Timmins Newspaper Index

Porcupine Advance, 11 Dec 1930, 1, p. 4

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”w. mi Elmaâ€"Buffet in first class con- dition. $15.00. gApply 8 Balsam. FOR SALEâ€"Steam boiler, horizontal, high pressure;. twelve horse-power. FOR SALEâ€"Baby's cream enamel bed, with wheels; almost new. Also Chif- ferrobe r Wardrobe, in walnut. Ap- ply to 31 Messines avenue. -50p FOR ‘SALEâ€"Dodge Coupe; as good as new; five wire wheels, and rumble seat. Apply to Mrs, Harry W. Darl- ing, 134 Wilson avenue, phone 889W. 49-50 FOR SAW-Baby carriage in good condition «with runners for same. Ap- ‘ply after Thursday to ‘158 Maple St, FRESH EGGS FOR SALEâ€"Every day, for all who like strictly fresh eggs; none over 12 hours old; Delivery made in Tlmmins. Phone 41-J or call at 76 Hemlock street. ~49-51p .“FOR SALEâ€"Solid Wamut dlnmg room suite,G1bbaid make, 1 Chesterfield suite; 1 v'ictjrola, 1 China Cabinet and Congoleum rugs. Apply oygr mfi'smâ€"Regmaed wire-haired fox! terrier male puppies, nicely marked; healthy; three months, $20. 00. Ap- ply Mrs. W. A. MacKenzie, Box 191, Kapmkasing. Ont. 7 60-51;) FOR SALEâ€"A Keystone movie Pro- jectorâ€"complete with slides and ac- cessories and over 1,000 feet. of films. In A-l condition; a bargain. Apply 22 Tamarack St. -50p FOR SALE â€"- Orthophonic Victrola, regfilar $165.00 for $95.00 on learns of $7.00 cash and $7.00 monthly pay- ments. This Victroia has only been “used for demonstrating records. J. T. Heflernan, 46 Third Ave. . -50 FARM FOR SALEâ€"80 acres good clay soil; 30 acres cleared; 15. miles from 'WANTEDâ€"Jady wants to look after gchlldgApplyfit Fourth Ave. 50p .ROOM AND BOARDâ€"1n private home. All conveniences at $8.50 per week. Washing and pressing done if desired. Apply 1'11 Maple street south 49p FOR SALEâ€"North a lot 7, Township of Tisdale, 160 acres, situated north of Newray Mine. Would consider any reasonable offer. Will sell on terms with initial payment. Apply A. A. Mackenzie, P.O. Box 720 Bryan, Texas. -45-.52p PROPERTIES FOR SALE WRNISHED ROOMS To RENT-â€" Clean and comfortable. Suitable for light housekeeping. Use of .3193 and kitchen. Apply to 5} YOU WILL FIND AT THE WINDSOR HOTEL furnished two-roamed apart- ments and rooms by day, week or month. Hot water year round. Also "large dry basement. -37-tt ”â€"_V_ 01%“ BALE-+6119 pm at men’s skits, harness and pokes. Apply rear 113 first Avenue, Schumapher. 3 -50p m ta: hy‘dn. arm“ am so mama: or Plume mw. OR W48table-room for four names. Good warm insulated barn. $5. 00 a. stall per month. Apply 8. D. Eplett . Son. 49- 50 OR SALEâ€"Mason and Risch Har- monic monograph, $65. 00, on terms of $5. 00 cash and $5. 00 monthly pay- ments. Original price $115 ..00 J. T. Heflernan 46 Third Ave. -50 station and school on good gravel road. Price $1000; terms arranged. Apply 9 Cedar South, Timmins. conveniences. Suit either lady or gentleman. Apply 110 Spruce 8b..“ North. ~5OD POSITION WANTED ROOM AND BOARD NURSING Afipiy JI-fioule, scrim: Ave. 50-519 "'fil‘ ‘ {if} ". W , * 41-49:“ It {a only five meta until Christmas. avenue. or mime 64W. 301 ROOMS 49-5514 Apply (3041mm Drug company ' , EOR RENTâ€"EonrAroomed apartment with all conveniences. Apply 85 Maple street south. 49-1539 APARMNTS TO RENT, upstairs. - Heated. Apply to 109 First avenue. _49-51p FOR RENTâ€"a-roomed house. 'An can‘- venlences. Apply. 201 Maple Street rNOrth. »_ z , L68p FOR RENTâ€"Poolroom and barbershop. Apply A. 0. Waltgerropnletor. Por- quis Junction. 50-511) FOR. RENTâ€"Four-roomed furnished house with water. Apply B. 1". Leu- mm, 10 Elm street north. 491:1 FOR RENTâ€"Two rooms; could be used FOR RENTâ€"G-roomed house, two-stor- ies. All conveniences. Apply 73 Fifth Ave., Corner-of Birch and Fifth. -48-50p ONE-ROOMED FURNISHED. SHACK FOR RENT. Also cold starage for Cars. Apply to B. F. Letman, 10 Elm street, north. » 7 -47tf FOR PJENTâ€"Three-roomed house. All conveniences. Would be ready for 23rd of December. Apply 160 Spruce St. South. -50p WANTEDâ€"Raliable ‘couplé would store piano free for use of same; best care Apply P..O Box 628,Timm1ns.-50pf FOR RENTâ€"One 3-momed’and one 2- roomed unfurnished apartments at 11 Spruce Street South.‘ Appdy at the Windsor Hotel. 451:1) FOR' RENTâ€"Four-roomed heuse; 'situ- ated at 46 Middleton Ave. Newly de- corated. Lights and water. Apply Mrs. J. Johnston, 33 .Middleton Ave. FOR RENTâ€"Very comfortable Flat, all conveniences. Rent very reasonable. Possession at once. Apply Mrs. F'. J. Hamilton, 68 Bruce avenue, South ~ Porcupine. . , -49- 51-11 WANTEDâ€"Black water spaniel wantâ€" 6:! Must have clean habits " about the house. Should be from six months to a year old. ApLSly to P .0. Box 374, Schumacher, Ont. ' ~50p WANTEDâ€"Salesman t-o ' sell 3 change- able signs, have men now making over $100.00 per week. Write Gen- eral Advertising Association, 415 Gm: ham Ave., Winnipeg, Man. 50p WANTEDâ€"Aflml fer general house- work. App y 74 Elm St. South. -50 WANTEDâ€"Experiemzed young woman wants to prepare and serve dinners, luncheons, etc. Apply 38 Tamarack 8b., or Phone 4681“. ~50p WANTEDâ€"Reliable womali wanted for general housework; family of four, full particulars. Apply to Mrs. M. Knox, Conn-might Station, Ont. -50p RELIABLE “MAN for one hundred store route; this county; experience unnecessary , no selling; distribute and collect. Should net seventy (101â€"- lars weekly. Shams Mfg. 00., New Toronto Ont. -45 FOR SALEâ€"Dry Slabs, tie ends by the load. also round wood bythe cord. Apply to Chaput Madnvflle, 39 ‘Main Ave., corner Preston Street; or FOR SALEâ€"Dry 16-inch Birch $4.50 a cord. Dry Four-foot slabs and ed:- ings mined; suitable for bakeries, hotels andbusinecs blocks; ideal wood for kindling. Price “5Q card fie- liveredorflmmyard. Dry'Slabs 16 inches at $4.504: load. J. A. Day. Phone 454J. 'I‘immiz'xs. -50tf News is harshy given that my wits haflngleftmyhedandboard lell _ H (afar my.-debtacon-g tractdflhymarmmymmeaflerthis LOSTeA dark blue nurse with a zip- 33% REMémet‘er ME for 14 who 16 «ragga-1.313; 434 =’ Homage? Lane.” ; 50-521) Third avenue. or phone 3. fof 'omCe, or small apartment. In Hamilton Building. Apply to 55 $8.00 per cord; 16-111. Jack Pine, $3.25 per cord. Aerly Blahey’s Store, Tim- mlns. ~50 Phone. 377. 13"?» “SW: containinz 138!»me book. etc. Pléase return to. no Spruce 8:. Norm; . Reward. -50p WOOD FOR SALE HE LP ‘ WANTED _WAN\TED u NOTICE 45-511) '49!) 13me kinds: ‘ . none and qhudren’s dressé. 172 matiNm‘th. " ' - FUR COATS repaired and remodelled. wo‘rk guaranteed. Estimates cheer- fully given) A. J. 811199.880 Limited. 29 Third Ave» Timnnns. ; ~ 49M. DRESSMAKINGâ€"ft‘aimred Coats and dresses, alterations, Children’s Clout}- are urged' to attehd. Important bus- ness.â€"â€"J. I. Arsoott, secretarye- J. H. Skelly, president. . -50 A meeting of the PorcurJLne Poultry and Pet Stock Association will be held in the Council Chambe‘rb, Timmlns, on Friday night, Dec. 12th. at 7.30 pm. All interested in poultry or pet stock Notice is hereby given that the first sitting of the Court of Revision Re 1931 Assessment Roll will be held in the Gounc11 Booms, Timmins, on the 30th day of December, 1930, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon; thank the many friends Who attended the funeral and for the flowers sent. .501) WRRm-LMIes bring your souls and have them made into real animal chokers. Also 'rellnlng and reglaz- in; at 20% off. Wadsworth Furriers, 12 Balsam St. North. ~13p. t1. MISCELLANEOUS T H U RS D A Y ‘ Bulletin Among the latest enrollment? at the Timmins Business College are Anna Carlson, Rosario Ch-,a.ret:te Timnfins, Ont. g CARD OF. THANKS Graduation diplomas have been re- ceived for the following: Misses Cecilia Craig, Aileen Morgan, Ina Rein; Jennie Andruchuk, Fanny Tyynela and Messrs Albert Bostrom, Walter Larson, Armand Clement, Frank Gerovac. The above students may have these diplomas by calling at the College office Mr. Frank Gerovac, graduate of the Timmms Business College, has accept- ed a position in the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Rouyn, Que. Arrangements should be made now for enrollments 1n the Winter Term be- ginning January 5th. We have helped hundreds and we can help youâ€"make this a Business College year. The following are the results of the November theory exams. Jr. Sten. (honours) G. Ruest 79. Int. Stan. (honours) â€"F. Flnkleman 99. D. Heath98. LilLGagne93. D. Lar- son85, M.Ma¢Donald84, C. Rogers75, Passâ€"P. Cousins 63. Other marksâ€"M. Rochefort‘ 54. Sr. Eben. (honourslâ€"A. Zuck‘ 95, F. Koslch 95, N. Sacharok 92. ' Spelling (honours)â€"F. Kosich 100 R. LarsonSSWPCousinsMMMaicDonald 96. G. RueststElma'NikulaMN. W92,A.Zuck92,.CRogersao A graduate is now employed in the College ofiloe for the purpose of doing Public Sbenography. Any (glass of correspondence and typing will be promptly and efficiently attended to. ' Tyfievériters may be had thmugh the College rental service by firms or stu- dents. ‘ Jr. Bodk (honours)-â€"M. Macdonald 92, P. Cousins 83,F.Fink1eman 81, M. Rocherort 75. Other marksâ€"G. Ruest. wee D. Heath successtul in. se- curing the;hishest in the monthly ' Students enrolling now may; prepare and Fall positions. For hm interwar; regarding mum, and subjects taught. call. phone or v-V 'v-â€"_~ lined. Moderelbe See Sinclair the Valet, 21 Fourth avenue. Phone 625. ' 491:: 1mm; a reasonable price. Apply at Mrs. P. Wu, 108 Birch HIIDREN FOR ADOPTIONâ€"Good homes desired for children. boys and girls. Catholic and - Protestant, ages 4 to 14 yeazs. Any home desiring to adopt-a... youngster should have their clergyman write A. G. Carson. Supt." Children’s Aid, Timmins, Ont Misanfieath‘ NOTICE NOTICE H. E. MONTGOMERY, 4' Clerk ,44t1 The death occurred at St. Mary’ s hospital, Timriins, on Tuesday, Dec. 2nd, ot- Joseph Dennis Tierney, a well- known and e‘steéi‘ne‘d resident GI 'I'im- mm; inhisaaihyear arteraVery brief illness Fonly about five days. Hisdeathcameasadecidedshook .to' his many friends in Timmins and district, where he had lived for several Years. and in Allumette Island; his old honie His mower arrived at 'I‘immins from Allumette 151.an a Iew hours at- her his death - 5‘“ The late 'fierney jwas born in Allumette Is on Nov. 25th, 95 and. attended the parish school, W University aha. Pembroke high school. iI-Ie was of clever- and amiable disposi- rtion and was loved by all who knew The funeral took place on Thursday of. last week, Dec. 4th, at Timmins. Requiem high mas was sung by Rev. Fr. Caufleld. The pallbearers were V. Ootnam and J. Doolan (brothers-in- iaw), T. Toner (cousin), Aloysius and Allan “Tierney (men) and Jim For- rester. From the' church the remains were shipped to Pembroke, interment being made at his farther home at Al- lu'mette Island on Saturday, when the body was taken from his childhood’ 5 home to St. Joseph’s church where re- quiem high mass wassmig 'by.Rev. H. E. Letang, who also assisted at the grave. Edward Tierney, brother of the deceased. assiisted in the sanctuary. The pallbearers there were his three brothers, and“ three brothers-in-law. The very large attendance at the fun- eral services, the great ,number of mass cards and the many floral ofierings both at 'I‘immins and at the home of his boyhood, testify to the esteem in which the deceased was held. The list of mass cards was as follows: -â€"-Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Poirier, Mr. and Mr. Thos. Cox and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh N. Lackie, Miss Anna Thero, Mr. and Mrs. F. McNamara, Allan Tierney, Mr. and Mrs. M. ,Csa Sullivan, the Altar So- Eciety, Mr, andMMrs. J. 8. Doolan, Mr. land-.Mrs F. Edwards, Mr. aners. V. 'Cotnam, Dr. A. P. Murtagh, Mrs. L. 8. Newton (spiritual oflexflng), Mrs. iii. Rogers (spiritual offering), M. Joalim, Mr. and Mrs. J Gavan, Mr. and Mrs. D. Fox, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Chisholm, Mr. and Mrs. Leo May, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fox, Mr and Mrs. McKinnon, Mr. and ers. A. Tierney, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert iKelly, Mr. and Mrs. ThOS. McGuire, 'Mr. and Mrs. genry Lackie and _family, Lula m In“ L'quo Gurney wmv m.“ -“flv, Mrs. S “nag J .Lrequiem), Mrs. A. O’Neill, Mr. afi‘d Mrs. W. J. Tierney. M1. and Mrs. 1-‘1._‘."8g See. The fibra-l "f'bfferings ' "includedzâ€"“A Broken, Heartffl fr'qm «his wife; “A P11- low," from the family; sprays, from Mr. and Mrs. Forrester, G. Latimer, Mr. and Mrs L. Tait, Mr. and Mrs. Bou- cher. Besides his Widow, who was formerly Miss Mabel Cox, of Allumette Island, he leaves his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Tierney, and five sisters and four brothers, as follows: --Mrs. Victor Got- nam, Mrs. J. Doolan, Aloysius and Al- lan Tierney, 6f 'I‘immins; Hazel Tier- ney, of Detroit, Mich; Hector Tiemey, of Cleveland, Ohio; and Cicely, Emily and Ebby at home. All members of the family were home for the funeral. The deepest sympathy of all who knew the late Denis Tierney will be ex- tended to the bereaved widow and family and to all the other near rela- tives and friends in the sad loss sus- ‘vtained through the unexpected and un- timely death of Joseph Denis Tierney. Annapolis Royal (N.S.) Spectator:â€" Any. blacksmith anywhere can shoe a horse. That’s part of his trade. Some can do the job better than others, and some couldn’t, make a good lroreshoe even if they could fit one. But the art of shoeing oxen seems to ‘be one of decreasing demands and many modern smiths couldn’t properly shoe an ox if they tried. Apnapolis Royal however is still one of the places where a good many oxen are shod and the shoes as yet have to he made by 'hand. It was mteresting the other day to inspect the process by that expert. smith J. M. Har- ris, up on St; George St. IN LOVING MEMORY of Muriel, the ' beloved daughter‘ ‘of Joseph and ‘Sarah Jeane Goode, who died ‘sud- denly on Dec. 8th. 1928, at the muni- ,. cipal hospital at Basswo, Alberta. Muriel, we often think of you And think ofihow you died. To think you could not say good-bye Befone you closed your eyes. But some day our feet will wander , To your gravé in the West far away, Where they bid you. dawns Muriel, Just two years ago to-day. ~ . Sadly missed by Mother, Father, 835- DIVIDEND WEB 209' AND BONUS Hollinger Consolidated Gold Mines Limited ' 'ters and Brothers. A dividend or 1 me. on the outstand- ingCapitalStockottheCompany, and abonusotlps. bavebeendeclared payableonfibeslst dayotDecember, 1930. on wliich date cheques will be mailedtosfiflreholdmoirecm'datthe emwbndmmtbe 18th dayof IN MEMORIAM 18111111111, 1y volunteeredthia week to come to Wmdaddmameeunsorthe setuershemwlthavlewtoorgamm mart. was made to arrange hate for suchâ€"La meeting, but a number"_,eone suited felt it womd be u ly imposs- ible tonotity eno h of. ‘_ settlers :4“ the (listrict to all . for a representatiye meeting on Saturday evening of this week assuggested. So it was decided to postpone the matter until early in January. In the meantime, if . agree- able to Mr. Laoasse, plans will be-~_.made for a meeting that will 'be represen- tative of the settlers of this part of the “district, the meeting to take place in the early part of January. In view of the difficulty of reaching any. number of the settlers in the winter time, it was utterly impossible to arrange a meeting for Saturday of this week. and it was thought best to defer the effort until later. All spoken to in this dis- trict are favourable to the new organi- zation, but enough of them could not be gathered together this week to make the {meeting representative. The 8.0.E. Christmas Tree will be held in the Hollinger hall on Thur day, Dec. 18th, and all parents and children of the general lodge and the junior society are kindly asked to 'be at the hall at 6.15 pm” as the children’s tea will" be served at 6.30 pm. Santa Claus is due to arrive at 8 pm. This year’s arrangements provide for a real English Christmas evening. There Will be games for the children, in which the parents are asked to join; carol sing- ing will ‘be another feature; and there will ‘be many other items to make the evening as pleasant as possible for all. Everyone is welcome to attend. A spe~ cial invitation is extended to Cornish people Who are noted for their musical talent to attend and give their gifted help to the carol singing. The ladies of the Goldfields Sewing Club will give a cup of “tay” and piece of cake to all. 8.0.13. CHRISTMAS TREE. TO BE ON THURSDAY, mac. 18TH On Dec. 27th the 8.0.13. are giving an open dance in the Hollinger hall and there will be plenty of pleasure for all at this event. On Dec. 31st, 0. gvaml Hogmanay dance Will be held in the Holllnger hall. The Club Royal Orchestra again will supply the most up-to-date music. There will be many novelties and a“ real treat watching the old year out and the new year in. The ledies’ Goldfields Sewing Clubi See that all exits are plainly merked will be held at Mrs. Everett’ 3, 49 Main and not obstructed.- evenue, Friday evening of this week at ! Have all teahporery decorations re- ? pun. Anyone interested may attend’ moved and safely disposed of as soon as this meeting and receive full perticulers they have served their “purpose. ' as to the plans on which the club is‘ “Remember that nothing can render conducted. The club meets every Fri- these displays absolutely. safe, and thet dey evening. . if accidents ere not to. mar the festive Mn 1m Wt. at 'the' North- One hundred years ago the Lord of the old Papi- neau .Seigniory, at Mon‘tebello celebrdt‘ed Christmas in the good old-fashioned way, surrounad by his family and dependents throu h a. series of festivities lasting severalla days. he Yule-l crackled in the great fire lace; the merry voicm men and maidens ran moufih the great halls of the manor house; are d that the origin of some of them was even then untraeeable, were snug; bright garlands of evergreen Waited thea ments and corridors and -- in a wordâ€" C was King .eThen for a century, the song of the minstrels and the laughter of the Was: hushed and only the falling snow told ts historic east of the Papmeans oi the advent o! the Christmas season. This year, however, Lneerne-in has stretched its magic wand over the e site and theaneien oriessretoberevwed. onesealewhieh will outri all their predecessors. With the Chateau as headwaters, 88,000 acres of has cmmtrymdewillhethrownopentovrsitorstothe unique hostel. Deb-sleighinz on one Of the. lamest Old-Time ‘lYuletide Glories Return 'EveryChristmasthereareanum- her of fires throughout the country the: originate in the flimsy and inflammable Christmas decorations; used. Careless.- nose in putting these decorations near stoves. stove-pipes, immce pipes. elec- clights, etc.. and in their position in res cause many fires annually. >:tr‘l'iere have been fires of mm kind in ’Timmins even though the fire chief here has always added his warning and advice to that sent out ‘by the Cana- dian Fire Underwriters Association. Each year for many~years past, the Canadian Fire Underwriters’ Associa-' tion has sent out a letter of advice and warning in regard to Christmas de- corations and this letterlis always spe- cially worthy of thmrght-iul iattention. _One or! the troubles in past years has been that it did not always reach the newspapers in time to he of the greatest possible use. This year, however, Fire IChiei’ Borland has handed his own copy of the letter to The Advance foruse use, ,and it is especially timely this week. [The letter reads as follows, and all !should read it: â€"- Re Christmas Decorations Dear Sir: wallowing our usual custom at this season of the year, I fbeg to draw your attention to the danger to life and property from Christmas decora-‘ tic‘ms, such as draperies, scenery, cotton to represent snow, etc. Displays of this nature, and the lighting arrangements in connection therewith, add very con- siderably to the ordinary riSks of fire. ' I wouid also point out that. should an accident of the kind occur in a. crowd-‘ ed store or meeting, the rapid spread of fire in' such inflammable material is almost certain to occasion a. panic with attendant risks to life and limb; A few simple firecautions may reduce the danger to a minimum, and these should be considered essential where large numbers of people lend panliculamy children are to be gathered. ' See that. inflammable material is clear of and not hung over heating and lighting devicw, steam-pipes, Stove- pi-pes, electric light. bulbs, etc. . See that all exits are plainly marked and not obstructed.- Have all teahporery decoi'etlons re- moved and safely disposed of as soon as they have served their purpose. 'Wfiemember thet nothing cog; render ' See that; your electric circuits are properly fused and not. oVe'rloaded by the addition of temporary ‘ lights; Examine your fire extinguishing apj phenom and see that they are sumcien-t in good order and readily accessible. ' rims on the continent hugging; skating; unmi: me-e oflmd tithe-Maui" 31 ' terggorb. while the most complete oomiorb ”1:38 wtmentl o! upâ€"tOednte hotel-keeping; good .31 , and bright ‘mtertainment will await the guest,- at close of day. Among the upocul? foatnrqafrangud for the Christ- in! (activities are therenduring of _ carol! by The Children 0,! Hi3 MoIqty'u Savoy Chapel Choir (London. 13113.); olg'tfineuongu by Charles Gouiet’s troupe oi, W ‘a‘n’adian artists and that inter- mutation ‘ of. Tudor dances by uperb from the Magnet .Euto'n- School of Bandung. Thus, once again. ‘wfll the old walls of the hint . c mantion hear the attains which roused them to ChW-ceiubw don a centn’ry ago, and before that. Luo‘erne-inv :gm is ideally Situated. on the northern bank of Otta'In J‘Biver’, about half way between the Canadian Capital. and Montreal, fond when over {night run_from the great ditiu of the Eastern Enited season, coqstanzv must be exercised. High-Grade Samples from~ Week’s Run of the Priess St. Mary's Jorrmel-Argusw-The cost .of doing business is as nothing camper- edwiththecostornotdoingbusiness. That is why live business people speed up their advertising activities during ‘dull periods. . . . _ . :2 North Beya- mafia long skirt craisede has been started in Bologna, Italy. Does that mean it's the baloney? London (Eng) Dally Expresszâ€"There has just died in Paris a. man. whose name was once on the lips of nearly every person in Europe, Mathieu Drey- fus. Brother of the man who went to Devil’s Island for a crime he never committed, it was his unsw’erving loyal- ty that finally brought justice to an un- happy man. The world has forgotten them now; one by One the‘ traduoers and defenders of his brother Alfred have passed ‘beyond- mortal judgment. Now that Mathleu Dreyfus and Ole- menceau are dead only the central rocked France to its” foundations re; mains. The man who’ suflered and was tortured has outlived them all, to be- come a. comment. on- the ways of life and on the shortmess of human memor- ies. _ FROM ALGI’ERS '- Lionel Daunaie. French Canadian baritone; who Will be heard with the Toronto. Symphonx. Orcheetra, Sunday. “December 14th.- in the Canadian . v, National - Railwaya’ transcontinental broadcast. , He has just returned 'to Canada after an engagement at the Algiers Opera. House. where he sang lead- ing baritone roles. .. In lawman- naia. who was born in Montreal, won a scholarship gi‘ve‘n'fi-by the Quebec ‘Academy oi» Music; which gave him four years‘, study in Pains.

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