Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 7 May 1931, 1, p. 2

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Sudbury Star:â€"An orator says aboliâ€" tion of the open bar has been a bad thing for the doctor. Yes, and invenâ€" tion of the chocolate bar has been a good thing for the dentist. T M. WHITE * ®, # #* #*4, # La # # # + #* #* w + *4 #* #* # < #* ## *# # ## # # #* # # #4 # # #, .‘ EVERYTHING IN SHEET METAL WORK. â€" PIPES OF ALL KINDS. ALSO FURNACE WORK. Phone 647 N E W TIN SHOP EXPERT WORK GUARANTEED. PROMPT SERVICE. Thursday, May 7th, 1931 Oflice Next to Capitol Theatre Kirkland Lake, Ont. 13 Spruce Street South Correspondent of FLEMING MARVIN TORONTO Member Standard Stock and Mining Exchange Chicago Board of Trade TALKING PICTURES AT THE THEATRES | C. J. Lapalme Stocks and Bonds Suite 1 CONTI and HEDDA HOPPER Cartoonâ€""FAITHFUL PUP" "SUCH MEN ARE DANGEROUS " With LILLIAN ROTH, HARRY GREEN and EUGENE PALLETTE Comedyâ€""MELANCHOLY DAME" Addedâ€""AFTER THE BALL" specialtyâ€""GETTING A BREAK" wWith WARNER BAXTER, CATHERINE DALE OWEN, ALBERT WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, MAY 13â€"14 Jack Oakie WITH DOROTHY JORDAN, JOSEPH CAWTHORN, MARJORIE RAMBEAU, WILLIAM AUSTIN and IAN KEITH SERIALâ€""THE LONE DEFENDER"â€"EPISODE No. 7 PATHE SOUND NEWS NEW EMPIKE MATINEE DAILY AT 2.30 P.M. Eveningâ€"7.00 p.m. (continuous performance) Complete Change of Programme Every With KAY JOHNSQN, NEIL HAMILTON and JOHN HALLIDAY wWITH GRANT WITHERS, THELMA TODD, PHILO MeCULâ€" LOUGH and WALTER MILLER. Fighting the mad rage of the angry torrentâ€"to redeem his honour! FOX MOVIETONE NEWS Midnight Show, Sunday, May 10thâ€"Showing Above Programme With BEX LYON, ONA MUNSON, WALTER PIDGEON, TOM DUGAN, HOLMES HERBERT and THELMA TODD Comedyâ€""JED‘S VACATION‘" sSpecialtyâ€""GROONING MELODIES" A drama of Soviet Russia, where marr‘age is a matter of consent and divorce a matter of moments.â€""THE SPY" D0 Night Calls 429 P.O,. Box 1071 eatectes? t uts 2t ,® # . ** “o“o“o“:“o“o WEDNESDAY THURSDAY, MAY 6â€"7 "THE HOT HEIRESS " FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MAY 15â€"16 MONDAY and TUESDAY, MAY 11â€"12 William Haines MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MAY 8â€"9 Double Feature Programme 13 Spruce St. South " A TAILOR MADE MAN" MAYX 18â€"19â€""THE TEXAN" MAY 20â€"21â€""FATHER‘S MAY 22â€"23â€""MEN WITHOUT LAW" MAY 25â€"26â€""STEPPING OUT" MAY 27â€"28â€""DANGER LIGHTs" MAY 29â€"â€"30â€""QUEEN OF MAIN SYREET" MAY MAYX MA Y FOX MOVIETONE NEWS Midnight Show, Friday, May 15th, at In Reliable Companies at ATTRACTIONS: Reduced Rates Telephone 295 A tretty wedding was solemnized at St. Matthew‘s church on Thursday, April 30th, when Maidie, the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Harris, beâ€" came, the bride of Mr. R. Stoneman. The bride was attended by Miss V. Lacy, maid of honour, Miss Peggy Wilâ€" liams and Miss Gwen Grill, as flower girls, and Master Art Larivee, The groom was assisted by Mr. T. Harris, groomsman. Mr. J. Harris and Mr. T. Williams were the ushers. The bride was given away by her brother, Mr. W. Harris. About a hundred guests were present. The groom‘s gift to the bride Pretty Wedding at St. Matthew‘s on April 30th was a white gold watch; to the maid of honour, a jade necklace; to the flower girls, goldâ€"beaded handbags; to the atâ€" tendant, gold ring; to the groomsman, a fountain pen. The happy couple were the recipients of numerous beautiful gifts, including pyrex dishes from the L.O.B.A. No. 2552. A number of the presents came from friends and relatives in England, while Timmins and Schumacher friends and relatives also sent tokens of estsem and good wishes. After the ceremony a reâ€" ception was held at the home of the bride‘s parents, 75 Tamarack street, Timmins. : Huntingdon Gleaner:â€"John Glenn driver for the American Railway Exâ€" press, was walking by City Park, in Covington, Ga. He saw a robin. Gleen observed that something was wrong with the bird. He stepped closer. "Hic" chirped the robin, flapping his wings weakly. Glenn picked the robin up. It smelled faintly of liquor. He investiâ€" gated and found the juice of china berâ€" ries, rotting in a damp place under china berry tree. The berries had ferâ€" mented, producing an alcoholic subâ€" stance of sorts. Knowing his story would be doubted, Glenn called in several reputable men of the communiâ€" ty, including Ed. W. Fowler, who first marveled and then substantiated Glenn‘s contention that the ‘bird was indeed drunk from the juice of the rotâ€" ting berries. Gordon Block, Timmins at 11.30 p.m. AUDIO REVIEW Soviet Parades in Canada on May Day Winnipeg had probably the largest demonstration of any Canadian city, but it was without any serious conâ€" Summary Given by the Canadian Press of Activity of Communist; on May Ist, Attempts to Create Disorâ€" der All Forestalled, In Timmins there has been particular interest in the communists and their attempts to create disorder and trouble in as many places in Canada as posâ€" sible. People here will be interested in the results of the work of the paid agents of the Soviet. In Timmins the attempts to create trouble have proved abortive through the efforts of the auâ€" thorities. It was expected, in view of The fiasco in Timmins was repeated all over Canada on Friday last. As nearly as can be estimated not more than 25 communists in the whole counâ€" try were arrested on May Day. Some of these were released as soon as their impdence and freshness had been treatâ€" ed by simply being held in the cooler for a few hours. The Canadian Press gives the following summary of the May Day throughout Canada:â€" the posters, pamphlets and circulars issued recently that the communists were making especial effort to capture May Day. Tihie communists make a specialty of "boring from within" and by this plan have succeeded in caprturâ€" ing or killing several unions and merâ€" cantile concerns. It has evidently been their plan to capture the First of May parades, and in view of the fact that the regular unions consider Labour Day as their special holiday, the communâ€" ists have made progress in this regard. This year they planned to show their strength, and with and other features of conditions toâ€"day to assist them it looked as if they would make a showing out of all propoartion to their real strength. The country, however, is becoming increasingly inâ€" censed at the idea of a group of paid agitators from foreign countries atâ€" tempting to dictate to the people here and wilfully breaking the laws of the land, impeding traffic and disturbing affairs generally. There was a general desire on the part of the public that the alien agitaters should be set in their place. No one wanted to stop them spouting, if they wanted to spout, but there was a general call that they be given no special ptrivileges denied to decent lawâ€"abiding people. In cases where they had outside meetings in specified areas where the general public was not inconvenienced, they were not interfered with, but where they tried to insult or defy the law, they were dealt with. Midnight Show, Sunday, May 17thâ€"Showing Above Programme Featuring MARION DAVIES, SIDNEY BLACKMER, JAMES _ _ GLEASON and POLLY MORAN With BILL BOYD, HELEN TWEFELVETREES and WILLIAM FARNUM A picture that is a living canvas of action, drama and romance, with the most beantiful settings ever shown on the screen. Specialtyâ€""GO AHEAD AND SING" FOX MOVIETONE NEWS Addedâ€""FHOT TTIME TNX THE OLD TOWN" A story that moves at a fast tempo and supplies plenty of laughs. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, MAY 13â€"14 WITH CHARLES BICKFORD AND EVALYN KNAPP He got his man and the other man‘s woman. A torrid romance of frozen North. Specialtyâ€""YACHT CLUB BOYS" Noveltyâ€""SUMMER TTIME" Addedâ€"*"FEMININE FITNESS" PARAMOUNT SOUND NEWS Double Feature Programme SHOWING "RENO" WITH RUTH ROLAND, KENNETH THOMPSON, MONTAGUE LOVE and SAM HARDY A story of America‘s Divorce Haven, also MATINEE DAILY AT 2.30 P.M. Eveningâ€"7.00 p.m. (continuous performance) Complete Change of Programme Every MONDAY WEDNESDA Y FRIDAY With EL BRENDEL, MAUREEN O‘SULLIVAN, MARJORIE WHITE, JOHN GARRICK AND FRANK ALBERTSON A tremendous masterpiece, real merit, sanerb technioue, excellent entertainment, dramatic beautyâ€"Magnificentâ€"Epochalâ€"A Dazzler DoON‘T MISS IT! EL »R%ENDEL S A RIOT OF FUN FOX MOVIETONE NEWS Midnight Show, Friday May 8th at 11.30 p.m. With GRACE MOORE, REGINALD DENNY, WALLACE BEERY, GUS SHY, JOBYNA HOWLAND and GILBERT EMERY Specialtyâ€""CHINA‘S OLD MAN RIVER" Addedâ€""LAUGHING GAS" GOLDFIELDS De Sylva, Brown and Henderson‘s successor to "Sunnyside Up" WEDNESDAY THURSDAY, MAY 6â€"7 " A LADY‘sS MORALS" FRIDAY and SATURDAY. MAY 15â€"16 "THE PAINTED DESERT" MONDAY and TUESDAY, MAY 11â€"12 " RIVER‘S END ~" FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MAY 8â€"9 MAY 18â€"19â€""PAID" MAY 20â€"21â€""PRINCESS AND PLUMBER" MAY 22%â€"23â€""CHARLEY‘S AUNT" MAY 25â€"26â€""RANGO" MAY 27â€"28â€"@"CAPTAIN APPLEJACEK" " JUST IMAGINE *" THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO At Kirkland Lake more than 2,000 Communists and townspeorle crowded the main thoroughfare, but artful handling by the police averted any disâ€" order. At Timmins a meeting was held but no parade. The crowd of citizens was hostile to the Communist speeches and sang songs in opposition to the ‘Red‘ choruses. At Sudbury a gathering was held in Bell Park and three speakers haranguâ€" ed the crowd, about 2,000 persons atâ€" tended, many mostly curiosity seekers. There was no disturbance. sequences Eight hundred police gathered at Vicâ€" toria Square in Montreal and effectively prevented a meeting there. One was arrested. R At Norands, Que., there was a street fight between police and Communists. Oone man and a woman were arrested. Calgary had a short but sharp skirâ€" mish between police and agitators when the former attempted to break up parade. Seven were arrested, many sustained slight bruises. The Twin Cities of Fort William and Port Arthur had a few interesting moments, but here too police were soon in the driver‘s seat. Hamilton had an easy time of it. Toronto police hopelessly outnumberâ€" ed the Communists A minor brush occurred before the curious crowd had been dispersed when a shower of bricks struck two officers. Minor wounds were inflicted and three Communists were arrested in retaliation. The scheduled meetings at Sault Ste. Marie and Sturgeon Palls failed to maâ€" ture. At Rouyn about 100 Comunists tried to hold a parade but were dispersed by the police aided by private citizens. Everybody Come and Whoop It Up Round and Oldâ€"fashioned Square Dancing. ODDFELLOWS‘ HALL Saturday, May 9 Under the auspices of the Don‘t Forget the Dancing at 8 p.m. A Big Evening of in the 4445 83 4 4 * * * * W. A. Wells, representative of the Supreme Council, Knights of Columbus, will visit three Ontario councils, during the week of May 11. He will arrive in Ircquvis Falls on Thursday, May 14 and will be the guest of Iroquois Falls Council on that date. On May 15, he will visit Timmins Council in Timmins and on May 17, he will meet with the officers and members of North Bay Ccuncil in North Bay. He will make suggestions regarding the busine:s administration of the ccuncil and will also report on the acâ€" tivities of the Supreme Council, chief of which at the rresent time is the boy work programme. The Order sponsors the only graduate boy guidance course in the world at Notre Dame University and also conducts tenâ€"night institutes in bsyology in coâ€"operation with other bay work organizations. The Columâ€" bian Squires, junior organization of the Knights of Columbus, has circles in many parts of the United States and Canada, and is growing steadily. Barrie Examiner:â€"New inventions are making this more and more a thingless world. To mention only three or four, we have bloodless surgery, wireâ€" las telephony, smokeless powder, cafâ€" feineless coffee and now the Germans have developed a nicotineless tobacco. Mr. Wells will also give some interâ€" esting figures on the membership and insurance strength of the Order. The membership as of June 30 was 618,611 in 2,555 councils in United States, Canâ€" ada, Philippine Isands, Cuba, Mexico, Porto Rico, Newfoundland, Alaska and Panama. The insurance in force was $288,304,040 and the insurance liabiliâ€" ties as calculated by the actuaries on Jan. 1 were $23,370,629. The ratio of assets to liabilities was 130.44 cent. and the margin of safety was 30.44 per cent. over and above the standards. Toronto Mail and Empire:â€"Twelve out of 17 police captains so far inivestiâ€" gated in Chicago had excessive bank gccounts. One of them, on a salary of $4,000 a year, bought $48,000 worth of securities in four years. At least it is to be said of him that he did not waste his substance in riotous living. To Visit Timmins K. of C. on May 15 Represertative of Supreme Council, Knights of Columbus, Will Visit Three Ontario Councils Next Week. o \\‘fi\‘fl“‘\‘\'ifi\SXS‘SS%$§S§$§Sfli“fii“‘i“%%; é Timmins Branch No. 88 Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L. _ % *A *4 4 A despatch to The Advance this week from New Haven, Connecticut, says:â€"â€" Midland Free Press:â€"One of the pur â€" est joys of Spring is the opportunity of gardening. With the frost well out of the ground, hundreds of householders are eagerly resurrecting spads an rakes from the woodshed, and, doffing their coats, and turning of an evening to the back yard plots. Meaford Mirror:â€"Gandhi is going to wear pants when he goes to London, England. He had better have them padded, too when he meets Winston Churchill. Highâ€"Grade Samples from Week‘s Run of the Press Painter and Paperhanger 67 WILSON AVENUE Prompt Service Firstâ€"class Workmanship Rimmer ODDFELLOWS‘ HALL TIMMINS Monday, May 11th, 1931 8,30 p.m.. sharp GOOD PROGRAMME, EATS, sSMOKES, ETC. Will be held in the 18p Toronto Mail and Empire:â€"One useâ€" ful consequence of the visit of the King and Queen of Siam will be to dispel from the minds of a great many people the notion that the chief products of Siam are indivisible twins and white elermants. Toronto Board of Trade Annual Tour Torcnto Mail and Empire: Galiant cld mother of free nations! Though she lost a great part of her young manhood in the World War, and though she assumed financial obligations which have made her ever since the most heavilyâ€"taxed nation in the world, she continues to carry her unâ€" paralleled burdens with singular courâ€" age and firmness of purpose. She inâ€" sists on pliying her obligations to the United States, contracted in the comâ€" mon interests, though she can never collect more than a fraction of what she loaned to her European allies. She carries the cost of administering a worldâ€"wide Empire. She meets most 0@ theexpenses necessary for the naval security of that Emp:re. Export marâ€" kets for some of her basic industries were lost during the war, and she has between two and three million people always unemployed. But, in sprlte of all this, she is able to go to the resecue of the daughter nation on the other side ‘of the world in that daughter nation‘s financial extremity. Wil V‘it North Lond the End of This Month. Will be at Timmins on Friday, May 290th. GREAT BRITAIN GREAT AT "MUDDLING THROUGH" The annual northern tour of the Toâ€" ronto Board of Trade will be held this year during the last week of May. The narty will meet at Cochrane on Wedâ€" nesJdlay, May 27, and will visit various ez:ions of the north as far as Moose River Crossing and returning will arâ€" rive in North Bay at four o‘clock on the af:ernson of Saturday, May 30. The following itinerary of the trip was prepared by officials of the T. N. O. railway and submitted to the Toronâ€" tc Board of Trade. Leave Cochrane, 2.00 p.m., May 27. Arrive Canyon, 4.30 p.m., May 27. Leave Canyon, 11.00 pm., May 27. Arrive Moose River, 5.00 a.m., May 28. Leave Moose River, 10.00 a.m., May 28. Arrive Cochrane, 4.30 p.m., May 28. Leave Cochrane, 4.45 p.m., May 28. Arrive Iroquo‘!s Falls, 6.00 p.m., May ROY HAMILTON HAS MADE FRIENDS IN MANY QUARTERS Writing last week in The North Bay Nugget, "Observer" in his column of "Sportology‘"‘ says:â€"*"Ncerthern Ontaric shared in the honours passed out at the Ontario amateur boxing tourney at London on Saturday night, when Roy Hamilton, of Timmins, annexed the title in the 126â€"pound class. In order to achieve this distinction, he _ had to sideâ€"track a highly capable boy in Ray Cook, of Toronto, all of which serves to establish the Timmins entrant as the undoubted champion of the rlâ€"ovince. Press critics measured the Toronto and Timmins lads as closely matched, but gave the Northerner the edge on enâ€" during qualities and ability to assimiâ€" late punishment. Hamilton has conâ€" quered all in or around his class in Northern districts, and prior to particiâ€" pating in the provincial finals, freâ€" quently dipped down South to match skill with the best in that area. His ascension has been secure from the commencement, and many consider that he is headed to acquire title honâ€" ours in the Dominion field. Hamilton has achieved pppularity wherever he has shown, and made a host of friends among the 2,000 or more who witnessed the recent championship tourney." Leave Iroquois Falls, 12.00 midnigh May 28. Arrive Timmins, 2.00 a.m., May 29. Leave Timmins, 10.00 a.m., May 29. Arrive Kirkland Lake, 3.00 pm. Ma Hamilton Spectator:â€"The chorus of protest against the abuse of radio adâ€" vertising grows louder and louder, It is ridiculous to pretend that the public is satisfied with the prevailing state of things, in view of the continual critiâ€" cism which finds its way into public print. Leave New Liskeard, 10.40 a.m., May Arrive Haileybury, 10.55 a.m., May 30 Leave Haileybury, 11.10 a.m., May 30 Arrive Cobalt, 11.25 a.m., May 30. Leave Cobalt, 11.40 a.m., May 30. Arrive Temagami, 12.50 rim., May 30 Leave Temagami, 1.50 pm., May 30. Arrive North Bay, 4.05 p.m., May 30 Arrive Noranda, 6.00 p.m., May 29. Leave Noranda, 10.00 p.m., May 29. Arrive Englehart, 2.00 a.m., May 30. Leave 9.30 am., May 30. Arrive New Liskeard, 10.25 a.m., May Leave Kirkland Laks, 4.00 |\ June 4 ...... Montcal! p.m., May: CHERBOURGâ€"â€"SOU’I‘HAMP’I‘ONâ€"- I ANTWERP June June May 23 . Empress May 30 Empress | June 6 Emjte: June 13.... ........ Iompre: Full Information #Ffrom Agent or write May 15 May 22 May 29 May May May June June Improved service on the Porcupine Branch making close connections at Porquis Junction with trains Nos. 1, 2, 17 and 18 for points east, west, north and south. This service will be in adâ€" dition to trains Nos. 46 and 47 and will provide three trains each way on Sunâ€" days. The establishment of this service will enable those desiring to convenâ€" iently make round trip from Timmins to Cochrane on Sundays. A. J, PARR, General Freight and Passenger Agent North Bay, Ont. Jun 10 Duchess of York CHERBOURG SOUTHAMPTON The Continental Limited, Trains Nos. 1 and 2, between Montreal and Vanâ€" touver, daily, operating through «sleepâ€" Bee current timetable or apply to any T. N. O. Railway agent for full particulars. MAV C. H. WHITE, DISTRICT PASSENGER AGENT, CP.S., NORTH BAY Connections at Swastika, daily, with The Nipissing Central Railway for Kirkland Lake, Larder Lake, Cheminis, Rouyn and Noranda, Que., and interâ€" mediate points. Mixed Service daily except Sunday between Cochrane, Island Falls, Jct. Fraserdale and Coral Rapids. Northâ€" bound, leave Cochrane 8.30 am., ar rive Coral Rapids, 255 p.m. South- bound leave Coral Rapids 8.30 a.m. arâ€" rive Cochrane 2.30 p.m. Trains Nos. 17 and 18â€"Daily except Sunday Service between North Bay and Cochrane, operating through sleeper between Timmins and Montreal. These trains use Canadian Pacific Railway Btation at North Bav. Connections at Englehart for Charlâ€" ton, daily except Sunday. Connections at Porquis Junction daily for Iroquois Falls. TEMISKAMING AND NORTHERN ONTARIO RAILWAY Trains Nos. 46 and 47â€"Through serâ€" vice daily, between Toronto and Timâ€" mins, also, to Rouyn and Noranda, @Que., operating Parlour Cafe Car Serâ€" vice between North Bay and Swastika. Through sleepers operated between Toronto and Timmins, also between Toronto, and Rouyn and Noranda, Que. These trains use Canadian National Railways Station at North Bay. Local service between Cobalt, Founâ€" tain Falls and Silver Centre, Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Connections at Earlton Jct., for Elk Lake, daily except Sunday. These trains use Canadian National Railways Station at North Bay. From MONTREAL and QUEBEC LNIVERPOOL South Porcupine, Ont. HAYX FLOUR, FEED HAVREâ€"LONDONâ€"ANTWERP * 14 Montclare HAVREâ€"LONDONâ€"HAMBURG a 4 ... Montcalm Specialty i Chicken Feed J. L. Clusiau BELFASTâ€"GLASGOW ... _ Duchess of York Duchess of Richmond Duchess of Atholl Duchess of Bedford Minnedosa Duchess of Richmond ........ Meéelita Duchess of Bedford Monteclare Y our ~48â€"51p tf Montclare

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