagon for team. 7. One express wagon for team. 8. One steel ï¬ling cabinet. 9 1 a: we One Taylor Safe in good condition. 0. Miscellaneous articles in Landre- ville building. South Porcupine. valued at $25.00 or thereabouts. The proper.y will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid on each of the said parcels, and on the understanding that both of the former partners of the United Provision Company, E. J. Rap- sey and F. J. Dowzer shall be enzitled to bid thereon and purchase the same pro- vided either of them shall be the high- Dated at Timmins the 3lst day of August. 1931. The sale held at the office of H. W. Warren. Auctioneer, at Number 51 Birch Stree‘:, South. in the Town of Timmins, at 2 pm. on the Blst day of August, 1931, pursuant to advertise- ment published in The Porcupine Ad- vance newspaper on the 13th and 20th days of August, instant, was adjourned. and will be held at the property known as The Old Bottling Works on the cor- ner of Crawford and Bloor SLreets. South Porcupine. on Friday the 11th day of September. 1931. at 2 o’clock pm. THE ARBITRATION ACT In the Matter of United Provision Com- pany and in the Matter of an Arbi- tration between Frederick James ' Dcwzer and Edgar James Rapsey. LOTS FOR SALEâ€"Special, three lots with trees, 120 by 100 feet, on Mont- gomery Ave, Act now; $250.00. A corner on Rea at High School. 80 by 100 feet at $250.00. Location for a store. A real location facing the wonderful High School building, stone for the foundation. ac: on this one. $225.00. Five-roamed house, bargain day. to-day at $1600.00. loâ€" cation, Maple Street, near. Third Ave. Some one will want this, a two- family corner house on Birch Street, North. all modern conveniences. gar- age; cost $6000.00. $4600.00 takes it. My special for to-day is Mountjoy Street, eleven-roomed house, large lot, bargain at $2650.00, $300.00 cash, balance $50.00 per month pays for 1;. See Babcock the Lot Man, 5 Birch Street, South. Timmins. ~36 LOTS FOR SALEâ€"Who wants a cor- ner lot on Kirby Ave., near High School, price for this week only $150. Three lots for quick action. Buy these, corner and two lots, next Wil- cox and Way Avenue, before I change my mind. Will take $285.00. that's that. See Babcock the Lot Man, 5 Birch Street. South, Tim- mins. ~36 FOR SALEâ€"Medium sized residential property centrally located. immediate possession. Reason for selling, ne- cessity for owner leaving the camp. Full sized basement with hot air fur- nace installed, conveniences. For further terms and particulars apply William O. Langdon, Moysey Block. Timmins. -36 PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENTâ€" Three lots. shack and stable. Apply J. A. Daly, Goldale Townslte, or phone 454â€"J. After Aug. 3lst apply 110 Wilson Ave.. Timmins. -36-38p mins. -36-38p FOR SALEâ€"Two shacks on separaze lots. at 211 and 213 Railroad Street. Apply 170 Spruce Street, South. Tim- mlns. ~36p FOR RENTâ€"Three-roomed house, up- talrs, with conveniences. at 1135 Mountjoy Street. Apply 117 Mount.â€" joy Street. Timmlns. -36 FARM LAND FOR SALE. Apply to 139 Wilson avenue, Timmlns. -36p PROPERTIES FOR SALE THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS. ONTARIO -35-37 Further particulars may be had from Melvin G. Hunt, Kirkland Lake, On- tario. or from R. P. Thompson, Swas- tika, Ontario."Receiver. The Vendors will not be required 'to furnish any abstract of title and will be required to produce only such evidence of title as is in their possession. In all other respects the terms and condi- tions of sale will be the standing con- ditions of this court. Dated at Haileybury, this 2lst day of August. AD. 1931. The property will be offered for sale subject to a Reserve Bid. which has been fixed by the said Master and the purchaser shall at the time of sale. pay down a deposit of 10 p..c of the purchase money. and the balance with- in 30 days thereafter into court to the credit of this action. without interest. On the lands are said to be erected a frame two-storey building with base- ment, consisting of a. poolroom, bowl- ing alley and amrtments on the se- cond storey. 1 player piano kitchen chairs 3 tables 1 cash register 1 counter 1 electric fan 1 omce desk 2 rocking chairs 2 arm chairs. 1 couch 1 wall case. The said premises and chattels may be inspected at the above mentioned premises on application to R. P. Thompson. Receiver. ADVERTISEMENT OF SALE Pursuant to an order of the High Court of Justice in this cause dated the 14th day of January, AD. 1931, there will be sold. with the approbation of Henry Hartman, Esquire, the Local Master at Haileybury, Ontario, by Wil- liam M. Anderson, Auctioneer, at street number 30 Government Road. in the Townsite of Kirkland Lake, in the Districtpf Temiskaming, at eleven o’clock in the forenoon, on Friday, the 18th day of September, AD. 1931. all the partnership estates, property and effects of the partnership ï¬rm hereto- fore carrying on business under the ï¬rm name and style of National Bowl- ing Alley which include the following lands, situate in the Township of Teck. in the District of Temiskaming and Province of Ontario, being the surface rights of Lots Numbers Nine (9) and Ten (10) as shown on Plan M.15, Te- miskaming, ï¬led in the Ofï¬ce of .Land Titles at Haileybury and Lot Number Two Hundred and Seventy Seven (277.) as shown on Plan M.98, Temiskaming, ï¬led in the ofï¬ce of Land Titles at Haileybury. together with all the ap- purtenances thereto belonging and the following goods and chattels:â€" Ground Floor 11 pool tables with cues and balls 1 cash register 5 bowling alley beds and balls and pins. BETWEEN AND: D. SOROCHAN and D. BILESKY Defendants Notice is hereby given that the List of Lands to be sold for arrears of taxes and costs on Friday the 2nd day of October. 1931. at Porcupine. ï¬rst ap- peared in the Ontario Gazette on June 27th, 1931. and for the three following weeks. Copies may be had by applying to the Clerk at Porcupine. -28-37 TOWNSHIP of WHITNEY The administratrix of the estate of James Austin Fraser, late of the settle- ment 0; Schumacher, who died on or about the 13th day of May, 1930. will distribute all the assets of the estate after the 4th day of October. 1931, hav- ing regard only to claims of creditors ï¬led before that date with the under- signed. IN MEMQRIAMâ€"In lovlng memory 0: Raymond Douglas. dearly beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Wllllam Shornys. 54 Holllnger Lane. who died on Au- gust 28th. at St. Mary‘s hospltal, Tlmmlns. aged two months, two weeks. 4M1)! missed by Mama, Daddy and Sister Stella. -36p -36-38 mattress. 60 pillow cases 80 sheets 42 blankets 46 pillows 36 towels 40 piecesâ€"curtains 26 bedroom dressers 23 toilet sets 30 kitchen chairs 1 electric stove. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Second Storey 1 washing machine 23 beds, complete with spring and In the Supreme Court of Ontario wall case show case safe typewriter adding machine protectograph, together with the stock in trade then on the said premises. THOMAS STALMACK IN MEMORIAM TAX SALE Local Master at Haileybury DEAN KESTER, Solicitor, Timmins. Ontario Basement J. M. NICOLSON. Clerk Twp. of Whitney Plaintiff ‘ Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within 'three months after the ï¬rst publication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter. Dated the 2nd day of September, 1931. H. E. MONTGOMERY. ~36-38 Notice is hereby given that a by-iaw was passed by the Town of Timmins on the 24th day of August, 1931, pro- viding for the susse of debentures to .he amount of $75,000.00 to pay for the erection and equipment of an addition to the High and Technical School in the Town of Timmins, and that such By-law was registered in the Registry Ofï¬ce for the District of Cochrane on the 27th day of August. 1931. Notice of Registration of By-Law Mr. and Mrs. P. Maltais returned on Tuesday night from a visit to Toronto. Mr Maltais reponted that the rain on Tuesday affected the roads from Nonh Bay to Cobalt and from Porquis Junc- tion to Timmins more than the section between Cobalt and 'Porquis Junction. The fact. that the new sections have been opened on the Timminsâ€"Porquis Junction' road explains the muddy con- dition of this stretch after Tuesday's rain. Miss Light-harp. of Guelph, was visit- ing Mrs. Huxley, of Schumacher, this week-end. She is now on the Timmins High School staff. Mr. Arnold Burrows returned on Sunday from. his annual vacation to Toronto and other southern points. Mr. George Kendall. formerly of Timmins, but for the past three years at the Howey Mine in Red Lake, is renewing acquaintances in town. Bornâ€"In Timmms, 0nt.. on Mon- day. August alst. 1931, to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bahm, 30 Messines avenueâ€"a daughter (Evelyn Wilhelmina). Miss Ethel Rogerson. of London. Ont. was the guest hast week of friends in the Porcupine Camp. Louvaln Perreault, ~ Yvonne Lyrette. Elie Chartier and Adolph Godin have gone to Ironside. Quebec. to attend the College Apostolique St. Alexandre there. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bell left on Saturday last for a. visit to Toronto and ozher points south. 4“- .““ ‘ t ““ ‘7“I This is not a Clearance Sale, but an annual selling event of the newest of the new in merchandise, bought especially for this Fourth Birthday Sale. (‘om- pare and Proï¬t. Sale Ends Saturday, Sept. 12th Every Dress is the newest Fall style, in Satlns and 50 New Fall Sample Coats to go at this outstand- Canton Crepesâ€"Black. Browns, Navies and Greens. ing price. Hand tailored and every one diflerent, in all sizes. If you have been looking for some- all gorgeously lined, a variety of luxurious furs and thing really unusual in quality and valueâ€"see these new materials. This offer will not be repeated Dresses at again this season. $3.95 $19.95 New Felt Hats in an exceptional Sale planned specially for Birthday Sale Shoppers “ n ‘A â€"â€" - Don’t forget our huge Birthday Cake. Everyone making a purchase in our store will receive a box of this wonderful cake. Space will not permit us to quote the many specials we are offering. Here are three of the outstanding ones picked at random from our extra large stock. Our buyers have been away for several weeks combing the markets for the greatest values that could be secured. No efforts have been spared to make our Birthday Sale the most outstanding value giving event ever offered to the people of Timmins. Unfortunately our store is much smaller than it has been in years past, but this has not affected the response of our customers to the values which we have offered, and we feel sure that the values offered today exceed any given in the past. Sale Starts Thursday, Sept. 3rd Egg‘z‘w‘rd‘igary Yalugsâ€"Mzinywill buy titgm in Twos or Threes A FEW OF THE SPECIALS ON SALE “IN STYLE AND VALUE THE STORE THAT SETS THE PACE Clerk Stratford Beacon-Heraidzâ€"Toronto man is repbrted to have made half a million out of the grain market in Chi- cago, which is slightly better than most of the farmers around here have been doing lately. The Renfrew Mercury last week says: “Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dunbar, whose marriage took place in Timmins on Thursday last and a report of which from The Timmins Advance appears elsewhere in this issue of The Mercury arrived in Renfrew by motor on Friday evening. and at noon on Monday left for Montreal. They will be in town again before returning to the North Country. Arriving at the same time in another car were the parents of the bride, their son Leo and Rev. Father Theriault, who were enroute to Mon- treal, Halifax and New York upon a holiday trip." In a collision between an oil truck and a motor car on the road between New Liskeard and North Temiskamis- ing some days ago the little four-year- old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Paiement, of Taschereau, was badly cut about the face and head and had to be taken to the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Paiement also suffered some minor in- juries. The cause of the accident is said to have been the dense fog of smoke and dust that caused so much trouble to motorists the last couple of weeks. Dr. S. L. Honey and Mrs. Honey have returned from a holiday motor trip to the West. Dr. Honey says that in many parts of the West conditions are very bad. indeed. and the farmers there are having a very difficult time. In some sections a crop failure for three successive seasons has left the farmers in very serious difï¬culties, while busi- ness and professional men in many of the towns are also seriously affected by the hard luck experienced by the far- The Haileyburian last weeic says:â€" “Miss Doris Poppleton and Miss Jessie Poppleton have returned to .Timmins after spending two weeks‘ holidays at their homes in Haneybury." Bornâ€"In Timmins. Out... on Thurs- day. August 27th. 1931. to Mr. and Mrs. A. F‘. McDowell. 53 Sixth avenue, â€"8 son Miss Jean FitzJohn has left this week for her home in Pembroke after spend- ing a couple of weeks here visiting friends. *Mlss Joan Huxley of Schumacher ls doing well after her operatlon for up- pendlclzls. Coats That Should Sell for $35.00 Coiling-wood Builetin:-Barrie town council has been experimenting in the matter of road construction. As a trial they built 25.000 square feet of cement roadway. 9 inches thick. this being done in two weeks at a cost of 31.39 per yard with 25c per foot for curb for 114 cents root frontage per year for twenty years. The price included a rental charge for the town machinery. So satisfactory is the work to the ratepa ers on the street tha: they have volui rily written the council extending congratulations to that body and through i; to the board of works under the direction of which the construction was done. It looks like a worth while line on which to ex- periment. It gives employment and brings permanent roadways. at what is believed. a reasonable cost. High-Grade Samples from Week’s Run of the Press Individual holders of Canadian Pacific Railway common stock num- bered 21,186 on September ,2, 1930. and by the lst June, 1931, there were 34,872 holders, an increase of 13,686. This shows the growing pobularity of this stock since its split into four new shares for one of the old stock. Monday, August 10, has been offl- clally set as the opening date of the fourth “Buyers' Week" to be held in Montreal. The first Buyers’ Week brought 251 buyers from all over the continent to Montreal; the third brought 1,100 buyers, indicat- ing the growing success of the plan. Feeding bees on sugar and milk at the Government Experimental Farm at Agassiz. 13.0.. has resulted in an average of 23 pounds more honey than on ordinary diet. This may mean a further impetus to Canadian honey production. Capital amounting to $600,000,000 is invested in the development of 13,000,000 horse power electrical energy in the province of Quebec. Throughout Canada electric power development investments total 31,- 400,000,000. sold to Toledo tor ‘sloo. East and west of Suez as also in London, Berlin, Paris and other famous centres, canned and frozen salmon from British Columbia was successfully marketed last year. Most of the shipments went from Victoria. The 200 at Toledo. Ohio. has se- cured a mammoth «turgeon captur- ed in Lake St. Clair, Canada. The fish weighted 239 pounds and was ere and There $1.95 Timmins