Allb e Eomm ho labour is plentiful, when costs are down, and when the work : | will do double duty in the way of benefit. The country can | ‘pay for this as the good times return. All should be warned ‘ ;( now. however that times are serious, and active and effecâ€" | tive steps should be taken at once to meet the conditions ; j that will obtain in the months that will scon be here. [ # % *# *# | | Those in this part of the North Land who may be inâ€" clined to be deceived by the talk of J. W. Curran of the | Sault in regard to the whole North getting together to work \for the whole country here, would do well to read the report ’ The soâ€"called conference at North Bay last week in referâ€" ence to the selection of a route for the Transâ€"Canada highâ€" way through Northern Ontario settled nothing and proved nathing except the ingenuity of the Sault Ste. Marie people in what is known in modern technical language as ‘ballyâ€"ho‘ Rach of three different routes has been urged on the Govâ€" eruments as the proper route for the highway, and the conâ€" ference openly recommended two of these three routes, while the third one was as strongly supported as possible in wiew of the "packed" condition of the conference. When the conference was first mentioned, The Advance pointed out that this part of the North Land would be at such disâ€" advantage that the better plan would appear to be to keep strictly and completely away from the meeting. There were no funds available here and no desire or disposition for packing the conference with delegates to uphold the route favoured by this section. Sault Ste. Marie apparently antended to have a packed meeting and both the Sault and Budbury, according to their own newspapers organized to this efféect. The conference, as it materialized, proved to be exactly along the lines that The Advance expected. Someâ€" thing of the plans earried out by Sudbury and the Sault may be gathered from the following reference to the matter im the last issue of The Northern Tribune of Kapuskasing: "That past master of propaganda and press agent work, in The Fort Frances Times of an address by Mr. Curran . advocating at Port Arthur the organization of the soâ€"called | "unofficial legislation for the North." The Fort Frances paper says:â€"*"In an address which he said was only a rambâ€" f ling presentation of some of his thoughts, Mr. Curran reâ€" ferred to the construction and extension of the Temiskainâ€" | ing and Northern Ontario Railway as an expenditure which had direct benefits for only about one tenth of the district known as Northern Ontario, and stated that the railway ran as close as twenty miles to the borders of the | Province of Quebec. Thrge times as much money had been spent by the government on that oneâ€"tenth as had been 'spent in the rest of Northern Ontario, Mr. Curran declared, Editor Curran of the Sault Ste. Marie Star, got busy as soon | asking if that was fair. And a longer road over rougher «s the conference was called on the suggestion of Hon. Wim. l territory had been built for half the cost of the T. N. 0: Firiayson. Here is just one example of his organizing: a Mr. Curran said, referring to the Algoma Central. Advocatâ€" valunteer fieet of motor cars was rounded up to carry deleâ€" | ing the organization of a committee to represent the united interests of Northern Ontario districts, he declared there was gates to North Bay from the many small municipalities east ef the Sooâ€"gas and oil all provided, the stops at each point | no question but that little would ever be done to benefit this en route scheduled precisely, a convention hotel chosen to part of the Province ‘till we do something about it ourselves.‘ keep them in line, and probably a little personal entertainâ€" It will be noted that Mr. Curran has so little regard for the | meut was thrown in. Soo Kiwanis sent a special delegation l people of this part of the North that he has no regard at all ef their own, amplified by others anxious to boost the rock | f0" the facts of the case. What chance would this North route. The weight of four cabinet minister was on the side ‘ Land have in a General Council controlled by Currans. x x x: x: of the lower regions, which also had fighting for them.' three daily papers, three semiâ€"weeklies, and many weeklies.| The Sault Ste. Marie Star recently printed a homeâ€"made These in turn had long established cordial relations with | POCM about fishing near Sault Ste Marie. The poet has the larger papers in the still lower regions, and did not neâ€" | transcribed into language the very odor of frightened fish. slect to enlist ‘all the support they could from that quarter. |‘That poem is so bad that it is almost good. . The daily Apart from all that, a lot of money was spent in propaâ€"| newspapers publish it in full and seem to find in its odorous ganda by interests and individuals who would directly beneâ€" scales one more argument for running the Trans-Canada] #t from construction of the lake shore highway route. On| highway by way of the rocky road to Dublin on the north Ishore of Lake Superior. To The Advance, however, the the three counts of population, push, and pull, the weight‘ was overwhelmingly on the side of the lower route; yet they | boem seems to ring the death knell to that north shore road. ha«ve been plaintively complaining that advocates of the| If the fish are so bad, tourists could not use road nearer Northern route have been holding up the whole project, to than two hundred miles from the Sault, for there is a the prejudice of the uremployed in particular, because for| powerful breeze always blowing from the same old Sault. some strange reason they couldn‘t dominate the two cabiâ€" At any rate it will be admitted, even by its enemies that The nmets and jam through their own routmg." The president star‘s homeâ€"baked poetry is as rank as its homeâ€"cooked the Northern Ontario Associated Boards of Trade has propaganda. issued public protest against the suggestion that the conâ€" ferance represents the opinion of the North,. G. B. Nichâ€" slson, M.FP., of Chapleau, joined in this protest. These two gentlemen represent a large and important section of the North The people of these areas are not in favour of a route going along the: north slzore of Lake Superior. They ®telieve such a route to be expensive, difficult and more or| A »t 3t $A# Men who "kiss and tell" are rightly held up to scorn and {contempt. Among men there is a somewhat similar retiâ€" cence in regard to drinking together and advertising it afterwards. Hon. Peter Heenan lost some standing last week in the House of Commons when he insisted that he knew Hon. G. Howard Ferguson was in London in 1928. "I less useless. They believe that the route by way of the| know he was there," Mr. Heenan told the House, "because Ferguson highway and west from Cochrane to Hearst and to| I met him there and we had a drink together." At that the Nipigon country is the logical route, the cheapest and Mr. Heenan may have been mistaken. It may not have exsiest to construct, the shortest and the best, helping old | been Hon. Mr. Ferguson he met; it may have been two communities and opening up new and valuable country. other fellows. They believe that this route is the best for Canada, and | that the other routes proposed are more in the nature of Despatches last weck gave the information that two Inâ€" feeders that should be built by the province. No one desires| dians found the body of a dead man on the north shore of to deprive Sault Ste. Marie of an outlet, but the feeling is| Lake Superior between Goulais Bay and Sault Ste. Marie that such a connecting road or feeder can not be termed a? The head was completely missing from the body when the part of the Transâ€"Canada highway. The soâ€"called "comâ€" ! discovery was made. It is believed that the dead man lost nromise" route is also no more than a feeder and should not | his head trying to figure out how the Transâ€"Canada highâ€" be confused with the highway itself. It is not likely that| WaY could be constructed through the rocks and across the the Dominion Government will finance more than one highâ€" chasms on the north shore of Lake Superior. It may be, way. ‘The shortest, cheapest and most practical route however, that the man had no head when he was living. should accordingly be urged and supported. By attempting He may have been one of those North Land fellows who w force féeders and connecting links upon the Government believed in a "compromise" route. as part of the Transâ€"Canada highway Sault Ste. Marie and * * C * + ira. / Aikkta _ Anananmnranh i« {ram‘thar®"latest DUbliShed * * * *# CGRAVEL AND SANDâ€"AND PLACER Timmins, Ont., cther sections have delayed the commencement of work on this enterprise. Had they given their attention | and effort to inducing the province to build these fe-eders.’, with the immense political force they appear to have, th-e': Hault people should have had work well along now on theirg branch road to tap the Canada highway. As it is, the Govâ€"| ernments are no further advanced than a year ago in thist maitter. This North Land is still advocating the use of the Ferguson highway as part of the Transâ€"Canada highway while by ballyâ€"ho and propaganda the Sault and some other places are attempting to have a sideroad built as part of. the real highway across Canada. As The Advance has saidi an more than one previous occasion the Governments will have to take the onus for any route selected, and so they might as well face the situation frankly and make the shoice of the right route disregarding propaganda and inâ€" timidation. Thursday, July 16th, 1931 The Governments and the people should be seized with x realization of the seriousness of the unemployment situâ€" ation. Timmins and district have suffered from unemployâ€" ment and still have large numbers of men out of steady wark. The situation here, however, is much better than in many other places. The position of Cochrane, for instance, is really desperate. Unemployment in Ontario, in Canada, is of such proportions that the municipalities can not handle the problem. Even the provinces should not be asked to tske over the burden for the unemployed are continually shifting from one section of the country to another. The great need and justice alike demand that municipalities, provinces and Dominion alike should combine and coâ€"operâ€" ate to handle the situstion. The only cure is the creation af profitable employment. This can be accomplished by the undertaking of public works of all kinds at the earliest possible moment. The completion of the Transâ€"Canada highway should be undertaken at once by the Dominion Government; feeders for that highway and roads for settâ€" ters should be taken up by the provincial government; while street paving, sidewalks, road repairs, new buildings, sewers, waterworks and other needs might be entered upon by the municipalities Plans should be made early. It will be worse than folly to wait until the need is here. There should be no charity, but honest work provided for all. Unâ€" less the situation is met fairly and promptly conditions will be serious in Timmins, and they will be much worse in many ether places. If municipal, provincial and Dominion authâ€" srities take the matter seriously and ngeet the situation with seurage and ability the country can come through the unâ€" Morruptite Advanre of the Canadian GEO LAKE, Subscription Rates: $2.00 per year United States .. $3.00 per year Published Every Thursday by anadian Weekly Newspapers Association TIMMIN®S, ONTARIO PHONESâ€"â€"RESIDENCE 70 Thursday Owner and Publisher July 16th, 1931 AAN WV N Key . C Oe o °C B be entered upon by the| The completion of the highway between Timmins and rade early. It will be ; Sudbury would provide work for the unemploved, as well _need is here. There as helping every community in the North in other ways. toward conditions without unnecessary hardship and worse.|. No one should be too much impressed with the idea that| any such plans for the relief of unemployment mean the piling up of debt and taxation on the country. Surely the world has not come to such a pass that starvation can not | be kept away from thousands. Thoughtful citizens will not | object to any additional taxation for relief in the form of employment, knowing, surely, that the relief must be proâ€" | vided in some form or another, and duly paid for. Under | an employment plan the relief will cost as little as in char-| ity, and the people who pay will have something for their money, while those directly benefitting will preserve their independence and dignity. One of the big troubles in the past has been that governments of various kinds have unâ€" dertaken all their large public works during prosperous times and the cost of these has had to be met in the hard times that follow each period of prosperity. It would be well now to adopt the opposite plan of building and extendâ€" ing public enterprises when there is unemployment, when labour is plentiful, when costs are down, and when the work will do double duty in the way of benefit. The country can | pay for this as the good times return. All should be warned now. however that times are serious, and active and effecâ€" tive steps should be taken at once to meet the conditions ; that will obtain in the menths that will scon be here. 4| Those in this part of the North Land who may be inâ€" clined to be deceived by the talk of J. W. Curran of the Sault in regard to the whole North getting together to work for the whole country here, would do well to read the report in The Fort Frances Times of an address by Mr. Curran advocating at Port Arthur the organization of the soâ€"called "unofficial legislation for the North." The Fort Frances| paper says:â€"*"In an address which he said was only a rambâ€" ling presentation of some of his thoughts, Mr. Curran reâ€" ferred to the construction and extension of the Temiskaimnâ€" ing and Northern Ontario Railway as an expenditure which had direct benefits for only about one tenth of the district known as Northern Ontario, and stated that the railway ran as close as twenty miles to the borders of the Province of Quebec. Thrge times as much money had been spent by the government on that oneâ€"tenth as had been spent in the rest of Northern Ontario, Mr. Curran declared, asking if that was fair. And a longer road over rougher territory had been built for half the cost of the T. N. O., Mr. Curran said, referring to the Algoma Central. Advocatâ€" ing the organization of a committee to represent the united of Northern Ontario districts, he declared there was no question but that little would ever be done to benefit this I part of the Province ‘till we do something about it ourselves.‘ It will be noted that Mr. Curran has so little regard for the people of this part of the North that he has no regard at all Ifor the facts of the case. What chance would this North Land have in a General Council controlled by Currans. The Sault Ste. Marie Star recently printed a homeâ€"made poem about fishing near Sault Ste Marie. The poet has transcribed into language the very odor of frightened fish. That poem is so bad that it is ‘almost good. The daily newspapers publish it in full and seem to find in its odorous scales one more argument for running the Transâ€"Canada highway by way of the rocky road to Dublin on the north shore of Lake Superior. To The Advance, however, the poem seems to ring the death knell to that north shore road. If the fish are so bad, tourists could not use road nearer than two hundred miles from the Sault, for there is a powerful breeze always blowing from the same old Sault. At any rate it will be admitted, even by its enemies that The star‘s homeâ€"baked posetry is as rank as its homeâ€"cooked propaganda. Men who "kiss and tell" are rightly held up to scorn and contempt. Among men there is a somewhat similar retiâ€" cence in regard to drinking together and advertising it afterwards. Hon. Peter Heenan lost some standing last Despatches last weck gave the information that two Inâ€" dians found the body of a dead man on the north shore of Lake Superior between Goulais Bay and Sault Ste. Marie The head was completely missing from the body when the discovery was made. It is believed that the dead man lost his head trying to figure out how the Transâ€"Canada highâ€" way could be constructed through the rocks and across the chasms on the north shore of Lake Superior. It may be, however, that the man had no head when he was living. He may have been one of those North Land fellows who believed in a "compromise" route. The following little paragraph is from the latest published report of a council meeting in Cochran#@:â€"‘"Moved and seâ€" conded by Counciilors O‘Malley and Houle, and carried, that the voters‘ lists be purchased from Toronto at $71.50." This little paragraph should do much to erticourage the unemâ€" ployed from Toronto to fiock to Cochrane. It suggests that Cochrane is more desirous of supporting Toronto industry than its local institutions and workers who pay taxes, conâ€" tribute to local enterprises and patronize local people. Sault Ste. Marie now proposes to form an "unofficial legisâ€" lature for the whole North." From this it will be seen that Sault Ste. Marie is not sure that the Government will build the Transâ€"Canada highway by the rocky route, and so the Sault wants another way of telling the Government that the whole North wants this route. The Ottawa Journal tells about receiving a booklet exâ€" plaining how to make rock garden without rocks. What many patient and optimistic people in Timmins would like to know would be how to make any kind of a gz‘u'den with just rocks. e Sir Joseph Flavelle says that the only way to right preâ€" sent conditions is by reducing wages. Perhaps, if the Govâ€" ernment would expropriate some of the money made by profiteers during the recent war, it might not be necessary to cut wages so much. John D. Rockefeller says that he expects to live to be one hundred. If he does, and keeps his health and strength, he will likely be able to make a few more millions, and give away a few more hundreds of nickels and dimes. Ssome inventive genius should invent some profitable use for the daily surplus of bugs infesting the North Land these days. As one oldâ€"timer said the other day he never in all his expecience saw Timmins "so buggy as at present." The belt line of roads for the North would mean ten touâ€" rists visiting this North for every one coming now. Appole blossom time in Normandy! Nothing to it comâ€" red to:â€"Blueberry time in the North Country! THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO Dies After Journey \From the Far North Mre., Garrett Brought from Hudson Bay to Hamilton by Air and Rail, but Passes Away in HMHo p‘tal. esmm mm mm en s en smm e esn CCC Mrs. Mary Caroline Garrett, wife of Rev. Leslie Garrett, Anglican missionâ€" ary among the Cree Indians at Trout Lake in the Hudson Bay district, passed away on Saturday evening of last week in the General hospital at Hamilton, after having been removed some five hundred miles in an airplane from the far North to Sioux Lookout and then brcught from that point on the C:sm-I adian National Railways to the city of Hamilton, Ontario, making the total trip of over a tnousand miles. | Mrs. Garreit, who> was the eldest daughter of Mrs. Ellen Gomme, 70 Alâ€" anson street, Hamilton, and the late‘ Rev. George Gomme, was a graduate of the Toronto Bible College, and had beén associated with her husband for seven years in the work of the Anglican mission at Trout Lake. Last December her health began to fail, but chere was no way, other than dogâ€"team, by which she could be removed to civilization. Finally, on June 19, a plane of a minâ€" ing compuny made a forced landing near the Trout Lake mission, and Rev. Mr. Garrett made arrangements to have his wife, their three children and himâ€" self carried 500 miles to Sioux Lookout, which was the nearest point. . From there the family came to Hamilton by train, and Mrs. Garrett was taken to the General hospital. Her condition was diagnosed as typhoid fever, conâ€" tracted in the North country, but she did not appear to become dangerously ill until a day or two before her death. Meanwhile Rev. Mr. Garrett had reâ€" | turned ‘to Trout Lake. A radio broadcast was made Sunday in an effort to locate him and advise him of Mrs. Garrett‘s death. Sunday evening word was received from the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company that one of their officials had heard the appeal and gave an assurance that he and a pilot, with one of the undistorted tone. 5 Price â€" Ne x COMPLETE WITH TUBES Indisputably greatest of all small sets. Has every big set feature save size. Enormous distance range, knifeâ€"edged selectivity and Philco‘s true, clear waditoncd nc _ 59950 agnificent set at an amazing price. SAuglul tyu?usgczbinct designed by Norrn:? Bel Geddes, and positively the greatest performâ€" ing set ever uilt.. is $199.5° Price â€"â€" â€" o n N COMPLETE WITH TUBES Meets today ‘s crowded Broadcasting C onditions 11â€"Tube Lowboy :)NLY a Superheterodyne can meet the modern demand for performance. But Superheterodyne alone is not enough. It takes Screen Grid power and Ba/lanced Unit constructionâ€"an exclusive Philco featureâ€"p/us superheteroâ€" dyneâ€"to bring in far away stations with clear, true undisâ€" torted toneâ€"to separate â€" at all points on the dial â€" the clutter of broadcasting stations which on any other radio tend to interfere with each other, so that you can listen to the one program you want to hear. Then to still further ensure the perfection ‘of Phiico performance each Philco cabinet has been designed and engineered into an acoustic \ masterpiece perfectly balanced to enhance the beauties 0 every program you hear. OTTAW A, ONT. Local Dealer:â€"Jackson Bros., Phores 456 comphny‘s planes, would fly to Trout Lake for Mr. Garrett and bring him to railhead, a distance of 500 miles, Mr. Garrett is expected to reach Hamilton by Thursday, and his wife‘s funeral will take place on FPriday. Garrett is expected to reach Hamilton| The following are the results of the by Thursday, and his wife‘s funeral will| T.B.AA. Junior softball league for the take place on Priday. week of July l1th:â€" Besides her Musband, Mrs. Garrett! Wednesday, July Iâ€"Holy Name 9, is survived by three sons, Victor, Paul | Tuxis 0. and Harold, who are with her mother, Friday, July 3â€"HS Craig 15, Trail Mrs. E. Gomme, 70 Alanson st.reet.iaangers 15. Hamilton. Monday, July 6â€"Holy Name 15, High «4( sns m ‘Schcol 3 + d Wednesday, July 8â€"Trail Rangers 9, ORE AT SISCOE MINE HAS |, _ _ |rys McKay 0. ()Rb AT SISCOE MINE HAsS AVERAGE $14.00 To TON same in May, and a new high point was made in June with $70,000. Siscos is in good financial condition." its presiâ€" dent says. ‘"We have no debts. We have $75,000 in a trust company giving us 4 per cent. in trust," he psints out. "Did you take any precaution before you crossed the track?" asked the lawâ€" yer of a witness in a railway accident. "Just a little," answered the witness, "not more than two or three swallows." Philco that offers you incomparably more at less money than YVAP any other setâ€"and every one a Balanced Superheterodyne. ALL PHILCOS have station recording dial with glowâ€" ing arrow station finder. EVERY PHILCO has tone control and static modifier. f‘(ffc:?c'] ALL PHILCOS are balanced unit radios. f‘éï¬'ï¬'hfï¬ ALL PHILCOS have new improved electroâ€"dynamic speakers, (25% more efficient.) ALL PHILCO 11â€"Tube models have real automatic volume control â€"and the most beautiful cabinets ever seen. ' EACH and EVERY PHILCO is priced at less than you would expect to pay ‘! ¢ See you nearest Philco Dealer TODAY. Select the model you want. He will arrange such easy terms that you will never miss the money. 102 P MeMULLEN SUPPLIES, Limited PHILGO ZPEALANCHEZ» "WHOLESALE DISTKERIBUTORS P H 1| L C O# PHILCO PRODUCTS LIMITED OF CANADA he Friday, July 10â€"Holy Na Rangers 85. Standing T.B.A.A. Junior gue week ending July Tith RESULTS T.B.A.A. JUNIOKR SOFTBALL LEAGUE TO JULY 11 M ADEâ€"INâ€"CANADA RADIO GRoOoss INCOME OF VIPOND $350,000 FORK sTX MONTHS The gross income of the Vipond Mines for the first six months of this year is given at $350,000, according to the preliminary estimates. It is pointed out that this notable result was obâ€" tained, despite the fact that work had been concentrated upon deep exploraâ€" tion and the extension of drives toward the Porcupine Crown porphyries. There were some 50,000 tons of cre milled, reâ€" presenting recovery of around $7.00 per ton. It is further noted by one Toronto despatch that the Vipond has accumulated a surplus of around $1,â€" 000,000, or well over 40 cents per share. The directors are not considering diviâ€" dend disbursements at present, however, ending the ouicecme of the deeper deâ€" velopment. At the same time, it is known that should the deep work reveal continuiâ€" ty of ore, the mill would be further enâ€" larged and a dividend policy might then be expec.ed. Frankâ€""I don‘t think my wife could tell a lie in twelve months." Guileâ€""You‘re fortunate. My wife can tell a lie the instant I utter it." cam Holy Name 15 and 373â€"W Timmins. Tunior softball lea Trail 38 Beautiful cabinet in figured Ameriâ€" can Walnut and Quilted Maple. Scrollâ€"carved Arch and pin stripe pilasters. Tore Control. New illuminated Station Recording Dial. Price $99!50 RESULTS T.B.A.A. SENIOR sSOFTBALL LEAGUE TO JULY 11 The following are the results of TB.AA. Senior softbail league for week ending July 11th, 1931:â€" Thursday, July 2â€"Holy Name 16 High School 15. Tuesday, July 7â€"Holy Name 9; Tuxis Thursday, July 9>â€"High . Tuxis 0. Standing T.B.A.A. Senior league week ending July lith Team Won Holy Name C yb High School ... c ced esd Tuxis . ;. 0 KIRKLAND LAKE QOBSERVES TWELETH ON sSATURDAY Members of the Orange Order from all over Temiskaming district gathered on Saturday last at Kirkland Lake to cbserve the annual celebration of the glorious twelfth of July. Lodges as far south as Temagami were repreâ€" sented in the walk held through the streets of Kirkland Lake. For the first time in the history of the district there were no women‘s lodges in the parade. The walk was considered as a very sucâ€" cessful one and encouraging to those interested in the Order. The lodge from Charlton was awarded the banner from Chariton was awarded as the bestâ€"dressed lodge on parade, Kirkland Lake being given second in this contest.. During the afternoon there was a programme of sports, there being many inleresting items and events. There were also a number of very interesting addresses, the splakers including B. G. Gosse, grand organizer, County Master Hill, and others, The weather was excellent. Toronto Mail and Empire:â€"In special supplement the London Finanâ€" cial Times pays profound tribute to Canada. It notes that the Dominion, a country as large as Europe, with vast natural resources, @already stands in fifth position among the trading naâ€" tions of the world. Comparatively speaking, there is certainly no reason for Canadians to be pessimistic. â€"Tube Highboy Julty @â€"High School Senior sofiball the